.bk J02 .fl T804sG.j .fd object descriptions .rd T804 .ri sG .ed T804 .ei sG q 859.1 df bl ds Irregularly shaped small flint blade, surfaces chipped, one edge sharp. q 855.1 ;df wh ds Miniature clay wheel, type V, flattened on one side and convex on the other, edges uneven. q 858.1 df bd-c ds Small circular clay bead, surface finely porous and absent of decoration; blackened by firing. q 856.3 df cb ds Untouched carbon lump. q 856.1 df kw ds Small, irregularly shaped piece of kiln waste, rough and porous on one surface and smooth and lumpy on opposite surface. q 856.2 df ta-o ds Irregularly shaped piece of tannur, one smooth area of surface preserved; remainder of surface crumbly and rough. q 856.4 df core ct laf ds Small flint core, roughly square in section. q 868.1 df flake ct laf ds Small obsidian flake or blade, one edge beveled and sharp. q 859.2 df kw ds Irregularly shaped piece of kiln waste, surface coarsely porous and encrusted with soil. q 855.2 df kw ds Small piece of kiln waste, roughly comma-shaped, surface very dark, smooth, and glossy. q 861.1 df kw ds Ovoid piece of kiln waste, surface finely porous. q 865.1 df kw ds Small piece of kiln waste, roughly semicircular in shape, surface greenish, smooth, and glossy. q 29.1 ;df kw wm cl c# 10GY5/1 co greenish gray lg 7.6 w1 5.8 ht 2.2 ds Irregularly shaped piece of kiln waste and many smaller crumbly pieces, measurements of largest piece given; one surface rough and coarsely porous, opposite surface smooth and lumpy. q 235.1 ct laf df uk wm li c# N3/ co very dark gray lg 2.4 w1 3.6 ht 3.2 ds Fragment of worked lithic artifact, pierced through center, profile rounded and slightly flattened at top; surface smooth, pitted, with many small areas of soil incrustation. q 720.1 df gr wm li c# 5YR7/4 co pink lg 7.5 w1 7.3 ht 3.7 ds Grinding stone, roughly circular with one side flattened; surface rough, finely porous, mottled black in patches. q 186.1 df fg wm cl c# 7.5YR7/4 co pink lg 4.4 w1 3.4 ht 3 ds Fragmentary animal figurine, perhaps equus. Rear half from behind shoulders to rump, hind legs and tail broken off, male genitals depicted. Waist narrow, width of rump emphasized, surface smooth and undecorated. q 227.3 df kw wm cl c# 5PB3/1 co dark bluish gray lg 6 w1 6.2 ht 4.4 ds Irregularly shaped piece of kiln waste, surface coarsely porous with areas of whitish incrustation. q 245.1 df bl wm li c# 7.5YR3/1 co very dark gray lg 4.4 w1 2.5 ht 0.7 ds Rectangular fragment of flint blade, one surface flat, opposite surface beveled, edges sharp, surface chipped and encrusted with soil. q 245.3 ct caf df uk wm cl c# 5YR7/6 co reddish yellow lg 4 w1 1.6 ht 3 ds Small clay object, tongue-shaped and flaring out laterally at base; apparently broken off from larger object. Surface smooth, bears traces of maker's fingerprints. q 363.1 df gr wm li c# N4/ co dark gray lg 11.5 w1 7 ht 5.6 ds Grinding stone in shape of half-cylinder, surface coarsely porous with areas of whitish incrustation. q 257.3 df fg wm cl c# 7.5YR8/3 co pink lg 6.5 w1 2.3 ht 3 ds Cylindrical body fragment of animal figurine, no traces of any limbs or features; surface smooth, incised with one longitudinal line flanked on either side by row of parallel lines perpendicular to central line. q 354.1 df door socket wm li c# 7.5YR6/2 co pinkish gray lg 12.3 w1 9.2 ht 4.2 ds Fragment of door