.bk J06 .fl S817cvp.j .fd dy journal .ed S818 .ei cVP .rd S817 .ri cVP k 85 dy the only operation that has been done in this square today has been the drawing of the West section, in order to be able to excavate the western Baulk tomorrow k 84 dy After diggin the "glacis" f132 down the NW corner, it dissapear showing a strip of pebble floor running NS-SW, not even a meter wide, called f140. This also disappear so the NW corner of the square is filled by a soft brown soil called f141. Cutting the glacis and also a part of the pebble floor, an elongated pit filled with ashy soil has been found. The cut is not very deep, some 15 cm, and the bottom is also brown soil. In its interior the ashy filling contained one sealing, a piece of inlaid and a small miniature vessel f 141 df ab ds brown, very soft soil, abuting pc f140 and covering ashy layer f142, found initially just in NW corner of k84 tc ab f140 tc ov f142 f 140 ds pebble floor covered by (or maybe just being part of) glacis f132, brown earth, compacted with pebbles and pottery sherds, it is possible that it is the same floor that f135 in k85 tc ov f141 tc ov f142 f 142 df ab ds first discovered while digging up the glacis f132, in a elongated spot running NE-SW, along the pebble floor f140, at the beginning it seemed to cut f132 and f140. It is an ashy grey soft soil. We realyed the zone opened today, that was not very deep, some 15 cm, and at the bottom there was a brown soil. The filling today gives a sealing, a piece of inlaid and a small miniature vessel. .rd S818 .ri cVP k 85 dy Today we remove the E baulk k 84 dy Today we clean eveything and make photos of the pebble floor f140, as we are going to remove it. The photos also relate this floor with the one on k85, f135. f 132 pr following the excavation of the ashy layer f142, this feature is being removed tc ov f140 tc ov f142 tc ov f141 f 142 dy The spot of ashes detected yesterday in just a small area seems to be different layers of ashy accumulation that runs down pc f140, and also under the brown soil f141. It slopes down in the south and SW area, where we still have to remove the remains of f141. f 140 pr As the ash f142 we found yesterday seems to go under this pebble floor, we remove it. f 141 pr this brown earth, found originally in the NW corner, is also found parcially under the pebble floor f140, abuting and covering the ashy layer f142. It seems to be the same soil that the one appearing in the south area of the square after having remove the glacis (or the glacis is composed by this earth). It slope down to the NW following the descent of the ashy layer. k 84 dy After cleaning all the surface of our area in this square is seen more clearly the dark spot that would be the continuation of the ashy layer f142 in this square. Of course it is just visible in the strip of earth left as a baulk after south of the deep sounding J04. q 218.2 ct la df pendant ds Small stone pendant. The shape is rectangular, the rear face just smoothed, incised and sculpted. In the lower part of the piece (75 % of the surface) there are 8 incised parallel vertical lines, flanked at both sides by short oblique incised lines. In the upper end of the piece two heads had been sculpted, with a perforated hole in the middle. The heads seem to pertain to some kind of caprid animal, with two holes as eyes and the remnants of the beginning of two horns in the left head. The right head is broken in the middle. It also could be considered as a piece of inlaid. wm li ht 2 lg 1.3 w1 0.45 co grey with white spots cn It is broken