; File processed on 2024-07-27 A9k1 B11 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo A9's SW square C1 1997-06-22_H627JO-2.j jo Wadi accumulation f21 is still being dug in k1 , a total of 25cm . No items or q items has been found in k1 . Starting elevation are relatevelly lower than k2 and k3 C1 1997-07-01_H728JO.j jo another 30cm deep of f21 k1 was dug, and it stil contenu, k1 was allredy lower than k2 as efect of the wadi which also drops more in k1 C1 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo the southern end of k1 just to the north of A6k22 was cleand, infront of the doorway a1, asharp drop of the wadi accumulation can be seen throw this section; that conferming that the wadi deposetion have started accumulating as early as the early time of the abandonmentof the building whith the same runing bath contenuasly to the highst deposetion of A9 C2 1997-06-21_H627JO.j jo Will start excavating k1, will begin removing topsoil from the highest point of the square , the NE corner of k1 C2 1997-07-02_H714JLW1.j jm continue to remove wadi accumulation f21. C2 1997-07-05_H716JLW2.j jlw continue to remove accumulation f54. Explore two areas with softer, grayer soil along the north baulk. Using one large and two small picks. Continue to trim east baulk, one of two major stratigraphic sections. C2 1997-07-08_H728JO-2.j jo after finishing diging f54 the eastern section of k1 will be drown and will remove the baulk D1a 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo a1 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a9 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a10 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f14 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo f21 D1a 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw f54 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f56 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f57 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f58 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f59 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f60 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW1.j jm i17 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q27 D1a 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q49 D1a 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q52 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q56 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q61 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q67 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q71 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q72 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q75 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q76 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jlw q84 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jm q87 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q88 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q89 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q90 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q91 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q92 D1a 1997-07-08_H729JLW.j jO q93 D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r2 (43499 35739 - 8625 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r3 (44011 36156 - 8661 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r4 (44114 35566 - 8719 / Relay location: NW corner) D20 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo 1-4 D21 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo 500 D99 1997-06-18_H620JO-2.j jm Relay 1 was taken aproximately 1 meter N of actual SW corner of k1 , because actual corner is located above 20cm S of unexcavated A9 . O15 1997-06-17_H626JO.j jo v1 A9k2 B11 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo A9's SE square C1 1997-06-18_H620JO-2.j jo Because of the sharp slope caused by the wadi , the eastern part of k2 is much higher than the western part , that is why we still diging in the eastern part of k2 and not yet reashed the level of the western porshon of k2's top soil . C1 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo There is no apearent conection between f6, f7, f10, f11, and f12, each of them form a contanjus unit by itself no assuciation with others C1 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo We thought that f6, f7, f10, f11, and f12 were burials, at this point there is no apearent shaft around the stones or eny other evidance of burials underneath any of these featueres other than the assemblege of the stones C1 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo The entier SE corner of f8 in k2 250c150cm was left unexcavated inorder to dig slowly the ashy material f22 (filling of the tannur), and to take the time to decoment a3 carfully and compleately C1 1997-06-26_H708JO.j jo Began to excavate A6k217 northern baulk , the topsoil f2 and the wadi accumulation f3 were removed by the end of h626, in h628 will start removing f17 C1 1997-06-30_H728JO.j jo feature f45 was dug with small pick in the northern half of k2, 90cm north of a5 and it was leveled, the northern section along with the secondery section between the two halfs were cleand; no traces of a northern extention of the wall f15 is seen in the section eventhough we are below the level of the top of f15 C1 1997-07-02_H728JO-2.j jo after the rremoval of a5 the four sides of the shaft were cut 5cm to in order to see the stratigraphy and the nature of the accumulation surounduing a5 which will be dug next. four bricks are seen in the southern edge of the shaft, the bricks sits on a red accumulation f45; therfor the are not part of the wall f15 as f15 countinues down to the top of f1 as it is seen from the other side of f15 C1 1997-07-02_H728JO-2.j jo despit the fact that features f27,34 and 45 are below the level of the highest preserved point of f15 its extention to the north stil does appear, suggesting eather a wide doorway to the north of f15 or it might just be pillar since we know it does not extend neather to the other three directions C2 1997-06-26_H708JO.j jo the A6k217 northern baulk (at the southern end of k2) will be removed earlier than what we had entended to inorder to expose the SW corner of a5, in main time will be able to expose the top of the wall f15 C2 1997-07-02_H714JLW1.j jm plan to remove f34 and dig down to f45. C2 1997-07-05_H716JLW2.j jlw remove the soil and last remnants of burial a5. Level square, sweep carefully and look for evidence of wall tops before removing the next layer. Using 2 large picks. C3 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo As the natural formation of k2 befor excavation has a E-W slop, at this point we have dug 170cm at the eastern end of k2 and 40cm at the western end. It is noteceble that some of k2 features (f25,f27 and f34) are lemeted only to the eastern portion of k2, these features has reletevelly flat surfuces, meaningly they dont follow the natural slop of the locus,therefore willnot be expected in lower elevation to the west. the lemetation of the extention of these features could be a result of a sepration between the east and the west of k2 locus by a N-S wall stod high in the middle up to the elevation of features f25,f27 and f34. At the time of deposetion of tese features the suggested wall should have been still exested and could be the same wall as f1 and/or f15 C6 1997-06-17_H620JO-2.j jo I was informed by workman , mohamad omu , that years ago a hole was dug in aproxematly NE corner of k2 , by unknown person(s) in a robbery attempt , he then filled it back as soon as he discovered the incident . D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a3 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a4 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo a5 D1a 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo a6 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a11 D1a 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo f1 D1a 1997-06-17_H620JO-3.j jo f2 D1a 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f3 D1a 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jm f6 D1a 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f7 D1a 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo f8 D1a 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo f10 D1a 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo f11 D1a 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo f12 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f15 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f17 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f18 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw f20 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw f22 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo f23 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo f25 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo f26 D1a 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo f27 D1a 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm f30 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f32 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f33 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f34 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f35 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jlw f36 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f37 D1a 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f38 D1a 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw f39 D1a 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo f42 D1a 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo f43 D1a 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo f44 D1a 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo f45 D1a 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo f47 D1a 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw f55 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f61 D1a 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f62 D1a 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo f64 D1a 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm i1 D1a 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jo i3 D1a 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jm i4 D1a 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i6 D1a 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i7 D1a 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i8 D1a 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jlw i9 D1a 1997-06-30_H708JLW1.j jlw i10 D1a 1997-07-01_H708JLW1.j jo i11 D1a 1997-07-01_H708JLW1.j jlw i12 D1a 1997-07-01_H708JLW1.j jlw i13 D1a 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j jo q2 D1a 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jm q5 D1a 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jm q6 D1a 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jo q7 D1a 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jm q9 D1a 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jo q10 D1a 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jlw q11 D1a 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jo q13 D1a 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q15 D1a 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q17 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q19 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jm q20 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jm q21 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q23 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q26 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q28 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q31 D1a 1997-06-26_H701JO.j jlw q32 D1a 1997-06-26_H701JO.j jlw q33 D1a 1997-06-26_H701JO-2.j jlw q35 D1a 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jm q39 D1a 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jm q40 D1a 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jlw q42 D1a 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q43 D1a 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q45 D1a 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q48 D1a 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q53 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q55 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jo q59 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q63 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q66 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q74 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q78 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jm q81 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jlw q83 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jm q86 D1a 1997-07-08_H729JLW.j jO q94 D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r5 (43499 35739 - 8625 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r6 (43293 36340 - 8781 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r7 (44011 36156 - 8661 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r8 (43763 36504 - 8788 / Relay location: NE corner) D20 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo 5-8 D21 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo 500 O15 1997-06-17_H626JO.j jo v1 O15 1997-06-20_H626JO.j jm v2 O15 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4 O15 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 O15 1997-06-30_H709JLW3.j jlw v7 A9k3 B11 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo A9's N square C1 1997-06-30_H728JO.j jo featur f49 was dug slowly with small pick, to figer out the natur of the red bricky material within the featur,no evidance of brick fall was found there C1 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo by reaching the buttom of a7 77cm deep, 10cm of the eastern edge to create a secoundery section to look throw at the stratigraphy of the features that have been cut by a7 and to determen the tipe of accumulation we are going to dig in the rest of the locus k3, f49 contenu for another 30cm followed by f63 bellow C1 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw most of the day was spent investigating small, thin areas of brick-like material, mostly in places where we were not expecting to find structural walls. There was a large, thin layer of ash in most of the locus, which seemed to be associated with a lens of densely charred material in the west baulk, which will be explored later in section. At the end of the day, we found another area of more reddish soil along the east baulk, a place where we most probably would expect a major wall to be located. C1 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw continued to excavate two main features, a large pit in the southern half of the locus and a uniform layer of accumulation to the north and to the south surrounding the pit. Seeing occasional bricky material, but no evidence of a major wall below. Approaching the excavated level of f74 in k4, an intermediate goal. C1 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw made several pick runs with large pick. On last one, began to see ashy patches and some pieces of burned roof material. This may be additional evidence of catastrophic destruction of this portion of the building (supplementing the burned brick that can be seen in f89 in the east baulk of k4 at approximately the same elevation. Exposed one stone, flat on one side, lying at an angle of 80 degrees to the horizontal. Function and context unknown, but it is the first of its type to be found in this locus since the excavation was resumed this season. Found a broken figurine, one of the few artifacts that have been found in this locus aside from grave goods. Made one final run with small picks. A few additional pieces of burned clay, a few brick pieces and a few pieces of charcoal. One conical cup bottom. C1 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw finished excavating f126 to the level of f74 in k4 and f76 in k5. Little pottery and bones. C1 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw began excavating accumulation f136, moving north along the west half of the locus. We are using a large pick, but are approaching f130, which sits in the the north, carefully in case it represents a deteriorated wall top. C1 1999-07-05_J705JLW.j jlw finished the probe of excavating a 1-meter strip of f136 along the west baulk to see if the brick fall covered a wall or its foundation. It appears that the bricky material sits on top of the ashey layer, f98, which will be carefully excavated next. C1 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw continued to excavate a one-meter wide strip of f 98 burned/ashy accumulation along the west edge of the locus. Finished that portion, but the east portion, which will remain in section for a while, remains unexcavated. C1 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw continued to excavate layers of accumulation above patio pebble floor, f80. Found what may be this feature in the northern third of the one meter-wide test excavation. The accumulation over the floor was wet and compacted, filled with a relatively large amount of sherds and bones. This may confirm the impression that it was the floor that trapped moisture and refuse and that the floor continues north into the baulk, hopefully to meet a wall. C1 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw after discovering f146, a layer of ellipsoidal stones, in the NW corner of the locus, cleaned throughly. They have the appearance of floor, f80, located in k5, but are 18 cm higher. Excavated north from k5 and south in k3 to attempt to resolve the issue of whether they are the same floor. C1 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw finished excavating the one-meter wide strip along the west baulk. Stone paving, f146, appeared in patches throughout. Continuous decrease in elevation from north to south. C1 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw after inspecting f89 brickfall in k4, we concluded that there would most likely not be a wall under under the corresponding layer, f130, in k3. Removed with large picks. Some pottery, a few bones and one stone tool. C1 1999-07-14_J714JLW.j jlw on first small pick run, found a group of large stones that ran N-S with a turn to the east near the NE corner of the locus. Accumulation was wet and gummy and quite dark. To the north of the stones we found large quantities of bone, whereas sherds were the principal artifact to the south and east of the stones. Found several seal impressions in the vicinity of the wall. C1 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw removed accumulations from around the west and north faces and the top of wall foundation/platform, f155, in order to define its shape and extents. Accumulation,f142, continued to yeild large quantities of bone. Accumulation, f99, appears to cover the pebble floor, f80, as it meets the wall. Actually, there are only scattered pebbles on this surface. Rather, it appears more like the tamped earth floor, f153, found in the interior portions of k6. At the south end of the locus, we encountered a reddish-brown lens of accumulation, f157, next to wall, f157. The accumulation on top of wall, f157, yeilded pottery, bones and some obsidian blades. The top surface of wall, f157, was rough and completely unfinished. We could find no evidence of either a brick or clay surface on the top. C1 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw began to draw sections of east baulk using trained workmen under the supervision of JL. C2 1997-06-18_H620JO-2.j jo Because of the wadi slop we will dig k3 starting from the highest point which is the NW corner of k1 . C2 1997-06-26_H708JO.j jo only the western 1/2 of locus k3 will be dug for two reassons 1st is to minimaise the the work of the dirt removing, 2nd when we get to dig the eastern portion we would have knon the stratigraphy via the western half and the section that will be created by going down in western k3 C2 1997-07-01_H728JO.j jo for not leaving a high step between the eastern half and the deeper excavated western half of k3 where features 40,41,46 and 49 were allredy dug; will dig the eastern half with brevious determnation of the exicting features C2 1997-07-02_H714JLW1.j jm f46 was exposed after removing f41. Plan to continue digging and expose more of f46. C2 1997-07-05_H716JLW2.j jlw finish leveling square, clean thououghly and look for evidence of wall tops before removing next layer. Using 2 large picks. Clean and trim north baulk, one of major stratigraphic sections. C2 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo by finishing excavating f49 will stop worling in k3 for the rest of this season to concentrate in our excavation of k1 and k2, that is also to complay with A2 and A7 new strategy of diging only in the southern squares because of the lemeted time remaind for this season C2 1999-06-27_J628JLW.j gb given the possible appearence of the expected No wall of Sector F in k3, we will open a 2 m locus to the W of k3 that will hopefully come down to the other side of the doorway that we expect opposite the doorway between kitchen room D1 and the courtyard Room F1. C2 1999-06-27_J628JLW.j gb the bricky material in k3 is clearly visible throughout the So half of the locus (except fot the ash contined at the bottom of a pit). In the No half, there remains a layer about 15cm above the brick material, which has a very different color. It still looks very probable to me that we have the top of the No wall of Sector F: to look for its possible two faces I suggest that we remove the So baulk and the No layer: Since no red is showing in the No section of k4, we should have some containment to the bricky red material just to the No of that section, and presumably the same below the layer in the No half of K3. C2 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j gb the new locus k8 (west of k3) will be 3m instead of 2m wide. The reason is that, if there is a sector No of Sector F that has some symmetry to Section D, we would expect a cross wall in the extension of the new locus. C2 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw tomorrow (J703) we will level with a small pick run, clean, and suspend work until k6, k7 and k8 reach the same elevation before resuming excavating k3 to k8 as a single unit. C2 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw we will stop here and await the excavation of the total k3, k4, k5, and k6 surface together as a unit, beginning from the west at the N-S line of stones north of doorway