.rd .ri constituent F02 ZcaA1 B4 A99 B20 I01 I03 J03 J05 J07 K03 K04 K99 ZcaC2 ZcaC4 ZcaD1 ZcaD2 ZcaF1 ZcaM1 ZcaS1 ZcaS2 ZcaS3 ZcaS4 ZcaS9 ZcaW3 ZcaW5 ZcaW6 ZcaW7 ZcaW8 J01q28.4 16 q28 1 801 J01q28.5 16 q28 white lines on black background 1 M22 2015-04-15 cJC J01q120.1 15 q120 1 M17 2015-04-15 cJC J01q126.1 47 q126 1 above the hatching dark solid running triangles in two registers 1 M8 footed goblet 2005-08-14 pC J01q304.1 145 q304 2005-08-14 pC J01q308.1 143 q308 2005-08-28 pc J01q468.5 152 q468 Amorphous design. Also categorized as i21 1 M22 2015-04-15 cJC J01q471.6 152 q471 Light decoration on dark background 1 M22 2015-04-15 cJC J01q592.1 203 q592 1 K5 2009-08-18 aGA J01q624.1 205 q624 2015-04-15 cJC J01q644.1 212 q644 1 With red and white triangle decoration on body 1 M19 deep,hole mouth 801 J01q666.1 179 q666 body sherd, only field record recorded 2006-09-04 lH J01q721.1 204 q721 2015-04-15 cJC J01q723.2 209 q723 Stand with shapes cut out of body J01q755.1 203 q755 3 reconstructed from 3 sherd fragments,Solid painted with white bird and triangle decorations with hatching 1 M6+M22+M12 deep handle: type unspecified,handle: round 2010-08-10 lH1 J01q757.1 203 q757 appears to be a solid footed base but broken both above and below base: solid footed 2006-09-18 mL J01q864.6 233 q864 2015-04-15 cJC J01q877.2 229 q877 1 M6 2010-08-16 mS1 J01q877.3 229 q877 1 M17 2015-04-15 cJC J01q895.1 232 q895 1 J01q895.2 232 q895 Hatched triangles 1 M8 2015-04-15 cJC J01q897.1 232 q897 1 M19 rim: flat 2015-04-15 cJC J01q898.1 232 q898 red painted on rim and interior 1 M16 rim: simple J01q1008.1 239 q1008 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1010.1 240 q1010 Painted on interior and exterior. Red triangles constructed of indvidual intersecting lines 1 K14 J01q1055.2 10.4 q1055 J01q1080.1 237 q1080 J01q1080.3 237 q1080 J01q1080.4 237 q1080 J01q1080.5 237 q1080 J01q1081.2 237 q1081 J01q1081.3 237 q1081 2008-07-29 mM J01q1087.1 237 q1087 J01q1149.1 273 q1149 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1168.8 239 q1168 1 Slightly larger than others of this type straight sided wheel marks on interior 102 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1169.12 239 q1169 1 Probably simple ware based on photographs round sided 4 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1171.8 239 q1171 stamped circles 4 S1 globular body 2009-08-05 mM J01q1179.5 239 q1179 2008-08-28 mM J01q1184.1 268 q1184 Type of decoration-treatment typical from Late Chalcolithic to Early third millenium b.C. 2008-08-28 mM J01q1185.1 280 q1185 2008-08-28 mM J01q1191.1 280 q1191 sherd, no illustration 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1194.1 237 q1194 1 Possible bird pattern on the lower register. Illustrated in Mittani catalog. Painted line on interior. 1 M19+M22 carinated rounded (carination) 3 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1194.2 237 q1194 checkerboard, black pattern on light background 1 M32 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1197.2 282 q1197 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1211.1 302 q1211 While there are other sherds from a variety of different strata with unique incised designs, i.e., designs that are not repeated to form a running pattern on the surface of the vessel, the A16q1211.1 sherd from J1 has four peculiarities. First, the lines are quite straight, as if they were not obtained by dragging the tip of a stylus-like implement along the surface of the sherd, but rather by depressing the same stylus along its side (this implies that the sign was impressed on the wet clay before the vessel was fired, thus arguing agaist a possible identification as an ostracon). Second, the incision is a single line, whereas many of the other sherds show a double line, as if the implement used were like a straw with two edges. Third, the incision is very shallow, though it is quite sharply defined. Fourth, the design may perhaps be seen as being representational in nature, as a schematic bull's head.
   We have routinely interpreted these incised designs as either simple decorative elements, or as potter's marks. The J1 sherd, however, because of the peculiarities just noted, raises the question as to whether it may lend itself to a different interpretation. Placed vertically with the acute angle at the bottom, the sign looks like a bucranium. Placed on its side, with the acute angle on the left, the sign looks like the aliph sign of the early north Semitic alphabets. There is also an additional stroke that may represent a second sign in a presumed string of signs.,potter's mark 2 I9 2009-08-18 aGA J01q1241.6 296 q1241 2009-08-17 mM J01q1243.2 322 q1243 Group of painted sherds with geometric patterns 1 M22 2009-08-01 mM J01q1244.3 7 q1244 2009-08-05 mM J01q1251.2 296 q1251 2015-04-15 cJC J01q1251.3 296 q1251 potter's mark 2 I9 2015-07-13 cJC J01q1257.1 327 q1257 straight sided wheel marks 2009-08-03 aGA J01q1259.1 325 q1259 2009-08-03 aGA J01q1259.2 325 q1259 Circular appliques just below rim on interior 3 2009-08-17 mM J01q1283.7 10.5 q1283 J01i21 151 Amorphous design. Also categorized as q468.5 1 M22 2015-04-15 cJC J01i22 152 White bird on dark background. Triangle pattern painted on rim 1 M6 rim: square 2015-04-15 cJC J01i30 198 fragments of cooking pot 2015-04-15 cJC J01i49 231 1 M24+M8+M3 hole mouth 2008-08-17 sm J01q28-p70 16 q28 4 2008-08-17 sm J01q28-p71 16 q28 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q32-p70 16 q32 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q32-p71 16 q32 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q32-p72 16 q32 10 2008-08-14 sm J01q34-p70 19 q34 18 2008-08-14 sm J01q34-p71 19 q34 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q35-p70 20 q35 3 2008-08-16 sm J01q35-p71 20 q35 5 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p70 20 q38 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p71 20 q38 2 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p72 20 q38 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p73 20 q38 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p74 20 q38 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p75 20 q38 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q38-p76 20 q38 4 2008-08-16 sm J01q39-p70 19 q39 10 2008-08-16 sm J01q39-p71 19 q39 1 2 I3 2008-08-16 sm J01q39-p72 19 q39 2 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p70 16 q43 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p71 16 q43 8 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p72 16 q43 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p73 16 q43 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p74 16 q43 2 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p75 16 q43 10 2008-08-17 sm J01q43-p76 16 q43 58 2008-08-17 sm J01q45-p70 20 q45 3 2008-08-17 sm J01q45-p71 20 q45 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q45-p72 20 q45 5 2008-08-17 sm J01q45-p73 20 q45 2 2008-08-17 sm J01q45-p74 20 q45 35 2008-08-14 sm J01q46-p70 19 q46 3 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p70 16 q50 3 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p71 16 q50 1 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p72 16 q50 7 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p73 16 q50 1 1 M1 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p74 16 q50 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p75 16 q50 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p76 16 q50 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p77 16 q50 7 2008-08-16 sm J01q50-p78 16 q50 46 2008-08-17 sm J01q54-p70 20 q54 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q54-p71 20 q54 3 2008-08-17 sm J01q54-p72 20 q54 1 2 I3 2008-08-17 sm J01q54-p73 20 q54 1 2 I1 2008-08-17 sm J01q54-p74 20 q54 2 3 A1 2008-08-17 sm J01q54-p75 20 q54 11 2008-08-16 sm J01q55-p70 19 q55 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q55-p71 19 q55 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q55-p72 19 q55 4 2008-08-16 sm J01q55-p73 19 q55 1 2 I3 2008-08-16 sm J01q55-p74 19 q55 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q55-p75 19 q55 33 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p70 20 q64 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p71 20 q64 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p72 20 q64 2 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p73 20 q64 2 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p74 20 q64 8 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p75 20 q64 1 3 A1 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p76 20 q64 1 2 I7 2008-08-17 sm J01q64-p77 20 q64 22 2008-08-18 sm J01q68-p70 38 q68 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q68-p71 38 q68 2 2 I7 2008-08-18 sm J01q68-p72 38 q68 1 2 I3 2008-08-18 sm J01q68-p73 38 q68 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q68-p74 38 q68 22 2008-08-18 sm J01q68-p75 38 q68 1 1 M3 2008-08-19 sm J01q72-p70 38 q72 1,35 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p71 38 q72 2 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p72 38 q72 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p73 38 q72 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p74 38 q72 4 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p75 38 q72 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p76 38 q72 1 3 A1 2008-08-18 sm J01q72-p77 38 q72 7 2008-08-19 sm J01q74-p70 38 q74 1 2 I7 2008-08-19 sm J01q74-p71 38 q74 1 2008-08-19 sm J01q74-p72 38 q74 9 2008-08-19 sm J01q74-p73 38 q74 1 2008-08-19 sm J01q74-p74 38 q74 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p70 20 q75 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p71 20 q75 1 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p72 20 q75 2 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p73 20 q75 1 2 I1 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p74 20 q75 1 3 A1 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p75 20 q75 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 sm J01q75-p76 20 q75 12 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p70 38 q76 8 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p71 38 q76 3 1 M3 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p72 38 q76 4 1 M3 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p73 38 q76 1 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p74 38 q76 1 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p75 38 q76 1 1 M16 2008-08-19 sm J01q76-p76 38 q76 14 2008-08-20 sm J01q82-p70 38 q82 6 2008-08-20 sm J01q82-p71 38 q82 39 2008-08-20 sm J01q82-p72 38 q82 9 2008-08-20 sm J01q82-p73 38 q82 2 3 A2 2008-08-20 sm J01q82-p74 38 q82 4 2008-08-26 sm J01q84-p70 47 q84 4 2008-08-14 sm J01q85-p70 38 q85 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q85-p71 38 q85 6 2008-08-14 sm J01q85-p72 38 q85 1 3 A2 2008-08-14 sm J01q85-p73 38 q85 1 3 A1 2008-08-14 sm J01q85-p74 38 q85 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q85-p75 38 q85 2 1 M3 2008-08-26 sm J01q86-p70 47 q86 3 2008-08-26 sm J01q86-p71 47 q86 3 2008-08-26 sm J01q86-p72 47 q86 1 2008-08-26 sm J01q86-p73 47 q86 1 3 A1 2008-08-26 sm J01q86-p74 47 q86 20 2008-08-16 sm J01q104-p70 19 q104 2 SECONDARILY FIRED 2008-08-16 sm J01q104-p71 19 q104 11 2008-08-16 sm J01q110-p70 19 q110 36 2008-08-16 sm J01q110-p71 19 q110 5 2008-08-16 sm J01q110-p72 19 q110 1 1 M13 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p70 19 q116 4 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p71 19 q116 4 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p72 19 q116 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p73 19 q116 1 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p74 19 q116 2 3 A2 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p75 19 q116 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p76 19 q116 5 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p77 19 q116 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p78 19 q116 1 1 M16 2008-08-16 sm J01q116-p79 19 q116 35 2008-08-26 sm J01q123-p70 47 q123 10 2008-08-26 sm J01q123-p71 47 q123 1 2008-08-26 sm J01q123-p72 47 q123 1 2008-08-26 sm J01q123-p73 47 q123 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p70 38 q125 2 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p71 38 q125 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p72 38 q125 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p73 38 q125 1 2 I7 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p74 38 q125 1 1 M15 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p75 38 q125 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q125-p76 38 q125 14 2008-08-16 sm J01q131-p70 16 q131 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q131-p71 16 q131 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q131-p72 16 q131 3 2008-08-16 sm J01q131-p73 16 q131 12 2008-08-16 sm J01q131-p74 16 q131 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q131-p75 16 q131 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p70 16 q138 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p71 16 q138 2 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p72 16 q138 3 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p73 16 q138 4 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p74 16 q138 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p75 16 q138 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p76 16 q138 1 3 A1 2008-08-16 sm J01q138-p77 16 q138 21 J01q139-p1 38 q139 1 decorated sherd with birds 1 M6 deep 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p70 38 q139 2 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p71 38 q139 1 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p72 38 q139 1 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p73 38 q139 1 3 A1 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p74 38 q139 1 1 M3 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p75 38 q139 9 2008-08-19 sm J01q139-p76 38 q139 27 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p1 76 q147 1 35% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p2 76 q147 1 10% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p3 76 q147 1 26% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p4 76 q147 1 75% base: solid footed 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p5 76 q147 1 100% base: flat 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p6 76 q147 1 30% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p7 76 q147 1 15% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p8 76 q147 1 20% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p9 76 q147 1 30% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p10 76 q147 1 B6 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p11 76 q147 1 30% base: ring 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p12 76 q147 1 75% base: solid footed 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p13 76 q147 1 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p14 76 q147 1 B7 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p15 76 q147 1 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p16 76 q147 1 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p17 76 q147 1 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p18 76 q147 1 7% deep 7 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p19 76 q147 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p20 76 q147 1 rim: out-turned 2004-08-01 hh J01q147-p21 76 q147 1 18% necked straight 7 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p22 76 q147 1 7% deep 7 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p23 76 q147 1 15% necked straight 7 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p24 76 q147 1 rim: square 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p25 76 q147 1 rim: square 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p26 76 q147 1 1 M18 2% carinated rounded (carination) 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p27 76 q147 1 rim: square 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p28 76 q147 1 rim: collared-grooved 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p29 76 q147 1 rim: beaked 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p30 76 q147 1 27% base: flat, slightly convex 2004-08-23 hh J01q147-p31 76 q147 1 rim: rounded 2004-08-19 hh J01q147-p70 76 q147 14 2004-08-19 hh J01q147-p71 76 q147 2 2004-08-19 hh J01q147-p72 76 q147 3 2004-08-19 hh J01q147-p73 76 q147 14 2004-08-19 hh J01q147-p74 76 q147 2 2004-08-19 hh J01q147-p75 76 q147 3 2008-08-18 sm J01q148-p70 38 q148 6 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p1 81 M q166 1 1 M3 2% necked straight 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p2 81 q166 1 60% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p3 81 M q166 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p4 81 M q166 1 32% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p5 81 M q166 1 24% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p6 81 M q166 1 30% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p7 81 M q166 1 10% deep 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p8 81 M q166 1 5% deep 803 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p9 81 q166 1 base: pointed 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p10 81 q166 1 15% 806 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p11 81 q166 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p12 81 q166 1 12% deep 7 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p13 81 q166 1 25% base: solid footed 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p14 81 q166 1 8% base: low ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p15 81 M q166 1 17% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p16 81 M q166 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p17 81 M q166 1 7% deep 806 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p18 81 q166 1 base: pointed 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p19 81 q166 1 rim: square 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p20 81 q166 1 20% base: string cut cup 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p21 81 q166 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p22 81 q166 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p23 81 q166 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q166-p24 81 q166 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p1 81 q170 1 1% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p2 81 M q170 1 10% deep 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p3 81 q170 1 100% base: string cut cup 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p4 81 M q170 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p5 81 M q170 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p6 81 M q170 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p7 81 q170 1 17% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p8 81 q170 1 11% necked straight 7 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p9 81 q170 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p10 81 q170 1 13% necked straight 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p11 81 M q170 1 5% deep 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p12 81 q170 1 rim: square 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p13 81 M q170 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p14 81 q170 1 rim: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p15 81 M q170 1 70% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p16 81 M q170 1 5% 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p17 81 M q170 1 rim: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p18 81 q170 1 7% necked straight 5 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p19 81 q170 1 5% necked straight 5 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p20 81 q170 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p21 81 q170 1 4% 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p22 81 q170 1 5% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p23 81 q170 1 rim: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q170-p24 81 q170 1 5% other 8 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p1 89 q174 1 1 M5 5% rim: pointed 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p2 89 q174 1 50% base: ring 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p3 89 q174 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 9 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p4 89 q174 1 13% base: ring 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p5 89 q174 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p6 89 q174 1 rim: square 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p7 89 q174 1 6% hole mouth 3 2004-08-03 hh J01q174-p8 89 q174 1 rim: square 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p70 89 q174 38 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p71 89 q174 4 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p72 89 q174 8 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p73 89 q174 2 2 I1 b - 7 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p74 89 q174 6 1 M3 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p75 89 q174 38 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p76 89 q174 4 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p77 89 q174 8 2004-08-19 hh J01q174-p79 89 q174 6 1 M3 J01q182-p1 q182 J01q192-p31 98 q192 1 painted black and white 1 M6 2014-03-03 mkb J01q192-p70 98 q192 1 checkerboard