.bk J06 .fl T820pC.j .fd features .ed T820 .ei pC .rd T820 .ri pC f 201 ar The east-west running wall f201 was at the beginning of the excavation season seen to be a possible line which reflects the revetment wall (gB and fAB): this hypothesis was based on the fact that if ideally is continued to the east the line of the revetment wall from J2 to J6, f201 is located in this line. The hypothesis was at the end of the season confirmed, while under stones f201, after the pit, wall f227 was exposed, reflecting the same line of f201. f227 is the revetment wall f 210 =l f243 ha f210 is a pebble lens located in the center of k82 and is the same as f243. While it was partly exposed, was interpreted as a winter accumulation, but after exposing it all was the fill of a water channel f 211 ds f211 is a floating stone located in k104 f 221 ds f201 is a stone located in k104 under stone f201 f 229 ar f229 was compact and was different from the pit fill f200 or f226. It was too small f229 to decide what kind of feature it is. It continues in k73 to the east. f 199 tc cu f229 f 223 tc co f230 f 222 tc co f223 f 238 ds a compact accumulation in k71, characterized by the presence of bricks and while it was picked with big pick was crumby and hard tc co f240 f 232 =l f235 =l f268 =l f296 f 233 ds the northern mudbrick wall of the bin a7 in k73, east-west oriented, consisting of 3 courses of mud bricks lc k73 df w dy the wall was exposed in year 2004 by J4 f 234 nl this feature number has never been assigned f 237 =l f297 ds f237 has been assigned to a gray and ashy accumulation excavated in the southern section of k104 pr the southern section of k104 was very irregular, therefore was decided to make it straight, but while there where 20 cm wide features to remove, was exacavated following the features, also to collect pottery which would date better the same features excavated from J4k100. f237 is the same as f297 f 239 =l J4f143 ds f239 is the pebble floor inside the bin a7. Is the same as J4f143 f 241 tc co f243 f 243 tc si f269 ds f243 is a concentration of pebbles and some pottery in the north-east portion of k82. It was found at first in a strip running north-east south-west and also in the water channel f269. It is the fill of the water channel coming from north-east tc co f269 f 247 =l f256 f 248 tc co f251 f 251 tc co f253 tc ab f218 f 253 tc co f258 tc ab f218 ds a compact accumulation next to wall f218 and abutting it in k71. Is probably same as f230 found south of wall f218: while it was removed had a platy structure a bit humid and had many stones (>10cm) and pottery which seems mittani painted f 254 ds f254 are 2 large stones east of wall f129. f254.1 is a large rough stone and under it a smaller one f254.2 ar those stones are floating and or coming with the collapse of a structure north of wall f218 together with the other floating stones found in k82 or possibly belonging to wall f256: the second possibility is unlikly while they rest on top of natural accumulations f272 f 255 ds the staircase same as J2f130 =l J2f130 f 256 ds a wall north-south oriented in k82 east of staircase f255 (seems that some of the stones of f256 go under f255). It is located above wall f129 tc re f129 f 257 ds a floor compacted naturally located under f250 and in front of wall f218. The surface was very compact but was found only in the first meter south of f218 tc co f243 tc ab f218 f 250 tc co f257 f 258 ds a hard and compact surface reddish in color, platy in sructure when picked and had some ashy pockets. This floor covered a very compact layer f260 tc ab f218 f 259 ds a natural accumulation which is soft, dusty when removed and crumble. On the surface there where laminations, which means that was exposed to water. tc co f261 tc ab f129 f 260 ds A hard and very compact layer, non homogeneus in the surface with a reddish coloration. It starts on the west from wall f218 and slopes toward east and south. This feature was only exposed ar f260 for its consistency, for the characteristics of the surface (compact, reddish) and the fact that abuts wall f218 and slopes south-east is probably equal to f164. tc ab f218 f 262 ds a line of 3 stones located in the north east conrner of k71, located on top of f260 and running north-south. The stones continue to the south in section and to the north under the north baulk of k71 tc re f260 f 263 ds 3 stones located on the eastern edge of wall f218 in k71: f263.1 was a large rough stone which was located vertically covering the southern portion of f218, f263.2 was a smaller stone on the corner of f218 and f263.3 next to f263.2. They rested on an accumulation f264 tc re f264 f 243 tc co f265 f 268 ds f268 is the same as f235, f232, f296 located in k84 under f164. It has a sharp slope and in k84 f268 was found only in a small part. It has a brown-graysh coloration tc ab f129 f 164 tc co f268 f 270 ds f270 is a stone which probably is floating while was high founded, but was in line with some bricks to the east and to the west, which probably are connected to the bin. f 271 tc co f273 .rd U809 f 304 ds a red accumulation located east of wall f227