.bk J02 .fl S224pC.j .fd view descriptiom .ei pC .ed S224 .rd S224 .ri pC v 26 ds general view of the area of the monumental access as it was probably at the end of Mittani time: second apron was visible with floating stones f84 and f45 resting on. Accumulations were covering almost all the apron f131, and as this view shows the upper part was visible. in front of the second apron a series of temporary installation are visible (v26a) v 42 ds revetment wall f128 is visible, half of its high is covered by accumulations; the top of f127, the wall abutting f128 West of the apron f131 is showing. A floating stone f84.40 is sitting on top of accumulation f126 v 75 ds Apron f131 is half covered by accumulations. In front of it f141 abuts f131 and wall f144 is partly showing in the South baulk of k3 stone f145 rests on f131 v 76 ds thi view shows some interesting layers in front of apron f131: f141 are laminations, f145 is an accumulation abutting f131, f143 is an accumulation North of wall f144. f142 is a floor with Khabur sherds. v 78 ds This view is similar ro v76, but looking East: wall f144 is showing and f141 v 81 ds this view shows the situation of k4 South of apron f131, and in front of wall f144. This view was taken after v80: f150 is a ashy accumulation abutting apron f131 v 81a ds particular of wall f144 only visible in section and f150 v 81b ds particular of ash lenses in f150 f 173 A12 v84 v 84 ds the bottom of the german trench reached after cleaning the collapse of the walls of the trench. v 85 ds f171 and f174 are the same feature and are probably use areas in front of wall f128 and West of wall f127. floating stone f175 is resting on top of f176. v 133 ds this is a tentative reconstruction of the features in the Southern baulk of k4: This is a very interesting section because is visible the brickfall. f332 is the last floor and feature fond in k4 in front of the apron. From the bottom elevation of f332 i calculated all the feature above seen in the section. expecially f188, f207, f218 are the brickfall. In f286 a line of bricks is visible gf 332 gk 4 v 100 ds general view of area in front of apron: brickfall still soth of wall f144 and use area in front of apron (f200 and f150) v 102 ds floors f231 and f234 in front of wall f128 and a sherd concentration f227: this area was intensivly used v 115 ds general view of J2 area in front of apron: brickfall on the south of wall f232 (f216,218). f150 and f200 are use area in front of apron v 116 ds pebble floor f258 overlayng last step of staircase f130. v 117 ds corner between walls f127 and f224 v 123 ds f299 and f300 are two pits in f286 v 123 ds to the west of wall f127 there are layers sloping south. They are already Third Millennium layers, instead wall f288 is still a mittani wall. v 143 pb v143 with all its subviews is missing v 144 pb v144 is missing