.bk J05 .fl T812jW.j .fd Daily journal for T812 .fn f258-f261 .ei jW .ed T812 .rd T812 .ri jW -wk Fourteen of fifteen assigned workmen reported. Sipan again absent. Omo became ill and was sent home at breakfast. -dy In k106 we continued to excavate west in f252 and f242 in a strip about one meter wide next to the north baulk of k100. The purpose was to expose the southernmost rows of stones of ^esc1, f225. As we proceeded northward, the lowest row of stones disappeared, and the next highest was covered by a dense layer of sherds. This may indicate that we are reaching the west end of the Third Millennium revetment wall, f189.
In k105 we cleared the last of the sloping surface, f251 from atop the brick wall, a11. a 11 ds A low brick wall running roughly west to east across the middle of k105. It intersects stone wall, f41 at an oblique angle at its western terminus. The components, discovered several weeks apart are: the bricks of f245 near f41, the bricks of f255 near the west baulk of the locus, and the cut of a water channel, f260, in the middle of the wall. The purpose seems to be to be a retaining wall for the pebble pavement, f254 which abuts it to the north. f 255 dy The bricks used to construct this wall are 40cm wide and the course is two and a half bricks wide. The width of the wall is 102cm. f 258 ds A soft, brown, powdery soil in the far southwest part of k105. It surrounds the southwestern corner of the Mittani period revetment wall, f3, but is not a part of it or its soil foundation, being more than a meter lower than the lowest stone of f3. It covers an organized stone installation, f261, whose form and function we do not yet know. f 259 ds Clean, yellowish-brown accumlation under accumulation, f256, to the south of wall, a11, in the middle of k105. It abuts the early cut stone wall, f41 and may have been the first accumulation against it after it was built. dy At the end of the day, we excavated below a large stone and found a group of smaller stones, which may or may not be the foundation for f41. f259 should be the earliest accumulation against it and if it contains sufficient sherds, we may be able to approximately date the time of construction. hQ made a rapid examination of the pottery and noticed that it contained some sherds from Phase 3. tc ab f41 f 260 ds A channel cut into the bricks of a11 by the action of flowing water. In the channel are elements of pebble pavement, f254, immediately to the north and slightly uphill from wall, a11. tc cu f255 f 261 ds A group of large, cut limestone blocks in the far southeast corner of k105. As they are just being uncovered, we do not know the organization, extent, of function of them. However, as a first impression, they do seem organized. -sg On T813, we will concentrate our resources near the baulk which separates k105 from k106. In k105, we will excavate accumlation, f259, just south of brick wall, a11. It is probable that we are near the bottom of stone wall, f41. If so, we may be able to date the approximate time of its construction by analyzing the sherds from f259, which abuts f41. Just to the south, we will continue to excavate accumlation, f258, which is a part of the east baulk of k106 and extents north and west from it to accumlation, f259. Thus, we will fully expose the installation of large cut stone blocks, f261, and can then determine the form and function of them. At the northeast corner of wall, a11, there is a small patch of the pebble pavement, f254, which when excavated, will tell us whether or not there is a fifth "step" of the stone structure, f205. We will also revmove the rest of the f254 pebbles north of the a11 brick wall.
In k106, we will concentrate all of our resources toward excavating westward the 100cm wide strip of soil features, f252 and f242, which either abut or are a part of ^esc2. When we reach the west baulk of k106, we will turn to the north and excavate along the baulk to the revetment wall, f189. Since the stones of ^esc1 are retreating toward f189, it may mean that we are nearing the west end of f189. If ^esc1 is not found, it means that the wall end is farther to the east. If so, we will excavate ^esc2 to the east until the western end is found. ;^ esc1 a 711 ev fAB raised the issue of which wall system ^esc1 follows as it approaches the western extent of the revetment wall, f189. Does it follow f189 and end with it, or does it continue further to the west and protect wall, f41 also, receeding under the Mittani revetment wall, f3.