.bk J06 .fl T804pC.j .fd features .ed T804 .ei pC .rd T804 .ri pC a 8 df pt ds an almost oval large hollow pit located in k104, k73, k82. The cut is f199 and cuts glacis f164 in k104 and probably removed also top stones of f227. The bottom of the pit was filled with bricky soil f200 and f231, instead the upper part of it was ashy soil f192 full of pottery and tannur pieces (f220). Most of the pottery found in the pit fill dates to Mittani. Another smaller pit f293 cuts f192 G9 f192,f199,f231,f288,f226,f261,f282,f283 G4 The elements belonging to this aggregate are part of the pit, as cut or fill. while the pit is more a hollow and inside was found several features with different soil composition and characteristics, i decided that they should be collected in this aggregate. dy the pit is not completely removed: it continues to the east under the bin a7 N99 the function of the pit is not clear: no particular items opottery was found inside the pit. The for of the pit is more a hollow than a pit. It is not deep but very extended. A12 v237 f 204 =l f206 f 212 tc re f213 f 213 tc re f129 f 214 =l f203 f 215 tc re f216 f 197 tc re f198 sm f197 are the 4 southern stones of the bin a7 in k104. They have a east-west orientation. f 198 =l f203 ds a natural accumulation located under stones f197 f 221 ds f221 is a floating stone located in the north-west corner of k104 on top of f204. It could come from wall f129 f 222 tc co f223 -dy today we did not excavated and had a ugr documentation day .rd T805 .ri pC k 71 dy Today we found under f238 a sherd floor f240 in the eastern part of the square, instead in the western we were not able to follow it, probably was eroded or cut. We found instead a reddish bricky layer, which we excavated as f238 (f238 was bricky and had some brick pieces). Directly under floor f240 and f238 was found a sloping compact surface which I interpreted as a glacis: f242 starts from wall f219 and in the eastern portion of the locus slopes sharply toward east. This is the glacis we were looking for in k71, which is probably the same as ^glacis1. I decided to remove the floating stone f245 in the south-western part of the square and we found directly under it a lens full of pebbles, which is the same as f210 and f243 in k82, found also under the floating stones f212 (not directly because there was accumulation f241 f 212 ds a series of floating stones in all k82 which are probably coming from wall f218 tc re f241 f 241 ds f241 has been assigned to the column of soil under floating stones f212 and f244: is a mixed feature, but we can say that is a natural accumulation, while in J2 in k82 at the same elevation was found only natural accumulations and is equal to J2f62 tc ov f210 f 244 ds f244 are 4 stones at the same level of stones f212 and are floating tc re f241 f 243 ds f243 is a lens of pebbles and pottery located in the eastern portion of k82 f 240 ds f240 is a floor which I labeled pc, while it is characterized by a compact hard surface with sherd layng horizontally. it was found only in the eastern portion of k82, therefore the rest was eroded or cut. It is located directly above glacis f242 tc ov f242 f 242 ds The glacis in k71 f 245 ds a floating stone in the south-western portion of k71 .rd T806 .ri pC .ed T808 k 82 dy Today we removed a small portion of the northern baulk of k82 to see if wall f218 is the same as the wall in k71 f219. It has been assigned one feature number to all this piece of baulk and treated as a topsoil (f249): we found also a big animal hole full of plastic bags. We then decided to remove all floating stones in front of wall f218 to have a better exposure of the wall which now seems to be the same wall as in k71. All floating stones were photograph before and after their removal to show that they stand above a natural accumulation (see v183 and followings).While they are so high and all concentrated in front of wall f218 we assume that they collapsed in later mittani from f218 or a structure related to it to the north. the foating stones are f212 (which correspond to J2f93) and we assigned to all the accumulation under the stones f250, which is a soft and dusty soil full of pottery ans some plastic (probably due to the animal hole). We assigned another feature number to the stones located under the small piece of baulk f249 which are f244, but the soil under it is f250 as for stones f212. f 249 ds f249 is the topsoil and the natural accumulation located in the small piece of the west and north baulk of k82. It is dusty and soft, whith some plastic coming from the animal hole located approximatly at the elevation of q366 tc co f244 f 250 ds f250 is the natural accumulation under floating stones f244 and f212. It is a soft accumulation, dusty and crumbly with lot of pottery and is the same as f241 tc ab f218 k 71 dy Today we started excavating on the eastern side of f219. I let the workmen clean all the stones and the surface, while it has been exposed since 3 years. I then assigned to the first 30 cm of accumulation f248 which is the topsoil. I then changed feature number into f251 which is the natural accumulation under the topsoil. We found two large stones sitting in f251 which are f251.1 and f251.2. We removed the stones while under them was only natural accumulation. f 248 ds Topsoil on the eastern side of structure f219. It is not the real topsoil, while it was already excavated by the germans and