pattern; dotted circles above 1 M22 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p1 98 q198 1 8% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p2 98 q198 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 7 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p3 98 q198 1 27% other 11 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p4 98 q198 1 20% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p5 98 q198 1 10% carinated sharp (carination) 6 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p6 98 q198 1 6% other 8 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p7 98 q198 1 23% base: ring 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p8 98 q198 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p9 98 q198 1 16% base: disk base, slightly concave 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p10 98 q198 1 rim: square 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p11 98 q198 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 1 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p12 98 q198 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 bh J01q198-p13 98 q198 1 1 K4 2003-09-12 hh J01q198-p70 98 q198 38 2003-09-12 hh J01q198-p71 98 q198 3 2003-09-12 hh J01q198-p72 98 q198 1 a - 1 2003-09-12 hh J01q198-p73 98 q198 1 2003-09-12 hh J01q198-p74 98 q198 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p1 98 q204 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p2 98 q204 1 necked flaring (necked) 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p3 98 q204 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p4 98 q204 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p5 98 q204 1 6% other 1 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p6 98 q204 1 5% straight sided 5 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p7 98 q204 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p8 98 q204 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p9 98 q204 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p10 98 q204 1 5% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p11 98 q204 1 10% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p12 98 q204 1 10% conical (cup) 4 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p13 98 q204 1 4% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p14 98 q204 1 10% 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p15 98 q204 1 6% other 5 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p16 98 q204 1 16% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p17 98 q204 1 6% straight sided 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p18 98 q204 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p19 98 q204 1 6% conical (cup) 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q204-p20 98 q204 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p70 98 q204 63 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p71 98 q204 13 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p72 98 q204 2 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p73 98 q204 10 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p74 98 q204 3 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p75 98 q204 1 2003-09-12 hh J01q204-p76 98 q204 1 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p1 98 q212 1 2% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p2 98 q212 1 11% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p3 98 q212 1 base: rounded 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p4 98 q212 1 9% other 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p5 98 q212 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p6 98 q212 1 rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p7 98 q212 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p8 98 q212 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p9 98 q212 1 rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p10 98 q212 1 rim: rounded 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p11 98 q212 1 8% other 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p12 98 q212 1 9% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q212-p13 98 q212 1 6% straight sided 6 2003-09-12 hh J01q212-p70 98 q212 51 2003-09-12 hh J01q212-p71 98 q212 9 2003-09-12 hh J01q212-p72 98 q212 8 2003-09-12 hh J01q212-p73 98 q212 2 2003-09-12 hh J01q212-p74 98 q212 3 2003-09-12 hh J01q212-p75 98 q212 2 2014-03-08 cjc J01q212-p99 98 q212 1 description added based on drawing W16e4417 2 I9 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p1 98 q215 1 8% shouldered 10 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p2 98 q215 1 9% round sided 3 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p3 98 q215 1 7% deep 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p4 98 q215 1 rim rim: square 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p5 98 q215 1 rim rim: interior groove or ledge 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p6 98 q215 1 15% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p7 98 q215 1 9% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p8 98 q215 1 12% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p9 98 q215 1 9% conical (cup) 3 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p10 98 q215 1 6% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p11 98 q215 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p12 98 q215 1 9% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p13 98 q215 1 2% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p14 98 q215 1 7% straight sided 5 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p15 98 q215 1 rim rim: rounded 2003-09-14 hh J01q215-p16 98 q215 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p70 98 q215 43 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p71 98 q215 13 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p72 98 q215 9 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p73 98 q215 5 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p74 98 q215 2 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p75 98 q215 14 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p76 98 q215 4 2003-09-12 hh J01q215-p77 98 q215 1 2 I3 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p1 98 q218 1 14% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p2 98 q218 1 4% conical (cup) 2 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p3 98 q218 1 16% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p4 98 q218 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p5 98 q218 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p6 98 q218 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 bh J01q218-p7 98 q218 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-12 hh J01q218-p70 98 q218 16 2003-09-12 hh J01q218-p71 98 q218 4 2003-09-12 hh J01q218-p72 98 q218 1 2003-09-12 hh J01q218-p73 98 q218 1 2003-09-12 hh J01q218-p74 98 q218 1 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p1 98 q219 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p2 98 q219 1 11% straight sided 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p3 98 q219 1 base: rounded 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p4 98 q219 1 9% other 2 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p5 98 q219 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p6 98 q219 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p7 98 q219 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p8 98 q219 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p9 98 q219 1 rim rim: flat 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p10 98 q219 1 rim rim: rounded 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p11 98 q219 1 8% other 11 2003-09-14 hh J01q219-p69 98 q219 1 2% straight sided 2 2003-09-12 hh J01q219-p70 98 q219 6 2003-09-12 hh J01q219-p71 98 q219 2 2003-09-12 hh J01q219-p72 98 q219 1 2003-09-12 hh J01q219-p73 98 q219 1 J01q283-p70 q283 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p1 142 q292 1 1% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p2 142 q292 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p3 142 q292 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p4 142 q292 1 9% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p5 142 q292 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p6 142 q292 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p7 142 K q292 1 round sided 2 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p8 142 q292 1 7% round sided 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p9 142 q292 1 5% deep 7 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p10 142 q292 1 7% deep 7 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p11 142 q292 1 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p12 142 q292 1 9% 1 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p13 142 K q292 1 2% deep 1 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p14 142 q292 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p15 142 q292 1 deep 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p16 142 q292 1 rim: square 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p17 142 q292 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-02 hh J01q292-p18 142 q292 1 8% 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p1 143 M q293 1 4% deep 810 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p2 143 q293 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p3 143 M q293 1 handle 1 M24 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p4 143 q293 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p5 143 q293 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p6 143 q293 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q293-p7 143 q293 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2014-03-08 mkb J01q293-p70 143 q293 1 geometric design on body sherd 1 M22 2008-08-07 sm J01q293-p71 143 q293 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q293-p72 143 q293 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q293-p73 143 q293 29 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p1 142 q294 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p2 142 q294 1 1 M4 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p3 142 q294 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p4 142 K q294 1 deep 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p5 142 q294 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p6 142 q294 1 11% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p7 142 q294 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p8 142 q294 1 10% shouldered 10 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p9 142 q294 1 5% deep 14 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p10 142 K q294 1 5% round sided 2 2005-08-02 hh J01q294-p11 142 q294 1 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p1 142 q296 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p2 142 q296 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p3 142 q296 1 12% base: flat 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p4 142 q296 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p5 142 q296 1 deep 14 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p6 142 q296 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p7 142 q296 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q296-p8 142 q296 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p70 142 q296 66 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p71 142 q296 1 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p72 142 q296 2 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p73 142 q296 3 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p74 142 q296 3 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p75 142 q296 2 3 A1 2005-08-03 jm J01q296-p76 142 q296 1 1 K6 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p1 143 M q297 1 8% 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p2 143 M q297 1 11% other 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p3 143 q297 1 3% hole mouth 2 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p4 143 K q297 1 10% 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p5 143 q297 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p6 143 q297 1 1 M18 12% rim: beaked 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p7 143 M q297 1 3% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p8 143 q297 1 7% base: flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p9 143 M q297 1 2% other 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q297-p10 143 K q297 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-10 sm J01q297-p70 143 q297 45 2008-08-10 sm J01q297-p71 143 q297 3 2008-08-10 sm J01q297-p72 143 q297 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q297-p73 143 q297 1 2 I1 2008-08-10 sm J01q297-p74 143 q297 1 2 I3 2008-08-10 sm J01q297-p75 143 q297 1 3 A1 2008-08-13 hh J01q299-p1 143 M q299 1 Incised crescents in rows 5% deep 802 2008-08-13 sm J01q299-p70 143 q299 3 2008-08-13 sm J01q299-p71 143 q299 1 2005-08-06 hh J01q301-p1 142 q301 1 9% straight sided 2 2005-08-06 hh J01q301-p2 142 q301 1 45% base: ring 2005-08-06 hh J01q301-p3 142 q301 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q301-p4 142 q301 1 stopper 2005-08-03 jm J01q301-p70 142 q301 27 2005-08-03 jm J01q301-p71 142 q301 2 2005-08-03 jm J01q301-p72 142 q301 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q302-p1 143 M q302 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q302-p2 143 M q302 1 7% deep 802 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q302-p3 143 M q302 1 HANDLE handle: type unspecified 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q302-p4 143 q302 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q302-p5 143 q302 1 12% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-06 sm J01q302-p70 143 q302 4 2008-08-06 sm J01q302-p71 143 q302 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q302-p72 143 q302 18 2008-08-09 hh J01q303-p1 143 M q303 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q303-p2 143 M q303 1 15% base: high ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q303-p3 143 M q303 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q303-p4 143 M q303 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-07 sm J01q303-p70 143 q303 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q303-p71 143 q303 8 2008-08-07 sm J01q303-p72 143 q303 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p1 145 q304 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p2 145 q304 1 base: rounded 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p3 145 q304 1 base: pointed 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p4 145 M q304 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p5 145 q304 1 35% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p6 145 q304 1 7% 802 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p7 145 K q304 1 1 K9 9% deep 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p8 145 q304 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p9 145 M q304 1 5% deep 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p10 145 q304 1 10% deep 2 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p11 145 q304 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q304-p12 145 q304 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 sm J01q304-p70 145 q304 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q304-p71 145 q304 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q304-p72 145 q304 5 2008-08-13 sm J01q304-p73 145 q304 59 2008-08-13 sm J01q304-p74 145 q304 1 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p1 142 K q305 1 1 K2 5% necked straight 2 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p2 142 q305 1 13% base: ring 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p3 142 q305 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p4 142 q305 1 5% other 16 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p5 142 K q305 1 5% round sided 2 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p6 142 q305 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q305-p7 142 q305 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 sm J01q305-p70 142 q305 33 2005-08-06 sm J01q305-p71 142 q305 3 2005-08-06 sm J01q305-p72 142 q305 2 2005-08-06 sm J01q305-p73 142 q305 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p1 143 M q306 1 4% round sided 804 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p2 143 q306 1 100% base: flat 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p3 143 q306 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p4 143 M q306 1 9% other 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p5 143 q306 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p6 143 M q306 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p7 143 q306 1 5% shouldered 10 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p8 143 M q306 1 rim: square 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p9 143 q306 1 stand 2008-08-09 hh J01q306-p10 143 M q306 1 1% base: high ring 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q306-p70 143 q306 4 2008-08-06 sm J01q306-p71 143 q306 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q306-p72 143 q306 32 2008-08-06 sm J01q308-p70 143 q308 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q308-p71 143 q308 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q308-p72 143 q308 1 3 A4 2008-08-06 sm J01q308-p73 143 q308 18 2008-08-14 sm J01q311-p70 145 q311 11 2008-08-14 sm J01q311-p71 145 q311 1 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p1 142 q312 1 1 M4 5% 6 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p2 142 q312 1 5% deep 7 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p3 142 q312 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p4 142 q312 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p5 142 q312 1 25% base: type unspecified 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p6 142 q312 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p7 142 q312 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p8 142 q312 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p9 142 q312 1 9% deep 7 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p10 142 q312 1 5% round sided 2 base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-06 hh J01q312-p11 142 q312 1 15% 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p70 142 q312 93 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p71 142 q312 2 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p72 142 q312 3 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p73 142 q312 6 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p74 142 q312 1 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p75 142 q312 1 2 I3 2005-08-06 sm J01q312-p76 142 q312 1 2 I1 2005-08-08 jm J01q316-p70 142 q316 59 2005-08-08 jm J01q316-p71 142 q316 2 2005-08-08 jm J01q316-p72 142 q316 1 2005-08-08 jm J01q316-p73 142 q316 3 2005-08-08 jm J01q316-p74 142 q316 2 1 K4 2005-08-08 jm J01q316-p75 142 q316 1 1 K4 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p1 145 M q317 1 5% deep 806 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p2 145 M q317 1 4% deep 804 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p3 145 M q317 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p4 145 q317 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p5 145 q317 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p6 145 q317 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p7 145 q317 1 17% necked 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p8 145 M q317 1 rim: square 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p9 145 q317 1 5% deep 20 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p10 145 q317 1 100% base: high ring 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p11 145 q317 1 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p12 145 q317 1 base: pointed 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p13 145 q317 1 4% other 2 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p14 145 q317 1 1% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p15 145 q317 1 3% 801 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p16 145 M q317 1 4% deep 803 2008-08-15 hh J01q317-p17 145 M q317 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-14 sm J01q317-p70 145 q317 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q317-p71 145 q317 12 2008-08-14 sm J01q317-p72 145 q317 1 2 I1 2008-08-14 sm J01q317-p73 145 q317 42 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p1 149 M q318 1 1 M18 6% other 804 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p2 149 M q318 1 11% round sided 807 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p3 149 M q318 1 1 M18 5% other 804 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p4 149 M q318 1 7% other 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p5 149 q318 1 9% deep 14 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p6 149 q318 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p7 149 q318 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p8 149 M q318 1 8% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p9 149 q318 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p10 149 M q318 1 15% shouldered 803 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p11 149 M q318 1 M-3 1 M12 12% deep 805 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p12 149 M q318 1 2% deep 807 2008-08-10 hh J01q318-p13 149 M q318 1 