Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

Cuts or Intrudes

James L. Walker – May 2023

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     The type of contact “to cut or intrude” is relatively rare in J5, representing about 5% of the totals.

     Typically cuts and intrusions occur either as a result of humans digging pits or erosion channels cut by running water. Because this part of the BA temple mound probably served a sacred purpose and was not a venue for residential and commercial activities there are almost no pits. On the other hand there was considerable water flow outside the revetment walls which, over time, cut a number of channels into accumulations and in one instance a mudbrick dam.

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     Three cuts were recorded. Two were associated with a pit a1, while the other was caused by soil erosion.

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     Fourteen intrusions were recorded. Most were naturally formed gullies along the outside perimeter of the revetment wall. One example is a shallow groove across the top of a mud-brick dam f260.