a17. D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a2 D1a 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo a7 D1a 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo a8 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl a14 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl a15 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a16 D1a 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f4 D1a 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f5 D1a 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo f9 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f13 D1a 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f16 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo f19 D1a 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo f24 D1a 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo f28 D1a 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo f29 D1a 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm f31 D1a 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw f40 D1a 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw f41 D1a 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo f46 D1a 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo f48 D1a 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo f49 D1a 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jlw f50 D1a 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo f51 D1a 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo f52 D1a 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo f53 D1a 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo f63 D1a 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo f65 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f94 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f95 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f101 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f102 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl f103 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl f104 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw f106 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw f107 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl f108 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl f109 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl f111 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f113 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f114 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f126 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f130 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f136 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f142 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f146 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f147 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f155 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f156 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f157 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f164 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f165 D1a 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jlw i2 D1a 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i5 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW1.j jo i14 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW1.j jo i15 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW1.j jo i16 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW1.j jo i18 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW1.j jo i19 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW1.j jo i20 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl i37 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl i38 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i39 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i40 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i43 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i44 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i48 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i50 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i51 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i53 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i55 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i58 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i60 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i62 D1a 1999-07-15_J806JL2.j jl i64 D1a 1999-07-15_J806JL2.j jl i65 D1a 1999-07-17_J806JL2.j jl i67 D1a 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j thy q3.1 D1a 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo q1 D1a 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j jo q3 D1a 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jm q4 D1a 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jm q8 D1a 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jo q12 D1a 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q14 D1a 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q16 D1a 1997-06-24_H630JO.j jlw q18 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jm q22 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q24 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q25 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q29 D1a 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q30 D1a 1997-06-26_H701JO.j jlw q34 D1a 1997-06-26_H701JO-2.j jlw q36 D1a 1997-06-26_H701JO-2.j jlw q37 D1a 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jm q38 D1a 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jlw q41 D1a 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q44 D1a 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q46 D1a 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q47 D1a 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q50 D1a 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q51 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q54 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q57 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q58 D1a 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q60 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q62 D1a 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q64 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q65 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q68 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q69 D1a 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q70 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q73 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q77 D1a 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q79 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jm q80 D1a 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jo q82 D1a 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jm q85 D1a 1997-07-08_H729JLW.j jO q95 D1a 1997-07-09_H729JLW.j jO q97 D1a 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q213 D1a 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q214 D1a 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q215 D1a 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q216 D1a 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q217 D1a 1999-06-20_J620JL.j jl q218 D1a 1999-06-20_J620JL.j jl q219 D1a 1999-06-20_J620JL.j jl q220 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q221 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q222 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q223 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q224 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q225 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q227 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q228 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q232 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q233 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q237 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q241 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q242 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q243 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q247 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q251 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q252 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q258 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q260 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q263 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q266 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q269 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q271 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q272 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q273 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q274 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q280 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q281 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q288 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q291 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q294 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q295 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q298 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q299 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q305 D1a 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q307 D1a 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q310 D1a 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q313 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q318 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q327 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q333 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q345 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q347 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q359 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q363 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q364 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q368 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q376 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q386 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q389 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q404 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q424 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q426 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q432 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q433 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q434 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q435 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q437 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q440 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q449 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q451 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q454 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q455 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q457 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q459 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q460 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q461 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q463 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q464 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q471 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q475 D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r10 (43836 36323 - 8720 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r11 (44491 36025 - 8823 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r12 (44315 36500 - 8821 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-06-18_H619JLWR.j jm r9 (44012 35841 - 8689 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r151 (44344 36006 - 8425 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r152 (44239 36321 - 8425 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r153 (43866 36202 - 8425 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r154 (43992 35871 - 8425 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r151 (44344 36006 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r152 (44239 36321 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r153 (43866 36202 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r154 (43992 35871 - / Relay location: SW corner) D20 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo 9-12 D21 1997-06-16_H620JO-3.j jo 500 O15 1997-06-17_H626JO.j jo v1 O15 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j jo v9 O15 1997-07-27_H728JO-4.j jo v12 O15 1999-06-20_J806JL2.j jl v17 O15 1999-06-20_J806JL2.j jl v17a O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28c O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28d O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28e O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28f O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28g O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O15 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v50 A9k4 B11 1997-07-08_H728JO-4.j jo k1 + k2 C1 1997-07-19_H728JO-3.j jo secoundary baulk in the middle of k4 is removed to the level of the rest of the locus, f70 and 73 were removed C1 1997-07-20_H728JO-3.j jo in prepration to lemet excavation to the tranch f73 is being leveld in the entier locus C1 1997-07-21_H728JO-3.j jo the eastern extention of A6 northern baulk is being dug in the follwing up down order f2,f8,f27,f34 and f45 C1 1999-06-14_J615JLW.j jlw first day of excavation in A9 in season 12. Working in f74, resuming exploration to find the extent of the paved brick floor, f84. Pottery unremarkable, as we are still seeing material carried down form the hill to the north and retained by the major N-S wall A6f76. C1 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw began excavating f136 with large picks. We did not find much artifactual material and are removing this accumulation to get to the ashey layer just below where we expect to find a lot of preserved material. C1 1999-07-05_J705JLW.j jlw finished excavating f136 and began excavating f98, an ashey layer underneath, in the western half of the locus. We are preserving a baulk along the western edge of the eastern half to monitor the stratigraphy. C1 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw excavated f 98, an ashy layer of soil, throughout the western two-thirds of the locus. Eastern part being preserved in section for reference. C1 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw excavated all of ashy layer, f98, in west part of locus. Remains very difficult to keep layers separated during excavation. For whatever reason, the layers of accumulation seem to be better separated to the east and north, away from the doorway, a18. C1 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw excavated about a one-meter strip of accumulation, f100, to follow floor, f80, immediately below from k5 towards the doorway, a18. C1 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw completed following floor, f80, from k4 to doorway a18. One continuous, complete strip linking the north edge of k3 and all of k5 to the south edge of k4 and wall f97. There is a relatively steady decrease in elevation from north to south totalling 20 cm. C1 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw traced the south edge of the stone floor, f150, which was discovered in k6 along the north edge of wall, f124, east and linked it with floor, f80, which had been originally found in the test probe k5 at the end of 1997, and had been traced south through k4 two days ago. Began excavating accumulation, f87, the east portion of the locus. Made one run with large picks, preserving the brick fall that was a part of f89. Inspection revealed that there was accumulation under the bricks, so we conclude that they fell from somewhere else and were not the top bricks of a wall below. The accumulation under the bricks was very dark gray. Just to the south, under a very dense, hard accumulation in the SE corner, we found the top of a jumble of material including stones and baked bricks. Designated this layer f154. C1 1999-07-14_J714JLW.j jlw began again to excavate accumulation f99 towards the east from the exposed pebble floor, f80, in order to be able to vertically excavate layer 154, which is expected to contain important artifactual material. Finished excavating accumulation f98. C1 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw continued to excavate accumulations, f99 and f100, between walls, f157 and f1. We are continuing to approach layer, f154, carefully. In preparing for a photograph that will show the contrasts in color and texture between various accumulations in the SE corner of the locus, may have cut a corner of brickwork that may extend from the south side of wall, f157, to the north side of wall, f1. C1 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw continuing the process of leveling along the eastern perimeter, attempting to get all the locus to the level of the pebble floor, f80. C1 1999-07-22_J723JLW.j jlw drawing section of east baulk in preparation for removal by A12 as part of their excavation to find the north boundary of the plaza. C1 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw excavating around doorway a18. Exposing the faces of walls f97 and f1 and excavating the lower levels of the doorway. Found baked brick threshold, f176 at the north end of the doorway. Probably associated with pebble floor, f80. C2 1997-07-15_H728JO-3.j jo will leave a secoundary baulk unexcavated to the west of a12, 140cm wide 400cm long and will excavate to the east and to the west of it C2 1997-07-19_H728JO-3.j jo will contenu removing f69 fill of a12, will contenu also diging the remaining portion of f70 at eastrn k4, will start diging f73 at western and the middle of k4 C2 1999-06-14_J615JLW.j jlw to manage the findings from such a large locus (combination of two squares k1 and k2) we will divide k4 into 4 quadrants, Q1 thru Q4, roughly equal in size, whose borders run north-south. Q1 is to the east while Qa is on the west. Although we intend to eventually excavate all to the level of first occupation of AK, we will ignore Q4 for the moment to assist in getting dirt to the train which is to the west of k4. Findings will be separated in to q-lots associated with a particular quadrant. We plan to work as quickly as practicable to clear f74 (the last locus in k4 excavated in 1997), so that we can reach the level of the f80 and f84 floors. C2 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw tomorrow we will excavate accumulation, f98, to the east with small picks to carefully approach layer, f154, which we expect will contain important artifactual material. D1a 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo a12 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a18 D1a 1997-07-08_H709JLW1.j jo f66 D1a 1997-07-09_H709JLW1.j jo f67 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f87 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f88 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f89 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f90 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f91 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f92 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f93 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f96 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f97 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw f105 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f140 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f154 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f163 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f171 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f176 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f178 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f190 D1a 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw f193 D1a 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw f194 D1a 1997-07-13_H728JO-4.j jo i21 D1a 1997-07-13_H728JO-4.j jo i22 D1a 1997-07-15_H728JO-4.j jo i23 D1a 1997-07-16_H728JO-4.j jo i24 D1a 1997-07-16_H728JO-4.j jo i25 D1a 1997-07-19_H728JO-4.j jo i26 D1a 1997-07-19_H728JO-4.j jo i27 D1a 1997-07-20_H728JO-4.j jo i28 D1a 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl i32 D1a 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl i33 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl i34 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl i35 D1a 1999-06-17_J620JL.j jl i36 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i45 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i47 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i49 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i52 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i59 D1a 1999-07-17_J806JL2.j jl i66 D1a 1999-07-17_J806JL2.j jl i68 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i69 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i70 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i71 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i72 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i73 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i75 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i76 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i80 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i90 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i91 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i92 D1a 1997-07-09_H729JLW.j jO q96 D1a 1997-07-09_H729JLW.j jO q98 D1a 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q99 D1a 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q100 D1a 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q101 D1a 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q102 D1a 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q103 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q104 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q105 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q106 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q107 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q108 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q109 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q110 D1a 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q111 D1a 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j jO q112 D1a 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q113 D1a 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q114 D1a 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q115 D1a 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q116 