.bk J02 .fl T812cJC.j .fd features, daily, strategy .ei cJC .ed T812 .rd T812 .ri cJC -dy Today we continued working in k15 to finish removing f365 and then proceed down to expose all of f359. We found that it was difficult to follow f359 as it appears to have been damaged by erosion (the cut of the erosion has been assigned f376). We appear to have a similar situation in k15 as we had in k4 and k5 where the salmon-colored floor (f359) was cut by erosion exposing the gray floor f369 and then the cut of the erosion was filled in by a softer brown accumulation f367. In k15 we find that the erosion (f376) did not completely remove the salmon-colored floor f359 but instead only damaged its top surface (the hard gray/salmon color layer). Then f359 was partially overlaid by the brown accumulation f367. It appears that the pink layer (f373) is in fact a continuation of f359 but is heavily damaged and very soft unlike the rest of f359 which was hard and formed a nice surface. I say that are likely the same though because we seem to have a stratigraphic continuation from f359 across to f373 with no interruption and the damaged portions of f359 are slightly darker in color but of the same consistency. Also today, In the morning we cleaned and then dM came to take a video of the pickmen working with the pick and the brush for the archives. At noon, as we have finally exposed all of f359, we began cleaning for the views we will take this afternoon. Today pC will go with dM to the field in the afternoon to take the views. gB and fAB want nice views of f359 and its relation to the apron (f131) because they have suggested that it is the first floor associated with the construction of the apron. -sg Today we finished working in k15 as we have exposed the full extent of the salmon-colored floor (f359) in k110, k5 and k15. Our strategy for proceeding is to take the views of f359 this afternoon and then begin working only in k110 for the rest of the excavation season. We will backfill k5 and k15 at the end of the season and we are finished working in these two loci for now. In k110 we intend to proceed with our two pickmen removing each layer and collecting all the pottery so we can date the earliest layers associated with both the construction of the apron (f131) as well as to explore how far west the steps of the lower staircase (f380) extend. We hope to achieve our goals of finding a date for the earliest levels of the staircase and also to see the extent of the lower staircase (f380) before the end of the season.