; File processed on 2024-09-12 ; A6f1 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f124 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k167 F50 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f4 (gully) cuts f1 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f1 (topsoil) overlays f5 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f1 (topsoil) overlays f16 (wa) K1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK includes sod layer AASrB1 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f124 ; A6f2 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f129 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v1 D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f19 (gully) cuts f2 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f2 (topsoil) covers f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f2 (topsoil) covers f36 (isolated individual brick) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f2 (topsoil) covers f67 (stone layer) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f2 (topsoil) overlays f7 (brickfall) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f2 (topsoil) overlays f10 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f2 (topsoil) overlays f12 (wa) K1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK includes sod layer AASrB1 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f129 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v1 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v2 O12 1992-07-11_ZH306lC2.j GB v7 ; A6f3 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f130 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q71.1 (lithic) sits in f3 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q71 (items) sits in f3 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f3 (topsoil) covers f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f3 (topsoil) covers f30 (wa) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f3 (topsoil) overlays f6 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f3 (topsoil) overlays f9 (brickfall) K1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK includes sod layer AASrB1 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f130 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10b O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 ; A6f4 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f125 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK gully D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k167 F51 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J !! q271.1 (plaque) sits in f4 (gully) F51 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J rk q271 (items, pottery) sits in f4 (gully) F52 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f4 (gully) cuts f1 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f4 (gully) cuts f5 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f4 (gully) overlays f5 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f125 ; A6f5 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f133 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k167 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f4 (gully) cuts f5 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f1 (topsoil) overlays f5 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f4 (gully) overlays f5 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q193.1 (slag) sits in f5 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q192 (items, pottery) sits in f5 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q193 (pottery) sits in f5 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J rk q272 (items, pottery) sits in f5 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f5 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f5 (accumulation C) covers f16 (wa) K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK red layer below gulley wash ; A6f6 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f141 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 C99 1992-07-09_C7-1-D.J rK all of the this feature past the baulk has now been removed. C99 1992-07-09_C7-1-D.J rK the lower steps left along the N & E borders have been removed. There was a red brick at the top, 50 cm below surface at the corner of the two walls, that had no brick underneath. This was therefore removed. A red brick is still visible in section, extending lengthwise to the N at this level. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f3 (topsoil) overlays f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q96.1 (lithic) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q96.2 (lithic) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q109.1 (lithic) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q13 (bones, pottery) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q96 (items, pottery) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q109 (items, pottery) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q204 (bones) sits in f6 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f6 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f6 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f6 (accumulation C) overlays f18 (accumulation C) K1 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK contains grey brick baths and pink areas along with accumulation that is less hard and more crumbly K6 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK 10YR7/1, 7.5YR7/4 K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK hard (penetrometer 4.5) K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK the penetrometer was not especially helpful in distinguishing the hardness of the various accumulations in section since all of them gave the reading for maximal hardness (4.5). K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation plus brickfall below ts K8 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK fine K99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK see under f34 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10b O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 ; A6f7 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f143 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK brickfall A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v1 C99 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK the excavation in this feature consisted of the removal fo the pedestal with the skull. The intact buff bowl, i9, was found here below the level of the sull. There were bricks present along with a good deal of non-brick in this pedestal, especially along its W face. The pedestal has been cut down to a level below the adjacent brick wall. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f2 (topsoil) overlays f7 (brickfall) F51 1992-07-11_ZGx24aMA.j rK i7 (skull) sits in f7 (brickfall) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q122.1 (lithic) sits in f7 (brickfall) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q122.2 (lithic) sits in f7 (brickfall) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q122 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f7 (brickfall) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f7 (brickfall) overlays f11 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK E part of locus O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v1 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v2 O12 1992-07-11_ZH306lC2.j GB v7 ; A6f8 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f144 A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 C99 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK continuing removal of ac f34 brought the floor in k168 to a level where there was no brick wall in the position of f8 and f30. However, stone was observable in places. GB examined this and found that the trowel could pass through what was remaining floor accumulation on the side, and reach rock. The brick walls, thus, extend out beyond the stone layers underneath (Southwards for f8, Westwards for f30) into the locus. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F1 1992-07-08_C7-1-D.J gB seems to form a doorway to the West; so face of wall is very clear, and it served to show several beginners on the staff how to pick the vertical face F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f6 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f18 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f34 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F50 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK f51 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f58 (fill in secondary context) abuts f8 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f3 (topsoil) covers f8 (wa) F51 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f8 (wa) bonds with f12 (wa) F51 1992-07-08_C7-1-D.J gB f8 (wa) bonds with f30 (wa) F99 1992-07-08_C7-1-D.J gB bonding is not in evidence but the two walls clearly form a corner. K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK along N of locus O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10a O12 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v12 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v27 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v28 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v33 ; A6f9 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f146 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK brickfall A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 B11 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK this was described as the layer of brickfall in k169, below the topsoil. In some ways this duplicated f6 which was defined as ac and brickfall at the same level. In general, f9 was more along the E and N of the locus. We now doubt if brickfall was really the correct description for this feature. A good part of it could have been what resulted from abandonment and accumulation. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f3 (topsoil) overlays f9 (brickfall) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f9 (brickfall) overlays f18 (accumulation C) K6 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK 10YR7/4 K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK medium K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK the penetrometer was not especially helpful in distinguishing the hardness of the various accumulations in section since all of them gave the reading for maximal hardness (4.5). K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK along E 1/2 of locus K8 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK crumbly K99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK see under f34 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10b O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 ; A6f10 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f147 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v1 C99 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK also included in q201-p D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f2 (topsoil) overlays f10 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q201.1 sits in f10 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q3 (bones, pottery) sits in f10 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q201 (bones, pottery) sits in f10 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) covers f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) covers f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) overlays f11 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) overlays f28 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK below ts O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v1 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 ; A6f11 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f150 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f12 (wa) abuts f11 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f7 (brickfall) overlays f11 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) overlays f11 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f11 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f11 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f11 (accumulation C) overlays f17 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK below brickfall ; A6f12 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f153 A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v1 D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevation measured from S baulk of k168: @ E, 67 from top; at W, 50 from top. F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f11 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f17 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f33 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f63 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f2 (topsoil) covers f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) covers f12 (wa) F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f2 (topsoil) overlays f12 (wa) F51 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f12 (wa) bonds with f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f12 (wa) abuts f11 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f12 (wa) abuts f17 (accumulation C) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 J99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB N face at stone layer: 83; + rabbet: 103 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK juts into f10 from S baulk O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v1 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v2 O12 1992-07-11_ZH306lC2.j GB v7 ; A6f13 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f152 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v3 C99 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK the entire layer was excavated to an additional depth of ca. 30cm, slightly more in the E 1/2. No major finds. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f56 (pit) cuts f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx24aMA.j rK i3 (seal) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j !! q8.1 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q22.1 (vitrified clay) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q26.1 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q33.1 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q33.2 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q33.3 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q57.1 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q57.2 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q57.3 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q57.4 (lithic) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q91.1 (sample) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q91.2 (uncertain) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q1 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q8 (items, pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q10 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q12 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q14 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q17 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q22 (items, pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q24 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q26 (items) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q27 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q31 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q33 (items, pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q35 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q38 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q40 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q41 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q49 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q51 (pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q57 (items, pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q91 (items, pottery) sits in f13 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j !! q1-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f13 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f13 (topsoil) overlays f23 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK includes sod layer AASrB1 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f152 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v3 O12 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6 O12 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6a O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21 ; A6f14 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f149 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v3 C99 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK another 30cm of topsoil removed; no major finds D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f31 (pit) cuts f14 (topsoil) F50 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f27 (br) intrudes f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx24aMA.j rK i1 (jar) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx24aMA.j rK i2 (jar) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j !! q11.1 (lithic) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q42.1 (lithic) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q70.1 (lithic) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q73.1 (bead (clay)) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q79.1 (wheel) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q89.1 (soil sample) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q90.1 (soil sample) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q2 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q4 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q5 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q6 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q7 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q11 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q15 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q16 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q18 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q23 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q28 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q32 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q34 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q36 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q37 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q42 (items, pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q44 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q50 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q54 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q58 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q65 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q66 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q70 (items, pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q73 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q79 (items, pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q81 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q82 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q83 (pottery) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j sT q89 (items) sits in f14 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q90 (items) sits in f14 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f14 (topsoil) overlays f26 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f14 (topsoil) overlays f36 (isolated individual brick) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f14 (topsoil) overlays f37 (ash layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK includes sod layer AASrB1 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f149 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v3 ; A6f15 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK A1f154 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil C1 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK As excavation proceeded in the SE quadrant, first found ash, then large sherds that extended into the E baulk (and apparently belonged to the same vessel), and then a very large chunk of what seems to be "kiln waste" below the level and to the W of the sherds. There is a clear and obvious pattern in the accumulation and topsoil of very high firing 150 cm from SE corner. Ash and "kiln waste" 60 cm W of E baulk. C99 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK more topsoil removed. Appears to have reached brick at the NW corner, that seems to continue the wall A1f76. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f43 (ashy soil) intrudes f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q52.1 (vitrified clay) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q56.1 (vitrified clay) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q61.1 (lithic) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q20 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q29 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q43 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q45 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q52 (items, pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q55 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q56 (items, pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q59 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q61 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q62 (pottery) sits in f15 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f15 (topsoil) overlays f22 (accumulation C) K1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK includes sod layer AASrB1 K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK A1f154 ; A6f16 A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j !! v22 B11 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK the rabbeting found at the top of the brick wall at the E end is present traceable in the lower layers of brick. C1 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK The S edge of this in k167 was scraped to reveal absence of brick parallel to the "doorway", or "closet" now being identified. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k167 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB (final) elev. m1270+12 -- see also under k167 F50 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f5 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f21 (mix) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f46 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f53 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f68 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f77 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f5 (accumulation C) covers f16 (wa) F50 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK f1 (topsoil) overlays f16 (wa) F51 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f16 (wa) bonds with f20 (wa) F51 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f16 (wa) bonds with f50 (wa) F51 1992-07-20_ZGx21aMA.j rK q204 (bones) sits in f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f16 (wa) abuts f18 (accumulation C) G1 1997-06-20_H728RK1.J rK a31 G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 J99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB at doorway: 171 (189-incl. rabbet) K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK brick, continues A1f78 O12 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j RK v22 ; A6f17 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v2 C1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK was excavated W to E to a depth of 5cm to expose any brickfaces to the N and S. A rabbeted brick wall appears on the N. C1 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK excavated further today beginning with the handpick and later with the large pick to an additional depth exceeding 10 cm today. C4 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK a section was cut along the W face of f17 (see v02). This showed no significant stratification to the level excavated to the E of A1f66 (i.e., ca. 50cm now). C99 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK removed another 3 cm for surface barring the pedestal left holding the skull. The S face A1f79 has been exposed and part of the rabbeting that corresponds to the E face of A1f64 doorway. D1 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f12 (wa) abuts f17 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK f11 (accumulation C) overlays f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_ZGx24aMA.j rK i9 (bowl) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q19.1 (sample) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q19.2 (figurine fragment) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j !! q25.1 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q47.1 (uncertain) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q77.1 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q77.2 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q77.3 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q77.4 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q94.1 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q106.1 (sample) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q106.2 (bead (clay)) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q106.3 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q106.4 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q106.5 (lithic) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q106.6 (figurine fragment) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q115.1 (sample) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q9 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q19 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q25 (items) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q30 (pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q47 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q77 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q94 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q106 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q115 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q129 (bones, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q141 (bones, pottery) sits in f17 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f17 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f17 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK f17 (accumulation C) overlays f33 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK @ & below top level of f016 that extends into the N baulk of k168 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v2 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 O12 1992-07-11_ZH306lC2.j GB v7 ; A6f18 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 B11 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK this layer was defined bot based on strictly identifiable stratigraphy but on convenience. The layer begins at a depth from the top of 52cm at the SE corner and 30 cm at the SW of the locus. There is much less of "brickfall" type material in this layer. B11 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK this might in fact include gulley wash from the W 1/2 of the locus where the gully wash seems to have gone through deeper. C1 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK no signifcant finds in approx. 8 cm of ac removed today. D1 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f16 (wa) abuts f18 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J sT f6 (accumulation C) overlays f18 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f9 (brickfall) overlays f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q46.1 (lithic) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q75.1 (sample) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q75.2 (lithic) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q95.1 (lithic) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q21 (bones, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q46 (items, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q53 (pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q75 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q95 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q107 (bones, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q116 (bones, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q117 (bones, pottery) sits in f18 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f18 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f18 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F52 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK f18 (accumulation C) overlays f34 (accumulation C) K5 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK has intermittent red-pink and pink-grey accumulations K6 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK 2.5Y7/2 K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK medium K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK the penetrometer was not especially helpful in distinguishing the hardness of the various accumulations in section since all of them gave the reading for maximal hardness (4.5). K8 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK abandonment ac below f006 K8 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK crumbly K99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK see under f34 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10b O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 ; A6f19 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK gully A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v5 C99 1992-07-05_C7-1-D.J rK the topsoil/gulley wash in the N baulk of k168 is being removed over the "closet" in order to identify and excavate the features below. D1 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q48.1 (worked stone) sits in f19 (gully) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q48.2 (fig fragment) sits in f19 (gully) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q48 (items) sits in f19 (gully) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q60 (items, pottery) sits in f19 (gully) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f19 (gully) cuts f2 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f19 (gully) overlays f24 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5a ; A6f20 A21 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j !! v5 B11 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB as it stands, the top of this wall in k168 is about 30cm below that of f16. It is possible that the top layer of brick was removed in the course of excavation. D1 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB (final) elev.: m1270-17; highest elev. is m1217+44 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f11 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f17 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f28 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f33 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f63 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f77 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) covers f20 (wa) F51 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f20 (wa) bonds with f16 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 J99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB widest 167; S face of stone layers 93 K8 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK juts into k168 from N baulk O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 O12 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5a O12 1992-07-11_ZH306lC2.j GB v7 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v34 ; A6f21 A21 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK mix D1 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK k167 F51 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q39 (pottery) sits in f21 (mix) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f21 (mix) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f21 (mix) abuts f50 (wa) K8 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK non-brick S of f016 N of "closet" ; A6f22 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v9 B11 1992-07-06_C7-1-D.J rK k219 has already been cut as 3 steps: 55x120, 3 cm below topsoil in NE corner; to a distance of 135 cm from E baulk a second step along the whole NS length to a depth of 60cm at the N, 20 cm in S; step 3 being the lowest level in the locus, 260 cm wide NS along the W border of locus at depths from surface of 85 cm NE, 45 cm SE, 10 cm SW, and 35 cm NW. B11 1992-07-06_C7-1-D.J rK the character of soil in k219 seems to change 30-40 cm below suface in the NE corner, 12 cm below surface in SE. The locus has already been cut to a depth below this and the accumulation from the levels now reached will be treated as f022. D1 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f40 (kiln) intrudes f22 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f15 (topsoil) overlays f22 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f43 (ashy soil) overlays f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q80.1 (uncertain) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q80.2 (sample) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q86.1 (lithic) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q86.2 (lithic) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q86.3 (sample) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q97.1 (lithic) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q97.2 (lithic) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q97.3 (sample) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q98.1 (lithic) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q98.2 (lithic) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q120.0 sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q120.1 sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q63 (pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q68 (pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q74 (bones, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q80 (items, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q86 (items, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q97 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q98 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q104 (bones, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q111 (pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q112 (pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q120 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f22 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f22 (accumulation C) abuts f41 (wa) F52 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK f22 (accumulation C) overlays f35 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK below ts O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9a ; A6f23 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j !! v6 B11 1992-07-06_C7-1-D.J rK k217 has been excavated on 2 steps. The lower level (W) now reached is being called f023. Depth from top: SW 60; NW 40; NE 80; SE 102. The higher step (E) which continues as f013 is currently at the following depths from top: NE 102; SE 95; SW 85; NW 80. C1 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK As this floor was being excavated with the goal of finding the faces of the brickwall that it abuts, Jaffar (?) discovered a tannur in the middle of the S 1/2 of the locus. It was excavated very carefully by him but only partially so far since priority is given to going down the floor. C99 1992-07-06_C7-1-D.J rK A sealing and another clay lump for seal was recovered today from the area being renamed f023. Workmen were instructed not to remove objects from their emplacement if detected in place and to call us first. D1 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f56 (pit) cuts f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f25 (br) intrudes f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f39 (br) intrudes f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f70 (br) intrudes f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f13 (topsoil) overlays f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f38 (tannur (feature)) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK f64 (br) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK f65 (bowl) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx24aMA.j rK i4 (needle) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx24aMA.j rK i5 (metal artifact) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-10_ZGx24aMA.j rK i6 (blade) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK i10 (skull) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_ZGx24aMA.j rK i12 (plaque) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_ZGx24aMA.j rK i13 (metal artifact) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-20_G811MZ7L.J rk i15 (bowl) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_G811MZ7L.J rk i18 (bowl) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q64.1 (sample) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q64.2 (uncertain) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j !! q69.1 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q72.1 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q72.2 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q72.3 (figurine fragment?) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q72.4 (bone gragment) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q87.1 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q87.2 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q101.1 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q101.2 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j !! q101.3 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q118.1 (stone) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q119.1 (sample) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q138.1 (clay lumps) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J !! q175.1 (lithic) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J !! q259.1 (sample) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J !! q260.1 (jar) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J !! q260.2 (soil sample) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J !! q270.1 (uncertain) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q64 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q67 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q69 (items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q72 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q78 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q85 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q87 (items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q101 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q103 (bones, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q113 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q118 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q119 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q138 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q163 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q164 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q175 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q176 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q177 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q182 (bones, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q183 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q194 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q202 (bones, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q203 (bones, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q206 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q215 (bones, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q250 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q251 (pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q259 (items) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q260 (items) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q270 (items, pottery) sits in f23 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f23 (accumulation C) abuts f44 (wa) F52 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK f23 (accumulation C) overlays f45 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K1 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK It should be noted and is quite evident from the section the S baulk of k217 that at least in the SW quadrant of the locus, top soil penetrated below the layer I called f23, even into f45. K1 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK this pink-red abandonment layer ac in k217 is very closely packed. Has single layer of bricks along with graves in it. f64, a burial, and f65, a large bowl which might be associated with a burial, are present in this layer. The tannur, f38, is more or less at the interface between f23 and f45 as I defined them. There was a layer of brick in the NE quadrant which, in fact, overlaid a grave, f64. A line of bricks appeared in the E section in the NE quadrant and picking it with the handpick clearly showed that something other than accumulation is present--could be a layer of bricks as found associated with the burials. K8 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK below ts O12 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6 O12 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6a O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8 O12 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j RK v15 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v19 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v20 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21 ; A6f24 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK ac that remained connected to the N baulk of k168. The feature number pertains only to the limited amount that remained and was removed when the closet was being excavated. D1 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f19 (gully) overlays f24 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q76 (pottery) sits in f24 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f24 (accumulation C) overlays f28 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK below f019 between A1f65 and f020 ; A6f25 A21 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK br A35 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j !! v6 B11 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK a grave f023. Workers first found a bone when digging to the E and the area was then left undisturbed. Further removal of accumulation and cleaning revealed the outline of a grave in f023. The skeleton is oriented NS with the skull at N. What appears to be the right humerus is positioned on top. Section of ac just above the grave evidences top soil extending from the top down to the skeleton. The grave is 180 cm from W boundary of locus. D1 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 F51 1992-07-23_ZGx24aMA.j rK i19 (sample) sits in f25 (br) F51 1992-07-23_ZGx24aMA.j rK i20 (sling ball) sits in f25 (br) F52 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f25 (br) intrudes f23 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f25 (br) rests on f44 (wa) K8 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK in f023 O12 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6 O12 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6b O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8b O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8c O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v19 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v20 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21 ; A6f26 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK W 2/3 of k219 has been cut below level of topsoil. This will be treated now as a separate feature. C1 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK found baked brick along W broder of k218 close to NW corner at a depth of 54 cm from the top. This more or less marks the upper border of ac f026. The ac is similar to the abandonment pattern. An ashpit found along the S border of locus at this level extends to (& perhaps goes past) the step along the E of locus that still continues as f014. D1 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation: m1248-108/112 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f29 (pit) cuts f26 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f37 (ash layer) intrudes f26 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f14 (topsoil) overlays f26 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f27 (br) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f36 (isolated individual brick) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q84.1 (token gaming piece) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q84.2 (lithic) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q84.3 (lithic) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q84.4 (lithic) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q84.5 (lithic) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j !! q84.6 (lithic) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J !! q114.1 (bowl) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q187.1 sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q84 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q88 (pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q93 (pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q100 (items, pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q108 (bones, pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q110 (items, pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q114 (items) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q187 (pottery) sits in f26 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK under ts in W 1/2 of locus ; A6f27 A21 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK br B11 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK assumed to be a grave based on pattern of stone and brick emplacement on top; in SE corner of k218 D1 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 F52 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f27 (br) intrudes f14 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f27 (br) sits in f26 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK in SE corner of locus ; A6f28 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK the "closet" in k168 has been cut down to a level below the topsoil gulley wash and are to the level of the stone wall. The accumulation in this specific area will be discussed under this new feature number. D1 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f10 (accumulation C) overlays f28 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-07_C7-1-D.J rK f24 (accumulation C) overlays f28 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q92 (bones, pottery) sits in f28 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q105 (bones, pottery) sits in f28 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f28 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f28 (accumulation C) overlays f46 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK in doorway at the level of wall stone ; A6f29 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK pit A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v63 B11 1996-07-14_G720RK.J rK The ash pit had an arc of red dirt, 5-10cm thick, along the W border, about 30 cm down. However there was more ash underneath, so this was completely removed. C1 1996-07-15_G720RK.J rK This pit had been excavated to a depth of 50cm on G714. On further digging, the workman reached what appears to be a proper floor at the bottom of this pit. It is white, so not hard to notice and follow. The whiteness does not appear to be plaster but the floor is quite level. C1 1996-07-17_G720RK.J rK The radius of this pit was extended by another 10cm yesterday (and the sherds etc. collected as part of a separate feature. There is still plenty of ash in its wall toward the S. D1 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J rk r202 (42730 35603 - / Relay location: N) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J rk r203 (42627 35642 - 8503 / Relay location: E) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J rk r204 (42740 35441 - / Relay location: S) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J rk r205 (42714 35494 - / Relay location: W) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r184 (42678 35474 - / Relay location: @ SW) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r185 (42704 35485 - 8497 / Relay location: @ W) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r186 (42739 35530 - / Relay location: @ NW) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r187 (42767 35582 - 8498 / Relay location: @ N) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r188 (42673 35659 - / Relay location: @ NE) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r189 (42602 35647 - 8502 / Relay location: @ E) D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J rk r190 (42567 35596 - / Relay location: @ SE) D3 1996-07-15_G717RK2.J rk r183 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: @ S) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r257 (42589 35523 - 8470 / Relay location: S) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r258 (42679 35457 - 8467 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r259 (42700 35496 - 8467 / Relay location: W) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r260 (42740 35541 - 8463 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r262 (42701 35643 - 8467 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r263 (42619 35643 - 8467 / Relay location: E) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r264 (42586 35617 - 8469 / Relay location: SE) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i78 (clay artifact) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i79 (wheel) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j jO i83 (weapon) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q304.1 (pot) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J !! q439.1 (figurine) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J !! q439.2 sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j !! q454.1 (kiln waste) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q99 (bones, pottery) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q439 (p,b,l) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jO q445 (pottery) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jO q448 (pottery) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j rK q450 (bones, pottery) sits in f29 (pit) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q454 (items, pottery) sits in f29 (pit) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f29 (pit) cuts f26 (accumulation C) K6 1996-07-14_G720RK.J rK dark grayish brown 4/2, 10YR below (moist); gray, 5/1 10YR on top ( dry) K8 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK in f26 along S baulk mid-EW & continuing Eastward O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v63 ; A6f30 A21 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 C99 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK see comments today under f8. D1 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f6 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f18 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f34 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F50 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK f51 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f58 (fill in secondary context) abuts f30 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f3 (topsoil) covers f30 (wa) F51 1992-07-08_C7-1-D.J gB f30 (wa) bonds with f8 (wa) K8 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK along E baulk O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10a O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10b O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v27 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v28 ; A6f31 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK pit A35 1996-07-04_G802JO.J !! v51 B11 1996-07-04_G705RK.J rk had wall/lining consisting of coarse red-brown clay with gypsum inclusions and fired appearance. D1 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q323.1 (pot) sits in f31 (pit) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q324.1 (i) sits in f31 (pit) F51 1992-07-10_ZGx21aMA.j rk q102 (pottery) sits in f31 (pit) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f31 (pit) cuts f14 (topsoil) J3 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB 76 K8 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK near NE corner of locus O12 1996-07-04_G802JO.J rK v51 ; A6f32 A21 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK void F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q794 (pottery) sits in f32 (void) ; A6f33 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK ac in k168 at and below the level of stone wall to the W. C99 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK the part of f33 removed today belonged to the pedestal with the skull i7 that was removed on C711. It was removed only to the N limit of the presumed S face of f20. C99 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK also included in q199-p D1 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK f17 (accumulation C) overlays f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_ZGx24aMA.j rK i8 (sealing) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q130.1 (uncertain) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q130.2 (lithic) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q130.3 (lithic) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q144.2 (figurine) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q156.1 sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q211.1 (sample) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q121 (bones, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q130 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q144 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q156 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q211 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q212 (pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f33 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f33 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK f33 (accumulation C) overlays f48 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK below f17; top elev. m1235-135 ; A6f34 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j !! v10 B11 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK ac below f018 and close to the level of the stone wall to the W. Bricky material begins to appear in SE corner. C99 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK close to the end of the workday today, we came to an ash floor in k169--at the SW corner. There also appears to be a lone red brick in the middle of the floor. C99 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK Most of the effort today was spent on removing what is left of the reddish ac in this layer in order to reach the grey ash layer below. I found out on taking elevations today that the SW limit of the floor (as excavated) was 15 cm lower than the NE. -- The accumulation along the stone layers of walls f8, f30 was removed the exposed the wall. D1 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F50 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK f18 (accumulation C) overlays f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q123.1 (lithic) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q123.2 (sample) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J !! q123.3 (wheel) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q132.1 (insect nest) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q132.2 (lithic) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q132.3 (lithic) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q132.4 (uncertain) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q123 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q131 (bones, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q132 (items, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q136 (bones, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q143 (bones, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f34 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f34 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F52 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK f34 (accumulation C) overlays f51 (accumulation C) K5 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK grey & red-pink K7 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK medium K8 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK below f18; top elev. m1237-166 K99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK the fact that typological observations were made on the basis of the material present in the E section may have affected the findings since that is a doorway and has present in it threshold bricks in addition to brickfall and other material. O12 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 ; A6f35 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v9 B11 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK previous digging exposed more bricks at NW corner and a possible brick wall at the SW corner. Accumulation from this level (m1235, -156) is being treated as a new feature. A partial sealing was recovered from the ac immediately above this. C5 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK Excavation in this square has clearly shown the brick walls close to the N & S borders of the locus. The floor was leveled and we may not choose to excavate this any further during this season. C99 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK an old small snail shell (spiral) was found from the layer of floor accumulation in k219, after the outline of the well was observed. D1 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB see under k219 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f66 (well) cuts f35 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK f22 (accumulation C) overlays f35 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q127.1 (lithic) sits in f35 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q124 (bones, pottery) sits in f35 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q127 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f35 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q184 (bones, pottery) sits in f35 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q200 (bones, pottery) sits in f35 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f35 (accumulation C) abuts f41 (wa) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f35 (accumulation C) abuts f42 (wa) K5 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK grey ash K7 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK medium K8 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK below f22; top elev. m1235-156 K8 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK fine O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9a P1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK C718 ; A6f36 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK isolated individual brick A35 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j !! v22 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK fired bricks of which 3 are now visible jutting out of the W baulk into k218 close to its NW corner. Might belong with a burial that might be within the baulk to the W of the bricks, that is probably much later than the bricks themselves. B11 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK This is the loose assemblage of bricks in the NW corner of k218 that was identified (and labelled) during the previous season. One of the bricks was removed as a q-item. 3 more pieces were found on removal of f122 from the baulk. 