.bk A12 .fl ZI630mKB.j .fd description of seal impressions .ed ZI630 .ei mKB .rd N900 .ri mKB ;A12.8 i 8 ;A12a11 ; same as A10.119 V13d1639-53(V12d5329-32) catalog To D-Z in MZ16 ; no reference to A10.119 in the A10 si records so all the info on this sealing is in A12 ds some small holes, cloth impressions nt bulla with an unclear number of rollings, some rollings may have overlapped with others; all rollings are of the same seal. The inscription box appears to be one wide column. is seated figure in long garment facing left,with left arm bent close to the body. The uppermost part of the stool is preserved and is divided into five or six squares in two rows.Shamash in A12.82 is seated on a similar stool.Behind the seated figure the inscription is carved in what appears to be a wide column. The inscription box portion of the seal may have been rolled over part of the scene in front of the seated figure. On the other side of the inscription box is a standing figure facing right in a long garment with the left arm forward and bent and the right arm across the body and may be holding something. Another part of the rolling appears to be flames and may indicate that the seated person is Shamash. However it is perhaps a table top with long narrow loaves of bread parallel to the top above. Studying the photos of the bulla it seems more likely, from the position of these parallel lines that they are the rays coming off the shoulder of Shamash. Or none of these speculations! ;CK WITH GB FOR INSCRIPTION ;A12.34 there is a jpg by gg N824 i 34 is one unclear figure, second figure may be a figure facing right in a long garment, seated figure in long garment facing right the stool is unclear, seated figure in long garment with deep fringe facing left this figure is sitting on a stool with two square compartments at the top.Both figures have an arm raised and elbow bent; they are probably holding a drinking vessel. ds front flat with textile impressions, reverse has seven cord impressions sc probably a drinking scene zt To D-Z in MZ16 ;A12.35 i 35 ds small with a flat surface for the sealing is unclear with oval shape filled with parallel horizontal lines, possible legs of two figures, other unclear horizontal parallel lines ;A12.37 i 37 ds flat on the obverse and cord impressions on the reverse is unclear figure ;A12.44 not in A12 UGR V12d5436 W13b3115, drawings in glyptics book i 44 zt To D-Z in MZ16 ds one flat side, one possible cord impression is two crossed horned animals, large plant near the animal facing right ;A12.49 have drawings in glyptics book, photos in A12 UGR N823 W14c2105 i 49 ds partially flat base, peg impression, two cord impressions is sealed? ;A12.52 i 52 sc drinking scene? ds one flat side with seal rolling and a possible finger print is seated figure facing right in long garment holding a stringed musical instrument, near the knees of this figure two small oval objects above a small vase? large footed vase with two nested bowl shapes above, in the upper bowl two straight objects and part of a straw bent toward the second figure. Above these is a small triangular shape. Seated figure in long garment facing left with stylized hand extended toward the two bowls. i 62 ds two rollings, flat side, two cord impressions below is upper rolling head and shoulders of one figure facing left with the right arm raised. Lower rolling head and shoulders of figure facing right with two straight lines one above head and the other diagonally in front of the figure, seated figure facing left. ;A12.66 not in A12 UGR V13d1621-25 W13b3111 To D-Z in MZ16 i 66 ds textile impression is not sealed zt To D-Z in MZ16 ;A12.82 sc tupsher V13d1601-9,26-31 V15d2503-4,8-10 W13b3117,c2501 To D-Z in MZ16 i 82 ; A12f328 ds one flat side for the seal impression, rest unclear is Shamash seated facing left with rays coming out of his right shoulder but not the left shoulder; he is wearing a deeply patterned garment, one arm is raised , his stool is divided into nine square compartments, inscription box with ...tupsher preserved, standing figure facing left in a long fringed garment zt To D-Z in MZ16 ;A12.89(-1) A12.89 in A12 UGR but not any si labeled A12.89.1. In A12 UGR A12.89 is considered a small part of a tablet and a small part of its envelope. Not a glyptic but listed here. GB should look at the photos and describe any signs preserved and to double check whether or not the tablet and/or envelope were ever sealed. i 89.1 df small part of a tablet and its envelope is not sealed ;A12.102 in A12 ugr N824 catalog To D-Z in MZ16 ;i 102 ;A12.107 SEAL IN in A12 ugr but definition is seal impression but should be sealing CK all definitions ;i 107 i 110 ; is in A12 UGR is OK ; "portion of flat base of usual triangular section container sealing" delete and replace with below ds flat base and one cord impression ;A12.149 this is a pig figurine so item number and drawing in glyptics book should be eliminated and added to the A12 UGR was eliminated Sept 5, 2024 ;eliminate yellow in A12 UGR i 149 is pig figurine i 140.1 is found with pig figurine A12.149 and must be part of the same pig figurine. ;A12.150 not a seal impression and should have number and drawing eliminated from glyptics book and drawing placed in A12 UGR was eliminated Sept 5, 2024 i 150 is part of pig figurine of A12.149 and A12.149.1 i A12.161 ;A12.161 only photos in A12 UGR drawing does not reflect much of my "is" description BELOW. NEED TO CK WITH GB also why in the A12 UGR is this si labeled 161, and 161a and 161b ;f 384 j2 2.9 j3 2.0 j7 1.0 wm red brown but with few inclusions, stronger than red crumbly ds three rollings rolled in TIP, peg impression which has two sharp edges not quite at right angles to each other is lowest rolling unclear, middle rolling: façade of winged gate with one wing preserved, wing filled with horizontal lines and is unusual in the comparative literature because the one wing preserved slants downward. ;drawing by Fonda needs to be revised: not in drawing building placed on the back of a bull (not preserved enough to tell if it is standing or reclining), bull ear large and prominent, one elongated horn extended over top of head (it is possible that this is not a horn but rather an arm and hand extended over the head of the animal) st bull neck is clearly modeled with detailed hair pattern on the front of the neck, the carving is diagonal with respect to the background but the beveled edge is not carved. ;A12.172 needs is and ds NEED TO LOOK FOR DRAWS AND PHOTOS Jessica needs to do this ;A12.175 needs is if sealed; NEED TO LOOK FOR DRAWS AND PHOTOS ; have drawing by Fonda but Jessica needs to revise ;A12 q numbers of si ;A12q309.1 drawing not in A12 UGR q 309.1 ds cord and knot impressions on reverse is two rollings: first rolling one arm raised and the other holding a small necked jar, bird table with four long horizontal objects (bread?) piled on top, object in the shape of a conical cup placed on top of a long thin straight pole. Second rolling rolled at right angle to the first rolling. Part of table, stacked objects on top of table and part of tall pole with conical cup shape on top ;A12q430.2 q 430.2 ds oval shaped piece of clay with flat portion for rolling is seated person facing left, right arm appears to be raised, left arm folded at waist. The stool iconography is plain and not divided into squares as in most of the stools from the Urkesh seal impressions ;A12q538.1 q 538.1 is upper rolling two standing animals with long tails back to back, one with hoofs is a bull. Lower rolling a bullman with body facing left and head frontal, his arms are in a fighting position with his right arm raised and left arm lowered. Behind this figure is an inscription box with a uru sign visible.; the box may have an animal facing right below; if this is correct then the scene could be similar to k2, q2 or h4. ds reverse peg impression and cord impressions; two rollings .rd ZI705 .ri gB nt the cuneiform sign in the photo shown in the A12 book is clearly different from the one given in the drawing, and it does not seem that the difference may be explained as a result of the rolling action. It would seem that there is a mistake in numbering, and that these are two different items. The label on the drawing says "A12q528 1-1" which also suggests that we are dealing with two different items. .rd N900 .ri mKB ;A12q538.1.7 q 538.1.7 is a prancing horse before a seated figure with his hand extended toward the horse. Part of a bull horn shows on another part of the rolling. This is more than likely the Ishar-beli seal. ;A12q538.1.8 q 538.1.8 nt little of the image is preserved is a prancing animal and the arm of a figure fighting this animal. ;These following numbers are not found in the A12 unit book and probably should be eliminated; this is all the info we have from a list ;A12q538.1-5 TA 712 712 khl ;A12q538.1-6a contest scene N726 N726 na na KHA Jx10 gb ;A12q538.1-7 IB N726 N726 na na KHL J807 rah ;A12q538.1-8 lion head N726 N726 na na KHL ;A12q538.1-9 IB N721 N721 na na KHL J807 rah ;A12q538.1-9 IB 721 721 khl ;A12q539.1 q 539.1 ;f268 ;nt this q number not in A12 q-items list and not in the description of f268 ds peg impression is standing nude male facing right ;A12q542.4 q 542.4 ; may be an ED III si is crescent moon, animal facing right, small human figure with raised arms, horned animal with body facing left and head facing right, part of unclear figure ds peg impression ;A12q615.1 q 615.1 ;f320 sc animal combat ds basket impressions is lion facing right horned animal below facing left, unclear figure facing left ;A12q625.2 complete in A12 ugr ;A12q641.1 says in A12 UGR it is a sealing but have no other information ;A12q653-02 q 653-02 ds rolling found on a sherd but the type of ceramic vessel is unclear is legs of two or three animals ;A12q710.1 is described in the A12 UGR but has no drawing q 710.1 sc this rolling is may be of one of the queen's seals since the iconography is very similar to Uqnitum's inscribed seals nt Queen's seals q7 and presumably q8 show her holding a conical cup and seated facing right before a table. However in q7 her daughter is a smaller figure between the queen and the table. Also in her scenes with a table it is a bird table. ;A12q757.1 complete in A12 ugr ;A12q946.1 q 946.1 sc contest scene ds flat base with cord impressions is legs of a figure, legs and body of unclear standing figure, two unclear objects, body of rampant horned animal facing left and head facing right, human in long garment arms outstretched facing right ;A12q960.1 q 960.1 ;f 392 j2 3.2 j3 2.4 j7 1.0 mn measured with rampant animal upright wm red brown clay that is more compact than the red crumbly ds portion of two cord impressions, rest broken pv weathered surface, not clear how many rollings or what the scene is, part of one rampant animal visible ;A12q1052.2 q 1052.2 ;f 421 is unclear figure but may be part of a stool, standing figure in long garment?, standing figure in a long garment with one arm with bent elbow ds one cord impression