; File processed on 2024-09-12 ; A6s1 B11 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK topsoil. This is the first stratum and although a disturbed upper layer, it serves a valuable function of sealing what is beneath it. ; A6s2 B11 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK Present only in k30; a crumbly black accum. containing sherds and large stones. This would have been part of the lower accum., (f304), but was affected by roots etc. It covered the wall, f303, but itself was not bounded by any architecture. In addition to the sherds, one seal impression from this stratum contribute to the evidence of living occupation. ; A6s3 B11 1997-07-06_H708RK.J rK Has walls, but no floors. Consists entirely of accummulation against the upper levels of the walls of the entire stratum. The walls could have been used, but not was walls per se. No evidence of floors or other occupation of these levels beyond sherds, bones and one seal impression.