; File processed on 2024-12-11 ; J4k21 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j vn q87 ; J4k60 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v66 ; J4k61 C1 2006-08-22_Q822SC.j sC We opened this locus today, which is a 500mx500m square. It is delimited by the following markers: m4354 (NE), m4356 (SE), m3668 (SW) and m4244 (NW). The N baulk is only partially preserved (its NW corner is completely missing). We started by removing the topsoil in all the unit (f42, q78). f42 is characterized by the presence of few bushes and is very compact in consistence, and is greyish coloration; once removed it had a platy structure and lots of roots which gave to the soil a dark brown colour; it is poor in pottey sherds. After two pick runs, we assigned a new feature number to the accumulation below the topsoil, which seems to be the same natural accumulation as found in other unit (f43, q79, q81). f43 presents a medium compact consistence, once picked is crumble and present a loose texture, and it is dusty when removed (characteristics similar to the topsoil). It is light brown in colour. C1 2006-08-23_Q823SC.j sC Today we continued digging f43 in all the unit (q85). f43 is medium compa[ct] [?] and crumble. After two pick runs we decided to change feature number: we assigned f44 [to the] accumulation below, which seems to be the same natural accomulation as f43 (q87, q89, q92, q93) [?] on hardness. f44 it is medium compact with few patckes of soft soil and it is greyish in color. [Tom]ororrow we should reach the bottom of the German trench (N and E to k61): we will then stop digging{?]. Then, we will start to remove a small portion of the S baulk of k61, in order to reach the same [?] in the whole locus. C1 2006-08-24_Q824SC.j sC Today we continued digging f45 in all the unit (q94, q96, q97, q98). I move some workmen in this unit. At the end of the day we reach the the bottom of the German trench (N and E to k61) and we thus finished digging in k61, at the elevation of m3817 +45 -150. C1 2006-08-24_U204SC.j sC Today we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k61, f45, and start digging it in this locus (q94, q96, q97, q98). f45, which is spread uniformily in all the unit, is very compact in consistence: once picked, it has a platy structure and, once removed, it is crumble and loose in texture. It is greyish in color and rich in pottey sherds. I move more workmen in this unit and at the end of the day we reach the bottom of the German trench dug in 20001 (N and E to [?]) and thus finishing digging in k61. We stop digging in this locus at the elevation of m3817 +45 -150. C1 2006-09-11_Q911PC.J pC Today we removed the N baulk of k61 (f122, q262). D1a 2006-08-22_Q903PC2.j cc f42 D1a 2006-08-22_Q903PC2.j cc f43 D1a 2006-08-22_Q903PC2.j cc f44 D1a 2006-08-24_Q903PC2.j as f45 D1a 2006-09-11_Q922PC.j sc f122 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f151 D1a 2006-09-15_Q922PC.j sc f157 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j cc q78 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j cc q79 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j vn q81 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j vn q85 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j vn q89 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j pc q92 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j pc q93 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j as q94 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j as q96 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j as q97 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j as q98 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q262 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v20 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v29 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v80 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v80a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v81 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v81a ; J4k62 C1 2006-08-20_Q820SC.j sC Today we continued digging f35 with the big pick all the unit (q60, q62, q66). At the elevation of q60 the feature was characterized by a compact surface that, once removed with the big pick, presented a soft consistence. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. C1 2006-08-21_Q821SC.j sC Today we continued digging f35 with the big pick all the unit (q68, q72, q73). At the elevation of q68 the feature was characterizeb by a medium compact consistence. From this q-lot on, the matrix of the soil has no changed, although the patches of soft soil were more unifomily spread within the unit; the feature was also charachetrized by the presence of few roots; in particular, at the elevation of q72 a big root has been removed (120m long, and thick aprox 5 cm). At the elevation of q73 the feature was crumble and very fine in texture, and is same of f29 in k63. So far we have not expose any stone. I am aspecting to expose one/some tomorrow, as we are reaching the same elevation of k82. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. The work in this unit has been a bit slow in the previous days, and therefore we are still very high in elevation. I suppose we will arrive at the same elevation as in k74, k73, k71 and k63 in two working days. C1 2006-08-22_Q822SC.j sC Today we continued digging f35 with the big pick all the unit (q75, q80). The matrix of the soil is the same as yesterday, and still few big roots are present and uncovered as we dig. f35 is the same of f37 in k63, f36 in k74 and of f38 in k64. At the elevation of q75 we exposed a stone in the NW area of the unit; two other stones have been exposed at elevation of q80: one in the NW corner, the other close to the E section of the unit. At the end of the day we reached the same elevation as in k72 in all the unit. Tomorrow we still have to prepare the E and W section and then we can start removing the S baulk of the unit. C1 2006-09-03_Q903SC.j sC Today we did not dig in this square but only removed f82, the floating limestone close to the E section (f83, q199). dM took a particular view of the wall f84 (v57, 57a). C1 2006-09-05_Q905SC.j sC Today we did not worked in this square. We only assigne a new feature number to the two floating stones (and relative pedestal) close to the N baulk of k62: f108 (close to the W section, with the pedestal being f109) and f110 (with the pedestal being f111). C1 2006-09-11_Q911PC.J pC Last week we stop digging in k62. However up today we do not know whether f84 (the alligned stones running SW-NE) is a wall or a drain. Therefore during a discussion in the field with gB, fAB and J4 staff, we decided to do a sounding under one stone of f84 in order to give an answer concerning f84. We removed the 4th stone from the S: the extension of the sounding was 70cm S and 35cm E from r91 and it was located at the elevation of m4447 +120 -149 at the top and at m4447 +100 -149 at the bottom. We found that the stone is located on an amourphous accumulation which is very fine in texture, dusty and poor in pottery sherds (q259). Since we did not found anything below it, we all came to the conclusion that it is better to excavate all the area and see if it is following also NE, in k51: therfore we decided to live it for the next season, while we have not enough time to dig all the square this season. fAB also observed that f84 is a later wall: the glacis in k72 is sloping in the E side and it should continue also in k62: therefore the wall f84 it is later because it is higher than the glacis f127. D1a 2006-08-17_Q818AS.j sC f27 D1a 2006-08-17_Q903PC2.j pc f30 D1a 2006-08-19_Q903PC2.j sc f32 D1a 2006-08-19_Q903PC2.j sc f35 D1a 2006-08-24_Q903PC2.j sc f46 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j as f66 D1a 2006-09-02_Q903PC3.j sc f82 D1a 2006-09-02_Q903PC3.j sc f83 D1a 2006-09-02_Q903PC3.j sc f84 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f108 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f109 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f110 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f111 D1a 2006-09-11_Q922PC.j pc f120 D1a 2006-09-15_Q922PC.j sc f159 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j vn q68 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j mnh q72 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j pc q73 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j pc q75 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j vn q80 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j sc q83 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j as q99 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j as q100 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j mNH q150 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j mNH q153 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j sc q157 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q165 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j cc q170 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j sc q199 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q259 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v12 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v24 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v24a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v29 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v30 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v30a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v57 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v57a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v69 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v69a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v69b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v69c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v88 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v88a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v100 ; J4k63 C1 2006-08-20_Q820SC.j sC Today we continued digging f37 with the big pick in all the unit (q63). f36 is medium soft, crumble when picked, very fine in texture, a bit clayish (it leaves color on fingers) and a bit dusty when removed. The soil unit is generally soft, and only with few patches are of compact soil. f37 seems to be the same natural accumulation as f36 in k74. It is very soft in consistence (the pick goes down for aprox. 15-20cm), it is characterized by a very fine texture and is a bit clayish. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. C1 2006-08-21_Q821SC.j sC Today we finished digging f37 with the big pick in all the unit (q69). f37 is characterized by a very soft and very fine texture, it is clayish (it leaves color on fingers) and dusty when removed; f37 is the same of f36 in k74. After two pick run in all the unit we reached the same elevation as in k73 and of the German trench C2 in k71, and therefore we stop digging here (elevation: m4243 +34 -147). I moved the workmen in k73 in order to help the team working there to remove the N baulk. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. C1 2006-08-24_Q824SC.j sC Today we finished to remove the N baulk (f39, q95). We stop digging this feature at the elevation of m4307 +7 -145. C1 2006-08-24_Q824SC.j sC Today we started and finished to remove the N baulk of k63 (f46, q99, q100). We stop digging in this unit at the elevation of m4300 +35 -150. C1 2006-08-24_Q824SC.j sC Yesterday in the afternoon the elevator was set up, and today we start collecting all the pottery sherds recovered with the swifting of the dirt belonging to the whole excavation area. We collected 5 q-logs (q999, q998, q997, q996 and q995) and one item (q995.1). C1 2006-09-03_Q903SC.j sC Today we started with the cleaning the whole square. However, we did not expose any stone or any bricky accumulation, as instead for k73, but only a very compact natural accumulation. We assigne a new feature number to this accumulation, f90 (q201), which is extend to the whole square. We then start removing the feature with the little pick in the N area of k63. f90 is very compact, and looks to be a wash layer, it is characterized by a platy structure once removed with the little 8and big) pick, it is fine in texture, very compact. Looking at the blocks of soil removed, it it possible to observe to the sedimentation of the soil as water deposit (soil thin at the top, ticher on the bottom). Once we noticed that there was no bricks or any difference in the accumulation below f90, and that f90 was aproximately 8 to 10cm thick, we start digging with the big pick in the whole area. We start exposing a very compact surface, which again looks to be a natural accoumlation, compacted by water. In this square, we have a completey different situation respect to k73. C1 2006-09-04_Q904SC.j sC Today we continued digging f90 in k63 for the whole day (q204, q207, q211). Before every pick run we decided to dig 100m W and 400S from m4465 with the little pick, in order to check the accumulation/surface below and then dig with the big pick in the whole area. Several pick runs have been done today without notice any change in the consistence and soil matrix in the whole unit. f90 is very compact, and looks to be a surface which has been compacted by water. It is very hard to remove also with the big pick. No stones or bricky material or melted bricks have been found in this locus. It is thus like if that the bricks exposed in the E section of k73 (which indicate the presence of a wall/structure there) and of the two stones f104 (f104.1, f104.2) in the NW corner of k63 (which could be linked with the brick wall or structure exposed in the E section of k73) could have influenced the depositional history in k63. We decided thus to stop digging here and move the team working here in k72. We stop digging here at the elevation of m4465 +44 -126. C2 2006-09-04_Q904SC.j sC Right in the N section of k73 we found a line of stones, six, medium small in dimension; of these, four are long aprox 40cm each (while two are very small in dimension) running W-E right (f146). These look to be in line with two large stone exposed in k83. It looks like that these stones are in line with the suppose revetment wall as it is exposed in J2 (W to the primary and secondary apron). We thus decided to stop digging in k63 (considering also that in that locus we have not find any particular accumulations, indicating any particular use in that area) and we decided to start digging in k72. Before start digging there, we took some general views of the floating stones located here, before their removal. The stone that we are going to remove are: f12 (and its pedestal, f98), f19.2 and f19.3 (and their pedestal, f100), f101.1 and f101.2 (and their pedestal f102) (v58, v58a). We then took a general view of k82 and k72, toghether with the E section of k82, showing the 200m of natural accumulation on top of/between these floating stones (v59, v59a, v59b). D1a 2006-08-16_Q818AS.j sC f22 D1a 2006-08-16_Q818AS.j sC f23 D1a 2006-08-17_Q818AS.j sC f26 D1a 2006-08-17_Q903PC2.j pc f29 D1a 2006-08-20_Q903PC2.j vn f37 D1a 2006-08-20_Q903PC2.j sc f39 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j as f67 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j sc f90 D1a 2006-09-04_Q922PC.j sc f104 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f105 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j mnh q69 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j vn q88 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j as q90 D1a 2006-08-24_Q826PC1.j cc q95 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j mNH q151 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q154 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j cc q169 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j vn q174 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j pc q177 D1a 2006-09-02_Q904PC4.j cc q182 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j cc q201 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j pc q203 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j cc q204 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q207 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q211 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v11 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v21 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v21a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v22 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v22a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v29 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v45 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v45a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v87 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v87a ; J4k64 C1 2006-08-20_Q820SC.j sC Today we continued digging f34 with the big pick in all the unit (q61, q64). f34 is medium compact in consistence and presents patches of soft soil. At the elevation of q64, a very compact surface has been exposed in the N area of the unit, with an area orange in colour; therefore we expose all the unit with the trowel. Once finsihed to remove the dirt I asked dM to take a picture of the unit (unlucky, a probelm with the camera occurred, and dM told me later that this photo was lost). I think this was a natural surface that has been exposed for a perid which allow it to became very compact. However, both the matrix and the inclusions did not suggest any radical change. We decided to change the feature number at this elevation, and assigne a new feature number to this compacted natural accumulation (f38). Then we started to remove the feature in all the unit with the big pick (q65, q67). Two animal holes has been noticed at the elevation of q67; one is located toward the E section, the secon is 130m W and 35cm N to m3817 (both have been closed with a little plastic bag filled with soil, in order to avoid any contamination with the pottery in the accumulation below). Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. C1 2006-08-21_Q821SC.j sC Today we continued digging f38 with the big pick in all the unit (q70). f38 is compact soil mixed to patches of soft soil. After every pick run, there is no change in the same matrix soil but the feature is softer in consistence and the patches of compact soil are less spread within the unit. Also in this unit the work has been a bit slow in the previous days, therefore we are still very high in elevation. I think we'll need two working days before arriving at the same elevation as k74, k73, k71 and k63. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. C1 2006-08-22_Q822SC.j sC Today we continued digging f38 with the big pick in all the unit (q76, q82). As already noticed yestartedy, f38 is characterized by a compact soil mixed to patches of soft soil. The only change I have observed, is that at the elevation of m4301 +53 -145, although the feature presents the same matrix it is very soft in consistence. f38 is characterized by a loose and very fine texture, it is clayish, it leaves color on fingers, and dusty when removed). It is the same of f37 in k63, f36 in k74 and f35 in k62. At this elevation I also noticed that the feature is characterized by the presence of phytolots, which are uniformily spread within all the unit; these are particulary concetrated in the SE corner of the square, giving a light grey-whitish coloration to the soil. After breakfast (Ahmed Hessu and Bengin Amin) have been working here. At the end of the day we reached the same elevation as in k74 in all the unit. Tomorrow we have to prepare the E and W section and then we can start removing the N baulk of the unit. C1 2006-08-23_Q823SC.j sC Today we started to remove the N baulk, f39 (q88, q90)- The goal was to start and finish [?] remove the N baulk of the locus. The work has been very slow and the workmen removed only in part [?](half). C1 2006-08-23_Q823SC.j sC Yesterday we finished to work in this locus. Today we started and finish remove the N baulk (f41, q86, q91). We stop digging here at theelevation of m3817 +35-15 [?]. C1 2006-08-27_Q827SC.j sC Today we start digging again in k64 while bWP put new markers. The new markers are: m4397 (NW corner) and m4398 (NE corner). Since in the last days we have been removing the N baulk in this (as well as in other squares), we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k64 (f57) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery. We treated f57 as a topsoil layer (f57 is the same of f38, the accumulation directly above), thus, after one pick run (q110) we change again feature number (f59) in order to avoid contamination with the pottery in the accumulation below. f59 is the same of f57 (a natural accumulation, directly above) and it is the same of f56 and f58 in k74, and f55 and f61 in k73. f59 (as well as f57) is characterized by the presence of phytolits. These are spread uniformily within all the square. However, in this square the soil is very soft in consistence. f61 is very fine in texture, is a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers) and it is dusty when removed. It is light brown/reddish brown in colour and poor in pottery sherds (q114). D1a 2006-08-19_Q903PC2.j vn f31 D1a 2006-08-19_Q903PC2.j sc f33 D1a 2006-08-19_Q903PC2.j sc f34 D1a 2006-08-20_Q903PC2.j as f38 D1a 2006-08-20_Q903PC2.j sc f41 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j as f57 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j mnh f59 D1a 2006-08-28_Q903PC2.j as f62 D1a 2006-09-06_Q922PC.j sc f113 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j mnh q70 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j cc q76 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j vn q82 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j vn q86 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j cc q91 D1a 2006-09-02_Q904PC4.j cc q180 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v10 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v10a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v23 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v23a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v28 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v28a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v29 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v47 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v47a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v86 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v86a ; J4k70 C1 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Today we opened this new locus. k70 is a 500mx500m square and it is delimited by the following markers: m4469 (NW), m4470 (NE), m4471 (SE) and m3666 (NW). We decided to dig only half of the square, i.e. 200N and 400m W to m3666. We started by removing the topsoil (f115, q229) in this area of the square. The topsoil turned to be not particulary thick (aprox. 