.bk J06 .fl T816pC.j .fd daily and features .rd T816 .ri pC .ed T816 .ei pc k 82 dy Today was removed f200 which as the previous days was full of pottery (7 bags) and continued to be reddish and soft. It covers wall f227 and just in the center of it there was more pottery (f293). Under f200 came out a very compact sloping south surface which abuts wall f227. This is for sure not the pit cut f199 but is a glacis which slopes down until f227. Therefore the pit fill of f199 is only f192 and f200 is a dump of pottery located under the hollow pit coming from a kilin next to J6 or in J6. It was not possible to recognize a pit cut before f200 and f200 was not cut. In the western section of k82 is possible to see f192 which finishes aproximatly in the center of k82. Above the glacis which is f300, there is an ash spot. In the eastern portion of the square I decided to remove a column of soil left over in the previous days to keep a mudbrick. This feature was excavated at once as f302 and includes f276 and f265, both natural accumulations. aKarim stopped where there is the end of the pit cut, which is located much higher than f200 and at the level of f192. Tomorrow therefore I will take a relay for all the pit. In the westrn portion of the square I removed the western thin baulk left to check the section. It is f295 and is a natural accumulation same as f276. Under it was f298, which is a red accumulation same as f265 which covers stones probably belonging to the northern continuation of f129. While removing the section we were able to see wall f265 which sits on top of stones of probably wall f129. I decided therefore to remove 30 cm of the red accumulation f265, which I always thought was same as f164, but excavating it was mixed with red soil same as for f164 together with a soft dusty accumulation. Therefore I think we still did not reached the same escarpment as f164. sg Today we were able to remove a large part of dump f200 and to expose a glacis f300 which abuts wall f227. On the other hand was exposed more of wall f265 and came out under wall f265 a row of stones which are in line with wall f129 and probably are the same wall. Those stones seems abut f218. While glacis f300 seems to be a nice surface and a good seal to what is underneath, we will reach this level. We then will remove all f200 and also to the north f265, which is the red escarpment phase h33-MZA, but still not so clear as f164. We will remove it all and reach everywhere in k82 glacis f300. This will aloud us to see a connection between walls f218, f129 and f227: this will show that in a phase those walls where connected and contemporary used. If there is time we will go down to the east to see if wall f227 continues lower, while glacis f300 seems sloping toward South-East. On the other hand we would like to make a small sounding behind wall f227 and east of wall f129: this will give us more information abouut walls f129 and f227, whether they bound and giving us a date to it: f200 is still mixed mittani with h4-JPA and f300 should be the seal for the Third Millennium. f 200 dy Today was removed f200 in the southern portion of k82 and were collected 7 bags of pottery. This pottery sits in a reddish soil, which is in some pockets a very similar soil as f164. ar f200 is not part of the fill of the pit. South of wall f227 f200 was bricky, instead on top of wall f227 and to the north f200 is full of pottery and reddish soil. I did not changed feature number, while f200 continued in the northern section of k104. Instead while excavating it I could see a difference between f200 in k104 and f200 in k82. f200 in k82 is a dump of pottery located above glacis f300 and under pit a8, instead f200 in k104 seemed still to be the bottom of the holoow pit a8 pb f200 in k104 is not the same feature as f200 in k82. f200 in k104 is bricky and is part of the pit fill f199, instead f200 in k82 is a dump located under pit f199. f 265 ds f265 is located in the northern portion of k82 and abuts wall f218. It is an accumulation which probably is the topmost part of an escarpment for wall f218. It is a compact soil which slopes to the south and has the characteristics to be reddish with small gypsum pebbles (>1 mm) and includes also a dusty claysh soil tc ab f218 f 295 ds f295 was assigned to the small baulk left for the west section against wall f256. It is mostly the same as f276, a natural accumulation tc co f298 tc ab f256 f 298 ds f298 is located under f295 in the pseudo baulk east of wall f129 and covers stones of wall f129 tc ab f129 f 302 ds f302 has been assigned to a column of soil left for a brick. It is the same as f265 and f276, which are natural accumulations. There is also some of f192, the pit fill f 301 ds f301 has been assigned to a lens of large sherds sitting in f200 and resting on top of wall f129. This lens tells the last use of wall f129, which then was in this part covered by the dump f200. k 105 dy Today we did not excavated in k105 but on the top of it which is still k104 k 104 dy Today we started the sounding east of wall f129, which is almost 1 meter whide. first was removed f164, which was very soft and dusty on the top and after 30 cm became chuncky and very red. Under it was f296 which is the same as f235 (excavated in the north baulk of k104, and under it was found f297, where stones f299 sit. f297 is a mixed ashy and soft accumulation. Wall f299 is composed by 2 large sones in line perpendicular to wall f129 k 106 dy today was finished to remove natural accumulation f292 which is a soft accumulation and covers f303, a compact flacky surface f303: this should be above the salmon floor seen in section. sg Tomorrow will be reached the goal for k106, which is to find the salmon floor in front of obelisks f 164 dy Today was removed a part of f164 in the safety baulk of k104 east of wall f129. This was made to do a sounding east of wall f129. f164 on the top was soft and dusty, after 30 cm became chuncky and dark red. The soil is almost all earth whit very few sherds. We made a soil sample tc co f296 f 296 ds f296 is a gray accumulation which follows the slope of the above f164. it is the same as f235 tc ab f129 tc co f297 f 297 ds f297 is an ashy soft accumulation, where stones f299 sit tc co f305 f 299 ds two stones which run east-west, perpendicular to wall f129 ar it can be considered a courtain wall. The wall sits in ashy accumulation f297