.bk J05 .fl T919jN.j .fd Item description .fn edited by jW on U221 .rd T919 .ri jN .ed T919 .ei jN i 52 ct cv df cup ds Conical cup dated to the EDIII period. There are four sherds, three of which fit together. It is relatively complete although none of the rim survived. It is greenish in color and striations from the potter's wheel are visible on the bottom. It is .2 cm thick. ht 4.8 w1 7.5 w2 4 wm ceramic co Green i 55.1 ct cv df cup ds This is a single conical cup sherd but a complete side is preserved from rim to base. It is a wheel thrown cup from the EDIII period. The body is .3 cm thick and the rim is .25 cm thick. ht 6 w1 7.7 wm ceramic co Green C99 Items 55.1,55.2, and 55.3 were found nested together and collected as a single item before we realized the sherds were part of three different vessels. i 55.2 ct cv df cup ds This is a single rim conical cup sherd. It is pale green and has a satiny feel. The rim tapers to a thickness of .1 cm. The body is .4 cm thick. ht 7.2 w1 6.8 wm ceramic co Green C99 Items 55.1,55.2, and 55.3 were found nested together and collected as a single item before we realized the sherds were part of three different vessels. i 55.3 ct cv df cup ds This is a conical cup base sherd plus six additional body sherds. Based on color and thickness, the body sherds seem to belong to this base. It is a darker green than the previous two. It is .2 cm thick and shows evidence of wheel marks. ht 6.2 w1 7.1 wm ceramic co Green C99 Items 55.1,55.2, and 55.3 were found nested together and collected as a single item before we realized the sherds were part of three different vessels. i 56 ;df wire sd wire df ma ds This is a thin piece of very fragile wire plus another small piece about 1 cm long. It is slightly curved. The small piece is a very small blob at the end of it. lg 5 w1 .1 wm mt i 55 ct cv df cup ds A cache of sherds from at least three conical cups, fully described as sub-items i55.1, i55.2, and i55.3. O99 See sub-items for photogaphs. P99 See sub-items for storage data.