5cm in depth, whit only few roots; the roots are present until 10cm below f115). Once removed, we assigned f116 (q232, q235, q239) to the accumulation under the topsoil. f116 is completely different by f117 in k80. f116 is compact, although medium soft once removed, it is a bit dusty when removed and it is composed by soil mixed to small fragment of stones and pottery sherds. After the third pickrun we noticed that also in this square the soil was a bit red in colour, although the soil matrix did not looked to be bricky. It to notice that the NW corner of the square was characterized by the presence of several fragments of stones. These were located right on the top of the where we suppose f10 should be located. We started to keep this portion of the square and dig E to this. Once we dug for approximately 50cm in the square, we decided to start removing the W portion of the square, and we start exposing a large stone. Tomorrow we will contine digging here looking for the top of f10 in the NW corner of the square. C1 2006-09-10_Q910SC.j sC Today we continued digging in the S portion of k70, f116 (q245, q253). After two pickruns we exposed some stones in the NW corner of the square. These are lower in elevation as they apperead in k71, and it looks like if the top of f10 in k70 has been partially removed or reorganized. D1a 2006-09-09_Q922PC.j pc f115 D1a 2006-09-09_Q922PC.j sc f116 D1a 2006-09-18_QX10SC.j sc f166 D1a 2006-10-08_QX10SC.j sc f169 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q229 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q232 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j cC q235 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j cC q239 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j sC q242 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910VN.j pC q245 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910CC.j sc q253 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v67 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v67a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v67b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v78 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v78a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v79 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v79a ; J4k71 A98 2010-02-04_U204SC.j sC The unexcavated portion of the locus is 58cm W from m4254 and 300m N from m4254 (r1). C99 2006-09-28_Q928SC.j sC When on Q812 we start digging in k71, we did not assigned a feature number to the cleaning of the surface. The cleaning involved the removal of the dirt accumulated in this locus in the last 7 years, after that a trench running W-E was dug in this portion of the tell mound. The decision to not assigne a feature number to the top accumulation (mostly blown soil) was due to the fact that we did not collect any pottery sherds. While cleaning the locus we recovered only modern inclusions (plastic bags, cans, empty cigarette boxes etc). C99 2010-03-08_U308SC.j sC Excavations carried out in J03 and J02 Units indicate that the Apron rests on top of the glacis, and we can therefore suppose that the glacis is probably present also in k71; it could be right below f10 and f50. D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j mnh f1 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j hb f4 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f7 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f10 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f11 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC.j sC f11.1 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC.j sC f11.2 D1a 2006-08-14_Q815MNH.j sc f16 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC.j sC f16.1 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC.j sC f16.2 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC2.j sC f19.1 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC2.j sC f19.2 D1a 2010-06-25_U625SC2.j sC f19.3 D1a 2010-02-12_U212SC.j sC f50 D1a 2006-08-12_Q923CC.j vn i1 D1a 2006-08-13_Q823PC.j as q14 D1a 2006-09-13_Q910CC.j pc q274 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v1 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v1a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v2 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v6 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v6a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v15 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v15a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v27 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v27a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v98 ; J4k72 C1 2006-08-26_Q826SC.j sC Today we start to remove the E baulk (f47, q104). A small portion is left from today excavation. C1 2006-08-27_Q827SC.j sC Today we finshed to remove the E baulk (f47, q108) and start digging in the square, while bWP put new markers. The new markers is: m4392 (SW corner). Since in the last days we have been removing the E baulk in this square, as well as in other square, we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k74 (f54) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery. We treated f54 as a topsoil layer, therefore, after one pick run (q112) we change again feature number (f60) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery belonging to the accumulation below. f54 is the same of f14, the accumulation directly above. f60 is the same of f54, as well as of f13 in k73. f60 is characterized by the presence of phytolits, and presents a lamination structure. It looks like if sometimes in the past this accumulation has been exposed to water/rain and then compacted. The phytolits are spread uniformily within all the square and give a very compact structure the soil. f60 is very fine in texture, is a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers) and it is characterized by a reddish coloration. f60 is poor in pottery sherds (q115). We decided to expose completey f60 at the top elevation of m4392 +117 -155; at this elevation the surface is uniform and presents only few cm in difference among the top and bottom elevation (top elevation m4392 +117 -155; bottom elevation of m4392 +123 -155). C1 2006-09-04_Q904SC.j sC Today we start digging again in k72. We start by removing some floating stones and their pedestal: i.e. f12 in the N baulk of k72 (and its pedestal f98, q214), f19.2 and f19.3 close to the W section (with their pedestal f100, q215), and f101.1 and f101.2 close to the W section of the square (with their pedestal f102, q213). Before their removal, we took the relay of each of them (r71 for f19.2, r72 for f19.3, r73 for f101.1 and r74 for f101.2) and then dM took a general view of these stones of k72 (v58, v58a). Tomorrow we start digging f103 in the whole unit. C1 2006-09-05_Q905SC.j sC Today we started by removing the dirt left from yesterday excavation from the removing of f103. We then start digging f103 (q218). Since I have been asked for workmen we stop digging here, clean the whole unit, and then I send the team working here to J3. Another floating stone has been found in the pedestal of stone f12, f98. I thus assigne a new feature number to this floating stone (f106) and to its pedestal (f107). During the cleaning of the whole locus a tannur has been exposed in the SW area of the square (f112). C1 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Today we continued digging f103 in k72 (q230, q236, q241). The feature is characterized by the presence of melted bricks, which gave to the feature a very compact surface. In the S area of the square some melted bricks have been exposed. These are in line with the bricks of f93 in k73. In the SE corner and close to E section of the square some tannur fragments have been noticed. C1 2006-09-10_Q910SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f103 in k72 (q248). While digging in the N area of the square. we start exposing a very compact surface. This is characterized by a very hard surface, which presents small fragment of bricks and little stones (<2mm). This surface slopes toward s, and between the N and S area of the square there are approximately 15-20cm difference in elevation. The surface exposed looks like the "mud glacis" that Jim and rE have been exposing in J3 in this season. f103, instead, it is characterized by a very compact surface, which presents fragments of bricks, which are completely melted. C1 2006-09-11_Q911PC.J pC today we finished to remove f103. Under f103 we found f127, which covers the whole unit. As we tried to follow it we noticed that it was sloping sharply to the E and to the S portion of the square (while we were following it, one of the workmen made a cut in the middle of it in the N portion of the square; the missing portion of f127 is a small area of approx. 80cmx50cm. f127 presents the same characteristics of the glacis in J3: it is characterized by a very compact and hard surface, with small pebbles of chalchoar, few sherds and some baqaya. C2 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Tomorrow we will continue digging f103. We will try to understand better the relationship between the tannur and the bricks in the S area of the square. C99 2010-03-01_U301SC.j sC The mud-brick structures exposed in locus k72 (in the E baulk of the locus and wall f161-f162) were not completely exposed in the 2006 excavation season since -with the exception of f93, the bin structure- have been found at the end of the excavation season; for this reason only the top 'face' of these structures has been exposed. C99 2010-03-01_U301SC.j sC It could be that the bricks found while scraping the section of the E baulk of k72 and k73 (visible in v100 and v101) that we thought could be part of a possible mud-brick wall running N-S just below the baulk, are instead bricks belonging to the collapse of structures located in the S portion of the J04 or more probably in the north portion of J06 area (bf^2), and are part of brickfall bf^1, the brick-melt accumulation that is the top-most part of bf^2. D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j vn f2 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j cc f5 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f8 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f12 D1a 2006-08-15_Q815MNH.j mnh f14 D1a 2006-08-14_Q815MNH.j sc f19 D1a 2006-08-14_Q815MNH.j sc f20 D1a 2006-08-24_Q903PC2.j as f47 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j sc f54 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j pc f60 D1a 2006-08-28_Q903PC2.j as f63 D1a 2006-09-04_Q904SC3.j sc f98 D1a 2006-09-04_Q904SC3.j sc f99 D1a 2006-09-04_Q904SC3.j sc f100 D1a 2006-09-04_Q922PC.j sc f101 D1a 2006-09-04_Q922PC.j sc f102 D1a 2006-09-04_Q922PC.j sc f103 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f106 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f107 D1a 2006-09-05_Q922PC.j sc f112 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f127 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f128 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f129 D1a 2006-08-13_Q823PC.j sc q13 D1a 2006-08-13_Q823PC.j mnh q16 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j hb q18 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j as q21 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j mnh q22 D1a 2006-08-15_Q823PC.j cc q24 D1a 2006-08-26_Q826PC1.j as q104 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j vn q175 D1a 2006-09-02_Q904PC4.j cc q183 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q213 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q214 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q215 D1a 2006-09-05_Q906VN.j cc q218 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q230 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q236 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j sC q241 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910VN.j vN q248 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q258 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v1 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v1a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v2 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v3 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v4 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v14 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v14a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v35 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v35a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v40 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v40a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v51 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v51a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v51b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v51c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v51d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v51e O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v58 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v58a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v62 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v74 