base: rounded 2008-08-09 sm J01q318-p70 149 q318 10 WATEDRIP MARKS 2008-08-09 sm J01q318-p71 149 q318 8 2008-08-09 sm J01q318-p72 149 q318 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q318-p73 149 q318 1 2 I7 2008-08-09 sm J01q318-p74 149 q318 1 2 I1 2008-08-09 sm J01q318-p75 149 q318 69 2008-08-17 hh J01q321-p1 142 q321 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q321-p2 142 M q321 1 5% other 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q321-p3 142 q321 1 HANDLE handle: type unspecified 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q321-p4 142 q321 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q321-p5 142 q321 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-14 sm J01q321-p70 142 q321 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q321-p71 142 q321 2 2008-08-14 sm J01q321-p72 142 q321 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q321-p73 142 q321 3 2008-08-14 sm J01q321-p74 142 q321 1 3 A1 2008-08-14 sm J01q321-p75 142 q321 11 2008-08-09 hh J01q322-p1 149 M q322 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q322-p2 149 q322 1 5% 6 base: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q322-p3 149 q322 1 5% other 2 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q322-p70 149 q322 6 2008-08-10 hh J01q323-p1 149 q323 1 shouldered 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q323-p2 149 q323 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-10 hh J01q323-p3 149 M q323 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-09 sm J01q323-p71 149 q323 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q323-p72 149 q323 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p1 145 q324 1 50% base: type unspecified 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p2 145 q324 1 large hole near rim 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p3 145 q324 1 rim: flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p4 145 M q324 1 3% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p5 145 M q324 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p6 145 M q324 1 P 7% hole mouth 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p7 145 M q324 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p8 145 M q324 1 rim: square 2008-08-13 hh J01q324-p9 145 q324 1 5% base: low ring 2008-08-13 sm J01q324-p70 145 q324 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q324-p71 145 q324 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q324-p72 145 q324 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q324-p73 145 q324 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q324-p74 145 q324 2 2008-08-13 sm J01q324-p75 145 q324 23 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p1 142 q326 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p2 142 q326 1 other 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p3 142 q326 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p4 142 q326 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p5 142 q326 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p6 142 q326 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p7 142 q326 1 base: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q326-p8 142 q326 1 45% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-14 sm J01q326-p70 142 q326 21 2008-08-14 sm J01q326-p71 142 q326 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q326-p72 142 q326 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q327-p70 150 q327 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q327-p71 150 q327 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q327-p72 150 q327 17 2008-08-10 hh J01q329-p1 149 q329 1 11% necked straight 4 2008-08-10 hh J01q329-p2 149 K q329 1 4% deep 19 2008-08-10 hh J01q329-p3 149 M q329 1 5% 803 2008-08-09 sm J01q329-p70 149 q329 19 2008-08-09 sm J01q329-p71 149 q329 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q329-p72 149 q329 2 2008-08-10 hh J01q330-p1 149 q330 1 9% 2008-08-10 hh J01q330-p2 149 q330 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q330-p3 149 q330 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q330-p4 149 q330 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 sm J01q330-p70 149 q330 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q330-p71 149 q330 19 2008-08-09 sm J01q330-p72 149 q330 1 WATER DREP MARKS 2 I3 2008-08-09 sm J01q330-p73 149 q330 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q330-p74 149 q330 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q331-p70 150 q331 13 2008-08-04 sm J01q331-p71 150 q331 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q331-p72 150 q331 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q331-p73 150 q331 1 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p1 143 M q333 1 rim: simple 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p2 143 M q333 1 5% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p3 143 q333 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p4 143 q333 1 25% base: solid footed 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p5 143 q333 1 7% necked straight 7 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p6 143 q333 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p7 143 M q333 1 5% 802 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p8 143 q333 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-15 hh J01q333-p9 143 q333 1 10% round sided 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p70 143 q333 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p71 143 q333 4 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p72 143 q333 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p73 143 q333 3 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p74 143 q333 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p75 143 q333 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p76 143 q333 1 1 M16 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p77 143 q333 1 3 A3 2008-08-14 sm J01q333-p78 143 q333 31 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p1 149 q334 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p2 149 M q334 1 2% 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p3 149 M q334 1 rim: square 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p4 149 M q334 1 M-22 9% other 806 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p5 149 M q334 1 17% necked straight 802 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p6 149 q334 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p7 149 M q334 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-09 hh J01q334-p8 149 q334 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-09 sm J01q334-p70 149 q334 21 2008-08-09 sm J01q334-p71 149 q334 2 0000-00-00 sm J01q334-p72 149 q334 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q334-p73 149 q334 1 2 I1 2008-08-09 sm J01q334-p74 149 q334 1 1 M3 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p1 148 M q335 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p2 148 K q335 1 5% deep 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p3 148 q335 1 9% necked straight 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p4 148 M q335 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p5 148 M q335 1 rim: square 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p6 148 M q335 1 5% xdl 2008-08-17 hh J01q335-p7 148 q335 1 6% deep 14 2008-08-14 sm J01q335-p70 148 q335 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q335-p71 148 q335 27 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p1 149 q336 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p2 149 q336 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p3 149 q336 1 8% base: flat 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p4 149 M q336 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p5 149 M q336 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p6 149 q336 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q336-p7 149 q336 1 triangular impressed decoration base: flat 2008-08-09 sm J01q336-p70 149 q336 32 2008-08-09 sm J01q336-p71 149 q336 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q336-p72 149 q336 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q336-p73 149 q336 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q336-p74 149 q336 1 2 I1 2008-08-09 sm J01q336-p75 149 q336 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q337-p70 142 q337 4 2008-08-14 sm J01q337-p71 142 q337 2 2008-08-14 sm J01q337-p72 142 q337 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q338-p1 149 q338 1 5% straight sided 5 2008-08-09 hh J01q338-p2 149 q338 1 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q338-p3 149 M q338 1 5% deep 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q338-p4 149 q338 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q338-p5 149 M q338 1 7% other 802 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q338-p6 149 M q338 1 35% base: low ring 2008-08-09 sm J01q338-p70 149 q338 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q338-p71 149 q338 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q338-p72 149 q338 1 3 A2 2008-08-09 sm J01q338-p73 149 q338 30 2008-08-10 hh J01q339-p1 149 q339 1 1% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q339-p2 149 q339 1 40% base: type unspecified 2008-08-10 hh J01q339-p3 149 M q339 1 4% deep 811 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q339-p4 149 M q339 1 10% base: ring 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q339-p5 149 M q339 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 sm J01q339-p70 149 q339 1 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q339-p71 149 q339 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q339-p72 149 q339 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q339-p73 149 q339 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q339-p74 149 q339 13 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p1 151 q340 1 1 M16 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p2 151 q340 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p3 151 q340 1 5% straight sided 2 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p4 151 q340 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p5 151 q340 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p6 151 q340 1 1 M4 10% 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p7 151 q340 1 6% 6 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p8 151 q340 1 10% hole mouth 6 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p9 151 q340 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p10 151 q340 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p11 151 q340 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p12 151 q340 1 12% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p13 151 q340 1 11% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p14 151 q340 1 13% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p15 151 q340 1 75% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p16 151 M q340 1 75% base: solid footed 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p17 151 q340 1 17% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q340-p18 151 q340 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q340-p70 151 q340 71 2005-08-14 jm J01q340-p71 151 q340 5 2005-08-14 jm J01q340-p72 151 q340 2 2005-08-14 jm J01q340-p73 151 q340 3 2005-08-14 jm J01q340-p74 151 q340 5 1 K4 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p1 152 M q341 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p2 152 M q341 1 90% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p3 152 K q341 1 70% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p4 152 M q341 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p5 152 q341 1 35% base: string cut cup 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p6 152 M q341 1 2% 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p7 152 q341 1 17% necked straight 2 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p8 152 M q341 1 rim: square 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p9 152 M q341 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p10 152 M q341 1 7% round sided 807 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p11 152 M q341 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p12 152 q341 1 rim: flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p13 152 M q341 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p14 152 M q341 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p15 152 M q341 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-28 hh J01q341-p16 152 M q341 1 rim: flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q341-p70 152 q341 77 2008-07-27 hh J01q341-p71 152 q341 5 2008-07-27 hh J01q341-p72 152 q341 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q341-p73 152 q341 2 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q341-p74 152 q341 1 1 M3 2014-03-03 mkb J01q342-p6 150 q342 1 description added based off drawing W22d0154 necked flaring (necked) 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p70 38 q343 1 1 M3 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p71 38 q343 2 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p72 38 q343 10 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p73 38 q343 5 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p74 38 q343 1 1 M3 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p75 38 q343 2 2 I7 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p76 38 q343 2 2008-08-08 sm J01q343-p77 38 q343 61 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p1 151 q344 1 rim: out-turned 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p2 151 q344 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p3 151 q344 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p4 151 q344 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p5 151 q344 1 rim: simple 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p6 151 q344 1 1 M16 rim: out-turned 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p7 151 q344 1 10% necked straight 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p8 151 q344 1 3% 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p9 151 K q344 1 1 K9 7% deep 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p10 151 q344 1 9% other 5 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p11 151 q344 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p12 151 q344 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p13 151 q344 1 50% 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p14 151 q344 1 7% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p15 151 q344 1 10% 2005-08-14 hh J01q344-p16 151 q344 1 base: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q344-p66 151 M q344 1 1 M4 10% necked straight 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q344-p67 151 M q344 1 8% hole mouth 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q344-p68 151 q344 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-09 hh J01q344-p69 151 M q344 1 M - 3 9% 803 2008-08-09 sm J01q344-p70 151 q344 11 2008-08-09 sm J01q344-p71 151 q344 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q344-p72 151 q344 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p73 151 q344 51 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p74 151 q344 3 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p75 151 q344 1 water Drip Mark 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p76 151 q344 4 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p77 151 q344 2 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p78 151 q344 1 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q344-p79 151 q344 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p1 151 M q345 1 1 M9 5% 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p2 151 M q345 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p3 151 q345 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p4 151 M q345 1 13% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p5 151 M q345 1 STOPPER 6% deep 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p6 151 M q345 1 STOPPER 20% other 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p7 151 M q345 1 3% deep 812 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p8 151 M q345 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p9 151 M q345 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p10 151 q345 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p11 151 M q345 1 DOOR SOCKET 3 A1 5% round sided 807 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p12 151 q345 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q345-p13 151 M q345 1 rim: flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p70 151 q345 88 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p71 151 q345 10 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p72 151 q345 6 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p73 151 q345 21 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p74 151 q345 1 1 K4 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p75 151 q345 1 1 K4 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p76 151 q345 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q345-p77 151 q345 1 2 I1 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p1 149 M q346 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p2 149 M q346 1 25% base: solid footed 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p3 149 M q346 1 25% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p4 149 M q346 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p5 149 q346 1 1 M16 base: rounded 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p6 149 M q346 1 22% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p7 149 M q346 1 1 M18 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p8 149 M q346 1 5% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p9 149 M q346 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p10 149 M q346 1 1 M2 15% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p11 149 K q346 1 1 K1 11% necked straight 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p12 149 M q346 1 1 M24 5% deep 810 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p13 149 M q346 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p14 149 M q346 1 3 A1 10% necked straight 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p15 149 q346 1 5% necked straight 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p16 149 q346 1 5% deep 14 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p17 149 M q346 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 804 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p18 149 M q346 1 1 M16 15% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p19 149 M q346 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p20 149 q346 1 9% necked straight 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p21 149 K q346 1 1 K6 10% 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p22 149 M q346 1 1 M16 rim: flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p23 149 M q346 1 1 M16 rim: simple 2008-07-27 hh J01q346-p24 149 q346 1 leg 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p1 151 q348 1 2% deep 14 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p2 151 M q348 1 1 M14 10% necked straight 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p3 151 M q348 1 5% round sided 806 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p4 151 M q348 1 3% round sided 807 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p5 151 M q348 1 1 M19 rim: beaked 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p6 151 M q348 1 7% other 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p7 151 M q348 1 1 M19 5% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p8 151 M q348 1 3% other 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p9 151 M q348 1 4% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p10 151 M q348 1 5% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p11 151 M q348 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p12 151 M q348 1 ware revised from CH based on assemblage information. 10% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p13 151 M q348 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p14 151 M q348 1 8% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p15 151 q348 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p16 151 M q348 1 rim: square 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p17 151 M q348 1 2% deep 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p18 151 M q348 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p19 151 M q348 1 6% hole mouth 804 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p20 151 q348 1 3% straight sided 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p21 151 q348 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q348-p22 151 M q348 1 1 M19 6% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p70 151 q348 102 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p71 151 q348 31 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p72 151 q348 15 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p73 151 q348 20 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p74 151 q348 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p75 151 q348 1 B6 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p76 151 q348 3 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p77 151 q348 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p78 151 q348 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q348-p79 151 q348 1 2 I7 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p1 149 M q349 1 10% 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p2 149 M q349 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p3 149 M q349 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p4 149 q349 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p5 149 M q349 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p6 149 M q349 1 base: pointed 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p7 149 M q349 1 4% 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p8 149 M q349 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p9 149 M q349 1 7% other 801 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p10 149 M q349 1 75% base: high ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p11 149 q349 1 17% necked straight 9 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p12 149 q349 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p13 149 q349 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p14 149 M q349 1 1 M3 5% base: pointed 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p15 149 M q349 1 5% other 803 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p16 149 q349 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-10 hh J01q349-p17 149 M q349 1 15% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 sm J01q349-p70 149 q349 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q349-p71 149 q349 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q349-p72 149 q349 3 2008-08-09 sm J01q349-p73 149 q349 5 2008-08-09 sm J01q349-p74 149 q349 27 2008-08-09 sm J01q349-p75 149 q349 1 1 M26 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p1 152 M q350 1 40% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p2 152 M q350 1 65% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p3 152 M q350 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p4 152 q350 1 100% base: flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p5 152 M q350 1 22% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p6 152 M q350 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p7 152 q350 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p8 152 M q350 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p9 152 M q350 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p10 152 q350 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p11 152 q350 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p12 152 q350 1 Lid handle 1 M16 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p13 152 q350 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p14 152 M q350 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p15 152 M q350 1 8% 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p16 152 M q350 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p17 152 M q350 1 12% deep 802 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p18 152 M q350 1 1 M19 6% deep 803 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p19 152 M q350 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p20 152 M q350 1 rim: flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p21 152 M q350 1 rim: flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q350-p22 152 q350 1 10% other 6 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p70 38 q351 8 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p71 38 q351 1 1 M1 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p72 38 q351 2 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p73 38 q351 1 2 I7 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p74 38 q351 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p75 38 q351 10 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p76 38 q351 1 1 M1 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p77 38 q351 3 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p78 38 q351 1 3 A1 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p79 38 q351 1 1 M25 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p80 38 q351 97 2008-08-07 sm J01q351-p81 38 q351 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p1 151 q352 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p2 151 M q352 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p3 151 M q352 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p4 151 M q352 1 16% base: low ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p5 151 M q352 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p6 151 q352 1 15% base: string cut cup 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p7 151 M q352 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p8 151 M q352 1 35% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p9 151 M q352 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p10 151 M q352 1 3% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p11 151 M q352 1 5% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p12 151 q352 1 6% deep 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p13 151 M q352 1 10% deep 818 2008-07-27 hh J01q352-p14 151 q352 1 rim: flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p70 151 q352 191 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p71 151 q352 58 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p72 151 q352 23 I -7 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p76 151 q352 2 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p77 151 q352 1 2 I7 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p83 151 q352 1 Water drip marks B7 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p84 151 q352 2 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p85 151 q352 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p86 151 q352 1 1 K4 2008-07-26 hh J01q352-p87 151 q352 1 Water drip marks 2 I1 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p1 152 q353 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p2 152 M q353 1 30% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p3 152 M q353 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p4 152 q353 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p5 152 M q353 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p6 152 q353 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p7 152 M q353 1 base: high ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p8 152 q353 1 stopper 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p9 152 M q353 1 rim: square 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p10 152 M q353 1 7% round sided 806 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p11 152 K q353 1 3% other 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p12 152 M q353 1 rim: square 2008-07-28 hh J01q353-p13 152 q353 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 sm J01q353-p70 152 q353 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q353-p71 152 q353 1 I - 7 2008-08-04 sm J01q353-p72 152 q353 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q353-p73 152 q353 38 2008-07-27 hh J01q353-p74 152 q353 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q353-p75 152 q353 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q353-p76 152 q353 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q353-p77 152 q353 1 2 I7 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p1 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p2 151 q354 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p3 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p4 151 q354 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p5 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p6 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p7 151 q354 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p8 151 q354 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p9 151 q354 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p10 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p11 151 q354 1 rim: flat 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p12 151 q354 1 rim: out-turned 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p13 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p14 151 q354 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p15 151 q354 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p16 151 q354 1 5% deep 14 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p17 151 q354 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p18 151 q354 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-06 hh J01q354-p19 151 q354 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p70 151 q354 102 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p71 151 q354 9 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p72 151 q354 5 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p73 151 q354 1 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p74 151 q354 1 B6 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p75 151 q354 1 1 K4 2005-08-13 jm J01q354-p76 151 q354 1 1 K4 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p70 38 q356 1 1 M1 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p71 38 q356 4 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p72 38 q356 4 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p73 38 q356 2 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p74 38 q356 2 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p75 38 q356 1 3 A2 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p76 38 q356 3 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p77 38 q356 55 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p78 38 q356 3 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q356-p79 38 q356 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q357-p70 38 q357 2 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q357-p71 38 q357 6 2008-08-09 sm J01q357-p72 38 q357 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p1 150 q359 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p2 150 q359 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p3 150 q359 1 9% deep 7 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p4 150 q359 1 5% necked straight 11 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p5 150 q359 1 5% deep 7 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p6 150 q359 1 10% necked straight 7 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p7 150 q359 1 11% hole mouth 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p8 150 q359 1 rim: square 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p9 150 q359 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p10 150 q359 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p11 150 q359 1 base: ring 2005-08-05 hh J01q359-p12 150 q359 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-14 jm J01q359-p70 150 q359 39 2005-08-14 jm J01q359-p71 150 q359 5 2005-08-14 jm J01q359-p72 150 q359 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q359-p73 150 q359 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q359-p74 150 q359 1 3 A1 2005-08-14 jm J01q359-p75 150 q359 1 1 K7 2008-08-08 sm J01q360-p70 38 q360 1 1 M16 2008-08-08 sm J01q360-p71 38 q360 1 3 A1 2008-08-08 sm J01q360-p72 38 q360 49 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p73 38 q360 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p74 38 q360 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p75 38 q360 1 1 M1 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p76 38 q360 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p77 38 q360 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p78 38 q360 6 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p79 38 q360 3 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p80 38 q360 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q360-p81 38 q360 1 1 M3 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p1 149 q361 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p2 149 M q361 1 4% 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p3 149 q361 1 35% base: type unspecified 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p4 149 q361 1 2 I7 5% shouldered 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p5 149 M q361 1 rim: flat 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p6 149 M q361 1 1 M4 40% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p7 149 q361 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p8 149 M q361 1 1 M 14% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p9 149 M q361 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p10 149 M q361 1 1 M3 35% base: high ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p11 149 K q361 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q361-p12 149 M q361 1 100% base: disk base, flat 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p70 149 q361 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p71 149 q361 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p72 149 q361 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p73 149 q361 1 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p74 149 q361 1 2 I7 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p75 149 q361 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q361-p76 149 q361 35 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p1 151 q362 1 1 M3 rim: out-turned 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p2 151 q362 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p3 151 q362 1 5% other 5 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p4 151 q362 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p5 151 q362 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p6 151 q362 1 4% other 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p7 151 q362 1 rim: square 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p8 151 q362 1 1 M15 3% 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p9 151 q362 1 10% necked straight 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p10 151 q362 1 rim: square 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p11 151 q362 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p12 151 q362 1 5% round sided 5 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p13 151 q362 1 2% round sided 6 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p14 151 K q362 1 5% round sided 2 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p15 151 q362 1 rim: square 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p16 151 q362 1 3% other 5 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p17 151 q362 1 2% other 5 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p18 151 K q362 1 7% deep 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p19 151 q362 1 rim: square 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p20 151 q362 1 7% other 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p21 151 q362 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p22 151 q362 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p23 151 q362 1 4% necked flaring (necked) 9 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p24 151 q362 1 26% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p25 151 q362 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p26 151 q362 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p27 151 q362 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p28 151 q362 1 2005-08-05 hh J01q362-p29 151 q362 1 75% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p70 151 q362 150 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p71 151 q362 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p72 151 q362 5 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p73 151 q362 2 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p74 151 q362 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p75 151 q362 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p76 151 q362 11 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p77 151 q362 8 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p78 151 q362 3 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p79 151 q362 3 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p80 151 q362 1 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p81 151 q362 2 1 K2 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p82 151 q362 2 1 K5 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p83 151 q362 1 B 7 B6 2005-08-14 jm J01q362-p84 151 q362 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p1 151 q363 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p2 151 q363 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p3 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p4 151 K q363 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 2 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p5 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p6 151 q363 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p7 151 q363 1 1 M18 5% 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p8 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p9 151 q363 1 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p10 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p11 151 q363 1 1 K2 rim: flat 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p12 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p13 151 q363 1 rim: simple 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p14 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p15 151 q363 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p16 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p17 151 q363 1 1 K9 rim: out-turned 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p18 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p19 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p20 151 q363 1 1 K8 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p21 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p22 151 q363 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p23 151 q363 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p24 151 q363 1 3% hole mouth 6 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p25 151 q363 1 4% other 5 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p26 151 q363 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p27 151 q363 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p28 151 q363 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p29 151 q363 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p30 151 q363 1 1 M15 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p31 151 q363 1 100% base: type unspecified 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p32 151 q363 1 100% base: type unspecified 2005-08-14 hh J01q363-p33 151 q363 1 base: holed in center of base 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p70 151 q363 100 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p71 151 q363 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p72 151 q363 6 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p73 151 q363 2 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p74 151 q363 17 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p75 151 q363 4 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p76 151 q363 1 B6 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p77 151 q363 4 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p78 151 q363 2 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p79 151 q363 1 POK MARK 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q363-p80 151 q363 1 2 I3 2014-03-03 mkb J01q364-p2 150 q364 1 short parallel lines on side of handle 1 M22 handle: strap, rectangular in section 2008-08-04 sm J01q364-p70 150 q364 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q364-p71 150 q364 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q364-p72 150 q364 18 2008-08-04 sm J01q364-p73 150 q364 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q365-p70 38 q365 1 B5 2008-08-09 sm J01q365-p71 38 q365 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q365-p72 38 q365 4 2008-08-09 sm J01q365-p73 38 q365 19 2008-08-09 sm J01q365-p74 38 q365 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q365-p75 38 q365 1 3 A2 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p1 151 q366 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p2 151 q366 1 rim: flat 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p3 151 q366 1 4% deep 14 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p4 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p5 151 q366 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p6 151 q366 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p7 151 q366 1 5% deep 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p8 151 K q366 1 round sided 2 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p9 151 q366 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p10 151 q366 1 1 M4 4% 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p11 151 q366 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p12 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p13 151 q366 1 11% necked straight 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p14 151 q366 1 1 K9 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p15 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p16 151 q366 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p17 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p18 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p19 151 q366 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p20 151 q366 1 5% other 8 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p21 151 K q366 1 1 K9 3% deep 