.bk J06 .fl U125pC.j .fd daily and loci .rd U215 .ri pC .ed U125 .ei pC k 71 m6198 400W 400S 82 m6201 400W 400S k 71 ds k71 is a regular locus 5x5 meters defined by markers m6198 and m6199. It was excavated during season 2006 as a J4 locus with the same locus number. It was decided to continue the excavation here to investigate better the stone structure f218 and f219. k 72 ds k72 is a regular 5x5 meters locus, which was excavated in season 2006 as a J6 locus. During season 2009 was only cleaned. In this locus is a portion of bin a7 and ^glacis1. During season 2009 was planned to remove bin a7 and expose all the glacis. Due to the lack of time this goal was not accomplished f 188 df ts tc co f190 f 189 lc k84 df ts f 190 tc co f191 k 83 ds k83 is a J2 locus number, excavated in season 2005 as a J2 locus and in season 2006 as a J4 locus. dy While the locus was not a regular one was given a different number k104. Therefore all informations for k83 are in k104. The first days of excavations in season 2009 some features were recorded as k83 features f 191 tc co f193 tc ab f129 lc k83 f 193 tc ab f129 f 195 lc k85 f 196 tc co f198 tc ov f197 f 199 tc cu f227 f 200 df fi lc k82 el 9045@top of pit fill el 9047@top of dump tc co f300 tc co f227 tc ab f227 sm f200 has been assigned to two different features: firstly to the pit fill under f192 and dated to mittani by the pottery. Secondly to a dump of pottery located north of wall f227 and dated to the third millennium (ED III). See various notes to each information (q310, q318, q319, q342 belong to the pit fill, the other q lot to the dump) q 310 ds this q-lot is part of pit fill q 318 ds this q-lot is part of pit fill q 319 ds this q-lot is part of pit fill q 342 ds this q-lot is part of pit fill v 146 pb view missing .rd U126 f 210 df lb f 218 sm The eastern continuation of the terrace revetment wall located east of the staircase in J2. It is east-west oriented and bends 90 degrees continuing to the north. It is still not fully exposed f 219 sm the upper portion of the stone wall f218, consisting of at least 3 stones wide. The exposed portion is damaged and the stones are in the upper portion loose and damaged. f 221 tc re f204 f 225 tc si f223 f 227 sm stone wall with east-west orientation, east of wall f129 and at least 2 stones high and 2 stones wide. The wall has only one visible face, i.e the southern, whereas the northern is irregular and was therefore not exposed. ar firstly was interpreted as being the eastern continuation of the terrace revetment wall for its position. wall f218 is the revetment wall, whereas f227 is probably a kind of 'courtain wall'. f 226 tc ov f232 f 232 sm A gray band located in frot of wall f227 and abutting the lower exposed course. The exposure is too limited yet to give an interpretation, even if its characteristics and location let think to be a glacis with a similar function to f164. ar it seems it continues under f164 as f235 f 164 tc ov f232 tc co f235 v 161 pb the view is missing f 235 sm a gray layer excavated during the cleaning of the north section of k84; same as f232 in front of wall f226 (was excavated as J4f158): in season 2009 was too few excavated. For a better description see the J4 feature ar during the excavation this feature was interpreted as being a glacis for its position under f164 and east of wall f129. The feature is too few exposed to gain a better understanding. A further exposure in k104 in front of wall f227 and in k74 is needed. f 238 wm clay hd compact f 242 tc ab f218 f 243 el 9203@top el 9175@bottom f 257 el 9198@bottom tc ov f259 f 258 el 9198@bottom .rd T810 .ri pC .ed U529 f 266 tc ov f184 tc ov f271 f 271 ar probably f271 is the same as f184: it has the same elevation and characteristics f 280 ds a compact gray layer located in k84 under f164. It slopes toward south and was only exposed in season 2009. Instead was excavated in season 2006 as a J4 feature in the sounding of k100 (J4f160 or J4f158) f 283 tc cu f265 tc cu f276 tc cu f275 tc cu f192 f 284 ar Probably this surface as well the following surfaces characterized by a sharp slope toward south-east, are the temple mound for following reasons: 1) these surfaces are very hard, compact and characterized by a sharp slope, reflecting the possible morphology of the 'temple mound' in this area; 2) the surfaces are located under wall f129, which is built on top of these (f317 and f284?), while wall f129 slopes up (see v206) f 281 tc ov f285 f 312 ds hard and compact floor under f303 in k106, in front of obelisks f100 and f177. It has a characteristic salmon coloration co reddish yellow. dy There are some laminations on the surface and mud patches. The floor is very damaged and difficolt to follow during the excavation. It was found only directly south of the obelisks. It is probably the same as salmon floor J2f359 found in front of the staircase c# 7.5 YR 7/6 f 315 tc ov f314 f 311 tc co f316 f 316 ds a small lens or pit in k105, located under f311 and ca. 40 cm under wall f129. .rd U726 .ri pC f 305 tc co f307 f 307 tc co f308 f 284 df fb f 292 tc co f303 .rd U727 f 265 tc ab f256 f 275 tc ab f256 f 276 tc ab f256 .rd U810 q 654 tc si f153 dy in f153 were 2 q-lots with same number. I assigned a new q-lot number to one of them