.bk J02 .fl T819cJC.j .fd feature, daily, loci, strategy, end of season notes .ei cJC .ed T819 .rd T817 .ri cJC -dy We continued removing the fill (f383) of the pit (a12) in the southwest corner of k100. At the bottom we found a row of small stones, relatively straight (f384) sitting in a hard surface (f385). We decided this was a good stopping point for the pit for this season. We decided to remove the pebble floor from last season (f292) and proceed down in the rest of k100. Under f292 we found a nice sherd and bone floor (f386)that took awhile to expose. We also cut back the section of the pit cut (f382) to look for a good stopping point for the rest of k100. We continued work in the afternoon so we can reach a good point and achieve some of our goals of finding the floors associated with the construction of the lower staricase (f380). -sg Today we decided to go down until the bottom of the pit (a12) in the southwest corner of k100. We will remove all of the fill f383 until we reach the bottom and then we will use the section of the cut (f382) to decide how to proceed in the rest of k100. We should be able to see in the section if there is a good stopping point. k 100 dy We finished removing the fill of a12 which was f383 and found a row of small stones at the bottom (f384) sitting in a hard accumulation f385. We removed the stones and excavated a small portion of f385 to see if the pit continues but we now think that f385 is the bottom so we stopped in the pit sounding. Instead we started excavating in the rest of k100 and we started by removing the pebble floor (f292) under which we found a nice sherd and bone pavement (f386). We exposed f386 in the afternoon and then photographed it and began removing it. We will continue removing it tomorrow and hopefully reach a good stopping point beneath it. f 383 tc co f385 tc co f384 f 385 ds Hard layer associated with the bottom of the cut f382. It has a row of small stones (f384) sitting in it. It is very hard and wet and difficult to pick. We only excavated the very top of this feature. It is a very dark brown color. dy We found this feature at the bottom of our sounding in k100's southeast corner and we excavated only a portion (about 4cm) before deciding it would be a good stopping point for the season. f 384 ds Row of large pebbles in the bottom of f383, sitting in the hard layer f385. It cuts diagonally across the southeast corner of k100 roughly parallel to the cut of the pit (f382). The stones are in a nice row and it is unclear if they formed there naturally or were laid. When removed they were sitting in a very hard flat layer (f385). tc si f385 f 292 dy We removed this pebble floor. It was formed entirely of large pebbles and was sitting in a brown soil. f 386 ds Sherd, bone and small pebble floor. This floor is primarily composed of very small (about 2-4cm) sherds and bones. The bones break apart very easily and are difficult to excavated. The sherds are almost uniformly tiny. The floor was very colorful with many green sherds and many light colored sherds and some red sherds. Combined with the bones the sherds stood out very well from the background of the brown soil that the forms the main underlying layer of the floor. The sherds are very firmly embedded and the surface is very hard when picked. tc ab f380 pr When removing this feature we scooped the dirt into zambils with either our hands or with the dustpan so we could be sure to collect the most sherds rather than with the shovel. ar mKB says the size of the sherds is indicative of a well-used walking surface, normally a street. This may indicate a heavy use of the area immediately in front of the staircase f380. dy Today we exposed this pavement in the afternoon, photographed and relayed it and began removing it. .rd T818 .ri cJC -dy We worked in k100 removing a series of sherd and pebble pavements and their subfloors. We removed f386 and its subfloor, f387 and then floor f388 and its subfloor f389 before stopping at the exposure of f390. gB and fAB came to give candy to our workmen and make a video of the workmen giving them candy. gB had a discussion about the archaeology of J2 with the workmen. In the afternoon we worked to reach a good stopping point and also to cut back the west section of k100. -sg We will remove as many of the pebble and sherd floors as possible to reach a suitable stopping point for the season. We hope to reach the gray layer we see in the section of the cut (f382). We will also try and cut back all our sections to make them as neat as possible for the final photos. k 100 dy First we continued removing f386 which took a long time as it was composed of very small sherds. After we removed f386 we found a brown subsoil (f387) which overlaid another surface (f388) which also had a brown softer subsoil (f389). We exposed f388, photographed it and decided that we should try and go down to a better, clearer, stopping point. We removed f388 and the softer layer below it (f389) and found another sherd and bone floor (f390) which we decided would be a good stopping point. We also found a red bakaya-like layer right in front of the lowest step we have, lapping up against the stones (f391). We did not have enough time to fully explore this feature this season so we will leave it for next season. We exposed all of f390 and then cut back the west section before finishing for the season. f 387 ds Softer brown accumulation underneath pavement f386. It may have been a subfloor for the pavement. The soil is medium coarse and breaks apart easily. With the pick it comes off in small pieces, but is not chunky. It covers a pebble floor (f388). tc co f388 f 388 ds Pebble floor composed of small pebbles (almost sandy) embedded in a hard brown dirt. Very few larger pebbles, fewer bones that the other pavement (f386). It has a hard surface and a softer subsoil (f389). This floor is not as clearly laid as the other pavement (f386) but does form a clear surface, possibly a walking floor that was not intentionally laid. tc co f389 f 389 ds Soft brown accumulation under the floor (f388). The soil is medium coarse and is easy to pick. It may form a subfloor for f388. tc co f390 tc co f391 f 390 ds Sherd and bone floor similar to f386. It is composed of small sherds (about 3-5cm in size) and bones. There are some pebbles also, usually about the same size as the sherds or smaller. It is also very colorful with the most notable color sherds being green and red. f 391 ds Red bakaya-like layer lapping up to the lowest stones of f380. It is contained only to the area right in front of the stairs and does not extend more than 10cm in front of the stairs. The consistency is hard and it is a bright red when scraped. It may be part of the contstruction of staircase f380. dy We only exposed and photographed this feature as we did not have time this season to excavate it. tc ab f380 tc ab f390 dy This floor was only exposed and not excavated. When k100 is backfilled this feature will still be remaining.