; File processed on 2024-09-12 ; A6k1 B11 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK area below which the kiln found in k219 is expected to be located. More specific description with relays to follow. The surface was cleaned today with a trowel. B11 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK this is the area that is expected to contain the kiln, f40. The surface was scraped and cleaned of superficial accumulation: 2-3 cm. The reddish hue of the soil is already noticeable after this scraping. C5 1992-07-13_C7-3.J rK the locus was labeled--though not yet clearly defined with coordinates--in anticipation of excavating the kiln, especially in view of the associated video work of RAH at the house of the Armenian potter in Qamishli. We may, however, not go any further with this since the excavation of this area further is not within the current specific goals for this season. D1a 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK f47 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q133 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q134 O15 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 ; A6k21 B11 1996-07-21_ZH306lC3.j rK k217 + qf78 + k218 C1 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK Part of the locus has now been lowered to below the top of the brick wall while the SW quadrant beside the wall had been lowered before the N 1/2 of k218 being currently lowere to reach this level. D1a 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK f177 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j rK i111 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx25aMA.j rK i112 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx25aMA.j rK i113 D1a 1996-07-22_ZGx25aMA.j rK i114 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i120 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i121 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i123 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i124 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i126 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i127 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i128 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx25aMA.j rK i129 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx25aMA.j rK i130 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx25aMA.j rK i131 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx25aMA.j rK i132 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx25aMA.j rK i133 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx25aMA.j rK i134 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i136 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i137 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i138 D1a 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j rK i139 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q512 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q513 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q514 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q516 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q518 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q522 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q524 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q525 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q526 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q527 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q533 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q534 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q537 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q538 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q542 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j rK q543 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q551 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q552 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q554 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q555 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q564 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q567 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q568 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q569 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q570 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q571 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q572 D1a 1996-07-27_ZGx18aMA.j jO q573 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q577 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q580 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q581 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q582 D1a 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rK q588 D1a 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rK q589 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J rk q595 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J rk q596 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J rrk q601 D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r285 (43090 36013 - 8421 / Relay location: NE1) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r286 (43137 35902 - 8421 / Relay location: NE2) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r287 (43101 35888 - 8421 / Relay location: NE3) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r288 (43248 35560 - 8364 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r289 (43043 35474 - 8431 / Relay location: W final) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r290 (42709 35289 - 8454 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-21_G731FAB.J rk r291 (42498 35702 - 8462 / Relay location: NE) O15 1996-07-22_G802JO.J rk v76 O15 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77 ; A6k22 B11 1996-07-21_ZH306lC3.j rK k21 + part of A8 W of A8f59 + additional area E of doorway a4 & N of f200, f12 B11 1996-07-31_G806RK.J rK Includes k21 and the part of A8 now being absorbed into A6; i.e., all of A8 area W of wall f210, and the area between the line connecting the E limit of the stone walls of doorway a4 to the W limit of k217, k218, as well as the area in the S baulk of k218 that is N of wall f200. So in effect, this area is bounded by wall f78 and doorway f217 in the N, wall f200 in the S, doorway a4 in the W and wall f210 = A8f59 in the E. There are two areas adjoining wall f210 that are fully or partially unexcavated and are excluded from this locus: bounded by f78 and f210 a 250 x 250 area fully unexcavated; bounded by f210 and f200, a 270 x 140 area is part of A8 and has only minimally been excavated. Its top is down to a level above that of f102 in A6. B11 1997-06-26_H616DNSD.J dns Two floors found below f358, lower one was dug through in a small area in the center of the W end of locus. Top floor is f365, lower floor is f364. Part of f365, 366, and 367 collected as part of f358 for an area of about 1.5 meters in the center of the W end of locus. B11 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh removal of accumulation to the lowest floor surface in the Eastern section revealed five bricks in a row, alternating red and grey in color. They measured ca. 20x20cm. Accumulation between f370 and the next floor surface below it revealed numerous layers of intermediate surfaces, especially 150cm W of the oven. The layers did not continue across the full floor surface. For example, to the S surfaces would simply stop, scraping with a trowel would reveal an uneven line where these surfaces stopped. C1 1996-08-04_G806RK.J rK f211 exists in 2 levels the top level, uncut along the S of the locus to a width of approx 50 cm S to N at the W end, and ca. 100 cm. at the the E end along the S baulk. Within the area bound the baulks and the E wall (i.e., former A8), the first cut removed the top 10 cm. In an area along the middle of the locus, W to E, all of the accumulation has been removed. The face of the wall f200 has been left with a few cm of accumulation to protect it. The wall is now assumed to extend along the whole border of the locus where the S baulk of k218 existed. C1 1997-06-26_H627RK.J rK Excavation in k22 has furthered the clarification of floors close to the level of the flue of the tannur. Today's removal of the floor accumulation led to the identification of a slightly higher ash covered floor, and perhaps another one 1-2 cm above it. Excavation in the NW quadrant of the room also revealed the presence of white striations in the deposit that called for comparison to a mat, directly in front of doorway, f217. C1 1997-06-28_H703RK.J rK We have observed the vagaries of the floor surface at and below the level of the threshold. The floor is not even. There are several layers of it which proceed with intervening accumulation/deposits between them in a certain direction, and then all of a sudden merge. In places, the floor surface slopes down dramatically. A second rodent hole was also observed. To the Southern wall, in certain areas, the floor surface ended in a patch that had very uneven deposits & stone & sherd, but within 20 cm, a harder floor surface continued. C1 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK The two pickmen working on the floor followed f364 to the N and E. An opening, perhaps to the tannur flue, was found at the level of f365. The flue, most likely is level with f364. C1 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh finished the removal of f372 in the Eastern section of the excavation area (between the excavation lines). In the process, that surface previously thought as the possible continuation of f369 was determined to be a layer of ash accumulation overlaying f364 (note the absence of f365 in this area). A step in f364 did remain; further excavation revealed the step simply to be a layer of ash accumulation, it was lacking in the Southern half of the Eastern excavation area. During the removal of this step, a large patch of white ash mixed with patches of carbon and outlined by a brown surface was discovered to the E of the oven and W of the bricks earlier discovered. Further pursuit of the surface containing this feature (i.e., f364) revealed a downward slope. The white patch was assigned a new feature number (, and covered to be photographed the next day. f364 was fully uncovered in the Eastern quadrant of the excavation area. The depression in the SW corner of k22 (i.e., the large area characterized by standing water) was assigned a new feature number (f377), the gypsum coating was excavated fully only to find partially disintegration of the coating marked by an ashlike layer overlaying it. C1 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh Photos were taken as planned of f376, 356, 376, 380, 364, 378, and 382 (cf. v119). When I returned, f380 had been fully excavated. With anticipation of guests the following day, extra time was devoted to straightening all sections and removing all loose dirt. C1 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh the pickmen were spread out, one was assigned the pursuit of the surface with the gysum coating, another was assigned the removal of the top layer of accumulation of on the E side of f374. The third and later pickman was assigned the removal of the next layer of accumulation leading from the Western edge of f378 Southwestward. All pickmen met at the same level, heading S, this lead them to the area dense of sherds. En route, they passed over an intermediate surface until instructed to stop and pursue that surface instead (a clump of soil was taken as a sample and shows clearly the layers here encountered). Here one pickman was excused. One continued the pursuit of this new surface ultimately to begin the removal of the dense collection of sherds to the south, the other pickman was assigned the removal of the accumulation of f356. Four bricks were discovered to the N, abutting the outer surface of the oven wall. Also, a path through the damaged, disengaged, W portion of the oven wall was discovered leading from the top extant edge of the oven wall into f374. Extra time was devoted to cleaning and straightening out all sections for kite photos later in the afternoon. C1 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh two pickman worked toward the E in the Eastern section of the locus; one worked in the Southern part of the W section of the locus; each was following f370 (removing f371). The oven also had excess accumulation removed from it. C1 1997-07-12_H726RK2.J rK Work continued at two levels on the room floor: One from the N to the NE of the tannur f356, removing all of f372; the other, W of f356, removing f372 to expose f 368, the reed/straw remains in the floor. C2 1997-06-28_H630RK.J rK We have seen a layer of gypsum underlying the ashy floor at the base of the depression in the SW corner. This will hereafter be referred to as f370. The multiple, sometimes merging floor levels above it, we will attempt to trace. This would of significance if any material finds of importance are obtained from these floor deposits. We will leave a section EW midway acroos the room toward the middle of the tannur. This will show the stratification of the floor along with its relationship to the trace of the reeds/straw in the N of the room. We will trace the full extent of that material, its relation to the tannur, and excavate the floors to the gypsum level. C2 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh the present itinerary includes bringing all strata to the level of f370, removing the accumulation to the S of the threshold, and removing the numerous layers of accumulation still extent in the doorway at the NW corner of k22. C2 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh f387 will be approached from the S in case it continues there. This procedure cannot begin until k31 reaches its elevation due to the presence of the excvation line. f368 will be uncovered and photographed tomorrow. f385 will remain covered until its full extent is reveal (i.e., until the N half of the W section of the locus is excavated). C3 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK ash may have penetrated at various levels? floor builtup in places with red dirt following wearing off of the original? C3 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh since the numerous intermediate surface did not continue across the full extent of the room contained by k22, they must be lenses or patches, perhaps fill to level the floor surface at various stages. Their sproradic presence and disappearance is indicative of this. Following each surface is not feasible for contraints of time, and so it was deemed sufficient to document and remove them. C4 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh began with the removal of the extand light patch of accumulation near the dense sherd area in the Southern part of the Western section. Once finished, pickmen removed accumulation down to the first detectable surface (presumeably f370) beginning on the W edge of the rodent hole (f374). Several intermediate layers were uncovered near the section containing f368 and f365 and photographed (v121). (f376 also was photographed in section.) rk and gb were consulted and it was advised that the pickmen go down to the next detectable floor surface. One pickman was sent to the E wall, dug a trench, and began removing accumulation to the lowest floor surface detectable in section. The other two removed accumulation beginning at the Western threshold at a depth of 10cm. C4 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh further pursuit of the bottom floor surface continued in both the Eastern and Western sections of the locus. The bricks discovered on H707 were left in place. By day's end, the full extant lowest detectable surface had been uncovered, omitting that portion still containing f372 and below in the Northern half of the Western section of the locus. Two pickmen met near the oven confirming that each was indeed uncovering the same surface. Some thought was given to the experiences of the past week and so new features were assigned to the bricks (f387), the lowest floor surface (f385), the packing below it (f386) and the accumulation above it (f386). The continued removal of f372, uncovering f368, was resumed, the Eastern and Northermost limits of f368 were reached; a small pit immediately to the N was discovered and assigned a new feature number (f383), a sample was taken of its contents (i317). That portion of f385 uncovered to the E was cleaned thoroughly and covered with plastic until it is ready to be photographed. C4 1997-07-09_H711BSH.J bsh continued the uncovering of f368, uncovered the greater portion of this feature and photographed it alone and with respect to the oven. The contents of f376 were collected and the excavated feature was photographed. Continued the removal of f372 to the N and uncovered two structures adjacent to each other, each of which appears to abut, if not be overlayed by, the Northern wall (f78). The structure to the W is circular in shape, approximately one quarter of the circle is visible. It appears to be a pit, but with a thin (ca. 1cm) outer wall appearing to be made of the same material as the oven. The structure to the E is square and made of one row of thin bricks (10x20cm). The bricks to the W, at the interface between the two structures (i.e, at their common edge) were damaged almost completely, it was during this process that both structures were discovered. The identity of that portion inside the square is unclear. These structures were discovered at day's end, so no triangulation was perfomed. C99 1997-06-27_H627RK.J rK Today, being Friday, was off for excavations. A visit to the site in the morning (along with DNS) to review the state of things yielded some observations as well as thoughts of strategy for the coming week. 1. The brick threshold, f142, was identified as consisting of two layers of bricks when examined from k25. Since it is exposed on the E side at these levels, I was able to pick off the accumulation and identify the face of a brick in the lower layer. The threshold limit on the E is uneven. Where the lower layer of brick does not come out as far as the top, the floor accumulation goes in under the first layer and abuts the lower brick. This means that the accumulation is later than the threshold. This was verified only over the surface area of one brick and needs to be examined more thoroughly. 