.bk J02 .fl T902cJC.j .fd q-item descriptions, plot descriptons .en T902 .ei cJC .rd T902 .ri cJC q 657.7 df chariot ;ct caf ds Front piece of a chariot model. One side is smooth and at the base you can see where the axle would have gone through but it is broken now. The other side is not as smooth and is broken at the bottom where it flares out. It is a pale brown color with visible chaff marks on the surface. It is broken on both ends. q 708.1 ad fg ds Head of an animal figurine, probably a horse head. There are two holes, one on each side, probably indicating the eyes. The end that is not broken preserves a nose with flaring nostrils. There is a ridge running along the top. Light brown color. q 873.3 ds smooth dark piece of kiln waste. q 632.1 df uk ct caf ds fragment of an unknown clay object. One side is flat and the other side has a ridge that divides it. lg 3.7 ht 2.1 w1 2.8 co very pale brown c# 10YR8/2 .rd T804 .ri sG q 351.1 df cl wm cl c# 2.5YR4/1 co dark reddish gray lg 2.9 w1 2.3 ht 1.7 ds Irregularly shaped clay lump with possible seal impression. Checked by mKB. q 236.3 df bl wm li c# 10YR7/2 co light gray lg 5.2 w1 2.2 ht 0.6 ds Fragmentary flint blade, one surface flat, opposite surface beveled, one sharp edge preserved q 235.2 ;df uk ;ct caf ;wm cl ;c# 5YR7/6 ;co reddish yellow ;lg 4.7 ;w1 3.1 ;ht 1.5 ;ds Fragmentary clay artifact of unknown type, in shape of triangular plaque with parallel raised ridges and multiple small round indentations. q 227.2 df kw wm cl ds Triangular piece of kiln waste, flat and smooth on one surface; rough and coarsely porous on opposite surface. q 415.1 df cv wm cl c# 10YR8/3 co very pale brown lg 4.3 w1 0.7 ht 5.4 ds Two pot sherds with brown painted bands; measurements of larger sherd given. p 30 ds Plot showing location of all excavated loci in the 2009 season. Note the irregularity of all of the squares which is due to the constraints of the high baulks and the location of the monumental staircase and apron. p 31 ds Plot showing the 2009 size and shape of k5 plotted against the previous outline of k5. p 32 ds Plot of the irregularity of k15 in the 2009 season compared to the regular square of k15 in previous seasons. This irregularity was due to constraints of the high baulks to the south and west. p 33 ds Plot of outline of stones from f349.