.bk J06 .fl T802pC.j .fd daily and features .ed T802 .ei pC .rd T802 .ri pC -dy Today we dig in k71 and k104. In k71 we removed natural accumulation f223 in front of stone structure f219 and removed floating stones f225, after taken relays and photo. In k104 we removed f226, a bricky lens and we found under it a wall f227. -wk today Hussein came from J2 to J6 and I put him in k104 -sy Today Hussein took relay with the total station for stones f225. k 104 dy Today we removed the last 5 cm of f200, which should be the bottom of the pit f199. Directly under f200 I reconized a bricky lens f226 in the northern corner, abutting wall f129. I scraped it ad was melted brick material. I decided to change feature number because was not similar to f200, even if f200 has also some pieces of bricks. f226 is a red bricky soil, compact and wet which comes out in chunks with brick fragments. It is still unclear if f226 is inside the pit f199 or under it: tomorrow we will finish to remove f226 and clear if it is part of the pit or not. In the northern portion of the locus, while removing f226 came out a line of stones f227, perpendicular to f129, but almost 1 meter deeper than wall f129. It is located also 70 cm under the line of stones f201,which we thought was the revetment wall. -sg while today we have found a line of stones f227 in k104, perpendicular to wall f129, exactly in the place were we expected to find the revetment wall, but 70 cm under stones f201, tomorrow we will continue to dig in k104 and at least expose a second row of stones. Then we will continue digging in k71 in front of structure f219: we are keeping the same strategy: we dig in k71, see the reletionship between the second millennium glacis and f219, which will give us a terminus post quem for the construction of f219. Now that we found a wall in k104 which could be a good candidate for the revetment wall, we will continue to expose it also in k73.