.bk J06 .fl U531pC.j .fd view log v227-233 .rd T820 .ri pC .ed U531 .ei pC v 227 n gk84,106,105,82 gf277,312,100,177,129,280,164,235,237,164,199,227,219 view showing the western portion of J6 at the end of the excavation. This view was especially meant to show floors f313 and f277 in front of wall f129, where directly to the north and east of wall f129 the stratigraphy is different and there are escarpments laid to protect the eastern side of the wall. On the background wall f227 and f219 227a n gk84,106,105,82 gf277,303,100,177,129,280,164,235,237,164,199,227,218 wall f129 and staircase. Floor f312 in front of obelisks f100 and f177 227b w gk106 gf100,177,312 closer shot of floor f312 in relation to the obelisks and the staircase 228 n gk84,106 gf280,164,129,237,235,199,227,218,277 a series of escarpment are laid east of wall f129, which are f164, f235, f237. To the south instead floor f227. f164 is cut by f199 228a oh gk105 gf129,164 Wall f129 from the top of it. The wall is built slightly oblique and the lower portion shows the wall suddently changes orientation. Possibly is another wall, another phase of wall f129 229 n gk105,106,84,82 gf129,100,177,312,277,164,235,237,199,227,218 view similar to v227 230 sw gk70,71 gf219,321,260 f219 is the same wall as wall f218. Here is meant for f219 the upper damaged portion of the wall. The wall here is north west oriented and encloses the eastern portion of the temple terrace. On the eastern side f260 is probably an escarpment and f321 is a collapse of a mudbrick structure. 230a w gk71 gf218,321 a detail of wall f218, were on its northern last exposed portion there is a stone with a west-east orientation. It could be fallen down from wall f219 or could be a bend to the east of the wall 230b s gk70,71 gf219,321,260 view showing in particular the brickfall f321 east of wall f219. On the background escarpment f260 230c n gk70,71 gf219,260,242,218 the angle of wall f218 231 s gk71,72 gf219,260,242 ga7 escarpment f260 laid east of wall f219 and glacis f242 overlaing it to the south 232 s gk72,73,82,104 gf239,233,129,227 ga7 view showing the bin a7: its northern wall is made of 4 rows of mud bricks, the southern half mond wall is made of mud bricks on top of a basement of stones. f239 is the pebble floor inside of the bin. On the western part of the view is seen wall f129 and wall f227 233 n gk72,73,82 gf255,256,129,233,201,239,218,197,227,219 bin a7 east of wall f129 and on top of wall f227 233a n gk72,73,82 gf218,219,233 wall f218 and f219 and to the south bin a9. Here is visible wall f233 233b n gk105,104,84,74,73,72,71,70,82 view showing all J6 from south, in particular bin a7 and walls f129, f218, f219 233c n gk82,104,73 view showing the bin a7 east of wall f129 and on top of wall f227 234 n gk104,105,106,82 gf164,199,227,235,236,237,129,280,100,177,312,277 floor f277 and floor f312 located east and south of wall f129. to the north several layer layed intentionally east of wall f129. In mittani time a pit f199 removes partly f164 235 oh gk70,71,72,73,74,75,82,83,84,85,86,104,105,106 gf219,218,260,300,227,129,312 ga7 view taken from the kite showing all J6 after the end of excavation, together with J2 236 oh gk70,71,72,73,74,75,82,83,84,85,104,105,106 gf218,219,300,129,227 view taken from the kite after the end of the excavation: wall f218 and f219 are the same construction and is the eastern continuation of the revetment wall in J2, which is broken by the staircase. Wall f219 continues behind wall f129. f300 is a glacis, and f227, which was the presumed revetment wall at the beginning of the excavation and which continues under the bin to the east, is probably only a curtain wall. To the north in area B6 are several interesting structures: stone walls and the mud brick glacis 237 s gk104,82 ga8 Hollow pit a8