.bk J06 .fl T725pC.j .fd feature ds .ed T725 .ei pC .rd T725 .ri pC -dy Today I was in the field and could follow the excavation. until today yM kept the record in the field and ugr k 104 ds k104 is locus taking most of k83. k83 was already excavated in season MZ18 from J2 and in season MZ19 from J4. k83 then was excavated in J4 only in the southern part together with the northern part of k84 as a J4k100. In k104 we expect to find the revetment wall just under the northern stones of the bin f201 dy We removed the 4 western stones of the Bin, f191, wich are the same as J4f193. They have been already drawn in season MZ19 from J4 team. Just under the stones we found the continuation of pit f192. Therefore pit f192 was dug slightly before the construction of the bin. f192 is a large pit characterized by a lot of pottery, some tannur pieces and fragments of a seal impression i22. The soil is dusty, ashy and soft f 192 ds fill of pit cut f199, located in the eastern corner k104. Is a large oval pit, ca 30 cm deep filled with ashy soft soil with lot of pottery and some tannur pieces and a seal impression i22 tc si f199 f 199 ds is the cut of a shallow and almost oval large pit filled with ash f192. Is located in k104, next to wall f129. f199 cuts into glacis f164 tc cu f164 f 197 ds is the bin located in k83 and k73: an almost half moon structure, with stone basement and mudbrick wall. It was exposed in MZ19 from J4. dy f197 has been removed in order to expose glacis f164 tc ca f192 .rd T726 k 104 dy today we continued to remove the pit fill f192 and we found a new feature in the same pit f200: f200 is located in the latest 20 cm of the pit and is characterized by the presence of ash lenses and some red lenses wich are probably pieces of feature f164, into wich pit cut f199 was dug. In the fill of the pit we found other tannur pieces and a lot of pottery, which was sended to mKB to analyze. The pottery dates mostly Phase 4 but there are several Mittani sherds which date the pit to Mittani. This means that the pit was dug directly into 3rd Millennium strata f164. f164 in this area is very high, while is sloping. .rd T727 k 104 dy today we removed accumulation under stones f203, which covers a compacted surface which was interpreted as a floor f204, probably same as glacis f63 or floor f140. This surface covers the pit f192. We removed f204 and we started removing the remaining portion of the pit fill f192, which is always the same as the previuos day: is full of pottery, bones, tannur pieces, lot of objects, two sealings and some bricks. ns The pit was cut into f164 and probably dates to the same period as pit f140, which is located a meter to the south and is also a shallow pit filled with ashy soil. The two pits are located under the stones of the bin f201. They are probably related to some activities north and east of the staircase: the fact that f199 contains a lot of phase4 sherds let me thing that next to J6 there is a Phase 3 structure. -sm In this days we are digging South of the bin a7 with the goal of finding the revetment wall running east west. We presume to find the wall in this area for several reasons, but firstly because stones f201 are building a line wich is not to see build for the bin, but more probably the bin used this line of stones as a basement. This line of stones is seen in v140. This line of stones seems to continue the revetment wall in J2. We decided therefore to dig to the south of the line of stones f201 (stones of bin a7): in this way we will reach the wall from the south without removing stones of the wall. We started digging but we found a mittani pit cut into the third millennium glacis f164. We removed the pit and some stones on top of the pit. The pit seems goes under the stones of the presumed revetment wall. .rd T728 k 104 dy today we continued to remove the fill of pit f192. As in the previous days we removed one stone of the bin f197 and we found a natural accumulation 5 cm thick and then floor f206, wich is the same as f204. directly under the floor f206 we found the continuation of pit f192. f192 is full of pottery, tannur pieces and some ashes. After removing this part of the pit we could see that the pit conutinues under the stones f201 to the north. Therefore we decided to change strategy and to continue excavating to the north in k82. k 82 ds k82 is a regular 5x5 meters locus, excavated in season MZ18 from J2 unit and in season MZ19 from J4 unit. The J4 excavation stopped here excavating while was reached a nice surface wich was interpreted as a glacis wich is J4f77. We decided to continue excavating here to see the continuation of the red glacis f164 in k83, dated to the end of the Third Millennium and to expose it through the north in connection to wall f129 running North-South dy Today we cleaned k82, starting with topsoil f209, wich is the first 5 cm of soil accumulated in the last 3 years sg We decided to dig in k82 because we want to see first if glacis J4f77 is the same as ^glacis1 found in J6 last year. We want to see if under this glacis is the third millennium glacis f164, wich rises up to the north and should be very high in k82. Therefore the third millennium features are higher to the north then in the south. We found a floor surface in k104 f204 just under the stones f201: we presume this floor is the ^glacis1. We will then finish to remove the pit f192, but first we have to remove the stones f201, which we thought were the revetment wall: while the pit goes under those stones, now we can assume that there is no wall. a 7 df bn ds a7 is the bin located in k73 and k83. It is a mudbrick half mound structure with stone basement f197 and f201. The mudbrick walls are preserved for a height less than 50 cm. Inside a pebble floor f239. dy the structure was excavated during 2007 season as a J4 feature G9 f197,f201,f233,f239,f234 G4 walls f201 and f197 are the basement for walls f234 and f233, while the floor f233 is located inside the structure M99 the function of the bin is not clear, while inside was found no particular item or vessel. Probably was a storage small structure. The location next to the staircase, which during the construction and use of the bin was still fully in use (there are modifications and repairs on the upper portion of the staircase), therefore it can be possible that the bin was used in function to some ritual practices related to the plaza area.