.bk J06 .fl T819pC.j .fd view log .ed T819 .ei pC .rd T726 .ri sD v .rd T805 .ri yM 178 n gf218,219,225,245,240 gq357.2 gk71 this view shows sherd floor f240 in front of wall f218 179 n gk104 gf214,206,192,200,227 north section of k104 without string: f214 is a natural accumulation covering glacis f206 whic covers pit fill f192. f200 covers wall f227 179a n gk104 gf214,206,192,200,227 north section of k104 with string 180 oh gk71 gf240,218,245 gq357.2 this view shows floor f240 and q357.2 embedded in it in front of wall f218 180a w n gk71 gf240,245,244,218,225 gq357.2 this view shows floor f240 and q357.2 embedded in it in front of wall f218 .rd T811 .ri pC 181 n gk71,72,73,82 gf255,218,212,244,219,240,225,201,233 ga7 view showing all the northern part of J6 with the bin in front and floting stones f212 in front of wall f218. 181a t n gk71 gf218,244,219,240,225 view showing all the northern part of J6 with wall f218 and f219 and f240 181b t n gk82 gf,212,244,218,240 floating stones f212 in front of wall f218 182 ne gk84,82,104,73,72,71 gf129,164,100,177,137,135,199,227,200,192,206,212,218,219 ga7 view showing all J6 especially the north sections ok k104 and k84: escarpments f137, f135, f164. f164 is the last one, cut by a large hollow pit f199. Wall f227 abuts wall f129, on top of it the dump f200 and pit fill f192. On the northern part of the picture floating stones collapsed from f218. a7 is the bin on top of glacis f206 182a t ne gk84,104 gf135,137,164,129,227,199,200,192 particular of the north section in k104 with all different escarpments and on the northern section of k104 the pit fill covering wall f227 183 n gk82,71 gf212,218,224,250,218,219 view showing floting stones f244 before their removal 183a n gk82,71 gf212,218,224,250,218,219 view showing the accumulation under stones f244 to show that the stones were floating 184 n gf244,243,250,218,219 gk71,82 view showing stones f244 in front of wall f218 and the pebble lens f243 185 n gk82 gf212,241,243,212,218 view showing the pebble lens f243 and floating stones f212 before their removal .rd T808 .ri pC 186 n gk82 gf256,257,243,218,255 view showing f257 and pebble lens f243 in front of wall f218 186a t n gk82 gf254,257 view before the removal of stones f254.1 and f254.2 186b t n gk82 gf255,256,218 view showing wall f256 going under last step of staircase f255 in front of wall f218 .rd T808 .ri yM 187 n gk71 gf218,219,263,264,258 wall f218 and f219. On the east floor surface f258. The corner of wall f218 is still covered by floating stone f263 and natural accumulation f264 .rd T809 .ri pC 187a t w gk71 gf218,219,258 wall f218 and floor f258 abutting it 188 n gk71 gf242,260,218,219,263 gq357.1 view showing the overlay of glacis f242 to glacis f260 in relation to wall f218 188a t n gk71 gf242,260,218,219,263 view showing the overlay of glacis f242 to glacis f260 in relation to wall f218 188b t n gk71 gf242,260,218,219,263 view showing the overlay of glacis f242 to glacis f260 in relation to wall f218 189 n gk71 gf260,242,264,263,262 relationship of f242 overlay f260. f264 are stones on top of accumulation f263 coming from wall f218 189a t n gk71 gf218,260,242 detail f242 overlay f260 189b t nw gk71 gf260 stones f262 embedded in the red glacis f260 190 n gk71 gf219,263,260,264 view to show stones f263 before their removal 190a sw gk71 gf219,263,260,264 view to show after the removal of stones f263 190b t w gk71 gf218,263,264 view to show after the removal of stones f263 190c t w gk71 gf218,263,264 view to show after the removal of stones f263 191 n gk82 gf218,256,269,265,259 on the east the water channel f265 which runs north-east-south. It cuts f259 191a t n gk82 gf218,275 detail of water channel f269 .rd T811 .ri yM 192 n gk84,106 gf129,164,100,177,280,266 floor f266 overlay f296, east of wall f129 193 ne gk84,104,82 gf100,177,129,164,271,218 floor f271. Above it glacis f164 next to wall f129 and east of staircase. 