by J4 but is the winter accumulation characterized by plastic bags, some pottery and by a dusty and loose soil. tc ab f219 f 251 ds natural accumulation under topsoil f248 in k71. It is a soft and loose soil, dusty when removed with a lot of pebbles (>5 cm) and pottery tc ab f219 f 252 ds f252 are two floating stones sitting in natural accumulation f251, probably collapsed in the same time as stones f225 from f219 .rd T808 k 82 dy Today we finished to remove all floating stones f212 and now we can see all the southern face of wall f218. Now that the wall has been exposed we can say that f218 is a wall and f219 is the upper part of this wall in k71 building a triangular shape structure, which seems an apron and possibly is later than wall f218. Today we removed all f250, which is the natural accumulation under the floating stones and under it we exposed f257 which is a strip of a natural compacted floor found only in front of wall f218 and which overlays f243. We found an animal hole going under f257. f250 was covering also f243, the pebble lens found in all the northern part of k82. We then removed all f243 and exposed in the north-west corner a series of stones f256 which seems go under the last step of the staircase f255. At the end of the day, after removing all f243, stones f256 seem to build a line running north-south. In the northern part of k82 under f243 was found a reddish layer which seems to be pretty the same red soil with calcite pebbles of f164, but it slopes toward south, therefore we decided still not to remove it .rd T809 f 259 c# 10YR 7/3 co very pale brown f 204 c# 10YR 8/1 co light gray f 206 c# 10YR 8/1 co light gray f 192 c# 10YR 7/1 co light gray f 200 c# pink co 5YR 7/4 f 164 co light yellowish brown c# 10YR 6/4 f 235 co gray c# 10YR 6/1 f 237 co 10YR 7/3 c# very pale brown k 71 dy today we finished removing the floor surface f258 which was a hard and compact surface reddish in color, platy in structure when picked and had some ashy pockets. This floor covered a very compact layer, which while we were exposing it in the norther portion of the square, it seemd bricky (a brickfall?). After exposing it all, in the southern part of the locus this layer was sharply sloping towars south, following the same slope as the mittani glacis f242. pC hypothesized that this red compact layer is the third millennium glacis, same as f164 in k84 and k104. Therefore we decided to see the relationship between this red feature, which is f260 and the mittani glacis f242. f260 where the wall f219 takes 90° angle to the north, slopes toward south and goes under f242. At the beginning was difficolt to understand the reason of the complete absence of glacis f242 above f260 in the northern part of k71: at the end of the day, after cleaning and removing stones f263 and the accumulation under them f264, was clear that glacis f260 was still used while glacis f242 was layed. f242 overlays f260 and in the point of the overlayng there are some stones. Other stones came out in the north-east corner of k71, which are f262. Today we were able to expose all the face of wall f218 but we still did not reach the bottom, but I presume it goes still deeper -sg Today we were able to expose all the face of wall f218 and to see also that f219 is a later structure above the third millennium wall f218. A red compact glacis, which is now better understood as an escarpment, begins from wall f218 and slopes sharply toward south. This escarpment is at this moment of the excavation very similar to f164 and therefore possibly a third millennium feature. Structurally was layed for wall f218 and if f260 is really same as f164, gives a terminus post quem for wall f218: f218 therefore is older or contemporary as f164 (late akkadian). If this hypothesis is correct, f260 and f164 were built for walls f129 and f218. In the middle of Mittani, f260 in the northern part of J6 was probably damaged or was anymore visible: a new layer of escarpment was then layed in all J6 area until the southern face of wall f218, instead in the eastern part f260 was still used. In J6 slowly it comes more clear that the third millennium is higher than in J2 and J1 and we have a similar situation as in J5, where also we have third millennium high. k 82 dy Today we dig in the southern part of k82 removing f259 which is a natural accumulation: I decided to follow all features from the northern section of k104 to be safe to find the glacis f206, but while excavating it was found in the western part tannur fragments and in the eastern part an ashy accumulation f261: I had a feeling that we were already digging the fill of the pit a8 whithout finding the glacis. I then decided to stop excavating here and dig in all k82 to have a larger exposure of the feature we were digging. At this moment came fAB and gB: I explained them the situation and fAB looked in the eastern section of k82 and found the glacis, which the pickmen probably missed but probably because was in this part very thin and damaged. We then continued excavating in the northern part of k82 and we removed all f243, which should be the latest event in this square. f243 was found some dayes ago and was a lens of pottery and pebbles. Today we removed the last part of it and we could find that this is resting in a channel probaly due to water flowing from the north, were f243 accumulated. We then removed the accumulation next to f243. f 271 tc co f268