.bk J06 .fl T725yM.j .fd feature description .ed T725 .ei yM .rd T722 .ri yM f 190 ds It is located in k83 under winter accumulations f188. Tt is the brick fall located in the pseudo baulk left for safety reasons east of wall f129. A very compact layer, which to the north it is thinner and to the southern part is thicker. This feature did not contain lot of pottery. f190 is a part of the large brickfall ^bf2. f 191 ds Natural accumulation lying under brick fall f190 in k83 east of wall f129. This feature is sloping down towards the south gaining thickness as it slopes down. It is composed of very soft soil so it was easy to remove. The colors of this feature ranged between gray and brown. f 196 ds We assigned this feature to the back fill that was covering the surface north of the stone line that composes a part of the bin a7 in k104. This feature was removed along the surface under it and it was defined as a top soil. This feature contains pieces of cloth and plastic and some big pottery shirds. The western part of this feature was slightly harder then the eastern part. f 197 dy portion of the Bin a7 located in k104. The only excavated part of it so far is the line of four stones located on the southern edge of it. Three of these stones where in their natural shape but the fourth was worked in since of having a top smooth surface. These stones where removed along with the back fill f196 after they where given numbers associated with their feature. Tow that these stones are removed we can begin excavating the fill f192 under the bin. f 193 ds This feature is a glacis located in k83, in the safety baulk east of the wall f129 and under the natural accumulation f191. This feature is the same as the feature from last season with number f63. pr We defined this feature as a glacis while in fact the glacis a layer because it was a very hard compacted layer, hard to remove and 2 cm in thickness. The rest was an accumulation layer, soft crumbly and breaks in big pieces. Also this feature like all the features that we excavated this season in k83, gets thicker as sloping down towards the south forming a triangle in the section. The lack of pottery collected from this feature is surprising and doesn't correspond with its volume. The glacis layer is grayish brown while the accumulations layer is brown. f 192 ds Pit fill located east of the wall f129, under the bin f197. The first layers of this pit where slightly hard to remove and different types of soil where all mixed together. One can easily see various colors ranging between reddish brown, brown and gray. Digging deeper the layers became easier to remove and the soil became very soft and slightly wet due to the presence of ash depositions. This soil contained lots of plant's roots and a proper amount of carbon specimens. These layers contained also a great amount of animal bones and shirds among which they where a lot of rims and bases. Lots of pieces of tannur where collected from this feature. We also found a broken tannur f220 embedded in the soil. dy we continued excavating the whole pit towards the north east that is in fact under the bin a7.