193a t ne gk84,104 gf100,177,129,164,280 floor f271 overlayng f280 wich is then covered by glacis f164 193b n gk84 gf177,129,271,164 detail of floor f271 .ri pC 194 ne gk84 gf100,177,129,164,273,280 floor f273 above f280. Above it glacis f164 next to wall f129 and east of staircase in J2. 194a t ne gk84 gf273,280 detail of sherd floor f273 195 ne gk82 gf274,243,256,265,275,218,259 view of the north section of k82 in front of wall f218. F274 is the volume feature assigned removing the baulk. In it is f243 which is the fill of water channel f269 and f265, f275 is the reddish accumulation, may be the red escarpment 195a ne gk82 gf274,243,265,275,218 view of the north section of k82 in front of wall f218. f274 is the volume feature assigned removing the baulk. In it is f243 which is the fill of water channel f269, f265 and f275 is the reddish accumulation, may be the red escarpment. View with string 196 w gk82 gf218,256,275,276,199,243 view showing the red glacis f275 and f276 which overlays it. Stones of wall f256 and to the north wall f218 197 view missing .rd T812 .ri yM 198 ne gk82 gf275,276,278,192,199,218,256 red glacis abutting wall f218 and f276 overlayng it. An ashy pit f278 in the east and in front the hollow pit f199 with fill f192 198a t e gk82 gf276,278,192,199,275 the ashy pit f278 and pit f199 cut f276 198b t oh gk82 gf276,278,199,192 the ashy pit f278 cuts f276. f278 is circular and not deep 199 e gk105 gf184,181 f284 a compact and sloping surface. 199a t oh gk105 gf284 f284 sloping toward south-east 200 s gk82,104 gf200,199,282,283,275,192,129,278 pit cut f199 and fill f192. f200 is a dump of pottery under f192. Another pit cuts f199 which is f283. bricks on the east 200a t n gk82 gf200,199,283,282 pit cut f199 and f283 with f200 .rd T819 .ri yM 201 w gk104,82 gf129,227,200,293,304 This view shows the dump f200 and the concentration of pottery, part of the dump, f293 which stopped on the north of wall f227 202 w gk104 gf299,164,296,297,305,308,311,317,318,320 west section of k105 before the sounding to see the east side of wall f129 was done. It shows all the layers sloping soutn and the stone which belongs to a probable wall f299 sitting in an ashy accumulation f297 202a w gk104 gf299,164,296,297,305,308,311,317,318,320 west section with string .ri sD 203 w gk104,82 gf129,200,192,256,255 west section of k104 and k82 showing the pit cut and the fill f192 and f200 which is a dump of pottery 204 w gk104 gf129,164,299,297,296 stones f299 east of wall f129 before their removal. f299 sit in ashy accumulation f297 204a t oh gk104 gf299 detail of f299 from above .rd T817 205 w gk105 gf129,164,296,297,305,308 after the removal of stones f299 was found surface f308. 206 w gk104 gf129,164,296,265,297,305,308,311,313,316,317 east face of wall f129 is shown and its bottom, which comes out. The courses of the wall are set very irregular with some bricks in the joints, the base is sloping up, probably because it rests on top of a slope (mound surface?). A cut f316. f317 is a compact surface sloping south-east. 206a t w gk104 gf313,316 detail of cut f316 .rd T818 .ri yM 207 w gk104,105 gf129,164,296,297,305,307,308,311,313,317,318,320,325,290 view showing the east face of wall f129 and its foundations. A window into the wall shows other stones which possibly belong to another wall, while they follow another orientation than stones of wall f129. several surfaces are located under the wall and all slope to the south-east 207a w gk104 gf129,313,316 detail of the window into wall f129 to show stones: here is clear the different orientation of the last two stones 208 w gk82 gf129,256,199,200,192,300 Southern part of west section of k82 before its removal. Pit cut f199 and fill f192, under it dump f200. Glacis f300 covered by an ashy spot 209 w gk82 gf129,256,192,265,275,276,309 northern part of west section of k82 210 n gk82 gf218,314 northern baulk of k82. f314 is the volumentric feature 211 n gk82 gf300,129,255,256,218,324,328 view showing f328 on top of glacis f300. f324 before the sounding inside wall f129 211a t nw gk82 gf129,218,324 tight shot of bricks f324 211b t w gk82 gf129,218,324 tight shot of f234 211c t w gk82 gf324 bricks f234