2 pieces are complementary parts of the same brick; the third one is a whole trapezoidal brick as the one removed. These were temporarily deposited in k219 which is not being currently excavated. C99 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK a few sherds collected from above the bricks from the baulk are in q187-p D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation: m1248-79 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f2 (topsoil) covers f36 (isolated individual brick) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f14 (topsoil) overlays f36 (isolated individual brick) F51 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q381.1 (i) sits in f36 (isolated individual brick) F51 1996-07-08_TEST.J jm q381 (items) sits in f36 (isolated individual brick) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f36 (isolated individual brick) sits in f26 (accumulation C) K1 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK 3 bricks were removed and examined today. They were similar: fired bricks of trapezoid shape; parallel sides were 33 & 25 cms, antiparallel, 31 cm, thickness, 8.5 cm. No evidence of any writing on them. There are more bricks (within the dimensions of the baulk) extending N and at least one more to the W at the NE corner of the baulk. K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK seen in section along W baulk N corner O12 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j RK v22 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v32 ; A6f37 A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK ash layer B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK the evidence of the activity of the kiln, f040, extends significantly into k218. A layer of ash is discernible clsoe to the top that extends downward, and this is now being labelled as f037. During the excavation, associated layers to the W in the locus were treated as part of the f014. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f14 (topsoil) overlays f37 (ash layer) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f37 (ash layer) intrudes f26 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-03_G705RK.J rk f37 (ash layer) overlays f102 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK close to ts at E extanding door ; A6f38 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK tannur (feature) A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v8 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK appears to be a tannur; only partially excavated at this point. Ash, sherds, pieces of brick etc. are evident, apparently in association, within a more or less circular area. B11 1992-07-16_C7-3.J RK dimensions: 40-50 cm in diameter as remains, but must have extended upward and outward. A large sherd is nearby to NE; a stone 20x15 to SSW; broken bricks in middle and beside: max dimension 10cm, thickness 4-5 cm. C99 1992-07-16_C7-3.J RK was removed today C99 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK by close of workday, accumulation f23 had been removed to a level just above the feature f38. C99 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK excavation of the SE quadrant of k217 yielded another piece of the tannur. See v15. More "brick" was seen in association. This part of the tannur remained until now because we had left the E /2 of the locus as a step (on account of the presence of burials) when the rest of f38 was first discovered. The walls of the tannur were bagged. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k218 F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q162 (pottery) sits in f38 (tannur (feature)) F51 1992-07-16_ZGx21aMA.j rK q163 (pottery) sits in f38 (tannur (feature)) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q207 (items) sits in f38 (tannur (feature)) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f38 (tannur (feature)) rests on f45 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f38 (tannur (feature)) sits in f23 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK midway along S baulk O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8a O12 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j RK v15 ; A6f39 A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK br A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v8 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK is a burial in f023, close to the N baulk and midway EW in the locus, although at present only the top of the skull is exposed. If it is an entire skeleton, the orientation is EW (head to W). C99 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK It was thought that this burial consisted only of a skull. When ST began to remove it today, the rest of the skeleton was found extending into the baulk. Only the skull and a few associated bones were removed. C99 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK a few more bones of this skeleton were removed today in the process of excavating the NE quadrant of k217. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elev. -114 from sod layer = m1233-184 F51 1992-07-14_ZGx24aMA.j rK i10 (skull) sits in f39 (br) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q209 (bones) sits in f39 (br) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f39 (br) intrudes f23 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK in f23 near N baulk O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8c O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v20 ; A6f40 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK kiln A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v9 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK kiln in k219. The discovery of this was noted previously under f015. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f40 (kiln) intrudes f22 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK below f15 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9b ; A6f41 A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v79 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK wa in k219, continues f008 of k169 along the N baulk. At present it disappears into the baulk about mid-way into locus. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB wall exists as a step (bricks at diff. levels) -- highest elev. m1235-112 -- next level: m1235-150 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f41 (wa) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f95 rests on f41 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f22 (accumulation C) abuts f41 (wa) F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f35 (accumulation C) abuts f41 (wa) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK continues f8 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v32 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J jO v79 O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v92 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96a ; A6f42 A1 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f201 A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v9 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK small area of brick exposed at SW corner of k219. Expected to be part of the wall. Is at approx. same level as top of f041 currently being exposed. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevn top of wall at S: m1235-156 F50 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f35 (accumulation C) abuts f42 (wa) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK brick exposed at SW corner of locus O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v33 ; A6f43 A21 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK ashy soil A35 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j !! v9 B11 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK overview of the site on C711 by gB & aA staff led to the observation (expecially against the light of the setting sun) that there was top, clearly discernible, layer below the sod in k219, that was quite ashy and containing pockets of ash. It seems obvious that the ash should be associated with the kiln, f040, in the locus. During the excavation, this layer was treated as part of the topsoil, f015. D1 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK k219 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevation of the bottom of this layer (interface between f43 & f22): at NE, m1235-53 -- at mid NS of locus, m1235-45 F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f43 (ashy soil) intrudes f15 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-12_C7-3.J rK f43 (ashy soil) overlays f22 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK part of f15 would have been this O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O12 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9a ; A6f44 A21 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK wa A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v59 B11 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK built of of soft buff brick over f78. Had a lyer of crumbly red brick on top (9-10cm). So we left this as a step until now. Excavation to define the boundaries of f78 showed this was built over it. It consists extensively of such brick, with sherd and other inclusions. As preserved it is almost in line with f78 to the N, but the latter extends past it to the S. B11 1996-07-29_G806RK.J rK The "secondary wall" f44 extended approx. 150 cm above f78. D1 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r145 ( - 8433 / Relay location: W of f112 etc) D99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK elevation of the top level: m1233-173; m1248-70. D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation: m1248-72 F1 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK this assemblage of soft buff brick and perhaps clay seems to have been built over the lower stone and red brick wall, f78. Its W boundary coincided with that of f78 and so does the N boundary seem to. On the south side, f 78 appears to have extended past the later f44 by a brick width or two. It would be important when the excavations in k217 resume, to locate the E limits of f44. Already we may have removed parts of it in excavating the E quadrants of this locus. It is also possible that some of the bricky material removed from f23 and below and thought to be associated with burials is in fact f44. On the other hand, the section in the E baulk of the locus do not clearly evidence a continuing brick wall. F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f25 (br) rests on f44 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f23 (accumulation C) abuts f44 (wa) F50 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK f45 (accumulation C) abuts f44 (wa) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J !! q278.1 sits in f44 (wa) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q274 (pottery) sits in f44 (wa) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q278 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f44 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f44 (wa) sits in f78 (brickwall) G1 1997-06-20_H728RK1.J !! a31 G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK EW across mid-locus L1 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK this was either a secondary wall or a series of thresholds, the former being more likely O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v25 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v25a O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v25b O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v59 ; A6f45 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j !! v15 C1 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK continued digging down on either side of the presumed brick wall f44, in order to reach a brick layer below that would correspond to a major wall. D1 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f38 (tannur (feature)) rests on f45 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK f23 (accumulation C) overlays f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q126.1 (lithic) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J !! q126.2 (lithic) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q135.1 (lithic) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q158.1 (lithic) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q158.2 (bone object) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q159.1 sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J !! q214.1 (lithic specimen) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J !! q214.2 (lithic assemblage) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J !! q249.1 (wheel) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q125 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q126 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q135 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q145 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q146 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q158 (items, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q159 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q165 (pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q208 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q213 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q214 (pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q249 (items, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q254 (bones) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q261 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK f45 (accumulation C) abuts f44 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f45 (accumulation C) overlays f54 (accumulation C) K1 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK see C719 note under f23. K5 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB grey-pink K7 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB hard compact K8 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK top elev. m1248-134 K8 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB fine granular O12 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j RK v15 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21 ; A6f46 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK reddish ac in a1 from 30 cm below the level of the stone wall to the W C99 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK the closet a1, and the floor of k168 are being excavated at the same levels now D1 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK k169 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f28 (accumulation C) overlays f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q137.1 (lithic) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q137.2 (lithic) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q137.3 (lithic) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q140.1 (sample) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q128 (bones, pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q137 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q140 (bones, pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q265 (pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f46 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f46 (accumulation C) abuts f50 (wa) F52 1992-07-13_C7-3.J fAB f46 (accumulation C) abuts f64 (br) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f46 (accumulation C) overlays f53 (accumulation C) F99 1992-07-13_C7-3.J fAB The feature 64 described in the depositional entry is in A1, but due to the program it was described as only f64. K8 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK from 30cm below top of stone wall @ W ; A6f47 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil D1 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK k1 F51 1992-07-14_ZGx21aMA.j !! q210.1 (metal object) sits in f47 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q133 (pottery) sits in f47 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q134 (pottery) sits in f47 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-14_ZGx21aMA.j rK q210 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f47 (topsoil) K8 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK past 4cm from top ; A6f48 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK ac in a1 below elevation 8325 D1 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK f33 (accumulation C) overlays f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_ZGx24aMA.j rK i11 (bead (clay)) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q142.1 sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.1 sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.2 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.3 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.4 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.5 (flake) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.6 (flake) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J !! q148.7 (uncertain) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q155.1 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q155.2 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q155.3 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q155.4 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q155.5 (ash sample) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J !! q170.1 (lithic) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J !! q170.2 (sample) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q210.1 (metal object) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q142 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q148 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q155 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q160 (pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q170 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q171 (pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q172 (pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q173 (pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q181 (bones, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q210 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q248 (bones, pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f50 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f48 (accumulation C) overlays f63 (accumulation C) K1 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK roots of present day mozan plants have penetrated past this level. Today's excavation also turned up a piece of high chaff, burned black regularly shaped brick-like lump. K8 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK top elev. 8476-151 ; A6f49 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK topsoil B11 1992-07-16_C7-3.J RK topsoil. 10 cm from surface the soil is dark brown and crumbly; not many large pebbles. C99 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK we have not collected sherds or bones from the soil removed so far -- current depths from top: SE 20, NE 40, NW 30, mid-EW at S, 10. Following this we began to remove what seems clearly to be gulley wash along the W 1/2 of the higher levels of the locus: 70-80 cms deep from the levels so far removed, almost to the lowest levels previously excavated herein. D1 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK k170 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q139.1 (uncertain) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J !! q139.2 (uncertain) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J !! q166.1 (clay cart fragment) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q139 (items) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q153 (pottery) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q166 (items, pottery) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q167 (pottery) sits in f49 (topsoil) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q168 (pottery) sits in f49 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f49 (topsoil) covers f59 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f49 (topsoil) overlays f55 (accumulation C) ; A6f50 A21 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK wa B11 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK wall that forms the W boundary of a1 D1 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK k217 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f21 (mix) abuts f50 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f46 (accumulation C) abuts f50 (wa) F50 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK f48 (accumulation C) abuts f50 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f53 (accumulation C) abuts f50 (wa) F51 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f50 (wa) bonds with f16 (wa) K8 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK to the W of closet ; A6f51 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK ac--ash layer. The levels worked on today are the very top of the layer. This might correspond in stratum to the mid-floor gypsum floors in A1 & A5. The floor as excavated is level at this point (see q147) --both at NE & SW I measured 8434-150. B11 1992-07-16_C7-3.J RK ash layer overlays a gypsum floor that slopes steeply W -> E. Evidence of much ash--no tannur--facing "doorway" to E. gypsum floor stops around the periphery of this. There is a large dressed rock on the floor, E. of this. Bricky material is secondarily present. An ash pit 30 cm in diameter close to NE corner. B11 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK lots of ash over gypsum floor W of what I previously presumed to the location of a tannur (GB suggested that, in view of the absence of evidence and the location--in front of a doorway, there need not have been a tannur there). D1 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D42 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK ash layer below f34 F50 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK f34 (accumulation C) overlays f51 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q147 (bones, pottery) sits in f51 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q150 (pottery) sits in f51 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q151 (pottery) sits in f51 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q154 (bones, pottery) sits in f51 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q174 (bones, pottery) sits in f51 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q258 (items, pottery) sits in f51 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK f51 (accumulation C) abuts f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-15_C7-3.J RK f51 (accumulation C) abuts f30 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f51 (accumulation C) covers f58 (fill in secondary context) ; A6f52 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK gully D1 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK k170 F51 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q152 (bones) sits in f52 (gully) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q217 (pottery) sits in f52 (gully) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f49 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f55 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f59 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f69 (accumulation C) ; A6f53 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 D42 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f46 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f46 (accumulation C) overlays f53 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q157 (pottery) sits in f53 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q161 (bones, pottery) sits in f53 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q169 (bones, pottery) sits in f53 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f53 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f53 (accumulation C) abuts f50 (wa) K1 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK ac with small stones, carbon K5 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK red-pink K7 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK medium hard, quite soft when moist K8 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK crumbly ; A6f54 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D42 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f45 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f45 (accumulation C) overlays f54 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_ZGx21aMA.j rK q255 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q268 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_ZGx21aMA.j rK q269 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q275 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q276 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f54 (accumulation C) abuts f78 (brickwall) K5 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB dark brown, with pink and grey K7 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB medium hard K8 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB fine granular ; A6f55 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK the soil has more or less the same consistency about 70 cm down from the very top: buff-pink, fine, hard. It islikely that the topsoil layer was very thin. Sherds collected from here. D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k170 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK buff pink--prob. same as f49--not topsoil F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f55 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f49 (topsoil) overlays f55 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J !! q178.1 (sample) sits in f55 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q188.1 (bead (clay)) sits in f55 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q178 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f55 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q180 (pottery) sits in f55 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q188 (items, pottery) sits in f55 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f55 (accumulation C) abuts f59 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f55 (accumulation C) overlays f69 (accumulation C) ; A6f56 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK pit D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK in f23 F51 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q179 (bones, pottery) sits in f56 (pit) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f56 (pit) cuts f13 (topsoil) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f56 (pit) cuts f23 (accumulation C) ; A6f57 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK doorway A35 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j !! v12 B11 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK doorway between k169 & 168. Its rabbiting was exposed better today with removal of the accumulation covering the stone layer below. he rabbeting of f8 is yet to be exposed. C1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK almost all of the accumulation associated with this doorway to the W has been removed. C2 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK we shall photograph the E section to show bricks in threshold before removing the rest of the accumulation. D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK between k169 & 168, bounded by f8 and A1f76 F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q185 (pottery) sits in f57 (doorway) J99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB E face of W wall at stone level: 88 (+19 rabbet) O12 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v12 O12 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j RK v14 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v17 ; A6f58 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK fill in secondary context A35 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j !! v12 D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK gypsum floor below f51 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f51 (accumulation C) covers f58 (fill in secondary context) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f58 (fill in secondary context) abuts f8 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f58 (fill in secondary context) abuts f30 (wa) O12 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v12 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 ; A6f59 A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j !! v17 B11 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB not clear whether there was a doorway or not. Mid stones is not aligned but it may belong to a wall. C99 1992-07-18_C7-3.J RK was exposed partially at the lower levels of the sone layers on C716 with the removal of the gulley wash in the W 1/2 of k170. Today the portion W of the E baulk was exposed. has brick remaining at the top for about 50cm from the E end (baulk). Rest is only of stones to varying heights. The gulley went over parts of this wall. D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k170 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK EW, borders k169 & 170 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevation of stone wall layer that is the W side of the doorway: m1276-118 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB highest elevn of stone layer now exposed: m1275+9 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f59 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f55 (accumulation C) abuts f59 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f69 (accumulation C) abuts f59 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f49 (topsoil) covers f59 (wa) O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v17 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v18 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v27 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v29 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v30 ; A6f60 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j !! v14 D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK top layer in f57 F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q234 (pottery) sits in f60 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f60 (accumulation C) overlays f61 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j RK v14 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v17 ; A6f61 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j !! v14 D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f60 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f60 (accumulation C) overlays f61 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q186.1 (lithic) sits in f61 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q186 (items, pottery) sits in f61 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q235 (bones, pottery) sits in f61 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q245 (bones, pottery) sits in f61 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f61 (accumulation C) overlays f62 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j RK v14 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v17 ; A6f62 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j !! v14 D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f61 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f61 (accumulation C) overlays f62 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q199.1 sits in f62 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q199.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f62 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J !! q246.1 (clay lump) sits in f62 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q199 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f62 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q241 (pottery) sits in f62 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q246 (items, pottery) sits in f62 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-19_ZH306lC2.j RK v14 ; A6f63 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB flat base, small portion of peg impression C1 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK the accumulation has been removed over most of the area and the underlying floor is being exposed. C1 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK the floor is about level, and it does not have the same surface appearance (white) throughout. C99 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK a (gypsum?) floor appears to underline these accumulations. C99 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK the remains of a tannur were recovered from this layer just above the floor f73, 60 cm from the S wall, f12 D1 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 D42 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f48 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elev. near f20: m1217-176 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f48 (accumulation C) overlays f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-20_G811MZ7L.J rk i14 (ware) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q189.1 (sample) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q190.1 sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J !! q190.2 (slingshot) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q189 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q190 (items, pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q191 (pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q195 (items, pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q196 (bones, pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q197 (pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q198 (pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q218 (bones, pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q219 (pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q230 (pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q247 (pottery) sits in f63 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f63 (accumulation C) abuts f12 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f63 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f63 (accumulation C) covers f73 (fill in secondary context) K3 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB Type 3 K5 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB light gray K6 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB 2.5YR 7/1 K13 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB not sealed ; A6f64 A21 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK br A35 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j !! v19 B11 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK The skull was exposed and the overall orientation at this point seems to be NS, with the head at S. Similar to f25. B11 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK human skeleton buried NS with head to S. It was not "face up". A broken jar with painting on the neck was found over the bones of the upper extremities of the skeleton. The break was ancient and the rest of the jar was not present in the area. C99 1992-07-20_C7-3.J RK partially removed bones of a human skeleton in f64 today--mostly a pair of extremities. C99 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK Most of the skeleton was removed today except for the skull and a few bones. D1 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D42 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK NE quad F50 1992-07-13_C7-3.J fAB f46 (accumulation C) abuts f64 (br) F51 1992-07-20_G811MZ7L.J rk i16 (skeleton) sits in f64 (br) F51 1992-07-20_G811MZ7L.J rk i17 (lithic specimen) sits in f64 (br) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J !! q236.1 (lithic) sits in f64 (br) F51 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q205 (bones, pottery) sits in f64 (br) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q236 (items, pottery) sits in f64 (br) F52 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK f64 (br) sits in f23 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v19 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v20a O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21a ; A6f65 A21 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK bowl A35 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j !! v15 D1 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D42 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK large bowl in NE quad.; initially thought to be assocd. with burial F51 1992-07-21_ZGx21aMA.j rK q239 (items) sits in f65 (bowl) F52 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK f65 (bowl) sits in f23 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j RK v15 O12 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v19a ; A6f66 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK well A35 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J !! v87 B11 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK following the excavation today in k169, a circular outline clearly appeared in the middle of the floor in the W 1/2 of the locus. Might be a well. At this time, accumulation within and outside this outline do not seem distinct. It is quite ashy and fine. C1 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK we excavated within the circumference of this "well" to a depth of 20 cm below the surrounding. No significant finds. A partial brick was present within this accumulation and was removed by the workmen. D1 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r524 (42290 35399 - 8381 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r525 (42368 35245 - 8382 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r526 (42254 35283 - 8371 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r527 (42392 35362 - 8369 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r528 (42332 35403 - 8367 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r529 (42287 35247 - 8365 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r530 (42240 35309 - 8366 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r531 (42413 35311 - 8365 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D42 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK circular pit/well in W 1/2 of locus D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elev.: about 15 cm below the level of f35 F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q641.1 (strainer) sits in f66 (well) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q231 (bones, pottery) sits in f66 (well) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q641 (pottery) sits in f66 (well) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f66 (well) cuts f35 (accumulation C) O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v32 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v87 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v87a O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v93 ; A6f67 A21 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK stone layer A35 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j !! v22 B11 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK feature that appeared in the process of removing the N baulk of k168. Below the topsoil, 35 cm below the present surface, at the junction of k167,168,217,218, is a horizontal layer of stones that lies EW. There is a "headstone" slab at the W end which appears to consist of a single rock that is higher than the rest. The assemblage was obviously plastered and is flat except for the rise at the W end. This is quite adjacent to the layer of bricks, f36 in k218 and more or less at the same level. At this point I wonder if this was a fairly late structure used for some water related purpose. It could potentially be the well preserved top of a burial that is entirely within the baulk at this point. C2 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK It is unlikely that we will excavate this further this season. C99 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK the "headstone" was moved from its place to the top of the remainder of the feature in order to prevent accidents since the baulk to the W of it has been cut down for excavation and the stone was not secure in place. D1 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 D42 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK plastered horizontal layer of sones below topsoil in N baulk D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation: m1248-78 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f2 (topsoil) covers f67 (stone layer) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J !! q240.1 (sample) sits in f67 (stone layer) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q240 (items) sits in f67 (stone layer) O12 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j RK v22 O12 1992-07-22_ZH306lC2.j RK v22a ; A6f68 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK accumulation in fill E of wall (i.e. within and to the N & S of the presumed doorway), f16. B11 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB ac between f16 and f78 D1 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elev.: m1248-218, see also under k167 F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J !! q216.1 (slingshot) sits in f68 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J !! q273.1 (metal artifact) sits in f68 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J !! q273.2 sits in f68 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q216 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f68 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q252 (bones, pottery) sits in f68 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J rk q273 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f68 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q277 (bones, pottery) sits in f68 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f68 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f68 (accumulation C) abuts f78 (brickwall) K1 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK in addition to the pink, fine hard ac, soft and looser granular pink & grey accumulations are present K5 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK pink K7 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK hard K8 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK fine K8 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK brickfall of f16 ; A6f69 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k170 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f52 (gully) cuts f69 (accumulation C) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f55 (accumulation C) overlays f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J !! q233.1 (sample) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q232 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q233 (items, pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q237 (pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q242 (bones, pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q243 (pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q256 (pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q257 (pottery) sits in f69 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f69 (accumulation C) abuts f59 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f69 (accumulation C) abuts f72 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f69 (accumulation C) covers f74 (drain) K8 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK at level of stone wall f29 ; A6f70 A21 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK br A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v77d B11 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK there seems to be another grave in k217 in the SE quadrant as indicated by the presence of bones and the layer of stones above them. This feature was very close to and partially horizontally overlapping the large bowl, i15 but mainly NE to it above the rim of the bowl. B11 1996-07-29_G806RK.J rK see comment on levels of f70 and a13 under a13. There are bricks to the N and S of f70, perhaps also below it. The bottom of f70 is 100 cm above the present brick top of wall f78. Approx. 80 cm above it there is another bottom of a pit. C99 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK this grave is not being excavated at the present time, but the exposed bones have been collected and stored. C99 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK The bones sticking out of the baulk in the pedestal along the E were excavated today--q529. D1 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 F51 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q238 (bones) sits in f70 (br) F51 1992-07-22_ZGx21aMA.j rK q254 (bones) sits in f70 (br) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q255 (pottery) sits in f70 (br) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q267 (bones) sits in f70 (br) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q529 (bones, pottery) sits in f70 (br) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q530 (pottery) sits in f70 (br) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f70 (br) intrudes f23 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK at level layer wall stone in SE quadrant of the locus O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77d ; A6f71 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK k171 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevations, see under k171 F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q244 (pottery) sits in f71 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q253 (pottery) sits in f71 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f71 (accumulation C) abuts f72 (wa) K8 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK N baulk ; A6f72 A21 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK wa A35 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j !! v23 D1 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK k170 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation: m1273-45 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f69 (accumulation C) abuts f72 (wa) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f71 (accumulation C) abuts f72 (wa) K8 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK EW clay S of locus O12 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j RK v23 O12 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j RK v23b O12 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j RK v23c O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v26 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v29 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v30 ; A6f73 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK fill in secondary context D1 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f63 (accumulation C) covers f73 (fill in secondary context) K8 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f63--at the surface peak ; A6f74 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK drain A35 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j !! v23 B10 1992-07-23_C7-3.J rK drain B11 1992-07-23_C7-3.J rK opening at N curving toward SSE around wall, f72 -- narrow trough, 58x9.5 at N end, blocked/bound by a fired brick 34x16.5 at the N side -- there is an extra brick piece to the E paralleled by another where the open trough ends in line with the N face of wall, f72. -- At the E end now visible, there a rock instead of the fired brick over the drain, at the current position of the E baulk. C2 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB full excavation of the drain will hopefully lead us to the outer perimeter of the building. C99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB we will try to get a snake to follow drain as far as possible, as suggested by Gabe Pesce. But one should be careful about possible objects; stopping point may mean just an occlusion. C99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK The drain seems to be occluded. A miniature snake could be be inserted past 40cm of its length into the drain. D1 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK k170 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevation: of floor E of drain: m1275-83 -- first brick over the drain, past the opening: m1273-162 -- last brick before the stone over the drain, adjoining the E baulk (i.e., brick # 6): m1273-163 E2 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB even though top bricks seem to sope down towards the opening in the North, the actual sope of the drain surface is in the opposite direction -- Gabe Pesce will measure inclination E3 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB the drain takes water out of the building towards the SE. This upslope in terms of the present profile of the mound, and to some extent it may have been the same in antiquity, i.e., the general sope of would have been up towards the center of the city (i.e, towards BA). hence, the curve to the East may have to be explained on the basis of the following: (1) adapation to existing structural limitations of thebuilding (avoiding large wells); (2) need to link different rooms/courtyards; (3) discharge to a septic tank rather than to the street. E99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB drain goes through doorway, and opening is just in the middle of the doorway, just to the N of the threshold. This seems a bit odd in terms of circulation. It may be that it was important to keep room of the South free of water from the adjoining spaces to the North. E99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB since the top of this drain is rather carefully laid with baked bricks, we should presume that it corresponds to a well defined floor surface on either side. The mud brick in the threshold (see a2: cp) would be part of it. F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f69 (accumulation C) covers f74 (drain) F51 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q279 (pottery) sits in f74 (drain) F99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB drain is built into the packing A1f122, on top of which A1f113 rested. Since f113 coincides with the bottom of stone walls of later phase of building, we have here a major coincidence of factors coinciding with the remodeling of the building. G1 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB a2 J99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB ask Gabe Pesce to draw sketch K1 1992-07-23_C7-3.J rK covered by fired bricks 31x33 cm max dim. and broken pieces of bricks; appear to be square bricks shaped for the curves. The smallest pieces do not have unbroken edges shorter than the smallest dimension of the intact ones. K1 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB two layers of backed brick ( x x cms) on the sides, covered by irregular baked bricks after the initial opening; one baked brick at the bottom. -- some dirt compacted at the bottom, otherwise open in the upper part. K8 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK fired limestone -drainage? K99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB the ground adjoining the drain to the NE is bricky red and may consist of packing. The fact that it is not green may suggest that it was not used for bathing type purposes (?) L1 1992-07-26_C7-3.J GB this is obviously a discharge drain for dirty water O12 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j RK v23 O12 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j RK v23a O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v26 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v29 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v30 P1 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK C726 ; A6f75 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK k171 F51 1992-07-23_G811MZ7L.J rk i19 (sample) sits in f75 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_G811MZ7L.J rk i20 (sling ball) sits in f75 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J !! q262.1 (sample) sits in f75 (accumulation C) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q262 (items, pottery) sits in f75 (accumulation C) K8 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK at level of f74 ; A6f76 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK layer A35 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j !! v24 D1 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK k171 F51 1992-07-23_ZGx21aMA.j !! q262.1 (sample) sits in f76 (layer) F51 1992-07-23_ZGx21aMA.j rK q262 (items, pottery) sits in f76 (layer) F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q263 (bones) sits in f76 (layer) K8 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK in A1f55 wall O12 1992-07-23_ZH306lC2.j RK v24 ; A6f77 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 F51 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q264 (pottery) sits in f77 (accumulation C) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f77 (accumulation C) abuts f16 (wa) F52 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f77 (accumulation C) abuts f20 (wa) K8 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK from E at level of brickwall ; A6f78 A21 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK brickwall A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v78 A98 1996-07-20_G720RK.J rK The pedestal on top of wall f78 discussed in the notes previously was part of what was originally called the wall, f44y. C1 1996-07-14_G720RK.J rK The top of the wall f78 is now clear of later ac and construction. There was clearly brick layers at the bottom of f122, immediately on top of f78. The upper layers had brick and dirt intermixed. C1 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK The removal of the accumulation abutting f78 showed that the S face does not in fact jog in as believed before. What we have is a cut on the top of the original wall that removed a layer of bricks along the South. D1 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-30_G809RK.J rk r390 (43037 35986 - 8410 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-30_G809RK.J rk r391 (43190 35633 - 8426 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-30_G809RK.J rk r392 (43363 35704 - 8428 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-30_G809RK.J rk r393 (43254 35981 - 8429 / Relay location: NE3) D3 1996-07-30_G809RK.J rk r394 (43227 35974 - 8431 / Relay location: NE2) D3 1996-07-30_G809RK.J rk r395 (43220 36063 - 8430 / Relay location: NE1) D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J jo r480 ( - 8431 / Relay location: top bk of w) D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation: m1248-172 F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f54 (accumulation C) abuts f78 (brickwall) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f68 (accumulation C) abuts f78 (brickwall) F50 1992-07-28_C7-3.J rK f44 (wa) sits in f78 (brickwall) G1 1997-06-20_H728RK1.J rK a31 G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 J99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB at doorway 164 (180-incl. rabbet); widest 187 K8 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK f16 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v25 O12 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v35 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v78 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v88 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v88a O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v90 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v90a O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v91 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v112 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149a O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149c O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149e ; A6f79 A21 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK brickwall D1 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 K8 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK f78 A1f44 ; A6f94 F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f94 rests on f196 (wall) ; A6f95 F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f95 rests on f41 (wa) ; A6f100 A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v57 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v57 ; A6f101 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK fill in secondary context A35 1996-07-03_G802JO.J !! v50 B11 1996-07-03_G703RK.J jO contains several lenses, underneath the top 1 cm of the accumulation. There was an approx. 