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p22 151 q366 1 4% other 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p23 151 q366 1 1 K9 3% deep 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p24 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p25 151 q366 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p26 151 q366 1 27% necked straight 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p27 151 q366 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2005-08-14 hh J01q366-p28 151 q366 1 rim: square 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p29 151 q366 1 14% hole mouth 3 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p30 151 q366 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 4 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p31 151 q366 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p32 151 q366 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p33 151 q366 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p34 151 q366 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p35 151 q366 1 16% base: ring 2005-08-05 hh J01q366-p36 151 q366 1 B7 100% 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p70 151 q366 120 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p71 151 q366 15 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p72 151 q366 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p73 151 q366 12 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p74 151 q366 3 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p75 151 q366 1 B7 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p76 151 q366 2 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p77 151 q366 5 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q366-p78 151 q366 1 1 K2 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p1 151 q367 1 6% straight sided 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p2 151 q367 1 11% conical (cup) 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p3 151 q367 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p4 151 q367 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p5 151 q367 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p6 151 q367 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p7 151 q367 1 1 K11 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p8 151 q367 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p9 151 q367 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p10 151 q367 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p11 151 q367 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p12 151 q367 1 5% hole mouth 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p13 151 q367 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p14 151 q367 1 5% other 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p15 151 K q367 1 9% necked straight 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p16 151 K q367 1 1 K9 8% shouldered 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p17 151 q367 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p18 151 K q367 1 5% round sided 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p19 151 q367 1 5% round sided 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p20 151 q367 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p21 151 q367 1 7% other 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p22 151 q367 1 3% other 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p23 151 q367 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 11 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p24 151 q367 1 rim: flat 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p25 151 q367 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p26 151 q367 1 8% deep 7 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p27 151 q367 1 8% 6 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p28 151 q367 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p29 151 q367 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p30 151 q367 1 35% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p31 151 q367 1 15% 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p32 151 q367 1 100% 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p33 151 q367 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-22 hh J01q367-p34 151 q367 1 25% 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p70 151 q367 109 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p71 151 q367 7 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p72 151 q367 7 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p73 151 q367 9 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p74 151 q367 1 B6 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p75 151 q367 1 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p76 151 q367 5 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p77 151 q367 1 1 K2 2005-08-22 jm J01q367-p78 151 q367 1 1 M16 2008-07-24 hh J01q369-p1 146 M q369 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q369-p70 146 q369 25 2008-07-24 hh J01q369-p71 146 q369 4 2008-07-24 hh J01q369-p72 146 q369 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q369-p73 146 q369 1 2014-03-03 cjc J01q370-p2 150 M q370 1 description added from drawing W22d0995 other 801 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p70 150 q370 28 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p71 150 q370 6 2 I7 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p72 150 q370 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p73 150 q370 6 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p74 150 q370 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p75 150 q370 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q370-p76 150 q370 46 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p1 151 q371 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p2 151 q371 1 rim: flat 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p3 151 q371 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p4 151 q371 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p5 151 q371 1 5% hole mouth 2 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p6 151 q371 1 4% 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p7 151 q371 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p8 151 K q371 1 1 K1 6% necked straight 2 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p9 151 q371 1 rim: flat 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p10 151 q371 1 rim: notched 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p11 151 q371 1 3% carinated rounded (carination) 4 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p12 151 q371 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p13 151 q371 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p14 151 q371 1 1 M4 14% hole mouth 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p15 151 q371 1 6% 1 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p16 151 q371 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p17 151 q371 1 1 M18 3% 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p18 151 q371 1 rim: square 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p19 151 q371 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-14 hh J01q371-p20 151 q371 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p70 151 q371 108 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p71 151 q371 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p72 151 q371 3 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p73 151 q371 1 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p74 151 q371 13 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p75 151 q371 8 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p76 151 q371 4 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p77 151 q371 2 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p78 151 q371 2 1 K4 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p79 151 q371 1 1 K2 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p80 151 q371 2 1 M3 2005-08-14 jm J01q371-p81 151 q371 1 1 M5 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p1 151 q372 1 4% hole mouth 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p2 151 K q372 1 1 K1 5% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p3 151 q372 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p4 151 q372 1 6% 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p5 151 q372 1 5% 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p6 151 q372 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p7 151 q372 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p8 151 q372 1 11% necked straight 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p9 151 q372 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p10 151 K q372 1 3% 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p11 151 q372 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p12 151 q372 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p13 151 K q372 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p14 151 q372 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p15 151 q372 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p16 151 q372 1 1 K9 11% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p17 151 q372 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p18 151 q372 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p19 151 q372 1 5% deep 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p20 151 q372 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p21 151 q372 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p22 151 q372 1 5% deep 14 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p23 151 K q372 1 7% shouldered 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p24 151 q372 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p25 151 q372 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p26 151 q372 1 1 K11 rim: flat 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p27 151 q372 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p28 151 q372 1 6% deep 14 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p29 151 q372 1 14% rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p30 151 q372 1 10% deep 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p31 151 q372 1 5% round sided 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p32 151 q372 1 7% other 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p33 151 K q372 1 20% 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p34 151 q372 1 18% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p35 151 q372 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p36 151 q372 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p37 151 q372 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p38 151 q372 1 27% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p39 151 q372 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p40 151 q372 1 55% 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p41 151 q372 1 5% 2005-08-22 hh J01q372-p42 151 q372 1 stopper 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p70 151 q372 203 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p71 151 q372 10 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p72 151 q372 14 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p73 151 q372 22 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p74 151 q372 3 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p75 151 q372 1 Pot Mark 2 I9 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p76 151 q372 4 1 M3 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p77 151 q372 4 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p78 151 q372 1 1 M8 2005-08-22 jm J01q372-p79 151 q372 1 3 A3 2014-03-03 cjc J01q373-p1 150 q373 1 description added from drawing W22d0160 other 10 2014-03-03 mkb J01q373-p2 150 q373 1 description added based off drawing W21d0957 1 M12 deep 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q373-p3 150 q373 1 description added based off drawing W21d0955 other 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q373-p5 150 M q373 1 description added based off drawing W22d0162 deep 803 2014-03-03 cjc J01q373-p12 150 q373 1 description added based on drawing W21d0881 deep 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q373-p70 150 q373 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q373-p71 150 q373 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q373-p72 150 q373 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q373-p73 150 q373 25 2008-08-04 sm J01q373-p74 150 q373 1 1 M23 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p1 156 q374 1 5% deep 15 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p2 156 M q374 1 40% shouldered 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p3 156 q374 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p4 156 M q374 1 1 M9 10% deep 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p5 156 q374 1 3% deep 14 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p6 156 q374 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p7 156 q374 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p8 156 q374 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p9 156 M q374 1 1 M3 10% 803 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p10 156 M q374 1 5% other 807 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p70 156 q374 21 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p71 156 q374 7 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p72 156 q374 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p73 156 q374 1 3 A1 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p74 156 q374 2 2 I7 2008-07-20 hh J01q374-p75 156 q374 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p1 151 M q375 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p2 151 M q375 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p3 151 M q375 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p4 151 M q375 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p5 151 q375 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p6 151 M q375 1 7% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p7 151 M q375 1 6% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p8 151 M q375 1 9% round sided 806 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p9 151 K q375 1 M - 26 9% 105 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p10 151 q375 1 7% deep 14 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p11 151 M q375 1 1 M2 7% 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p12 151 q375 1 15% deep 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p13 151 q375 1 9% other 5 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p14 151 M q375 1 2% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p15 151 q375 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p16 151 M q375 1 4% deep 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p17 151 M q375 1 15% deep 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p18 151 q375 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p19 151 q375 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p20 151 M q375 1 rim: square 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p21 151 M q375 1 4% hole mouth 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q375-p22 151 M q375 1 1 M18 rim: beaked 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p70 151 q375 100 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p71 151 q375 29 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p72 151 q375 17 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p73 151 q375 24 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p74 151 q375 1 Water Drip Mark 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p75 151 q375 1 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p76 151 q375 2 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p77 151 q375 1 1 K4 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p78 151 q375 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p79 151 q375 2 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q375-p80 151 q375 1 1 K4 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p1 151 q376 1 7% shouldered 10 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p2 151 q376 1 16% base: ring 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p3 151 q376 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p4 151 q376 1 4% other 5 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p5 151 q376 1 4% round sided 9 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p6 151 K q376 1 5% shouldered 3 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p7 151 q376 1 1 M25 4% 6 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p8 151 K q376 1 8% round sided 1 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p9 151 q376 1 3% 1 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p10 151 q376 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p11 151 q376 1 base: ring 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p12 151 q376 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p13 151 q376 1 5% hole mouth 5 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p14 151 q376 1 1 K9 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p15 151 q376 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p16 151 q376 1 1 M4 2% 6 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p17 151 q376 1 rim: square 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p18 151 q376 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p19 151 q376 1 23% base: flat 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p20 151 q376 1 17% other 9 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p21 151 q376 1 20% 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p22 151 q376 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p23 151 q376 1 base: type unspecified 2005-08-23 hh J01q376-p24 151 q376 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p73 151 q376 142 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p74 151 q376 4 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p75 151 q376 7 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p76 151 q376 7 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p77 151 q376 3 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p78 151 q376 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p79 151 q376 1 B6 2005-08-22 jm J01q376-p80 151 q376 3 1 K4 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p1 151 q377 1 5% round sided 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p2 151 q377 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p3 151 q377 1 rim: collared-grooved 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p4 151 K q377 1 1 K9 6% carinated rounded (carination) 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p5 151 q377 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p6 151 K q377 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p7 151 q377 1 rim: flat 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p8 151 q377 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p9 151 q377 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p10 151 K q377 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p11 151 K q377 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p12 151 q377 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p13 151 q377 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p14 151 q377 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p15 151 q377 1 8% other 12 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p16 151 q377 1 1 K2 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p17 151 q377 1 5% deep 14 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p18 151 q377 1 5% 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p19 151 q377 1 5% necked straight 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p20 151 q377 1 10% round sided 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p21 151 q377 1 1 M20 6% rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p22 151 q377 1 5% other 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p23 151 q377 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p24 151 q377 1 8% other 10 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p25 151 q377 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p26 151 q377 1 7% other 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p27 151 q377 1 necked flaring (necked) 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p28 151 K q377 1 1 K4 11% necked straight 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p29 151 q377 1 30% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p30 151 q377 1 35% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p31 151 q377 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p32 151 q377 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p33 151 q377 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p34 151 q377 1 11% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q377-p35 151 q377 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p70 151 q377 130 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p71 151 q377 9 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p72 151 q377 18 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p73 151 q377 18 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p74 151 q377 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p75 151 q377 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p76 151 q377 3 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p77 151 q377 1 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q377-p78 151 q377 1 1 M3 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p1 151 q378 1 other 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p2 151 q378 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p3 151 q378 1 4% 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p4 151 q378 1 stopper 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p5 151 q378 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p6 151 q378 1 6% other 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p7 151 q378 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p8 151 q378 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p9 151 q378 1 base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p10 151 q378 1 8% 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p11 151 q378 1 8% hole mouth 6 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p12 151 q378 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p13 151 q378 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p14 151 q378 1 21% necked straight 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p15 151 q378 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p16 151 q378 1 16% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p17 151 q378 1 21% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p18 151 q378 1 13% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p19 151 q378 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p20 151 q378 1 9% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p21 151 q378 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p22 151 q378 1 7% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p23 151 q378 1 12% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p24 151 q378 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p25 151 q378 1 25% base: solid footed 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p26 151 q378 1 5% 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p27 151 q378 1 PH - 3 10% 2005-08-22 hh J01q378-p28 151 q378 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p70 151 q378 130 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p71 151 q378 10 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p72 151 q378 2 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p73 151 q378 5 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p74 151 q378 9 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p75 151 q378 4 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p76 151 q378 4 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p77 151 q378 1 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p78 151 q378 2 1 M3 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p79 151 q378 1 3 A1 2005-08-22 jm J01q378-p80 151 q378 1 2 I3 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p1 156 q379 1 25% base: flat 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p2 156 M q379 1 30% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p3 156 q379 1 6% 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p4 156 q379 1 PH-4 15% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p5 156 M q379 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p6 156 q379 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p70 156 q379 40 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p71 156 q379 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p72 156 q379 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p73 156 q379 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p74 156 q379 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q379-p75 156 q379 1 1 M3 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p1 151 q381 1 4% conical (cup) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p2 151 q381 1 7% necked straight 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p3 151 q381 1 7% hole mouth 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p4 151 q381 1 B6 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p5 151 q381 1 5% rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p6 151 q381 1 5% hole mouth 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p7 151 q381 1 Handle handle: type unspecified 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p8 151 q381 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p9 151 q381 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p10 151 q381 1 rim: ribbed on top and exterior of rim 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p11 151 q381 1 12% hole mouth 6 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p12 151 q381 1 Stopper 14% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p13 151 q381 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p14 151 q381 1 10% base: solid footed 2005-08-22 hh J01q381-p15 151 K q381 1 14% 9 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p70 151 q381 121 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p71 151 q381 7 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p72 151 q381 6 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p73 151 q381 1 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p74 151 q381 6 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p75 151 q381 2 1 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p76 151 q381 1 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p77 151 q381 6 1 K4 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p78 151 q381 2 1 K4 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p79 151 q381 2 1 K2 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p80 151 q381 1 1 M17 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p81 151 q381 1 2 I2 2005-08-21 jm J01q381-p82 151 q381 1 1 M16 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p1 151 q382 1 6% other 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p2 151 K q382 1 1 K4 11% 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p3 151 q382 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p4 151 q382 1 7% other 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p5 151 q382 1 Stopper 1 K1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p6 151 q382 1 1 M18 11% straight sided 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p7 151 q382 1 11% necked straight 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p8 151 q382 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p9 151 q382 1 10% other 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p10 151 q382 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p11 151 K q382 1 1 K2 9% necked straight 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p12 151 q382 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p13 151 q382 1 4% round sided 9 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p14 151 q382 1 5% other 16 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p15 151 q382 1 2% deep 7 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p16 151 q382 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p17 151 q382 1 6% deep 14 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p18 151 q382 1 4% other 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p19 151 q382 1 7% deep 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p20 151 q382 1 4% deep 7 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p21 151 q382 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p22 151 K q382 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p23 151 q382 1 19% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p24 151 q382 1 9% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p25 151 q382 1 5% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p26 151 q382 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p27 151 q382 1 11% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p28 151 q382 1 12% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p29 151 q382 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p30 151 q382 1 25% 2005-08-22 hh J01q382-p31 151 q382 1 4% 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p70 151 q382 162 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p71 151 q382 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p72 151 q382 18 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p73 151 q382 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p74 151 q382 2 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p75 151 q382 7 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p76 151 q382 11 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p77 151 q382 1 2 I4 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p78 151 q382 1 2 I1 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p79 151 q382 9 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p80 151 q382 1 1 M16 2005-08-22 jm J01q382-p81 151 q382 1 3 A1 2008-08-13 sm J01q383-p70 157 q383 5 2008-08-13 sm J01q383-p71 157 q383 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p1 151 K q384 1 5% deep 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p2 151 q384 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p3 151 q384 1 base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p4 151 q384 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p5 151 q384 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p6 151 q384 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p7 151 q384 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p8 151 q384 1 16% other 8 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p9 151 q384 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p10 151 q384 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p11 151 q384 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p12 151 q384 1 base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p13 151 q384 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q384-p14 151 q384 1 rim: out-turned 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p70 151 q384 54 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p71 151 q384 6 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p72 151 q384 20 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p73 151 q384 6 Gypsun Coating on Interior 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p74 151 q384 1 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p75 151 q384 1 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p76 151 q384 1 2 I1 2005-08-22 jm J01q384-p77 151 q384 1 1 K4 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p1 151 q385 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p2 151 q385 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p3 151 q385 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p4 151 q385 1 Stopper 7% necked straight 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p5 151 q385 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p6 151 q385 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p7 151 q385 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p8 151 q385 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p9 151 q385 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p10 151 q385 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p11 151 q385 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p12 151 q385 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p13 151 q385 1 5% hole mouth 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p14 151 q385 1 3 A1 5% deep 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p15 151 q385 1 8% hole mouth 3 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p16 151 q385 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p17 151 K q385 1 5% round sided 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p18 151 q385 1 23% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p19 151 q385 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p20 151 q385 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p21 151 q385 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p22 151 q385 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p23 151 q385 1 11% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p24 151 q385 1 35% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p25 151 K q385 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2005-08-22 hh J01q385-p26 151 q385 1 100% base: ring 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p70 151 q385 150 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p71 151 q385 10 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p72 151 q385 2 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p73 151 q385 6 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p74 151 q385 6 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p75 151 q385 4 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p76 151 q385 2 1 K4 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p77 151 q385 1 1 K2 2005-08-22 jm J01q385-p78 151 q385 1 3 A1 2005-08-22 hh J01q386-p1 151 q386 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 jm J01q386-p70 151 q386 7 2008-08-14 hh J01q387-p1 157 M q387 1 6% deep 804 2008-08-14 hh J01q387-p2 157 q387 1 rim: flat 2008-08-14 hh J01q387-p3 157 q387 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q387-p4 157 q387 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q387-p5 157 q387 1 4% straight sided 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q387-p6 157 q387 1 50% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-13 sm J01q387-p70 157 q387 12 2008-08-13 sm J01q387-p71 157 q387 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p1 156 q388 1 base: flat 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p2 156 M q388 1 7% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p3 156 M q388 1 30% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p4 156 M q388 1 7% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p5 156 M q388 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p6 156 M q388 1 7% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p7 156 M q388 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p8 156 q388 1 8% hole mouth 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p9 156 K q388 1 7% round sided 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p10 156 M q388 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p11 156 M q388 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p72 156 q388 101 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p73 156 q388 12 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p74 156 q388 6 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p75 156 q388 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p76 156 q388 2 2 I1 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p77 156 q388 1 1 M3 2008-07-20 hh J01q388-p78 156 q388 1 1 M3 2005-08-27 hh J01q389-p1 140 q389 1 5% other 8 2005-08-27 hh J01q389-p2 140 q389 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-27 jm J01q389-p70 140 q389 16 2005-08-27 jm J01q389-p71 140 q389 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q389-p72 140 q389 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p1 151 M q390 1 25% base: low ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p2 151 M q390 1 24% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p3 151 M q390 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p4 151 M q390 1 100% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p5 151 q390 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p6 151 M q390 1 1% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p7 151 M q390 1 25% base: low ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p8 151 M q390 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p9 151 M q390 1 35% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p10 151 M q390 1 28% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p11 151 M q390 1 base: type unspecified 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p12 151 q390 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p13 151 M q390 1 11% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p14 151 M q390 1 13% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p15 151 M q390 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p16 151 q390 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p17 151 M q390 1 5% hole mouth 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p18 151 M q390 1 6% 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p19 151 K q390 1 ware revised from CH based on assemblage information. 7.5yr 5/1 7.5yr 5/1 1 K6 7% 105 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p20 151 M q390 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p21 151 M q390 1 9% other 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p22 151 M q390 1 10% deep 804 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p23 151 q390 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p24 151 q390 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p25 151 M q390 1 7% other 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p26 151 M q390 1 1 M18 19% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q390-p27 151 M q390 1 5% hole mouth 803 base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p70 151 q390 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p71 151 q390 11 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p72 151 q390 5 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p73 151 q390 7 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p74 151 q390 21 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p75 151 q390 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q390-p76 151 q390 2 1 M3 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p1 142 q391 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p2 142 q391 1 7% other 5 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p3 142 q391 1 4% deep 14 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p4 142 q391 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p5 142 q391 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p6 142 q391 1 4% deep 14 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p7 142 q391 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p8 142 q391 1 15% base: flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p9 142 q391 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q391-p10 142 q391 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-14 sm J01q391-p70 142 q391 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q391-p71 142 q391 2 2008-08-14 sm J01q391-p72 142 q391 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q391-p73 142 q391 1 3 A1 2008-08-14 sm J01q391-p74 142 q391 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q391-p75 142 q391 24 2009-09-14 ac J01q393-p1 142 M q393 1 1 M24 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2008-08-17 hh J01q393-p2 142 M q393 1 deep 810 3 2008-08-17 hh J01q393-p3 142 q393 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-14 sm J01q393-p70 142 q393 10 2008-08-14 sm J01q393-p71 142 q393 1 3 A1 2008-08-14 sm J01q393-p72 142 q393 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p1 151 q394 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p2 151 M q394 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p3 151 M q394 1 75% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p4 151 q394 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p5 151 q394 1 10% base: flat 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p6 151 q394 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p7 151 M q394 1 25% base: solid footed 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p8 151 q394 1 stopper 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p9 151 M q394 1 3% 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p10 151 M q394 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p11 151 M q394 1 1 M24 5% straight sided 802 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p12 151 q394 1 7.5yr 5/1 7.5yr 5/1 3% other 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p13 151 M q394 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p14 151 q394 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p15 151 M q394 1 10% hole mouth 806 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p16 151 M q394 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p17 151 q394 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p18 151 K q394 1 1 K8 2% necked straight 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p19 151 M q394 1 1 M2 rim: square 2008-07-27 hh J01q394-p20 151 M q394 1 1 M18 6% shouldered 801 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p70 151 q394 72 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p71 151 q394 28 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p72 151 q394 13 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p73 151 q394 12 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p74 151 q394 5 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p75 151 q394 2 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p76 151 q394 3 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p77 151 q394 2 1 K4 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p78 151 q394 1 1 K6 2008-07-26 hh J01q394-p79 151 q394 1 2 I7 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p1 156 q395 1 6% straight sided 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p2 156 q395 1 3% deep 14 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p3 156 K q395 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p4 156 M q395 1 801 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p5 