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76e O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v97 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v98 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v100 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v103 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v103a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v103b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v104 ; J4k73 C1 2006-08-23_Q823SC.j sC Today we finished to remove the N baulk of k73 (f21, q84). I then moved the team working here [?] and half to k64. C1 2006-08-26_Q826SC.j sC Today we start to remove the E baulk (f48, q103). A small portion is left from today excavation. C1 2006-08-27_Q827SC.j sC Today we start digging again in k73 while bwp put new markers. The new markers are: m4394 (SW corner) and m4401 (SE corner). Since in the last days we have been removing both the E and N baulk in this, as well as in other squares, we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k73 (f55) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery. We treated f55 as a topsoil layer; after one pick run (q111) we change again feature number (f61) in order to avoid contamination with the pottery in the accumulation below. f55 is the same of f13, the accumulation above. f61 is a natural accumulation, same as f55, directly above, and of f57 and f59 in k64, and f56 and f58 in k74. f61 (as well as f55) is characterized by the presence of phytolits. These are spread uniformily within all the square; the soil is characterized by patches of compact and soft soil. f61 is very fine in texture, is a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers) and it is dusty when removed. It is light brown/reddish brown in colour. f61 it is poor in pottery sherds (q116). C1 2006-09-03_Q903SC.j sC Today we started with the cleaning the whole locus. However, we did not expose any ash layer, as expected on the basis of the ashy spots noticed one week ago in the E section of k73. We assigne a new feature number, f89, to the compact and bricky accumulation which characterizes the whole square. We then started to remove the accumulation with the little pick in the N area of k73. Here have been exposed some melted bricks as well as brick still in place, which looks to be part of a wall running SW-NE; these bricks are located 130m W to m4467 and are alligned with two lines of bricks visible in the N section of the square; the grey mortar between them is still preserved and cleary visible. We continued to remove f89 in all the area (q200, q202) it is missing only a little area in the SW corner of the square. At the end of the day k73 is characterized in its whole are by a bricky accumulation. In the NE area of the square, close to the W baulk of the locus some little pebbles have been exposed. They look to be part of a pebble floor, which could be the same as the pebble floor exposed last week in k83. C1 2006-09-04_Q904SC.j sC Today we continued digging f89 in k73 for the whole day (q205, q209). We assigne a feature number to the bricks that looks to be part of a wall. This wall/structure looks to have a rounded shape but, this shape could be due to the fact that most of the bricks on top are very badly preserved, and thus can give a wrong impression. We define this as a wall, altough it could be possible that in the next days we are going to review this definition. By looking at the wall section three lines of bricks and a grey mortar between them are visible. By digging the bricky accumulation around this wall/structure, we exposed, right in the N section of k73 six stones, medium small in dimension; of these, four are long aproximately 40cm each, while two are very small in dimension. They have a W-E allignment, and look to be in line with two large stone exposed in k83. It looks like that these stones are alligned with the revetment wall as it is exposed in J2 (W to the primary and secondary apron). Today we finished to expose, in the NE area of the square, the pebbles, which seem to be part of a small pebble floor (aproximately 80mx70m), which ends in the E in a small natural floor charachterized by the presence of pottery sherds lying horizontally (aproximately 60mx40m). This pebble floor is at the same elvation and it is alligned with the small pebble floor exposed last week in k83. In the SW area of k73, S to the bricky wall/structure, have been exposed only melted bricks and brick fragments, which gave to the soil a brown colour; it is to noticed also that we did not expose any ash layer, as espected on the basis of the asy spots noticed one week ago in the E section of k73. Both in the NE and SE area of the locus, we have been also exposing only soil mixted with melted bricks and large fragments of bricks. In the E section of the square, instead, some bricks have been found, which looks to be again part of a bricky wall/structure running N-W just in/below the E baulk. They are located at 50m S from m4467, and this structure/wall is well preserved for aproximately 120m in lenght. By looking at the E section, we noticed four lines of grey mortar, therefore it is possible that here we have 4 lines of bricks in place. C1 2006-09-05_Q905SC.j sC Today we continued digging f89 in k73 (q217). We reached the bottom of f93, the bricky wall, and exposed the small pebble floor f143, W to the bricky wall. f93 sits on top of stones of small dimensions. gB told us that this bricky could be a bin contruction, as found in houses or temples open areas. As noticed already yesterday, the pebble floor f143 W to f93 is at the same elevation and linked with the small pebble floor of k83 (for this reason we assigne them the same feature number, f143). E of f93 we have been digging surfaces characterized by soil mixed with melted bricks and small fragments of brick. C1 2006-09-06_Q906SC.j sC During the cleaning of top of the E baulk of k73 some bricky fragments have been exposed. They are in line with the bricks noticed yesterday in the E section; they seem to run NW-SE. C1 2006-09-12_Q912PC.j pC Today we started to remove f21 (q270), the N baulk of k73. C1 2006-09-13_Q913PC.J pC Today we continue digging the N baulk of k73 (f21 q275). f21 is crumby and hard in consistence and it is characterized by the presence of melted and broken bricks; while digging f21 we expose 4 aligned bricks running EW, probably part of a wall, f161: every brick measures 40x40x10cm at the elevation of m4501 +155 -113. C1 2006-09-14_Q914PC.j pC Today we finished to dig f21, that is the feature of the N baulk of k73. f21 (q278) coveres part of the glacis, f127, on the bottom of the baulk. f21 is platy and hard in consistence, has patches of compact and hard soil and patches of softer soil, gived by the presence of melted bricks mixed with the accumulation layer. After removing all f21 we uncovered the glacis and a part of a layer of sherds lying flat. It seems that at the elevation of m4467 the glacis is interrupted by this layer of sherds that continues also in k73. This year we will not investigate more in k72. We did some photos of the sherds floor and the glacis(v74 and 74a), f127 and f154. C2 2006-09-04_Q904SC.j sC It would be possible that f146, the six stones exposed in the N section of k73, are part of the revetment wall as it is exposed in J2 (W to the primary and secondary apron). We thus decided to stop digging in k63 (considering also that there we did not find any accumulation indicating that that area was used), and to start digging in k72 in order to look for these stones. C30 2006-09-05_Q923SC.j sC A mistake has been done while digging f89 in k72. We started to remove f89 in the whole square, but once we started to expose f93, the bin, we did not differenciate between the accumulation inside and outside this structure (since its W endind was not preserved, and thus f93 was not fisically separating the two portion of the square). However, this was a mistake. We should have assigned a different feature number for the accumulation inside (N to f93) and outside (S to f93 the bin, although it was the same feature, in order to differenciate a thus have a better record of the pottery. C99 2006-08-12_U119SC.j sC In 2001 during a survery in this portion of the Tell Terrace, a trench running W-E (C10) was dug, and k73, is located partially within the cut of this trench. The area were C10 was dug, interest today the NW portion of k73, in particular, falls within the N baulk of k73. This trench was back-filled for safety reasons at the end of the 2001 excavation season (as it is possible to see in J04t4, or view 4 (V19d3005) that shows the locus before we start digging in k73). The bottom of the trench was partially covered with pieces of a wide and thick yellow nylon, as reminder of the bottom elevation reached during the investigation carried out in the locus and in view of the trench back-fill. Only a small portion of the N baulk was not back-filled (aprox. 1m W in the NW baulk), as cleary visible in view J04t4, or view 4 (V19d3005). Furthermore, view J4v38a (V19d3074), shows, although is a genearl view of k71-74, partially f65 (the baulk, which is moslty the back-fill of the German trench) and the bottom of f60, with a small fragment of nylon visible in v38a, in the NW portion of the locus. C99 2010-03-01_U301SC.j sC The mud-brick structures exposed in locus k73 (in the E baulk and in the SE corner of the locus) were not completely exposed in the 2006 excavation season since -with the exception of f93, the bin structure- have been found at the end of the excavation season; for this reason only the top 'face' of these structures has been exposed. D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f3 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j cc f6 D1a 2006-08-12_Q813PC.j sc f9 D1a 2006-08-15_Q815MNH.j mnh f13 D1a 2006-08-15_Q815MNH.j sc f21 D1a 2006-08-24_Q903PC2.j as f48 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j as f55 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j pc f61 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j cc f89 D1a 2006-09-04_Q904SC3.j sc f93 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f140 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f142 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f143 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f148 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f149 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f152 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f153 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f154 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f155 D1a 2006-09-18_Q922PC.j sc f161 D1a 2006-09-18_Q922PC.j sc f162 D1a 2006-08-13_Q823PC.j mnh q15 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j mnh q17 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j vn q20 D1a 2006-08-15_Q823PC.j cc q25 D1a 2006-08-23_Q826PC1.j vn q84 D1a 2006-08-26_Q826PC1.j as q103 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j vn q173 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j sc q179 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j cc q200 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j pc q202 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j cc q205 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q209 D1a 2006-09-05_Q906VN.j cc q217 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j sc q270 D1a 2006-09-13_Q910CC.j sc q275 D1a 2006-09-14_Q910CC.j cc q278 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v1 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v1a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v4 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v16 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v16a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v39 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v39a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v44 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v44a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v46 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v46a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v62 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v71 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v71a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v73d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v74 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v74a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v76 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v97 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v101 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v104 ; J4k74 C1 2006-08-20_Q820SC.j sC Today we started digging f36 with the big pick in all the unit (q58). f36 is medium soft, crumble when picked, fine in texture, a bit clayish (it leaves color on fingers) and dusty when removed. The soil unit is generally soft, and only with few patches are of compact soil. f36 seems to be the same natural accumulation as f37 in k63. We have almost reached the same elevation as in k73 and of the German trench C2 in k71, therefore, by tomorrow morning, before breakfast, I will move the workmen to another unit. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. C1 2006-08-21_Q821SC.j sC Today we finished to dig f36 with the big pick in all the unit (q71). f36 is still characterized by a soft and very fine texture, it is a bit clayish (it leaves color on fingers) and dusty when removed, and is poor in pottery sherds; f36 is the same of f37 in k63. After one pick run in all the unit we reached the same elevation as in k73 and of the German trench C2 in k71. Therefore we stop digging here (elevation: m3815 +36 -147). I moved the workmen in k82 and k83 in order to "prepare" the E section. After Masood Bijou and his team finished to "prepare"the E section of these units, they start removing the N baulk of k73 (f40, q74). While removing the topsoil and the first accumulation in the N baulk of k73 we recovered a fragment of modern glass as well as an islamic pottery sherd (q74.1). C1 2006-08-22_Q822SC.j sC Today we continued and finished to remove the N baulk of k73 (f40, q77). We stop digging at the elevation of m4245 +39 -143. I would have liked to move the workmen in k72 in order to remove the N baulk of this unit. However, given that after tomorrow I would like to take a general view of J4 without all the W-E baulk within the various units, I moved half of the team (Masood Bijou, Ahmed Hessu) that was working in k74 to k64 and the other half (Kawa Hassu, Bengin Amin and Salah Sadi) in k61. These unit are still very hight in elevation. The team working in74 is working really very well since the very first day of the excavation. C1 2006-08-26_Q826SC.j sC Today we start to remove the E baulk (f49, q102). This baulk has been cut and used as a ramp. Tomorrow we are planning to finish to remove the dirt beloning to the portion cut of this baulk. C1 2006-08-27_Q827SC.j sC Today we start digging again in k74 while bwp put new markers. The new markers are: m4399 (NW corner) and m4400 (NE corner). Since in the last days we have been working removing both the E and N baulk in this as well as in other square, we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k74 (f56) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery. We treated f56 as a topsoil layer: f56 is the same of f36, the accumulation above, thus, after one pick run (q109) we change again feature number (f58) in order to avoid contamination with the pottery belonging to the accumulation below. f58 is the same of f56 (directly above , which is a natural accumulation,) and it is the same of f57 and f59 in k64, and of f55 and f61 in k73. The feature is very fine in texture, is a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers), dusty when removed and it is light brown/reddish brown in colour. f58 is also characterized by the presence of phytolits. These are spread uniformily within all the square; at the elevation of q113 they turn to be more concentrated in the S area, giving to the soil a very compact consistence. Some animal bones have been found at the elevation of m4400 +100 -155 in the S area of the square and on the E baulk of k74. C1 2006-09-03_Q903SC.j sC Today we did not dig in this locus. However, we decided to remove a floating limestones in the N baulk of k74. We thus assigned a new feature number to the stone, f91 (which is located at 20cm S to the NE corner of the square) and to its pedestal (f92) before their removal. D1a 2006-08-16_Q818AS.j cC f24 D1a 2006-08-16_Q818AS.j cC f25 D1a 2006-08-17_Q818AS.j sC f28 D1a 2006-08-19_Q903PC2.j sc f36 D1a 2006-08-20_Q903PC2.j sc f40 D1a 2006-08-24_Q903PC2.j as f49 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j as f56 D1a 2006-08-27_Q903PC2.j vn f58 D1a 2006-08-28_Q903PC2.j as f64 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j sc f91 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j sc f92 D1a 2006-09-18_Q922PC.j sc f163 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j mnh q71 D1a 2006-08-21_Q822CC.j pc q74 D1a 2006-08-22_Q822CC.j as q77 D1a 2006-08-26_Q826PC1.j as q102 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j sc q158 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q159 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j vn q176 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j sc q178 D1a 2006-09-02_Q904PC4.j cc q181 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q212 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j sc q271 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j pc q272 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v9 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v9a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v17 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v17a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v18 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v18a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v31a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v36 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v36a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v36b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v37 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v37a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v37b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v37c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v38a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c ; J4k80 C1 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Today we opened this new locus. k80 is a 500mx500m square and it is delimited by the following markers: m4473 (NE), m4474 (SE), m4246 (SW) and m4472 (NW). We decided to dig only half of the square, i.e. 200N and 400m W to m4246. We started by removing the topsoil and some little bushes (f114, q228) in this area of the square. The topsoil turned to be not particulary thick (aprox. 5cm in depth, whit only few roots being present up to 10cm under the topsoil). Once removed, we assigned f117 (q234) to the accumulation under the topsoil. f117 presents a crumble and soft consistence, it is a bit dusty when removed, and it is composed by reddish bricky material; this bricky material is loose and spread in all the portion of the square we are investigating. After the third pickrun, this reddish bricky material turned to be very compact and characterized by pieces of whitish plaster/inclusions. As for k81, where this layer has been exposed previously (f17, f18), we think that this bricky material is the red packing" found in J02, interpreted as being part of a possible "tower" or similar structure on the top of the starircase or on the temple terrace. In the morning, we agreed with fAB that, if the bricky material turned to be compact, we would have stop digging in this square. Since, after the third pickrun this reddish bricky material turned to be very compact (especially in the W area of the square), we decided to clean the whole surface and to stop digging in this square. However, during the cleaning of the surface with the trowel, we expose a tannur in the E portion of the locus. The tannur is located right below a stone, small in dimension. C2 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Given the presence of the tannur, fAB underlined that the bricky material, is a accumulation which abuts the tannur, in spite of its compactness, which means it belong more probably to a structure of the temple terrace. He therefore suggested to try to understand the relationship between this red layer and the red layer we found in the N section of k81, and see if they are linked or whether they belong to a different structure. D1a 2006-09-09_Q922PC.j pc f114 D1a 2006-09-09_Q922PC.j sc f117 D1a 2006-09-18_Q922PC.j sc f164 D1a 2006-09-18_Q922PC.j sc f165 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q228 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j vN q234 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v68 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v68a ; J4k81 D1a 2006-08-14_Q815MNH.j vn f15 D1a 2006-08-14_Q815MNH.j sc f17 D1a 2006-08-14_Q815MNH.j sc f18 D1a 2006-09-04_Q904SC3.j sc f94 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j hb q19 D1a 2006-08-14_Q823PC.j mnh q23 D1a 2006-08-15_Q823PC.j as q26 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910CC.j sc q251 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v5 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v5a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v7 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v7a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v7b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v8 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v8a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v13 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v102 ; J4k82 C1 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Today we continued to dig in k82. We started by removing f75 (q231) in the S area of the square. This layer was approximately 5cm in height. Once removed we expose f77, a very compact surface already noticed two weeks ago while digging 180m N from r35 in this square. We did a general cleaning of this compact accumulation in the S area of the square (i.e. 80m N and 200m E from r35, q233); we then stop digging in this square. C1 2006-09-11_Q911PC.J pC Today we started to remove the E baulk: f123 is the feature assigned to the whole baulk. The top soil layer (q261) it is compact and graysh in colour, characterized by a crumby and soft consistence and a fine texture, and by the presence of rooths, pebbles, stones (<10 cm) and a lot of pottery sherds. We decided to remove the baulk in order to understand better the connection between k82 and k72; this will allow us also to understand the connection between the glacis in k72 (f127) and k82 (f77). In the previous days we exposed the glacis in k82 (f77); aftertwards we interrupted to excavate this square untill we reached the same elevation in k72. As we found the glacis also in k72, we observed that they are at the same elevation: f77 is at m4413 +101 -143 and f127 is at m4481 +61 -129 at the top. C1 2006-09-12_Q912PC.j pC Today we continued digging the E baulk f123 (q265) that is hard and crumby in consistence, characterized by the presence of pebbles, stones, pottery sherds. Digging the baulk we uncovered some floating stones: f130, f132, f134, and their pedestals f131, f133, f135. D1a 2006-08-24_Q903PC2.j sc f51 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j as f73 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j as f74 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j pc f75 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j sc f77 D1a 2006-09-04_Q904SC3.j sc f95 D1a 2006-09-11_Q922PC.j sc f123 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f130 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f131 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f132 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f133 