D1a 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q117 D1a 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q118 D1a 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q119 D1a 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q120 D1a 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q121 D1a 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q122 D1a 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q123 D1a 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q124 D1a 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q125 D1a 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q126 D1a 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q127 D1a 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q130 D1a 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q131 D1a 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j jO q134 D1a 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q135 D1a 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q141 D1a 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q145 D1a 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl q200 D1a 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl q201 D1a 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl q202 D1a 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q203 D1a 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q204 D1a 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q205 D1a 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q206 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q207 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q208 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q209 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q210 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q211 D1a 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q212 D1a 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q226 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q229 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q230 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q231 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q234 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q235 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q236 D1a 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q238 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q239 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q240 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q244 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q245 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q246 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q322 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q324 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q328 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q332 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q334 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q336 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q341 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q344 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q346 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q349 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q353 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q354 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q356 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q357 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q358 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q362 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q365 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q367 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q369 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q370 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q372 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q373 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q374 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q378 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q388 D1a 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q400 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q403 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q406 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q416 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q417 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q418 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q425 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q427 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q436 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q438 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q442 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q452 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q453 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q466 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q467 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q469 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q472 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q474 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q476 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q477 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q479 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q480 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q484 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q485 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q486 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q487 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q488 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q489 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q491 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q492 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q493 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q499 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q502 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q503 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q504 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q505 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q507 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q510 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q511 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q513 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q515 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q518 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q521 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q522 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q528 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q530 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q531 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q535 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q540 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q551 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q556 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q557 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q561 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q563 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q567 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q571 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q573 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q574 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q575 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q579 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q582 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q584 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q586 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q588 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q589 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q591 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q596 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q597 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q599 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q601 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q604 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q610 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q612 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q613 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q629 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q635 D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r143 (43320 36214 - 8344 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r144 (43712 36335 - 8344 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r145 (44490 35575 - 8344 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r143 (43320 36214 - 8395 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r144 (43712 36335 - 8395 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r145 (44490 35575 - 8395 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r189 (43687 35900 - 8326) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r190 (43419 35778 - 8325) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r191 (43421 35726 - 8327) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r192 (43391 35702 - 8331) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r193 (43592 35246 - 8320) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r194 (43681 34876 - 8323) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r195 (44193 35056 - 8361) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r196 (43938 35640 - 8310) D3 1999-07-06_J706JL-R.j jl r197 (43789 35606 - 8307 D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r366 (44265 35866 - 8331 / Relay location: k4) D21 1997-07-08_H728JO-4.j jo 1000cm E-W D21 1997-07-08_H728JO-4.j jo 400cm N-S D99 1997-07-08_H728JO-2.j jo by removing k1 eastern baulk, k1 and k2 are joient together as one open area geven new locus nummber (k4). the lemetation of k4 are the k4 (k1 + k2) northern section to the north, a1, A6f78 and A6f16 to the south O15 1997-07-27_H728JO-4.j jo v12 O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19 O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19a O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19b O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19c O15 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28a O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28b O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O15 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32 O15 1999-07-26_J806JL2.j jl v38a O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v38 O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v41 A9k4e C1 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw excavating inside the pebble perimeter in the western sector of the locus. Excavating the eastern sector between walls, f155 and f1. A9k5 B11 1997-07-20_H728JO-4.j jo trunch C1 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo diging throw the paking f82 to define the bricks f81 uncovered another layer of bricks below both f81 and f82,the lower bricks f84 seme to expand even below the stone paved floor f80 to the eastand towards the north below the northern baulk and to the south. it does not extend to the west. C1 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo f84 slops down east below f82 where f80 sits on, therfor f84 will not be exposed in the east at this point C1 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo features 80 and 81 might form a mixed bricks stone paved floor C1 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw began to excavate using Suliman and Kamiran. Using wheelbarrows to carry dirt to the top of the hill. Increased the east baulk to 190 cm to match the eastern excavation limit line of A11. C2 1997-07-22_H728JO-2.j jo will extend k5 to the west of a12, k5 will include small part from A2 C2 1997-07-23_H728JO-2.j jo will dig only a length of 200cm E-W in the middle of k5 facing the doorway a1 for the rest of the day h723 and also h724 (the last day of excavation), this way will be able to go deeper by lemeting our excavation on this short remaining time of excavation C2 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo contenu diging down in k5 to reach Ak floor, by now we are 50-40 cm higher than the closest AK floor in A6k22 (sector D) D1a 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f98 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f99 D1a 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl f100 D1a 1997-07-22_H728JO-4.j jo i29 D1a 1997-07-23_H728JO-4.j jo i30 D1a 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j jo i31 D1a 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q128 D1a 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q129 D1a 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j jO q132 D1a 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j jO q133 D1a 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q136 D1a 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q137 D1a 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q138 D1a 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q139 D1a 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q140 D1a 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q142 D1a 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q143 D1a 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q144 D1a 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q146 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q147 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q148 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q149 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q150 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q151 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q152 D1a 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q153 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q624 D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r116 (43684 36116 - 8394 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r117 (43566 36071 - 8393 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r118 (43807 35279 - 8390 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r119 (43931 35321 - 8388 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-24_O114JW3R.j jo r124 (43754 35910 - 8349 / Relay location: middle deep NE) D3 1997-07-24_O114JW3R.j jo r125 (43645 35873 - 8348 / Relay location: middle deep SE) D3 1997-07-24_O114JW3R.j jo r126 (43765 35526 - 8347 / Relay location: middle deep SW) D3 1997-07-24_O114JW3R.j jo r127 (43865 35559 - 8348 / Relay location: middle deep NW) D3 1997-07-25_O114JW3R.j jo r128 ( - 8385 / Relay location: south SE corner) D3 1997-07-25_O114JW3R.j jo r129 ( - 8389 / Relay location: south SE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r147 (43950 35643 - / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r148 (43795 35600 - / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r149 (43680 35908 - / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r150 (43835 35970 - / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r147 (43950 35643 - 8395 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r148 (43795 35600 - 8395 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r149 (43680 35908 - 8395 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r150 (43835 35970 - 8395 / Relay location: NE corner) D20 1997-07-20_H728JO-4.j jo 116-119 D21 1997-07-20_H728JO-4.j jo 120cm N-S D21 1997-07-20_H728JO-4.j jo 800cmE-W A9k6 B11 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl A2, unsure k or f#, adopted by A9 C1 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw continuing to excavate the platform of accumulations to the north of the wall separating Sectors B and F. Seeing an occasional hint of what may have been floors and packing, but since we were looking for a wall we did not thoroughly document each one as we might have. The changes were subtile. After breakfast, when we became aware of the stratigraphy available in the unexavated doorway immediately to the south that had been covered with burlap and plastic for several years, we began excavating that, a17, to attempt to link the two sectors. C1 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw covered doorway, a17, and sherd floor, f120 to preserve these delicate features. Postponed excavating a17 as proposed by gb a few days ago in order to expose more of f120, if it exists. C1 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw when excavating the last 25 cm of k128 (the platform in the NE corner) found a hard-packed surface under which was fill, underwhich was a sherd and pebble layer. Suspended excavation of this to prepare a section for a photograph. If this is a floor, it would mark the first level of post-AK occupation. However, it could also be the foundation for an eastern retaining wall to accompany a wall which was part of post-AK houses built above and excavated in A2 in 1997. This part of A2 was incorporated into A9 for this excavation season in order to have access to what we believe was a major couryard. Ceased excvating this portion in order to prepare for a photograph of this possibly stratigraphically interesting set of features (floor f132, fill f133, layer f134 and wall f135). C1 1999-07-05_J705JLW.j jlw excavated the area just to the north of the doorway a17. The goals were to determine the western extent of a line of stones , f117, that extends northward from the east end of the doorway; and to excavate an ashey layer f116 that extends directly north from the doorway. Excavating from the east face of the stones, at first it was difficult to discern the depth of f116 and some mixing with a more red layer, f138, under it probably occurred. Changed q-lots as soon as we could pick up f116 to keep the sherds properly segregated. C1 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw ashy layer continues in much of the east part of locus. We are approaching the stone wall/threshold, f117, that may help define the use of the large open space that encompasses at least parts of k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, and k9. C1 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw removing a final thin layer of accumulation, f98, from the entire locus to prepare for photographs of the stratigraphy displayed at various levels now existing between the north baulk and doorway a17. Thoroughly cleaned at the end of the day. C1 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw spent the first part of the morning cleaning and preparing for photographs of the entire locus. Problems prevented completion of the photos and they will be taken again on J712. Began removing f99 accumulation. At the end of the day, found a section of pebble floor in SE corner. Designated f150. Almost certainly linked to f80 in k5 and k4 and f146 in k3. A number of seal impressions are being found in the accumulations f98 and f99, just above. C1 1999-07-12_J712JLW1.j jlw took a series of photographs to illustrate the complete stratigraphy of the AK building occupation which was displayed in the various platforms that had been excavated in previous years and now were exposed in our effort to bring all of what had been A2 and A7 down to the level of the patio courtyard. Excavated f99 accumulation to the level of a pebble floor, f150, that is similar in appearance to the f80 floor. Most likely linked. Pebbles extend less than one meter to the north from major E-W wall, f124, merging with a tamped earth floor, f153, that may have been surfaced in plaster or gypsum. C1 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw continuing the process of leveling, working westward toward the outward limits of the south portion of what had belonged to A7. C1 1999-07-21_J723JLW.j jlw continuing to excavate platforms along western boundary. Using large picks to remove the top two meters, then small picks to excavate the last 50 cm above the level of the pebble floor, f80. One large stone, about 110 cm long and 40 cm wide, oriented E-W is abut 4 m north of doorway a17, approximately centered on the opening. Found a large deposit of broken pottery to the west of doorway, f167, in previously excavated pit, f168. C1 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw continuing leveling platforms of old uncompleted A2/A7 excavations. Found calcareous floor, f174, which does not seem associated with any walls. Found large bronze axe head, i89. Train has been removed and we are carrying dirt to a nearby pile to use it as backfill. C1 2000-07-25_K725JLW.j jlw removed a small, free-standing pillar of accumulation from the NW corner of the west face of E-W wall, f___. It had probably been left standing to protect a brick corner which was no longer there. C1 2000-07-25_K725JLW.j jlw removed a small, isolated, 1 cubic meter platform, 7m to the west of the west face of wall, f___. Technically, it belongs to A7, but is isolated form other features, except the stone wall wbich it abuts. See sketch _____. Four bags of sherds and one of bone. After a hiatus of several years, all context for the material has been lost, so it was discarded. C2 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j gb we decide to leave unexcavated the NW portion of k6 so as to obtain a good photo that will show to its best advantage the full stratigraphic sequence with: AK walls and presumed stone paving; the burnt layer (f116) which is beginning to appear and which may mark the end of the palace occupation with f132 to f135; the doorway accumulation and the floors of the post-palace AK occupation; and the beginnng of AH occupation with f132 to f135. C2 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw as we have begun the major excavation of the patio, beginning in the deep probe k5 and moving layer by layer to the west, north, and south, we must prepare k6 by defining the extent of the line of stones, f117, just to the east of doorway a17. We will remove accumulation f116 with a small pick to expose the balance of f117 which it appears at least in part to cover. C3 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw it seems to me that the collection of features (f132, f133, f134) is more likely a foundation for a retaining wall to butress wall f135 to the west. Although we were excavating with large picks, I believe we would have found evidence of a floor and sub-floor further to the east as we approached the west face of wall f135 from that direction. As there appears to be at least one course of brick in the