.bk J05 .fl S818sNP.j .fd items description .fn i27 i28 q135.1 q180.1 q187.1 q203.1 q204.1 q204.2 q204.3 q204.4 q205.1 q205.2 q211.1 .ei sNP .ed S818 .rd S816 .ri sNP i 27 ct la df gr ds two grinding stones, found together. Both are basalt pestles, with soil encrustation on half of their body. The biggest (i27.1) is borken on both sides, and one extremity is missing; the visible part is very smooth. The smaller (i27.2) is complete, cylindric shaped with a flat base , smooth in the lower part (dimension: lg 10.6, ht 6.4, w2 5.2). Both have signs of usage. wm basalt lg 15.3 ht 7.1 w2 6.7 co black cn almost complete P99 Individually photographed and stored as i27.1 and i27.2. i 27.1 ct la df gr i 27.2 ct la df gr i 28 df uc ct ma ds bronze fragment, in very poor conditions: oxidated patina, and soil encrustation on it. wm bronze lg 1.65 ht 0.46 w2 0.44 co metal green cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed q 135.1 ct cv df pl ds Fragmentary Nuzi dish, reassembled in two big parts, not connected between them. The bigger reassembled part consists in 10 sherds, the other one in 5 sherds. There are other 6 fragment probably pertinent to the same object, but not connectable. These fragments give us about the half of the original object: the other half is lost. A red band of 2.3 cm is painted on the interior rim. The original diameter was about 32/34 cm, the jutting out base has a diameter of 12 cm (1/3 of the whole vessel). In the interior part, is possible to follow the lines left by the wheel. wm clay ht 9 w1 33 w3 12 co reddish yellow c# 5YR 7/6 cn fragments reassembled ;P99 to be photographed q 180.1 df fg ds head of an animal figurine, possibly a gazelle. Its left ear seems broken, buthas a globular part jutting out in the bottom, which may indicate a different shape of thew two ears. The long snout is flat in the vertical way, and the mouth lightly shaped. Some soil encrustation on the top. wm clay lg 6.08 ht 5.87 w2 3.23 co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 cn broken P2 ZSB 2-21 q 187.1 df fg ds head of an animal figurine, snout and ears preserved. Possibly a cow, but a dark brown band painted across his snout may suggest to identificate it as a horse. Also, bridle can be suggrdt by a jutting out line of clay under its throath. The lower part of this animal head is concave shaped, which suggest that the item could have been applied on a clay vessl or other object. wm clay lg 4.98 ht 3.6 w2 3.56 co pale yellow c# 2,5Y 7/3 cn complete P99 to be photographed q 203.1 df pol ct la ds lithic polishing tool. The side is broken in a very regular way, whic possibly indicate an artificial cut to shape the object. Smooth surfaces, with soil encrustation. The body has white quarz inclusions. wm li lg 9.3 ht 7 w2 4 co dark gray cn broken P99 to be photographed q 204.1 df db ds debitage fragment, with really dense body. Visible the signs of working. wm ob lg 2 ht 1.1 w2 0.7 co black cn fragment P99 to be photographed q 204.2 df bl ds debitage fragment or blade, with really thin body. Triangular section. Visible the signs of working. wm ob lg 1.2 ht 0.5 w2 0.2 co black cn broken P99 to be photographed q 204.3 df bl ds fragment of blade or scraper, very sharp. The body is really thin, almost transparent. wm ob lg 1.4 ht 0.9 w2 0.1 co black cn broken P99 to be photographed q 204.4 df pol ct la ds lithic polishing tool, very smooth in the out surface. The interior surface is very flat, so it could be an artificial cut instead that break. Some soil encrustation on it. wm li lg 5.1 ht 4.7 w2 1.3 co black cn broken P99 to be photographed q 205.1 df bl ds fragment of flint blade, very well cut and smooth and plan. One flat side, the other formed by two slanting surfaces. Two edges preserved, worked with small cuts to make them more sharp. wm li lg 3.6 ht 3.5 w2 0.7 co dark brown cn broken P99 to be photographed q 205.2 df db ds flint core debitage; signs of the blades cut from it. wm li lg 3.7 ht 1.9 w2 1.7 co dark gray cn complete P99 to be photographed q 211.1 ;df to df pi ds bronze pin with flat section; both extremitiesare missing. It is loosing part of the out surface. wm mt lg 5.3 ht 0.5 w2 0.3 co dark gray cn fragmentary P99 to be photographed