2. The floor f364, the lowest of what has so far been discovered, forms a depression at the SW corner of the room, adjacent to the threshold. Picking here recovered lumps of accumulation which had laminations where they were in contact with the floor. This suggests that at some point there was standing water here that was stirred and in which things settled. The lowest layer of the lamination had particles of the size of sand grains. The hollow was about 6 cm deep from where the floor surface came down. The section of the accumulation against the threshold preserves the profile of the ash floor. This deservsd further careful study. Other questions raised by the evidence pertaining to this floor as follows: (3) Are there 3 floors revealed at this level? There definitely is evidence for two separated by a cm or two of accumulation. However a third layer of ash could be traced above these at least over a little area. Further examination can reveal if this is extensive enough to be considered a floor. (4) With which floor does the pit/depression in the SW corner go? (5) Were both layers of brick part of the threshold at the same time(s). (6) What floor does the tannur go with? (7) What is the earliest floor with which the threshold f142 belongs. (8) Have we discovered the original floor that goes with the walls of the AK building. (9) Is there a floor associated with the "log pits"? (10) What is the relationship of the broken jar with ash, that is adjacent to the tannur, to the floors? (11) There is the top of a fairly large area of carbon, visible to the N of the tannur. This should be examined and excavated carefully as a separate feature. (12) f158 excavation to the E of the locus shows two cuts, the first of which might be the top of a floor. If so, which floor surface of the ones identified to the W of the room does it go with? --- It would also seem valuable to document the following with suitable photographs: (a) The section created in the floor accumulation by the stage of the excavation to the E of the tannur shows several carbon samples occurring at the same level. (b) The pit at the SW corner of the room. (c) Various floor surfaces, along with the trace of the matting. (d) The outside brick reinforcement to the tannur walls. D1a 1997-06-20_H728RK1.J rK a31 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f210 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f211 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f212 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f213 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f214 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f215 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f216 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f217 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f218 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f219 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f220 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f221 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J rk f222 D1a 1997-06-21_H619BSH.J dns f315 D1a 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK f352 D1a 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK f353 D1a 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK f354 D1a 1997-06-19_H622BSH.J rK f355 D1a 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh f356 D1a 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh f357 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh f358 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh f359 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh f360 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh f362 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh f363 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f364 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f365 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f366 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f367 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f368 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f369 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f370 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f371 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f372 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f373 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f374 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f375 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh f376 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh f377 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk f379 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk f380 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk f381 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh f382 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh f383 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh f384 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh f385 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh f386 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh f387 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh f388 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK f389 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK f390 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK f391 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK f392 D1a 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK f474 D1a 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i140 D1a 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i143 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i144 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i148 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i150 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i151 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i152 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i153 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i154 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i155 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i156 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i157 D1a 1996-08-03_G810JO.J rk i158 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i159 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i160 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i161 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i162 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i163 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i164 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i165 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J rk i167 D1a 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i168 D1a 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i169 D1a 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i170 D1a 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i171 D1a 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i172 D1a 1996-08-05_G810JO.J rk i173 D1a 1996-08-06_G810JO.J rk i174 D1a 1996-08-06_G810JO.J rk i175 D1a 1996-08-06_G810JO.J rk i177 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK i200 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J rK i201 D1a 1997-06-18_H619BSH.J bsh i251 D1a 1997-06-18_H619BSH.J rk i252 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J bsh i253 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J bsh i254 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i255 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i256 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i257 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i258 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i259 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i260 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i261 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i262 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh i263 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i264 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i265 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i266 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i267 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i268 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh i269 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i270 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i271 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i272 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i273 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i274 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh i275 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i276 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i277 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i278 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i279 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i280 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i281 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i282 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i283 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i284 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i285 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i286 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i287 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i288 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i289 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i290 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i291 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i292 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i293 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i294 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i295 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i296 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i297 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i298 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i299 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh i300 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh i301 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh i302 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh i303 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh i304 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh i305 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk i306 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk i307 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk i308 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i309 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i310 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i311 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh i312 D1a 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i313 D1a 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i314 D1a 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i315 D1a 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh i316 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh i317 D1a 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh i318 D1a 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i319 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q603 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q604 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q605 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q606 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q609 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J rk q611 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q614 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q615 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q617 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q618 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q623 D1a 1996-07-27_G802JO.J rk q624 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q625 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q629 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J rk q631 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q632 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q633 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q634 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q635 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q636 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q640 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q644 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q645 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q646 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J rK q647 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q648 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q649 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q650 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q651 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q654 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q655 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q656 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q658 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q659 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J rK q661 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q662 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q663 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q664 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q665 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q668 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q670 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q671 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q673 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J rk q674 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q675 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q676 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q677 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q678 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q680 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J rK q681 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q700 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q702 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q704 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q708 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q709 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q715 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q851 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q852 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q853 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q854 D1a 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J rk q855 D1a 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J rk q856 D1a 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh q857 D1a 1997-06-21_H622BSH.J bsh q858 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q859 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q860 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q861 D1a 1997-06-22_H622BSH.J bsh q862 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh q863 D1a 1997-06-23_H624BSH.J bsh q864 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh q865 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh q866 D1a 1997-06-24_H624BSH.J bsh q867 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q868 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q869 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q870 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q871 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q872 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q873 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q874 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q875 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q876 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q877 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q878 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q879 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q880 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q881 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q882 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q883 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q884 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q885 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q887 D1a 1997-07-01_H701BSH.J bsh q888 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh q889 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh q890 D1a 1997-07-02_H702BSH.J bsh q891 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J bsh q892 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk q893 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk q894 D1a 1997-07-03_H705BSH.J rk q895 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q896 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q897 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q898 D1a 1997-07-05_H705BSH.J bsh q899 D1a 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh q900 D1a 1997-07-06_H707BSH.J bsh q901 D1a 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh q902 D1a 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh q903 D1a 1997-07-07_H707BSH.J bsh q904 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q905 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q906 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q907 D1a 1997-07-08_H708BSH.J bsh q908 D1a 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh q909 D1a 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh q910 D1a 1997-07-09_H725BSH.J bsh q911 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q912 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q913 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q914 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q915 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q916 D1a 1997-07-12_H725BSH.J rK q917 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q918 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q919 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q920 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q921 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q923 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q924 D1a 1997-07-13_H725BSH.J rK q925 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1109 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1110 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1111 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1113 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1137 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1140 D1a 1997-07-27_H728RK1.J rK q1142 D99 1997-07-27_H728RK1.J rK All of the elevations taken from k22, and those from k30 toward the end of the excavations, which used elevation marker m1659 should add 54 to the readings. This was because of discrepancy in the number used for calibrating the pole: 82.607 (8261) had been read as 82.067 (8207). The problem was noticed by the excavators (bsh & rk) in using an elevation marker set up near A10, and the surveyor kindly double checked (elevation of marker on H617 = 8261; on H723 = 8260) and clarified the source of the discrepancy. This requires the addition of the number to all measurements prior to H724. The pole was not in fact used after that date. This affects only elevations read directly off that pole and does not affect those computed by the system using the marker tags. O15 