.bk J02 .fl S215pC.j .fd strata assignment .rd P914 .ri mH .ed S215 .ei pc list2 f I10 I11 I12 127 Built partly on top of f131 (1st apron) and thus is structurally later although not necessarily later in time. It is clearly built on a slope, which indicates that it sits on the glacis abutting the terrace wall f128. Accumulations dated to Phase h23-MZA with pottery abut it. 128 Accumulations dated to Phase h23-MZA based on recovered pottery abut it. Terrace wall. Must be structurally earlier than the apron (f131), pebble floors in k100 and the at least the three bottom steps visible in k100. 129 Sits on f130, oblique stone at the southern end mirrors that of f127, southern extent parallel to that of f127. Similarities with f127 could make this contemporary with f127, but it is also possible that this feature dates to early 2nd millennium when the staircase underwent structural changes. 130 Built after the terrace wall. h23-MZA pebble floor abutting f130 come up to it in k100. This dating only applies to the lower part of the apron now visible in k100 131 Built after the terrace wall and before the framing wall f127, which partly sits on the apron. or contemporary with the building of the steps. 135 Same in elevation as f136 in k3, f140 in k13, and f138 in k101. Very compact and hard surface, which suggests water deposits. 136 Same in elevation as f135 in k4, f138 in k101 and f140 in k13. Perhaps 12b. Very compact and hard surface, which suggests water deposits. 137 Very compact and hard, also contained sandy deposits that we have interpreted resulting from water deposits. 138 Same in elevation as f135 in k4, f136 in k4 and f140 in k13. 139 Very hard surface intermixed with sand, which I have taken as evidence for water deposits. 140 Partly at the same elevation as f166, which dated to the Mitanni period with pottery sherds. 141 Laminations. Top of f144 still visible. 142 Located above f127. Same elevation as f140, f138, f135, and f139 Small walking surface 143 The wall feature f144 and the deposits contained between it, f151, and the apron resulted in a terrain where this corner of k4 collected more material (pottery and pebbles) than the rest of k4 at this same elevation. This, however, no longer shows active use of the area. Top of f144 still visible 144 Abutted on the south side by bricky debris and on the north side accumulation, which do not suggest very intensive use. In fact, first clear use feature (f150) went underneath this feature. Raising of f232 in order to contain brickfall/bricky material a way from the front of the apron, no active use. 145 No more actively used as a sacral area, but still abuts f144, which built when the area was actively used and the top of which still visible. 146 Collapse into k100 147 Sit in f135 and f139, which both gradual build-up of the excavation area. 148 Pedestal under f147 and its components. Consists of f139 and f148. 149 Abuts f144, but does not contain indications of active use. 150 Phase 5 or Phase 6 Active use of the area in front of the steps 151 Used to screen off the area in front of the apron steps from the SW. Same construction date as f232. 152 Approximately same in elevation with hard and compact layers f158 and f164 in k5. 153 Collapse of the eastern wall of k100. 154 Large, flat stone resting on apron f131. 155 156 Extremely hard surface alternating with softer ones, pebbles and sherds. 157 Contaminated surface of k5, starting feature of MZ18 in this locus. 158 Very hard and compact deposit. 159 Hardening of the surface: alternating hard lenses with softer patches of sand. These are the water deposits characteristic of the higher elevations of J2 and still visible in the western section. 160 = f157, f158, and f164 N baulk of k5 161 Very hard cement-like feature. 162 Most likely Khabur but potentially also Mitanni. At the bottom levels of this feature, the top of the wall feature f224 was still visible. This feature, however, also consists of the hard water deposits discovered also in higher elevations. 163 = f157 and f158 A small ledge left at the southern edge of the unit for the stepped section. Later removed as the plans for the stepped sections changed. 164 Below f158, which a hard and compact water deposit. 165 Same as f138. Pseudobaulk between k101 and k13. 166 Above the use deposit f174, but itself a use deposit. Mitanni period pottery sherds. 167 topsoil of k102 on the west side of k100. 168 Soft and dusty accumulation. 169 Below topsoil f167 170 collapsed stone. 171 Mixed pottery Same in elevation as f150 in k4. Also same as f174 in k104. 172 Pedestal under a tent pole at the NW corner of k101. Consists of f138 and f166 173 Erosion and collapse 174 Mixed pottery dating from Mitanni/Khabur to LC3. Same in elevation as f150 in k4. Also = f171 in k103. 175 Sits in f137 and f140. 176 = f140 Pedestal of stone f175 177 Top elevation approximately same as that of f164 (hard and compact accumulation in k5). Perhaps 12c. contains the brick debris characteristic of areas south of screen walls in both k14 and k4. This deposit, however, higher up in elevation. 