.bk J02 .fl T727cJC.j .fd daily, features descriptions .ed T727 .ei cJC .rd T727 .ri cJC -dy Today first thing in the morning we cleaned the whole area so it could be photographed. We anticipated beginning excavation today and wanted to photograph the area with the squares in place and after everything was cleaned, cut back and scraped. After photographs we relayed several stones (f345) that we then removed. We continued to remove the brickfall f341 in k14. We began to excavated the small south portion of k110 that is being cut back to match the south section of the other squares. We removed one hard sloping floor (f344). After breakfast we scraped the west section of k100 so it can be drawn this afternoon. We also began removing f335 in k14. k 110 ds This locus is assigned to the area between k100 and the east baulks of k4 and k5. It is smaller than a traditional 5x5m square due to the cut of k100 to the east. k 14 dy Today we continued removing f341, the brickfall. We are almost to the bottom. The wall in the south part of f341, called f346, is almost completely exposed. Tomorrow we will relay the stones and remove it. We also began removing the accumulation under the wall, f334, that we removed last week. f 345 df st ds Six floating stones in k15. They are floating in the brickfall of f341 and f338. Components were assigned to each stone f345.1, f345.2, f345.3, f345.4, f345.5, f345.6 and relayed. f 346 ;df w ds Accumulation of stones in k14. They appear to form a wall. The stones to the north of the wall appear to be stones that have fallen off the top of the wall. sg We will assign one feature to all the stones, even those that have fallen off the top. Although this wall appears to line up with f334, we have given it a separate feature as it was not found touching f334 and could conceivably be different, however, I believe it is a continuation of wall f334. =l f334 f 335 dy Today we continued excavating this feature after several days of not working in this area. Some smaller stones were uncovered. Their relationship to the wall (f334) that covered f335 is unclear. f 347 ;df fb ds Very hard compacted floor in south k110. It is a grayish color with some flat sherds embedded in it.