.bk J06 .fl T717pc .fd drawings .rd T717 .ri pC .ed T717 .ei pC p 18 gk82,72,71,104,83,84,106 all loci of Season MZ22 (missing k105) 19 gk82,72,71,104,83,84,106 gf220,199,283,129 A large hollow pit occupies all k104 and partly the southern portion of k82, east of wall f129. Another smaller pit f283 cuts f199 in the north 20 gk82,72,71,104,83,84,106 gf244,252,225,207,212 many stones high founded, collapsed from north are found south of f219 and east of wall f129 in late mittani. They are f244, f225, f207 and f212 (in the plot indicated as J2f93) 21 gk82,72,71,104,83,84 gf206,204,276,240,193 This plot shows several floors layers (glacis) with a hard surface and sloaping south. They were not excavated in the same time and they are not connected, but all have the same characteristics and date to Mittani 22 gk82,72,71,104,83,84 gf286,284,313,300 This plot shows several floors dated to the end of the Third millennium. They are located east of wall f129 and are hard compact surfaces (especially f300, f284,f313). f284 is a floor with sherds were people were walking by. 23 gk82,72,71,104,83,84 gf299,227 two stone walls with east-west orientation. The first to the north is a larger wall more than 2 courses high, wereas wall f299 consists of 2 stones. Function of these walls is not clear but they probably had a function of screening the area to the north, which was sloped. 24 gk82,72,71,104,83,84 gi24,27,29,25,22 plot showing items found in season MZ22 25 gk82,72,71,104,83,84 gf218,219,219,227,100,177,255 All the stone architecture excavated in J6: the revetment wall f218, f219, which continues to the north. The staircase wall f129 abuts f218 and flanks the staircase f225 aand J2f131. wall f227 abuts wall f129 and runs parralel to wall f218.