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f134 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f135 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j sc q155 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j pc q156 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q162 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q231 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q233 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q261 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j pc q265 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v13 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v25 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v25a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v41 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v41a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v48 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v50 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v53 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v53a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v97 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v99 ; J4k83 C1 2006-08-26_Q826SC.j sC Today we start and finished to remove the E baulk (f52, q101, q105). C1 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC We start by removing few cm close to the S baulk of k83, where on thuesday, a plastic fragment was noticed in a little area which was 5cm higher in elevation respect the square (50cm N and 40cm W to the NE corner of N baulk). Once we reached the same elevation of the square, we start digging f78 (q237) in front of the line of large stones exposed in the square last week (i.e 100m N and 400m W to the NE corner of N baulk). f78 is as noticed before, characterized by very compact layer, light grey in colour, soft once removed. By digging in this small portion of the square, we started exposing three different surface, approximately every 5cm, all flat and characterized by a compact surface, that once removed it is soft in consistence. These surfaces are characterized by the presence of pottery sherds and little pebbles (<4cm in diameter). At the elevation of m4408 +116 -138 in the S area of the square, close to the S baulk, we noticed a change in the surface: a small area characterized by a very fine texture and which is dark brown in colour. This is the same of f79 in k84. Two stones have been partially exposed, one close to the S baulk of the square. Tomorrow we will continue to dig in k83. We want to investigate whether other stones are located here. C1 2006-09-10_Q910SC.j sC Today we continued digging in the S portion of k83 (i.e. 70m N and 360m E to m4409). Yesterday, at the end of the day we expose a very compact surface, fine in texture and dark brown in colour. Today we assigned a new feature number to this accumulation, f119, and start digging it (q246). Few pottery sherds have been collected, and, among these, some Habur sherds. f119 is the same of f118 in the N area of k84. At the bottom elevation of q246 a ash layer has been noticed in the NW corner of the excavated square. C33 2010-03-18_U315SC.j sC Unlucky there are no photos showing k83 before we start digging in this locus in the 2006 excavation season. J02t61 shows the mentioned square at the end of the 2004 excavation season, showing the different elevations that characterize this locus. D1a 2006-08-26_Q903PC2.j sc f52 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC2.j as f65 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j as f68 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j as f70 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j as f71 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j sc f78 D1a 2006-09-10_Q922PC.j sc f119 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f139 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f141 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f144 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f145 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f146 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f147 D1a 2006-10-03_QX10SC.j sc f167 D1a 2006-10-03_QX10SC.j sc f168 D1a 2006-08-26_Q826PC1.j as q101 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j mNH q149 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j mNH q152 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q166 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j mNH q167 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j mnh q171 D1a 2006-09-05_Q906VN.j pc q216 D1a 2006-09-05_Q906VN.j cc q221 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q237 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910VN.j pC q246 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v13 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v26 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v26a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v48 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v49 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v50 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v53a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v56c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v59 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v63 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v63a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v63b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v63c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v97 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v99 ; J4k84 C1 2006-08-27_Q827SC.j sC We finished to remove the N portion of the E baulk of k84 (f53, q107). C1 2006-09-03_Q903SC.j sC Since from yesterday excavation we realize that we missed the pit f86 while digging in k84, today we started by cleaning the S section of k84 in order to look for the pit in this section, in order to record its top and bottom elevation. However, also in this section the topmost part of the pit is not really visible as well as the bottom; only the central portion of the pit is cleary visible. The bottom of the pit, however, seems to be located on top of a very compact accumulation (which is visible also in the E and N baulk of k84) which seems to be a bricky melted type of accumulation. Being the understanding of the stratigraphy difficult also by looking at this section, we decided to start digging the pit in the E baulk of the square (f86, q196). The idea being to first recover the wolf/dog bones, and then to look for the bottom of the pit in this baulk. After 8cm we start finding the wolf/dog skeleton (i5): Kamiran Hussein toghether with cC and vN started to expose the very carefully the bones (r75, r76, r77). After breakfast hPU came in our unit; he shortly explained how to remove the soil above and between the bones and told us that these bones probably belong to a saluki dog, a particular kind of hunting/racing dog. He will come back to the filed later in the day. If these bones really belong to a saluki dog, this represents a very important recovery. In fact, this dog is known mainly by sealing impressions, and, up to date, only two sheleton have been found in Northern Syria, in later contexts. In k84, instead, we are in Mittani levels (all the pottery found within these accumulations have been checked by mKB, and dated to Mittani period). Therefore, this could represent the oldest speciment of saluki dog recovered in this Northern Syria up to date. hPU told us also that the group of small bones recovered within the saluki dog (at the height of its legs) belong to a frog (i6). Today we started digging also in the S area of k84 (i.e. 120m N and 300m W from m3830). We started by removing the topsoil (f87, q197) and the accumulation below it (f88, q198). However, we stop digging almost immediatly in this portion of k84 since I have been asked for some workmen. I send the team working here (2P, 2S, 1W) to J03. C1 2006-09-04_Q904SC.j sC Today cC and vN removed f96, the saluki bones (f97=i5, q208). A sample of the soil within these bones has been also collected for further analysis (q208.1). Once they finished, they start digging the fill of the pit in the E and N baulk of the square (f86, q210), helped by Kamiran Hussein, in order to look for the bottom of the pit. At the same time we continued digging in the S area of k84 (i.e. 120m N and 300m W from m3830), removing f88, the natural accumulation we have been digging also in k72, k72, k74 as well as k63 and k64 in the first weeks of the excavation (q206, q212). C1 2006-09-05_Q905SC.j sC Today cC and vN finished to dig the pit f86 (q219) in the N baulk of k84, reaching its bottom (located at the elevation of m4410 +70 -140). dM took a particular view of the bottom of the pit (v60). I then move the workmen (Kamiran Hussein and his team) to remove f80, the N baulk of k84 (q220, q222, q223, q224, q225). While digging this feature we expose, at the elevation of m4377 +78 -119, a very compact surface. This surface is characterized by the presence of pebbles and it is rich in pottery and lithic artifacts, such as fragments of hammers and of stones; these stones are polished from use, which suggests that they have been used as a tool (q223.1, q223.2, q224.1 and q224.2). From today excavation is still left a small portion of the baulk (100m from m4412). We'll finish to remove tomorrow. C1 2006-09-06_Q906SC.j sC Today we finished to remove the N baulk in k84, f80 (q226, q227). We finish digging here at the elevation of m4450 +54 -121. Just 15cm N to m4412, close to the bottom of the N baulk in k84, I have noticed a fragment of plastic. This therefore belong to the investigation that mH and aP conducted here in the 2004 archaeological season. The elevation of the plastic is m4410 +57 -121. C1 2006-09-09_Q909SC.j sC Today we continued digging in the N portion of k84 (i.e. 180m S and 300m E to m4503). We dug f79 (q238, 243). We want to investigate this square, while digging also in the S area of k83, in order to look what happened in this portion of the unit, and understand if here there is or not the Apron. f79 is characterized by a compact soil (which very soft once removed) which presents a crumble a very loose texture; f79 it is dark brown in colour and it is rich in phytolits (which give a platy structure to the accumulation when it is removed with the pick) and in organic materials. Also today several animal bones have been recovered in this portion of the square. At the elevation of q243 the feature is very compact, and very fine in texture; once removed it is very soft and smooth; the soil is wet and this give to the feature a very dark coloration. C1 2006-09-10_Q910SC.j sC Today we continued digging the natural accumulation f88 (q249) in the S portion of k84 (i.e. 120m N and 400m E to m3830). We then assigned a new feature number to the "false" baulk we left between the S and the N portion of k84 (for safety reason): (f138, q250), since we are planning to remove it. Before starting its removal, we first dug the portion of f86 (the pit) left in the S section of k84 (q252). No bones have been recovered while digging the small portion of f86. While doing so, another team was digging the N are of k84. Yesterday, at the end of the day, we reached also in this portion of the square a very compact surface, fine in texture and dark brown in colour. This is the same of f119 in the S area of k83. We then took a general view of k84 and k83 showing the similar accumulation in both two portions of squares (v63, v63a, v63b, v63c, v63d). We assigned a new feature number to this accumulation, f119, and start digging it in the area 70m N and 360m E to m4409 (q246). Few pottery sherds have been collected, and, among these, some Habur sherds (we decided to show some of them to mKB in order to know the exact periodization). In digging f119 five stones, small in dimensions have been exposed. gB and fAB came in the field after breakfast. We had a brief discussion about the strategy for the work we have to carry out in J4 before the end of the