Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

Cover or Overlay

James L. Walker – May 2023

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The type of contact “to cover or overlay” is by far the most commoon in J5, representing about 53% of the total.

     Typically covers and overlays appear in open areas where layers of natural seasonal accumulation build one atop the other. Another common occurrence is the buildup of a succession of floor surfaces with continued use.

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     Covers accounted for 161 contacts in this unit. Almost all were natural accumulations, with a few occurring on floors adjacent to the massive EDIII stone revetment wall. Illustrated is a series of natural accumulations that formed in the Mittani period over a holding pond behind a mudbrick dam, a11. Feature f74 covers feature f224

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     Fifty-four overlays were recorded. Many occurred in conjunction with covering accumulations One example is illustrated in accumulations that cover and overlay an EDIII floor f288. Here soil feature f291 overlays soil feature f256

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