.bk J05 .fl T805sE2.j .fd view log .fn v168-172 .ei sE .ed T805 .rd T802 .ri jN v 168 N gk 33,34 gf70,128,20,21,37,126,237,40,229,234,233,41,240,194,230,239,232,218 Main view document the bottom of f230 against f41 facing north. Trying to determine how surface f230 is related to f41. 168a m E gk 33,34 gf70,128,20,21,37,126,237,40,229,234,233,41,240,194,230,239,232,218 Facing E wide view to show the relationship of the bottom of f229 to f205, f41, and f21. 168b t E gk 33 gf128,21,126,40,229,233,41,230,239,218 Facing E closer view of the wall f41 in relationship to f21. 168c m E gk 33,34 gf70,20,21,37,126,40,229,233,41,194,230 Facing E closer view of the surface f230 in relation to f41. 168d W gk 33 gf128,21,229,233,41,230,239,218 Facing W showing excavated top of f230 that was not visible in previous views. 169 S gk106 gf228,158 Facing S, pit f228 in relation to balk and escarpment 169a t S gk106 gf228,158 Facing S, closeup view of the pit after contents f227 completely excavated 170 N gk33 gf74,205,232,230,231,222,194,218,234,239,237,240 Facing N northern portion of f222 before excavation showing unusual concentration of pottery and bones. 170a m E gk33 gf74,205,232,230,231,222,194,218,239 Facing E document relation of f222 to surrounding features. 171 E gk33 gf21,41,128 Shows the probe under staircase f21, reveal stones of f41 underneath f21 and surface f230 abutting the wall f41. 171a m E gk33 gf21,41,128 Before excavation of f128, cut under staircase f21 to see if f41 wall continues underneath surface f230. 171b m E gk33 gf21,41,128 After the excavation, cement blocks fill in hole created by probe (temporarily) to support lowest step of f21. .rd T803 .ri jN 172 E gk 100 Document condition of area before excavation (area N and E to J1k7, taking down baulks)