.bk A12 .fl j716jo.j .fd f74-182 .ed J716 .ei jo .rd J626 .ri jo f 74 8 ts 75 10 ts 76 6 ac equal f68 (A10 f222) 77 6 fi filling of pit a6 (A10 a31) 78 6 pt-c the cut of the pit a7 79 6 fi filling of pit a7 .rd J627 .ri ab 80 8 ac below top soil f74 .ri jo 81 6 w stone foundation of the wall f12 82 10 ac below top soil f75 83 8 fi fill inside grave a8 84 8 gv the cut of the grave a8 85 6 f bottom of a6 86 6 pv line of stones S f81 87 6 w equal A10 f228 88 6 w equal A10 f229 89 6 pv equal A10 f230 .rd J628 .ri ab 90 10 ac red compacted debris with loose ashy pockets .ri jo 91 8 ac red lightly compacted SSE 92 8 ac light grey loose soil E and N of f91 93 8 ta tannur S k8 a9 94 8 fi soil inside tannur f93 95 8 fb floor of grave a8 96 6 bk line of bricks seen throw section of pit a7 .rd J629 97 8 fa lined floor 98 6 ac same as f76 W k6 99 10 st a single large stone SE k10 100 9 ts 101 8 fa just below f97 102 10 is bricky material (mortar ?) in line with f99 .rd J630 103 6 ac same as f73 (A10 f226) 104 8 ac below floor f101 105 8 ac reddish accumulation underneath f104 106 8 fa below f105 western half of k8 107 6 pv S f12, N f96, same level and in line with f96 108 9 ac below top soil 109 9 st two large stones SE k9 .rd J702 110 6 la phytholith layer 111 8 pv two rows of rectangular bricks 112 6 ac on top of f110 113 8 pc paving of pebbles and sherds 114 9 fb highly compacted floor 115 10 ac dark grey, below f90 116 6 la same as f110, lower elevation .rd J703 .ri ab 117 9 ac below floor f114 .ri jo 118 10 ac southern half of a11, 1st from top of features equal f40 (A10 f194) 119 10 st scattered stones, N f109, there might be a connection .rd J704 120 9 fa NW k9 121 10 ac thin highly compacted, on top of possible continuation of f45 122 9 ac ashy, N of a12 123 10 ac below f118, 2nd of equals to f40 124 10 ac below f123, 3rd of equals to f40 125 10 fa plastered, S a11 126 10 pt-c cut of pit a11 127 9 is and iron, N k9 128 10 ac below f124, 4th of equals to f40 129 9 ac below f120 .rd J705 130 10 ac reddish of medium compacted, below f120 131 6 ac dark brown, beneath f103 132 9 bk red bricks SE k9 133 10 ac red compacted ac below f130 134 9 ac light brown SW k9 135 9 ac gray ac mixed with chunks of red bricks 136 9 ac red bricky material covers entire k9 137 6 pt-c cut of a14, western end of f12 .rd J706 138 8 ac light brown, below floor f106 N k8 139 8 fi below f111 and f113 140 10 ac W f133 .ri ab 141 10 ac a11 below f40(A10 f194) and f128 .ri jo 142 10 w continuation of f45 .rd J707 143 8 bk square bricks W and S of f111 144 8 pv pebbles paving W f143 145 6 pv stone paving S f12, similar to f107 146 6 pv large stones covered with sherds and pebbles 147 9 gv cut of a13 148 8 fa underneath f144, extend below f143, continuations of floor f31 .rd J708 149 9 ac bricky accumulation below f134 150 9 ac loose brown intrudes f 149 151 10 w stone foundation (?) of f41, f45 and f142, seen at the bottom of a11 152 10 fa bottom of a11 153 6 pv same as f107 and f145, W of both 154 10 ac light brown ac E f142, S f125 155 8 ac in between f143 on top and f148 at the bottom .ri ab 156 8 pc sherds assemblage .ri jo 157 9 w stone wall SE k9 158 6 la similar to f110 and f116 in a lower elevation .ri ab 159 6 ac below f131 .rd J710 .ri jo 160 8 ac ash W f156 161 8 ac gray soil, E f113 162 8 ac E f111, S f161 163 6 st 2 large misplaced stones, moved from foundation (f81) by the cutting of a14 164 9 st a single stone N f109, might have a constructional connection with f109 165 9 uk bricky material, on and around f157, might be mortar 166 13 w brick wall/terrace, equivalent of f41, f45, 69 and 142 combined 167 6 la a 4th layer similar to f110, 116 and f158 .rd J712 168 13 ac below f148 169 6 is drain, W k6 170 6 ac soil, filling inside drain f169 171 13 ac red compacted covered by f168 172 6 pv stones seen at the bottom of a7, they seem to be continuation of f89 .rd J713 173 6 ac below f159 174 6 pv a step down from f96 175 6 ac E of f96, W f89, equals f73 (A10 f227) 176 6 w foundation stones of a wall forming an L shape with the western end of f12 .rd J714 .ri ab 177 13 ac light brown, below f168 E and f171 W 178 13 ac surrounding jar burial a18 179 13 ac W a18 180 13 ac E a18 181 13 ta a19 .ri jo 182 13 ac ashy, around f181 a19