.bk J05 .fl T729sE.j .fd view log .fn v155-160 .ei sE .ed T729 .rd T723 .ri sE v 155 SW gk105 gf41,74,205,200,207,208 gi45 This view shows the staircase f205 in conjuction with the wall f41 and a patch of pebbles where there is also a grinding stone, i45. In the arbitrary section that has been cut S of f74 it is possible to see alternating brownish-reddish layers (mudbricks?). 155a m NE gk105 gf41,74,205,200 gi45 Showing the relation between the patch of pebbles and the three steps of the staircase f205. 156 W gf202,74,161,208,200,41 gk105 View of the western section of k105, where a black layer of ash is evident. It shows also f74 S to the steps of f205, with a flat surface; in the western section of this area is visible a reddish soil alternating with brownish layers. 156a t W gf74,41,200 gk105 close-up of the western section (arbitrary) of f74, where there are some spots of reddish color. 156b t S gf74,41,3 gk105 close-up of the southern section of f74 (arbitrary), with alternating layers of brownish and reddish material. 156c t SE gf74,41,3 gk105 close-up of the corner formed by the wall f41 and the southern section of f74, showing the layers of different colors. .rd T725 .ri sE 157 NE gf201,211,184,158,186,3,189 gk106 View of two big stones f210 and f211 that are west of the revetment wall f3 in corrispondence with the wall f186. We are going to remove them, looking for the escarpment f184 that is visible on the right and that is still covered by f158. 157a t NW gf211,158,189,3 gk106 Showing f211, one big stone with several smaller stones below, that sits on f158. 157b t NW gf210,158,189 gk106 Showing f210, a big rectangular-shaped stone next to the old revetment wall f189, that sits on f158. .rd T726 .ri eA 158 NW gf184,158 gk106 Eastern section of k106, without string. It shows the sloping of the escarpment f184, and its connection with the feature that is on top of it, f158. .rd T728 .ri sE 159 W gf209,212,215,214,41,3,99,200 gk105 This photograph shows the entire western section of k105: under the natural accumulation f209 there is a silty layer f212, a patch of yellowish material similar to the baqaya f214 and a layer rather thick of ashes, f215. All this features are above the hardest f74. 159a m W gf209,212,215,214,200,74 gk105 Closer view of the higher and the lower western sections of k105, that document several periods of abandonment and natural accumulation. 160 O gf188,216,217,213,84 gk100 Overhead view of the boundaring area between J5 and J1, with two big stones f216 and f217 covering the floor with sherds and bones f213 (=J1f313); it documents also the relation between this floor and the stone-installation f188, that seems to continue under the escarpment f184.