.bk J02 .fl T802cJC.j .fd daily, loci, feature descriptions, strategy .ed T802 .ei cJC .rd T802 .ri cJC -dy Today in the morning we continued removing the layers in k110. The goal was to expose the salmon-colored layer, f359. We were able to remove the last of f357 and expose f359. We spent some time then discussing the strategy (see sg entry). fAB gave a lecture to the workmen explaining the importance of our area and the importance of the f359 as a stratigraphic seal. After breakfast we started excavating in k5 to expose the salmon layer. We had some difficulties correlating the layers in k5 with k110 so we decided to stop for today and discuss the strategy in the afternoon with fAB and gB. -sg In the morning we had a long meeting with fAB, pC, cJC, sG and sH to discuss the strategy for J2 now that we have reached the stratigraphic 'seal' of the salmon-colored layer (f359). fAB would prefer to expose the salmon layer in all the squares (k5, k15) before going down any further. He argues that this offers the advantage of seeing f359 exposed in all the squares at the same time. He thinks this is especially important if f359 proves to be the first floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131) and the second staircase (f132). I would prefer to go down in just k110 where we can easily follow the layers because they are exposed in the west section of k110. This allows for the careful excavation of each layer and allows us to keep the pottery separate as best possible. Then we could draw the west section of k110 before removing it while excavating k5. This again allows the advantage of following the section across ensuring that we can match up the features from k110 with those in k5. This second strategy does not allow us to see the same feature in all the squares. We decided to implement fAB's plan and began excavating in k5. We exposed several layers but it became difficult to match them with k110 despite having the south section. I met again with gB and fAB in the time after breakfast and we decided to table the discussion of strategy until tomorrow. -sg fAB suggested not collecting the pottery from the first 10-15cms in front of the apron for each feature as sherds may have slipped down into the cracks between the surfaces and the stones during the years. We will do our best to implement this strategy. -wk Hussein, a pickman, has gone to work in J6. We will continue the excavations in J2 one locus at a time with only 2 pickmen (Mohammed Ker and Kamiron). We will retain all 5 shovelmen (Akmed, Fawass, Abdee, Khudur, and Saleh) and our two wheelbarrow drivers (Ali and Rodi). f 359 c# 5YR7/3 ds This feature was first identified in the west section of k100 in front of the stairs f130. It is a very dramatic salmon-color. When we came down from the top, however, the color was more patchy but still distinctive. f359 slopes up and abuts the bottom visible stone of the apron f131. ar We have discussed the possibility of f359 being the layer associated with the construction of the apron (f131) and the second staircase (f130). fAB argues that it may be possible as f359 laps up against the last visible stair of the apron (f131). pC thinks the first layer may be lower based on comparisons with the oblique stone east of the staircase (f130) in J6. f 340 dy Today we finished removing a portion of the area under the staircase. This portion (corresponding to q-lot q862) appears to have not been disturbed in the construction of the staircase. We collected the pottery, it appears that a portion of the reddish layer, f361, was removed in removing this feature. ;el m1651-158+143 el 8757 f 339 ev We attributed this feature to the accumulation immediately under the brickfall when we scraped back the south section of k5 and k15. It was a hard gray layer sloping down from east to west. It appeared to be the same as f344 in k110. When we began removing the feature it became unclear if this was the same feature as it appears in the SW corner of k5 that the brickfall directly overlays an uneven surface with embedded pebbles. When we remove the pebble-surface (f362) we hope to see if f362 is a wash that cut the surface of f339 or if f339 did not continue under the brickfall as assumed. We will use the south section to verify the slope (or non-existence) of this feature. ds This surface slopes down from east to west. In k5 it is 8930(m6151+158-143) in the SE corner sloping down to 8855 (m6152-124+143) in the SW corner. f 360 df ts ;ad mx ds This feature is primarily composed of the removal of the remaining portions of the surface of k5. It also includes the removal of some of the remaining brickfall in the section. This feature was used during the cutting back of the section in k5 and then the removal of the portions that remained under the cement staircase. ac This feature was intended to include only the mixed features of the section but ended up including a small portion of the sloping features in section, probably including f344 and f347. tc co f361 f 361 ar This feature may be the same as f350 or f353 in k110 ds Small portion of a reddish layer. It is sandy and coarse. There are many small pebbles included in the matrix but they do not form any kind of surface. Generally they are about 1-2cm in size. The layer sometimes comes apart in chunks, and when broken these chunks reveal small red and white sandy inclusions. ac A portion of this feature was cut while excavating the area under the cement stairs (f340) so some material may have been included with q862. tc co f362 f 362 ds Gray layer with uneven surface. There are pebbles embeddeed in the matrix but it is very uneven, unlike a laid floor. There are also sherds included. This layer is possibly a result of water flow. The pebbles in the eastern portion are larger and become smaller as it moves to the west, possibly because the larger pebbles settled out of the water sooner than the small pebbles. ar May be the same as f358 in k110 but right now there is no stratigraphic connection.