.bk J06 .fl S906cvp.j .fd view log .ed S906 .ei cVP .rd S906 .ri cVP v .rd S831 .ri cVP 121 n gk74,84 gf107,167,187,166,164,159 At the end of the season we made this view to try to understand if there is a connection between f187 found in k74, abutting wall f166, and glacis f164 in k84 (same as J4f150); they are both red and bricky and at a similar elevation. f187 would slope down in a general SW direction 121a w n gk74,84 gf107,167,187,166,164 Subview showing part of the structures in the W baulk of k84, expecially the red glacis f164. 121b w n gk74,84 gf107,167,187,166,164 A closer view so we can see better both glacis, at both sides of the picture. 121c w n gk74,84 gf107,167,187,166,164 Subview from another perspective. 120 s gk84,85,86,74,75 this view shows the final situation at the end of the excavation: ^bf1 and ^bf2 covers almost all J6 and J7. Under it the ^glacis2 and ^glacis3. ^wall5 on top of ^wall6 .rd T119 .ri pC 120a t s gk85,75,74,86 closer shot of the south section of k74 showing ^bf1 and ^bf2 120b t se gk75,86,85 closer shot of the south section of k74 and the East section of k86, showing ^bf1 and ^bf2