156 q395 1 11% necked straight 7 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p6 156 q395 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p7 156 q395 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p8 156 q395 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p9 156 q395 1 7% base: ring 2005-08-22 hh J01q395-p10 156 q395 1 base: solid footed 2005-08-22 jm J01q395-p70 156 q395 20 2005-08-22 jm J01q395-p71 156 q395 5 2005-08-22 jm J01q395-p72 156 q395 5 2005-08-22 jm J01q395-p73 156 q395 2 2005-08-22 jm J01q395-p74 156 q395 2 2005-08-22 jm J01q395-p75 156 q395 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p1 143 M q397 1 4% other 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p2 143 M q397 1 3% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p3 143 q397 1 15% deep 807 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p4 143 q397 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p5 143 M q397 1 4% deep 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p6 143 M q397 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p7 143 M q397 1 1 M18 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p8 143 M q397 1 5% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p9 143 M q397 1 rim: flat 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p10 143 M q397 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p11 143 q397 1 4% other 10 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p12 143 M q397 1 1 M18 5% 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p13 143 M q397 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p14 143 q397 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p15 143 q397 1 12% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p16 143 q397 1 9% other 5 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p17 143 M q397 1 10% hole mouth 801 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p18 143 M q397 1 4% other 806 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p19 143 M q397 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p20 143 q397 1 4% deep 14 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p21 143 M q397 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p22 143 q397 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p23 143 M q397 1 1 M18 5% 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p24 143 M q397 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p25 143 q397 1 55% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p26 143 q397 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p27 143 q397 1 5% base: high ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p28 143 M q397 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p29 143 M q397 1 5% other 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p30 143 M q397 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p31 143 M q397 1 11% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p32 143 M q397 1 48% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p33 143 M q397 1 1% deep 812 2008-08-13 hh J01q397-p34 143 q397 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p70 143 q397 3 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p71 143 q397 1 3 A1 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p72 143 q397 6 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p73 143 q397 5 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p74 143 q397 2 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p75 143 q397 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q397-p76 143 q397 107 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p1 162 K q398 1 8% shouldered 3 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p2 162 q398 1 10% necked straight 7 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p3 162 K q398 1 8% shouldered 3 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p4 162 K q398 1 7% deep 3 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p5 162 q398 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p6 162 K q398 1 35% base: low ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p7 162 q398 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p8 162 q398 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p9 162 K q398 1 12% base: low ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p10 162 K q398 1 20% base: high ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q398-p11 162 q398 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p70 162 q398 67 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p71 162 q398 5 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p72 162 q398 7 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p73 162 q398 5 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p74 162 q398 6 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p75 162 q398 2 1 K2 2005-08-28 jm J01q398-p76 162 q398 1 1 K4 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p1 143 K q399 1 35% base: holed in center of base 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p2 143 q399 1 1 M19 5% carinated sharp (carination) 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p3 143 M q399 1 25% base: type unspecified 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p4 143 M q399 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p5 143 M q399 1 20% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p6 143 M q399 1 1 M16 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p7 143 M q399 1 base: solid footed 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p8 143 M q399 1 12% hole mouth 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p9 143 M q399 1 1 M19 7% carinated sharp (carination) 813 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p10 143 q399 1 base: rounded 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p11 143 M q399 1 1 M16 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p12 143 M q399 1 1% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p13 143 q399 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p14 143 q399 1 9% deep 2 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p15 143 M q399 1 1 M3 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p16 143 q399 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p17 143 M q399 1 5% 802 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p18 143 M q399 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p19 143 q399 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p20 143 M q399 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 804 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p21 143 M q399 1 base base: type unspecified 2008-08-13 hh J01q399-p22 143 M q399 1 handle 1 M24 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p70 143 q399 2 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p71 143 q399 8 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p72 143 q399 1 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p73 143 q399 1 1 M1 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p74 143 q399 7 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p75 143 q399 9 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p76 143 q399 64 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p77 143 q399 1 3 A1 2008-08-10 sm J01q399-p78 143 q399 1 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p1 156 q400 1 7% other 10 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p2 156 K q400 1 5% round sided 2 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p3 156 K q400 1 14% base: type unspecified 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p4 156 q400 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p5 156 q400 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p6 156 q400 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p7 156 q400 1 base: ring 2005-08-21 hh J01q400-p8 156 K q400 1 base: type unspecified 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p70 156 q400 24 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p71 156 q400 9 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p72 156 q400 5 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p73 156 q400 1 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p74 156 q400 1 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p75 156 q400 1 2 I1 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p76 156 q400 2 1 K4 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p77 156 q400 1 1 K4 2005-08-21 jm J01q400-p78 156 q400 1 1 K5 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p1 150 q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0153 base: rounded 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p3 150 M q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0159 801 J01q401-p6 150 q401 1 base: high footed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q401-p8 150 M q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0998 base: ring J01q401-p10 150 q401 1 unclear decoration pattern, perhaps two wide horizontal lines 1 M22 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p11 150 m q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0994 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p13 150 M q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0999 base: disk base, slightly concave 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p17 150 M q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0156 deep 803 2014-03-03 mkb J01q401-p21 150 q401 1 jnf805 in the Mittani catalog has a smaller rim diameter; description added based off drawing W21d0953 necked flaring (necked) 805 2014-03-03 mkb J01q401-p22 150 q401 1 This example has a larger rim diameter than the example in the Mittani catalog; description added based off drawing W22d0161 other 811 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p24 150 M q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0157 carinated rounded (carination) 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q401-p27 150 q401 1 description added based off drawing W22d0158 deep 805 2014-03-08 cjc J01q401-p69 150 M q401 1 p# assigned Y308 rL and cJC base: ring 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p70 150 q401 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p71 150 q401 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p72 150 q401 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p73 150 q401 67 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p74 150 q401 1 B6 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p75 150 q401 1 1 M16 2008-08-04 sm J01q401-p76 150 q401 1 1 M3 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p1 163 q402 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p2 163 M q402 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p3 163 M q402 1 1 M27 8% 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p4 163 M q402 1 5% base: high ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p5 163 M q402 1 HANDLE 1 M22 handle: type unspecified 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p6 163 M q402 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p7 163 M q402 1 15% base: low ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p8 163 M q402 1 24% base: ring 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p9 163 M q402 1 MITTANI BASE - This is an unusual type, no other known examples base: disk base, flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p10 163 M q402 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p11 163 q402 1 shouldered 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p12 163 M q402 1 HANDLE 1 M22 handle: type unspecified 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p13 163 M q402 1 6% 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p14 163 M q402 1 MITTANI BASE - Base type is uncertain. ZA825 cJC: ware revised from FC based on assemblage review base: flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p15 163 q402 1 10% base: flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p16 163 M q402 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p17 163 M q402 1 HANDLE 1 M22 handle: type unspecified 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p18 163 q402 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p19 163 q402 1 6% hole mouth 7 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p20 163 q402 1 1 M16 20% straight sided 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p21 163 q402 1 19% 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p22 163 q402 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p23 163 M q402 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p24 163 M q402 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p25 163 q402 1 rim: flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p26 163 M q402 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p27 163 M q402 1 deep 806 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p28 163 q402 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p29 163 q402 1 carinated 5 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p30 163 M q402 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p31 163 M q402 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-09-18 hh J01q402-p32 163 M q402 1 10% deep 805 2005-08-23 hh J01q403-p1 156 q403 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-23 hh J01q404-p1 166 q404 1 1 M6 rim: square 2005-08-22 jm J01q404-p70 166 q404 3 2005-08-22 jm J01q404-p71 166 q404 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p1 162 q405 1 5% deep 7 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p2 162 q405 1 9% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p3 162 q405 1 5% other 11 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p4 162 q405 1 100% 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p5 162 K q405 1 10% shouldered 3 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p6 162 q405 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p7 162 K q405 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 4 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p8 162 q405 1 20% other 11 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p9 162 K q405 1 5% deep 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p10 162 q405 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p11 162 q405 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p12 162 q405 1 7% other 11 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p13 162 q405 1 rim: square 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p14 162 K q405 1 6% round sided 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p15 162 q405 1 20% base: flat 2005-08-27 hh J01q405-p16 162 q405 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q405-p72 162 q405 15 2005-08-28 jm J01q405-p73 162 q405 1 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p1 158 q406 1 6% straight sided 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p2 158 q406 1 5% straight sided 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p3 158 q406 1 7% straight sided 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p4 158 q406 1 14% straight sided 2 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p5 158 q406 1 6% straight sided 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p6 158 q406 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p7 158 q406 1 3% deep 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p8 158 q406 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p9 158 q406 1 8% other 5 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p10 158 q406 1 rim: square 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p11 158 q406 1 9% other 16 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p12 158 q406 1 40% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p13 158 q406 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-22 hh J01q406-p14 158 q406 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p74 158 q406 34 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p75 158 q406 4 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p76 158 q406 3 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p77 158 q406 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p78 158 q406 3 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p79 158 q406 1 2005-08-22 jm J01q406-p80 158 q406 1 1 K4 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p1 143 M q407 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p2 143 M q407 1 handle handle: type unspecified 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p3 143 q407 1 rim: square 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p4 143 q407 1 5% hole mouth 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p5 143 M q407 1 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p6 143 M q407 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p7 143 q407 1 50% base: solid footed 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p8 143 M q407 1 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p9 143 M q407 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p10 143 M q407 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p11 143 K q407 1 1 K1 16% necked straight 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p12 143 M q407 1 5% hole mouth 803 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p13 143 q407 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p14 143 M q407 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p15 143 M q407 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p16 143 M q407 1 1 M18 6% hole mouth 812 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p17 143 M q407 1 9% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p18 143 q407 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p19 143 M q407 1 3% other 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p20 143 q407 1 14% other 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p21 143 q407 1 rim: square 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p22 143 M q407 1 handle 1 M24 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p23 143 M q407 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p24 143 M q407 1 1 M18 10% 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p25 143 M q407 1 1 M18 6% hole mouth 812 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p26 143 M q407 1 10% necked straight 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p27 143 q407 1 30% base: low ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p28 143 q407 1 19% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p29 143 M q407 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p30 143 q407 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p31 143 M q407 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q407-p32 143 q407 1 rim: flat 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p70 143 q407 6 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p71 143 q407 1 3 A1 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p72 143 q407 1 2 I7 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p73 143 q407 1 2 I3 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p74 143 q407 1 3 A2 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p75 143 q407 4 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p76 143 q407 5 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p77 143 q407 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p78 143 q407 2 TRANGULARIMPRESSED DECORTION 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p79 143 q407 3 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p80 143 q407 1 1 M4 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p81 143 q407 2 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q407-p82 143 q407 65 2005-08-28 hh J01q408-p1 162 K q408 1 9% other 21 2005-08-28 hh J01q408-p2 162 q408 1 4% other 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q408-p3 162 q408 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 jm J01q408-p70 162 q408 39 2005-08-28 jm J01q408-p71 162 q408 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q408-p72 162 q408 2 2005-08-28 jm J01q408-p73 162 q408 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p1 163 M q409 1 5% deep 805 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p2 163 M q409 1 M-3 1 M19 5% deep 805 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p3 163 M q409 1 10% deep 801 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p4 163 M q409 1 15% necked straight 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p5 163 M q409 1 9% deep 806 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p6 163 q409 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p7 163 q409 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p8 163 q409 1 conical (cup) 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p9 163 q409 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p10 163 q409 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p11 163 M q409 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p12 163 q409 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p13 163 q409 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p14 163 q409 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p15 163 q409 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-09-15 hh J01q409-p16 163 q409 1 9% necked straight 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p1 163 M q410 1 25% base: ring 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p2 163 M q410 1 20% base: low ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p3 163 M q410 1 