north baulk atop the proposed floor 132, I believe that the collection was in a trench dug for a wall foundation. C4 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j gb I forgot that while digging in f110/f116 we were coming up to the doorway to room B1. We still have a stratigrahpic link, and we'll now clear the doorway, look again at the section from the south (room B1) and follow it to room F1. C99 2000-07-25_K725JLW.j jlw due to the fragile nature of the pillar, it was not possible to take an elevation. However, it was at the same approximate elevation as f110 and f116, which marked the transition to Phase 3 in the coourtyard. Sherds were taken to the house for preliminary analysis, which confirmed the provenance. D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a17 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl f110 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f115 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f116 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f117 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f120 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f123 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f124 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f125 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f127 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f128 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f129 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f132 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f133 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f134 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f135 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f141 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f150 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f153 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f158 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f167 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f168 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f172 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f173 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f174 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f181 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f182 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f184 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f186 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f187 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f188 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f189 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f191 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f192 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i42 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i54 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i56 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i57 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i77 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i78 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i79 D1a 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i82 D1a 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i83 D1a 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i84 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i86 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i88 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i89 D1a 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i93 D1a 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i94 D1a 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i95 D1a 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i96 D1a 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i97 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q248 D1a 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q249 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q250 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q253 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q254 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q255 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q256 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q257 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q259 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q261 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q262 D1a 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q264 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q265 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q267 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q276 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q285 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q286 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q289 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q292 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q297 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q302 D1a 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q309 D1a 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q314 D1a 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q315 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q316 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q317 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q321 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q325 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q335 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q338 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q361 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q381 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q384 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q387 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q393 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q407 D1a 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q410 D1a 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q411 D1a 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q412 D1a 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q414 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q470 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q483 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q506 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q514 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q516 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q517 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q523 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q524 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q525 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q526 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q527 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q532 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q533 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q534 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q536 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q538 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q539 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q541 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q542 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q546 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q548 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q549 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q550 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q553 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q554 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q555 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q560 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q562 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q568 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q569 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q570 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q572 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q577 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q578 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q583 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q587 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q592 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q595 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q598 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q600 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q603 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q606 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q607 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q611 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q614 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q615 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q616 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q617 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q618 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q625 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q626 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q627 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q628 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q631 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q632 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q633 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q634 D1a 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q636 D1a 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q638 D1a 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q642 D1a 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q643 D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r137 (43602 35235 - 2114) D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r138 (43740 35310 - 2064) H1 1999-07-31_J806JL2.j gb I am assuming a poor, non-palace reuse of the courtyard immediately following the destruction of AR and the start of the mid-floors in AK. The stone arrangement by the doorway to section B of AK might have re-used stones of the curtain wall to the W end of the courtyard. This immediate re-use of the original surface is analogous to the tannurs on the pavement and floor in A12. I99 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j gb [sr] the bricks f135 and floor/ac f132 to f134 are, I believe, the lowest levels we have of settled occupation (as distinct from scatterd occupation) above AK. It is in line with the top of the walls between sectors B and F, and lower tahn the walls in sector D. K5 2000-07-25_K725JLW.j jlw 10YR 6/2. M2 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j gb the presumed western paving, f84,in room F1 may link up with one of the thresholds in the doorway, a17. Floor accumulation, A1f113 ought to be below paving f84, and so we should get a good link to corresponding accumulations in room F1. O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19 O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19a O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19b O15 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19c O15 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O15 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O15 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O15 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d O15 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O15 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O15 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 O15 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37b O15 1999-07-29_J806JL2.j jl v40 O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v39 O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v41 O23 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j gb will take a picture of the NW corner as it is now to serve as a guide for a good picture when all is clean. A9k7 B11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl E of k 3 C1 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw work still suspended awaiting excavation of adjacent squares to the east in A11. D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i41 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q268 D1a 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q270 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q275 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q277 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q278 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q279 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q282 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q283 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q284 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q287 D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r155 (44239 36485 - 8791 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r156 (44084 36833 - 8864 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r157 (43711 36696 - 8780 / Relay location: SE corner(m2035)) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r158 (43860 36324 - 8710 / Relay location: SW corner(m2026)) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r159 (44321 36497 - 8818) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r160 (44145 36970 - 8906) D3 1999-06-26_J626JL-R.j jlw r161 (43683 36795 - 8863) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r156 (44084 36833 - 8846 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r159 (44222 36257 - 8818) O15 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j jl v20 O15 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j jl v20a O15 1999-07-10_J806JL2.j jl v24 A9k8 B11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl W of k 3 C1 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw excavated approximately a meter of topsoil, k121, and the accumulation, k122 below. Lots of pottery and a few bones. A sharp contrast in texture delimited the boundary between topsoil and the accumulation below. We are maintaining a 50 cm baulk to the east for safety purposes, and lowering at least once per day. C1 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw continued to excavate as rapidly as possible. Some time lost because of problems with the dirt train. Moderate amounts of pottery, some bone and a few artifacts (bead and stone tool). No architecture. C1 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw made excellent progress today, with 3 large pick runs and dirt removal from yesterday. The extra workmen helped immensely. However, we need the new wheelbarrows to climb the steep slope. C1 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw excavated pot in north baulk, which turned out to be part of a burial. While looking through sherds found half of a small bowl. Found associated pieces in last q-lot excavated at that level. Also noticed another small pot (orange in color) deeper into the baulk. Did not excavate at this time. Excavation suspended pending excavation of k9 to the NE, which has a greater prospect of coming down on any wall complex associated with the patio discovered in k5 in the 1997 season. May resume if extra workmen become available. C1 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw made one more pick run to better define f152, a stone platform. It is possible that it is the foundation for a wall for a major building, but there is too little of it exposed to make a final determination. C2 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw plan on using new removal team to expedite excavation of this locus. We will carry dirt uphill and build new berms to protect this year's excavations. D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a19 D1a 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a20 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f118 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f119 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f121 D1a 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f122 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f137 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f148 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q290 D1a 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q293 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q296 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q300 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q301 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q303 D1a 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q304 D1a 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q306 D1a 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q308 D1a 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q311 D1a 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q312 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q319 D1a 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q320 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q329 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q330 D1a 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q398 D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r173 (44759 36164 - 8792 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r174 (44647 36033 - 8792 / Relay location: NE corner) O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v55 A9k9 B11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl W of k3 C1 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw began excavation this date. Made several pick runs, using wheelbarrows to transport the dirt uphill. Removal people suggested that they would rather pass the dirt by buckets, so we will try that tomorrow. Some pottery and a few basic artifacts. C1 1999-07-05_J705JLW.j jlw continued to excavate rapidly with 3 large picks. Found a large quantity of sherds along east baulk. At the end of the day, exposed what looks like a wall, a sherd and pebble surface, and an in situ door socket imbedded in a brick mass along the north baulk. C1 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw continued to define brickwork in the No end of the locus. Looks like a threshold for a doorway (f 143), a sherd layer (f 139) and a wall (f 138). As it is at about the same elevation as houses already excavated in A7, A2 and A11, gb has proposed that all these are linked in a single settlement around the courtyard, which at the time of the houses was long abandoned. C1 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw finished cleaning and photographing the collection of features that define what is likely to be parts of several houses and a path between them. Then, resumed excavating the southern half of the locus. We are still deciding whether to keep the north part intact in order to display the link between settlements to the east and west of A9. There was a deep sherd and stone layer, f139, that extended N-S down the middle of the square, but we only saved the northern part. The architecture is very close to the surface and probably has been heavily eroded by the wash down the gully, which runs from north to south. C1 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw continued to excavate the southern part of the locus. gb stated that we will attempt to take the kite photograph that shows the link between A7/A2/A9/A11 late occupation houses in the next day or so, then resume excavating in the norhern part, which would be difficult to excavate as an isolated entity with a deep trench alongside. At the end of the day, began to expose some large stones along the southeastern edge of the locus. Function not yet known. C1 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw continued to excavate the southern half of the locus. Awaiting the results of kite photos to see when we may resume excavation of the northern half. C1 1999-07-12_J712JLW1.j jlw still excavating in the southern half of the square. Found that the tanuur, f151, was placed atop a massive platform, f152, made of large stones. f152 extends north into the partially excavated portion of k9 and west into the west baulk. C1 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw resumed excavating the north half of the locus, since the kite photos can use platform f152 as a reference in linking the A7/A2 Khabur western housing sections to the A12 section to the east. C1 1999-07-14_J714JLW.j jlw continued to level the north half of the locus. An interesting piece of a female figurine was found, probably out of context. C1 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw removed all of accumulation, f144, covering massive stone wall, f152. North and south portions now at approximately the same level. Still finding large quantities of sherds throughout. Thoroughly cleaned at the end of the day to facilitate analysis of next phase in excavating this locus. C1 1999-07-17_J717JLW.j jlw began to remove accumulation between stone wall, f155 and the east baulk. After several pick runs shifted to remove part of south baulk, which was beginning to get dangerous, since there was a two meter drop to the north and a four meter drop to the south. C1 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw seeing evaporative layering east of wall, f152. No apparent containment to the south. There is at least 50 cm of ashy accumulation from the extant top of tannurs, f151 and f160 to a possible floor surface, which will not be excavated this year due to the need to rapidly excavate the east portion to look for a northern wall to match f15 to the south. C1 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw finished cleaning the stone foundation, f152, and the tannurs, f150 and f161, in preparation for final photographs. C1 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw continued to dig eastern half quickly to reach the level of the plaza floor and locate its possible north boundary wall and a doorway, which we would expect to mirror walls f97, f124 and f1 and doorway a18 respectively. Working 10 people overtime to accomplish this. At the end of the day, had about 2 meters to go to reach the pebble floor. C1 1999-07-28_J728JLW.j jlw excavated the south east quarter to the expected level of the pebble floor in k3, f146. C2 1999-07-06_J707JLW.j gb the interpretation of spatial arrangement suggested under M2 indicates that we may be at the edge of the upper sectors of the "palace." We will leave the No portion of k 9 in place, at least for a while, in order to obtain a view of a somewhat contiguous exposure of the kate settlement area from A7 and A2 to A11 over A9. Excavation in the southern part of k 9 may be sufficient to