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v99 O15 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v99a O15 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v99b ; A6k23 B11 1996-08-01_G810JO.J jo NS 100 cm x EW 50 cm in W k168, a probe D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r452 (43058 34997 - 8234 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r453 (43048 35036 - 8230 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r454 (43014 34933 - 8232 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r455 (42927 35047 - 8231 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r458 (43058 34997 - 8186 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r459 (43048 35036 - 8187 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r460 (43014 34933 - 8184 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-08-04_G809RK.J jo r461 (43390 35274 - 8186 / Relay location: SE) ; A6k30 B11 1997-06-15_H617DNS.J rK NE corner of sector D-previously unexcavated B11 1997-06-16_H616RK.J rK this locus is made up of the unexcavated area in the NE corner of sector D. The S and W limits of the locus correspond to the N and E sides of the cuts made for excavating areas A8 and A6k217, respectively (see v101). The N and E limits of the locus were laid out by the surveyor, parallel to the orientation of the AK building. The E limit was set to extend ~1m. E of the E face of the wall f210. This would ensure that we would be able to see the full breadth of f210 where it extends into the present locus and also to verify the existence of any doorway. Along the N, the NE corner of the previously excavated limit of A6 was chosen as the W limit of k30. B11 1997-06-17_H617RK.J rk The dimensions of the excavated area (i.e., excluding the protective baulk to be removed periodically) are as follows: E 480cm, S 400cm, W 320cm, N 350cm. C1 1997-06-26_H627RK.J rK we are going down in the E part of the locus. We came to a level of fine, pinkish accum. at the level a brick structure had a shallow pit with a few bones in it. Some of the bricky material had the appearance of a tannur wall and the whole mass has been defined as a separate feature and will be excavated separately. It appears that we may have excavated two or three floors at the levels we are digging in this locus. The uppermost of these had the suggestion being a working floor, but could not be traced through the entire locus. In fact, it has been left unexcavated in the W 1/2 of the area. The other two were encountered in digging the E 1/2 of the locus. The artifactual indication of the existence of a floor is the tannur wall like material seen. C1 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK The L-shaped area bordering the W & N is being leveled to the rest of the locus. C1 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK The lowest level of the floor is 200cm below the sod. C1 1997-07-06_H726RK2.J rK The wall, f343, identified previously is most likely the remains of a foundation. The hard accumulation abutting it, f339,f340,345, perhaps consist of the broken congealed bricks of walls that stood above. The relationship between the stone wall f341 and f343 is not clear. Perhaps they were parts of a building forming a doorway in between. In the SW, the grey accum., f346, was a lense of ash, ca. 4 cm deep with no sherd or other inclusions. In the E part of the locus where an ashy deposit had been identified and partially excavated, we came to a clear boundary between ash and red running N-S. This could be along the side of the wall, f210. Also, we have found very red bricks in the middle of the locus, also extending N-S. This should correspond to the top layer of the wall. C1 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK We continued along the W baulk of k30. The top levels now extant are f339, below which come floors 434 and 435. C1 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns The S end of the W baulk was partially removed below the level of the floors with tannurs (f433). we will cut a section and see the nature of the bricky material before proceeding to remove the rest of the baulk. The segment of the S baulk W of f430 that joined the W baulk was completely removed to the present level of the floor in k30. N of f430, the greyish loose accum., heretofore called f429, was found in fact to be a pit. The pit had cut into the lower layer of brick present in the wall to its S. At the level of floor reached today, there was a white lense, perhaps the bottom of the pit. The outline of the cut at the N limit was clearly discernible as a white band on either side of which the accumulation differed in their shade of color. C2 1997-06-24_H627RK.J rK All of the structures such as walls, benches previously present in the locus have now been removed. We decided to dig a trench 50 x 100, along the E baulk at the S end, to a depth of 50cm, in order to view the section so as to proceed further. The trench revealed a very hard accumulation. After ca. 30cm down, it changed to looser material and again reverted to a hard accumulation, followed by a looser one. The W half of the locus shows what may be a working floor (flat sherds etc.). We shall try to level it Eastwards, to see if it exists throughout the locus. C2 1997-06-25_H627RK.J rK The locus is free of any standing structures at this point. The large stone, f327, had been broken up with a sledgehammer on H624 pm, so we began with removing the pieces from the locus. The surface shall be cleaned and leveled first. Then we should excavate the next layer of accumulation. C2 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK We will begin by removing the rest of the accumulation f332 which ends in a lower grey layer. Below that is accumulation f333, which also shall be removed throughout the locus. The tannur, f335 belongs to a floor associated with the grey layer, f332. Once the floor is leveled at the surface belonging to f333, we shall remove the S protective baulk. C4 1997-06-29_H703RK.J rK We are down to the bottom of f333/337 almost throughout the excavation area. The loose black deposit f337 is now being removed. I have instructed the workmen to remove the loose material and leave the hard accumulation, brick etc. at this level of the floor and then clean to observe what we have. D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns a16 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns a17 D1a 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J rk a18 D1a 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J rk a19 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rk f301 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rk f302 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh f303 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh f304 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns f305 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns f306 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns f307 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns f308 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns f309 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns f310 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns f311 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J dns f312 D1a 1997-06-19_H620DNS.J dns f313 D1a 1997-06-19_H620DNS.J dns f314 D1a 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns f315 D1a 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns f316 D1a 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns f317 D1a 1997-06-19_H626DNS.J dns f318 D1a 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns f319 D1a 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns f320 D1a 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns f321 D1a 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns f322 D1a 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns f323 D1a 1997-06-20_H626DNS.J dns f324 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns f325 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns f326 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns f327 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns f328 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns f329 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns f330 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns f331 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns f332 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns f333 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk f334 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns f335 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns f336 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk f337 D1a 1997-06-29_H704DNS.J dns f338 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns f339 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns f340 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns f341 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns f342 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns f343 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns f344 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK f345 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK f346 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns f347 D1a 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns f348 D1a 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns f349 D1a 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns f350 D1a 1997-07-07_H718DNS.J dns f426 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK f427 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK f428 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns f429 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f430 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f431 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f432 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns f433 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns f434 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns f435 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f436 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f437 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f438 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f439 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns f440 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK f442 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK f443 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK f444 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK f445 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK f446 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK f447 D1a 1997-07-22_H723BSH.J rK f448 D1a 1997-07-22_H723BSH.J bsh f449 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh f450 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK f459 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK f460 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK f462 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh f463 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh f464 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J rK f465 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh f466 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh f468 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK f469 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK f470 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK f471 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK f473 D1a 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK f475 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J rK i202 D1a 1997-06-19_H619BSH.J rK i203 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns i204 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns i205 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns i206 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns i207 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns i208 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns i209 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns i215 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns i219 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i220 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns i224 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns i227 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns i228 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i231 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i232 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i233 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns i234 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns i236 D1a 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i238 D1a 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i239 D1a 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i240 D1a 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i241 D1a 1997-07-19_H725BSH.J rK i242 D1a 1997-07-20_H725BSH.J rK i243 D1a 1997-07-20_H725BSH.J rK i244 D1a 1997-07-20_H725BSH.J rK i245 D1a 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J rK i246 D1a 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J bsh i248 D1a 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J bsh i249 D1a 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J bsh i250 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh i323 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh i324 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J rk i325 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i326 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i327 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i328 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK i329 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q701 D1a 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK q703 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q705 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q706 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q707 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q710 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J bsh q711 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q712 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J dns q713 D1a 1997-06-17_H617DNS.J rK q714 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q716 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J rK q717 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q718 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q719 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q720 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q721 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q722 D1a 1997-06-18_H620DNS.J dns q723 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q724 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q725 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q726 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q727 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q728 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q729 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q730 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q731 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q732 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q733 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q734 D1a 1997-06-20_H620BSH.J bsh q735 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q736 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q737 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q738 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q739 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q740 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q741 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q742 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q743 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q744 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q745 D1a 1997-06-21_H626DNS.J dns q746 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q747 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q748 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q749 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q750 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q751 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q752 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q753 D1a 1997-06-22_H626DNS.J dns q754 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q755 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q756 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q757 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q758 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q759 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q760 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q761 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q762 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q763 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q764 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J dns q765 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J rk q766 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J rk q767 D1a 1997-06-24_H626DNS.J rk q768 D1a 1997-06-23_H626DNS.J dns q769 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q770 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q771 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q772 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J rk q773 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q774 D1a 1997-06-25_H626DNS.J dns q775 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns q776 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns q777 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J dns q778 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q780 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q781 D1a 1997-06-26_H626DNS.J rk q782 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q783 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q784 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q785 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q786 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q787 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q788 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q789 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q790 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q791 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q792 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q793 D1a 1997-06-28_H629DNS.J dns q794 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q795 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q796 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q797 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q798 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q799 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q800 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q801 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q802 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q803 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q804 D1a 1997-06-29_H629DNS.J rk q805 D1a 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q806 D1a 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q807 D1a 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q808 D1a 1997-06-30_H704DNS.J dns q809 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q810 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q811 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q812 D1a 1997-07-01_H704DNS.J dns q813 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q814 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q815 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q816 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q817 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q818 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q819 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q820 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q821 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q822 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q823 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q824 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q825 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q826 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q827 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q828 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q829 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q830 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q831 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q832 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q835 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q836 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q837 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q838 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q839 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q840 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q841 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q842 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q843 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK q844 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q845 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q846 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q847 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q848 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q849 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q850 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q995 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q996 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q997 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1001 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1002 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1003 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1004 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1005 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1006 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1007 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1008 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1009 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1011 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1013 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1014 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1015 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1016 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1030 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1031 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1032 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1040 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1041 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1042 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns q1043 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1046 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1048 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1049 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1050 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1051 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1052 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1054 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1055 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1057 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1058 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1059 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1065 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1066 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1067 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1068 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1074 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1075 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1076 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1077 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1078 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1080 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1081 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1083 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1086 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1087 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1088 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1089 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1091 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1092 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1095 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1096 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1097 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1098 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1100 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1101 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1103 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1105 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1106 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1107 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1115 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1116 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1117 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1118 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1119 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1120 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1122 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1124 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1125 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1127 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1128 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1130 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1131 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1132 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1133 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1134 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1135 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1136 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1138 D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r600 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SE) D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r601 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NE) D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r602 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NW) D3 1997-06-16_H617DNSR.J rk r603 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SW) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r600 (42667 36362 - / Relay location: SE) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r602 (43232 36226 - / Relay location: NW) D3 1997-06-16_H708RK-R.J rk r603 (42868 36024 - / Relay location: SW) D99 1997-07-27_H728RK1.J rK All of the elevations taken from k22, and those from k30 toward the end of the excavations, which used elevation marker m1659 should add 54 to the readings. This was because of discrepancy in the number used for calibrating the pole: 82.607 (8261) had been read as 82.067 (8207). The problem was noticed by the excavators (bsh & rk) in using an elevation marker set up near A10, and the surveyor kindly double checked (elevation of marker on H617 = 8261; on H723 = 8260) and clarified the source of the discrepancy. This requires the addition of the number to all measurements prior to H724. The pole was not in fact used after that date. This affects only elevations read directly off that pole and does not affect those computed by the system using the marker tags. O15 1997-06-16_H617DNS.J rK v101 O15 1997-06-19_H627DNSV.J rK v102 ; A6k31 B11 1997-06-15_H728RK1.J rK SE corner of sector D1 to go past the walls, minimally excavated as A8 during MZ9. B11 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK The difference in top elevation between f401 and f402 indicate the slope of the uncut S border of the locus vs. the cut area where excavation continued. B11 1997-07-05_H708DNSD.J dns Should be close to top of 3rd millennium wall--rebuilding of AK bldg?. Accumulation of E half is reddish, that of W half is a gray soil. Reddish because of tannur, accum around tannur only is reddish. Wall may be showing up in N part of square. Very ashy in E part of square, around tannur. A few stones appearing close to S baulk, in middle of square. C1 1997-07-02_H708RK.J rK The top of this area (k31) had been excavated during MZ9 as area A8. The excavated depth was close to the sod layer at the W, but almost a meter below the surface at the E. C1 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK We began removal of the N baulk by strata. The upper ashy layer, f402, was removed from most of the baulk. C1 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK We have come to the top of the brick of f210 in k30; although it stands 0.5m higher than the preserved levels of the wall to the N. Henceforth, the floor & other accumulations on either side of the wall will be treated separately. W of the wall, the accum. @ this level is clean of ash. C1 1997-07-06_H726RK2.J rK A gypsum-like floor covers the extant top of the tannurs, f406,407. It appears that the tannurs were razed to level the area before the floor surface was laid. The floor may not have existed over all of the locus. We could find it at the NW end in the protective baulk when that was removed. This was simply layered over a lower ash floor and it would appear that there was no compacting of material underneath to lay this floor, if it was indeed one. C1 1997-07-08_H726RK2.J rK current elevation 8670-148, equals ca. 8520. C1 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns possible burial under platform in NW corner. C1 1997-07-16_H726RK2.J rK f419 was cut as a trench 20cm W of the expected top of f210, to a width of 60cm to the W, as a l00cm long strip, 30cm down. Since the accum. @ the elevation definitely was a the top levels of wall f210, the accum. was assigned f# 454. f454 was further excavated to a depth of ca. 50cm. C1 1997-07-17_H726RK2.J dns In k31 we are going down in the area adjoining the expected meeting place of walls f200 and 210. We have been able to trace the faces of the brick wall to the S (in line with f210) and brick and stone to the E (in line with f200) at this level. It seemed during the excavation that there was a wall along the N of the locus at its W end. But clearing the wall & scraping it removed all signs of it. Most likely, this consisted of alternating layers of accumulation and accumulation high in chaff; or, it could be some wall like structure built out of mud and chaff. We were able to trace the W face of f210/418 continuing Southward, and the N face of f200 continuing Eastward where the walls meet to form the SE corner of the room D1, kitchen, within locus k31. Excavation downward all of a sudden revealed a cavity in the accumulation below (see v142). It is not clear at this point if the cavity was the result of some settling in pit cut down and filled at a later time, or the existence of some structure within the kitchen room. C2 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK We shall remove the protective ca. 40 cm high baulk we have left to the N. This was left to prevent objects from spilling over to k22, several meters below. There is also a baulk to the W, but since is much more likely to disrupt work below, we shall wait regarding it. C2 1997-07-09_H723RK.J dns Will remove 5 cm off the top over the locus, will then scrape, brush and examine; also 5 cm off top of wall. C4 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK We will remove the protective baulk N of k31 as we did part of the S baulk of k30, previously. We will leave a think wall at the edge while removing the rest with the large pick. The thin wall will then be pulled in as carefully as possible. D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns f401 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns f402 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns f403 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns f404 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns f405 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK f406 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J rK f407 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns f408 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns f409 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns f410 D1a 1997-07-07_H708LKAL.J rK f412 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK f413 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK f414 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK f415 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK f416 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f417 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f418 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f419 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f420 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns f421 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns f422 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns f423 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns f424 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns f425 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns f451 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f452 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f453 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns f454 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns f455 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns f456 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns f457 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK f458 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK f461 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh f467 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK f472 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns i213 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns i214 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns i216 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns i217 D1a 1997-07-08_H715DNS.J dns i218 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i221 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i222 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns i223 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns i225 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns i226 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns i229 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J dns i230 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns i235 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns i237 D1a 1997-07-21_H725BSH.J rK i247 D1a 1997-07-23_H725BSH.J rk i320 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q951 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q952 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q953 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q954 D1a 1997-07-02_H704DNS.J dns q955 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q956 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q957 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q958 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q959 D1a 1997-07-03_H704DNS.J dns q960 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q961 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q962 D1a 1997-07-05_H706DNS.J dns q963 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q964 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q965 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q966 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q967 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q968 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q969 D1a 1997-07-06_H706DNS.J dns q970 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q972 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q973 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q974 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q975 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q976 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q977 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q978 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q979 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q980 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q981 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q982 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q983 D1a 1997-07-08_H708LKAL.J rK q984 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q985 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q986 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q987 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q988 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q989 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q990 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q991 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q992 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q993 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q994 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q998 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q999 D1a 1997-07-13_H715DNS.J dns q1000 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1010 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1012 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1017 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1018 