.bk J05 .fl S825sNP.j .fd items description .fn i21 i30 q125.1 q168.1 q252.1 q252.2 q256.1 q257.1 q231.1 q231.2 q231.6 q231.7 q232.4 q234.1 .ei sNP .ed S825 .rd S825 .ri sNP i 21 ;df to ds top part of an unknown metal tool. Very flat, trapezoidal shape. The surfaces are covered by soil encrustation, and probably oxidated. wm bronze lg 3.4 ht 1.5 w2 0.1 co metalic green cn broken ;P99 to be photographed i 30 df a-bone ds animal bones, quadruped. At least an entire leg, from the shoulder till the extremity of the claw, is preserved. wm bn cn fragments ;P2 temporarily stored in bones laboratory q 125.1 df uc ct ca ds broken clay disc, possibly a token or spindle whorl. Burnished surfaces, one flat and the opposite one convex. wm clay-baked lg 3.3 ht 2.6 w2 0.7 co dark brownish gray cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 252.1 df shell ds very small spiral shell. The top is holed. wm sh lg 0.7 ht 0.6 w2 0.3 co pinkish gray cn almost complete ;P99 to be photographed q 252.2 df pol ds fragment of a lithic tool: a pestle or a polishing tool. Almost conic shape. The surface is very smooth, most of all in one side with a lighter color. The object seems cut, beeing broken in a very regular way, perpendicular to the length. Few soil encrustation on it. wm li lg 6.5 ht 5.6 w2 3.8 co pale brown and reddish gray cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 256.1 df bl ds small flint blade. The front is made by three irregular surfaces, while the back is a unique flat and smooth surfaces. Few signs or remodeling to make the edges sharper. Few soil encrustation on it. wm flint lg 2.6 ht 1.4 w2 0.6 co dark pinkish gray cn complete ;P99 to be photographed q 257.1 df bl ds fragment of flint blade, triangular section. The edges are remodeled with small cut and depression to make them sharper. wm flint lg 3.7 ht 2.9 w2 0.6 co pinkish gray cn broken ;P99 to be photographed .rd S817 .ri eE q 168.1 df we sd ar ds this solid cast, leaf shaped arrow head is made of a copper ally and was likely produced in quantities using stone moulds. The leaf-shaped piece is constructed with a long diamond shaped shaft that covers roughly 1/3 of the entire lenght. There is a gradual taper throughout the lenght of the shaft, for about 3 cm. Following this point, the head of the piece emerges with a more pronounced taper, reaching a max width of 1.34 cm before it tapers again to a point. Despite heavy soil encrustation as well as oxidation, there is enough evidence for a midrib along the center of the arrow head. It is interesting to compare to piece A20.30, which follows nearly the same dimensions - adding impetus to the idea of a common mould, despite the lack of a visible midrib on the A20 piece. wm bronze lg 8.23 ht 1.34 w1 0.51 nm w1 is taken from the approximate center of the diamond shaped shaft co green with soil encrustations cn complete .rd S820 .ri dL q 231.1 df db ds big piece of flint, debitage or maybe part of a core; it has flat sides but no sharp edges. wm flint lg 5 ht 5 w2 2.4 co pale brown cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 231.2 df bl ds small piece of obsidian; just one of the edges is sharp, and that suggest that this is a fragment of a bigger blade. wm ob lg 1.95 ht 0.78 w2 0.35 co black cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed q 231.6 ;ct ca df kw ds amorphous kiln waste rich of rounded clumps with a smooth surface; some white inclusions are present. wm clay lg 5.3 ht 2.9 w2 4 co greenish gray cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 231.7 ;ct ca df kw ds almost cylindrical kiln waste, composed of two discs with some clumps. wm clay lg 1.9 ht 1.6 w2 1.5 co pale brown cn complete ;P99 to be photographed q 232.4 df bl ds piece of an obsidian blade with signs of usage and remodeling; trapezoidal shape. wm ob lg 2.55 ht 2.5 w2 2.15 co black cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 234.1 df db ds small fragment of obsidian with a flat side. The dimensions and the absence of sharp edges suggest that is a debitage instead of a fragment of a blade. wm ob lg 1.5 ht 0.9 w2 0.45 co black cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed