Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

A15 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy / Deposition


James L. Walker – August 2024

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There were two types of brick fall: one occurred after abandonment as the bricks and mortar were weakened by erosion and collapsed. The other occurred during remodeling when the walls were pushed over and used as fill.

    Indivdual bricks were found in several features along the east baulks of the unit. They were near the surface and randomly oriented for the most part. Most, if not all, were square in crossection, similar to those found in Mittani walls. The specific source has not been identified.

    The intentional brickfall from remodeling occurred when the brick portions of the interior palace walls serving to define the reception area for the ceremonial courtyard were demolished to form the surface for the late Akkadian shrine complex. The collapsed segment of wall, f528 segment is an example.

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    Most of the disaggregation occurred by erosion. Exemplars are gullys a9, a10, and a27. Not only did they damage after abandonment, they must have been a continuous problem for builders.

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