178 = f177 Perhaps 12c. Artificial feature. Consists of bricky material south of f144 and higher up than f144. Belongs to the bricky accumulation that characterizes southern k4, those elevations of k5 that excavated this year, and southern k14. 179 Erosion and collapse 180 Artificial feature. Consists of bricky material south of f144 and higher up than f144. Belongs to the bricky accumulation that characterizes southern k4, those elevations of k5 that excavated this year, and southern k14. ;181 182 assignment based on pottery Use deposit in k101 (k104) 183 Same as f182 (k104), which dated to Phase 1. 184 topsoil of k23. 185 Consists of several stones, all high in elevation 186 pedestal of stone 187 Accumulation under the topsoil of k23. 188 Gradual bricky build-up on the south side of f144. 189 Gradual bricky build-up on the south side of f144. 190 = f156, f159, f161, and f162 E baulk 191 equal in elevation to f156 Floating stone on the E baulk 192 = f173 and f179 Pedestal of a collapsed stone. 193 Lower than f158 in k5 in elevation. I determined that f158 belonged to stratum 12b because of its nature. The dusty and soft consistency of f193 in turn implies stratum 12a. Soft and dusty consistency 194 Erosion and collapse 195 N baulk of k5 196 Erosion and collapse 197 Mitanni in date. One of the upper-most use layers to the north and abutting f224 in k14 198 Same elevation as f197, which dated to the Mitanni period by pottery sherds. Contains ashy accumulations. 199 Above f197 in absolute elevation. Dense ashy lense 200 Mitanni in date but curiously also contains Phase h4-JPA and one Phase h3-JPA sherd. 201 202 roughly equal in elevation to f162 and f204. Thus consists of the two. E baulk 203 Hard and compact, but contains bricky material. 204 Gradual buildup, top of the screen wall f224 still visible, bricky material. 205 Abuts steps f130 below plaster floor f326. Date unknown. The top-most (no. 7) pebble floor. 206 E baulk 207 Gradual build-up of bricky material south of f232. 208 Gradual build-up of bricky material south of f232. 209 The top-most securely dated feature in k100 210 Gradual build-up of bricky material south of f224. 211 Gradual build-up of bricky material south of f224. 212 This is a hole on one of the steps. Located on the step on which the doorjam of f129 rests. 213 Located below f209, which dated to Phase 1-JPA with pottery sherds. Floor level. 214 Floor level. 215 Pebble floor no. 6 216 Small use-area deposit abutting f232 on the south side, bonds with f207 Small use-area deposit abutting f232 on the south side, bonds with f207 217 Below f208, bonds with f218 bricky debris 218 Below f207, bonds with f216 and f217 bricky debris 219 N baulk. 220 Consists of f157, f158, and f164. E baulk. 221 Erosion and collapse 222 Stone in f220 Stone in f220 223 Same elevation as f215, which dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery. 224 Abutted by Mitanni layer f197. Raising of f288 225 Collapsed stone 226 Soil between stones of f144. 227 Same elevation as f228 in k101, which dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery. 228 Phase h1-JPA sherds. Use-deposit in k101 (k104) 229 Same elevation as f228 in k101, which dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery. 230 Material used as foundation of f144 on top of f232. Raising of f144 in order to contain bricky debris away from the front of the apron. 231 Approximately the same elevation as f228 in k101, which dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery. 232 This wall constructed to screen off the area in front of the steps for use and apart from the gradual build-up on the south side of it. 233 N baulk. 234 One Phase h1-JPA sherd and one that can be either Phase h1-JPA. Floor surface in k101 (k104) 235 Phase h1-JPA sherds. 236 Same as f234 (k101), which dated to Phase h1-JPA 237 Cleaning of the western wall of k100. 238 Below f231 in elevation. f231 dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery. 239 240 Below f245, which dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery 241 Abuts wall f128, top of f128 visible. 242 Hard surface in slightly above f241 243 Topsoil of f24. ;244 Mixed in date. 245 Phase h1-JPA sherds. SE corner of k103 246 Phase h1-JPA sherds. 247 Below f239 in depositional history = f248 248 Below f239 in depositional history = f247 249 Abuts wall f128, top of f128 visible. Hard, compact surface with pebbles and pottery sherds visible, not prepared floor but rather a walking surface. This feature does not extent into the eastern baulk so that it would show on the western wall of k13. I don't remember such accumulations from equivalent elevations in MZ17 excavation further to the east (in front of wall f128 in k13 or above f131 in high elevations.) 250 Appears in f238 251 Appears in f238 252 Under topsoil in k24. 253 Below f239 in elevation Range from Ninevite V to Phase h1-JPA. 254 Pit associated with f249 255 Fill of pit f255. 