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1019 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1020 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1021 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1022 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1023 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1024 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1025 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1026 D1a 1997-07-14_H715DNS.J dns q1027 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1028 D1a 1997-07-15_H718DNS.J rK q1029 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1033 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1034 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1035 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1036 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1037 D1a 1997-07-09_H715DNS.J dns q1038 D1a 1997-07-12_H715DNS.J dns q1039 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1044 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1045 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1047 D1a 1997-07-16_H718DNS.J dns q1053 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1056 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1060 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1061 D1a 1997-07-17_H718DNS.J dns q1062 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1063 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1064 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1069 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1070 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1071 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1072 D1a 1997-07-19_H723BSH.J rK q1073 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1079 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1082 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1084 D1a 1997-07-20_H723BSH.J rK q1085 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1090 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1093 D1a 1997-07-21_H723BSH.J rK q1094 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1099 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1102 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1104 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J bsh q1108 D1a 1997-07-23_H723BSH.J rK q1114 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1121 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1123 D1a 1997-07-24_H725BSH.J bsh q1126 D1a 1997-07-25_H725BSH.J rK q1129 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1139 D1a 1997-07-26_H728RK1.J rK q1141 D3 1997-07-05_H716RK-R.J dns r829 (42357 36236 - 8631 / Relay location: NE) ; A6k100 B11 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK kitchen; room D1 of AK D1a 1997-07-28_H728RK1.J rK a100 ; A6k167 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK ASk167 B11 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK square E of ASk117 C1 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK we were digging around the wall f16 and f78 in k217. The dirt excavated was used as backfill in the E 1/2 of k217. C99 1992-07-22_C7-3.J rK It is obvious now based on excavations in k167 and 217 the large flat stone we retainedin the NE corner by forming a pedestal of the wadi accumulation etc. beneath it is not part of any building structure at this place or level. There are no walls corresponding to this position in k217 and only accumulation is present to the S and W in k167. So we removed the stone and the pedestal today. D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f1 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f4 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f5 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f16 D1a 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK f21 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q39 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q192 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q193 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q216 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q252 D1a 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J rk q271 D1a 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J rk q272 D1a 1992-07-25_MZ7QLOG.J rk q273 D1a 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q277 D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400N D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400W D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB floor E of wall, f16 (f68): m1201-186 -- floor N of wall, f16: m1201-152; -- wall, f16: m1201-134 for most of its top surface; about 30cm wide border along NW is about 6cm higher. O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v13 ; A6k168 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK ASk168 B11 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK square S of k167 B11 1996-07-06_G716RK.J jO After cleaning along the W wall f123 in the area in which we dug 20 cm deep, it appeared that the stone wall still continues down, which means that the floor associated with it is still to be exposed. C1 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK the surface below the baulk has been cut past topsoil to the level of the walls f20/f16. C1 1996-07-04_G714RK.J jO (1) After digging an extra 10 cm deep in the N 100 cm of our excavated 150x210 cm area we still did not reach a new feature. So we will excavate the remaining 50 cm on the next workday. (2) RK made a section along the doorway on the W side of k169, but no distinguishable layers were noticed in this section. C1 1996-07-06_G714RK.J jO After cleaning the stones along the E wall (f123) in the area in which we cut down to 20 cm depth, it appeared that the stones of the wall continue down under what was uncovered of f101, meaning that the floor which is associated with th e wall is still to be reached. C1 1996-07-06_G714RK.J jO To avoid any cut through the threshold of a4 along the E part of k168, we limited our excavations to 200 cm EW instead of 210 cm. In the meantime, we examined the section to make sure that we had not cut through the threshold and did not find any indication that we had. C1 1996-07-06_G716RK.J jO We proceeded by digging towards the S 200 cm from the E baulk to avoid disturbing the threshold. We examined the section and did not find any indication of it. C1 1996-07-07_G716RK.J jO f101 was excavated to a depth of 20cm as planned, in the direction of doorway a3. We did not expand the excavated area toward the E, for reasons noted. C1 1996-08-03_G806RK.J rK The section cut to probe the depth of the stone wall was refilled with excavated dirt after the study was finished. Plastic covering was laid over the floor and most of the sides of this cut. But it does not come all the way up to cover the face of the original accumulation and floor at the top. C1 1996-08-07_G806RK.J rK re: comment on backfill of small trench cut to probe the bottom of the wall--ignore the note of G803 since the backfill was removed again two days later (for elevation measurement etc.) and again replaced. C2 1996-07-04_G714RK.J jO We are going to start digging deeper in the same area in which we worked yesterday (G703)--NS 150 cm, EW 210 cm--in an attempt to reach a distinguishable layer instead of extending our excavations sideways or forward at the same level. C2 1996-07-06_G714RK.J jO We will have one workman leveling the remaining 50 cm NS part of f101 150x210 excavated area to reach the approximate 20 cm depth of the rest of it. Another workman will scrape the W baulk of k168 to view the section clearly. The third man will work in k169; he will dig to make a N section of the features in that locus to determine the thickness of f101 and the strata underneath it. Our goal is to be able to remove the remaining layers of f101, starting from the k169 end instead of digging through it from above. C2 1996-07-06_G716RK.J jO We will have one workman levelling the remaining 50 cm NS part of ur 150 x 210 excavated are of f101 to reach the approx. 20 cm depth of the rest of it. Another workman will scrape the W baulk of k168. The third workman assigned to the square will work in the far S of k168, to make a N section in f101 in order to be able to look at f101 and the strata underlying it. The section will be cut in k169 toward k168. C2 1996-07-07_G716RK.J jO We will continue our operation where it was left off yesterday. Two pickmen will be assigned to excavate f101 to a depth of 20cm and one in k169 to remove f109 and f110. C2 1996-07-08_G716RK.J jO In thtis square we will remove all of f109 in order to expose and excavate f110 below it which appears to be the equivalent of f101. C2 1996-07-08_G716RK.J jO We will excavate f101 as far as doorway a14. After that the lower unexcavated part of the same feature will be removed from the S, from k169, f110. C2 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo We will have the remaining part of f128 removed, and then remove the layer below it 12 cm deep after assigning a new feature number. C2 1996-07-18_G720RK.J rK to expose the brick face below the top two layers now in the doorway a4; to continue excavation toward the vault a1; and to begin excavating f134 in k169. C99 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK What was left of the N baulk (bet k167 & 168) was removed in order to continue removing the accumulation E of wall f20/f16. D1a 0000-00-00_ZH306lC.j rK a1 D1a 0000-00-00_ZH306lC.j rK a4 D1a 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a14 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f2 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f7 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f10 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f11 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f12 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f17 D1a 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK f19 D1a 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK f20 D1a 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK f24 D1a 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK f28 D1a 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK f33 D1a 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK f48 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f63 D1a 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f67 D1a 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f68 D1a 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK f73 D1a 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK f77 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK f101 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f119 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO f123 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO f125 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO f128 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK f130 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO f131 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO f132 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j jO f133 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f138 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO f142 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO f143 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO f144 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx10aMA.j jO f145 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO f146 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO f147 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j jO f148 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f187 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i31 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i32 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i33 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i34 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i35 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i36 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i37 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i38 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i39 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i40 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i41 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i42 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i43 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i44 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx25aMA.j jO i45 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx25aMA.j jO i46 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx25aMA.j jO i47 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx25aMA.j jO i48 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i51 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i60 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i61 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i62 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i63 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i64 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i65 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i66 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i67 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i68 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i69 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i70 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i71 D1a 1996-07-11_ZGx25aMA.j jO i72 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i91 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i92 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i93 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i94 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i95 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i96 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i97 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i98 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i100 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i101 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i105 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i107 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i108 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i109 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i149 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q311.1 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q338.1 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q339.1 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q355.1 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q369.1 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q380.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q394.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q406.1 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q3 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q9 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q19 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q25 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q30 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q47 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q48 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q60 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q76 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q77 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q92 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q94 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q105 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q106 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q115 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q121 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q122 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q129 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q130 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q141 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q142 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q144 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q148 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q155 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q156 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q160 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q170 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q171 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q172 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q173 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q181 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q189 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q190 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q191 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q195 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q196 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q197 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q198 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q201 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q210 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q211 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q218 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q219 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q230 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q240 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q241 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q245 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q246 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q247 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q248 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q264 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q301 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q302 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q303 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q305 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q306 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q310 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q335 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q336 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q337 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q339 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q347 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q355 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q356 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q357 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q363 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q380 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q394 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q400 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q406 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q417 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q424 