socket, shaped like pie piece, top and bottom surfaces roughly flattened. Surface rough, fine-grained. q 234.1 df bl wm li c# 10YR6/2 co light brownish gray lg 1.9 w1 1.6 ht 0.7 ds Fragmentary flint blade, triangular in section, edges dull. q 229.2 df kw wm cl c# N5/ co gray lg 3.9 w1 3.2 ht 2.7 ds Irregularly shaped piece of kiln waste and two smaller pieces, surface rough and finely porous; measurements of largest piece given. q 229.1 df kw wm cl c# 10Y6/1 co greenish gray lg 3.3 w1 3 ht 1.8 ds Many irregularly shaped, crumbly pieces of kiln waste, surface rough and finely porous; measurements of largest piece given. q 236.1 df uk ct caf wm cl c# 7.5YR7/4 co pink lg 5.5 w1 5.6 ht 4.2 ds Large clay ball, flattened and irregular on several sides, heavily cracked, surface crumbly. q 227.1 df bl wm li c# 7.5YR5/2 co brown lg 2.1 w1 2 ht 0.7 ds Fragmentary flint blade, one edge preserved but dull; surface chipped. q 342.1 df wh wm cl c# 2.5Y7/3 co pale yellow w1 2.1 ht 0.4 ds Miniature clay wheel, very finely made, perhaps secondary reuse of sherd; tiny striations visible on one face, other face mottled black; edges smoothed, center hole bored in from both face separately; very even thickness, slightly larger circumference on mottled face. q 348.1 df bl wm li c# 5YR4/1 co dark gray lg 3.7 w1 2.3 ht 0.6 ds Fragmentary flint blade, one sharp edge preserved; surface smooth. q 360.1 df fg wm cl c# 2.5Y7/3 co pale yellow lg 3.6 w1 3.7 ht 3.5 ds Fragmentary animal figurine, perhaps equus. Only hindquarters preserved, tail and legs broken off, possible female genitals indicated; waist narrow, width of rump emphasized; surface smooth and undecorated. q 239.1 df wh wm cl c# 7.5YR7/4 co pink lg 4.2 w1 5.2 ht 3.1 ds Miniature clay wheel, type IV, crudely made; edges broken, surface rough. q 235.2 df uk ct laf wm li c# 7.5YR5/2 co brown lg 3.7 w1 2.5 ht 1.7 ds Flint core, irregularly shaped, surface chipped and heavily encrusted with soil. q 351.2 df kw wm cl c# 7.5YR4/2 co brown lg 4.5 w1 5.5 ht 3.7 ds Piece of kiln waste, roughly rectangular in shape with one short side rounded, surface crumbly and finely porous, fingerprints of potter visible on one surface. q 362.1 df gr wm li c# N4/ co dark gray lg 4.6 w1 4.4 ht 3.4 ds Grinding stone, bun-shaped and flattened on bottom; surface finely porous. q 353.1 ct laf df debitage wm li c# 5YR2.5/1 co black lg 2.2 w1 1.1 ht 0.2 ds Two lithic artifacts: an obsidian blade with one sharp edge preserved, and a flint core. Both are of similar size; measurements of larger piece, obsidian blade, given. Since both were encrusted with soil when found and thus appeared to be the same color, perhaps they were grouped together in the field because they were thought to comprise two pieces of the same object. q 235.4 df uk ct laf wm li c# 10YR5/3 co brown lg 2.7 w1 3.5 ht 1.4 ds Irregularly shaped piece of flint, perhaps core; surface chipped and heavily encrusted with soil. q 245.2 df cl wm cl c# 7.5YR7/4 co pink lg 3.9 w1 2.9 ht 2.2 ds Irregularly shaped clay lump, surface rough and cracked, no impression discernible. q 67.1 zs ZSB 7-73 P99 Incorrectly recorded as having been stored in ZSB 7-31, while object was in fact still in processing; moved to ZSB 7-73 for permanent storage and location correction recorded. q 901.3 df cv wm cl c# N5 co gray lg 4.4 w1 0.6 ht 3.4 ds Burnt rim sherd from a bowl