.bk J6 .fl S728hQ.j .fd feature descriptions, k200 daily journal, feature log, q-lot log .rd S728 .ri hQ .ed S728 f 37 ds it is a soft soil located in k85 under f35. f37 is a light brown soft soil full of pebbles most of them hand size with some chunks and a lot of sherds. We recognize in this feature 8 pieces of ancient cement. f 60 ds f60 is located in k85 under f37 and covers the whole locus. f60 is a soft soil that comes out in big chunks and is characterized by the presence of small round stones and a lot of laminations. A big floating stone was removed from this feature. f 63 ds it is located in k84 under f55. f63 is a very compact surface sloping sharply to the south west; it is gray in color, but in the northern part of the locus it becomes reddish. f 66 ds it is located in the western baulk of k84. It is a natural accumulation characterized by a soft soil composed of f32,f38,f41. f 67 ds it is located in the western baulk of k84; at the top is a compact surface same as f46; then under the floor there is the brickfall same as f52 and f53. f 40 ds it is a floating stone located in k85 between feature f35 and f37. It is rectangular in shape with a flat smooth surface. .ed S728 .ei cJC .rd S728 .ri cJC f 59 df ac f 61 df ly ds Medium hard with chunks when picked. No real defined bricks but probably it is a brickmelt. When the chunks are broken the material is very fine and soft. There are also some softer and harder patches. f 64 ;df w ds It is composed mostly of melted bricks but they are clearly in a line. Right now it appears that it is a wall or part of a structure. There is a face of bricks (not very well defined) facing the west. It is composed of light brown almost grey bricks. f 65 df ly ds Very fine material. Some areas, when picked with the small pick, come apart in chunks. There are melted bricks. The feature is softer near where it touches f64 and gets progressively harder moving west. A large body sherd (possibly from a storage jar) was found in the center of the feature. f 68 ;df brickmelt ds This feature is composed of a soft fine dirt that scrapes easily. It has few inclusions. It has some very soft melted bricks that are not well defined in shape. It is a very light brown almost gray color. This feature is similar to (probably the same as) f61 which is directly above it. The feature was changed due to the presence of bricks nearby. The area of the feature is defined in the east by the edge of the square k74 and in the east it is defined by relays r136, r137 and r138. k 200 dy Today the goal was to finish cleaning the area of the trench. Near the north end of k200 was a large pile of stones buried under some dirt and mixed with plastic and other modern materials. These stones are presumably backfill from the previous excavations in the trench. I consulted with fAB in the morning and he suggested they be removed and piled in the J02 area so they could be removed at a later date. The stones were removed and the rest of the dirt was moved out of k200 via the shafat. The workmen finished cleaning right before the end of the day. In the morning bP came and made measurements of the tannur in the southern end of the trench so that it would not need to be relayed. The tannur will probably be added to the J07 book instead of J06 when J07 is opened. Tomorrow I think we will stop working in k200. f .rd S729 .ri eA 59 74 ld m4830 130 161 m4870 107 164 removed S728 cl .ri hQ 60 85 ld m4865 125 161 cl light brown soft .ri cJC 61 75 m4864 146 140 m4864 106 140 removed S728 cl light brown .ri hQ 62 84 st m4866 107 129 li 63 84 m4866 116 143 reddish brown hard compact .ri cJC 64 74 ly m4870 108 164 cl light brown 65 74 a m4870 107 164 cl brown .ri hQ 66 84 ld m4805 0 0 m4867 160 140 removed S728 cl 67 84 fb m4867 160 140 .ri cJC 68 75 ly m4864 106 140 cl light brown soft q .rd S728 .ri eA 92 p,b f37 k85 m4865 400 S 400 W 4865 135 153 93 p,b f55 k84 m4866 234 S 157 W m4866 144 153 .ri cJC 94 p,b f29 k200 Cleaning k200 "German trench" .ri eA 95 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 96 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 97 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 98 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 99 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 100 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 101 p f37 k85 k4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 20 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery .ri cJC 102 p,b f59 k74 m4862 400 N 400 E m4830 130 161 30 103 p f59 k74 m4862 400 N 400 E m4830 130 161 30 .ri eA 104 p f37 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 feature with pebbles and lots of pottery 105 p f37 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 135 153 .ri hQ 106 p f60 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 125 153 .ri cJC 107 p f61 k75 m3813 400 N 400 E m4864 146 161 20 .ri eA 108 p f60 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 125 153 109 p,b f60 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 125 153 110 p f60 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 125 153 .ri cJC 111 p f65 k74 m4871 400 S 350 S m4870 107 164 10 .ri eA 112 p,b f60 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 125 153 .ri hQ 113 p,b f66 k84 m4805 100 W 210 N m4805 0 0 western baulk .ri pC 114 p f65 k74 m4871 400 S 350 E m4870 107 164 .ri eA 115 p f60 k85 m4865 300 W 390 S m4865 125 153 116 p,b f66 k84 m4805 100 W 210 N m4805 0 0 .ri cJC 117 p f68 k75 m4721 400 N 300 W m4864 106 140 10 This q-lot is triangular in shape. The marker is at the right angle. .ri pC 118 p,b f65 k74 m4871 400 S 350 E m4870 107 164 5 .ri cJC 119 p,b f65 k74 m4871 400 S 350 E m4870 107 164 20 .ri eA 120 p f67 k84 m4867 300 S 100 W m4867 160 140 40 f67 mix of floor f46 fb and brickfall f53