.bk A14 .fl O909mkb.j .fd description of seal impressions .ei mkKB .ed O909 .rd O909 .ri mKB i 239 A4 c1 ;tc si f278 df door sealing ds three rollings of the Ishar-kinum inscribed seal all facing in the same direction; peg impression and four cord impressions. is Upper rolling: feet of two human figures facing left both positioned above the tail of a lion, bottom of a stool divided into three spaces placed on the back of the standing lion facing right, figure wearing a long garment facing right. is Middle rolling: figure wearing a long garment with fringe running at least half way up the garment; this figure is seated on a stool divided into nine compartments, stool is placed on the back of a standing lion facing right with an open mouth, above the lion's head is the inscription box. Standing figure in a long belted skirt with fringe along the bottom. This figure has a long beard and is wearing a half circle shaped hat. In his left hand he is holding up a long, straight partially undulating implement; his right arm is extended and holding a cup-like vessel with a tall base and pouring an undulating liquid into a vessel positioned between him and a standing lion facing left with an open mouth. Above his head is an eight pointed star. is Lower rolling: Small figure facing left wearing a long skirt, Seated bearded figure facing left wearing a long garment with fringe both at the hem and going up the skirt. This figure is a deity as he is wearing a crown with horns on top of which is a plant motif. The stool of the deity is placed on the back of an open mouthed lion facing right and above his head is the inscription box. Standing bearded figure in a long fringed skirt with a belt; he is facing right with arms extended. c 1 A4 i239 ds three rollings ;f 278 all the Ishar-kinum seal impressions came from this feature and so does the vessels in A14a20 nt part of this composit came from A14q831.2 which is a group of 21 clay lumps three of which had small traces of the Ishar-kinum seal. A14q834.4, A14q834.5 and A14q835.5 showing straw and possibly cloth impressions may have been part of a Ishar-kinum sealing; but it is also possible that they were part of the A14i183 sealing which is the only other seal impression excavated in A14f278. is standing bearded figure facing right, wearing a belted fringed skirt. He is pouring a liquid into a container in front of a lion with an open mouth; in his left hand he holds a straight, skightly curved object upright. Beyond this implement is an eight pointed star. In the iconography there are two open mouthed standing lions which are placed back to back with their long tails crossing. The lion facing left has a small human figure wearing a long garment standing on the long tail of the second lion which is positioned above his back. This figure is facing the figure pouring the liquid. The seated deity is positioned on the back of the lion facing right and directly on top of the extended tail of the lion facing left. This positioning connects the two lions physically with the two figures but not the third figure. The third figure pouring the liquid is connected with the scene through the pouring gesture and the raising of the lightening type implement. .rd ZI930 Q3 Buccellati and Kelly-Buccellati 2005 "Hurrian Religious Cente," p. 39-40 Q3 Recht 2014 "Perfume," p. 17 Q3 Kelly-Buccellati 2015 "Power and Identity", pp. 27-128