.bk J02 .fl T802pC.j .fd daily and features .ed T802 .ei pC .rd T802 .ri pC -sg Today we had a meeting with fAB in the field and we discussed the strategy for J2 for the next days. While in J2 the goal for this year is to find at least the first floor which goes with the main construction phase of the temple terrace and in particular with the construction of the apron f131, we are digging very carefully and check all pottery. In fact we want to date the apron f131; while there are many floors and thin surfaces in front of the apron f131, seen in the west section of k100, we are excavating slowly and with the small pick in k110. in k110 today was exposed the red salmon layer f359, which gives us a good seal for everythink under it. We therefore decided to stop excavating in k110 and move in k5 and reach the same feature f359: in this way we will have a larger exposure of this layer all through the apron. after exposing it we will dig it all and analyze the pottery