50x50 cm area of ashy material along the Western border of the floor about 150-200 cm from the outside wall of the vault. On the Eastern side of the floor there was reddish compacted material 1 cm below the level from which excavation began today. B11 1996-07-04_G714RK.J jO This is a hard compacted ac, interrupted only by isolated occurrences of ashy material. Nevertheless we were able to find i46,i47 and i48 in it; may be a floor ac. B11 1996-07-07_G716RK.J jO reddish compact accumulation B11 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f 101, 128, and 131 are three layers of the same accumulation. The reason for giving multiple feature numbers to this thick stratum was to limit the excavation to 10 cm depth each time and to have a feature number for each cut. B11 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO This is a floor and its accumulation associated with the platform f142. C99 1996-07-03_G703RK.J jO i31-45 seal impressions were found within f101 in k168. D1 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 D3 1996-07-03_G715RK-R.J jo r59 ( - / Relay location: @ S) D3 1996-07-03_G715RK-R.J jo r60 ( - / Relay location: @ NW) D3 1996-07-03_G715RK-R.J jo r61 ( - / Relay location: @ NE) D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J jo r91 ( - 8270) D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J jo r92 ( - 8276 / Relay location: mid k168) D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J jo r94 ( - 8272 / Relay location: mid k168) D6 1996-07-13_G718RK.J rK In view of the growing puzzle about the foundation levels of the stone walls at different parts of the building and the relative elevation of f101 and A1f113, some elevations were compared (by gb,jo & rk) using the surveyor's level. The following numbers represent relative elevations. Measured at: 1. door socket impression, f121, 150.5cm; 2. top of brick layers, f125, in the doorway a14, 108cm; 3. bottom of A1f113 near N wall, 118cm; near the S edge, 125cm. This shows that the top of f121 is 24-32 cm lower than the bottom of A1f113, and the top of f125 is 0-7 cm lower. F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f119 (step) abuts f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i31 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i32 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i33 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i34 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i35 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i36 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i37 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i38 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i39 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i40 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i41 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i42 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i43 (clay artifact) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i44 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i45 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx25aMA.j jO i46 (pin) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx25aMA.j jO i47 (seal impression) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx25aMA.j jO i48 (uniscribed) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i51 (jar sealing) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j !! q306.1 sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q311.1 (i) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q338.1 (i) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q339.1 (i) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q355.1 (i) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j !! q363.3 (sample) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q369.1 (i) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q380.1 (i) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q301 (items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q302 (items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q303 (items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q305 (bones) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q306 (items) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q310 (items) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q335 (pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q336 (pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q337 (pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q339 (items) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q347 (bones) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q355 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q356 (items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q363 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q369 (items, pottery) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q380 (p,cl) sits in f101 (fill in secondary context) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f101 (fill in secondary context) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f101 (fill in secondary context) covers f128 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK floor same as f O12 1996-07-03_G802JO.J jO v50 O12 1996-07-03_G802JO.J jO v50a O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v67 ; A6f102 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v58 C1 1996-07-03_G714RK.J rK f102 does not seem to be a floor proper. The emplacement of sherds is not flat. The material presence is not orderly. D1 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F50 1996-07-03_G705RK.J rk f37 (ash layer) overlays f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G714RK.J rK f102 (accumulation C) bonds with f104 (hearth) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j !! q307.1 sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j !! q307.2 sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q320.1 (i) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q325.1 (i) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q326.1 (pot) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q307 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q308 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q309 (bones) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q312 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q313 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q317 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q318 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q319 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q321 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q322 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q333 (items) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q345 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q346 (bones) sits in f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q350 (pottery) sits in f102 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK E terrace in the locus. Below f37 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v58 ; A6f103 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK layer B11 1996-07-04_G705RK.J rk f103's limits were extended Northward since the limit previously set defined no real stratigraphic boundary. D1 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-13_G715RK-R.J rk r191 ( - 8521) F51 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q315.1 (i) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j !! q323.1 (pot) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q327.1 (i) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q328.1 (i) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q314 (pottery) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q315 (pottery) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q316 (items) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q323 (items) sits in f103 (layer) K8 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK ac on top of wall which a11 ; A6f104 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK hearth A35 1996-07-04_G802JO.J !! v51 B11 1996-07-03_G705RK.J rk black/ashen ac all to the S of this (the structure is open to the S) and a large area beyond. B11 1996-07-06_G708RK.J rk This was built up on the floor and not a single removable piece. It was simply removed after triangulation(i49). Underneath it were rock, sherds etc. D1 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F51 1996-07-14_G714RK.J rK f104 (hearth) bonds with f102 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i49 (handiron) sits in f104 (hearth) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q329 (items) sits in f104 (hearth) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q330 sits in f104 (hearth) K8 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK clay went to f31 ashpit O12 1996-07-04_G802JO.J rK v51 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v58 ; A6f105 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK layer B11 1996-07-03_G714RK.J rK The pedestal in the middle of k217, on top of wall f44, was cut down to a level immediately below the skeletal contents of a11. f105 was defined from this level to the part extending as a wing to the S. B11 1996-07-13_G718RK.J rK is being completely removed D1 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-13_G715RK-R.J rk r174 ( - 8531) D3 1996-07-13_G715RK-R.J rk r191 ( - 8521) F51 1996-07-13_ZGx25aMA.j rK i73 (clay artifact) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j !! q348.1 sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q331 (pottery) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q332 (bones) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q342 (items) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q343 (bones) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q344 (items) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q348 (items) sits in f105 (layer) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q427 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (layer) K8 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK below the level to S of a11 ; A6f106 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK layer A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v57 B11 1996-07-03_G714RK.J jM ac of intermixed layers of red and gray; the red was bricky. No regular pattern; total thickness 34.5 cm. B11 1996-07-04_G705RK.J rk ac of varying consistency and color; fine as well as coarse/granular, mostly pinkish brown. Plenty of bone and sherd inclusions. Ac above f106 had more ash content and small rocks. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-13_G715RK-R.J rk r192 ( - 8505) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q351.1 (i) sits in f106 (layer) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J !! q430.1 sits in f106 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q340 (pottery) sits in f106 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q341 (bones) sits in f106 (layer) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q365 (pottery) sits in f106 (layer) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q430 (bones, pottery) sits in f106 (layer) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK ac on top of wall on NE of platform, parallel to f105 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v57 ; A6f107 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK layer A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v57 B11 1996-07-04_G705RK.J rk bricky material, brownish red, included in this layer but it is not a well-defined feature. small rocks present. B11 1996-07-06_G708RK.J rk Section shows no stratification for over 30cm down. So being treated as a single feature. Bone and sherd lots for this feature increase in lot# for lower levels. Accumulation here is light brown with isolated grey and red inclusions. Excavation showed no brick arrangement or construction. B11 1996-07-13_G718RK.J rK bricks with dirt intervening; also has rodent holes in it. C4 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK to be cut down another 10 cm to reach a level partially reached before; section shows no significant difference from level above. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-13_G715RK-R.J rk r192 ( - 8505) F51 1996-07-13_ZGx25aMA.j rK i74 (lithic artifact) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-13_ZGx25aMA.j rK i75 (tablet ?) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q361.1 (i) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q372.1 (pot) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j !! q372.2 (pot) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j !! q372.3 (clay artifact) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j !! q372.4 sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q352 (pottery) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q361 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q372 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q431 (bones, pottery) sits in f107 (layer) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q434 (p,b,cl) sits in f107 (layer) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK ac below f106 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v57 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v59 ; A6f108 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-06_G802JO.J !! v52 B11 1996-07-03_G714RK.J rK below the level of the "handiron" in k218--grayish deposit. The terrace which contains this feature extends 120 cm from the E baulk. B11 1996-07-06_G708RK.J rk Southern 1/3rd of feature: What appears to be a skull is found without associated skeleton in the midst of brown bricky dirt. Small amounts of ash are present at a level of one brick layer underneath it. The material above to the E is very bricky. Nor orderly layout of brick now discernible. Workmen to the N of this (2/3 of the E terrace) report no brick layer that they have removed. None is observable even though the levels are the same as in the S 1/3. In the middle, the ash deposits penetrated about half way down this layer. The feature had 30-40 cm thickness (was defined based on section on the W face of terrace). B11 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK more ashen than f111, less hardly packed. B11 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK toward the bottom of f108 more bricks were found, but in association with a12. Not all bricks were neatly or regularly emplaced. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f209 (burial) intrudes f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i50 (head of skeleton) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i52 sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i53 sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i54 (jewelry item) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i55 (jewelry item) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q353.1 (i) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j !! q354.1 sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q360.1 (pot) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j !! q364.1 (plate) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-09_G720JO.J jo q367.1 (i) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-09_G720JO.J jo q367.2 (i) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j !! q368.1 (sh) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j !! q368.2 (bead) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j !! q368.3 (carbon sample) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q353 (items) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q354 (pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q358 (bones, pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q359 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q360 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q364 (items, pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q367 (pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q368 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f108 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK below level E 120 cm O12 1996-07-06_G802JO.J rk v52 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v58 ; A6f109 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C B11 1996-07-07_G716RK.J jO Wadi ac 10cm deep. C2 1996-07-06_G714RK.J jO There are still significant quantities of Wadi ac in k169. We will be removing it and extending the section toward the doorway between k168 and k169 (a14) until the original strata are reached. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q362.1 (i) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J !! q381.1 (i) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q334 ( ?) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q357 (bones, pottery) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q362 (items, pottery) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q370 (bones, pottery) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q381 (items) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jo q444 (pottery) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q459 (pottery) sits in f109 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f109 (accumulation C) abuts f119 (step) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f109 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f109 (accumulation C) covers f110 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO wadi ac. south of k168 ; A6f110 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-09_G802JO.J !! v55a B11 1996-07-07_G716RK.J jO Light gray hard, but not very compact; might be the equivalent of f101. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J jo r93 ( - 8299 / Relay location: near a14) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f109 (accumulation C) covers f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q366.1 (i) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q385.1 (i) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q385.2 (i) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q385.3 (i) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q366 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q374 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q385 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-09_G720JO.J jo q386 (p,b,l) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q390 (p,b,cl) sits in f110 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f110 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f110 (accumulation C) covers f113 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f110 (accumulation C) covers f121 (hole) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO equal to f101 k168 + below f109 O12 1996-07-09_G802JO.J jo v55a O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v67 ; A6f111 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-08_G802JO.J !! v54 B11 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK Large bone found in NE corner of locus as excavated, within this feature. Not obvious if human or animal bone. B11 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK light brown, hard, packed C3 1996-07-13_G718RK.J rK The bottom of f111 could have been a floor of some sort. The only major evidence for this is the emplacement of isolated bricks, all flat at 3 different spots in the locus, at this level. Also, the pit f29, appears to have had its top at about this level. C3 1996-07-15_G720RK.J rK Is the bottom layer of f111 a floor? The points in favor are the presence of isolated arrangements of bricks whose tops were at this level; the top of f29 reaches to f111, although it could have been higher since the ground sloped sharply here. Isolated stones were also seen in the ac at this level. Below this, the section does not clearly show any level floor, above the level of the walls of the AK building. There is a gray layer visible in section that really undulates. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k218 D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J rk r87 ( - 8515 / Relay location: bk in NE) D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J rk r88 ( - 8518 / Relay location: bk in SE) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r104 ( - 8519 / Relay location: top) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f209 (burial) rests on f111 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f117 (accumulation C) overlays f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx25aMA.j rK i58 (various) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J !! q378.1 (bead) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J !! q378.2 sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q387.1 (i) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q371 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q373 (bones, pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q376 (items, pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q378 (p,b,v) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q382 (pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q387 (bones, pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_TEST.J jo q396 (pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q398 (bones, pottery) sits in f111 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO part of what was prev. f108 O12 1996-07-08_G802JO.J rk v54 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v58 ; A6f112 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO layer A35 1996-07-13_G802JO.J !! v57 B11 1996-07-14_G718RK.J rK was almost entirely brick. Very little of sherd etc. recoverd from this, which was the bottom layer of the pedestal on top of f78. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k217 F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q375.1 (i) sits in f112 (layer) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q375.2 (i) sits in f112 (layer) F51 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q375 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f112 (layer) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q379 (pottery) sits in f112 (layer) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q440 (bones, pottery) sits in f112 (layer) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO ov f107 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v57 O12 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v59 ; A6f113 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-14_G802JO.J !! v61 B11 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO Soft dark gray floor accumulation 8-10 cm in thickness. The top surface of f113 is a packed levelled surface, but it is not plastered or paved. B11 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO This is a floor and its accumulation associated with the door socket (imprint) f121. C1 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO We dug f113 to be even with the S face of the wall of123 and stopped it there for today to switch to clarification of the walls in S k169. C2 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO Today we will start digging the floor ac f113 beginning from its S end which starts just 120 cm S of a14 in k169. C2 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO We will start digging again f113 from the Southern end towards the doorway a14. C2 1996-07-20_G803RK.J jO Today we will start the removal of f113 in k168 starting from the doorway a14 where we stopped yesterday when we finished the k169 part of this feature. C99 1996-07-21_G803RK.J jO When f113 was excavated to the middle of k168, we noticed a reddish accumulation mixed with the distinct grayyy of f113. we stopped digging at this point and cleaned up the locus. We found that past ca. 50 cm N of doorway a14, we no longer had the top of f114 below the accumulation being removed. That was because we were digging f113 as a flat layer when, in fact, it sloped up to the N. That means that we had cut into f114 in an area of 100 cm NS x 180 cm EW. We confirmed the slope of f113 by taking several relays of the feature in the locus. All q lots of f113 on G721 might have been mixed with material from f114. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r126 (42546 34818 - 8235 / Relay location: S in k169) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r127 (42650 34975 - 8242 / Relay location: W in a14) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r128 (42643 35025 - 8240 / Relay location: E in a14) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r129 (42843 34877 - 8244 / Relay location: SW in k168) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r130 (42696 35146 - 8245 / Relay location: SE in k168) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r131 (43121 35029 - 8250 / Relay location: NW in k168) D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r132 (42917 35300 - 8244 / Relay location: SW in k168) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f121 (hole) cuts f113 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO f142 (isolated individual brick) rests on f113 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f110 (accumulation C) covers f113 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f131 (accumulation C) covers f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i77 (figurine) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i105 (seal impression) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i109 (f) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j !! q488.1 (m) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j !! q488.2 (clay artifact) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q492.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q492.2 (seal impression) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j !! q515.1 (plate) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q437 (p,cl) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q488 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q492 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q503 (pottery) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q504 (bones, items) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q511 (pottery) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q515 (pottery) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J jO q520 (pottery) sits in f113 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO f113 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f113 (accumulation C) covers f114 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO gray ac below f110 O12 1996-07-14_G802JO.J jo v61 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64b O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64c O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v67 O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68 O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68a O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68b O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v74 O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v75 O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85b ; A6f114 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-14_G802JO.J !! v61 B11 1996-07-15_G720RK.J rK The section shows clear demarcation between f114 and f115. The former is grayish whereas the latter is red. C1 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO What we labelled as f114 below f113 in k169 appears to be the uppermost layer left at the end of excavation during MZ7 (1992) season. That is because when we removed the backfill from the ground to the S of the wall f123 (in the unpreserved doorway), we found that it was covering the surface of what we defined as f114. So f114 should have an A6 feature number (f62 ?)from the previous excavation and f113 in k169 must have been the last excavated feature (f61 ?) then. C1 1996-07-21_G803RK.J jO After digging to the N 50 cm of f114, we decided to stop digging it any more to concentrate on the excavation of f113. So we stopped at the doorway a14 and dug f115 up to the same line with f114. C2 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO We will dig f114,115 k169 towards the N to align them in a section with f113. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J jo r176 (42565 34829 - 8226 / Relay location: k169) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r348 (42592 35006 - 8228 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r349 (42677 34976 - 8228 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r350 (42650 35041 - 8228 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r351 (42730 35014 - 8229 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r352 (42702 35076 - 8231 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r353 (42991 35100 - 8243 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r354 (42940 35292 - 8245 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r355 (43214 35093 - 8250 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r356 (43063 35323 - 8249 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r357 (43306 35313 - 8264 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r359 (42758 35007 - 8232 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r360 (42716 35129 - 8231 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r361 (43208 35133 - 8251 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r362 (43182 35221 - 8252 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r363 (43295 35103 - 8252 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r364 (43247 35215 - 8251 / Relay location: see sk 3) D3 1996-07-22_G809RK.J jo r365 (43235 35100 - 8255 / Relay location: see sk 3) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f113 (accumulation C) covers f114 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j !! q453.1 (bead) sits in f114 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jo q443 (pottery) sits in f114 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q453 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f114 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q505 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f114 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q616 (items, pottery) sits in f114 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO f114 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f114 (accumulation C) covers f115 (accumulation C) K5 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO Grayish brown to yellowish brown K6 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO 5/2 10 YR to 5/4 10 YR K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f113 O12 1996-07-14_G802JO.J jo v61 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64a O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64d O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v75 O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85c ; A6f115 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-14_G802JO.J !! v61 C1 1996-07-15_G720RK.J rK The lowest level of f115 is still above the bottom of the stone layers of the the wall f123 at its S face in the (EW) doorway. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 D3 1996-07-15_G715RK-R.J jo r177 (42572 34801 - 8214 / Relay location: k169) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f114 (accumulation C) covers f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j jO i81 (seal impression) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i110 (jar sealing or jar stopper) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i149 (figurine) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J !! q442.1 (strainer) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q626.1 (figurine) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jo q442 (p,b,cl) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q455 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q460 (bones, pottery) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q510 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q620 (pottery) sits in f115 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q626 (bones, pottery) sits in f115 (accumulation C) K5 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO Red to reddish brown K6 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO 5/6 2.5 YR to 4/4 5 YR K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f114 O12 1996-07-14_G802JO.J jo v61 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64a O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64d O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85c ; A6f116 A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO sod ly A98 1996-07-11_G716RK.J rK This was assigned to the sod layer on the W baulk which is to be removed. It is also now defined to include the N baulk. B11 1996-07-11_G716RK.J rK 3 cms deep. C99 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK Most of the middle of this layer on the baulk has been removed. Cleared ca. 80cm @ the S, 60 cm on the N; width 60 cm. C99 1996-07-11_G716RK.J rK No sherds or bones were collected from this layer. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k218 F52 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f116 (sod ly) covers f150 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-11_G716RK.J rK f116 (sod ly) covers f151 (ash layer) F52 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f116 (sod ly) overlays f117 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO W. baulk and N. baulk ; A6f117 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k218 F50 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f116 (sod ly) overlays f117 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_ZGx25aMA.j rK i56 (figurine) sits in f117 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J !! q383.1 (i) sits in f117 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q377 (bones, pottery) sits in f117 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q383 (pottery) sits in f117 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f117 (accumulation C) overlays f111 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO grey ac below f116 W baulk ; A6f118 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO layer B11 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK We expect to find the brick of the wall when this is cleared. At the moment only isolated patches of red are observable. 70-80 cm from N baulk, the color and texture of the ac seem to differ slightly from what was removed in the W (50-60 cm). Also, a workman found a patent (rodent) hole ending at this level. C2 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK Once the present level of ac f118 is cleared, one pickman shall follow the side of the brick wall on the S removing the ca. 8cm top layer that remains over a reddish lower ac. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k217 F51 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q384.1 sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q388.1 (i) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J !! q389.1 (clay artifact) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q395.1 (i) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q384 (p,b,cl,f) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q388 (p,b,cl) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q389 (bones, pottery) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q395 (pottery) sits in f118 (layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q397 (p,b,cl,ch) sits in f118 (layer) K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f112 lower part of f112 ; A6f119 A21 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO step A35 1996-07-09_G802JO.J !! v55a B11 1996-07-08_G716RK.J jO A step formed by 2 plastered bricks was found at the S half of the doorway above f110, at the same level of f101. B11 1996-07-10_G718RK.J jO The bricks of the step are plastered from the top. The sizes of the brick are as follows: lg 49, w2 30, ht 9.0; lg 29, w2 30, ht 9. C1 1996-07-10_G718RK.J jO after cleaning the W side of f119, on the top of what was left for making a section we found a third brick that belongs to the step f119. C3 1996-07-10_G718RK.J jO The step is plastered at the top but no plastering appears at the N or S sides. We have found a comparable layers of floor ac to be higher on the N side of the doorway than the S. This still needs further validation. However, if the floor level S of doorway a14 was lower, the bricks of f119 would have formed a step up. In such a case we would expect plaster both on the top and on the S. face of f119. An indication of curving of the plaster toward this face may suggest its having existed at some time. Since the door would have been on this side of the doorway, closing against the steps could have affected their condition. D1 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J jo r90 ( - 8284) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r100 (42644 35033 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r101 (42664 35051 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r102 (42669 34952 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r103 (42687 34972 - / Relay location: SE corner) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f109 (accumulation C) abuts f119 (step) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q383.1 (i) sits in f119 (step) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f119 (step) abuts f101 (fill in secondary context) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f119 (step) abuts f132 (wall) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f119 (step) abuts f133 (wall) F52 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f119 (step) covers f125 (isolated individual brick) G1 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a14 K8 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO steps on the threshold 2 mud bricks 30*30 and 30x49 O12 1996-07-09_G802JO.J jo v55a O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v67 ; A6f120 A98 1996-07-08_G709RK.J rK created post facto for record keeping purposes to label the sherds collected when cutting the section. C99 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK the top layer of the section cut on the floor of k169 from the doorway on the W seems to be wadi deposition. D1 1996-07-08_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 K8 1996-07-08_ZGx10aMA.j rK section clay W doorway g704 ; A6f121 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO hole A35 1996-07-09_G802JO.J !! v55a D1 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 D3 1996-07-14_G715RK-R.J jo r133 (42642 34942 - 8240) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f110 (accumulation C) covers f121 (hole) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f121 (hole) cuts f113 (accumulation C) G1 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a14 K8 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO a door socket O12 1996-07-09_G802JO.J jo v55a O12 1996-07-14_G802JO.J jo v61 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64b ; A6f122 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-09_G709RK.J rK ac containing bones of human skeleton in NE corner and baulk of k218; part of a13. D1 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-08_G715RK-R.J rk r89 ( - 8521 / Relay location: tarsals) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q386 (p,b,l) sits in f122 (accumulation C) G1 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a13 K8 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK NE corner ; A6f123 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO wall A35 1996-07-14_G802JO.J !! v61 C1 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO The bottom stone of the wall f123 in k1699 is still below f115,134. It might be sitting on f134 a few cm below the surface of f134 abutting it. D1 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r424 (42962 35119 - 8197 / Relay location: k23) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r425 (43009 34967 - 8200 / Relay location: k23) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r426 (42998 34955 - 8196 / Relay location: k23) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r427 (42988 34943 - 8196 / Relay location: k23) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f101 (fill in secondary context) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f109 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f110 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO f113 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO f114 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f125 (isolated individual brick) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f128 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f131 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F51 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f123 (wall) bonds with f133 (wall) K8 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO NS k168 this wall has a feature in A1 O12 1996-07-14_G802JO.J jo v61 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64a O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64b O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64c O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64d O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66 O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70 O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85 O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85a O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85c ; A6f124 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C B11 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jM The NW corner of the W baulk in k218 --just the square reaching up in the corner--this was underneath the level of the larger bricks and to the W of the large stone slab which is part of f126. B11 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK The ground underneath the brick layer in the NW corner of the locus. The ac here is less tightly packed and less red. Horizontally, 95 cm due S of m1420. Elevation same as relay xx D1 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO k218 F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q391 (bones, pottery) sits in f124 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO underneath brick larger on NE corner of W baulk ; A6f125 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO isolated individual brick A35 1996-07-17_G802JO.J !! v67 B11 1996-07-10_G718RK.J jO A line of three bricks lie in the exact position of f119 separated from it by about 8cm of floor ac f110. The two bricks at the sides are red bricks the one in the middle is dark gray. Measurements: 30x30, 36x30 and 30x11. The last one is not a correct measurement of brick size because part of the brick has not been exposed. Each brick is 8-10 cm high. D1 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f119 (step) covers f125 (isolated individual brick) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f125 (isolated individual brick) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f125 (isolated individual brick) abuts f128 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f125 (isolated individual brick) abuts f131 (accumulation C) G1 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a14 K8 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f119 O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v67 ; A6f126 A21 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO assamblage A35 1996-07-10_G802JO.J !! v56 B11 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK This feature is located for the most part within the N baulk of k218 in the NW corner. The layer of bricks, f36, was adjacent to it. At about this level,in close proximity extending into k168, was f67, a horizontal layer of plastered stones, just below the topsoil (see A6v22). This was excavated during MZ7. There is a large stone slab, width 50-56cm, 75-80cm long, 10-15cm thick, resting at the bottom level of f111, its largest surface facing S, at 45 deg. to the vertical. Underneath it are sherd and rocks. We have wondered in the past if this covered a burial. C1 1996-07-14_G718RK.J rK Most of this assemblage has been removed. Underneath the slanted flat rock, in addition to other unworked stones, was a stone with a depression in its center, resembling a door socket or mortar. C1 1996-07-19_G718RK.J rK It was noted on going over notes from MZ7 season that the long slab of rock that was found at an angle in the locus and described previously this season was in fact not it its original position. It had been found lying flat over the ac and rocks that form this feature. It had been moved by the excavator because of the danger of its falling down on top of workmen in the loci below (to the N & W) since it was lying at the top, close to the W end of the baulk. D1 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO k218 F50 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f156 (accumulation C) overlays f126 (assamblage) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx25aMA.j rK i59 (pot) sits in f126 (assamblage) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q399 (bones, pottery) sits in f126 (assamblage) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q421 (pottery) sits in f126 (assamblage) K8 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO stores slap + assoc layer, f code, NW corner of baulk O12 1996-07-10_G802JO.J rk v56 ; A6f127 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C D1 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO k217 D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r105 ( - 8431 / Relay location: middle) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r137 (42781 35657 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r138 (42943 35679 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r139 (42919 35571 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r140 (42733 35590 - / Relay location: NE corner) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx25aMA.j rK i57 (clay lump) sits in f127 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q392 (p,b,cl,l) sits in f127 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q401 (pottery) sits in f127 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO to the S of wall f44 of the level wall ; A6f128 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J !! v97 D1 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r110 (43033 35336 - 8275 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r111 (42928 34923 - 8274 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r112 (42718 35170 - 8276 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r113 (43168 35060 - 8275 / Relay location: SW corner) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f125 (isolated individual brick) abuts f128 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-09_G811RK1.J jO f101 (fill in secondary context) covers f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i60 (jar sealing) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i61 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i62 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i63 (jar sealing) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i64 (needle) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i65 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i66 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i67 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i68 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i69 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i70 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q394.1 (i) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q406.1 (i) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J !! q406.2 (ceramic vessel) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J !! q406.3 (sa) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J !! q417.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J !! q417.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J !! q417.3 (ta) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J !! q417.4 (seal impression) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J !! q417.5 (plate) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q394 (p,b,cl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q400 (p,b,cl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q406 (p,b,cl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q417 (p,b,cl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f128 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f128 (accumulation C) covers f131 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO 28 cm deep same ac f101 the lower part of f101 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v97 ; A6f129 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK This is accumulation below f118 on the wall. We were not able to find brick at the top level of the wall where expected. But it appears in part so that the wall is present. The top surface seems to have been mildly disturbed/cut. There is also indication of plaster overlaying the layer of brick at the corner on the S face of the wall where it jogs in to narrow. D1 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r144 ( - 8433 / Relay location: E of f112 etc) K8 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK parallel to f127, W the new wall ; A6f130 A21 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK lense + plaster A35 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J !! v97 D1 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 K8 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK a 1.5 cm lense below the plaster cover the brick f119 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v97 ; A6f131 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v65a C2 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO We will continue to remove the N part of f131 in k168. D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f125 (isolated individual brick) abuts f131 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f128 (accumulation C) covers f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i71 sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i72 sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J !! q424.