Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)

J5 Synthetic View/ Stratighraphy

Volumetric data (“topography”) for Unit J5

James L. Walker – May 2020

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The general approach to volumetry is explained fully in the relevant section of the Grammar.

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Size and volume of excavations

The J5 excavations in 2008 comprised fifteen 5x5m loci, and three odd sized ones (k1, k11, and k21) for a total exposed area of 450 square meters. Excavations were concentrated in two sections: one the Mittani western expansion of access to the BA temple, the other exposure of the EDIII monumental wall. Generally the excavations did not exceed 2 meters below the surface except where earlier excavations under J1 had exposed portionns of the EDIII wall. An estimated 800 cubic meters were excavated across J5 that season.

The J5 excavations in 2009 were more limited and focused on exposing more of the EDIII revetment wall and its protective systems. An estimated 100 cubic meters were removed that season, for a total of 900 cubic meters over the two seasons.

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