Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

Overall Data

James L. Walker – June 2023

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Size and volume of excavations

The excavations in A15 comprised fifteen 5x5m loci, and two odd sized ones (k100, and k101) for a total exposed area of about 400 square meters. The ten loci in the center half of the grid (k1 thru k5 and k11 thru k15) were generally excavated to de[ths not exceeding 2 meters due in part to the slope of the mound and the presence of gulleys. Loci on thw western side of the unit (k91 thru k94) were only partially excavated to half squares because excavations in previu[ous seasons had reached floor level about half the time. Depths were less than a meter. Loci on the eastern edge (k21 thru k25) were transferred to excavation unit A17 and not excavated by us. Loci k100 an k101 were assigned post-excavation.

The estimated contributions from the above are:
  k1 thru k5 and k11 thru k15 - (25sqm) x (2m) x (10loci) = 500 cubic meters
  k91 thru k94 - (12.5sqm) x (1m) x (4sq) = 50 cubic meters.
  loci 100 and 101 - nothing.
  loci 21 thru 25 - nothing.

The total volume of soil removed was 550 cubic meters.

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