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J !! q429.1 (bone artifact) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J !! q429.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J !! q433.1 (sa) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J !! q433.2 (bead) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J !! q433.3 (clay artifact) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q424 (p,b,cl) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q429 (pottery) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q433 (pottery) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q436 (p,b,cl) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q438 (pottery) sits in f131 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f131 (accumulation C) abuts f123 (wall) F52 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f131 (accumulation C) covers f113 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO the last 1/3 of the red ac A1f101 A1f128 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J rK v65a ; A6f132 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO wall A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v65a D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f119 (step) abuts f132 (wall) G1 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a14 K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO E wall of the doorway 2,12, it has previous O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J rK v65a ; A6f133 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO wall A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v64b D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f119 (step) abuts f133 (wall) F51 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f133 (wall) bonds with f123 (wall) K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO W wall of the doorway 2,12, it has previous O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64b ; A6f134 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO fill in primary context A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v64 B11 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO This seems to be the first floor associated with the stone walls, at least in k169, by evidence of the negative walls; i.e., looking at the side sections created by the removal of the stones, one would see f136 at the bottom and about 10 cm high on the sides and f134 about 3-5 cm above f136 on the sides. C2 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO The exposed part of f134 will be dug carefully. D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 D3 1996-07-14_G731FAB.J jo r136 (42597 34754 - 8200 / Relay location: @ S face f123) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r336 (42554 34767 - 8197 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r337 (42482 34743 - 8199 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r338 (42444 34803 - 8200 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r339 (42536 34920 - 8202 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r340 (42550 34852 - 8201 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r341 (42349 34873 - 8203 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-18_G809RK.J jo r342 (42389 34803 - 8199 / Relay location: see sketch 21) D3 1996-07-21_G809RK.J jo rtop of bricks ( - / Relay location: t) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q485 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f134 (fill in primary context) K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f115 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64a O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66a O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70 O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70a O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85c ; A6f135 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C C1 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO Upon removing the wadi accumulation f135 it became evident that the wadi accumulation filled a gap formed by the removal of a wall ("negative wall") which is in line with wall f123. D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 F51 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q456 (pottery) sits in f135 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO wadi ac inside what might be a negative wall ; A6f136 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v64d D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO ac underneath the treace of the negative wall, belaw f134 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v64d O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66a O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66b O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70 O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70a O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v70b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85 O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85a O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85b O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v85c ; A6f137 A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO stone wall A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v66b D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q469 (items, pottery) sits in f137 (stone wall) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q474 (pottery) sits in f137 (stone wall) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q480 (bones, pottery) sits in f137 (stone wall) K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO stones moved but not removed fallen dowen while the removal of the beger stones O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J jO v66b ; A6f138 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C C1 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO After digging f138 35 cm to the E we discovered line of mudbricks. So far we can view three layers of bricks extending EW within the doorway a4 and extending Eward. They appear to form more than a threshold and might be a platform. This platform has now been labelled f142. C2 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO This is the equivalent of f101 in the E of k168. 150 NS, this feature will be removed in the same way we removed f101 and its equivalents, by dividing it to three layers of about 10cm thickness each. C2 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO to find out what are the limits of f142 bricks to the S, we decided to dig the remaining 60 cm in front of f43, the S wall of the doorway a4. D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 D3 1996-07-16_G731FAB.J jo r212 (42997 35416 - 8292 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-07-16_G731FAB.J jo r214 (42890 35213 - 8295 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-16_G731FAB.J jo r215 (42845 35352 - 8294 / Relay location: SE) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i91 (tablet ?) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i92 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i93 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i94 (pot) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i95 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i96 (small jar sealing?) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i97 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i98 (tablet) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j !! q463.1 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j !! q463.2 (plate) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j !! q463.3 (strainer) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q465.1 (clay artifact) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q465.2 (clay lump) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q465.3 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q465.4 (clay lump) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q465.5 (strainer) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q468.1 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q468.2 (seal impression) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jM q463 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q465 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q468 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_ZGx18aMA.j rK q693 (items) sits in f138 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO f138 (accumulation C) abuts f142 (isolated individual brick) K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO A1f101 in E k168 ; A6f139 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO wall D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k169 K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO neggative wall S k168, NS in line with f123 ; A6f140 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k217 D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r106 (43251 36083 - 8430 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r107 (43226 36073 - 8432 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r108 (43381 35845 - 8424 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J jo r109 (43331 35827 - 8416 / Relay location: SW corner) F51 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q418 (p,b,cl) sits in f140 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO N side of the wall f44 ; A6f141 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO pit B11 1996-07-13_G718RK.J rK pit and its ac as seen in section on the E face of the partially cut pedestal over f78 (see v57). D1 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO k217 D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J jo r125 (43252 35941 - 8430 / Relay location: middle) D3 1996-07-13_G715RK-R.J rk r173 (43252 35941 - 8430 / Relay location: base of sectn) K8 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO seem in section ; A6f142 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO isolated individual brick A35 1996-07-17_G802JO.J !! v68 B11 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO The bricks of f142 cover the whole area NS of the doorway a4, in between the two walls. The bricks are in two sizes: 40 x 40 and 36 x 18. C1 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO By digging f138 to its bottom above f113, we could see that f142 is three bricks deep. D1 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO f138 (accumulation C) abuts f142 (isolated individual brick) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f220 (a/f2) abuts f142 (isolated individual brick) F52 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO f142 (isolated individual brick) rests on f113 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO f142 (isolated individual brick) abuts f143 (wall) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO E k169 O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68 O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68a O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68b O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v75 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v146a ; A6f143 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO wall A35 1996-07-17_G802JO.J !! v68a B11 1996-08-03_G806RK.J rK The top of the brick wall has been dug and used for some ash related purpose. There was a trough like track with paving of fired thick clay, over a very small area. (Recollection of encountering similar surface in the general area during MZ 7?) D1 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO f142 (isolated individual brick) abuts f143 (wall) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO SE k169, in the E doorway, this wall has a f# in A6 previous season O12 1996-07-17_G802JO.J jo v68a O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v75 ; A6f144 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-18_G802JO.J !! v69 B11 1996-07-17_G803RK.J jO f144 = f101 in the N part of k168 just S of the vault a1. C1 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO a brick similar in color and size to those in f142 was found in f144 next to the doorway of vault a1; this brick was collected as q475.2 D1 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F51 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i100 (seal impression) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i101 (possibly a jar stopper or door sealing) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q475.1 (clay artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j !! q475.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j !! q481.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j !! q481.2 (f) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q475 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q481 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO A1f101 in k168 O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v69 O12 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v69a ; A6f145 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C A35 1996-07-21_G802JO.J !! v72 B11 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO f145 is the continuation of f144 inside the vault a1. C2 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO We will start digging f145 in the doorway and inside a1. C2 1996-07-20_G803RK.J jO About 10 cm deep in f145 a gray loose material (f148) and what seems like lines of bricks f146 appeared. This was not expected since the equivalent stratum was about 30 cm deep in all the other parts of k168. D1 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F51 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i107 (figurine) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i108 (seal impression) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q493.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q493.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q493.3 (seal impression) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q493.4 (plate) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q493.5 (figurine) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q491 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q493 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f145 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q517 (pottery) sits in f145 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO A1f101 A1f144 inside vault O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J jO v72 O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J jO v72a ; A6f146 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO isolated individual brick A35 1996-07-21_G802JO.J !! v72 B11 1996-07-21_G803RK.J jO Line of bricks going along the N and W walls inside the vault a1. It might be a shelf inside the vault. D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO f148 (accumulation C) abuts f146 (isolated individual brick) F52 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO f146 (isolated individual brick) rests on f147 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO bricks inside the vault below f145 O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J jO v72 O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J jO v72a O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v74 O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J jO v74a ; A6f147 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F50 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO f146 (isolated individual brick) rests on f147 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J jO q519 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f146 ; A6f148 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO k168 F52 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO f148 (accumulation C) abuts f146 (isolated individual brick) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO ac of bricks f146 below f145 ; A6f149 A21 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j jO ash soil D1 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j jO k219 D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r462 (42363 35652 - 8581 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r463 (42386 35575 - 8567 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r464 (42324 35554 - 8576 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r465 (42264 35596 - 8553 / Relay location: SW) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q545 (bones, pottery) sits in f149 (ash soil) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q576 (pottery) sits in f149 (ash soil) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f149 (ash soil) overlays f179 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j jO 110*90 cm ashy soil extend to E and N baulk corner, small stones and sherds ; A6f150 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK @W = f104; @E = above 1st ash layer (may have been included in the sod layer during MZ 7) B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK corresponds to the layer on the E that overlay the band of ash on the E baulk B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK layer below sod, in the N baulk of k217. Thickness: @E 40cm, @W 15cm, very loosely packed grey. D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r153 (42901 35931 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r154 (42567 35856 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r155 (43029 35517 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r156 (43100 35547 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r157 ( - 8701 / Relay location: mid N-S @E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r158 ( - 8577 / Relay location: mid N-S @W) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r159 ( - 8638 / Relay location: mid N-S @E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r160 (42897 35819 - / Relay location: SW @ mid upper) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r161 (42956 35824 - / Relay location: NW @ mid upper) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r162 ( - 8569 / Relay location: mid N-S @W) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r98 ( - 8625 / Relay location: @ mid hi step) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r99 ( - 8585 / Relay location: @ mid lo step) F50 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f116 (sod ly) covers f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q403.1 (clay artifact) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J !! q404.1 (clay artifact) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J !! q404.2 (plate) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q402 (bones, pottery) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q403 (pottery) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q404 (p,l) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q405 (pottery) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q409 (pottery) sits in f150 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f150 (accumulation C) covers f151 (ash layer) K6 1996-07-11_G718RK.J jM Pinkish gray, 6/2 7.5 YR K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK under sod large in N baulk ; A6f151 A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK ash layer B11 1996-07-11_G716RK.J rK Under f116 on the N baulk. B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK This is the ash layer, 50 cm W from the E baulk, along the N baulk of k218. Its depth gradually changed from 15cm at E to 0 at W. D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r153 (42901 35931 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r154 (42567 35856 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r159 ( - 8638 / Relay location: mid N-S @E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r160 (42897 35819 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r161 (42956 35824 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r163 ( - 8622 / Relay location: @ E end) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r98 ( - 8625 / Relay location: @ W limit) F50 1996-07-11_G716RK.J rK f116 (sod ly) covers f151 (ash layer) F50 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f150 (accumulation C) covers f151 (ash layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J !! q407.1 (plate) sits in f151 (ash layer) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q407 (bones, pottery) sits in f151 (ash layer) K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK 50 cm W from E baulk wedge ; A6f152 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK Red packed layer below f151; corresponds roughly to f102 and its equivalent from the previous season (f26?). C1 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK This feature contained rocks and bricks, tannur (?) parts. Part of f151 expected to have been removed remained at the top level of f152. D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r153 (42901 35931 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r154 (42567 35856 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r155 (43029 35517 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r156 (43100 35547 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r162 ( - 8569 / Relay location: mid N-S @W) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r163 ( - 8622 / Relay location: mid N-S @E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r95 ( - 8592 / Relay location: @ E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r96 ( - 8582 / Relay location: @ Mid-EW) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r97 ( - 8582 / Relay location: @ W) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r99 ( - 8585 / Relay location: @ mid EW) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q408.1 (i) sits in f152 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q408 (p,b,cl) sits in f152 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q410 (pottery) sits in f152 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f152 (accumulation C) covers f153 (accumulation C) K5 1996-07-11_G812RK.J jM Pinkish gray K6 1996-07-11_G812RK.J jM 6/2 7.5 YR K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f151 ; A6f153 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK Extends from the E to approx. midway of locus. Approx 10 cm below this corresponds to f108. This should perhaps approx. to f104 (?) D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r153 (42901 35931 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r154 (42567 35856 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r155 (43029 35517 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r156 (43100 35547 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r164 ( - 8570 / Relay location: @ W) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r62 ( - 8581 / Relay location: @ E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r63 ( - 8578 / Relay location: @ mid EW) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r95 ( - 8592 / Relay location: @ E) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r96 ( - 8582 / Relay location: @ Mid-EW) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r97 ( - 8582 / Relay location: @ W) F50 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f152 (accumulation C) covers f153 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q411.1 (i) sits in f153 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q411 (p,b,l,cl) sits in f153 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q412 (pottery) sits in f153 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK f153 (accumulation C) covers f154 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f152 ; A6f154 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK More grey than f153; loosely packed-on the E; on the W, more compact and lumpy. C1 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK Four workmen were assigned to excavate this feature; The 2 on the E shared sherd lots and likewise the two on the W. C4 1996-07-11_G718RK.J rK Two sherds were separately collected as q-lot items. Also, sherds which appeared to be part of the same pot were bagged separately. D1 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r153 (42901 35931 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r154 (42567 35856 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r155 (43029 35517 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r156 (43100 35547 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r164 ( - 8570 / Relay location: @ W) D3 1996-07-11_G715RK-R.J rk r165 ( - 8568 / Relay location: 280cm frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f166 NW corner O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J rk v73 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77c ; A6f170 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q500.1 (clay artifact) sits in f170 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q500 (pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_ZGx18aMA.j rK q529 (bones, pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK below burial jutting out of E baulk ; A6f171 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q501 (bones, pottery) sits in f171 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK NW corner above ash layer ; A6f172 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-21_G802JO.J !! v73 D1 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j !! q502.1 (f?) sits in f172 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q502 (bones, pottery) sits in f172 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j rK q506 (pottery) sits in f172 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK E part of NW corner, narrow strip cutting down into ash layer O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J rk v73 O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J rk v73a ; A6f173 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-21_G802JO.J !! v73 D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r270 (42877 35590 - 8446 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r271 (42895 35524 - 8448 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r272 (43001 35578 - 8443 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r273 (42979 35627 - 8439 / Relay location: NE) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j rK q507 (items, pottery) sits in f173 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK W of f169 & of same thickness--see relays 270-273 O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J rk v73 ; A6f174 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-21_G802JO.J !! v73 B11 1996-07-21_G801RK.J rK Did not extend > 100 cm into k217. B11 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK band of gray seen in section was non-uniform and ceased as we traced it E and S. Must have been a shallow depression analogous to pits. D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r275 (43069 35686 - 8408 / Relay location: a. NW3) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r276 (42921 35484 - 8442 / Relay location: b. SW1) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r277 (42770 35854 - 8427 / Relay location: c. SE) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r278 (43090 36013 - 8421 / Relay location: d. NE) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r279 (43137 35902 - 8421 / Relay location: e. NW1) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r280 (43101 35888 - 8421 / Relay location: f. SE2) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r281 (43110 35850 - 8416 / Relay location: g. NW2) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r282 (42996 35799 - 8421 / Relay location: h. SW3) F51 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j rK i111 (tag but not as thin or flat as the usual tags found in our excavations) sits in f174 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx25aMA.j rK i112 (seal impression) sits in f174 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j !! q516.1 (bead) sits in f174 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q512 (items, pottery) sits in f174 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q516 (pottery) sits in f174 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q518 (bones, pottery) sits in f174 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-21_G801RK.J rK f174 (accumulation C) overlays f176 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK band of gray O12 1996-07-21_G802JO.J rk v73 ; A6f175 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C B11 1996-07-21_G801RK.J rK Accumulation in the narrow section cut in k21, adjoining k167 on the E; assigned to label the sherds and bones recovered from here since strata were not respected in cutting the small section. C99 1996-07-21_G801RK.J rK Some f175 was removed at the beginning of the recovery of f174 when the big pick pulled it up. D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D99 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK small section cut N-S to join f167 on the E F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q513 (items, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK section ; A6f176 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-22_G802JO.J !! v76 B11 1996-07-24_G803RK.J rK total depth of feature ca. 40 cm B11 1996-07-27_G803RK.J rK begins @ top of wall f78. Thus, abandonment accumulation extends above the top limit of the walls. @ the top along the W limit for ca. 150 cm from S lens of ash and charcoal; extends ca. 50 cm E ward; also contains isolated bricks. B11 1996-07-30_G806RK.J rK total height of accumulation, ca. 30 cm. C1 1996-07-25_G803RK.J rK We have removed all of f169 in the locus with the removal of a little pedestal left @ the SE for dirt removal. f176 is now being removed with the large pick. C1 1996-07-27_G803RK.J rK Removal of f176 exposed the top two layers of the brick wall along the S baulk of k218 at the SE corner. C1 1996-07-27_G803RK.J rK was being excavated W to E 20 cm down to the top of f177 C99 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK Accumulation from f176 removed in the W was looser than the rest. Should this be treated as a separate feature?? (q521,522) C99 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK Since the color of the accumulation in the NE was quite different compared to the NW, a soil sample was again collected. D1 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 D3 1996-07-22_G731FAB.J rk r296 (42965 35418 - 8384 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-22_G731FAB.J rk r297 (43133 35489 - 8377 / Relay location: NW1) D3 1996-07-22_G731FAB.J rk r298 (43062 35706 - 8384 / Relay location: NW2) D3 1996-07-22_G731FAB.J rk r299 (43144 35761 - 8388 / Relay location: NE2) D3 1996-07-22_G731FAB.J rk r300 (43042 36006 - 8394 / Relay location: NE1) F50 1996-07-21_G801RK.J rK f174 (accumulation C) overlays f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx25aMA.j rK i113 (seal impression) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_ZGx25aMA.j rK i114 (seal impression) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i123 (seal impression) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i124 sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i126 (seal impression) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx25aMA.j rK i129 (figurine) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J !! q522.1 (soil sample) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J !! q525.1 (soil sample) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J !! q526.1 (soil sample) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q554.1 (figurine ?) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q567.1 (soil sample) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j !! q568.1 (tag) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j !! q569.1 (figurine) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j !! q571.1 (bead) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q514 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q522 (pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q524 (bones, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q525 (bones, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q526 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q527 (bones, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q552 (pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q554 (bones, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q567 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q568 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q569 (pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q570 (pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q571 (items, pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q617 (pottery) sits in f176 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK red ac below f169, cutting f174 O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J rk v76 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77c ; A6f177 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-22_G802JO.J !! v76 A98 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK A8f69 (in the W of locus) and A8f72 (against the wall f210) pertain to f177 in A6. However since they did not start at the top level of f177, for the sake of simplicity they have been assigned a separate feature number (f212) until all of f177 is cleared. B11 1996-07-25_G803RK.J rK brick and ash close to f78. Must be brickfall and fire related activity. B11 1996-07-27_G803RK.J rK extends 40-50 cm in height along the S 1/2 of the locus. The S platform along A8 on the E and the baulk on the S is 480 EW x 280 NS B11 1996-07-30_G806RK.J rK 50-100 cm from the S baulk of k218 (with walls and doorway) the accumulation was harder and denser, but there is not much evidence of brickfall. B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK Bottom levels of f177 are given by relays 397-400. C1 1996-07-23_G803RK.J rK The second cut in f177 clearly brought us to a new stratum, with finds of several interesting objects including piece of a tannur. Most likely we will dig with the handpick from here on down. The ac is brownish black (?), looser; we are past the abandonment accumulation. f160 begins the abandonment layer; f177 ends it! C1 1996-07-24_G803RK.J rK soil sample collected; excavation in the feature so far today 30 cm down. C1 1996-07-25_G803RK.J rK A 20 cm deep 285x75x20 section was cut at the W end of the lower cut in this feature, using the large and hand picks. Had lenses of carbonized material and ash--q555. C1 1996-07-27_G803RK.J rK Change feature numbers below f177 at this point. C1 1996-07-30_G806RK.J rK We have not gone past the level at which we found a large bone flat on the ground in f177 on G725. Since then we have concentrated on bringing the S part of the locus down the same level. There is also a lot of ash at the base of the W end of the wall f78 at this level. We will most likely call this a new feature from this level down, once the whole locus is levelled. C1 1996-08-03_G803RK.J rK a significant number of clay samples retrieved from this layer (while seeking seal impressions) were quite burnt. However, the feature as a whole does not reflect a lot of burning or presence of ash. D1 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK k21 D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r367 (42933 35413 - 8363 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r369 (42800 35969 - 8371 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r370 (43098 35943 - 8367 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r374 (42706 35303 - 8377 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r375 (42932 35409 - 8365 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r376 (42751 35852 - 8380 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-27_G809RK.J rk r377 (42508 35722 - 8377 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-29_G809RK.J rk r384 (42756 35839 - 8363 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-29_G809RK.J rk r385 (42956 35418 - 8347 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-29_G809RK.J rk r386 (42699 35308 - 8359 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-29_G809RK.J rk r387 (42495 35753 - 8361 / Relay location: SE corner) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i120 (sherd) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i121 (docket) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i127 (bowl) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i128 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx25aMA.j rK i130 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx25aMA.j rK i131 (clay egg) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx25aMA.j rK i132 (figurine ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx25aMA.j rK i133 sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx25aMA.j rK i134 sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i136 (tablet) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i137 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i138 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j rK i139 sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q533.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q538.1 (figurine) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q538.2 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q538.3 (clay wheel) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q538.4 (tooth) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q542.1 (strainer) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q542.2 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q542.3 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J !! q542.4 (bead) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q543.1 (strainer) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q543.2 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q543.3 sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q543.4 (bottle stopper?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q543.5 (tag?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q555.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q555.2 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q564.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q564.2 (figurine) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j !! q572.1 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j !! q572.2 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q577.1 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q581.1 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q581.2 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q581.3 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q582.1 (seal impression) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q582.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q582.3 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q582.4 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q582.5 (soil sample) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! q589.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q595.1 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q595.2 (figurine) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q595.3 (bead) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q595.4 (seal impression ?) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q615.1 (bead) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q533 (bones, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q534 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q537 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q538 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q542 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j rK q543 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q551 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q555 (items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q564 (items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q572 (items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q573 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q577 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q580 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q581 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q582 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rK q588 (items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rK q589 (bones, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J rk q595 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J rk q596 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J rrk q601 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q615 (items, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q656 (bones, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1110 (pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f177 (accumulation C) covers f211 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f177 (accumulation C) covers f213 (ac/pit) F52 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f177 (accumulation C) overlays f211 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f177 (accumulation C) overlays f213 (ac/pit) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK red ac below f176 O12 1996-07-22_G802JO.J rk v76 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rK v84a O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77c O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81b O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81c ; A6f178 A21 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK pedestal A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v77d D1 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK k217 F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q539 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f178 (pedestal) F51 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q540 (pottery) sits in f178 (pedestal) K8 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK under f70 against E baulk; 2 lots O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77d ; A6f179 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r466 (42404 35548 - 8521 / Relay location: NW of f179) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r467 (42324 35533 - 8516 / Relay location: SW of f179) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r468 (42236 35576 - 8522 / Relay location: SE of f179) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r469 (42190 35539 - 8520 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r470 (42216 35463 - 8503) D3 1996-07-24_G809RK.J jo r471 (42422 35523 - 8517) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f149 (ash soil) overlays f179 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i125 (seal impression) sits in f179 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q546.1 (clay artifact) sits in f179 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q578.1 (plate) sits in f179 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q546 (bones, pottery) sits in f179 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q561 (pottery) sits in f179 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q578 (pottery) sits in f179 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK NE corner 20cm to the E of f149 and below it ; A6f180 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK topsoil D1 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q547.1 (sh) sits in f180 (topsoil) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q547 (pottery) sits in f180 (topsoil) K8 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK ts N baulk ; A6f181 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q549 (pottery) sits in f181 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK N baulk, below level of f180 ; A6f182 A21 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK shaft D1 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f183 (accumulation C) intrudes f182 (shaft) ; A6f183 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q550.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q550.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q550.3 (strainer) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j !! q550.4 (pin) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q556.1 (plate) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q556.2 (plate) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q559.1 (clay artifact) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q550 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q553 (bones, pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q556 (pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q557 (pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q559 (bones, pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q560 (pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q563 (items, pottery) sits in f183 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f183 (accumulation C) intrudes f182 (shaft) K8 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK fill of the shaft ; A6f184 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j !! q579.1 (clay artifact) sits in f184 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q562 (pottery) sits in f184 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q579 (items, pottery) sits in f184 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK light brown hard, below f179 ; A6f185 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q565 (pottery) sits in f185 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK 25 cm of E baulk ; A6f186 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q566.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f186 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j !! q566.2 (plate ?) sits in f186 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q566 (bones, pottery) sits in f186 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK gray ac below f184 ; A6f187 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK fill in secondary context D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k168 K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK surface on which f113 rests ; A6f188 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 D3 1996-07-25_G809RK.J jo r420 (42393 35653 - 8441 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-07-25_G809RK.J jo r421 (42439 35526 - 8447 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-25_G809RK.J jo r422 (42202 35559 - 8442 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-25_G809RK.J jo r423 (42246 35434 - 8444 / Relay location: SW) F51 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i117 (seal impression) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i118 (seal impression) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i119 (seal impression) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i135 (m) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j !! q585.1 (cup) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j !! q585.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j !! q585.3 (seal impression ?) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j !! q585.4 (seal impression ?) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q583 (pottery) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q584 (items, pottery) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q585 (items, pottery) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx18aMA.j rK q619 (pottery) sits in f188 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f186, NS 210, EW 150, hight 42 ; A6f189 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK topsoil D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q574 (bones, pottery) sits in f189 (topsoil) F51 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q575 (pottery) sits in f189 (topsoil) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q586 (pottery) sits in f189 (topsoil) K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK E baulk ; A6f190 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j !! q587.1 (plate) sits in f190 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j !! q587.2 (plate) sits in f190 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q587 (pottery) sits in f190 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK gray ac below f189 in E baulk ; A6f191 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q594.1 (f) sits in f191 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q590 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q591 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q594 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q597 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK hard gray below f190 in the E doorway ; A6f192 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK wall D1 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 K8 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK N doorway (a15) E k169 ; A6f193 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK topsoil D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK N baulk ; A6f194 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK wall A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v79 D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f194 (wall) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f205 (accumulation C) leans against f194 (wall) F52 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f194 (wall) overlays f200 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f193 W 1/2 of N baulk, secondary wall on top of original AK building wall O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J jO v79 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81a O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96a ; A6f195 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK wall A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v79 B11 1996-08-01_G806RK.J rK The top of the late wall as we have it reaches the level of accumulation f149/111. D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f195 (wall) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f204 (accumulation C) leans against f195 (wall) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q593.1 (f) sits in f195 (wall) F51 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q592 (pottery) sits in f195 (wall) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q593 (pottery) sits in f195 (wall) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f195 (wall) leans against f199 (wall) F52 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f195 (wall) overlays f200 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f193 E 1/2 of N baulk, secondary wall on top of origgginal AK building wall O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J jO v79 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81a O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v83 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96a ; A6f196 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK wall A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v79 D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J jo r481 ( - 8410 / Relay location: top bk of w) D99 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK between k219/218, EW wall might equal f41 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f196 (wall) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f94 rests on f196 (wall) K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK NE k219 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J jO v79 O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v92 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96 O12 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v96a ; A6f197 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v79 B11 1996-08-01_G806RK.J rK Appears to have been a pit cut into the late wall f194,195, from the top. In fact, f194-195 would have been continuous except for this. The evidence for the pit is the round shape of the outline seen on the N, E, & W. On the E, it cut into f200 an arc. Likewise, a curve can be seen from the shape of the ac on the E and W faces of f194 and f195 respectively. The pit continues on the S of f195 in a circular cut of wall f196. The width of the wall f200/196 is ca. 140 cm; 150 cm W of the pit. That would make the original AK wall relatively thick for an inside wall. D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q600.1 (strainer) sits in f197 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q600.2 (strainer) sits in f197 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q598 (items, pottery) sits in f197 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q600 (pottery) sits in f197 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f41 (wa) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f194 (wall) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f195 (wall) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f196 (wall) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f225 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK between f194/195 filling of cut? doorway? O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J jO v79 O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J jO v79a O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v92 ; A6f198 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J !! v86 D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F51 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i141 (lithic artifact) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i142 (seal impression) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i145 (seal impression) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q599.1 (strainer) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q599.2 (strainer) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J !! q599.3 (clay artifact) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx18aMA.j !! q600.1 (strainer) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx18aMA.j !! q600.2 (strainer) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q602.1 (clay artifact) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q599 (pottery) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx18aMA.j jO q600 (pottery) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q602 (pottery) sits in f198 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q619 (pottery) sits in f198 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK E of doorway k169/219 (a15) O12 1996-08-03_G810jO2.J jO v86 ; A6f199 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK wall A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v80 D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J jo r482 ( - 8426 / Relay location: top bk of w) D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J jo r483 ( - 8337 / Relay location: top stone of w) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f195 (wall) leans against f199 (wall) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f202 (p2) abuts f199 (wall) K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK N of doorway k169/219 (a15) O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80b O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v94 O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v95 ; A6f200 A21 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK wa A35 1996-07-29_G802JO.J !! v77b B11 1996-07-27_G803RK.J rK Wall jutting into k218 from the N at SE corner. The top level visible extends 140 cm into locus. In k219, the limit of the doorway from the West is 230 cm from the E baulk. This permits a doorway about 90 cm wide here. B11 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK There is still accumulation left on the N face of the wall. It had been left to protect the brick face and has not been completely removed at the conclusion of the excavation. D1 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F50 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f194 (wall) overlays f200 (wa) F50 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f195 (wall) overlays f200 (wa) F51 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J bsh i321 (sa) sits in f200 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK extends into locus + s baulk from E O12 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77b O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81b O12 1997-06-28_H702BSH.J bsh v117 O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v120 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v145 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v146b ; A6f201 A1 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f42 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK wall A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v80 D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f203 (p2) abuts f201 (wall) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK S of doorway k169/219 (a15) O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80a ; A6f202 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK p2 A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v80 D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f202 (p2) abuts f199 (wall) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f202 (p2) overlays f228 (threshold) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f202 (p2) overlays f230 (p2) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK installation of a vertical line of bricks abuts f199 N a15 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80b ; A6f203 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK p2 A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v80 D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k169 F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f203 (p2) abuts f201 (wall) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f203 (p2) overlays f228 (threshold) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f203 (p2) overlays f230 (p2) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK installation of a vertical line of bricks abuts f201 S a15 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v80a ; A6f204 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v81 D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q607.1 (f) sits in f204 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q612.1 (plate) sits in f204 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q607 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f204 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q610 (pottery) sits in f204 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q612 (pottery) sits in f204 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f204 (accumulation C) leans against f195 (wall) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK N part of the N baulk of k219, N of f195 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81 ; A6f205 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v81 D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i146 (figurine) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q608.1 (sh) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q622.1 (clay artifact) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q622.2 (wheel) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q622.3 (sh?) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q628.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q608 (pottery) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q621 (pottery) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q622 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q627 (pottery) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q628 (pottery) sits in f205 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f205 (accumulation C) leans against f194 (wall) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK N of the N baulk , N of f194 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jO v81 ; A6f206 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-01_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C D1 1996-08-01_ZGx10aMA.j rK k219 D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r516 (42187 35194 - 8385 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r517 (42255 35216 - 8388 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r518 (42194 35338 - 8384 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r519 (42266 35443 - 8387 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r520 (42179 35567 - 8380 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r521 (42371 35651 - 8387 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r522 (42477 35288 - 8383 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r523 (42429 35271 - 8385 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r532 (42398 35206 - 8368 / Relay location: sketch 5b) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r533 (42305 35164 - 8366 / Relay location: sketch 5b) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i147 (seal impression) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q613.1 (clay artifact) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q638.1 (bead) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q638.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q613 (pottery) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q630 (pottery) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q637 (pottery) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q638 (pottery) sits in f206 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q639 (pottery) sits in f206 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-01_ZGx10aMA.j rK around f66 ; A6f207 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J jO p2 A21 1996-08-03_ZGx10aMA.j jO isolated individual brick A35 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J !! v87 C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j jO bricks lining the pit f66 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J jO k219 K8 1996-08-03_ZGx10aMA.j jO bricks lining the pit f66 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v87 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v87a ; A6f208 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J jO accumulation A21 1996-08-03_ZGx10aMA.j jO accumulation C C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j jO below f206, brown soft D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J jO k219 D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J jo r484 ( - 8351 / Relay location: start. elev as of G805) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J jo i166 (figurine) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G810JO.J jo i176 (bead) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q642.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q642.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q643.1 (strainer) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q660.1 (strainer) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q669.1 (plate) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q669.2 (plate) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q669.3 (plate) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q682.1 (clay artifact) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q642 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q643 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q652 (bones, pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q653 (items, pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q657 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q660 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q666 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q667 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q669 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q672 (pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J jO q679 (bones, pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J jO q682 (items, pottery) sits in f208 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-03_ZGx10aMA.j jO below f206, brown soft ; A6f209 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-08-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK burial B11 1996-08-04_G803RK.J rK assigned to the volume containing burial a12. Initially the burial had been assigned only an aggregate number and referred to thereby. Lots and items from a12 had been given feature number f108 and subsequently noted to be the proper top level of f111, the accumulation surrounding the burial. This was on account of two reasons. The burial itself merged completely with the surrounding accumulation and no cut leading to it was discernible (see views 52,53); the aggregate number was used as a substitute for the feature number. D1 1996-08-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK k218 F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f209 (burial) intrudes f108 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f209 (burial) rests on f111 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK a12 ; A6f210 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK wa A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v82 C1 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK No evidence of plaster on the stone layer of f210 where we removed accumulation f211 to f215. In fact f210 differs from f78 in that the stone layers are wider than the brick at the top whereas in f78 the lower brick layers overhang the stones. D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k22 F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f426 (accumulation C) abuts f210 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f427 (accumulation) abuts f210 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f428 (accumulation) abuts f210 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f350 (accumulation C) overlays f210 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK A1A8 f599 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rK v82 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rK v82a O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v89 O12 1997-06-24_H702BSH.J bsh v114 O12 1997-06-25_H702BSH.J bsh v115 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v146b O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v146c ; A6f211 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J !! v88 B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK is a hard accumulation B11 1996-08-01_G806RK.J rK The ash layer, f213, found in the N along the wall close to the door extends deeper below a layer of soil. Here we only dug to just above the ash in f211 while removing it. The accumulation seems more sandy than the accumulation we removed from above it. B11 1996-08-03_G806RK.J rK Is not a very fine kind of accumulation; it seems to have more uneven and grainy particles; has stones etc. C1 1996-08-03_G806RK.J rK This floor has yielded isolated grains on each day it was excavated, usually 2-3 in number, found by the workmen. These were not collected earlier. These are charred (by age?) but found often in accumulation that is not obviously ashy. Those found today were collected for identification. D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k22 D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r407 (43202 35497 - 8337 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r408 (42557 35637 - 8340 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r409 (42512 35710 - 8347 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r410 (42835 35602 - 8335 / Relay location: Center) D3 1996-08-03_G809RK.J rk r430 (43028 35504 - 8317 / Relay location: N) D3 1996-08-03_G809RK.J rk r431 (42791 35398 - 8322 / Relay location: S) D3 1996-08-03_G809RK.J rk r432 (43041 35468 - 8308 / Relay location: N) D3 1996-08-03_G809RK.J rk r433 (42808 35369 - 8311 / Relay location: S) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f213 (ac/pit) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f216 (ash layer) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f222 (isolated stone) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f177 (accumulation C) covers f211 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f177 (accumulation C) overlays f211 (accumulation C) F50 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f213 (ac/pit) overlays f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i140 sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i143 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i144 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i148 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i150 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i151 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i152 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i153 (carbon sample) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i154 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i155 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i156 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i157 (uncertain) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i158 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i159 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i160 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i161 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i162 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i163 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i164 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i165 (carbon sample) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i167 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i171 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i172 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q606.1 (unknown) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q611.1 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q611.2 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q614.1 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q614.2 (bead) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q623.1 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.1 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.2 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.3 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.4 (bead) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.5 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.6 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J !! q624.7 sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q625.1 (unknown) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q625.2 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q625.3 (bead) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q625.4 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q625.5 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q629.1 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q633.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q633.2 (clay artifact ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q633.3 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q636.1 (pot) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q636.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q640.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q640.2 (bowl) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q640.3 (bowl) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q646.1 (pot) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J !! q647.1 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q648.1 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q648.2 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q648.3 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q648.4 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q649.1 (unknown) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q650.1 (tag) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q650.2 (figurine ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q651.1 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q651.2 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q654.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q655.1 (clay lump) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q658.1 (bowl) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q658.2 (glass ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J !! q658.3 (pot) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q664.1 (metal) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q664.2 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q603 (bones, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q606 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q611 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q614 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q623 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-27_G802JO.J rk q624 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q625 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q629 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q631 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q632 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q633 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q634 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q635 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q636 (bones, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q640 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q644 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q645 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q646 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q647 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q648 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q649 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q650 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q651 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q654 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q655 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q658 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q661 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q663 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q664 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q665 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q668 (bones, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q671 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q673 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1111 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f211 (accumulation C) covers f222 (isolated stone) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f211 (accumulation C) overlays f215 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f177 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v88 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v88a O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v89 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v90 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v91 ; A6f212 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! v82 B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK equals f177 and has been assigned to the A8 area W of wall f210, now absorbed into A6. The area had dimensions as follows: N 260 cm, S 270 cm, E 235 cm, W 240 cm. There was a cut within this area that included the NW quadrant, that was 140 NS x 130 EW, adjoining k21. The feature equivalent to f177 had a depth of 13 cm within this cut and 20 cm in the rest of the area. B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK is a very hard accumulation-removed the last 13 cm depth with the large pick; near wall f210 brick was present. D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k22 D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r397 (43136 35732 - 8333 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r398 (43030 35700 - 8331 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r399 (43058 35599 - 8328 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-31_G809RK.J rk r400 (43167 35647 - 8335 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J rk r416 (42630 35782 - 8348 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J rk r417 (42496 36029 - 8348 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J rk r418 (42715 36108 - 8346 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J rk r419 (42830 35871 - 8341 / Relay location: SW) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q604.1 (jewelry item) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q604.2 (seal impression) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q604.3 (seal impression) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q609.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q618.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J !! q618.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q604 (bones, pottery) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q609 (pottery) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q618 (pottery) sits in f212 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f212 (accumulation C) overlays f215 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK A1f177 cut the area in section A8 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rK v82 O12 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rK v82a ; A6f213 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK ac/pit B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK A small area of ash below f177, approx. top of f211. See relays 401-404 which give bottom elevation of feature. B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK turned out to be insignificant D1 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK k22 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f177 (accumulation C) covers f213 (ac/pit) F50 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f177 (accumulation C) overlays f213 (ac/pit) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J !! q605.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f213 (ac/pit) F51 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q605 (bones, pottery) sits in f213 (ac/pit) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f213 (ac/pit) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) F52 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK f213 (ac/pit) overlays f211 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK ashy area near f78 close to doorway to the N; below f177 ; A6f214 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK stone A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk stone arrangement A35 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J !! v89 C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK in k22 near f210 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J rk r457 (42698 36050 - 8317 / Relay location: center) D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J rk r474 (42698 36050 - 8317 / Relay location: center) F51 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q659 (pottery) sits in f214 (stone) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q681 (pottery) sits in f214 (stone) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK in k22 near f210 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v89 O12 1996-08-04_G810jO2.J rK v89a ; A6f215 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk accumulation A35 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J !! v91 B11 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK Approx. 12 cm above the top of f215, in what was removed as f211, is a red line along the E baulk. The accumulation below is slightly more pink, that above more gray. This is not detectable along the S baulk/accumulation left on the wall f200, but extends somewhat toward the E to f210. The second cut in f211, thus may belong more correctly with f215. B11 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK This accumulation clearly had more carbon in it than f211. But there was not more ash. B11 1997-06-16_H616DNSD.J dns there are charcoal flecks, and white flecks--gypsum?--very few finds of pottery or bone, a few mid-sized stones, 5-6 cm across. B11 1997-06-16_H616RK.J rK pinkish deposit intermingled with gray, containing inclusions of sherds, bones, small stones, small amounts of carbon and kiln waste. B11 1997-06-18_H618BSH.J bsh NE quadrant (located by m1634), SE corner was characterized by a high concentration of sherds and ash along with a patch of material resembling baked brick in size, texture, and color. A large sherd, found broken into two equal parts, was parallel in the plane parallel to the accumulation. Some of the ash deposits were exceptionally large, two of which formed/filled two small pits. C1 1996-08-05_G806RK.J rK The line of bricks for doorway a4 did not extend very into k218. It seemed to merge well with the accumulation to the E. However, they extended 80-90 cm E past the doorway. The accumulation by the doorway had many spots with carbonized material. 2 chunks, apparently from wood, were collected today. One had been collected on G804. C1 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK E in the middle of f215 close to the NW corner of the previous A8 locus, there was some kind of a working floor. An incomplete circular bricky outline could be observed in the ground. Material to the E was harder, but so was mot of the accumulation E of here, to the wall f210, at this level and above. There were pieces of carbonized wood, a few bones. But there was not the extent and amount of ash one would associate with a tannur. Its outline on the floor still remains, but we removed the hard accumulation to the E of it. This area had been observed when excavating f211 as an area of orange bricky surface below with carbon and ash, but tracing it by removing the accumulation above was not productive. We did begin excavation on G805 by attempting to trace it, considering the possibility that it might be the top of the brick paving f142 if it extended Eastward and sloped up. E of this area, close to the wall f210, there was a large bone, more or less upright in the accumulation, but it was cut off by the shovel as the excavated earth was being removed; its stump remains in the accumulation. C1 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK has been cut to an average depth of 10 cm in the middle of the locus. C2 1996-08-05_G806RK.J rK We began removal of this accumulation below f211 to a depth of just 7 cm. C3 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK see under f220 C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK below f211 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r604 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NE) D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r605 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NW) D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r607 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SE) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r604 (42633 35778 - / Relay location: NE) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r605 (42828 35365 - / Relay location: NW) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r606 ( - / Relay location: t) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r607 (42525 35715 - 8307 / Relay location: SE) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f222 (isolated stone) intrudes f215 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns f456 (accumulation C) abuts f215 (accumulation C) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f211 (accumulation C) overlays f215 (accumulation C) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f212 (accumulation C) overlays f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i168 (carbon sample) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i169 (carbon sample) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i170 (seal impression) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i173 (seal impression ?) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G810JO.J rk i174 (carbon sample) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G810JO.J rk i175 (seal impression ?) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G810JO.J rk i177 (carbon sample) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK i200 (pot) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J rK i201 (seal impression) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H619BSH.J bsh i251 (metal artifact) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H619BSH.J rk i252 (seal impression) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q662.1 (carbon sample) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q662.2 (carbon sample) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q677.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q680.1 (figurine ?) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q680.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J !! q700.1 (pin?) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J !! q851.1 (clay artifact) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J !! q851.2 (clay artifact) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q662 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q676 (pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q677 (bones, pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q680 (items, pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q700 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q702 (pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q704 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q708 (pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q709 (bones) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q715 (pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q851 (pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q852 (pottery) sits in f215 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f215 (accumulation C) covers f220 (a/f2) K5 1997-06-16_H616DNSD.J dns dark yellowish brown K6 1997-06-16_H616DNSD.J dns 10YR4/4 K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f211 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v91 ; A6f216 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK ash layer A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk accumulation A35 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J !! v90 B11 1996-08-05_G806RK.J rK Ash mixed with dirt. A few bones but not very large quantities. Also contained parts of fallen brick; quite red. The ash appears to have been confined to the S end of the doorway, f217. C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK ash layer below f213 at the level of f211 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J !! q670.1 (clay artifact ?) sits in f216 (ash layer) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q670 (bones, pottery) sits in f216 (ash layer) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f216 (ash layer) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK ash layer below f213 at the level of f211 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v90 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v90a ; A6f217 A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk d A35 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J !! v90 B11 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK doorway shows rabbeting on the S face. C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK from k217 N, W of f78 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 G1 1997-06-20_H728RK1.J rK a31 G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK from k217 N, W of f78 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v90 ; A6f218 A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk pot-smash A35 1996-07-06_G802JO.J !! v52a C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK on k215 near f78 just below f211 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 D3 1996-08-05_G809RK.J rk r494 (43076 35905 - 8303 / Relay location: mid-rim) F51 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q674 (pottery) sits in f218 (pot-smash) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK on k215 near f78 just below f211 O12 1996-07-06_G802JO.J rk v52a O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v91 O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v91a ; A6f219 A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk plaster A35 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J !! v91 C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK on stone wall on f78 S face D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK on stone wall on f78 S face O12 1996-08-05_G810jO2.J rK v91 ; A6f220 A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK a/f2 A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk accumulation A35 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J !! v111 B11 1997-06-21_H616DNSD.J dns dark reddish soil, possibly a tannur in E half of center cut of f220. A circular line visible on top of f220 which follows the outline we already have of f356. B11 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh the Eastern part of the Northern quadrant of f220 was characterized by spotty deposits of harder material than that normally encountered in this area. There was minimal difference in color in these deposits. B11 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh The accumulation between the excavation lines to the east was characterized by hard deposits, a more ashlike color; underneath were found two rectangular outlines resembling bricks, within were found several nice artifacts, including a cylinder seal of the abstract type over 1/3 intact and a similar percentage of a stone "stamp" seal. That portion to the N was characterized by various deposits of harder, more brown, deposits resembling mud brick, especially as excavated near f78 (perhaps these are damaged pieces from f78 which have fallen) B11 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh there was no clear distinction between f215 (the layer of accumulation which covered f142) and f220 (the layer of accumulation at the same elevation as f142). C1 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK The top of f220 in line with f142 top 2 cm very ashy and black; but that cleared up very soon. C1 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK This feature was cut as an approximately 20 cm wide trench down to the depth of the top layer of brick in f142, ca. 13 cm. C1 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK Excavations began at the W end of the S 1/3 of the area and was carried all the way to the E to meet the baulk left in the SE corner of the room. The accumulation shows no clear discontinuity with f215 which covers it, and none is observable in the section. There is a fair amount of carbonized material but the accumulation in general is pinkish brown with gray interspersed. It is quite hard. One good seal impression was recovered today. C3 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f215 was a layer of accummulation that covered the platform f142 and extended up from its top surface, as we defined it. Since f142 had a gypsum coating, it is doubtful that f215 was a floor packing that was laid at the time of the construction of the threshold. f215 must therefore be later than f142. f220 was defined as the deposition that was covered by f215 and extending up to the top level of the threshold f142. However, there is no clear transition between f215 and f220. The section does not indicate any difference between the two accumulations. They are both hard pinkish deposits with grayish patches and inclusions of carbonized material in addition to sherds and bones. The workmen expressed the feeling that they were one and the same; they felt alike to remove, and were a hard packed accumulation of the same type. Even though this accumulation is relatively free of artifacts, it is unlikely to be a floor packing because it covers a gypsum coated threshold. Since it appears that f215 and f220 are the same accumulation, it would also seem that f142 was not a threshold that stepped up to room k22, but that it was a barrier of sorts between k22 and k25. So entering room k22 required stepping down from f142. C3 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh f142 must have served as a threshold at a later period than the time of the original floor surface of A6 in Building AK. C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK at the level of f142 at the top D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r653 ( - 8291 / Relay location: SW) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r654 ( - 8294 / Relay location: SE near exposed limit of f177) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r655 ( - 8264 / Relay location: NE near exposed limit of f78) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r656 ( - 8290 / Relay location: NW) F50 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns f447 (accumulation C) abuts f220 (a/f2) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f215 (accumulation C) covers f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J bsh i253 (clay lump) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J bsh i254 (seal impression) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i255 (sample) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i256 (sample) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i257 (figurine) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i258 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i260 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i261 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i263 (sample) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i264 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i265 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i266 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i267 (metal artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i268 (clay artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i269 (lithic artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J !! q854.1 (sh) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J !! q854.2 (figurine ?) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J !! q854.3 (figurine) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J !! q855.1 (ceramic vessel) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q860.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q860.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q860.3 (other vessel) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q860.4 (kiln waste) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q861.1 (other vessel) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q861.2 (slag) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J !! q861.3 (cv (sherd)) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J !! q863.1 (wheel) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J !! q864.1 (cv (sherd)) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1109.1 (seal impression) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q675 (pottery) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q853 (pottery) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q854 (bones) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J rk q855 (bones, pottery) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh q858 (bones) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q860 (items) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q861 (bones) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q862 (pottery) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh q863 (bones) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh q864 (bones) sits in f220 (a/f2) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1109 (items, pottery) sits in f220 (a/f2) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f220 (a/f2) abuts f142 (isolated individual brick) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK at the level of f142 at the top O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v112 ; A6f221 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk accumulation B11 1996-08-06_G808RK.J rK is quite ashy except in parts containing brickfall. The ashy deposition against the wall face continues more than 45 cm from its uppermost levels observed (parallel to f177). In the doorway f217, the ash at the top (at the levels of f177) is completely separated from the lower levels of ash by intervening accumulation. C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK ashy, by f78 and f217 @ level of 211 below f213 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 D3 1996-08-06_G809RK.J rk r510 (43026 35759 - 8316 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-08-06_G809RK.J rk r511 (43104 35601 - 8319 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-08-06_G809RK.J rk r512 (43189 35650 - 8318 / Relay location: NW corner) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q678.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f221 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q678.2 (strainer) sits in f221 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q678.3 (bead) sits in f221 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q678.4 (bead) sits in f221 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J !! q678.5 (seal impression ?) sits in f221 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q678 (items, pottery) sits in f221 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK ashy, by f78 and f217 @ level of 211 below f213 ; A6f222 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK isolated stone A21 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk stone C99 1996-07-31_ZH322lC.j rK in the middle of locus, top in f211, base in f215 D1 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk k22 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f211 (accumulation C) covers f222 (isolated stone) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f222 (isolated stone) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK2.J rK f222 (isolated stone) intrudes f215 (accumulation C) K8 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK in the middle of locus, top in f211, base in f215 ; A6f223 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-06_G810JO.J jo accumulation A21 1996-08-06_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C C99 1996-08-06_ZH322lC.j jO red below f208 D1 1996-08-06_G810JO.J jo k219 F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J !! q684.1 (plate) sits in f223 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J !! q684.2 (plate) sits in f223 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-06_G811JO.J jO q683 (pottery) sits in f223 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q684 (pottery) sits in f223 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q685 (bones, pottery) sits in f223 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-06_ZGx10aMA.j rK red below f208 ; A6f224 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo wall A35 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J !! v92 C99 1996-08-07_ZH322lC.j jO EW wall, N k219 = f41+f196 D1 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo k219 K8 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK EW wall, N k219 = f41+f196 O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v92 ; A6f225 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo accumulation A21 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J !! v92 C99 1996-08-07_ZH322lC.j jO dark gray below f197 in between f41 and f196 D1 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f197 (accumulation C) cuts f225 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q686 (pottery) sits in f225 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f225 (accumulation C) covers f227 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK dark gray below f197 in between f41 and f196 O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v92 ; A6f226 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo accumulation A21 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C C1 1996-08-08_G812RK.J jO we dug down extra 10 cm (thus totally 20 cm) of f226. It is still very clean brown accumulation except for very limited small spots of carbonized wood. C99 1996-08-07_ZH322lC.j jO gray below f223 D1 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo k219 D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r534 (42401 35130 - 8265 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r535 (42345 35114 - 8267 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r536 (42311 35201 - 8263 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r537 (42341 35218 - 8264 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r538 (42361 35241 - 8269 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r539 (42411 35436 - 8271 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r540 (42350 35649 - 8266 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r542 (42340 35398 - 8262 / Relay location: sketch 6) D3 1996-08-01_G809RK.J jo r543 (42268 35420 - 8263 / Relay location: sketch 6) F51 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo i178 (tag) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q689.1 (carbon sample) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q689.2 (clay artifact) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q689.3 (clay artifact) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q691.1 (strainer) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q691.2 (seal impression) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q691.3 (clay artifact) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q691.4 (clay artifact) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J !! q691.5 (clay artifact) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q687 (bones, pottery) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q689 (pottery) sits in f226 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q691 (bones, pottery) sits in f226 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK gray below f223 ; A6f227 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo accumulation A21 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C A35 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J !! v92 C99 1996-08-07_ZH322lC.j jO below f225, in between f41 and f196 D1 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f225 (accumulation C) covers f227 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q688 (pottery) sits in f227 (accumulation C) F52 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f227 (accumulation C) covers f229 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f225, in between f41 and f196 O12 1996-08-06_G810jO2.J jO v92 ; A6f228 A21 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo threshold B11 1996-08-08_G812RK.J jO The threshold is bricks wide EW and it extends NS uunderrneath the bricks f202,203 C99 1996-08-07_ZH322lC.j jO in a15 D1 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f202 (p2) overlays f228 (threshold) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f203 (p2) overlays f228 (threshold) K8 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK in a15 ; A6f229 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo accumulation A21 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C C99 1996-08-07_ZH322lC.j jO below f227 D1 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f227 (accumulation C) covers f229 (accumulation C) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q690 (bones, pottery) sits in f229 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-07_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f227 ; A6f230 A21 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo p2 B11 1996-08-08_G812RK.J jO flatly laid brick on the floor of doorway a 15, which forms part of the threshold f228 C99 1996-08-08_ZH322lC.j jO flat bricks on the floor of the doorway a15 D1 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo k219 F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f202 (p2) overlays f230 (p2) F50 1996-08-12_G812RK.J jO f203 (p2) overlays f230 (p2) K8 1996-08-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK flat bricks on the floor of the doorway a15 ; A6f231 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo accumulation A21 1996-08-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK accumulation C C99 1996-08-08_ZH322lC.j jO below f226, (probe) D1 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo k219 D42 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo below f226, (probe) F51 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q692 (pottery) sits in f231 (accumulation C) K8 1996-08-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK below f226, (probe) ; A6f299 A35 1996-07-15_G802JO.J !! v65 O12 1996-07-15_G802JO.J rK v65 ; A6f301 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rk topsoil A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v105 B11 1997-06-16_H616DNSD.J dns some large stones found, RK thinks the stones could indicate a burial. B11 1997-06-16_H627DNS.J dns some large stones found, rK thinks the stones could indicate a burial. C99 1997-06-16_H616RK.J rK the sod layer was about 5 cm thick throughout the locus. C99 1997-06-16_ZH322lC.j rK sod layer D1 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rk k30 F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f301 (topsoil) covers f302 (accumulation C) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f301 (topsoil) covers f304 (accumulation C) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v105 ; A6f302 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rk accumulation C A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v105 B11 1997-06-21_H708RK.J rK Below the sod layer, black. Penetrometer reading, 2.25. Loose material, crumbly, tiny stones and larger stones, sherds present. A number of areas where the top soil penetrates. Transition to pinkish, hard-packed accum. C1 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk Excavation on H616 had brought the bottom level of f302 at 50cm from the top of the locus at the E border. Here we found brick, large stones as well as a flatly laid out large stone. Most of f302 has loose black soil which frequently makes incursions into a hardpacked layer. Today's excavation began with continued removal of more f302 Westward. C99 1997-06-16_ZH322lC.j rK below sod layer, black D1 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rk k30 F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f301 (topsoil) covers f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J !! q705.1 (seal impression) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J !! q764.1 (wheel) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J !! q808.1 (fi) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q701 (pottery) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q703 (pottery) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q705 (items, pottery) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q725 (bones) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q764 (items) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q769 (pottery) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q807 (pottery) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q808 (pottery) sits in f302 (accumulation C) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f302 (accumulation C) covers f303 (wall) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f302 (accumulation C) covers f305 (accumulation) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v105 ; A6f303 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh wall A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v102 B11 1997-06-18_H616DNSD.J dns mudbrick wall, f304 associated with f303 B11 1997-06-21_H708RK.J rK Mud-brick wall. Extends from the E wall, abuts f306. 207cm on N face, 165cm on S face, 68cm & on W face. Extends below stone bench? Relationship to lower mud-brick step above stone bench? B11 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns Four courses of brick. SW end, have 1 layer of brick remaining, f314 is below last layer of brick C1 1997-06-18_H618RK.J rK Initially had appeared to be several courses of brick wide. When we approached from the side after removing the accumulation against it, some of what appeared to be brick on top had no brick underneath. The wall emerges from the E baulk, Southwesterly at ~~ca. 45deg. to the baulk. In the part that extends into k30, it appears to be 2 bricks wide. C3 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns associated with f306 and f310 C99 1997-06-17_ZH322lC.j bsh mud brick D1 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh k30 D3 1997-06-17_H626DNSR.J dns r610 ( - 1624) D3 1997-06-17_H708RK-R.J dns r610 ( - 8798) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r623 (42808 36228 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r624 ( - 8757 / Relay location: W end) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r625 ( - 8798 / Relay location: E end) F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f304 (accumulation C) abuts f303 (wall) F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f305 (accumulation) abuts f303 (wall) F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f302 (accumulation C) covers f303 (wall) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J rK q714 (pottery) sits in f303 (wall) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102a O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v103 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v103b O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v105 ; A6f304 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh accumulation C B11 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk loose granular brown soil which has stones and is penetrated by roots etc. B11 1997-06-21_H708RK.J rK W half of excavation area. Loose pockets of soil, penetrometer reading 2.25; other areas hard as rock. C99 1997-06-17_ZH322lC.j bsh western half of locus C99 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk The accumulation was defined for a strip 1.5 m NS from the W limit of the excavation boundary (i.e., excluding the W baulk). It was cut to ca. 30cm depth at the E and leveled to the W. D1 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh k30 F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f301 (topsoil) covers f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J !! q721.