lead us to the AK walls in the Northern portion of sector F, if these walls served as a girdle for the build-up of the later settlement around the courtyard/bowl of A9. C2 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw We will stop excavating the west half for this season in order to preserve the structure for more extensive analysis in the future and concentrate our attention on the east half where we want to excavate to the level of the pebble floor by J729. C2 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw tommorrow, J726, plan to use a large pipe to move dirt to wheelbarrow below because lift from present level is just too high to safely perform. D1a 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a21 D1a 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a22 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f131 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f138 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f139 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f143 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f144 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f145 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f149 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f151 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f152 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f159 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f160 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f161 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f162 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f166 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f169 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f170 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f175 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f177 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f179 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f180 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f183 D1a 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl f185 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i46 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i61 D1a 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i63 D1a 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i74 D1a 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i81 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i85 D1a 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i87 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q323 D1a 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q326 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q331 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q337 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q339 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q340 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q342 D1a 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q343 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q348 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q350 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q351 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q352 D1a 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q355 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q360 D1a 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q366 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q371 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q375 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q377 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q379 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q380 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q382 D1a 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q383 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q385 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q390 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q391 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q392 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q394 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q395 D1a 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q396 D1a 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q397 D1a 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q399 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q402 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q405 D1a 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q408 D1a 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q409 D1a 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q413 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q415 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q419 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q420 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q421 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q422 D1a 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q423 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q428 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q429 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q430 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q431 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q439 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q441 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q443 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q444 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q445 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q446 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q447 D1a 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q448 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q450 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q456 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q458 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q462 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q465 D1a 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q468 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q473 D1a 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q478 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q482 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q490 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q494 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q495 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q496 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q497 D1a 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q498 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q500 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q501 D1a 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q512 D1a 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q520 D1a 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q529 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q537 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q547 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q552 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q558 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q559 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q564 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q565 D1a 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q566 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q576 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q580 D1a 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q581 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q585 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q590 D1a 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q593 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q594 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q602 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q605 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q608 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q609 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q619 D1a 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q620 D1a 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q630 D1a 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q637 D1a 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q639 D1a 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q640 D1a 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q641 D1a 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q644 D1a 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q645 D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r175 (44323 36500 - 8820 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r176 (44499 36032 - 8829 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r177 (44963 36206 - 8949 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r178 (44796 36674 - 8915 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r179 (44702 36639 - 8890 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r180 (44870 36170 - 8933 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r202 (44758 36147 - 8823 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r203 (44692 36315 - 8823 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r204 (44793 36359 - 8823 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r205 (44772 36428 - 8833 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r206 (44492 36327 - 8781 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r207 (44464 36415 - 8784 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r208 (44734 36521 - 8835 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r209 (44725 36539 - 8851 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r210 (44711 36533 - 8851 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r211 (44687 36603 - 8855 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r212 (44704 36611 - 8856 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r213 (44577 36588 - 8820 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r214 (44594 36544 - 8810 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r215 (44533 36522 - 8801 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r216 (44517 36567 - 8803 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-10_J710JLWR.j jlw r231 (44966 36206 - / Relay location: k9 NW cnr) D3 1999-07-22_J722JLWR.j jl r294 (44686 36638 - 8619 / Relay location: Deep cut) D3 1999-07-22_J722JLWR.j jl r295 (44330 36504 - 8619 / Relay location: Deep cut) D3 1999-07-22_J722JLWR.j jl r296 (44390 36324 - 8619 / Relay location: Deep cut) D3 1999-07-22_J722JLWR.j jl r297 (44788 36435 - 8619 / Relay location: Deep cut) M2 1999-07-06_J707JLW.j gb the discovery of a wall and good sherd floor in the northern part of k 9 is very interesting because it differs from everything else we saw in this general area. It marks the link between A7/A2 and A11 as organized settlements. To the south there is the large "empty quarter" of A9. This seems to support the perception I developed in MZ10 that there was a horse-shoe build-up around the exposed portion of AK, and that this corresponds to a raised or terraced portion of AK, where presumably the residential quarters of the king were located. The "empty quarter" of A9 would be, as hypothesized in 1997, the courtyard which developed into a bowl, where dumping and occasional burying took place. O15 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j jl v23 O15 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v26 O15 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v26a O15 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29 O15 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v50 O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v50a O15 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v54a A9k10 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks less rectangle 100E by 250N that is part of k7 and that was partially excavated in MZ12. C1 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw began to remove topsoil/backfill, f209. Located N-S brick wall, f211, that had a yellow tag on it, "f20", presumably from the 1990 excavation there. C1 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw while looking at the previous day's work in the early morning light jlw noticed that there were several distinct courses of bricks extending E-W across the entire baulk. Designated f243. gb suggested that they may be part of a retaining wall and platform to support the architecture in k11 to the north. Although the first cut across the top line of bricks indicated that there was less than 10cm of brick to the north of the south baulk face, vp suggested that excavation of a pit associated with a tanuur, f248/a27, on the eastern edge might allow us to cut a N-S section to clarify the situation. C1 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j vp Ali dug the fill in the f215 and cleaned the NE side of the baulk, for the photograph,v59. The light yellowish brown fill, c# 10YR6/4, was very soft. vp took a relay in the center of the f215, before Ali to remove it. Later, after a careful observation of the N baulk top, where it was possible to see distinctly the end of WE brikwall f243, about 1mW, Ali cut a trench with the big pick. In the same time, Tariq was digging in the W side of the locus, where some days ago we found a stone floor f230 with a brick wall f211; we suggested it would be a grave. Tariq started in the NW corner of k10. There, until 1,50m south, there was an accumulation enough compact, where the section shown clear material on the top (about 10cm) and some very confused lines red and black (ash)inside of it in the bottom until the soil. After the removing of that, it was possible to see the section of the W baulk and more bricks of f211 on the E. Then, Tariq dug the SW corner of k10, 2mN and 1mE, and found a white, compact floor with some pottery flat on the top. Waiting for a new day of dig, to clarify the situation, we thought it part of the same structure f211. Finaly we cleaned all the west side of the locus. C1 2001-07-03_L704JLW.j vp Tariq cleaned very well features f235, f230 and f211 in the SW and helped vp prepare for the relays. Ali dug the accumulation, f214 in the NE corner of the north baulk to expose the many phases of brickwork there. He cleaned sections in the N, E, and W sides as he had dug from the south. In the NW corner of the section, we could see that the wall foundation, f231, had turned to the west, confirming evidence seen when we were excavating the floor, f251, in the SE quarter of k11. We cleaned for a more clear exploration in the morning light. C1 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j vp Ali cut very well the the section S of the left over accumulation between f231 and the N baulk, and with Tariq saw there some bricks. Then, they both, with vp, took the measures of the top and compared them with the f231 width. The width of it, with the addition of the E-W brick width, f243, was the same; therefore we conclude that it is a corner. Then, Ali dug the accumulation, f214, for about 20cm to see well the N and W sections of the trench. During the dig, he found an E-W rodent hole, f262, in the middle of f214, that conuued west under the f231 wall until about the middle of the locus. C1 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j vp jlw and vp, waiting for a more clear situation after a new dig, decided to consider the f211, f230, f235, f270 as an aggregate, a30, supposing it could be a grave. Ali and Tariq started to dig the accumulation f264, within the walls WE f271 and NS f211, where it was possible to see an hard and cleanly soil, co light gray c# 10YR7/1, with small stones and sherds, flat on the surface, f265. Under of it they found a softer and darker soil, f266, co brown c# 10YR5/3. Tariq found there 2 small fragments of bronze. There wasn't evidence of any grave. Then, they cleaned the area. jlw and vp decided to wait for a better light, to understand the situation of the SW corner of K10. C2 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw remove the backfill and extend the west baulk to meet that of loci 11 and 21. C2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw we will continue to remove the N baulk, exercising care to look for continuations of N-S walls into k11. C2 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j vp we will continue to dig the west side of the locus to clarify the meaning of the accumulation, f250. Also, we will dig the fill of the tannur f215 inside of the pit f248, in the NE corner of the baulk N, and clean that side for a picture. We will remove both and cut all the corner NE with a trench, to can see the section of the WE brick wall f243, evident on the top of the baulk N. C2 2001-07-03_L704JLW.j vp we will continue to clean the SW corner of k10 to see the bricks of f211; then, we will take relays of the architecture in the SW corner. Also, Ali will contine to dig the NE corner to explore the structure of the brickwork there. C2 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j vp we will continue to dig only the NE corner to see better the sections N and W of the baulk trench. Also we will become clear the situation in the corner between the W side of N-S wall, f231, and the N baulk, where the 1990 excavators left some accumlation, which they assumed was brick. C2 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j vp we will continue to dig in the SW corner of k10 to clarify the possible connections between the NS w f211, the pv f230, the pb f235, the WE w f270. Ali and Tariq will dig there. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a23 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a26 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a27 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a30 D1a 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw f209 D1a 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw f211 D1a 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw f213 D1a 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw f214 D1a 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw f215 D1a 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw f216 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f219 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f226 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f227 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f230 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f231 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f232 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f235 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f243 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f245 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f246 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f248 D1a 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw f250 D1a 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw f253 D1a 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw f259 D1a 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw f262 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f264 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f265 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f266 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f270 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f271 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f272 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i103 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i104 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i105 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i106 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i123 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i124 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i127 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q660 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q662 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q663 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q666 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q667 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q674 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q684 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q692 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q695 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q698 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q699 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q703 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q705 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q707 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q709 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q716 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q722 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q731 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q732 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q733 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q734 D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2560 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500S D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 600W O15 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v59 O15 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60 O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v71 A9k11 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw removed topsoil, f206, and began to remove accumulation, f207, from the west extension of the locus. C1 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw began to remove the backfill/topsoil, f210, from the portion of the locus that had been excavated in 1990. C1 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw began to excavate in accumulation, f217. C1 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw we found a well defined floor, f247, above which were a strainer,i113, a goat horn, i114, and a bone needle, i112. The floor had a surface that appeard to contain small flakes of what may be gypsum. Found a possible seal impression, i116 in the fill of pit a29. C1 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw we cleaned for the photograph, v58. Suliman excavated south of the wall, f228. We uncoverd a deteriorated floor surface, f251, which had many broken sherds lying flat on or near the topmost section that could positively be verified as a floor. vp compared it to the elevation of floor, f247, to the north of f228 and found them identical, 8803. Later, Suliman tried to identify the exact location of N-S wall, f238. in