.bk J06 .fl T81yM2.j .fd feature discription and daily .ed T811 .ei yM .rd T811 .ri yM f 268 ds located in k84 right under f164, it is a layer of accumulation that covers the whole square and the floor surface type b f271 which is the same surface in front the obelisks f177. it is a slightly compacted layer that comes out in big chunks. it was also flaky and it sloped up. f 271 ds this feature was assigned for the floor surface type b located in front of the obelisks f177 and f100 and to the layer that covers all of k84. it is a compacted layer that contained many flat sherds and small pebbles that where concentrated mostly in the western part of this feature. the soil is very fine and soft and has a noticeable amount of inclusions in it and some seeds. this feature is one of many floor surfaces that we expect to find in this square jugging from the eastern section of the locus. f 269 ds located in the eastern part of k82. it's the cut of the water channel that was emptied yesterday from the fill that was inside f243. the cut has a triangular shape and a very smooth cut surface. f 270 ds floating stone south of the water channel f269. we removed it after it was relayed. f 272 ds natural accumulations under stones f254. underneath it there was another stone lying in line with the other stones f256 north in k82 next to the staircase. f 274 ds we assigned this feature to the northern baulk of k82 that we removed in order to uncover the wall f218 behind it and the red feature under it that comes up against it. we collected the pottery from this feature as mixed pottery. -dy Today we started excavating in k82 by removing f265 which is the natural accumulations under f243. We continued going down until reaching the level of the water channel cut f269 which is to the east from f243.then we went down further more to the level of the red material that we see against the section f274 to the north that we also removed later during the second work period after drawing it and photographing it. This way we are now able to see the red material coming against the wall f218. We also removed the floating stones f254 east of the staircase f255 and we removed the natural accumulations under them f272 uncovering another stone underneath the accumulations that continues the line of stones that was uncovered earlier f247. On the other hand in k84 we continued removing the accumulations f268 reaching the level of the surface in front of the obelisks which is a floor f271, then we dug further down removing this feature as well. Tomorrow we will continue the removal of feature f273 which is a floor.