256 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. Phase h1-JPA sherds Accumulation on top of pebble floor no. 5 258 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. Phase h1-JPA sherds. Pebble floor no.5 259 260 Partly contemporary with f150 and earlier than f232. Contains bricky material, which indicates that the buildup of the area in front of the steps but south and southwest of the active use area that started to accumulate bricky material. This necessitated the building of f232. 261 Elevation roughly equal to f144 and f232. E pseudobaulk left originally to protect k100 excavation from contamination. 262 Stone in soft accumulation. 263 Pedestal of stone f262. 266 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. Below a layer dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery. 267 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. Pebble floor no.4 ;268 ? Accumulation in the SE corner. 269 Accumulation between stones of wall f224. 270 Pedestal under fallen stones, which are same in elevation as f224 stones but seem to have originally belonged to f127. 271 Pedestal under stones f151 272 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. Accumulation between pebble floors no. 4 and 3. 273 soft, fine soil. 274 275 Pedestal under stone f274 276 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. One shape sherd dating to Phase h1-JPA. Pebble floor no. 3 277 Bricky accumulation to the south of use area and screen wall in k14. ;278 Date undeterminable. Hole on stone of the apron. Most likely natural and therefore of no special interest. ;279 Fill of f278 ;280 Date undeterminable. Hole on stone of the apron. Most likely natural and therefore of no special interest. ;281 fill of f280 ;282 Date undeterminable. Hole on stone of the apron. Most likely natural and therefore of no special interest. ;283 fill of f282 ;284 Date undeterminable. Hole on stone of the apron. Most likely natural and therefore of no special interest. ;285 fill of f284 286 Layering shows very active use as the seed layer and the presense of pits, for example, show. 287 Associated with the three lower steps of f130, which must be structurally later than the terrace wall. Two shape sherds dating to Phase h1-JPA. Pebble floor no.2 288 Cut into 3rd millennium deposits in k14 and the building of f288 and the associated glacis. Possibly in order to level the area west and southwest of the apron. 289 Top elevation falls within f200. A strip of soil first left unexcavated abutting the north face of f288. 290 Use deposit abutting f288 291 Below a layer dated to Phase h1-JPA Overlaying the pebble floor no. 1 292 Below a layer dated to Phase h1-JPA. Pebble floor no. 1 293 294 Below a layer dated to Phase h1-JPA. Overlaying the pebble floor no. 1 295 296 Starts from the level of f260 E pseudobaulk left to protect k100 excavations from contamination from k4 side. 297 298 Start from f286 299 Start from f286 Fill of f298 300 Start from f286 301 Start from f286 Fill of f300. 302 Under f292, which is the last pebble floor exposed 303 Immediately above a deposit dated to Phase h1-JPA with pottery data. Possible Phase h1-JPA use deposit in k14. 304 Accumulation in the SE corner. 305 Assignment tentative, based on elevation. E baulk. 306 Several shape sherds that all date to Phase h1-JPA. Sloping cultural layer in k14. 307 Under f306, which dated to Phase h1-JPA. 308 Under f306, which dated to Phase h1-JPA. 309 Under f306, which dated to Phase h1-JPA. 311 Starts from f310 312 Starts from f310 313 N baulk 314 E baulk. 315 Elevation such that f288 must have been showing. No screen wall in front of the apron. 316 Mixed in date. Cultural build-up in front of apron steps. Artificial feature. 317 Dating based on starting elevation. 318 Dated on the base of starting elevation. Baulk. 319 Glacis associated with f288. 320 Sits in f171 Stone at the corner of f127 and f128. 321 = f171 pedestal of stone f320. 322 Dating based on starting elevation. Pedestal of stone f317. 323 E baulk of k23 324 Mitanni in date. Accumulation on top of floor features. 325 Abutting f288 to the south, on top of floor feature f332. 326 Plaster floor, associated both with the apron and with the steps (the high step). Its association with the steps suggests that this floor level could date to the 3rd millennium. Perhaps this is the highest 3rd millennium floor we have. 327 Floor surface on top of the plaster floor. f324 on top is Mitanni in date based on the mixed pottery recovered. 328 Floor surface on top of the plaster floor. f324 on top is Mitanni in date based on the mixed pottery recovered. 329 Floor surface on top of the plaster floor. f324 on top is Mitanni in date based on the mixed pottery recovered. 330 Floor surface on top of the plaster floor. f324 on top is Mitanni in date based on the mixed pottery recovered. 331 Artificial feature consists of several others. 332 Below the elevation of f288 Very hard and compact floor surface. Slopes to the south. endlist