the west baulk. He found hard, dense accumulation next to the west end of the E-W wall, f228. Then, on his own initiative, he began to explore near the baulk N of where he was working. He removed a lot of material going west and only inspection in the morning light will tell whether he was correct in his assumptions. If he was wrong, we have preserved the former configuration through v58. C1 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw Suliman's continued explorations of wall, f238, revealed that it was, instead, banded accumulation with an eroded top that gave the appearance of brickwork. We removed it carefully to expose the west face of the E-W wall, f228, which did not appear to have been joined with a cross wall. Suliman discovered what appeared to be a smaller brick western extension, f228. Kamiran finished excavating pit, a29. Suliman also found what may have been the foundation for a cross-wall for the N-S fill/foundation, f225, which runs the entire length of the locus. C1 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw we clarified the small westward addition, f258, to wall, f228. Possibly it is a jamb for a door, but it is only about 30 cm tall, making that use unlikely. The east side of wall, f228, is definitely cut by foundation, f225, but there is no evidence that it continues or turns on the eastern side of f225. Therefore it is possibly that f228 is a curtain wall serving some purpose in an open courtyard. The presence of the unused tannur on the northern side supports this, but the gypsum-like particles on floor, f247, argues for an interior function. Cleaning of the NE corner of the baulk following the removal of the pit, a29, revealed that there may have been an eastern leg of the N-S oriented foundation, f231. We found more of floor, f247. C1 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw completed v60. Suliman and Kamiran continued to excavate the western half of the N baulk. They belive that they have found brickwork, so work proceeded slowly. Since the result is messy and uninformative, we will cut west and north sections to inspect. C1 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw Suliman and Kamiran cleared away all obvious signs of accumulation. What remains is confusing mass of corners and levels of bricks and and/or very hard material of the same color. The situation results from a combination ancient pit cuts and two excavations 11 years apart. jlw believes that it may be another platform, similar to the one in k21 just to the north, particularly since the bricks, which can be seen in section on the west baulk, are also virtually the same color as the surrounding accumulation, which also is not soft. We will await a consultation with gb before designating features. C1 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw attempted to define brickwork in the north baulk that would possibly be the last of the Phase 4 architecture before the Khabur pise foundations directly above were installed. Found what at first appeared to be several layers of bricks, f295, which had been cut by later Khabur pits in several places. Overall it gives the impression of a living surface or platform, rather than a wall. Further observation revealed that this feature is most likely a mud cement platform/foundation. C2 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw we will extend the locus one meter to the west of the west baulk to capture the maximum amount of information about the transition from A7 and A2 to A9. A false baulk of a bit less than a meter to the west will remain. C2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw we will continue to attempt to determine the stratum assignment of the N-S fill/wall foundation. f225, by excavating the pit, a29, and the accumulation, f217 to its south. Also, we will attempt to find the floor between the E-W wall, f228, and the N-S wall, f238, which, based upon the unused tannur, f239, and several nice artifacts, must be there. C2 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw we will continue to clarify the situation south of the mid-locus E-W wall, f228. Also, we will clean for a picture of the floor surface of f247. C2 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw we will continue to clarify the wall structure in the west side of the locus. If we can find the resources we will continue to dig the large pit with the khbur sherds, a29. C2 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw we need to do some touch up work to assist in our understanding of the phases of construction and use of the walls and floors previously excavated. We must also remove the north baulk and finish excavating the west side of the pit, a29, which was cut by foundation, f231. C2 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw finish excavating the N baulk before moving on to k23. Photograph the entire locus in connection with k10 and k21 to illustate the various phases represented by the architecture. C2 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw clarify the situation with respect to the possible brickwork in the west side of the north baulk, shich is being removed. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a24 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a28 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a29 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a33 D1a 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw f206 D1a 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw f207 D1a 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw f210 D1a 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw f217 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f218 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f220 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f221 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f222 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f223 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f225 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f228 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f229 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f234 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f236 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f238 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f239 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f240 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f241 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f247 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f249 D1a 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw f251 D1a 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw f252 D1a 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw f256 D1a 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw f258 D1a 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw f260 D1a 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw f261 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f267 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f268 D1a 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw f269 D1a 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw f295 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f356 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f357 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f358 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f359 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i107 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i108 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i111 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i112 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i113 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i114 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i115 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i117 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i119 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i120 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i122 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i125 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q657 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q658 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q661 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q664 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q665 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q668 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q669 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q670 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q673 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q675 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q677 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q678 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q680 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q682 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q683 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q687 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q689 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q693 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q694 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q696 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q701 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q704 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q708 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q710 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q711 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q712 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q715 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q720 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q721 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q723 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q724 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q725 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q727 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q730 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q736 D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2572 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500S D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 600W H99 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw after Tariq carefully cleaned the N baulk and cut fresh sections in the far NE corner, two courses of brick, f267 could be seen running E-W from the E baulk to the foundation, f225. The two meet perpendicularly. Furthermore, the E baulk section showed that, although it had been cut by the pit, a29, there was, immediately to the south, another line of material, f268, similar to that contained in the foundation, f225. Evidence of this continued upward, ending at the topsoil layer. This foundation-like material had cut another pit, f269, which could only be seen in section. Before the sections were cut, it appeared as if f268 may have joined with f225. However it is now clear that pit f269 was earliest, followed by foundation f268, followed by pit a29, followed by foundation 225. O15 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v58 O15 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60 O15 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60b O15 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v70 O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 A9k14 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw removed a large pile of stones and soil contained in a two meter square area in the NE corner of the locus, f242. It contained a large quantity of pottery and a door socket, i116. Towards the end of the day we found bricks, f244, several courses high in the far SE corner of the locus in the E baulk. C1 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw jlw inspected the bricks in the SE corner of the east baulk, f244, before work began. Although they are organized vertically, there are pockets of accumulation that cut into the north side. There is no evidence of the bricks in the south baulk. The accumlation in the entire locus, f237, is the same throughout, alternating soft and firmer patches. We have often seen this in portions of A9 already excavated to the south and west and have attributed them to a combination of material brought down from higher elevations by water and mixed with loess carried in by wind. At the end of the day, a substantial patch of brickwork was discovered in the SE corner. We will inspect it carefully in the morning. C1 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw we uncovered about a 2 meter square patch of bricks, f255, in the SE corner of the locus. Continued excavation throughout the day helped to clarify its extent but no more architecture was revealed. C1 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw carefully excavated about 20 cm of accumulation from around brickwork, f255. Anwar and Mizer found a line of bricks, f263, extending west from the NW corner of f255. C1 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw Anwar and Mizar finished all but about an hour's worth of excavation, which focused on the NE corner of the locus. Work proceeded slowly because there were tantilizing hints of organized brickwork that proved to be rubble. The line of bricks, f263, shows several courses on the south face. However they do not extend even one brick-width to the north. C1 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw Mizar finished cleaning. One well preserved upper third of a jar, i128, and two bones that may be human, q735, were found. C2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw now that the locus is leveled, we will begin to excavate uniformly to look for evidence of walls, which from the architecture in A11 immediately to the south, we should soon begin to find. C2 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw we will continue to dig down uniformly in the locus until we encounter architecture, which should appear before the day is done, base upon the results in surrounding loci. We will use large picks and clean and inspect after each pick run. C2 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw we will inspect the brickwork exposed at the end of the day on L702 to determine its extent and evaluate the possibilites of finding more evidene of structures before moving up the tell to the east. C2 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw continue to dig in the northern half and the SW quarter of the locus to expose more architecture. C2 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw smooth out excavated area in preparation for moving to new locus. D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f233 D1a 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw f237 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f242 D1a 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw f244 D1a 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw f254 D1a 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw f255 D1a 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw f263 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i109 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i110 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i116 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i118 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i121 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i126 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i128 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i137 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i138 D1a 2001-10-03_LX03JW1.j jlw i155 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q676 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q679 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q681 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q685 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q686 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q688 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q690 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q691 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q697 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q700 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q702 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q706 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q713 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q714 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q718 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q719 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q726 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q728 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q729 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q735 D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r563 (44293 36917 - 8888 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r564 (44146 37306 - 9002 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r565 (44521 37431 - 9037 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r566 (44666 37057 - 8927 / Relay location: k14) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2573 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v67 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v67a O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v74 A9k15 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Abbreviated E-W to match eastward excavation limit of A11 in MZ12. Locus defined to include N baulk which will not be excavated this season. C1 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw dug topsoil, f292, in the entire locus. At the end of the day, began to encounter accumulation, f300, underneath. C1 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw continued to excavate accumulation, f300. Found a relatively unorganized cluster of bricks in the NE quadrant, f302. C1 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw continued to see patches of brick along the south corner of the east baulk. Careful excavation by Suliman is revealing more courses of brick to the south. Removed the patch of baked and unbaked bricks, f302, in the NE corner, where the seal, i138, was found. C1 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw continued to excavate to search for architecture that may reflect continuation of the large walls in A11 immediately to the south. Found accumulation, f308, under accumulation, f300. Began to see the top of a very large wall in the eastern half of the locus. C1 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw finished excavating accumulation, f308 around wall, f309. Stopped to preserve the wall structure for future seasons when the structures in the vicinity can be thoroughly excavated. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a35 D1a 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw f292 D1a 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw f300 D1a 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw f302 D1a 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw f308 D1a 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw f309 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i140 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i141 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i142 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i143 D1a 2001-07-18_L920JW1.j vp i148 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q782 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q787 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q791 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q794 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q797 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q801 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q806 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q807 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q811 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q813 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q815 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q816 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q819 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q822 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q827 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q830 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q833 D3 1999-06-16_O226JW2R.j jl r607 (44105 37396 - 9027 / Relay location: SW corner top (m2575)) D3 2001-07-09_LX02JW1R.j vp r607 ( - / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-11_L711VP-R.j vp r604 (44490 37523 - 9059 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-11_L711VP-R.j vp r605 (44381 37818 - 9143 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-11_L711VP-R.j vp r606 (44005 37683 - 9116 / Relay location: k15) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2575 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 330E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v63 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v66 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v66a O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v66b O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v66c O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v66d O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v75 A9k21 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw removed what turned out to be backfill, f200, from the east portion of the locus. Removed a narrow wedge of material, f201 to align the north baulk with the grid we now use. We used a single lot, q653 for all material as stratigraphy was unclear. There will be no east baulk because it had been excavated in 1990. The eastern half of the locus had previously been excavated to a depth of more than 1 meter as seen in the north baulk. Uncovered a large 6 sqaure meter horizontal mudbrick surface, f205, just under a thin layer of topsoil, f202. Discovered a 1 square meter layer of melon-sized stones, f204 in the previously excavated section. Extended the locus about 2 meters to the west to trace the westward extent of the brick surface, which slopes gradually down from north to south. C1 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw we found the west face of f205 located about 20cm east of the eastern excavation limit of A7, explaining why the platform did not appear in that section. We found a brick retaining wall, f208 at the apparent south face of the bricks, f205. Undoubtedly the original wall rose to the level of the horizontal part and the downward slope results from erosion down the slope. C1 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw brushing revealed the horizontal outline of a pit, f212, half visible, protruding from the north baulk. Took relay of 3 points on the perimeter. C1 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw continued to clear backfill/topsoil. Eleven years of vegetative cover had blurred the distinction, but in this case we saw plastic sheeting. Discovered a tannur, a23, in the NE corner. Components include the body, f215 and the fill, f216. Separated tanuur fill from surrounding accumulation, f214. C1 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw explored along the eastern side of platform, a25, to find the east edge of the foundation. C1 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw Tariq clarified the westward extent of the brick pavement, f205, in the NW corner of the locus. We found a possible seal impression and several Khabur sherds, the first ones that we have found that have not been in a pit. This means that tentatively, the platform can be assigned to Phase 5. C1 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw continued to clarify the relationship between the foundation of the platform, f273 and the wall foundation, f225, to the south. It now appears that the east side of the platform foundation is built upon another foundation that is wider than the platform itself and that is joined with f225. Recorded and emoved a small line of stones, f277. Encountered a new layer of accumulation, f276, under accumulation, f274. Encountered another group of stones, f279, under the f277 stones. C1 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw finished clearing the floor accumulation (determined to be so by the number of sherds and specks of charcoal), f224, but did not excavate the large stone paving, f205, which appear to sit in f224. C1 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw explored the features on the surface after careful cleaning the dirt deposited by foot traffic along the baulk. Found two bricks, f284, at elevation 9085, that may be aligned with those of the platform, a25. Found two large, flat stones, f285, at elevation 9087, that appear to be placed in line with the stones in f205, to the south that are at elevation 8942. C2 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw we will continue to explore the nature and westward and southern extent of the brick surface, f205 in the NW corner of the locus. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a25 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f200 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f201 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f202 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f204 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f205 D1a 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw f208 D1a 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw f212 D1a 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw f224 D1a 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw f257 D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f273 D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f277 D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f279 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f284 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f285 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f347 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f350 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f351 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f352 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f353 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f354 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f355 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i129 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i130 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q653 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q654 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q655 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q659 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q671 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q672 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q717 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q740 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q743 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q744 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q746 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q747 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q748 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q751 D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r688 (45454 35469 - 8973 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r689 (45747 35575 - 9046 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r690 (45109 36158 - 8951 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r691 (45490 36296 - 9076 / Relay location: k21) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2566 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500S D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 750W O15 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v56 O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 A9k22 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw after reming topsoil, f195, we immediately began to see evidence of living spaces. These included a mud brick surface, f197, a layer of stones and sherds, f196 and a hard layer of accumulation, f198, all in the northern two-thirds of the locus. A softer accumulation, f199, was located in the southern third. C1 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw vp excavated a narrow, rectangular block of accumulation, f203, contained within accumulation, f198, that possibly could have been a later burial. Nothing found. C1 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw began to remove the architecture that was immediately beneath the topsoil when the locus was first excavated in the first days of the season. Removed wall, f197, stone and sherd layer, f196 and what we believed at the time to be an accumulation, f198. Now, there is some indication that it may be part of a pise foundation or platform, some of which are found in other Khabur settlements on the tell. Also began to remove accumulation f199 in the south half of the locus, which was considerably softer than f198. New features include a hard accumulation, f293, in the north half, in which is a softer pocket of accumulation, f293. In the SE corner, just under f199, there is an E-W line of bricks, f296 which runs along the south baulk. C1 2001-07-12_L712VP.j vp Tariq and Ali dug in K22; they started to dig with small picks the top of the accumulation f198,for about 15 cm.Then they continued to remove the layer on the NE corner of the locus, f196. That layer was formed by some small stones and pottery mixed with clean ground, c#10YR6/3 co pale brown. It was possible to draw parallels between that feature and the f278 on the NW corner of K23. Then vp did a sketch of the w f197 on the NW corner of K22, before to remove it. Even jlw and vp had suggested to dig until the f199, showing the whole locus north section, the dig was stopped when a new situation became visible; it was possible to see, under the old features f196,f197,f198, an hard accumulation with a very big pit along it. The color of the pit, c#10YR6/3 co pale brown, wasn't very different from the accumulation one's, c#10YR7/3, but naturally the ground within the pit was softer. C1 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw continued digging to define the architecture. Further excavation of accumulation, f294, revealed that it covered a short, single N-S line of bricks, f298, in the NW quadrant that extended south out of the north baulk. Under f199, in the SW quadrant there was an accumulation, f299. C1 2001-07-14_L714VP.j vp Tariq and Ali started to dig the f294 in the N-half of the locus, called as a pit from jlw and vp, at the end of the later dig day. Though either, the color and the texture of the fill, looked like a pit, after the dig it was possible to see that it wasn't enough deep. Then Tariq and Ali started to clean with the brushes the S-half of the locus a f199, where Tariq found some bricks in the SE corner. They continued to dig very carefuly there and Tariq found a W running EW until about the center of the southern side of the locus, f296. At the same time, Ali dug the SW quadrant of the locus, about 15cm deep, where it was possible to see, under the a f199, an accumulation softer then the higher one's and, maybe, a pit on the center between both. C1 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw finished excavating the SW corner of the locus in accumulation, f301, under f299. We originally believed that it was the fill for a pit because it was very ashy. However, a pair of E-W sections, one through the middle and one along the N baulk revealed that it is really an ashy accumlation that rises in elevation from west to east. The eastern containment is not obvious at this point, although f296 may bound it to the south. C2 2001-07-14_L714VP.j vp we will continue to dig in k22 to understand well the situation come out yesterday. Tariq and Ali will dig there. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a34 D1a 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw f195 D1a 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw f196 D1a 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw f197 D1a 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw f198 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f199 D1a 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw f203 D1a 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw f293 D1a 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw f294 D1a 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw f296 D1a 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw f298 D1a 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw f299 D1a 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw f301 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i98 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i99 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i100 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i101 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i102 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q646 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q647 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q648 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q649 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q650 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q651 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q652 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q656 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q783 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q784 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q785 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q786 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q789 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q790 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q795 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q799 D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r684 (45490 36296 - 9076 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r685 (45344 36672 - 9073 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r686 (45109 36158 - 8951 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r687 (44967 36531 - 8959 / Relay location: k22) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2560 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v56 O15 2001-08-02_L928JW.j jlw v79 A9k23 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-07-07_L707VP.j vp we opened the day to take the relays of the new locus k23 corners; r538 to r541. Then, Ali and Tariq removed the top soil,,f274, c#10YR6/4, co light yellowish brown. About 20 cm under the top soil, it was possible to know the same accumulation in the East half of k23, f274, and in the south of the West half, c#10YR6/3 co pale brown. In the NW corner we found a very interesting layer of clean ground, c#10YR7/3, co very pale brown, within stones and sherds, pb, f278, looking like the f196 of k22. We decided to take both the elevations to compare them. Then Ali and Tariq cleaned all the locus. C1 2001-07-08_L708VP.j vp we took the relays of the perimeter of f278 in the NW corner of k23. Then Tariq and Ali removed that feature, where found a very big quantity of pottery, 5 q-lots. We saw that all the pottery from here shows a white very thin film on the surface. We tried to see if the pottery flat on the ground in the f196 ,NE corner of k22, shown the same film too. It was possible to see that film. We decided to ask Prof. Castelletti, the botanical specialist, to investigate. Ali and Tariq removed all the f278 and cleaned the area. They left some stones between the W section and the locus. C1 2001-07-10_L712VP.j vp Ali and Tariq started to dig with the big picks the accumulation f276, under the top soil f274 of k23. The whole locus shown the same accumulation c#10YR6/3 co pale brown, middle hardness, enough clean. At the end of the day, it was possible to see some bricks running NS in the NW quadrant of the locus, visible on the N section too, f288. jlw and vp decided to wait the new day for a better test of them after they dried out. C1 2001-07-11_L712VP.j vp Ali and Tariq dug in k23; they started to dig the a f276,in the south half of locus and continued in the north half too. About 10cm down they found two different groups of bones; the first one, just animal bones q773 was in the SE quadrant and the second one, bones and fragments of cooking pots with traces of firing q776, north of the first one. vp took the elevation of both. In the same time, after an in-depth test of f288, vp and Tariq decided that there weren't bricks, but just a very hard accumulation. The whole locus shown the same accumulation. C1 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw resumed excavating in this locus in accumulation, f276. Uncovered a new accumulation, f303, beneath it in the eastern half. C1 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw at the beginning of the workday, jlw noticed that there was a N-S line in the west part of the locus that seemed to demarcate the darker accumulation, f304 , from the lighter material associated with wall, f288, which appears to be a late, one-brick-wide addition to an earlier, more substantial structure. Tariq excavated carefully and may have exposed the west face of a badly deteriorated wall, or a foundation. In addition, he found regular, alternating patches of red and gray brick-like material in the south along the span of the wall. C2 2001-07-07_L707VP.j vp we will start to dig the new locus, k23. Ali and Tariq will dig there. C2 2001-07-08_L708VP.j vp we will remove the pb, f278, in k23. Ali and Tariq will dig there. C2 2001-07-10_L712VP.j vp we will continue to dig all the locus. Ali and Tariq will dig here. C2 2001-07-11_L712VP.j vp we will continue to dig on k23, to look for some new evidences about the bricks on the NW quadrant f288. Ali and Tariq will dig there. We will open a new locus on the east, k15. We will draw two sections of the NE corner of k11: Castro will draw them. D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f274 D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f276 D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f278 D1a 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw f288 D1a 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw f303 D1a 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw f304 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i131 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i134 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i136 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q737 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q738 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q739 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q742 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q745 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q749 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q750 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q752 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q753 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q754 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q755 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q756 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q757 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q760 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q762 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q766 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q768 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q770 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q773 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q776 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q777 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q779 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q780 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q803 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q804 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q808 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q809 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q812 D3 1999-06-16_O226JW2R.j jl r540 (44926 36641 - 8954 / Relay location: SW corner (m2561)) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r538 (45312 36769 - 9050 / Relay location: K23) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r539 (45174 37145 - 9047 / Relay location: k23) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r541 (44791 36993 - 8947 / Relay location: k23) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2561 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v78 A9k24 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw Mizar opened this new locus. We reserved a qlot for the pottery after clearing away material used to divert water from the excavation, but then discovered plastic sheeting that indicated that there was also backfill covering the topsoil. We will start collecting pottery from this locus on L708. C1 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw finally cleared away backdirt and began to excavate topsoil, f275. Progress slower than hoped for because all three active loci are generating large quantities of soil which must be removed through the pipe, which is in constant use. C1 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw at the end of the day, finally reached the first layer of accumulation, f287, under the topsoil, f275. C1 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw continued to excavate large quantities of accumulation, f287, with modest amounts of sherds. Very similar to conditions in upper levels of k14 to the south. C1 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw continued to excavate with no signs of significant architecture. At the end of the day uncovered two organized lines of stones, running E-W and N-S in the middle of the north baulk. C1 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw continued excavating accumulation, f287. Uncovered large stones organized into an "L" shape, f297, along the north baulk, more or less in the center. C1 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw continued excavating accumulation, f287. Exposed nearly all of the large jar, i139, which we hope is resting on a floor, even though it is tilted 90 degress to one side. C1 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw continued to carefully excavate the large jar, i139, in the west half of the locus. At the end of the day, just as the last of the accumulation was being cleared from the bottom edge, a hard surface appeared, with the hard, crusty accumulation that is typical of a surface that has served as water containment. We assume that this is a floor, f306, upon which the jar rests. The western containment may be the wall, f288 in k23, while the eastern containment is not known. C1 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw excavated the soil from the large pot, i139. Found human remains and two shell beads, qlot 825. Removed the accumulation, f305, from the east side of the locus. There were 4 q-lots of pottery from the SE quarter alone. C1 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw began to explore the nature of a combination of accumulations surrounding accumulation f306, which we once believed was a floor that had retained water in a basin-like space between walls. Began to remove accumlation, f314, in the NW corner which was dark and soft. Removed a 1m by 2m block of accumulation, f313, from the SE corner. Began to scrape f306 thoroughly and found a pinkish oval mass of brick-like material, f315, in the middle of the southern third. C1 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw began to explore the nature of the accumulations under what we first believed was a floor, f306, but now appears to be sediment from standing water. There was pit fill, f314, along the west baulk. We now believe that the the large jar burial, a36, was included in a smaller pit partially hidden in the west baulk, f317. Excavation of accumulation, f313, in the SE corner yielded a very large quantity of pottery (6 q-lots). At the end of the day, we began to excavate along the south baulk under f306. Here, accumulation, f319, was very clean, perhaps reflecting abandonment and subseqent ponding, which produced the hard crust, f306. C1 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw continued to look for brickwork as we dig deeper, analagous to that found in k14 to the south. Began to remove the mud plaster structure, f325. It is very hard and does not yield easily to the large pick. Unlike accumulations elsewhere in the locus, there are very few sherds. fab said that there were mortar walls similar to this one in A16. Therefore we have tentatively identified this feature as a wall. even though there is no evidence of an accompanying floor surface nearby. The pinkish, clay oval structure, f315, appears to be tapering to a point as we dig around it. There is the possibility that it is the bottom of a small pit that we did not notice as we dug overlaying accumulations, but we have not ruled out other interpretations. C1 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw removed what is probably a mud wall or wall foundation, f325, in the NW corner. C1 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw finally reached a pebble and sherd level surface, f336, beneath the accumlation, f319. This helps to explain the laminations and hard surface seen and reported above it. The floor would have served as a barrier to normal percolation of water. We can clearly see in section of the north baulk a buildup of accumulation against the cement wall, f , in the northeast corner. A very large stone vessel, i153, was found resting on the floor, f336. It resembles a door socket in some ways, but it also possibly could have been used for grinding or de-husking a cereal product, since the hole in the stone is conical rather than cylindrical. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a36 D1a 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw a41 D1a 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw f275 D1a 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw f287 D1a 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw f297 D1a 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw f305 D1a 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw f306 D1a 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw f313 D1a 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw f314 D1a 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw f315 D1a 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw f317 D1a 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw f319 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f325 D1a 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw f336 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f345 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f348 D1a 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f349 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i135 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i139 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i144 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i146 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i147 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW1.j vp i152 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW1.j vp i153 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q741 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q758 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q759 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q763 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q767 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q769 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q771 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q772 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q775 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q778 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q781 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q788 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q792 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q793 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q796 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q798 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q800 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q802 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q805 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q810 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q814 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q818 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q820 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q821 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q823 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q824 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q825 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q826 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q831 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q835 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q836 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q838 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q839 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q841 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q842 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q844 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q846 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q848 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q850 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q858 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q862 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q863 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q864 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q868 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q874 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q877 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q880 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q885 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q886 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q890 D1a 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q892 D1a 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q893 D1a 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q895 D3 1999-06-16_O226JW2R.j jl r545 (44749 37106 - 8949 / Relay location: SW corner (m2562)) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r542 (45137 37237 - 9072 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r543 (44616 37467 - 9048 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r544 (44987 37637 - 9133 / Relay location: k24) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2562 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v64 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v65 O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v72 O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v72a O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v73 O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v77 O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v77a O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v77b O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v77c O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v77d A9k25 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Abbreviated E-W to match eastward excavation limit of A11 in MZ12. Locus defined to include N baulk which will not be excavated this season. C1 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw cleared up to a meter of backdirt from an overhanging berm and plastic sheeting that had covered the topsoil in preparation for full excavation on L717. C1 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw began removing topsoil, f307, after removing up to 1 meter of overburden, consisting of backdirt and part of a berm. C1 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw finished removing topsoil, f307, and began removing accumulation, f312. C1 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw continued to dig down to find the first evidence of wall tops along the northern extension of the MZ12 excavation limits of A11. Found a layer of pebbles, f318, in the NW corner just under the topsoil, f307. On the last pick run of the day, began to see bricks that correspond to those of wall, f309, in k15. C1 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw continued to look for brickwork, which we expect by analogy to locus 15 to the south. One large wall, f328 is now clearly defined in the SE quarter. In the NW quarter, below the sherd and pebble layer, f318, was a flat floor surface of fist-sized pebbles, f326, which seems to match in section a similar surface in k24. Between the wall and the floor surface is a very dense, hard accumulation containing bits of charcoal. This is typical of a living accumulation and may be evidence of late scattered occupational use of the site. C1 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw concentrated on defining the set of late phase features encountered below the first layer of accumulation, f312, under the topsoil, f307. These inclued a sherd and pebble floor, f326 in the NW corner, a very hard accumulation, f329, in the middle of the eastern half and the top of a substantial mudbrick structure, probably a wall, f328, in the SE corner. Ceased excavation in this locus to preserve the wall for future season's excavation of this portion of the unit. D1a 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw f307 D1a 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw f312 D1a 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw f318 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f326 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f328 D1a 2001-07-22_L919JW.j jw f329 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i145 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q817 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q829 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q834 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q837 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q840 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q847 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q849 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q853 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q860 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q865 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q867 D3 1999-06-16_O226JW2R.j jl r732 (44571 37573 - 9071 / Relay location: SW corner (m2574)) D3 2001-07-22_L722JLWR.j jlw r704 (44474 37854 - 9146 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-22_L722JLWR.j jlw r705 (44962 37711 - 9124 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r680 (44866 37997 - 9235 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r681 (44964 37708 - 9123 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r682 (44933 37730 - 9069 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r683 (44737 37190 - 9147 / Relay location: k25) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2574 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 330E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v76 A9k31 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. Minor adustment at SW and NE corners to accommodate MZ6 step trench excavation. C1 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw began to clean the topsoil and backfill from this locus. C1 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw found a yellow disk with "f21" written on it that was nailed into a horizontal surface that contained scattered baked bricks, f281. Found a very substantial wall, f283, along the north edge of the excavated portion, whose alignment is somewhat to the east of the current grid. Found the grave containing the remains of a small child, f283, cut into the north baulk and into f282. Began to dig accumulation, f286, in the SW corner, under f280. C1 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw traced a horizontal brick surface extending on the west side of the locus from the south edge through the north baulk. It is clearly a part of the platform, a25, which now extends 10 meters N-S and over 4 meters E-W. Encountered an E-W course of baked bricks, f289, as well as more yellow plastic tags with the numbers "f16", "f19", "f21", "f32", "f38", and "f49". gb recalled that there was a large multi-chambered tomb excavated in A3 in 1990. A search of the records at home revealed some A3 documentation of that excavation. We will photograph it on L711, then cover it as we are only trying to trace major architectural features this season. C1 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw cleaned along the entire west side to expose the platform, a25, which extends from N to S along the baulk edge and lies just under the surface of the tell. C2 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw clean and excavate the mixture of topsoil and backfill, f280, that covers that portion of the step trench excavated in 1990. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a31 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a32 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f280 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f281 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f282 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f283 D1a 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw f286 D1a 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw f289 D1a 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw f290 D1a 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw f291 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f320 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i132 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i133 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q761 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q764 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q765 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q774 D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r567 (45698 35971 - 9074 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r568 (45523 36436 - 9091 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r569 (45920 36589 - 9047 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r570 (46102 36123 - 9174 / Relay location: k31) D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2563 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v69 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v69a O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 O15 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 A9k41 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw began excavating topsoil, f311. C1 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw we began clearing the topsoil, f311, from the west side of the locus. There was a large amount of pottery (5 q-lots) in just a few centimeters of cover, including an unusual bowl shape. In the SW quarter, the NE face of a NW to SE line of bricks, f329, appeared at the south baulk and disappeared into the west baulk. C1 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw contined to remove accumulation on the west edge of the locus. Also, began to remove what remains of the north baulk from the MZ6 excavation. We can see the south face of a relatively crude wall, f , in section on the meddle of the north baulk. The wall complex, a25, definitely disappears into the west baulk, which we will not extend to the west this season. Also, we have uncovered organized lines of bricks, f332, f333, and f334, that are almost certainly part of a tomb, a37. Cleared the remaining backfill from the southeast quarter of the locus. C1 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw excavated below the bricks in the grave, a37. No evidence of bones or artifacts were found. Cut sections on the north and west faces of the north baulk to look for traces of brickwork. Instead, found bands of light and dark accumulation, the dark having an ashy component that may have come from the large kiln excavated in A7 several seasons ago. At the end of the day, removed the baulk. At the end of the day, found evidence of a living accumulation, f337 between the grave, a37, and the north baulk. D1a 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw f311 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f327 D1a 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw f332 D1a 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw f333 D1a 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw f334 D1a 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw f335 D1a 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw f337 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f343 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f344 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f346 D1a 2001-07-21_L920JW1.j vp i150 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q832 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q851 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q852 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q854 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q855 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q856 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q857 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q859 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q861 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q866 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q869 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q870 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q871 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q872 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q875 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q876 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q878 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q879 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q881 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q882 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q887 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q888 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q889 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q891 D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2566 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500W O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v68 O15 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v68a O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 O15 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 A9k51 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw while cleaning wall, f323, found several sherds with rims painted on the top, q845. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a37 D1a 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw a42 D1a 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw f310 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f323 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q828 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q845 D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2730 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500W O15 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 A9k52 B11 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw Limit includes N and E baulks. C1 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw thoroughly cleaned this locus, which included a large portion of one of the step trench loci excavated in 1990 during MZ6. So far, we have found a very large E-W wall, f322, a small, late occupation floor surface, f324, and a well-made cement plaster floor, f321. A human statuette fragment of a complete man's head, i149, was found in topsoil just under the surface of the tell. C1 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw removed backfill in preparation for excavation on L723. C1 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw after removing a berm on L722, we began to excavate the eastern half of the locus which had not been touched in the MZ6 excavations. Immediately, under the topsoil in the southeast quarter, f316, we found what appears to be the eastern face of an E-W wall, f330, which was badly damaged in MZ6, probably because the excavators did not recognize the bricks, which are the color of the surrounding loess. Just to the east of this face, we encountered relatively clean accumulation, f331, which suggests the possibility of a room that is contained on the west by wall, f322, and on the north by wall, f330. Wall, f322, appears to be built upon a fine floor surface, f321, elevation 9304, which in turn suggests that the room may be formed by reuse of the original wall and floor complex. C1 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw better defined the nature of the possible room on the eastern edge of the locus. It appears to be an amalgam of phases of occupation. For example, there appears to be an inferior addition to N-S wall, f322, built onto the south face. We further clarified the north face of E-W wall, f330, which appears to extend into the east baulk. In the SE corner we found at least one double row of bricks that may be the southern boundary of accumulation, f331. D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a38 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a39 D1a 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a40 D1a 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw f316 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f321 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f322 D1a 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw f324 D1a 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw f330 D1a 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw f331 D1a 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw f338 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f339 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f340 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f341 D1a 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw f342 D1a 2001-07-19_L920JW1.j vp i149 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW1.j vp i151 D1a 2001-10-03_LX03JW1.j jlw i154 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q843 D1a 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q873 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q883 D1a 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q884 D1a 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q894 D20 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw m2730 D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500E D21 2001-10-02_LX02JW.j jlw 500N O15 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 O15 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 A9k53 C1 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw removed a thick layer of accumulation, f327, from what amounts to a large west baulk due to the mis-fit of the MZ6 step trench, which takes up the eastern two-thirds and the current orientation. There were large quantities of pottery in this accumulation.