.bk J02 .fl T804cJC3.j .fd feature description, types of contact .ed T804 .ei cJC .rd T804 .ri cJC f 349 ;df is ds Grouping of 22 stones in k14 under the area of the wall f334. These stones are sitting in f335. The stones were smaller than those composing the wall f346 and f334. The stones were approximately 20-30cms in size. ar The stones seem to form a base to the wall f334, overlayed with some soil with the larger stones of f334 sitting on top. It was not defined as a wall because it is only one row of stones, with no height. tc si f335 sg These stones were relayed together as a group by pC and sH but each stone was assigned a component number. pC sketched the location of the stones. li No photos were taken of this feature. f 350 ds This feature is very thin, less than 5cm thick. In the section is is clearly distinguishable because it is soft and crumbles easily. The sandy particles are very coarse and are red and white. We only exposed this feature when we cut back the south section of k110. tc co f353 f 353 ds This layer is similar to the one immediately above it but it is harder and less sandy. It is still reddish in color. It is very coarse with larger particles. It feels rough in your hand. It includes some small pebbles. We only exposed this section when we cut back the south section of k110. f 347 tc co f350 f 362 tc co f362