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q429 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q433 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q436 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q438 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jM q463 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q465 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q468 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q475 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q481 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q491 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q492 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q493 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q503 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q504 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q511 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q515 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J jO q519 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J jO q520 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q616 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q620 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q626 D1a 1996-08-08_ZGx18aMA.j rK q693 D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400N D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400W D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevations of floor: at NE, 265 from top of baulk; at SE, 225 from top of baulk O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v1 O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v2 O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v4a O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v4b O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 O15 1992-07-11_ZH306lC2.j GB v7 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v13 O15 1996-07-03_G802JO.J jO v50 O15 1996-07-03_G802JO.J jO v50a O15 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v69 O15 1996-07-18_G802JO.J jo v69a ; A6k169 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK ASk169 B11 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK square S of k168 B11 1996-07-22_G803RK.J jO Since features 101,113,114 and 134 do not have distinct floor surfaces such as plastering, they were not given different f# for their floors separate from the accumulation above. So the same feature no. is used for the accumulation and the surface holding it. C1 1996-07-07_G716RK.J jO We made a N section by digging 60 cm below the existing floor level. We could distinguish 5 layers of ac/floor in the section. They were assigned features numbers 109,110,113,114,115, successively, from the top to the bottom. C1 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO The extended part of the excavation (100 x 50) was dug deep down by removing the wadi accumulation up to the bottom of f115 when another floor accumulation appeared. It was assigned feature number f134. C1 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO Looking at the bottom and along the sides of the negative wall it is clear that the removed stones of the original wall went deep about 16-18 cm below the surface of the floor accumulation f134. In this case, f134 is the earliest floor that is associated with the wall, at least in k169. C2 1996-07-10_G718RK.J jO We will have one workman removing f119 in order to be able to dig through the floor ac (f110 and 101). C2 1996-07-14_G803RK.J jO We decided to expand 100 cm to the S of k169 and 50 cm to the E C2 1996-07-15_G803RK.J jO S k169 will be dug deeper to reach a layer from which we could get a better idea of the floors and/or accumulation in k169 and k168. The first feature to be removed is the wadi accumulation f135, S of f134. C2 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO We are going to trace the negative wall in the S of k169 to the S and to the E. C3 1996-07-18_G803RK.J jO By removing the wadi ac in the S of k169 and by following alongside the negative wall towards the E and the S, it seems that the negative wall is extending to the S to k170 and the East. So we infer that there was no doorway opening from k169 to the S. Instead, the negative wall continued E until we reached the bottom stones of the wall. C99 1996-07-06_G716RK.J jO Wadi accumulation is still present on the floor of k169. We will remove it in order to expose the layers of ac that parallel f101 in k168. D1a 0000-00-00_ZH306lC.j rK a3 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f3 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f6 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f8 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f9 D1a 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK f18 D1a 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK f30 D1a 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK f34 D1a 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK f46 D1a 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK f51 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f57 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f58 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f60 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f61 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f62 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f109 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f110 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f113 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f114 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f115 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx10aMA.j rK f120 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO f121 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f134 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f135 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f136 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f137 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f139 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f185 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f189 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f190 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f191 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f192 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f198 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f199 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f201 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f202 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f203 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i77 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j jO i81 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i110 D1a 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i141 D1a 1996-07-30_ZGx25aMA.j jO i142 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i145 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q362.1 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q366.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q383.1 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q385.1 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q385.2 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q385.3 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q13 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q21 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q46 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q53 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q71 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q75 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q95 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q96 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q107 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q109 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q116 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q117 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q123 D1a 1992-07-13_ZGx21aMA.j rK q128 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q131 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q132 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q136 D1a 1992-07-14_ZGx21aMA.j rK q137 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q140 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q143 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q147 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q150 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q151 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q154 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q157 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q161 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q169 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q174 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q185 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q186 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q199 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q204 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q234 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q235 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q258 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q265 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q349 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q362 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q366 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q369 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q370 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q374 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q381 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q385 D1a 1996-07-09_G720JO.J jo q386 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q390 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q437 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jo q442 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jo q443 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jo q444 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q453 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q455 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q456 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q459 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q460 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q469 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q474 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q480 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q485 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q488 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q505 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q510 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q565 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q586 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q587 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q590 D1a 1996-07-30_ZGx18aMA.j jO q594 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q597 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q599 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q602 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q619 D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400N D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400W D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevation of A1f115: m1276-11 O15 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v12 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v13 O15 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j RK v16 ; A6k170 B11 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK the locus is, roughly speaking, the square S of k169, but its dimensions and coordinates need to be specifically determined. B11 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB lamination from wadi is still present along the east of A1k120, associated with the wall f59 C1 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK we completed removal of the baulks including the pedestal along the W on which were the elevation pole and a marker and lowered the floor to 40 cm below top of wall, f72, to its S. C1 1992-07-22_C7-3.J rK The four walls in this locus do not appear to be continuous and it is possible that there are doorways in the EW walls in line with f59. This is more certain in the case of f72 than f59. C2 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK we are considering leaving the E 1/4 of the locus, where the wadi cut only minimally, as a step. The rest of the area will be cleared of all gulley wash materials and the walls exposed. C99 1992-07-14_C7-3.J RK we began removing topsoil over the unexcavated parts of this locus, which was partly excavated during MZ6. C99 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK gulley wash along W & N continued to be removed. D1a 0000-00-00_ZH306lC.j rK a2 D1a 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK f49 D1a 1992-07-15_ZGx10aMA.j rK f52 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f55 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f59 D1a 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f69 D1a 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK f72 D1a 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK f74 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q139 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q152 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q153 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q166 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q167 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q168 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q178 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q180 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q188 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q217 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q232 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q233 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q237 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q242 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q243 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q256 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q257 D1a 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q279 D99 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK at the end of excavations on C719, the following elevations were obtainable in this locus: SE 8444-152; W 8415-152; NE 8473-152. D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB elevation of floor at SE corner, next to wall, f72: m1273-166 ; A6k171 B11 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB lamination from wadi still present on floor D1a 1992-07-22_ZGx10aMA.j rK f71 D1a 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK f75 D1a 1992-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK f76 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q244 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q253 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q262 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q263 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevation of floor, at West: m1273-165 -- at NE near baulk: m1273-152 ; A6k177 C1 1996-07-23_G801RK.J rK Begins where k176 ended; a few isolated bricks are present. We are going down with the large pick. One old pot smash was found and the sherds collected. ; A6k217 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK ASk217 B11 1992-07-16_C7-3.J GB we have not hit brick at an elevation lower than wall f16, so we may be in the doorway, and the bricks in the EW section we have left in the middle of the square may be the threshold. We will triangulate and then remove the tannur f38, then remove the SE quadrant with the big pick. We are labeling the accumulation below f45 with a different number, f54, because it seems different in color and texture. B11 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK square E of k167 B11 1996-07-03_G705RK.J rk The Islamic burial bones that remained in a11 were all removed. The secondary (2nd Mill?) brick wall extends into the E baulk. We are not yet at the E border of the square down to the level of the top of the brick wall, f44. Any courses of brick removed farther along E during the previous season belonged to the secondary wall. B11 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK Our aim has been to expose the top surface of the wall below and east of the pedestal. At the present all of the E surface is not visible. However, elevation on either side of the pedestal over the wall f44 is identical. See relays 144,145. I.e, there is still accumulation left over the brick layer of the wall on the E (we are not expecting a doorway here). B11 1996-07-29_G806RK.J rK A black band approx. 50 cm above the top of f78. C1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK more soil removed today, more 30cm across. The locus was cut as a step, at 2 levels. C1 1992-07-21_C7-3.J RK we have not yet been able to dig down in the E 1/2 of the locus to the level of f16. Oher features that intervene (like burials), the hardness of the accumulation and the narrowness of the area being dug because of the steps being left have limited the pace of dirt removal. C1 1996-07-22_G801RK.J rK Observed cut on E section reaching down to burial f64 excavated from the E border at the end of MZ7. A very vertical cut whose bottom is very square. It reaches down 220 cm to the bottom of the cut from about 120 cm below the top of the sod layer. C2 1996-07-08_G716RK.J jO The remainder of f112 will be removed until we reach the top of wall f44. Then we will quickly remove the W part of the pedestal over f44 that has been left for purposes of documentation and section during the present excavation season. C2 1996-07-10_G718RK.J jO four workmen will dig f118 carefully until they reach the top of the brick wall (f78). They will be divided into 2 groups: one will dig on the N side of. the locus and the other on the S side. Sherds etc. will be collected as separate lots from each side. C2 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK Hammadi will clear the ac to the S & E of the wall. Ahmad Kher will follow the wall boundary along the N. C2 1996-07-13_G812RK.J jo f140, the accumulation N of the wall f44 will be removed to clear the N face of the wall. C4 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK we used dirt from the excavations on C726 as backfill to cover the E 1/2 of the square. Plastic covered all excavated surfaces below/beside backfill. A wall of sorts was built on the S side with broken bricks and clods in order have the backfill present as vertical a face at this time as possible. D1a 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j jO a11 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f13 D1a 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK f23 D1a 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK f25 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f39 D1a 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK f44 D1a 1992-07-13_ZG924aMA.j rK f45 D1a 1992-07-14_ZG924aMA.j rK f50 D1a 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f54 D1a 1992-07-18_ZGx10aMA.j rK f56 D1a 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f64 D1a 1992-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f65 D1a 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f70 D1a 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK f78 D1a 1992-07-26_ZGx10aMA.j rK f79 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK f103 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK f105 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK f106 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK f107 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f112 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f118 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO f127 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j rK f129 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f140 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j jO f141 D1a 1996-07-23_ZGx10aMA.j rK f178 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx25aMA.j rK i73 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx25aMA.j rK i74 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx25aMA.j rK i75 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q315.