Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

Daily Sketches

James L. Walker – May 2023

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Keeping track of ecavation activities in a large unit can be difficult, particularly with a small number of supervisory archaeologists. Careful sketches documenting daily progress are useful in writing summaries and keeping track of ceramics and objects found in the course of the day.

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Sample sketch

Sketches are made on a styilized form that represents active unit loci. Features being excavated, including soil and structures, are recorded along with items and q-lots recovered. An example from 28 July 2001 (L728) is shown below. Illustrated are the aproximate locations of features, q-lots, and items excavated that day. A few sketches made, usually at the beginning or at the end of the season, show the location of the numerous relays and markers used to define the coordinates of features.

Sample Sketch

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List of Sketches by date

     The following table lists the sketches by date of excavation. Some details of the activities can be found in the daily journals:

Date     Sketch  Date     Sketch  Date     Sketch  Date     Sketch  Date     Sketch 
L625     w700 L627     w701 L628     w702 L630     w703 L701     w705
L702     w706 L703     w707 L704     w708 L705     w709 L707     w710
L708     w711 L710     w713 L711     w714 L712     w716 L715     w717
L716     w718 L716     w719 L719     w720 L722     w722 L722     w723
L723     w724 L724     w727 L724     w728 L721     w729 L725     w730
L725     w731 L726     w732 L726     w733 L728     w734 L728     w736
L729     w738 L729     w739 L730     w740 L730     w741 L731     w743
L801     w744 L731     w751 L801     w752 L725     w756 L726     w757
L728     w758 L729     w759 L730     w760 L731     w761 L801     w762
L802     w763 N712     w767 N713     w768 N714     w770 N715     w771
N716     w767 N719     w773 N720     w774 N717     w767 N721     w776
N722     w777 N723     w778 N724     w767 N726     w780 N727     w781
N804     w782

The following drawings documented locations of other significant activities:
a. Relays - w704, w715, w726, w735, w737, w745, w746, w754, w755.
b. Items - w712.
c. Features - w719, w725.
d. Baulk - w742.
e. Stratigraphy - w748, w749, w750, w753, w765, w766.
f. Kiln - w764.
g,.Templates - w714, w769.

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