.bk J05 .fl T901jW.j .fd Aggregate Log .fn a8-a12, a13 .ei jW .ed T901 .rd T901 .ri jW a 8 105 sb f74 q299.1 i39,40,41,42 A cache of 31 sling balls in several clusters of complete balls and fragments found in soil ( f74) in a 50 cm long rectangle atop the steps of stair, f205. Aside one of the clusters was a lump of raw clay (q299.1), which by visual inspection was identical to that seen in the balls. This suggests that they were being manufactured here. 9 105 gr f74 i34,35 Two fist-sized basalt pestals and and some flakes of bronze found just to the west of the top exposed step of stair, f205. One of the pestals had a piece of bronze imbedded in it. 10 12 st-is f186,4 The decorative top of a Mittani rebuild of the revetment wall system. The extant parts are several clusters of melon-sized stones, but from their position, we can hypothesize that the area bounded by the EDIII revetment wall, f189 to the south; a double line of stones, f186 to the east; and the Mittani revetment wall, f3, to the west includes all of them. (Note that the location of the northern boundary has not been established due to the fact that the features which cover it have not been excavated.) 11 105 dam f245,255,260 A low brick wall running roughly west to east across the middle of k105. It intersects stone wall, f41 at an oblique angle at its western terminus. The components, discovered several weeks apart are: the bricks of f245 near f41, the bricks of f255 near the west baulk of the locus, and the cut of a water channel, f260, in the middle of the wall. The purpose seems to be to be a retaining wall for the pebble pavement, f254 which abuts it to the north. The system is the last attempt to control the water flow from north to south past the west face of revetment wall, f41. 12 105 staircase f194,205,257,266,276 A complex stepped stone structure high and square in the north and stepped down to the south. It abuts the northern extension of the EDIII revetment wall, f41, and appears to be constructed on accumulations preliminarily dated to the Early Dynastic III period by mKB. Its purpose appears to provice access to the top of the pre-EDIII revetment wall from accumulations covering its escarpment. It also served to deflect the north to south flow of flood water away from the revetment wall system. 13 23 gr q38.1,38.2,38.3,38.6,38.7,38.8,38.9,38.10,38.11 i16,17,18 f23,30 A collection of twelve basalt grindstones (pestals) found in adjacent accumlations (f23 and f30) surrounding a late Mittani period stone structure, ^bin1. Neither debitage nor mortars were found in the vicinity. This suggests that they were not manufactured or used in processing there. It is possible that the bin was a distribution point.