excavation. C1 2006-09-11_Q911PC.J pC Today we finished digging f80 (q257), the N baulk of k84. f80 is characterized by the presence of stones, pebbles, lot of pottery sherds (among which few painted khabur sherds). It is crumbly and soft in consistence, and very fine in texture, wet and dark brown. f80 it is the same of f118 in k83 and f119 in k84. Once removed f80, some fragments of bricks have been exposed in both the SW portion of k83 (f119) and in the N portion of k84 (f118). These are concentrated in an area located at 250cm S from m4409 at the elevation of m4502 +68 -117, where were visibles approximately 10 brick fragments (not alligned) and several melted ones. In the SW portion of k84, there are alligned briks running NS, boundaring the retaining wall. They are located at the distance of 100cm S from m4203 and they are concentrated in an area which is 63cm S and 25cm E. We decided to clean well all with the trowel in order to allow us to see if there is a connection between the two group of briks. After cleaning it, seemed that there are no bricks in between, so we decided to remove them. C2 2006-09-10_Q910SC.j sC Given the need of workmen in J1, we decided to change a bit the strategy we planned last friday (Q908), in occasion of the weekly meeting with all J4 and Mozan staff in the field. We thus decided not to dig in k80 as well as k61 and k82, and leave the unanswered questions related with these locus open for next year excavation season. We decided that the priority now is to understand whether in k84 we can find the primary Apron, and then understand the bin structure in k73. We thus decided to remove the N baulk of k84, and dig the N area of k84 toghether with the S area of k83 in order to have a larger portion and therefore be more able to identifie possible floor surfaces or changes within the same area. A concern of gB was then given by the possibility that we could undermine the wall f129. We thus decided that we will leave 100m E from m4503, in order to not undermine or loose information useful (the face of the wall or floors abbutting the wall in its E face). At the end of the day we thus start removing the N baulk of k84, f80 (q255, q256). Before removing the baulk, I draw and then I took a general view of the N section (v64, v64a, v64b, v64c, v64d). Tomorrow we'll start digging the N area of k84 toghether with the S area of k83 as if it were a unique square. By having a larger portion to investigate we hope to have a better understanding of this portion of our unit. C33 2010-03-18_U315SC.j sC Unlucky there are no photos showing k84 before we start digging in this locus at the beginning of the 2006 excavation season. J02t61 shows the mentioned square at the end of the 2004 excavation season, when this area was investigated as part of J02 unit; J02t61 shows the different elevations that characterize this locus. v5a (taken on Q813 by dM), shows -partially- the southern part of k84. C99 2006-09-02_Q902VN.j vn We start digging f86 the filling of the pit f85 in the E baulk of k84; at the end of the day we reached the bottom elevation of the pit in this baulk, at m4502 +115 -103. We did not have the top elevation of f86 in this baulk, since this square had been already invest gored in the 2004 season by mitt and aP. However we cleaned the S section of k84 and noticed here the top elevation of the pit new (which is located at m3814 +96 -138. The pit cuts three different layers, which present the following characteristics. The first is gray in color, it is very compact; the second it is sandy and very fine in texture and is dark gray; the third is sandy and the dark brown in color. The first fill while digging the pit was characteristics buy a reddish and very fine soil, thick approximately 10-15cm. In this reddish fill we found the skeleton of a dog, complete. Its position suggest that is has been buried. Close to the back of the dog we found also some frog bones. The dog was sitting on the top of the second fill of the pit. This fill it is characterized by very fine soil, a bit sandy, lights gray in color. His fill was also characterized by several animal boons. The last fill we met, it is characterized by very compact layer, sandy and gray in color. The pottery collected within these three layers has been analyzed by mKB and dated to the Mittani Period (these note have been written by vN and cC while digging f86, the fill of pit f85 located in the E baulk of k84 on Q902). C99 2006-09-10_Q910SC.j sC Since we found some Habur sherds in k84 as well as in k72, we decided to give some q-lots to mKB from today excavation in order to know their periodization. D1a 2006-08-26_Q903PC2.j sc f53 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j mnh f69 D1a 2006-08-29_Q903PC3.j sc f72 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j as f76 D1a 2006-08-30_Q903PC3.j vn f79 D1a 2006-09-02_Q903PC3.j vn f80 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j cc f85 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j cc f86 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j vn f87 D1a 2006-09-03_Q903PC3.j sc f88 D1a 2006-09-10_Q922PC.j sc f118 D1a 2006-09-13_Q922PC.j sc f138 D1a 2006-08-21_Q923CC.j sc i5 D1a 2006-08-21_Q923CC.j sc i6 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j mNH q148 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q160 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j as q161 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j cc q163 D1a 2006-08-30_Q904PC4.j pc q164 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j cc q168 D1a 2006-08-31_Q904PC4.j vn q172 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j cC q196 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j sc q197 D1a 2006-09-03_Q906VN.j sc q198 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j cc q206 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q208 D1a 2006-09-04_Q906VN.j pc q210 D1a 2006-09-05_Q906VN.j cc q219 D1a 2006-09-05_Q906VN.j cc q220 D1a 2006-09-05_Q910VN.j sC q222 D1a 2006-09-05_Q910VN.j sC q223 D1a 2006-09-05_Q910VN.j sC q224 D1a 2006-09-05_Q910VN.j sC q225 D1a 2006-09-06_Q910VN.j sC q226 D1a 2006-09-05_Q910VN.j sC q227 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q238 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q240 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j sC q243 D1a 2006-09-09_Q910VN.j pC q244 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910VN.j pC q247 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910VN.j vN q249 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910VN.j sC q250 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910CC.j sc q252 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910CC.j sc q254 D1a 2006-09-10_Q910CC.j sc q255 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q256 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q257 D1a 2006-09-14_Q910CC.j pc q279 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v26 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v26a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v42 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v43 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v43a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v48 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v52 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v52a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v54 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v54a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v55 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v55a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v60 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v60a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v61c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v64 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v64a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v64b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v64c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v64d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v89 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v89a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v102 ; J4k92 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v13 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v19d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v32d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v33 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v34c ; J4k94 D1a 2006-09-02_Q903PC3.j vn f81 ; J4k100 A35 2010-02-04_U204SC.j sC L_V19d3250 J4v94 Qx08 sC C1 2006-09-11_Q911PC.J pC Today with gB, mkB, fAB and all J4 staff we decided the strategy for the unit. Since we are digging only part of k83 and part of k84, we decided to give one square number to both N part of k84 and S part of k83. We also decided to live 1m distance from the retaining wall in k93 and k94 for safety reasons. The new square is k100, that is defined by the following relays: r85, r86, r87, r88. dM took the general wiew of the new square (v65, v65a, v65b, v65c, v65d). We started digging f121, which is the first feature in k100, the same as f119 and f118 at the elevation of m4502 +68 -117. f121 is crumby and compact in consistence and fine in texture, very wet and is reddish-brown in colour, due to the presence of melted bricks. It is characterized by the presence of melted bricks, bricks, pottery sherds, bones, and in the north corner patches of ash. After two pick runs we found in the NW corner of k100 more patches of ash and lot of carbon: we made a sample of charcole (q263.1) for future analysis; We took also a fragment of brick as a sample (q263.2). At the elevation of m4502 +82 -146 we noticed a small change in the soil: it is compact and has a platy structure by removing it with the trowel, and it is characterized by the presence of patches of ash, carbon, melted bricks, 2 fragments of tannur, bones, one backed brick, lot of big pottery sherds and one clay bead. C1 2006-09-12_Q912PC.j pC We continued removing f121 (q264, q266 and q269), which is compact on the surface and crumble in consistence, very fine in texture and it is wet and very reddish brown in colour. It is characterized by the presence of lot of pottery sherds and ash, especially 100cm SW from r89, in an area of almost 150cm. After two pick runs the soil became ashy without patches of the reddish layer. We decided to give a new feature number to the soil in the NW corner: f124. We took a particular view for this feature f124 (v70, 70a, 70b), and afterwards we started removing it. f124 is located from r89 100cm S and 120cm E it is compact and crumby in consistence, characterized by the presence of lots of big pottery sherds, small pieces of carbons and some ash. We collect also one seed sample (q267.1). The floating stone f125, since it was not linked with any feature, was removed and also the pedestal f126 (q268). C1 2006-09-13_Q913PC.J pC As decided yesterday we will dig only in k100 in order to look, in this square, for the possible apron. Today we continued digging f121 (q276), that as yesterday is red bricky, but with patches of ash spread in all the feature; this feature is poor in pottery sherds. After one pick run, we noticed a change in the soil matrix in the S portion of the square. We scraped this area and noticed a pit (f136, r158, r159) which cuts f121. f136 is very well defined since its filling (f137) is composed mainly by ashes and it has a large diameter, approx. 