.bk J05 .fl S719mO3.r .fd relay log .fn from r106 to r142 and r175 .ei mO .ed S719 .rd S717 .ri dl r q24 p 106 corner of f16 SW corner t m4671 394 m4672 553 m4667 49 142 ;f16 p 107 corner of f16 NW corner t f16 p 108 corner of f16 NE corner t m4425 558 m4674 393 m4674 22 141 f16 p 109 corner of f16 SE corner t m4425 392 m4674 546 m4425 37 141 f16 p 110 corner of f16 SW corner t m4675 550 m4716 392 m4772 113 141 f18 p 111 corner of f18 NW corner t m4751 400 m4752 568 m4751 153 141 f18 p 112 corner of f18 SW corner t m4751 564 m4752 400 m4755 128 141 f18 p 113 corner of f18 SE corner t m4743 400 m4750 567 m4741 134 141 f18 p 114 corner of f18 NE corner t m4743 564 m4750 400 m4747 134 141 i9 fg 115 corner of f18 center t m4750 284 m4751 176 m4751 125 141 .ri lH f22 ad 116 corner of the f22 NW t m4675 361 m4716 301 m4716 31 141 f22 ad 117 corner of the f22 NE t m4675 332 m4716 262 m4425 29 141 f22 ad 118 corner of the f22 E t m4675 322 m4716 245 m4425 26 141 f22 ad 119 corner of the f22 SE t m4675 384 m4716 198 m4425 29 141 f22 ad 120 corner of the f22 SW t m4675 459 m4716 312 m4425 32 141 f22 ad 121 corner of the f22 W t m4675 429 m4716 312 m4425 30 141 q27 p 122 corner of f22 SE corner t m4748 355 m4747 562 m4748 96 141 f23 ad 123 corner of f23 NW corner t m4716 438 m4425 192 m4425 46 142 f23 ad 124 corner of f23 NE corner t m4716 197 m4425 442 m4716 37 142 f23 ad 125 corner of f23 SW corner t m4675 557 m4716 400 m4425 36 142 f23 ad 126 corner of f23 SE corner t m4674 550 m4675 392 m4425 42 142 .ri mO i10 st 127 center i10 S t m4716 268 m4425 207 m4425 48 142 .ri dL f24 st 128 corner of f24 N t m4425 237 m4674 306 m4425 38 141 f24 st 129 corner of f24 NE t m4425 243 m4674 327 m4425 37 141 f24 st 130 corner of f24 SE t m4425 213 m4674 384 m4425 40 141 f24 st 131 corner of f24 SW t m4425 186 m4674 359 m4425 35 141 f24 st 132 corner of f24 NW t m4425 201 m4674 307 m4425 34 141 f25 ad 133 corner of f25 NW t m4425 204 m4674 269 m4425 29 141 f25 ad 134 corner of f25 E t m4425 263 m4674 351 m4425 29 141 f25 ad 135 corner of f25 SW t m4425 165 m4674 386 m4425 34 141 i11 p 136 center of i11 t m4425 234 m4674 332 m4425 14 141 .ri mO q30 p 137 corner of q30 t m4751 400 m4752 560 m4751 128 141 q31 p 138 corner of q31 t m4749 395 m4747 394 m4671 81 141 f27 bu 139 corner of f27 t m4750 333 m4751 178 m4747 101 141 f27 bu 140 corner of f27 t m4750 385 m4751 160 m4747 99 141 f27 bu 141 corner of f27 t m4750 383 m4751 182 m4747 100 141 f27 bu 142 corner of f27 t m4750 343 m4751 198 m4747 105 141 i12 hb 175 skull top of f27 burial center t m4750 347 m4751 197 m4747 112 141