Unit Book A6


Processed on 2024-09-12

Date Author Record
1992-07-04 rK sT is recovering from illness and worked at home today. [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-05 rK sT back on field [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-05 rK sT worked on objects processing at home after the morning break. [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-06 rK rK on site along with Apo Panossian (aP) [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-11 rK Gabe Pesce (gP) was with rK on the A6 field [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-14 RK In addition RK, ST was in area part of the time excavating i10, and GVP as well. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-11 rK Gabe Pesce (gP) was with rK on the A6 field [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-14 RK In addition RK, ST was in area part of the time excavating i10, and GVP as well. [Input: C7-3.J]
1996-07-07 rK jm and rs practiced use of the handpick on the floor of k169 where the section is being extended Nward. [Input: G709RK.J]
1996-07-20 rK Fieldwork in A6 today was supervised by jO & jM; rK wasn't well and worked part of the time at the house. [Input: G720RK.J]
1997-06-15 dns A6 team meeting. We went over the basics of filling in log info as well as writing out tags for the q lots and items. RK defined the basic terminology as it is used at Tell Mozan--feature, locus, q-item vs item, as well as went over info about when triagulations and elevations are taken. [Input: H616DNSD.J]
1997-06-15 rK A6 excavation this season will be assisted by Diep Shoemaker (dns) and Benjamin Studevent-Hickman (bsh). [Input: H616RK.J]
1997-06-15 dns A6 team meeting. We went over the basics of filling in log info as well as writing out tags for the q lots and items. RK defined the basic terminology as it is used at Tell Mozan--feature, locus, q-item vs item, as well as went over info about when triagulations and elelvations are taken. [Input: H627DNS.J]
1997-06-25 rK DNS practiced picking along with BSH in k22 (f358). rK went over some practical aspects of coding journal entries with bsh. [Input: H627RK.J]
1997-06-26 rK RK covered the following points with DNS and BSH. (1) Need for precise descriptions, especially of features. (2) Use of a [accumulation] and f [floor] subcategories [aa-ad; fa-fd], once these can be determined. (3) Useful categories under "incidentals" for journal entry: -dy, -mt, -sg, -sn, -sr, and -su [Manual, p. 17]. (4) Depositional verbs [p. 17]. (5) encoding for pottery, overall shape [p. 18]. (6) The need to make strata assignments and to articulate stratigraphy related arguments. (7) Q-lots; filling in the slot for location. (8) View descriptions as part of the journal. We have been fairly successful in processing items regularly so that there is no backlog in any real sense. Files too have been entered regularly. [Input: H627RK.J]
1997-06-27 rK RK and DNS visited k22 to examine stratigraphic matters related to the floors. [Input: H627RK.J]
1997-06-28 rK Discussed with DNS procedures for continuing the excavation in k30--removing the rest of the bricky mass, f337, straightening out the W section of the E cut, excavating the "floor" f331. In k22, discussed with BSH as well as the pick men Ibrahim Hallo and Abdul Karim, the situation with the floors there. GB was consulted. [Input: H630RK.J]
1997-07-08 rK bsh will leave work in areas under book A6 and join A7 starting H712. [Input: H726RK2.J]
1997-07-19 dns bsh has been working in A7 since H712. dns returned to the U.S. on H718. They both participated earnestly in the excavation of the A6 area this season. bsh managed excavations in k22, at the floor level, and in on site photography for all of area A6. dns contributed significantly in excavating k30 and 31. [Input: H726RK2.J]
1997-07-23 dns bsh returned to A6 for the three days remaining before he would leave the expedition. [Input: H726RK2.J]