150cm. Being the pit located for most of its extension below the un-excavated S portion k100 (i.e. 100cm N from r134) we called fAB asking him to help us how to proceed. We have two possible options: to dig the small portion of the pit and then the accumlation abutting it and keeping in removing them in two different moments until we will reach the bottom of the pit, or start digging the un-excavated portion of k100 (100cm N from r134), in order to expose the whole pit, and remove it before continuing digging f121 in k100. fAB observed that the pit has a very large diameter, and therefore it is not worth to spend time in digging the un-excavated portion of k100. Since the pit falls in the S baulk of k100 we would not be able to dig all the pit and its fill. C1 2006-09-13_Q913PC.J pC CONTINUED Therefore we decided to proceed in the following way, as fAB suggested: to dig first the fill of the pit (for approx 20-30cm), to cover both the sides and the bottom of the pit with a large plastic (order to avoid the contamination of the pottery) and then to remove f121 in the square and continue until we reach the bottom of the pit. We thus starting to remove the fill of the pit for approx 20-30cm (q237), and then we continue digging f121 (q276); while removing f121 we noticed in the SE corner, for an area of approx. 1m from r87 60cm N, 60cm W, there was a change in the soil matrix, dark brownish, ashy and softer in consistence. We continue digging f121 and after 10cm, in the NW corner we noticed a change in the soil matrix: it is grey-brownish in colour, compact and platy in structure, sloping to the S: at the elevation of m4502 + 1 -163, it misures from r89 50cm S and 170cm E. Therefore, after removing all f121, we understood that the layer we were uncovering was sharply sloping to the S: in the NW corner the top elevation is at m4502 +11 -166 and in the SE corner the bottom elevation is at m4502 +1 -166. Once we reached in all the square the same elevation of the pit as previoulsy excavated, we remove the plastic and we start digging f137 again. f137 continues to be ashy with carbons (we did a charcole sample q273.1) and with few pottery sherds. mkB came and checked the pottery, coming from the pit (q237): she observed that it has only phase 3 and 2 sherds. She saw also the pottery coming from f121 (q276), that it is also phase 3-2. C1 2006-09-14_Q914PC.j pC Today we keep on removing f121 and the pit f137, that cuts on the S f121. f121 presents the same characteristics as yesterday. As we remouved all f121 and exposed f150, we we took some views (v75, 75a, 75b). f150 is sloping to the S portion of the square and has an elevation on the highest point of m4502 -35 -172, on the middle of m4502 -5 -172, in the deepest point of m4502 -51 -172. f150 has a compact surface and it is crumbly and soft in consistence, brownish in colour. It is characterized by the presence of carbons, patches of ash, lot of pottery sherds and bones. After a pick run is more compact, and is characterized by the presence of carbons, melted bricks, small chalcite pebbles (apporx. 1cm). We also finished to remove f81, the remaining W part of the N baulk of k84. f80 is compact on the surface, crumbly in consistence and characterized by the presence of pebbles and lot of pottery sherds (some khabur painted sherds were recognised) and bones. C1 2006-09-15_Q915SC.j sC Today we dig only in k100. We continued to remove f150 in the whole locus, i.e. 280m N and 270m W to r134 (q282). f150 present a compact top surface, that, once removed, it very soft in consistence, and it presents a blocky structure; it is fine in texture, wet, dark brown in color, with small fragments of charchoal which are spread in all the locus; it is not particulary rich in pottery sherds, while several bones have been collected. f150 slopes toward the S portion of the square; this difference in elevation is approximately between 10 to 15cm; this difference charcterized also the SW to the SE. A small fragment of a spatula, in bronze, has been recovered while digging this feature (i3). After the first pick run two large ash lenses have been noticed, close to the N section of the locus (i.e. located at 50cm N and 1m from r89). I took a particular view (v75) and we continued to remove the feature. After the second pick run, we exposed a different surface, characterized by a red coloration: this is a bricky melted layer. We assigned a new feature number to this accumulation, f158, and start digging it in the whole locus (q283). As for f150, also f158 slopes toward the S portion of the square; its top elevation, close to the N section of the locus, is m4502 -55 -166, while close to the S section of the locus is m4502 -68 -166. In a small area close to the N section of k100 f158 is characterized by the presence of brick fragments (i.e. 70cmW and 50cm S from r89). We took a particular view of this small area, and then we start digging f158 (v82, v82a). gB come to our unit, and, suggest to reduce the area we are investigating of 1m, since tomorrow will be the last day of the excavation, And we still need to dig between 35 to 45cm in order to reach the same elevation fo the 4th and 3rd step of the primary Apron in J2. We thus left 100m N from r134, and start digging f158. f158 is a bricky melted layer, very soft and easy to remove. A nice fragment of bronze spatula has been recovered while digging f158 (i4). Given that f158 is very wet, I was really surprised for the nice condition of preservation: the bronze it is very well preserved and does not present any corrosion. I took a particular view of i4, and then we continued digging f158. At the end of the day (and after digging f158 only the first pick run), we expose another compact surface, which is characterized by a red colour, white inclusions (calcium?) and charcoal. Tomorrow we will assigne a new fature number, we will take a photo and and we will start to remove it. C1 2006-09-16_Q918SC.j sC Today was the last day of excavation for this season. We continued digging f158. After one pick run, at the elevation of m4502 +76 -171, we found a very compact and hard surface, sloping S. We decided to expose it all and to give a new feature number (f160). f160 is very compact and has a platy structure. After a pick run f160 is characterized by the presence of melted bricks, small fragments of chalcite, broken stones (10cm) and phytolits, and seems that has been 'exposed' for a long period to water. A patch of ash (aprox. 50cm in diameter) was very marked (located aprox. at 20cm W from the E baulk of k100). After a brief meeting in the field with gB and J04 staff, we decided to dig a small sounding, reducing the area of excavation in k100 to 100cmx100cm (which has been relayed from r89), in order to reach the goal for this season, i.e., find the steps of the primary Apron here (or, eventually, discover that they are not located here as we where thinking) given that we are, within k100 (in the portion of the locus where f158 has been exposed) almost at the same elevation as the 3rd step of the so called 'moumental staircase' J02f130. We did dug for aprox. 50cm (f160), without exposing any stone. Thus, we decided to do some soundings with a metal stick (long aprox. 50cm) in order to chech if there is any stone within f160, but no stones have been intercepted: this thus indicates that the Apron does not continue in J04 area, and that wall f128 and f129 are the boudary to the east of the Apron. v98 shows that the Apron, as it has been found in J02 unit, does not continue in k71 (we reach in the NW corner of locus k100 the same elevation as the 3rd step of staircase J02f130). We stop digging in this locus, with the aim of re-thinking about the organization of the area east to the 'moumental staircase' J02f130 and wall J02f129, since, the idea that Apron could have had a specular structure, as we suppose at the beginning of this excavation season, turned out to be incorrect. C2 2006-09-12_Q912PC.j pC Since we have only 3 days before the end of the excavation, and there is a need of workmen in J1, we will be working in J4 with only one team of workmen. We will be working mainly in k100 in order to look for the possible steps of the primary Apron in this locus. In order to reach our goal gB suggested to reduce the excavation area in k100. We strung at 100cm from r87 (SW) and r87 (SE), and took a relay of the new SE corner in this locus (r134). C2 2006-09-15_Q915SC.j sC Tomorrow will be the last day of excavation. In order to be sure that there is not Apron here, we have to reach in this square the elevation of the 3rd step of the Apron, as it is exposed in J2. At the end of today, we have almost reach the elevation of the 4th step. C99 2010-02-04_U204SC.j sC v90 shows that the Apron as it has been found in J02 area does not continue in k71 (we reach in the NW corner of locus k100 the same elevation as the 3rd step of staircase f130 in J02). We did some soundings with a metal stick long aprox. 50cm in order to chech if there was any stone within f160, but no stones have been intercepted; therefore, the Apron does not continue east to wall J02f129 and thus in J04 unit, and we may thus now think that walls J02f128 and J02f129 are the boundary, on the east, of the Apron. D1a 2006-09-11_Q922PC.j pc f121 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j pc f124 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f125 D1a 2006-09-12_Q922PC.j sc f126 D1a 2006-09-13_Q922PC.j sc f137 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j pc f150 D1a 2006-09-14_Q922PC.j sc f156 D1a 2006-09-15_Q922PC.j sc f158 D1a 2006-09-16_Q922PC.j cc f160 D1a 2006-08-13_Q923CC.j vn i2 D1a 2006-08-15_Q923CC.j sc i3 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q260 D1a 2006-09-11_Q910CC.j vn q263 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j pc q264 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j pc q266 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j re q267 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j re q268 D1a 2006-09-12_Q910CC.j re q269 D1a 2006-09-13_Q910CC.j pc q273 D1a 2006-09-13_Q910CC.j sc q276 D1a 2006-09-14_Q910CC.j cc q277 D1a 2006-09-14_Q910CC.j pc q280 D1a 2006-09-14_Q910CC.j pc q281 D1a 2006-09-15_Q910CC.j cc q282 D1a 2006-09-15_Q910CC.j sc q283 D1a 2006-09-16_Q910CC.j cc q284 D1a 2006-09-16_Q910CC.j sc q285 D3 2006-09-11_Q915VN-R.j pC r85 (39226 51869 - 4453 / Relay location: N/E corner k100) D3 2006-09-11_Q915VN-R.j pC r86 (39330 51562 - 4453 / Relay location: N/W corner) D3 2006-09-11_Q915VN-R.j pC r87 (38902 51753 - 4453 / Relay location: S/E corner) D3 2006-09-11_Q915VN-R.j pC r89 (39319 51618 - 4453 / Relay location: N/W corner baulk k100) D3 2006-09-11_Q915VN-R.j pC r90 (38975 51517 - 4453 / Relay location: S/W corner) D3 2006-09-16_Q928PC-R.j pc r151 (39156 51576 - 4381 / Relay location: k100) D3 2006-09-22_Q928PC2R.j vn r88 (39006 51420 - 4453 / Relay location: point) O15 2010-03-21_U321SC2.j sC v65 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v70 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v70a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v70b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v70c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v72 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v75 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v75a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v75b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v77 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v82 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v82a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v82b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v83 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v83a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v84 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v84a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v84b O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v84c O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v84d O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v85 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v85a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v90 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v90a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v91 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v91a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v95 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v95a O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v97 O15 2010-03-21_U321SC3.j sC v99 ; J4k136 D1a 2006-09-13_Q922PC.j pc f136