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q327.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q328.1 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q351.1 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q361.1 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q372.1 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q375.1 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q375.2 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q384.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q388.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q395.1 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q1 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q8 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q10 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q12 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q14 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q17 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q22 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q24 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q26 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q27 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q31 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q33 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q35 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q38 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q40 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q41 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q49 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q51 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q57 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q64 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q67 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q69 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q72 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q78 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q85 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q87 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q91 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q101 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q103 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q113 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q118 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q119 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q125 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q126 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q135 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q138 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q145 D1a 1992-07-15_MZ7QLOG.J rk q146 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q158 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q159 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q162 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q163 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q164 D1a 1992-07-16_MZ7QLOG.J rk q165 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q175 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q176 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q177 D1a 1992-07-18_MZ7QLOG.J rk q179 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q182 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q183 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q194 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q202 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q203 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q205 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q206 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q207 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q208 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q209 D1a 1992-07-14_MZ7QLOG.J rk q213 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q214 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q215 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q236 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q238 D1a 1992-07-21_ZGx21aMA.j rK q239 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q249 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q250 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q251 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q254 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q255 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q259 D1a 1992-07-22_MZ7QLOG.J rk q260 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q261 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q267 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q268 D1a 1992-07-23_ZGx21aMA.j rK q269 D1a 1992-07-23_MZ7QLOG.J rk q270 D1a 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q274 D1a 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q275 D1a 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q276 D1a 1992-07-26_MZ7QLOG.J rk q278 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q314 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q315 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q316 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q323 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q331 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q332 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q340 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q341 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q342 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q343 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q344 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q348 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q352 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q361 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q372 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q375 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q379 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q384 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q388 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q389 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q392 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q395 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q397 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q401 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q418 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q427 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q430 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q431 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q434 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q440 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q529 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q530 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q539 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q540 D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400N D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400W D99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK at time of backfill the elevation of the flooralong the E baulk -- NE corner: m1242-300 -- SE corner: m1233-270 -- mid-NS: m1242-240. -- The following are the dimensions of the areas dug lower than the central step, f44: along S, 100 cm wide for the first 150 cm from E, 170 cm for the next 100 cm; along N, 80 cm for the first 150 cm from E, narrower thereafter. D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB top of step (on f44) at highest point: m1233-140; -- E pt. 70 cm from E baulk, -140 cm from sod layer J99 1992-07-26_C7-3.J RK Section views of the N & E baulks have not been drawn. O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v3 O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v5 O15 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6 O15 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v8 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v13 O15 1992-07-20_ZH306lC2.j RK v15 O15 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v19 O15 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v20 O15 1992-07-21_ZH306lC2.j RK v21 O15 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v57 O15 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77d ; A6k218 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK ASk218 B11 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK square S of k217 B11 1996-07-03_G705RK.J rk Digging down in f102 revealed something like an endiron (much smaller than a tannur, with no vertical wall on one side). This was labelled f104. Functional relationship between f104 and ash pit f31 (??) C1 1996-07-03_G714RK.J rK Re: f102, f104. f102 does not seem to be a floor proper. The emplacement of sherds is not flat. The material presence is not orderly. C1 1996-07-07_G709RK.J rK The N half of the E terrace has been lowered to <10 cm above the W part of the locus. In the S 1/4 of the terrace is located a12, the burial. This has also been significantly lowered. The rest of the terrace (2nd 1/4 from the S) has multiple strata. The top is being collected as f108. This comes down to and includes a band of ashen ac (stones/sherds). Below this band is being named f111, although on G706 it was treated as f108. a12 was in former f108, but would now correspond to f111. C1 1996-07-08_G709RK.J rK The W baulk was prepared for removal by cutting a section along its length and scoring. It was scored as 3 bands. The top sod layer, f116, was removed without collecting sherds or bones. The layer below,f117, had grey accumulation, 14 cm at the S end and widening to 45 cm S of f36, the loose bricks in the NW corner. This was partially removed today. The rest of the baulk as it exists above the present floor of k218 corresponds to f111. C1 1996-07-08_G709RK.J rK almost all of the square is down to the same level. So layer on W baulk has been removed. The grey ac below has been partially removed. a13 has been left in the corner of the locus covered with plastic. a12 was completely removed. C1 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK The W baulk has been removed. The E half still is about 3 cm higher than the W half of the locus. So the workmen have been assigned to level the floor. C1 1996-07-21_G801RK.J rK Removal of ac at the N 1/3 of locus; new k defined. All of the area in k218 + the area in k217 S of the wall f78 has been now defined as a new locus, k21. f172 was removed; this was a cut into the layers of ac--see view 73, 73a. Recovery of f166 in this part was completed on G720. Below f166, f169 was likewise removed. f174 was defined as the red layer below the first partial gray layer in the section cut in the NW of the locus (f167). f173 was removed today. It was continuous with f169 as well as f174. C1 1996-07-23_G803RK.J rK The layer of stones (f27)--labelled a burial during MZ7--seen at the SE corner under the sod layer actually extends NS and is mostly under the baulk and in k219. Suggests burial of an adult. C2 1996-07-10_G716RK.J rK On G710 the baulk on the W should be cut down to be level with the remaining floor. The floor should be levelled, divided into four quadrants and excavated. D1a 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a12 D1a 1996-07-03_ZH306lC.j rK a13 D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f14 D1a 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK f26 D1a 1992-07-07_ZG924aMA.j rK f27 D1a 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK f29 D1a 1992-07-08_ZG924aMA.j rK f31 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f36 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f37 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f38 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK f102 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx10aMA.j rK f104 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK f108 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f111 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f116 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx10aMA.j jO f117 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j rK f122 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx10aMA.j jO f124 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx10aMA.j jO f126 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f150 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f151 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f152 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f153 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f154 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f155 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f156 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx10aMA.j rK f157 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j rK f158 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j rK f159 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j rK f160 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx10aMA.j rK f161 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f162 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f163 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f164 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f165 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f166 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f167 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f168 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f169 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f170 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f171 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx10aMA.j rK f172 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f173 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f174 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f175 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f176 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f200 D1a 1996-08-04_ZGx10aMA.j rK f209 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i49 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i50 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i52 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i53 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i54 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx25aMA.j rK i55 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx25aMA.j rK i56 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx25aMA.j rK i58 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx25aMA.j rK i59 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i76 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i78 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i79 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j rK i80 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j jO i82 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx25aMA.j jO i83 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx25aMA.j rK i84 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx25aMA.j rK i85 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx25aMA.j rK i86 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx25aMA.j rK i87 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx25aMA.j rK i89 D1a 1996-07-16_ZGx25aMA.j jO i90 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i99 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i102 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx25aMA.j jO i103 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx25aMA.j jO i104 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx25aMA.j jO i106 D1a 1996-07-22_ZGx25aMA.j rK i115 D1a 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i116 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx25aMA.j rK i122 D1a 1996-08-06_ZGx25aMA.j jO i176 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q304.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q320.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q323.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q324.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q325.1 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q326.1 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q353.1 D1a 1996-07-09_ZGx18aMA.j jO q360.1 D1a 1996-07-09_G720JO.J jo q367.1 D1a 1996-07-09_G720JO.J jo q367.2 D1a 1996-07-08_ZGx18aMA.j jO q381.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q387.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q403.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q408.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q411.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q413.