.bk J02 .fl T922mKB3.j .fd Phase of sherds in early features .ei mKB .ed T922 .rd T922 .ri mKB -ph Features dated on basis of ceramics to Phase 4c (ED IIIB): f344, f347, f350, f353, f355, f360, f361, f362, f363 (the sherds from this feature look earlier than Phase 4c because there are more Phase 3s sherds in the feature so it may be transitional Phase 3s to 4c). -ph Features dated on the basis of the ceramics to the transition between Phase 3s to 4c, this means in effect that there are sherds typical for both phases in the features: f357, f359, f377, f379, f364, f365, f370, f367, f375, f367 -ph Features dated on the basis of the ceramics to Phase 3s (ED IIIA): f209, f214, f215, f258, 276, f287, f292, f386, f387, f388, f389