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q706 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q707 (bones) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q710 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q716 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J rK q717 (bones, pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q721 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q722 (bones) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q723 (k) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q724 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q730 (bones, pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q737 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation C) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f304 (accumulation C) abuts f303 (wall) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f304 (accumulation C) abuts f305 (accumulation) F52 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f304 (accumulation C) abuts f311 (platform) K5 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f311 ; A6f305 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns accumulation C99 1997-06-17_ZH322lC.j dns a north of f303 D1 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-17_H708RK-R.J dns r613 ( - 8800 / Relay location: E edge) D3 1997-06-17_H708RK-R.J dns r614 ( - 8776 / Relay location: W edge) F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f304 (accumulation C) abuts f305 (accumulation) F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f302 (accumulation C) covers f305 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q711 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q712 (bones) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q713 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q718 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q719 (bones) sits in f305 (accumulation) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f305 (accumulation) abuts f303 (wall) F52 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f305 (accumulation) abuts f306 (platform) ; A6f306 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns platform A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v102 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK wall B11 1997-06-21_H616DNSD.J dns N end 75 cm wide, W face up to mud brick wall 240 cm, height approx 40 cm, width across middle 72 cm, S end--a large stone protrudes from the E baulk. Stones not laid flat, sherds found under parts of feature, in the middle. B11 1997-06-21_H627DNS.J dns N end 75 cm wide, W face up to mud brick wall 240 cm, height approx 40 cm, width across middle 72 cm, Send--a large stone protrudes from the E baulk. Stones not laid flat, sherds found under parts of feature, in the middle. B11 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns under large cap stone of f306 on the S end, a number of smaller ones, which support the large cap stone. The smaller stones extend a further 30cm below the bottom of the cap stone. One of the supporting stones was worked, it was flat sided. The cap stone is 50 cm high, 90 cm long and 70 cm wide at its widest point. C1 1997-06-18_H618RK.J rK The stone "platform" is ca. 70 cm wide, oriented at a right angle to the wall f303. As yet, we have not clarified the contact/relationship between f306 and f303, although, initially, the former had appeared to abut the latter. The recovery of f304 revealed that abutting the stone platform to its West was a brick structure (f308). C99 1997-06-17_ZH322lC.j dns rectangular stone arrangement in NE section of k30 D1 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-18_H708RK-R.J dns r615 ( - 8790 / Relay location: NW corner) F50 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk f305 (accumulation) abuts f306 (platform) F50 1997-06-18_H618RK.J rK f308 (accumulation A) abuts f306 (platform) F50 1997-06-19_H616DNSD.J dns f311 (platform) abuts f306 (platform) F51 1997-06-29_H708RK.J rK f306 (platform) bonds with f338 (wa) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J !! q741.1 sits in f306 (platform) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J !! q759.1 (blade) sits in f306 (platform) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q741 (pottery) sits in f306 (platform) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q759 (items) sits in f306 (platform) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102a O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v104 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v104a O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v104c ; A6f307 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns accumulation C C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns SE corner of square-abuts f303 D1 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q720 (pottery) sits in f307 (accumulation C) ; A6f308 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns accumulation A A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v102 C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns ac against f306 from E D1 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q725 (bones) sits in f308 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q726 (pottery) sits in f308 (accumulation A) F52 1997-06-18_H618RK.J rK f308 (accumulation A) abuts f306 (platform) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102 ; A6f309 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns accumulation A A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v102 B11 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK This is a floor accumulation that is below floor f310 and belongs to an earlier floor. B11 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns 2 courses of brick C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns ac/floor deposit W of f303 & 306, below f304 D1 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns k30 F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f311 (platform) rests on f309 (accumulation A) F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f310 (floorsurface in general) covers f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J rK i202 (pot) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J !! q731.1 (clay artifact) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q727 (bones, pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q728 (pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q729 (bones, pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q731 (bones, pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q732 (pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q735 (bones, pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q736 (pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q738 (pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q740 (bones, pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q747 (pottery) sits in f309 (accumulation A) F52 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f309 (accumulation A) overlays f313 (floorsurface in general) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102 ; A6f310 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns floorsurface in general C3 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK A floor surface can be defined on the basis of the stone aggregates a16,17 and isolated stones present on this level (see v102). The surface has the appearance of a floor and we are defining it as such. Excavation of f309 cut past this. Thus, f309 is an accumulation on a floor earlier than f310. C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns f304 sat on f310 / W half of square D1 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns k30 F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK a16 rests on f310 (floorsurface in general) F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK a17 rests on f310 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J !! q744.1 (mortar) sits in f310 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J !! q744.2 (mortar) sits in f310 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q733 (pottery) sits in f310 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q744 (items) sits in f310 (floorsurface in general) F52 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f310 (floorsurface in general) covers f309 (accumulation A) K5 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f309 ; A6f311 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns platform B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK platform B11 1997-06-19_H616DNSD.J dns a platform or bench? C1 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK we removed the two layers of brick because they were sitting on a base of earth. It appears from this that f306, the stone wall that it abutted, consisted of a layer of stones that existed above the bottom level of the bricks. The stone layer seems to be sitting over earth. C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns abuts f306 on W side D1 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r626 (42960 36389 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r627 (42966 36339 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r628 (43113 36387 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r629 (43101 36335 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-06-20_H708RK-R.J bsh r630 ( - 8758 / Relay location: middle) F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f304 (accumulation C) abuts f311 (platform) F51 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q734 (bl) sits in f311 (platform) F52 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f311 (platform) rests on f309 (accumulation A) F52 1997-06-19_H616DNSD.J dns f311 (platform) abuts f306 (platform) ; A6f312 A21 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns p3 A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v103 B11 1997-06-16_H616RK.J rK This is an abandonment accumulation underneath the sod layer with sherd and stone (large and small) inclusions. It is generally loose with hard packed dirt in places and what appear to be bricks. C3 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns earlier than f314 C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns pieces of a large broken pot abut 303 D1 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-21_H708RK-R.J dns r634 (42856 36248 - 8724 / Relay location: E end) F51 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J rK i203 (pot) sits in f312 (p3) F52 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f312 (p3) rests on f313 (floorsurface in general) O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v103 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v103a O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v103b ; A6f313 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J !! floorsurface in general B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK floorsurface in general C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns 2nd floor surface D1 1997-06-19_H620DNS.J dns k30 F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f312 (p3) rests on f313 (floorsurface in general) F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f314 (platform) rests on f313 (floorsurface in general) F50 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f309 (accumulation A) overlays f313 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-21_H616DNSD.J dns i204 (ceramic vessel) rests on f313 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns i204 (ceramic vessel) sits in f313 (floorsurface in general) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A6f314 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J !! platform B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK platform B11 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns 80x50 cm C3 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns associated with f319 and f313, and lower than f303 and f306. C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns stone bench assoc with f313 D1 1997-06-19_H620DNS.J dns k30 F52 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK f314 (platform) rests on f313 (floorsurface in general) K1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK stone ; A6f315 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns accumulation C A21 1997-06-21_H619BSH.J dns floorsurface in general B11 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns S half is a loose brown accumulation, N half is harder. C3 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns N half, rK suggests it fits pattern of abandonment accumulation, hard clay patches mixed with looser patches. C3 1997-06-22_H627DNS.J dns N half, RK suggests it fits pattern of abandonment accumulation, hard clay patches mixed with looser patches. C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns ac below f313 C99 1997-06-21_ZH322lC.j dns floor surface at the top level of threshold f? D1 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns k30 D1 1997-06-21_H619BSH.J dns k22 D3 1997-06-22_H627DNSR.J dns r639 ( - 8844 / Relay location: N half) D3 1997-06-22_H627DNSR.J dns r640 ( - 8840 / Relay location: S half) D3 1997-06-22_H708RK-R.J dns r639 ( - 8718 / Relay location: N half) D3 1997-06-22_H708RK-R.J dns r640 ( - 8714 / Relay location: S half) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J !! q749.1 (pot) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J !! q749.2 (pot) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J !! q749.3 (pot) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J !! q749.33 (pot) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q739 (bones, pottery) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q748 (bones, pottery) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q749 (p,b,l) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q750 (bones, pottery) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q752 (bones, pottery) sits in f315 (floorsurface in general) ; A6f316 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-06-21_H616DNSD.J dns accumulation below f306. Fairly sterile soil, not many finds, dark brown soil. A patch of hardened soil, reddish in color, found just N of limit of f306, no ash associated with it. C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns ac below stone wall f306 D1 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-21_H627DNSR.J dns r637 (43143 36444 - 8924 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-06-21_H708RK-R.J dns r637 (43143 36444 - 8762 / Relay location: NW corner) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns i205 (lithic artifact) sits in f316 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q743 (p,b,l) sits in f316 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q745 (pottery) sits in f316 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q746 (p,b,l,v) sits in f316 (accumulation C) ; A6f317 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns accumulation C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns contenet of pot, i204 D1 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q742 (pottery) sits in f317 (accumulation) ; A6f318 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns brickfall C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j dns brick fall alongside f316 at E baulk D1 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-21_H708RK-R.J dns r635 (43023 36472 - 8762 / Relay location: highest part) ; A6f319 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns bench B11 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns bricks of bench abutting f303 seem to extends a few courses below the top that we've documented. Before removal of mud brick wall, f303, and bench, we will have to see how far down the bricks extend. C3 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns Mud bricks seem to extend below 2nd surface, f313. Check for mud bricks below S end of stone wall, f306. f319 abuts f306 as well as extends lower than f306. Stone bench, f313, is a little lower than, and abuts f319. How far do stones of f313 extend to the S and E? C3 1997-06-22_H627DNS.J dns Mud bricks sem to extend below 2nd surface, f313. Check for mud bricks below S end of stone wall, f306. f319 abuts f306 as well as extends lower than f306. Stone bench, f313, is a little lower than, and abuts f319. How far do stones of f313 extend to the S and E? C99 1997-06-20_ZH322lC.j dns lower mud brick bench, abuts f303 D1 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns k30 ; A6f320 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns pit B11 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns Extends from E baulk about 80 cm from N baulk. Is close to the level of f313 B11 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns ash pit which extends into E baulk. Elevation is 8846 -124. C99 1997-06-20_ZH322lC.j dns shallow ashy pit along E baulk D1 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-23_H627DNSR.J dns r642 ( - 8846 / Relay location: W edge) D3 1997-06-23_H708RK-R.J dns r642 ( - 8722 / Relay location: W edge) ; A6f321 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns isolated individual brick B11 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns A single mud brick, in line with f303 and f319, close to S baulk. Dimensions of brick are 36x36 cm. SW corner is 14 cm from S baulk. A stone lying parallel with brick 10 cm to the NE, stone is about 27 cm long, 18 cm wide--in line with f303 along its length. B11 1997-06-22_H627DNS.J dns A sing mud brick, in line with f303 and f319, close to S baulk. Dimensions of brick are 36x36 cm. SW corner is 14 cm from S baulk. A stone laying parallel with brick 10 cm to the NE, stone is about 27 cm longe, 18 cm wide--in line with f303 along its length. C99 1997-06-20_ZH322lC.j dns single mud brick close to S baulk D1 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-22_H627DNSR.J dns r641 (42842 36132 - 8868 / Relay location: center) D3 1997-06-22_H708RK-R.J dns r641 (42842 36132 - 8722 / Relay location: center) ; A6f322 A1 1997-06-25_H629BSH.J bsh f358 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns pit B11 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns A pit with many sherds and bones. GB and RK suggest it could be a burial. Nature of fill suggests instead a refuse pit. Earlier loose brown ac that RK noticed was probably result of this pit. Pit is oval in shape, with length oriented N-S. Fairly shallow, about 10-12 cm deep. B11 1997-06-22_H627DNS.J dns A pit with amny sherds and bones. gB and rK suggest it could be a burial. Nature of fill suggests instead a refuse pit. Earlier loose brown ac that RK noticed was probably result of this pit. Pit is oval in shape, with length oriented N-S. Fairly shallow, about 10-12 cm deep. C3 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns May be associated with f313, but it was not articulated well enough for us to be sure if it covered f322 or not. C3 1997-06-22_H627DNS.J dns May be associated with f313, but it was not articulared well enough for us to be sure if it covered f322 or not. C99 1997-06-20_ZH322lC.j dns refuse pit, SW area D1 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns k30 ; A6f323 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns fill C99 1997-06-20_ZH322lC.j dns contents of pit, f322 D1 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q751 (p,l) sits in f323 (fill) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q754 (pottery) sits in f323 (fill) ; A6f324 A1 1997-06-24_H627RK.J rK f330 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns some dark gray ashy material along E baulk. Not many sherds in this accum. B11 1997-06-22_H627DNS.J dns some dark gray ashy material along E bualk. Not many sherds in this accum. B11 1997-06-23_H616DNSD.J dns A fairly sterile accumulaton layer, not many sherds or bones, although dirt is quite hard. Top of f324 is a hard gray accum, followed by reddish brown accum, which is also hard. There is a thin white line just above the gray--indicating a surface? C3 1997-06-22_H616DNSD.J dns may be the same as f315 C99 1997-06-20_ZH322lC.j dns ac below f315 D1 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J dns r708 ( - 8680 / Relay location: middle) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J !! q757.1 (clay artifact) sits in f324 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q753 (p,b,l) sits in f324 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q755 (pottery) sits in f324 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q757 (pottery) sits in f324 (accumulation C) ; A6f325 A21 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns ah B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK fill C99 1997-06-23_ZH322lC.j dns fill of f320 D1 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J !! q756.1 (ah) sits in f325 (ah) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q756 (items) sits in f325 (ah) ; A6f326 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns accumulation B11 1997-06-24_H616DNSD.J dns area of light gray accumulation, close to E baulk. Two stones found, probably a continuation of f314 to SE, and a little below other stones. C99 1997-06-23_ZH322lC.j dns below f303 D1 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J !! q758.1 (fi) sits in f326 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q758 (pottery) sits in f326 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q760 (pottery) sits in f326 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q762 (pottery) sits in f326 (accumulation) ; A6f327 A21 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns p2 A35 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J !! v105 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pavement, type b C99 1997-06-23_ZH322lC.j dns large stone from S end of f306 D1 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns k30 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v105 O12 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v105a ; A6f328 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns accumulation C99 1997-06-23_ZH322lC.j dns a below f314 and f319 D1 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q761 (pottery) sits in f328 (accumulation) ; A6f329 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns accumulation B11 1997-06-24_H616DNSD.J dns Elevation for top of f329 is 8878 -162, going down about 15 cm. Top of two door sockets found at bottom of cut. They are coated on top surface with a white material. A single mud brick found at same level as sockets. C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j dns a below f326 and f328 D1 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J dns r707 (42738 36446 - 8716 / Relay location: middle) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J !! q763.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f329 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J !! q763.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f329 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q763 (bones, pottery) sits in f329 (accumulation) ; A6f330 A1 1997-06-24_H627RK.J rK f324 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns accumulation C1 1997-06-24_H627RK.J rK Leveling the floor at the bottom of f330 = f324 led to material easily peeling off an ashy surface. This may be a floor--had plenty of sherds-- and we have labeled it f331. A clay lump that may have an impression on it was recovered from here. C99 1997-06-24_H616DNSD.J dns mid-way through, came across surface from which accum above peeled off with ease. Attempted to trace surface with small pick. For a small area, less than 1/4 square meter, we traced a surface which did not continue. About 10cm below f330, top of two door sockets found, q item 763.1 and 763.2. Possibly a lense of ash. A couple of painted sherds and a claw found, also an incised rim sherd. C99 1997-06-24_H627DNS.J dns mid way through, came across surface from which accum above peeled off with ease. Attempled to trace surface with small pick. For a small area, less than 1/4 square meter, we traced a surface which did not continue. About 10cm below f330, top of two door sockets found, q item 763.1 and 763.2. Possibly a lense of ash. A couple of painted sherds and a claw found, also an incised rim sherd. C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j dns a below f329, same stratum as f324 D1 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r714 (42875 36056 - 8687 / Relay location: SW) D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r715 (42700 36353 - 8711 / Relay location: SE) D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r716 (43096 36476 - 8695 / Relay location: NE) D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r717 (43206 36237 - 8686 / Relay location: NW) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns i206 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns i208 sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J !! q765.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J !! q765.2 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J !! q767.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q770.1 (fi) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q771.1 (clay artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q771.2 (clay artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q771.3 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q771.4 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q771.5 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q772.1 (blade) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J !! q778.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q765 (bones, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J rk q766 (items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J rk q767 (bones, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J rk q768 (pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q770 (items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q771 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q772 (pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns q778 (items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q844 (pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) I99 1997-06-25_H709MC1.J mkb f330 and f28 had painted sherds but nothing which certainly appears to be Nuzi. This stratum appears to be dated either very early in Nuzi (because of the handled pitcher sherd with handle directly attached to the rim, carinated bowl rims, necked jars with poorly painted black necks and bowls with a wide flat rim all characteristic of the Nuzi period at Mozan) or very late Habur period. ; A6f331 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns floorsurface in general B11 1997-06-25_H616DNSD.J dns ashy surface does not extend very far, only an area of a couple of feet square. A number of sherds laying horizontally. Soil is a pinkish brown color. B11 1997-06-28_H629DNSD.J dns N half of upper cut, f331 (ashy floor) has loose brown accumulation. S half has an area of ashy accum, with a denser concentration of sherds than in N area. Lots of pottery coming from entire upper cut. No clear surface. Looks like a pit or dump, with pottery laying on pottery, mixed with bones, and some small stones. Most of accumulation should be called f332, accumulation below f331. Although we initially called f331 an ashy surface, it does not seem to be one. C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j dns ash floor D1 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns i207 (clay lump) sits in f331 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q784 (bones, pottery) sits in f331 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q785 (pottery) sits in f331 (floorsurface in general) ; A6f332 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns accumulation B11 1997-06-25_H616DNSD.J rK light brown accumulation, not very fine, has large number of stones, hard and loose in places with fair number of sherds and bones. By far it was quite closely packed and hard to dig. B11 1997-06-25_H627DNS.J rK light brown accumlation, not very fine, has large number of stones, hard and loose in places with fair number of sherds and bones. By far it was quite closely packed and hard to dig. B11 1997-06-28_H629DNSD.J dns A part of a mudbrick found in the accumulation. There is much more pottery in this accumulation than we have had so far in this locus. Although f332 extends over the entire locus, the SE area has already been excavated, and we are concentrating on the W half and a small section in the NE area. A number of small sontes coming up in NW corner, about 8-10 cm in length. Entire W half is a uniform brown accumulation, very loose accumulation, especially in SW area. C99 1997-06-25_ZH322lC.j dns a below level of f331 C99 1997-06-28_H630RK.J rK f332 has been removed in the rest of the locus along the W, being only a step 100S, 170W from the NE corner. D1 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J !! q775.1 (clay artifact) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J !! q802.1 (pot) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J rk q773 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q774 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q775 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns q776 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q787 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q789 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q790 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q791 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q792 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q793 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-27_H728RK1.J rK q794 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q795 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q796 (pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q802 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q809 (items) sits in f332 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q838 (bones, pottery) sits in f332 (accumulation) ; A6f333 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns accumulation A35 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J !! v108 B11 1997-06-26_H616DNSD.J dns SE cut. Possible tannur in cut. Leveling down 5 cm to check for tannur evidence. Coming up with a loose, fine, dark brown accumulation. Hard bricky mass which is pretty shapeless. Also finding oven waste nearby, and some ash. Some charcoal bits. Cannot find an outline if it is a tannur. Bones found laying flat. B11 1997-06-26_H627DNS.J dns SE cut. Possible tannur in cut. Leveling down 5 cm to check for tannur evidence. Coming up with a loose, fine, dark brown accumulation. Hard bricky mass which is pretty shapeless. Also finding oven waste nearby, and some ash. Some charcoal bits. Cannot find an outline if it is a tannur. Bones found laying flat. B11 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK soft fine accum on red-grey floor C99 1997-06-25_ZH322lC.j dns a around f334 C99 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK This feature was originally defined for the E part of the locus and was a hard accum. After clearing f337, a hard accum. full of sherds remained to the N. This was also removed as f333. D1 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns k30 F50 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK f337 (accumulation C) abuts f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J !! q777.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J !! q780.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J !! q839.1 (wheel) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns q777 (p,b,l) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q779 (bones, pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q780 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q781 (items, pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q804 (pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q805 (pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q806 (bones, pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q839 (bones, pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q840 (pl) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1005 (pbl) sits in f333 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1006 (pottery) sits in f333 (accumulation) O12 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns v108 ; A6f334 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk unknown B11 1997-06-28_H629DNSD.J dns The bricky mass is now a definite tannur, fallen in, with a brick laying beside it. C1 1997-06-28_H703RK.J rK Cutting around the bricky mass revealed the remains of a tannur (see v. 108). The tannur was labeled f335. Fragments of the tannur wall were present in the base. Adjacent to it was something quite indistinguishable from a red brick. It was crumbly and crumbled like red brick like those on AK building walls. Its regular sides appear so because of the cutting of the workman. C99 1997-06-26_ZH322lC.j rK bricky mass with ash D1 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk k30 D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r710 (42920 36443 - 8665 / Relay location: NE) D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r711 (42853 36354 - 8665 / Relay location: SE) D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r712 (42961 36350 - 8651 / Relay location: NW) D3 1997-06-25_H708RK-R.J dns r713 (42894 36308 - 8651 / Relay location: SW) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns i209 (clay artifact) sits in f334 (unknown) F51 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q782 (p,b,v) sits in f334 (unknown) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q783 (bones, pottery) sits in f334 (unknown) ; A6f335 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns tannur (feature) A35 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J !! v108 B11 1997-06-28_H703RK.J rK The tannur, f335, rested in a crumbly grey-black accumulation. C99 1997-06-28_ZH322lC.j dns tannur, was f334 D1 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns k30 D6 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK 8665 D99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK elevation based on that of f334, which contained the tannur f335. O12 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns v108 O12 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns v108a ; A6f336 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns pit B11 1997-06-28_H629DNSD.J dns Shallow refuse pit in SW area, started out as f331, thought top of pit was an ash floor. But, no real surface to follow. Area around f336 has many sherds, could be a working surface/area. Area of pit on sketch has very loose brown accumulation. Accum around pit is harder. Elevation of the center of pit, top, is 8841, 159. Dimensions are 52 cm E-W, 79 cm N-S. Depth is about 30 cm. S extend of pit is 3 cm from the S baulk B11 1997-06-29_H629DNSD.J dns still seems to continue to level of cut in area of tannur, which is a possibly surface. B11 1997-07-01_H704DNSD.J dns about 50+ cm down in pit already, still coming up with small stones, pottery, and bone. Total depth of pit is 70 cm. A hard packed brown soil at bottom of pit. Ends about 3 cm below beginning of f339. Clearing E half of square to get a better picture of both stone accumulation in wider exposure of gray vs. pinkish brown accumulation. C99 1997-06-28_ZH322lC.j dns refuse pit in SW area, was f331 D1 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-07-01_H708RK-R.J bsh r724 (42840 36180 - 8628 / Relay location: center of bottom) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q786 (bones, pottery) sits in f336 (pit) F51 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q788 (pottery) sits in f336 (pit) F51 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q810 (bones, pottery) sits in f336 (pit) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q837 (bones, pottery) sits in f336 (pit) ; A6f337 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk accumulation C B11 1997-06-29_H629DNSD.J dns Loose accumulation may be due to the fact that the tell slopes down to the W, and the W baulk is about 1 meter from topsoil, whereas E baulk is 2 meters from topsoil. Looseness may also be due to root action. B11 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK The ash layer between f332/333 is not a floor, but could have been a working surface because of f335, the tannur. We are collecting sherds and bones from here as a separate layer. Visible in A8 N section as a layer of stones. The accumulation contained a great quantity of sherds. A few small stones at the S demand suggestion of a pit, but there is not the evidence of a pit. This could in fact be an outside floor. B11 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK turned out to be a thicker section to the W than appeared in the E. There was more hard accumulation in f333 along the E. We have not yet reached, although we are close, to the bottom levels of f333. C99 1997-06-28_H630RK.J rK Cutting around the bricky mass revealed the remains of a tannur (see v. ). Fragments of the tannur wall are present in the base. Adjacent to it is something that is most likely is a red structure. It was crumbly and crumbled like brick and most likely was a brick. Its regularly shaped sides are an artifact of the pick man's craftsmanship--it was so cut in the process of the excavation. The tannur itself rested on a crumbly grey-black accumulation. C99 1997-06-29_ZH322lC.j rK loose crumbly layer between f332/333 D1 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk k30 F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J !! q799.1 (wheel) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q797 (bones, pottery) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q798 (pottery) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q799 (pottery) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q800 (bones, pottery) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q801 (pottery) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q803 (pottery) sits in f337 (accumulation C) F52 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK f337 (accumulation C) abuts f333 (accumulation) ; A6f338 A21 1997-06-29_H704DNS.J dns wa C99 1997-06-29_ZH322lC.j dns stone wall extending into E baulk from f306 D1 1997-06-29_H704DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-06-29_H708RK.J rK f338 (wa) bonds with f306 (platform) ; A6f339 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-01_H704DNSD.J dns ac is a fine dark brown soil. ac has flecks of charcoal in a fine brown soil matrix, very little pottery coming from NW trench. Expanded exc of feature over W half, still little pottery. Soil is compact for first few cm, then changes to a fine brown, loose accumulation. Very few sherds or bone in the 50 cm cut in W half, unlike ac of 332/333 which had a fairly high density of sherds. There are a few stones coming up about 10 cm from top of qlot 811. No particular concentration of stones anywhere, just a few spread throughout the W half. Some stones found along S baulk, some large ones. A layer of grey accumulation showing up above the pinkish soil. We may be coming upon the 2nd mill mud brick wall. B11 1997-07-03_H704DNSD.J dns along E baulk, area of ashy accumulation. B11 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns The cut seems to extend even further below the losest extent of the accum. so far uncovered to t he E of f430. The pit, however, extends only very minimally into the locus. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j dns ac below 333, below surface assoc with tannur, f335 C99 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK Along the E limit of the locus, the accumulation is quite hard and brick fragments are present. D1 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J !! q813.1 (wheel) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J !! q816.1 (sq) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J !! q816.2 (seal impression) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J !! q816.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J !! q821.1 (clay artifact) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J !! q1007.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J !! q1007.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J !! q1049.1 (clay artifact) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q811 (bones, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q813 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q814 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q815 (bones, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q816 (bones, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q817 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q818 (pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q821 (bones, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1007 (pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1008 (bones, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1049 (bones, pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1054 (pottery) sits in f339 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f339 (accumulation C) covers f341 (structure) ; A6f340 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-01_H704DNSD.J dns ac below 339, in W half for now. We'll remove 339 in E half before deciding if feature of E half should be different. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j dns ac below 339 D1 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1009 (pottery) sits in f340 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1011 (bones, pottery) sits in f340 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f340 (accumulation C) overlays f343 (wa) ; A6f341 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns structure B11 1997-07-01_H704DNSD.J dns possible burial? begins close to S baulk. B11 1997-07-03_H704DNSD.J dns small to large stones from a few centimeters to 25 cm or so, sherds. B11 1997-07-03_H704DNSD.J dns stone accumulation, possible grave. B11 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns seems now like a simple stone accumulation, not a pit or grave. Maybe a living/working surface, associated with the ash floor we had earlier. B11 1997-07-06_H708DNSD.J dns stone arrangement extends into baulk. A number of shaped, flat stones visible, as well as sherds. Maybe part of a wall, or a walkway? If a wall, only 1 course is visible. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j dns stone structure/aggregate in SW area D1 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-07-03_H708RK-R.J bsh r727 ( - 8612 / Relay location: W end) F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) abuts f341 (structure) F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f339 (accumulation C) covers f341 (structure) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! q828.1 sits in f341 (structure) F51 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q812 (bones, pottery) sits in f341 (structure) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q819 (bones, pottery) sits in f341 (structure) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q824 (pottery) sits in f341 (structure) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q828 (pbv) sits in f341 (structure) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q832 (bones, pottery) sits in f341 (structure) ; A6f342 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns floorsurface in general C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j dns floor surface C99 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK In the NE of the locus, removal of the hard accumulation revealed a thin ash layer underneath. Presumed to be a floor accum. of ash, although neeeds verification. D1 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns k30 ; A6f343 A21 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns wa B11 1997-07-07_H708DNSD.J dns In section, cannot see any definable bricks after removal of accumulation. Possible that there are bricks in places, but no wall or construction apparent. In line with the end of f341, which runs E-W in baulk then turns north in locus in line with f343. Peeled off 5 cms from top to see if we could get better brick definition, which did not happen. GB suggests that the brick color could be a foundation for a brick wall, rather than the brick wall itself. A packed mud brick material, not formed bricks. B11 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK The line of separation that identified f343 ran somewhat from the NW corner of the locus SSEward. It would have been offset at an angle from being aligned with the NS wall f210, which is presumed to continue in this locus, a little below the elevation at which f343 was detected. C4 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK We checked into the possibility of whether a wall continuing from our locus emerged past the N baulk into the diagonally opposite locus k2 of area A9. In the E section of that square a layer of bricks could be seen at about the level corresponding to f343. But the results from the comparison of absolute elevations were not exactly thrilling. The brick we saw in A9k2 section was at an elevation of 8653. The top of f343, as we identified it, was at 8603, half a meter lower. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j dns wall? below f339 along C99 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK In the NW of locus k30, scraping the floor below f339 showed a grey accum. against a line of orange-brown. We think this is accumation against a wall. The orange-brown part was given this feature label. D1 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns k30 D3 1997-07-03_H708RK-R.J bsh r726 ( - 8596 / Relay location: center) F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f349 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f350 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f340 (accumulation C) overlays f343 (wa) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q826 (pottery) sits in f343 (wa) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q835 (bones, pottery) sits in f343 (wa) ; A6f344 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J !! v133 B11 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK The top was black/grey, crumbly. Past the first brick level (ca. 10 cm), we found the harder brown accum., found elsewhere in the locus--still pink-brown. B11 1997-07-07_H708DNSD.J dns accumulation gray for a small depth, about 10 cm, continues with pinkish, hard accumulation beneath. B11 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns acc. from W of wall (f430). Possible roofing material about 90 cm from top of wall f430. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j dns ac against 343 from W C99 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns conical cups also coming up. D1 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns i219 (bead) sits in f344 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J !! q848.1 (rf) sits in f344 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q820 (bones, pottery) sits in f344 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q822 (bones, pottery) sits in f344 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q829 (pbl) sits in f344 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q848 (bones, pottery) sits in f344 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q849 (pottery) sits in f344 (accumulation C) K6 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK 5YR4/2 O12 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J rK v133 ; A6f345 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK accumulation C A35 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J !! v134 C99 1997-07-05_ZH322lC.j rK ac below 342, covers entire locus except for f343, 341, 344 D1 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f346 (accumulation C) abuts f345 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns i215 (bead) sits in f345 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q823 (bones, pottery) sits in f345 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q825 (pottery) sits in f345 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q827 (pottery) sits in f345 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q830 (ob) sits in f345 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1032 (pl) sits in f345 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) abuts f341 (structure) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) covers f346 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) covers f347 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J rK v134 O12 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J rK v134a ; A6f346 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK accumulation C B11 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK gray accum. abutting S & W baulks in the corner. B11 1997-07-07_H708DNSD.J dns probably an ashy lense, no sherds. Only 1-2 cm deep, about 50 by 80 cm. C99 1997-07-05_ZH322lC.j rK gray ac abutting S and W baulk in SW corner D1 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) covers f346 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f346 (accumulation C) abuts f345 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f346 (accumulation C) abuts f349 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f346 (accumulation C) overlays f350 (accumulation C) K6 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK 5YR6/1 ; A6f347 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v140 B11 1997-07-07_H708DNSD.J dns dimensions approx 200 cm N-S, 110 cm E-W. South and west of feature, accumulation is a reddish brown. B11 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns a couple of stones turning up in pit. But, looks like they were simply tossed in. C1 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK We seem to have removed the last of the fill belonging to this pit. It terminates at the upper limit of f431. C99 1997-07-06_ZH322lC.j dns ac with carbon along E baulk in center of locus D1 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns k30 D6 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK 8508 for the bottom of feature. F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f345 (accumulation C) covers f347 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q842.1 (bead) sits in f347 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q831 (bones, pottery) sits in f347 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q842 (pl) sits in f347 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1050 (pottery) sits in f347 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f347 (accumulation C) cuts f350 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f347 (accumulation C) intrudes f350 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f347 (accumulation C) intrudes f427 (accumulation) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v140 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v140a ; A6f348 A21 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns wa A35 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J !! v133 B11 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK Was wall of tomb, seen from the E C99 1997-07-07_ZH322lC.j dns portion of wall along W baulk, parallel with f343 D1 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f350 (accumulation C) abuts f348 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f426 (accumulation C) abuts f348 (wa) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f428 (accumulation) abuts f348 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a18 O12 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J rK v133 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143b O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v147 ; A6f349 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-07_H708DNSD.J dns now f350 B11 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns collected in a very small area, then subsumed under f350, defined for the whole locus, which is accumulation on top of wall--f210. C99 1997-07-07_ZH322lC.j dns ac abutting f346 from E, bounde by f341 and f346 D1 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f346 (accumulation C) abuts f349 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f349 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) K6 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK 7.5YR6/2 ; A6f350 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-07_H708DNSD.J dns Extends throughout the locus except for f344. About 10-15 cm down, coming to some bricky material, bright red. Possibly the top of AK bldg walls, but appearance of bricky material is sporadic. Will probably go down another 10 cm or so to see if we can get a cleaner definition. Material we thought was a possible wall/foundation, f343 does not seem very bricky when we excavate it. B11 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns along S baulk, a dark brown, fine accumulation above what looks like brick--possibly top of brick wall extending N-S on E end of k22? C1 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns Contrary to my suspicion, no brick wall has surface that runs N-S along the W baulk of k30. So the Northward terminating end of the wall, f425, in k31 could have been part of a doorway, terminating thereabouts. C99 1997-07-07_ZH322lC.j dns ac below f345 in E, on both sides of f346, pinkish brown D1 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f347 (accumulation C) cuts f350 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f347 (accumulation C) intrudes f350 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f346 (accumulation C) overlays f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i238 (figurine) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H725BSH.J rK i244 (bead) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J !! q836.1 (clay artifact) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q841.1 (seal impression) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q836 (pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q841 (pvb) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1043 (bones, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1059 (bones, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1066 (bones, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1068 (items, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1077 (pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1080 (pbl) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1086 (pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK f350 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f350 (accumulation C) abuts f348 (wa) F52 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f350 (accumulation C) covers f428 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f350 (accumulation C) overlays f210 (wa) ; A6f351 B11 1997-06-19_H620RK.J rK interface between f215 and f220. This corresponds to the level one would step up to the E from k25. ; A6f352 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK pit A35 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J !! v111a B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit B11 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh a pit with soft fill, presumably formed by disintegrated wood. A nearby pit lies parallel (f354), these two fall in line with the oven. C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j rK formed by disintegrated wood, nearer to f355 D1 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK k22 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111a ; A6f352a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r674 (42876 35679 - 8354 / Relay location: North end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r674 (42876 35679 - 8231 / Relay location: North end) ; A6f352b D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r675 (42833 35677 - 8354 / Relay location: South end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r675 (42833 35677 - 8231 / Relay location: South end) ; A6f353 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK fill A35 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J !! v111 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK fill C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j rK in pit f352 D1 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK k22 F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J !! q856.1 (ceramic vessel) sits in f353 (fill) F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J rk q856 (items) sits in f353 (fill) F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh q857 (bones) sits in f353 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111a ; A6f354 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK pit A35 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J !! v111 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j rK formed by disintegrated wood D1 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK k22 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v111 ; A6f354a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r676 (42957 35534 - 8354 / Relay location: North end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r676 (42957 35534 - 8231 / Relay location: North end) ; A6f354b D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r677 (42839 35511 - 8354 / Relay location: South end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r677 (42839 35511 - 8231 / Relay location: South end) ; A6f355 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK accumulation B C99 1997-06-19_ZH322lC.j rK below f220 D1 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK k22 ; A6f356 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh tannur (feature) A35 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J !! v112 B11 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh walls of the oven are like baked brick in color and hardness. The oven is double-walled which, while uncommon in antiquity (GB), is a design common among contemporary natives to the region (Ibrahim). The top of the oven was found damaged, especially to the W. To this point, portions of the damaged were have been found in close proximity outside the oven itself 180 degrees from the NE to the SW, clockwise inclusive. B11 1997-06-21_H616DNSD.J dns some ash visible around the edges, lot of charcoal bits around outside walls. Dimension of outside walls, 82 cm across E-W, 92 cm across N-S. Interior diameter, 69 cm N-S and E-W. Thickness of walls ranges from 8-13 cm. B11 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh facing N, one can discern two damaged pieces of the wall at roughly five and seven o'clock which have a smooth curved edge. These two pieces are "touching" the oven wall itself. The removal of f357 uncovered a nicely preserved smooth inner surface and a circular hole within the oven wall approximately 30cm from the extent oven top at its Westernmost point, (i.e., directly across from f210). The dimensions of the oven are as follows: inner diameter: 68; thickness of double wall: 11.5; extent greatest depth (Easternmost point): 50; estimated depth (measured at, facing north, 7 o'clock; composed of extent depth here plus dislodged "top" piece touching wall): 45 + 12; distance from bottom of tannur to flue center: 21; flue diameter: 11.5 B11 1997-06-27_H627RK.J rK The tannur appears to have an outer brick reinforcement. The brick appear trapezoidal and small. Furthermore, the whole tannur appears tilted to the West. That is, if a plumb line is held at the top of the inner rim to the E, it will be several cms. away from the base; if held likewise on the W, it will rest on the wall in the middle. Is it possible that the whole floor tilted Westwards to some degree? There is a small rock sitting about 0.5m from the tannur to the NW. C3 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh the presence of an oven in the lower working area of A6 allows speculation that A6 contains the "kitchen" of building AK. The double wall suggests a design for strength, for the oven to be set directly on the floor surface as opposed to being set within the floor. C3 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh the fact that the two damaged pieces at 5 and 7 o'clock have smooth edges indicates that they are from the top of the oven and, furthermore, that the oven was open at the top (i.e., the oven is a cylinder hollow at the top). The hole in the oven wall seems to be too small to serve for ash removal; accordingly, it likely is a flue (such flues are to date still built within ovens by natives in the region, [GB/Ibrahim]). The discovery of the flue is most significant, for a plane tangent to the bottom of the flue marks the highest point possible for the location of the original floor surface. With this assumption, the location of the damaged pieces of the wall also becomes significant. The damaged pieces of the wall, or some of them, lie well above the flue and, accordingly, the original floor surface. This suggests one of three possibilities: 1) a layer of accumulation had formed before the oven was damaged, that is, the oven was damaged several years (centuries?) after its original disuse (this does not disqualify the possibility that the oven was again used at a later time); 2) damaged pieces of the wall are stacked is such a way as to render damaged pieces at this heigh (however, one would in this case expect the pieces from the top of the oven to lie on the bottom of such a stack); 3) there is some other structure near the oven that broke the fall of the damaged pieces that is yet to be excavated. Furthermore, the location of the flue (i.e., some 30cm below the accumulation f220) begs the following questions: "Does the depth of the flue coincide with the bottom of the bricks forming the room's Western threshold?"; and "What light does the discovery of this flue shed on the possible connection of this original floor surface with f113?" C99 1997-06-21_ZH322lC.j bsh tannur D1 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r673 (42855 35780 - 8348 / Relay location: center,top) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r673 (42855 35780 - 8243 / Relay location: center,top) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-06-21_H702BSH.J rK v112 O12 1997-06-23_H702BSH.J bsh v113 O12 1997-06-24_H702BSH.J bsh v114 O12 1997-06-25_H702BSH.J bsh v115 O12 1997-06-26_H702BSH.J bsh v116 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122b O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122c ; A6f357 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh accumulation B11 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh contained various sherds, bone, and a layer of ash at the bottom. A large piece of material matching the oven wall was found inside the oven. C99 1997-06-21_ZH322lC.j bsh tannur fill D1 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i259 (sample) sits in f357 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i262 (sample) sits in f357 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh q857 (bones) sits in f357 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q859 (bones) sits in f357 (accumulation) ; A6f358 A1 1997-06-25_H629BSH.J bsh f322 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh accumulation A B11 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh the accumulation was relatively barren until the until ca. 100cm from the oven, at which point one half of a small figurine of a canine was found, as well as a large carbon deposit roughly 50cm from the oven. B11 1997-06-26_H616DNSD.J dns more ash turning up around the tannur B11 1997-06-28_H630RK.J rK There is a small rock sitting on a floor ca. 50cm NW of the tannur. C99 1997-06-22_ZH322lC.j bsh accumulation containing pits C99 1997-06-25_H629BSH.J bsh large carbon deposits near the oven (f356). D1 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i271 (sample) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i272 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i273 (clay artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i274 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i275 (sa) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i276 (clay artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i277 (bone artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i278 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i279 (sample) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i280 (metal artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i281 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i282 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i283 (wheel) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i285 (metal artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i286 (clay artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i288 (carbon sample) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J !! q866.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J !! q867.1 (clay artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q868.1 (metal artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q868.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q869.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q869.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q874.1 (metal artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q874.2 (clay lump) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q874.3 (clay artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1113.1 (metal artifact) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh q865 (pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh q866 (bones) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh q867 (pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q868 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q869 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q870 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q871 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q872 (pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q873 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q874 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q877 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q878 (bones, pottery) sits in f358 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1113 (items) sits in f358 (accumulation A) ; A6f359 A21 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh cs A35 1997-06-23_H702BSH.J !! v113 B11 1997-06-28_H629BSH.J bsh carbon deposit similar in color and texture to a fully burned log from a fireplace, to be defined as vr. B11 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns This burial had been partially excavated during MZ9. It seems to have been a body placed in congealed brick, hard dirt. The cut of the pit was visible in profile (it is below the gypsum floor covering the tannurs) but a horizontal cut reveals no easy distinction. It has hard encasing but is not a tomb of bricks that have retained their shape. There were large sherds inside the grave, right on top of the bones. No other artifacts were seen. C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j bsh strip of carbon near oven D1 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh k22 O12 1997-06-23_H702BSH.J bsh v113 ; A6f359a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r669 (42734 35818 - 8360 / Relay location: West end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r669 (42734 35818 - 8228 / Relay location: West end) ; A6f360 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh pit B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j bsh between f352 and 354, formed by disintegrated wood, depth = 4 D1 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i270 (sample) sits in f360 (pit) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1083 (pottery) sits in f360 (pit) ; A6f360a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r678 (42893 35620 - 8354 / Relay location: Northeast end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r678 (42893 35620 - 8231 / Relay location: Northeast end) ; A6f360b D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r679 (42880 35581 - 8231 / Relay location: Southwest end) ; A6f361 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J !! pit B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j bsh nearest to N wall, 1/2 formed of disintegrated wood, 1/2 resembles loose brick material, depth = 6 ; A6f361a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r680 (43098 35683 - 8354 / Relay location: North end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r680 (43098 35683 - 8231 / Relay location: North end) ; A6f361b D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r681 (43035 35680 - 8354 / Relay location: South end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r681 (43035 35680 - 8231 / Relay location: South end) ; A6f362 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh pit B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j bsh smallest, nearest f352, formed of disintegrated wood, depth = 6 D1 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh k22 ; A6f362a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r682 (42916 35684 - 8354 / Relay location: Northwest end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r682 (42916 35684 - 8231 / Relay location: Northwest end) ; A6f362b D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r683 (42903 35695 - 8354 / Relay location: Southeast end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r683 (42903 35695 - 8231 / Relay location: Southeast end) ; A6f363 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh pit B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C99 1997-06-24_ZH322lC.j bsh nearest oven, more like loose brick material than disintegrated wood, depth = 3 D1 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh k22 ; A6f363a D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r684 (42938 35731 - 8354 / Relay location: Northwest end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r684 (42938 35731 - 8231 / Relay location: Northwest end) ; A6f363b D3 1997-06-24_H624BSHR.J bsh r685 (42906 35748 - 8354 / Relay location: Southeast end) D3 1997-06-24_H708RK-R.J bsh r685 (42906 35748 - 8231 / Relay location: Southeast end) ; A6f364 A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh fl A35 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! v119 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK floor, type b B11 1997-06-29_H629BSH.J bsh surface is very smooth, "tight", and ash colored with some deposits of black and brown. B11 1997-06-29_H708RK.J rK Is penetrated by a rodent hole close to the tannur. It seems that the two/three rodent holes seen here may be all parts of the same. In the section of the rodent hole, f374, many ash layer laminations could be seen, but no gypsusm layer. A deep red layer several cms thick also existed below the ash layers. Earlier excavations on the floor showed a deep red thin layer above f364, with an ash surface above it. C1 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh finished uncovering f364, and started the removal of the next layer (i.e., per tentative proposal of strata, ac f371) in the Eastern section of k22 (between the excavation lines). C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh discovered near threshold D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-28_H708RK-R.J bsh r759 (42843 35433 - 8215 / Relay location: 50cm from threshold) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk i306 (ceramic vessel) sits in f364 (fl) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v119 ; A6f365 A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh fl A35 1997-06-28_H702BSH.J !! v117 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK floor, type b B11 1997-06-26_H629BSH.J bsh a thin ash-grey coating covers this floor, patches of dark grey material of a nearly identical consistency are found scattered about the surface. C1 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK Tracing the floor toward the tannur and to the S led to a slope that inclined sharply to the N. When the surface was cleaned it revealed a red deposit between the two levels of f365 (see v. 118). C3 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK Based on the evidence of f373, we may conclude that the floor f364 had been used long enough to leave the depression that f373 occupied. This was filled prior to the refinishing of the floor f365, so that S of the depression, f364 and f365 merged. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh discovered above f364 D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-28_H708RK-R.J bsh r757 (42871 35629 - 8213 / Relay location: upper,100W of tannur) D3 1997-06-28_H708RK-R.J bsh r758 (42826 35602 - 8207 / Relay location: NW edge) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk i308 (metal artifact) sits in f365 (fl) O12 1997-06-28_H702BSH.J bsh v117 O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v119 O12 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh v121 ; A6f366 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh accumulation C B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation A B11 1997-06-26_H616DNSD.J dns white substance, reed matting? Seems to be an ashy layer above the matting/white material C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh overlays (possibly covers) f365 D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i290 (sa) sits in f366 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q876.1 sits in f366 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q876 (bones, pottery) sits in f366 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q879 (bones, pottery) sits in f366 (accumulation C) ; A6f367 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh accumulation C B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation A B11 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK After f373 was removed, the floor f365 and the accumulation between it and f364 were removed. N of f373, the accum. has clearly turned to a floor deposit, ca. 6-10 cm thick. It was finer and harder packed than f373 and relatively free of stones. B11 1997-06-30_H701BSH.J bsh near the center of the room, the accumulation was marked by a ca. 4cm layer of brown dirt which was coated by a ca. 0.5cm layer of ashlike material. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh overlays (possible covers) f364 D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i287 (clay artifact) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i289 (clay artifact) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i291 (sa) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i292 (sa) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i294 (tag) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i295 (bone artifact) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i296 (ceramic vessel) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i297 (ceramic vessel) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i298 (seal impression) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh i302 (stamp seal impression? on the obverse, appears to have a clear corner as if sealed by a square or rectangular object) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh i303 (sample) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh i304 (sample) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q883.1 (clay artifact) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J !! q892.1 (clay artifact) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J !! q892.2 (tag) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J !! q892.3 (ceramic vessel) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q882 (bones, pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q883 (pbv) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q884 (pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh q890 (bones, pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh q891 (pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh q892 (bones, pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk q893 (pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q920 (bones, pottery) sits in f367 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A6f368 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh unknown A35 1997-06-26_H702BSH.J !! v116 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK various B11 1997-06-26_H629BSH.J bsh the portion visible at this time reveals a 2-3cm layer of white strips in various directions, no pattern is detectable. There does appear to be a central, or primary layer, as picking shows (a natural break at this layer occurs rather frequently). Brushing along the direction of each strip increases the luminescence of this feature considerably. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh white crossed material D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-28_H708RK-R.J bsh r755 (42944 35568 - 8216) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i284 (sa) sits in f368 (unknown) O12 1997-06-26_H702BSH.J bsh v116 O12 1997-06-28_H702BSH.J bsh v117 O12 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh v121 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122b ; A6f369 A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh fl B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK floor, type b C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh ca. 1cm above f365 D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-28_H708RK-R.J bsh r756 (42902 35635 - 8215) ; A6f370 A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh fl A35 1997-06-28_H702BSH.J !! v117 C3 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh that the two pickmen met at the same level allows the assertion that they are uncovering f370; accordingly, the accumulation from which they are drawing sherds, etc. is here identified as f371. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh covered with gypsum D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-28_H708RK-R.J bsh r760 (42664 35334 - 8269 / Relay location: furthest visible SW corner) O12 1997-06-28_H702BSH.J bsh v117 ; A6f371 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh accumulation C B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation A B11 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh accumulation from the Eastern section and near the oven was grey in color, that from the Western section to the S was brown. Near the Eastern wall, the ac contained a large si (i315). Removal to the S was marked by sporadic pockets ac. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh overlays (possibly covers) f370 C99 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh among the discoveries in this latter accumulation was a fully intact conical cup (q892.3) almost leaning against the E wall (f200), a broken conical cup (i306), and a brick with abutting sherd in the SW corner of this Eastern section. D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i309 (sample) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i310 (sample) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i311 (bead) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i312 (bone artifact) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i313 (seal) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i314 (tag?) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i315 (tag, flattened on both sides) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i316 (metal artifact) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! q900.1 (clay lump) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! q900.2 (unknown) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J !! q906.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q896 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q897 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q898 (pbl) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q899 (pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh q900 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh q901 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh q902 (pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh q903 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh q904 (pbl) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q905 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q906 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q907 (pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh q910 (pl) sits in f371 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q921 (bones, pottery) sits in f371 (accumulation C) ; A6f372 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh accumulation C B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation A C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh directly under f358 D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i299 (clay lump) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i300 (ceramic vessel) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh i305 (sample) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh i317 (sample) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i319 (seal impression) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J !! q888.1 (seal impression) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q885 (pbl) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q887 (pottery) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q888 (pl) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh q889 (bones, pottery) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q908 (pbl) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh q909 (pottery) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh q911 (bones, pottery) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q912 (pbl) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q913 (bones, pottery) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q917 (pbv) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1137 (pc) sits in f372 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A6f373 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh fill B11 1997-06-29_H629BSH.J bsh marked by a significantly red tint to the brown that comprises it, much more red than f367. B11 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK This red deposit on the floor (see v117) is in fact a fill and not a floor accumulation. Excavation of this showed stones and not-flat sherds (vertical and other angles) between f364 and f365. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh overlays f365 (NW 300S 200E) D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D99 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK measured from NW corner of locus by doorway a31 F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q880 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (fill) F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q881 (pottery) sits in f373 (fill) ; A6f374 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh rodent hole A35 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! v119 B11 1997-06-30_H701BSH.J bsh appears to be a rodent hole, leading from a point near the oven flue to f376. There is one fork along its path. It was filled with fine, unpacked dirt of a red bricklike color. B11 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh a clear section could be seen on each side. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh near oven flue, cuts f371 D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i293 (sample) sits in f374 (rodent hole) O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v119 ; A6f375 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh rodent hole C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh cuts f371, near N limit of W threshold D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 ; A6f376 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh unknown A35 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! v119 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK hearth B11 1997-06-30_H701BSH.J bsh rectangular in shape (ca. 20x30cm), appears as a shallow basin. The material of which it is made appears identical to that of the oven walls. B11 1997-07-09_H711BSH.J bsh removal of the fill revealed a horseshoe shaped structure roughly 15cm in depth. The fill contained a number of organic pieces, presumably legumes of some sort. C3 1997-07-05_H708RK.J rK The gypsum floor near the "hearth" did not continue very far. The hearth, f326, rests on abed of accum. and ash. It is only 6-7 cm high. So it goes with f364 and not with f370. C99 1997-07-01_ZH322lC.j bsh possible hearth, SW of oven C99 1997-07-09_H711BSH.J bsh the contents of f376 were collected as a soil sample, the "legumes" were placed in a separate plastic bag within the sample bag. D1 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-06-30_H708RK-R.J bsh r769 (42806 35627 - 8207 / Relay location: center) F51 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh i318 (sample) sits in f376 (unknown) F52 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK f376 (unknown) sits in f380 (unknown) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v119 O12 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh v121 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122d ; A6f377 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh pit C99 1997-07-02_ZH322lC.j bsh SW corner, overlays f370, indicative of standing water D1 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh i301 (sample) sits in f377 (pit) F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q925 (pottery) sits in f377 (pit) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 ; A6f378 A35 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! v119 B11 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK The pit of ash E of the tannur had a maximum of depth of less than 10 cm. C99 1997-07-02_ZH322lC.j bsh between oven and brick in E quadrant F51 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q914 (bones, pottery) sits in f378 F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q919 (bones, pottery) sits in f378 F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q923 (pl) sits in f378 O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v119 ; A6f379 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk fill B11 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK The fill of the ashy pit f378 was removed. It was a shallow pit. The ash was white anad grey. C99 1997-07-03_ZH322lC.j rK fill of pit f378-grey and white ash D1 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk k22 F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk q894 (bones, pottery) sits in f379 (fill) ; A6f380 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk unknown A35 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J !! v121 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit B11 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh brown, black and grey patches flowing from one color to the next. The perimeter of the depression is marked by a direct connection to f374 (f374 opens into f380); f376 sits in this depression. A small rh cuts, or perhaps better "pierces" the Western edge of the depression. Ash was found within the depression in large quantity and collected (i307). Given the traffic of rodent holes leading to this feature, f380 resembles a burrow for the rodent that created f374 and f375. One pickman discovered a gypsum coating under f364. B11 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK Close to the "hearth", f376, the shallow depression in the floor, f364, turned out to be a large depression full of ash. The ash was grey & white. The rodent hole, f374, went through this toward f376. As the ash is being cleared, and the extent of the depression is seen, it becomes clear that f376 sits in t his depression. C3 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh the deposits of ash within f380 suggest that it is not a burrow for the rodent which created f374. The gypsum coating under f364 could be f370. C99 1997-07-03_ZH322lC.j rK depression in center of floor containing f376 D1 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk k22 F50 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK f376 (unknown) sits in f380 (unknown) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh v121 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a ; A6f381 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk accumulation A C99 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK a sample was collected--i307. C99 1997-07-03_ZH322lC.j rK ash in f380 D1 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk k22 F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk i307 (sample) sits in f381 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk q895 (bones, pottery) sits in f381 (accumulation A) ; A6f382 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh isolated individual brick A35 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J !! v119 C99 1997-07-03_ZH322lC.j bsh brick stack just E of f378 D1 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh k22 O12 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh v119 ; A6f383 A21 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh pi A35 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J !! v122a B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit B11 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh almost identical, but smaller (ca. 20x12cm), than f378 and containing a much whiter fill. C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j bsh like f378, more white and smaller D1 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh k22 D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J bsh r785 (43006 35689 - 8210 / Relay location: center) O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a ; A6f384 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh accumulation C C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j bsh covers f385 D1 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh k22 F51 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q916 (pbc) sits in f384 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q918 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation C) ; A6f385 A21 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh fl A35 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J !! v122a B11 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh lowest detectable fl as of H708, with trench dug in E section of k22 to confirm. Patches of hard coating are present to the in the Eastern section of the locus extending more or less to the midpoint (E to W) of the Westeren section of the locus (i.e., at f376), a line here is clearly visible. Patches also are present along the Western threshold, to the far N and S of the locus. The coating was missing elsewhere and packing was visible. C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j bsh lowest detectable fl surface D1 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh k22 G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a ; A6f386 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh accumulation A35 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J !! v122 C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j bsh packing under f385 D1 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh k22 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122 O12 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh v122a ; A6f387 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh unknown B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK platform B11 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh 20x20cm bricks alternating red and grey in a row from E to W, there may be more to the S. B11 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK from mid-way at the E wall extending to the W and S at slightly above floor level C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j bsh brick arrangement in E section of locus D1 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh k22 ; A6f388 A21 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh unknown A21 1997-07-08_H725BSH.J bsh pi B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j bSH carbon, like f359 D1 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh k22 D42 1997-07-08_H725BSH.J bsh carbon, like f359 ; A6f389 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK fill C99 1997-07-12_ZH322lC.j rK red fill in depression of floor D1 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK k22 F51 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q915 (pottery) sits in f389 (fill) ; A6f390 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK platform C99 1997-07-12_ZH322lC.j rK brick, alongside wall f78; 2m E of doorway a31 D1 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK k22 ; A6f391 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK unknown C99 1997-07-12_ZH322lC.j rK circular area surrounding f376 D1 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK k22 F51 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q924 (pl) sits in f391 (unknown) ; A6f392 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK unknown C99 1997-07-26_ZH322lC.j rK row of bricks on the floor alongside stone of wall f200, in SW corner of room a100 D1 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK k22 ; A6f401 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns accumulation B11 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK Elevation @ W, 8623; @ E, 8710. B11 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK Its horizontal limits are defined by a narrow strip present as section to the S, because of the realignment of the excavation grid to align witht he orientation of the AK building walls. It was ca. 10cm wide and 80 cm deep at the E and ca. 100cm wide and 10cm deep at the W. All of this earth was removed as a whole and only the more interesting sherds were collected. C99 1997-07-02_ZH322lC.j dns leveling narrow strip along S baulk, sod layer and a D1 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J !! q951.1 (bead) sits in f401 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q951 (bones, pottery) sits in f401 (accumulation) ; A6f402 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! v109f B11 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK Ashy loose grey layer with large number of sherds. B11 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK Elevation @ W, 8615; @ E, 8632. C99 1997-07-02_ZH322lC.j dns first 15 cm of ac, entire locus C99 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK Removal of f402 from the N baulk revealed the profile and the walls of two partially intact tannurs. D1 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J !! q952.1 (fi) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J !! q952.2 (clay artifact) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! q965.1 (seal impression) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! q967.1 (blade) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1021.1 (clay artifact) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q952 (bones, pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q953 (pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q954 (bones, pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q955 (pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q965 (bones, pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q966 (bones, pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q967 (pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q975 (bones, pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1019 (pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1021 (bones, pottery) sits in f402 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109f ; A6f403 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! v109f B11 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns N area, in center, still coming up with backed, bricky material--possibly tannur material? C99 1997-07-02_ZH322lC.j dns ac below 402 C99 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK The loose layer on top was followed by accum. characterized by hard lumps (reddish-buff), intermingled with loose accum. There was more ash to the W. The layer also contained brick and tannur fragments. D1 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns i216 (clay lump) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J !! q956.1 (clay artifact) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q976.1 (sample) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q956 (bones, pottery) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q957 (bones, pottery) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q958 (pottery) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q959 (pottery) sits in f403 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q976 (bones, pottery) sits in f403 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109f O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136 ; A6f404 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns accumulation B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit B11 1997-07-03_H708RK.J rK Ash rich area/pit in NW of k31. This most likely reflects the presence of tannur-related work, as shown by the tannur fragments found in f402 and f403. Diameter of pit, 140cm. B11 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns NW half of locus, ashy. Area around pit is same as E half of pit. C99 1997-07-03_ZH322lC.j dns ashy ac in NW of locus D1 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns k31 D3 1997-07-05_H716RK-R.J dns r830 (42395 35906 - 8590 / Relay location: center) D3 1997-07-05_H716RK-R.J dns r831 (42395 35906 - 8570 / Relay location: center) F51 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q960 (pottery) sits in f404 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns f404 (accumulation) intrudes f405 (accumulation C) ; A6f405 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! v109 B11 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns slightly pinkish soil C99 1997-07-05_ZH322lC.j dns pinkish brown accum below f403 D1 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns k31 F50 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns f404 (accumulation) intrudes f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns i213 (seal impression) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns i214 (tag) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns i230 (metal artifact) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J !! q961.1 (slag) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J !! q962.1 (clay lump) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J !! q963.1 (clay artifact) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1017.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1026.1 (jewelry item) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1026.2 (seal impression) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1026.3 (metal artifact) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1027.1 (plate) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q961 (bones, pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q962 (pl) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q963 (pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q964 (bones, pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q970 (bones, pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1017 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1022 (pbl) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1023 (pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1024 (pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1025 (pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1026 (pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1027 (pottery) sits in f405 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109 O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109f O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136 ; A6f406 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK tannur (feature) A35 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! v109 B11 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK This was on the N baulk, in contact with the E limit of the locus.Its partially extant interior contained fragments of the walls, sherds, ash, dust, etc. What is unusual about this tannur is the fact that its walls seem to have been refurbised (from the outside) so that four separate layers, not counting the plaster on the inside, are present. C4 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK The tannur and its section have been photographed. The diameters for the various walls have also been recorded. C99 1997-07-05_ZH322lC.j rK ta alog N border at E, double? D1 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK k31 D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r732 (42368 36215 - 8589 / Relay location: pt 1) D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r733 (42342 36201 - / Relay location: pt 2) D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r734 (42344 36143 - / Relay location: pt 3) D3 1997-07-07_H716RK-R.J dns r735 (42365 36176 - 8573 / Relay location: center) D99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK base: elevation 8573 D99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK extant rim: elevation 8589 F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q978 (pottery) sits in f406 (tannur (feature)) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1039 (bones, pottery) sits in f406 (tannur (feature)) J99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK diameters (determined by doubling the radius from the apparent center=halfway point of the largest distance across): innermost "plaster," 66cm; interface of walls 1&2, 73cm; interface of walls 2&3, 79cm; interface of walls 3&4, 84cm; outer edge of 4th wall, 90cm. O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109 O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109b O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109c O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109d O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109e O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109f O12 1997-07-07_H728RK1.J rK v110 O12 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK v131 O12 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK v131a O12 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK v131b ; A6f407 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK tannur (feature) A35 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J !! v109 B11 1997-07-08_H708RK.J rK This tannur existed alongside f406. Much less of its walls were preserved. The inside contained white ash. C99 1997-07-05_ZH322lC.j rK ta with white ash over red base, W of f406 D1 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK k31 D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r728 (42389 36091 - / Relay location: E pnt) D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r729 (42429 36074 - 8579 / Relay location: Mid pnt) D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r730 (42400 36008 - / Relay location: W pnt) D3 1997-07-06_H716RK-R.J rk r731 ( - 8569 / Relay location: W end) D99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK base: elevation 8569 D99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK top of extant rim: elevation 8579 F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q985 (pottery) sits in f407 (tannur (feature)) O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109 O12 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns v109a O12 1997-07-07_H728RK1.J rK v110 ; A6f408 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-07_H728RK1.J !! v110 B11 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK fine grey ashy accum below the red (f 405). Existed along the red brick surface/accum. below the tannurs f407, 406. C99 1997-07-06_ZH322lC.j dns gray ac at levle of top of brick red ac D1 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns i217 (clay artifact) sits in f408 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q968 (pbcl) sits in f408 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q972 (bones, pottery) sits in f408 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-07_H728RK1.J rK v110 ; A6f409 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns platform B11 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK Brick platform. Sits in f402. As excavated, presents a semicircular view from the NE. N & W in the baulk. Consists of deep red brick, ca. 7cm thick. Below this was black ashy accum. found & below that pink-brown hard accum. C1 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK We continued excavating to the N. The accum. @ the N end of locus began to become red, and brick appeared. The acc. mid-locus was free of brick and had considerably more ash. C99 1997-07-06_ZH322lC.j dns brick platform in NW area, from baulk removal D1 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns k31 D6 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK 8587 ; A6f410 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK Accum. to the W of the locus. C99 1997-07-06_ZH322lC.j dns alongside f408 to the W of locus D1 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q969 (pottery) sits in f410 (accumulation C) ; A6f411 A35 1997-07-07_H728RK1.J !! v110 B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK red packing below the tannur f406,407. B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK very hard pinkish brown accum. Very few sherds or bones. A few pieces of oven/kiln waste were found. A few brick fragments were at the top of this layer. B11 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J rK it would seem in retrospect that f411, and its content identified as very hard pinkish brown accumulation was in fact the wall joining features 452 and 453. This like other brick walls on top of the lower red layers in the AK building was make of brick that maintained its shape and edges very poorly. D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J rk r805 (42223 36088 - 8562 / Relay location: E) D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J rk r806 (42308 36059 - 8562 / Relay location: ESW) D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J rk r807 (42355 36070 - 8562 / Relay location: ENW) D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J rk r808 (42390 36002 - 8562 / Relay location: SW) D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J rk r809 (42435 35969 - 8562 / Relay location: NW) D3 1997-07-08_H708RK-R.J rk r810 (42367 36237 - 8562 / Relay location: NE) D42 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK 8562 F50 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK f412 (accumulation) abuts f411 F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q983 (bones, pottery) sits in f411 F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q988 (pottery) sits in f411 O12 1997-07-07_H728RK1.J rK v110 ; A6f412 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK accumulation B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK over the whole locus, pink-brown accumulation C1 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK continued the removal after excavation of pits f413 and lense f414. C1 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK relays of the limits of the feature were taken. C99 1997-07-07_ZH322lC.j rK all of locus, a pinkish brown accum. D1 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK k31 F50 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK f413 (pit) cuts f412 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK f414 (accumulation) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H715DNS.J dns i218 (clay lump) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns i229 (bead) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q973.1 (clay lump) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q973.2 (clay artifact) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q981.1 (seal impression) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q981.2 (seal impression) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J !! q989.1 (clay lump) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J !! q1028.1 (bead) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J !! q1028.2 (wheel) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J !! q1028.3 (specimen) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J !! q1029.