.bk J05 .fl S819sNP1.j .fd items description .fn q173.2 q180.2 q184.2 q213.1 q226.3 q229.1; Edited by jW on U209 .ei sNP .ed S819 .rd S819 .ri sNP qi 173.1 df shell ds two intact snail shells. K99 Field data recorded but apparently no laboratory data recorded. q 173.2 ct la df gr ds half of a big mortar, the interior concave part beeing very smooth for usage. The Soil encrustation on most of the out surface. wm li lg 21.6 ht 16 w2 12.7 co ivory cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 173.4 df bl ds obsidian scraper blade. wm ob K99 Field data obtained and recorded but apparently no laboratory data recorded. q 174.3 df bl ds Fragment of a flint blade wm li K99 Field data obtained and recorded but apparently no laboratory data recorded. q 174.4 df bl ds Fragment of an obsidian scraper blade. wm ob K99 Field data obtained and recorded but apparently no laboratory data recorded. q 177.1 df bd-c ds toroidally shaped clay bead with flattened bottom. wm clay K99 Field data recorded but apparently no laboratory data recorded. q 180.2 ;ct sp df la ds lithic fragment, possibly a mica. Black on the out sides, very pale brown in the interiors. Flat surfaces. wm li lg 2.3 ht 1 w2 0.8 co black and very pale brown cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed q 184.2 df kw ds shapeless kilnwaste. Green and smooth on most surfaces, rough on other. Some soil encrustation on it. wm clay lg 2.9 ht 2.4 w2 2.1 co olive green cn complete ;P99 to be photographed q 213.1 df bl ds fragment of obsidian blade, triangular section, flat surfaces. wm ob lg 1.1 ht 0.9 w2 0.2 co black cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed q 226.3 df cl ds fragmentary clay lump, without seal impressions. Triangular shape. wm clay lg 3.6 ht 2.4 w2 1.9 co dark brownish gray cn fragmentary ;P99 to be photographed q 229.1 df shell ds almost complete shell, white on its head and gradually moving to pink through its laminar structure. Possibly has been used as bead for a jewelery, because on her top has a very regular and centred hole. wm sh lg 2.6 ht 2.4 w2 0.7 co pink and white cn almost complete ;P99 to be photographed q 226.1 df kw K99 No laboratory data recorded. Field data and photographs provide an adequate description.