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q416.1 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx18aMA.j jO q416.2 D1a 1996-07-13_ZGx18aMA.j jO q426.1 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q487.1 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q2 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q4 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q5 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q6 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q7 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q11 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q15 D1a 1992-07-04_ZGx21aMA.j rK q16 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q18 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q23 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q28 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q32 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q34 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q36 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q37 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q42 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q44 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q50 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q54 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q58 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q65 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q66 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q70 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q73 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q79 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q81 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q82 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q83 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q84 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q88 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j sT q89 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q90 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q93 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q99 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q100 D1a 1992-07-10_ZGx21aMA.j rk q102 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q108 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q110 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q114 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q187 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q307 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q308 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q309 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j jO q312 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q313 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q317 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q318 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q319 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q321 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q322 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q329 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q330 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q333 D1a 1996-07-03_ZGx18aMA.j rK q334 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q345 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q346 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q350 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q353 D1a 1996-07-04_ZGx18aMA.j jO q354 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q358 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q359 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q360 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q364 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q365 D1a 1996-07-06_ZGx18aMA.j jO q367 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q368 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q371 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q373 D1a 1996-07-07_ZGx18aMA.j jO q376 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q377 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q378 D1a 1996-07-08_TEST.J jm q381 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q382 D1a 1996-07-08_G720JO.J jM q383 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q386 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q387 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q391 D1a 1996-07-10_TEST.J jo q396 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q398 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q399 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q402 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q403 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q404 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q405 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q407 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q408 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q409 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q410 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q411 D1a 1996-07-10_G720JO.J jo q412 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jm q413 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jm q414 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jm q415 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jm q416 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q419 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q420 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q421 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q422 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q423 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q425 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q426 D1a 1996-07-13_G720JO.J jO q428 D1a 1996-07-11_G720JO.J jo q432 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q435 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q439 D1a 1996-07-14_G720JO.J jm q441 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jO q445 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jO q446 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jO q447 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jO q448 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j rK q449 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j rK q450 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j rK q451 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j rK q452 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q454 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q457 D1a 1996-07-15_ZGx18aMA.j jO q458 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jM q461 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jM q462 D1a 1996-07-14_ZGx18aMA.j jM q464 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q466 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q467 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q470 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q471 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q472 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q473 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q476 D1a 1996-07-17_ZGx18aMA.j jO q477 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j rK q478 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j rK q479 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q482 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q483 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q484 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q486 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q489 D1a 1996-07-18_ZGx18aMA.j jO q490 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q494 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q495 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q496 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q497 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q498 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q499 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q500 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q501 D1a 1996-07-20_ZGx18aMA.j jO q502 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j rK q506 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j rK q507 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j rK q508 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j rK q509 D1a 1996-07-21_ZGx18aMA.j jO q517 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q521 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q523 D1a 1996-07-22_G730RK.J rK q528 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q531 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q532 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q535 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q536 D1a 1996-07-23_G730RK.J rK q541 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j rK q544 D1a 1996-07-24_G721JO.J rK q548 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q558 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q584 D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r147 ( - 8501 / Relay location: mid locus) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r148 ( - 8491 / Relay location: SW quadrant) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r149 (42851 35862 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r150 (42493 35705 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r151 (42567 35613 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1996-07-10_G715RK-R.J rk r152 (42890 35728 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r244 (42931 35891 - 8467 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r245 (43099 35530 - 8438 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r246 (42709 35315 - 8460 / Relay location: SW) D3 1996-07-18_G731FAB.J jm r247 (42511 35706 - 8471 / Relay location: SE) D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400N D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400W D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevations -- step at E: m1248-64 -- floor: see under f26 O15 1992-07-04_ZH306lC2.j rK v3 O15 1992-07-07_ZH306lC2.j AP v6 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v13 O15 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v32 O15 1996-07-04_G802JO.J rK v51 O15 1996-07-06_G802JO.J rk v52 O15 1996-07-08_G802JO.J rk v54 O15 1996-07-13_G802JO.J rk v58 O15 1996-07-18_G802JO.J rK v71 O15 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77a O15 1996-07-29_G802JO.J rk v77b ; A6k219 A1 1992-07-04_C7-1-D.J rK ASk219 B11 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK square S of k218 B11 1996-07-24_G803RK.J rK i117-119 all three turned out not to be sealed. C1 1992-07-11_C7-3.J rK Workmen excavated the floor to another 20 cm employing the large pick. A broken (old break) sealing was found in the turned over dirt at the time of removal. A brickwall that extends from the W corner of the locus and continues an an angle into the N baulk, toward E, is clearly identifiable. What seems to be another brickwall is seen at the SW corner. Because of the finding of the sealing, workers were instructed to proceed slower using the handpick. C1 1996-07-30_G806RK.J rK The N and W baulks are being removed exposing the walls and doorways. In the doorway to the W, there is a buildup with bricks blocking the doorway. In k219-221 areas we are still above that level as of now. C2 1992-07-19_C7-3.J RK we are digging further in this square to define the walls f41,42 slightly better, as they appear to be continuation of f8 and f59 respectively. C2 1996-08-08_G812RK.J jO We will dig a test probe in the corner of f41 and f199, 170 cm NS x 80 cm EW. D1a 1992-07-04_ZG924aMA.j rK f15 D1a 1992-07-06_ZG924aMA.j rK f22 D1a 1992-07-11_ZG924aMA.j rK f35 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f40 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f41 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f42 D1a 1992-07-12_ZG924aMA.j rK f43 D1a 1992-07-16_ZGx10aMA.j rK f53 D1a 1992-07-21_ZGx10aMA.j rK f66 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j jO f149 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK f179 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK f180 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK f181 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK f182 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx10aMA.j rK f183 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f184 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f186 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx10aMA.j rK f188 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f193 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f194 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f195 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f196 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx10aMA.j rK f197 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f204 D1a 1996-07-31_ZGx10aMA.j rK f205 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx10aMA.j rK f206 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J jO f207 D1a 1996-07-31_G810JO.J jO f208 D1a 1996-08-06_G810JO.J jo f223 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo f224 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo f225 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo f226 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo f227 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo f228 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo f229 D1a 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo f230 D1a 1996-08-08_G810JO.J jo f231 D1a 1996-07-10_ZGx25aMA.j rK i57 D1a 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i117 D1a 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i118 D1a 1996-07-23_ZGx25aMA.j rK i119 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx25aMA.j rK i125 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx25aMA.j rK i135 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i146 D1a 1996-08-01_ZGx25aMA.j jO i147 D1a 1996-08-04_G810JO.J jo i166 D1a 1996-08-06_G810JO.J jo i176 D1a 1996-08-07_G810JO.J jo i178 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q20 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j sT q29 D1a 1992-07-05_ZGx21aMA.j rK q43 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j rK q45 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q52 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q55 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q56 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q59 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q61 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q62 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q63 D1a 1992-07-06_ZGx21aMA.j aP q68 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j rK q74 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q80 D1a 1992-07-07_ZGx21aMA.j aP q86 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q97 D1a 1992-07-08_ZGx21aMA.j aP q98 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q104 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q111 D1a 1992-07-09_MZ7QLOG.J aP q112 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q120 D1a 1992-07-11_MZ7QLOG.J rk q124 D1a 1992-07-13_MZ7QLOG.J rk q127 D1a 1992-07-16_ZGx21aMA.j gP q157 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q184 D1a 1992-07-19_MZ7QLOG.J rk q200 D1a 1992-07-21_MZ7QLOG.J rk q231 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q545 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q546 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q547 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q549 D1a 1996-07-24_ZGx18aMA.j jO q550 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q553 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q556 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q557 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q559 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q560 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q561 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q562 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q563 D1a 1996-07-25_ZGx18aMA.j jO q566 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q574 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q575 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q576 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q578 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q579 D1a 1996-07-28_ZGx18aMA.j jO q583 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q585 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q591 D1a 1996-07-29_ZGx18aMA.j jO q592 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q593 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q594 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q598 D1a 1996-07-30_G802JO.J jo q600 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q607 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q608 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q610 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q612 D1a 1996-07-31_G802JO.J jo q613 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q621 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q622 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q627 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q628 D1a 1996-08-01_G802JO.J jo q630 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q637 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q638 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q639 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q641 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q642 D1a 1996-08-03_G811JO.J jO q643 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q652 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q653 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q657 D1a 1996-08-04_G811JO.J jO q660 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q666 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q667 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q669 D1a 1996-08-05_G811JO.J jO q672 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J jO q679 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J jO q682 D1a 1996-08-06_G811JO.J jO q683 D1a 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q684 D1a 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q685 D1a 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q686 D1a 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q687 D1a 1996-08-07_G811JO.J jO q688 D1a 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q689 D1a 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q690 D1a 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q691 D1a 1996-08-08_G811JO.J jO q692 D3 1996-08-10_G810FAB.J fAB r900 (42001 35491 - 8295 / Relay location: SE crnr) D3 1996-08-10_G810RK.J rk r545 (42001 35491 - 8295 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-08-10_G810RK.J rk r546 (35491 - 42001 / Relay location: SE) D3 1996-08-10_G810RK.J rk r547 (35691 - 42347 / Relay location: NE) D3 1996-08-10_G810RK.J rk r548 (35344 - 42547 / Relay location: NW) D3 1996-08-10_G810RK.J rk r549 (35144 - 42201 / Relay location: SW) D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400N D21 1992-07-28_ZH306lC3.j rK 400W D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB final elevations of floor, f35: m1240-165 (see note under m1240); m1235-183 D99 1992-07-28_C7-3.J GB step at E extends 130 cm from E baulk O15 1992-07-12_ZH306lC2.j RK v9 O15 1992-07-14_ZH306lC2.j RK v10 O15 1992-07-18_ZH306lC2.j RK v13 O15 1992-07-26_ZH306lC2.j RK v32 O15 1996-08-09_G810jO2.J jO v98