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J !! q1029.2 (clay lump) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J !! q1044.1 (bead) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q973 (pblc) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q974 (pbl) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q981 (pvl) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q982 (pottery) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q984 (pbc) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q989 (pottery) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q991 (pottery) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q994 (pottery) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1018 (pottery) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1028 (plbv) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1029 (pottery) sits in f412 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1044 (items) sits in f412 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK f412 (accumulation) abuts f411 ; A6f413 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK pit A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v136 B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK pit of ash in the SE of locus. B11 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns In section, 2 layers of blue ashy matrices which sandwich a layer of pinkish brown acc.: 1st layer of blue stuff (top layer) is more gravelly than the lower layer, which is a powdery bluish ash. Also what looks like kiln/oven waste, especially in the top layer of blue is what makes the top layer gravelly. B11 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns ashy pit in SE of k31, extends toward f 419 layer as hard brown acc. or ashy layer; blue colored ash. B11 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns blue ash from sheep dung? Say workmen, burns better than wood, which is why it is blue. C1 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK was excavated of ashy deposits C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j rK ashy pit below f412 in SE corner D1 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK k31 F51 1997-07-20_H725BSH.J rK i245 (clay artifact) sits in f413 (pit) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J !! q1035.1 (clay artifact) sits in f413 (pit) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J !! q1035.2 (soil sample) sits in f413 (pit) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q980 (pottery) sits in f413 (pit) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q999 (pottery) sits in f413 (pit) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1035 (pv) sits in f413 (pit) F52 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK f413 (pit) cuts f412 (accumulation) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136a ; A6f414 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK accumulation B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK defined as an ash layer below f412 in the the SW. It is actually a lens withing f412. B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK was shallow, ca. 5cm deep. B11 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns gray acc. in NW area, W of presumed wall; also a gray ashy acc. E of presumed wall. C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j rK ashy accum below f412 in SW D1 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK k31 F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q979.1 (figurine) sits in f414 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J !! q1034.1 (seal impression) sits in f414 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q977 (bones, pottery) sits in f414 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q979 (bones, pottery) sits in f414 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1034 (bones, pottery) sits in f414 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK f414 (accumulation) sits in f412 (accumulation) ; A6f415 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK pavement, type b B11 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK brick array in the NW corner of k31 C1 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK Scraping the W area of k31 showed the profile of small bricks laid in a curved outline bordering the W baulk, and extending ca. 70cm from the S baulk. At ca. 85cm from the W baulk, the red brick of the feature turned to grey. C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j rK brick-like assemblage in NW corner D1 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK k31 F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q986 (bones, pottery) sits in f415 (pavement, type b) ; A6f416 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK floor, type a C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j rK gypsum floor between f403 and f405 D1 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK k31 ; A6f417 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns lighter gray than f 414 C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns gray ac abutting f418 from E D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k31 F50 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f461 (accumulation C) abuts f417 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1033 (bones, pottery) sits in f417 (accumulation C) ; A6f418 A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns wa C1 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns no definite bricks showing up; a bright pinkish/reddish line--not the bright red seen in some places. C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns extending from N of locus, in center D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i221 (seal impression) sits in f418 (wa) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1036 (pottery) sits in f418 (wa) ; A6f419 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns ac bounded by f414 and f418 D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k31 F50 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK f422 (burial) intrudes f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J !! q1045.1 (wheel) sits in f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J !! q1053.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q987 (bones, pottery) sits in f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1037 (pottery) sits in f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1038 (pbvl) sits in f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1045 (bones, pottery) sits in f419 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1053 (pottery) sits in f419 (accumulation C) ; A6f420 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J !! v132 C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns ac below f415 D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i222 (lithic artifact) sits in f420 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J !! q990.1 (mf) sits in f420 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J !! q992.1 (clay lump) sits in f420 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q990 (bones, pottery) sits in f420 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q992 (pottery) sits in f420 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J rK v132 ; A6f421 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns ac bounded by f420, 418, an 413 D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns i225 (seal impression) sits in f421 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns i226 (seal impression) sits in f421 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q993 (pottery) sits in f421 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1012 (pottery) sits in f421 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1069 (bones, pottery) sits in f421 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1082 (pottery) sits in f421 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1093 (plb) sits in f421 (accumulation C) ; A6f422 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns burial A35 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J !! v132 C1 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK The N limit of the cut that formed burial f422 was seen in the floor. This was removed (ca. 10cm deep, & 40 x 20) before the accumulation, f419, surrounding it was removed. C99 1997-07-13_ZH322lC.j dns burial in W of locus D1 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i223 (human body) sits in f422 (burial) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J !! q998.1 (pot) sits in f422 (burial) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q998 (bones, pottery) sits in f422 (burial) F52 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK f422 (burial) intrudes f419 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J rK v132 O12 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J rK v132a ; A6f423 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C B11 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation below the fill of pit f413, NOT f417. C99 1997-07-14_ZH322lC.j dns ac below the gray-blue layers of pit, f413 D1 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1010.1 (figurine) sits in f423 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1010 (pbvi) sits in f423 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1020 (pottery) sits in f423 (accumulation C) ; A6f424 A21 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns wa A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v136 C99 1997-07-15_ZH322lC.j dns stone wall running E-W through center of locus D1 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns k31 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136c ; A6f425 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns structure A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v137 B11 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK This was a Northward extension abutting the wall f453 and not an integral part of it. C3 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns 3 layers of red and grey bricks were on top. We cut a section down to the E & N of it for > 1 meter and only accum. was found. This requires that the layer of bricks is late. The bricks abut but do not bond with f453. We were able to get a clear face of the wall f453 to the N. C99 1997-07-15_ZH322lC.j dns bricky material running N-S in W baulk, wall? D1 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns k31 F50 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f461 (accumulation C) covers f425 (structure) F52 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f425 (structure) abuts f453 (wa) F52 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f425 (structure) overlays f454 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v137 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v137b ; A6f426 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J !! v133 B10 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK pit C3 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns Excavation to clean up the pit f426 showed flat laid sherds underneath the lowest bricks of the tomb and also remains of tannur wall, decorated with shallowly impressed circles. This corresponds to a stage of occupation at the level of the top of the (secondary?) walls, f444. The pit had been cut into where f444 met f430. It is a possibility that the tannur fragments were contents of the pit. The burial f439 would then be later than the pit f426. But this seems unlikely since it is a layer of ash, and not the pit itself that seems to extend significantly under the tomb bricks. C99 1997-07-07_ZH322lC.j dns gray ac below f344, E pit D1 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f428 (accumulation) abuts f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns i224 (jar) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns i227 (-p) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns i228 (seal impression) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i234 (-s) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J !! q845.1 (clay lump) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1013.1 (seal impression) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q845 (bones, pottery) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q997 (pbc) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1013 (pbl) sits in f426 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f426 (accumulation C) abuts f210 (wa) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f426 (accumulation C) abuts f348 (wa) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-07-08_H728RK1.J rK v133 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v139 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v139c O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v147 ; A6f427 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK accumulation C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j rK accum abutting wall f210 from E D1 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK k30 F50 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f347 (accumulation C) intrudes f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i220 (seal impression) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q846 (pottery) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q847 (bones, pottery) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q850 (bones, pottery) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1001 (pc) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1002 (pottery) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1004 (pottery) sits in f427 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1016 (pottery) sits in f427 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f427 (accumulation) abuts f210 (wa) ; A6f428 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK accumulation B11 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns Occupies SW quadrant of locus, bou8ndded by f348 and f210 and f426. B11 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns was a pink-brown accum. with brick fragments that was at the lower levels of grave f439,459 and just above the top of wall f444. C99 1997-07-08_ZH322lC.j rK accum abutting wall f210 from W D1 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK k30 F50 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f439 (structure) intrudes f428 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f459 (burial) intrudes f428 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f350 (accumulation C) covers f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns i236 (jar) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J !! q1014.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J !! q1088.1 sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J !! q1088.2 sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q843 (pottery) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1003 (bones, pottery) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1014 (items, pottery) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1055 (pottery) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1087 (pottery) sits in f428 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1088 (plc) sits in f428 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f428 (accumulation) abuts f210 (wa) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f428 (accumulation) abuts f348 (wa) F52 1997-07-08_H708DNSD.J dns f428 (accumulation) abuts f426 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f428 (accumulation) covers f443 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f428 (accumulation) covers f444 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A6f429 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v139 B11 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK accumulation N of f430--loose crumbly accum. with carbon, sherd and small stones. Has walls to W, S, & E. Clearly an accumulation evidenced by many small carbonaceous inclusions. B11 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns It appears that N of f430, the sides of the wall hadd beden significantly eroded. What appears as a pit could have been accumulation against the eroded side of the wall where that was exposed at floor levels. Although the accum. is loose, not cut from above is clearly evident in section; and even if there were one, how it curved down under the top layers of brick in the wall would be hard to ascertain. The accum. contains loose granular dirt which could also be crumbled brick; generally grey. C99 1997-07-13_ZH322lC.j dns ac below f427, abuts wall f430, from N C99 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns The pit/fill has now been removed so that we have found the top of the wall that remains here. A bright red brick has been exposed on the floor. D1 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J !! q1057.1 (clay artifact) sits in f429 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1000 (bones, pottery) sits in f429 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1015 (bones, pottery) sits in f429 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1030 (bones, pottery) sits in f429 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1057 (bones, pottery) sits in f429 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1067 (pottery) sits in f429 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v139 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v139a O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v139b ; A6f430 A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns wa A35 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J !! v135 B11 1997-07-21_H726RK2.J dns On the E and W face of the wall, f430, is a lot of deposit that is very much like high chaff grey brick. But it is not the brick of the wall, nor plaster, strictly speaking. Most likely it was a mud-chaff mixture that may have been applied to the face of the eroded walls or to prevent erosion and damage of wall face. B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns Careful excavation of the sides fo the wall revealed the existence of plaster over the brick and stone walls. In some parts, hitting the accumulation adhering to the stone layer with the point of the handpick resulted in the removal of everything, exposing the bare stone, but elsewhere, plaster was unquestionably present. Part of the plaster, especially below, was a thin layer of red, in stark contrast to the grey accumulation. Higher up, a contrast between grey/red accumulation to a lighter grey next to the wall could be seen, the latter being a thin covering of the wall. What seemed to be plaster also covered the brick layer forming a flat smooth surface. This appeared to be mud + straw/stubble. B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns The wall f430 meeting with f465, the continuation of f78, was explored further on G722. It was clear that although there was a brick at the top level of f430 extending to the E, underneath was all accumulation to a depth ca. 100cm. So the top brick was removed and the wall of accum. cut into from the N and E by pits. C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns wall running N-S, cont of A8 wall? D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k30 D6 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK 8570, for top surface of brick in the extant uppermost layer of the wall G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J rK v135 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v137 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143a O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v148 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149a O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149b O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149c O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149d O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149f ; A6f431 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J !! v135 B11 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK contained many brick fragments in fine pink-brown accumulation. C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns ac below 427, SE area D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k30 D6 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK m1749-72, = 8508, corresponds to top of feature. F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J !! q995.1 (pot) sits in f431 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q995 (pl) sits in f431 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1031 (pottery) sits in f431 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1041 (pottery) sits in f431 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1051 (bones, pottery) sits in f431 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J rK v135 ; A6f432 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns accumulation C C99 1997-07-09_ZH322lC.j dns ac below 428 D1 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q996 (pottery) sits in f432 (accumulation C) ; A6f433 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns tannur (feature) A35 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J !! v134 C99 1997-07-15_ZH322lC.j dns in W baulk, S half D1 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns k30 D6 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK 8583 D99 1997-07-07_H726RK2.J rK elevation based on that of f435, the floor on which the tannur sat. This floor is 80 cm below f334,335. F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i231 (ceramic vessel) sits in f433 (tannur (feature)) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J !! q1040.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f433 (tannur (feature)) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J !! q1046.1 (clay artifact) sits in f433 (tannur (feature)) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1040 (bones, pottery) sits in f433 (tannur (feature)) F51 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1042 (pvb) sits in f433 (tannur (feature)) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1046 (pbvl) sits in f433 (tannur (feature)) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J rK v134 O12 1997-07-15_H728RK1.J rK v134a O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v138 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v141 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v141a O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v141b ; A6f434 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns fill in primary context A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v138 C99 1997-07-15_ZH322lC.j dns gypsum floor which overlays f433 D1 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns k30 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v138 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v138a ; A6f435 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns fill in secondary context A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v138 C99 1997-07-15_ZH322lC.j dns floor below f434, not gypsum coated, assoc with tannur D1 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns k30 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v138 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v141 ; A6f436 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns accumulation A B11 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK This appears to be a brick structure, perhaps wall, abutting the limit found for wall, f430. The alignment of the bricks seemed at first to be at an odd angle to those of f430, but now it seems they are alike. Perhaps in continuation of f78, bonded to f430/210. C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns ac between floors 435 and 4434 D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i232 (seal impression) sits in f436 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J !! q1048.1 (strainer) sits in f436 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1048 (bones, pottery) sits in f436 (accumulation A) ; A6f437 A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns p A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v141 C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns pieces dof large pot next to f433, is also item 233 D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i233 (pot) sits in f437 (p) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v141 ; A6f438 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns accumulation A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v141 C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns layer of sherds and stones in SW corner, in W and S baulk D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k30 F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1052 (bones, pottery) sits in f438 (accumulation) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v141 ; A6f439 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns structure A35 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J !! v143 B11 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns Proved to be a tomb. It seemed a little odd that the bricks were clearly visible only on 3 sides, N, E and W. But the section to the S shows lines of mortar very clearly. It is possible that the W end of the tomb may have been excavated partially during 1992. But since part of the brick wall at that end is still present, that is an unlikely possibility. The tomb yielded a large metal arrowhead and a metal pin; 2 jars, one much larger than the other. A plug of dirt (intentional or accidental) seems to have capped the smaller jar so that is virtually empty and light. The walls of the tomb approximate in height the highest layer of the extant layers of the wall, f430. The tomb did not contain a complete skeleton (virtually no vertebrae). The parts that remained were somewhat reddish and very fragile and powdery. C1 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns Cleaning the top layer of the accumulation in k30 showed the outlines of a cut, bounded on the E & W by orderly placement of bricks and also having brick sides to the N & S. Most likely a burial. C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns W of f348, in W baulk, burial? C99 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns A large reddish jar has been exposed in this feature which we assume is a tomb. This was in the SE corner of the cut. Another has been exposed toward the NW limit of the cut--a slightly smaller jar. C99 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns What we originally called part of a wall now looks more like it could be a burial structure. Abutting the structure to teh West is a loose fill. The accum. to the E of f344, was also a loose brown acc. In the E section of k22, above the N wall in k22, brick lines are clearly visible which we had assumed to be layers of brick formerly considered to be uncertain in their relationship to the wall below. We now see a vertical line of loose acc. abutting a column of at least 6 bricks which are aligned, indicating a cut into the wall. This feature we are tentatively calling a burial structure although no bones have yet been excavated from it. Could the large intact pot, i224, found in our N baulk have been a part of the burial assemblage--if this is a burial? D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k30 D6 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns 8500, bottom of tomb, measured inside D6 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns 8557, top of tomb, measured from top of brickwall at NW F51 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i239 (jar) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i240 (jar) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i241 (arrowhead) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i242 (pin) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J !! q1058.1 (bead) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J !! q1065.1 (bowl) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1058 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1065 (items, pottery) sits in f439 (structure) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1075 (items, pottery) sits in f439 (structure) F52 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f439 (structure) intrudes f428 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J rk a18 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143b O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v143c ; A6f440 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C C99 1997-07-17_ZH322lC.j dns hard brown ac below f429 D1 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns k30 ; A6f441 F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1078 (pottery) sits in f441 ; A6f442 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK fill B11 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns ashy fill of pit; very abundant in chaff/husk like particles; loose dark grey. D1 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK k30 D42 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK ash of pit below level of pit f347 F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J !! q1081.1 (clay lump) sits in f442 (fill) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1081 (pbil) sits in f442 (fill) ; A6f443 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C B11 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns grey accum. below f428. It was below the grave f439 and tomb f459. it contained bricky material, in partial association with the burials above. It also had seeds and ash and the remnants of a tannur. B11 1997-07-27_H29RK.J rK seems to be the equivalent of f471. Had tannurs. D1 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK k30 D42 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK grey below hard packed-brown, starting elev. 8487 F50 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f428 (accumulation) covers f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J rK i246 (clay artifact) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J !! q1089.1 (-p) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J !! q1089.2 (specimen) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1091.1 (clay artifact) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1091.2 (-p) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1091.3 (clay artifact) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1097.1 (seal impression) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1089 (pbil) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1091 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1095 (pottery) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1097 (pc) sits in f443 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns f443 (accumulation C) abuts f471 (floorsurface in general) ; A6f444 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK wall A35 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J !! v147 D1 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK k30 D42 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK on top of f78, extending E as seen in E section of k217, bounded by f430 and f444 F50 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f428 (accumulation) covers f444 (wall) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v147 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149a O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v149b ; A6f445 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK tannur (feature) D1 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK k30 D42 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK formed of wall w/ carbon, in f443 ; A6f446 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C D1 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK k30 D42 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK to the N of f444 and W of f430 F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1092.2 sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1101.1 (wheel) sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1092 (pl) sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1096 (pottery) sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1101 (pc) sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1106 (pottery) sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1117 (pc) sits in f446 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1124 (pottery) sits in f446 (accumulation C) ; A6f447 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C B11 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns was red-pink, packed hard accum with grey, chaffy loose material. C99 1997-07-21_ZH322lC.j dns below f443, hard pink and grey w/ chaff at stone layer of f430, elev 8434 D1 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1098.1 (seal impression) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1100.1 (figurine) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1100.2 (clay artifact) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J !! q1134.1 (clay artifact) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1098 (items, pottery) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1100 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1134 (items) sits in f447 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns f447 (accumulation C) abuts f220 (a/f2) K6 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns 10YR6/2 - 10YR6/4 ; A6f448 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-22_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C B11 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns was crumbly grey-brown accum. ash visible in parts in section. It is more grey close to f430/210 C99 1997-07-22_ZH322lC.j dns below f447, starting elev 8322 D1 1997-07-22_H723BSH.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J bsh i248 (pot) sits in f448 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1103.1 (clay artifact) sits in f448 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1103.2 (seal impression) sits in f448 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1103 (pottery) sits in f448 (accumulation C) K6 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns 7.5YR6/2 ; A6f449 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-22_H723BSH.J bsh accumulation C C99 1997-07-22_ZH322lC.j bsh below f448, starting elev. 8300 D1 1997-07-22_H723BSH.J bsh k30 F51 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J bsh i249 (seal impression) sits in f449 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J bsh i250 (seal impression) sits in f449 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1107.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f449 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1105 (pottery) sits in f449 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1107 (bones, pottery) sits in f449 (accumulation C) ; A6f450 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh accumulation C C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j bsh below f449, starting elev. 8482-133 D1 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh k30 F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1115.1 (cup) sits in f450 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1115 (pc) sits in f450 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A6f451 A21 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns wa A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v136 C99 1997-07-15_ZH322lC.j dns brick wall cut by pit, f413, NE area D1 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns k31 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136b ; A6f452 A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns wa A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v136 B11 1997-07-21_H726RK2.J dns The secondary wall seen on top of f200 seems to be an integral part of the wall. It follows the same face and is flush with the N face of the lower wall. The lower courses are red bricks; the upper courses are of grey/buff ones which are easy to miss as bricks. It would seem that the two walls (f200 & 210) were the same height, just that f210 had higher courses of stones. C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns brick wall, E-W along N border of locus, seen in section of E baulk--late? D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k31 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v136 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v137 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v137a ; A6f453 A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns wa A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v137b C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns brick wall, E-W along N border of locus, seen in section of W baulk--late? D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k31 F50 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f425 (structure) abuts f453 (wa) G1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v137b O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v146b O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v146c ; A6f454 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v142 C99 1997-07-16_ZH322lC.j dns ac below 419, abutting top of f210 from the W D1 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns k31 F50 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f425 (structure) overlays f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns i235 (seal impression) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J rK i247 (metal artifact) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J !! q1090.1 (figurine) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1047 (bones, pottery) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1056 (plb) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1060 (pottery) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1063 (pottery) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1079 (bones, pottery) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1085 (bones, pottery) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1090 (plbi) sits in f454 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1129 (bones, pottery) sits in f454 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v142 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v145 ; A6f455 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns unknown A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v142 B11 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns Shows layers of loose accumulation. The roof seems to curve down in the shape of an oval along the sides. The base has bricks in section. C99 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns All of the loose accumulation in the cavity was cleared out and a sample collected. The base where it meets the cut section is quite flat. It does not show any openining that extends anywhere to the back or side. The stones of the wall, f200, from the back of the cavity. Just gently clearing out the inside nmaterial revealed a cavity, ca. 110cm diameter and height 60cm. There is more loose material adhering to the roof that can be removed. Bricks are visile on the left edge of the section along the vertical, adjoining the stone wall of f210. There seem also to be bricks at the base, at least two courses where the section has cut it. C99 1997-07-17_ZH322lC.j dns cavity, in the ac in N baulk, about 70 cm from the floor of k22 C99 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns We had recovered what may be the skeleton of a snake from the chamber of f455. No openings to it had been seen from directly above or to the N and W. The S and E have walls of the room. Eventual removal of the feature showed a path, small enough for a small snake and curvy, that led from the brick wall of f210, close to the corner with f200, along the E face of the S wall, f200, down into f455. D1 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J !! q1064.1 (-s) sits in f455 (unknown) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J !! q1071.1 (mf) sits in f455 (unknown) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1064 (items) sits in f455 (unknown) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1071 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f455 (unknown) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1139 (pottery) sits in f455 (unknown) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v142 O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v142a O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v144 O12 1997-07-19_H728RK1.J rK v144a O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v145 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v145a O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v145b ; A6f456 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v142 C99 1997-07-17_ZH322lC.j dns ac which alternates between gray and pink, below f454 D1 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1099.4 sits in f456 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1061 (pottery) sits in f456 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1094 (pottery) sits in f456 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1099 (pbc) sits in f456 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1102 (pottery) sits in f456 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1108 (pbl) sits in f456 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-22_H726RK2.J dns f456 (accumulation C) abuts f215 (accumulation C) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v142 ; A6f457 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns accumulation C A21 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation A A35 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J !! v142 C99 1997-07-17_ZH322lC.j dns below f456 to orig floor of k22, equals f220 C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j bsh below f456 D1 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns k31 F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns i237 (seal impression) sits in f457 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J rk i320 (pot) sits in f457 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1104.1 (seal impression) sits in f457 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1062 (bones, pottery) sits in f457 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1104 (pcl) sits in f457 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1114 (pottery) sits in f457 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1121 (bones, pottery) sits in f457 (accumulation A) O12 1997-07-16_H728RK1.J rK v142 ; A6f458 A21 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK a1 C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j rK floor ac on tannur floor, 40cm thick D1 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK k31 F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1070 (bones, pottery) sits in f458 (a1) ; A6f459 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK burial C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j rK buried in W baulk at S corner, partially excavated in 1996 D1 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-20_H725BSH.J rK i243 (bowl) sits in f459 (burial) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J !! q1074.1 (-b) sits in f459 (burial) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J !! q1076.1 (-b) sits in f459 (burial) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1073 (bones, pottery) sits in f459 (burial) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1074 (items, pottery) sits in f459 (burial) F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1076 (items, pottery) sits in f459 (burial) F52 1997-07-20_H726RK2.J dns f459 (burial) intrudes f428 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J rk a19 ; A6f460 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C B11 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns We have assigned a new feature # to the accum. to the E of the wall. More of it was removed today to follow the side of the wall. An ashpit has cut into the area from the E, seems distinct from f347. The accumulation is fine, but packed pink-brown. C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j rK acc. E of f230, 100cm below extant highest top of wall D1 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J !! q1072.1 (figurine) sits in f460 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1072 (pblv) sits in f460 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1118 (pottery) sits in f460 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1119 (pbl) sits in f460 (accumulation C) ; A6f461 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j rK at level of f417 but abutting f425 D1 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK k31 F51 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1084 (bones, pottery) sits in f461 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f461 (accumulation C) abuts f417 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-19_H726RK2.J dns f461 (accumulation C) covers f425 (structure) ; A6f462 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK accumulation C C99 1997-07-23_ZH322lC.j rK below f450, =f220; in NE corner D1 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh i323 (metal artifact) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh i324 (seal impression) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1116.1 (-l) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1116.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1116.3 (clay artifact) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1116.4 (seal impression) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J !! q1116.5 (clay lump) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1116 (pblc) sits in f462 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1120 (pbl) sits in f462 (accumulation C) ; A6f463 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh accumulation C B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns corresponded to top layers of f358 B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns seemed to have large chunks of kiln waste; isolated brick nearby. Brown accum., not much ash, but isolated lumps of carbon found; had pieces such as our hearth wall in the excavated dirt. This is at the level of the top of the tannur, f356. C99 1997-07-24_ZH322lC.j bsh below f462 (=f358 of k22) NE corner; starting elev. m1773-127 D1 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh k30 D42 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh below f462 (=f358 of k22) NE corner; starting elev. m1773-127 F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J !! q1122.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f463 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1122 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f463 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1136 (pbcl) sits in f463 (accumulation C) ; A6f464 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh accumulation C B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns corresponded to lower layers of f358 B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns grey-brown accum. with many very small chunks of carbon, some kiln waste, sherd, but no stones. C99 1997-07-24_ZH322lC.j bsh just above and reaching f372 of k22 D1 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh k30 D42 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh just above and reaching f372 of k22 F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1123 (pbv) sits in f464 (accumulation C) ; A6f465 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J rK wall A35 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J !! v148 B11 1997-07-23_H726RK2.J dns Removal of the lone brick to the E of f430, connected to its brick layers, and the accumulation underneath it for almost a meter revealed the stone layer of a wall at 90 deg. to f430, running Eward, and ending at 70 cm E of the corner. When the wall face was traced Northward, it was found to jog again after 62 cm, leaving a rectangular extension 48 cm NS and jutting out 30 cm from the corner. We still have only 10-20 cm of stone exposed here. So the actual limits and turns could be different. However, the likelihood of a doorway is almost cetain and the rabbeting appears to be on the N. The E section does not reveal a wall continuing @ the level where f465 would be expected to be. However, it reveals several bricks at the level corresponding to the top of the wall to mid-way down the layer of bricks in f430. The top is where we begin f427 and 5 layers of bricks for about 35cm in the Northern half (f465 E of f430 is ca. 130cm wide at the stone level, same as f430). In fact, these bricks in section are unlikely to correspond to the walls f465 or f430 because these are adjoining bricks, perhaps 5 layers deep, extending Northward pdast the N limit of f465. Both groups of bricks in section at this level clearly have accumulation/fill and not stone/brick beneath them. C99 1997-07-24_ZH322lC.j rK extending EW, joining f430 at its N end D1 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J rK k30 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v148 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v148a ; A6f466 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh accumulation C B11 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns was very low in the presence of sherds. C99 1997-07-24_ZH322lC.j bsh below f462; =f358 of k22 D1 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh k30 F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1125 (pbc) sits in f466 (accumulation C) ; A6f467 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh accumulation C C99 1997-07-24_ZH322lC.j bsh below f461; =f372 of k22 D1 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh k31 F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J !! q1126.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f467 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1126 (pottery) sits in f467 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1141 (bones, pottery) sits in f467 (accumulation C) ; A6f468 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh accumulation C B11 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns Floor accum from ca. 10 cm above the final floor surface, was high in ash in the NE corner and had the remains of a tannur. This was not firmly in place and the whole wall was not present. B11 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns was above the "reed matting". The material previously thought of as reed matting was seen also in the NE corner of the room. C99 1997-07-24_ZH322lC.j bsh below f466; =f372 of k22; starting elev. m1773-152 D1 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh k30 F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J rk i325 (seal impression) sits in f468 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J !! q1128.1 (sa) sits in f468 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1127 (bones, pottery) sits in f468 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1128 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f468 (accumulation C) ; A6f469 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK tannur (feature) C99 1997-07-25_ZH322lC.j rK tannur like remains including kiln waste, in f466 D1 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK k30 D99 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns The kilnwaste and tannur fragments that seems to form the tannur wall were ca. 25 cm above the final floor. ; A6f470 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK tannur (feature) C99 1997-07-25_ZH322lC.j rK tannur walls NE corner of row in f468 D1 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK k30 ; A6f471 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK floorsurface in general A35 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J !! v147 C99 1997-07-25_ZH322lC.j rK ashy floor below tomb f439 w/ tannurs; adjoining pit f426 D1 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK k30 F50 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns f443 (accumulation C) abuts f471 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i326 (seal impression) sits in f471 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i327 (sliver of a sealing with many plant impressions on the reverse) sits in f471 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1130 (bones, pottery) sits in f471 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1132 (bones, pottery) sits in f471 (floorsurface in general) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1135 (items) sits in f471 (floorsurface in general) O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v147 ; A6f472 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK tannur (feature) A35 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J !! v147 C99 1997-07-25_ZH322lC.j rK from f471, over f444, below f439 D1 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK k31 O12 1997-07-25_H728RK1.J rK v147 ; A6f473 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK accumulation C B11 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns In cleaning up the pit f426, sherds and bones were found to the W, extending underneath the brick of the tomb. Also, extensive remains of a tannur (see arguments under a18 or f426). This raised the question of (1) whether the tomb was built over the pit; (2) whether the pit had cut underneath the brick of the tomb a18, as we have seen other pits erode extensively layers of brick walls (here, however, the bricks were all intact and had not been cut into by the pit); or (3) whether below the tomb was an ash floor associated with tannur f472. So we removed the lowest layer of the tomb floor bricks. Underneath was ash. The ash in fact adhered to the bricks. The ash extended only a few cms (5-10) deep, well above the bottom of pit f426, to a brick red surface below, but continued Westward over the wall ca. 70 cms where it ended. B11 1997-07-26_H726RK2.J dns red-brown accum. with sherds and bones C99 1997-07-25_ZH322lC.j rK last layer of floor ac over kitchen floor D1 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i328 (seal impression) sits in f473 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J !! q1133.1 (metal artifact) sits in f473 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1131 (bones, pottery) sits in f473 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1133 (items, pottery) sits in f473 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1138 (pottery) sits in f473 (accumulation C) ; A6f474 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK accumulation A C99 1997-07-28_ZH322lC.j rK accum on and to the W of the platform f142, in the NW corner of a100, near doorway a31 D1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK k22 F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J !! q1140.1 (clay lump) sits in f474 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-27_H728RK1.J !! q1142.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f474 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1140 (pbli) sits in f474 (accumulation A) F51 1997-07-27_H728RK1.J rK q1142 (items) sits in f474 (accumulation A) ; A6f475 A20 !!_!! !! unknown A21 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK unknown C99 1997-07-28_ZH322lC.j rK brown-black area on floor, about a meter S of the NE corner of room D1 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK k30 F51 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i329 (metal artifact) sits in f475 (unknown) ; A6f618 B11 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB slightly concave on reverse J2 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB 1.2 J3 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB 1.0 J7 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB 1.6 K3 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB secondarily fired K5 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB dark gray K6 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB 5YR 4/1 K13 2005-08-00_ZI827mKB.j mKB part of tiny human figure?