4% deep 803 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p4 163 M q410 1 1 M27 5% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p5 163 M q410 1 5% 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p6 163 M q410 1 15% base: low ring 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p7 163 M q410 1 27% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p8 163 M q410 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p9 163 M q410 1 5% base: high ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p10 163 q410 1 20% base: flat 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p11 163 M q410 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p12 163 M q410 1 6% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p13 163 q410 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p14 163 q410 1 STAND 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p15 163 q410 1 5% other 2 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p16 163 M q410 1 2% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p17 163 K q410 1 1 K9 6% other 22 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p18 163 M q410 1 1 M18 rim: beaked 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p19 163 q410 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p20 163 q410 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p21 163 q410 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p22 163 q410 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p23 163 q410 1 7% other 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p24 163 q410 1 5% 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p25 163 q410 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p26 163 q410 1 3% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p27 163 q410 1 rim: square 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p28 163 q410 1 rim: square 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p29 163 q410 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-16 hh J01q410-p30 163 M q410 1 45% other 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p1 163 M q411 1 6% 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p2 163 M q411 1 12% 802 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p3 163 M q411 1 6% 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p4 163 M q411 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p5 163 q411 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p6 163 M q411 1 27% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p7 163 q411 1 B2 10% necked straight 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p8 163 M q411 1 8% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p9 163 M q411 1 12% deep 806 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p10 163 M q411 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p11 163 M q411 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p12 163 M q411 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p13 163 M q411 1 1 M19 7% carinated rounded (carination) 810 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p14 163 q411 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p15 163 M q411 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-09-18 hh J01q411-p16 163 M q411 1 2% deep 802 2008-08-15 hh J01q412-p1 145 M q412 1 6% other 2008-08-15 hh J01q412-p2 145 M q412 1 base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-15 hh J01q412-p3 145 q412 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-14 sm J01q412-p70 145 q412 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q412-p71 145 q412 1 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p1 152 q413 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p2 152 q413 1 60% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p3 152 q413 1 75% base: solid footed 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p4 152 q413 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p5 152 q413 1 35% base: flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p6 152 q413 1 base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p7 152 q413 1 9% round sided 807 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p8 152 q413 1 10% necked straight 7 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p9 152 M q413 1 15% necked straight 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p10 152 M q413 1 3% 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p11 152 M q413 1 7% hole mouth 804 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p12 152 M q413 1 6% round sided 807 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p13 152 M q413 1 5% 806 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p14 152 K q413 1 1 K6 7% 2 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p15 152 q413 1 15% necked straight 3 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p16 152 M q413 1 5% 806 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p17 152 M q413 1 rim: flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p18 152 q413 1 17% necked straight 3 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p19 152 q413 1 19% necked straight 3 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p20 152 q413 1 1 M1 6% conical (cup) 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p21 152 q413 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p22 152 K q413 1 1% 1 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p23 152 q413 1 3% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-30 hh J01q413-p24 152 q413 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p70 152 q413 91 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p71 152 q413 15 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p72 152 q413 6 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p73 152 q413 10 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p74 152 q413 1 STRINER 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p75 152 q413 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p76 152 q413 1 1 M16 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p77 152 q413 1 1 M16 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p78 152 q413 1 1 M8 2008-07-27 hh J01q413-p79 152 q413 2 1 M3 J01q414-p70 163 q414 1 dark on light with swirl 1 M22 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p1 143 M q415 1 M-22 1 M19 5% deep 808 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p2 143 M q415 1 5% base: solid footed 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p3 143 M q415 1 1% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p4 143 M q415 1 2% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p5 143 K q415 1 DRIP 5% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p6 143 M q415 1 15% base: high ring 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p7 143 M q415 1 footed base base: solid footed 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p8 143 q415 1 16% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p9 143 q415 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p10 143 M q415 1 5% 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p11 143 M q415 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p12 143 q415 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p13 143 M q415 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p14 143 M q415 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p15 143 q415 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p16 143 q415 1 5% other 2 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p17 143 M q415 1 1 M18 5% 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p18 143 M q415 1 1 M18 10% necked straight 802 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p19 143 q415 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 3 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p20 143 q415 1 5% hole mouth 3 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p21 143 q415 1 8% deep 806 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p22 143 M q415 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p23 143 M q415 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p24 143 q415 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p25 143 q415 1 rim: flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p26 143 M q415 1 1 M 5% 801 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p27 143 M q415 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p28 143 M q415 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p29 143 M q415 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p30 143 M q415 1 75% base: ring 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p31 143 q415 1 1 M19 rim: rounded 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p32 143 q415 1 1 M18 6% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p33 143 M q415 1 rim: flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p34 143 M q415 1 9% deep 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q415-p35 143 K q415 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p70 143 q415 1 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p71 143 q415 3 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p72 143 q415 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p73 143 q415 7 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p74 143 q415 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p75 143 q415 2 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p76 143 q415 1 1 M1 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p77 143 q415 7 TRIANGULARIMPRESSD DECORATION 2008-08-10 sm J01q415-p78 143 q415 70 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p1 163 M q416 1 7% 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p2 163 q416 1 30% base: string cut bowl 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p3 163 q416 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p4 163 q416 1 75% base: string cut cup 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p5 163 q416 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p6 163 M q416 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p7 163 q416 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p8 163 q416 1 40% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p9 163 M q416 1 7% 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p10 163 M q416 1 2% 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p11 163 q416 1 STAND 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p12 163 M q416 1 other 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q416-p13 163 q416 1 rim: square 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p1 143 M q417 1 30% deep 805 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p2 143 M q417 1 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p3 143 q417 1 15% necked straight 9 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p4 143 q417 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p5 143 q417 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p6 143 M q417 1 1 M18 rim: flat 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p7 143 q417 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p8 143 M q417 1 9% hole mouth 806 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p9 143 M q417 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p10 143 M q417 1 7% other 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p11 143 q417 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p12 143 M q417 1 deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p13 143 M q417 1 12% base: ring 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p14 143 M q417 1 10% base: ring 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p15 143 q417 1 14% base: low ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p16 143 q417 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p17 143 M q417 1 1 M18 3% other 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p18 143 M q417 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p19 143 q417 1 100% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p20 143 M q417 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p21 143 M q417 1 1 M4 6% deep 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p22 143 K q417 1 1 K6 shouldered 2008-08-13 hh J01q417-p23 143 q417 1 6% deep 14 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p70 143 q417 4 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p71 143 q417 2 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p72 143 q417 1 2 I7 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p73 143 q417 3 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p74 143 q417 1 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p75 143 q417 6 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p76 143 q417 10 2008-08-10 sm J01q417-p77 143 q417 97 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p1 152 q419 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p2 152 q419 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p3 152 M q419 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p4 152 q419 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p5 152 M q419 1 I - 4 25% base: high ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p6 152 M q419 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p7 152 q419 1 stopper 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p8 152 q419 1 9% other 22 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p9 152 M q419 1 1 M18 5% 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p10 152 M q419 1 8% 802 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p11 152 M q419 1 7% 802 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p12 152 M q419 1 4% 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p13 152 M q419 1 4% 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p14 152 M q419 1 7% round sided 807 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p15 152 M q419 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p16 152 M q419 1 5% other 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p17 152 M q419 1 1% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-07-30 hh J01q419-p18 152 M q419 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2014-03-08 cjc J01q419-p70 152 q419 1 description added based on drawing W23d0131 1 M6? 2008-07-27 hh J01q419-p71 152 q419 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q419-p72 152 q419 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q419-p73 152 q419 3 3 A1 2008-07-27 hh J01q419-p74 152 q419 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q419-p75 152 q419 5 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p1 163 M q420 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p2 163 M q420 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p3 163 q420 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p4 163 M q420 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p5 163 M q420 1 rim: square 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p6 163 q420 1 3 A1 shouldered 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p7 163 M q420 1 carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p8 163 M q420 1 base: solid footed, convex 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p9 163 M q420 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p10 163 M q420 1 1 M19 5% necked 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p11 163 q420 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p12 163 q420 1 12% shouldered 11 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p13 163 q420 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p14 163 q420 1 20% shouldered 5 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p15 163 q420 1 1 K1 rim: flat 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p16 163 M q420 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p17 163 M q420 1 15% necked straight 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p18 163 M q420 1 rim: square 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p19 163 M q420 1 3% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p20 163 M q420 1 8% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p21 163 q420 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p22 163 q420 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p23 163 M q420 1 9% shouldered 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p24 163 M q420 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p25 163 M q420 1 4% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p26 163 M q420 1 4% hole mouth 803 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p27 163 q420 1 rim: square 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p28 163 q420 1 1 M18 rim: beaked 2008-08-31 hh J01q420-p29 163 q420 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p1 152 M q421 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p2 152 M q421 1 10% base: low ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p3 152 M q421 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p4 152 M q421 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p5 152 q421 1 10% straight sided 2 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p6 152 M q421 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p7 152 M q421 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p8 152 q421 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p9 152 q421 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p10 152 M q421 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q421-p11 152 q421 1 4% other 5 2008-07-27 hh J01q421-p70 152 q421 66 2008-07-27 hh J01q421-p71 152 q421 9 2008-07-27 hh J01q421-p72 152 q421 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q421-p73 152 q421 15 2008-07-27 hh J01q421-p74 152 q421 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q421-p75 152 q421 1 1 M13 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p1 163 M q422 1 7% 801 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p2 163 q422 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p3 163 M q422 1 7% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p4 163 M q422 1 1 M21 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p5 163 M q422 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p6 163 q422 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p7 163 q422 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p8 163 M q422 1 1% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p9 163 q422 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p10 163 M q422 1 1 M27 4% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p11 163 q422 1 7% conical (cup) 3 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p12 163 M q422 1 6% 802 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p13 163 q422 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p14 163 q422 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p15 163 M q422 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p16 163 M q422 1 10% base: low ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p17 163 M q422 1 5% 802 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p18 163 q422 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p19 163 q422 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p20 163 M q422 1 HANDLE handle: type unspecified 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p21 163 q422 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p22 163 q422 1 7% hole mouth 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p23 163 q422 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p24 163 q422 1 6% deep 14 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p25 163 M q422 1 4% deep 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p26 163 M q422 1 1 M6 5% deep 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p27 163 q422 1 11% necked straight 8 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p28 163 M q422 1 4% deep 803 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p29 163 M q422 1 rim: flat 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p30 163 q422 1 15% necked straight 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p31 163 q422 1 15% necked straight 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p32 163 q422 1 15% necked straight 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p33 163 q422 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p34 163 q422 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p35 163 q422 1 rim: square 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p36 163 q422 1 rim: flat 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p37 163 q422 1 rim: square 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p38 163 q422 1 rim: square 2008-09-16 hh J01q422-p39 163 M q422 1 2% 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p1 152 M q423 1 30% base: low ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p2 152 M q423 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p3 152 q423 1 30% base: holed in center of base 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p4 152 q423 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p5 152 M q423 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p6 152 q423 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p7 152 M q423 1 9% 802 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p8 152 M q423 1 2% base: solid footed 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p9 152 M q423 1 6% 808 2008-07-28 hh J01q423-p10 152 M q423 1 1 M20 6% other 806 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p70 152 q423 57 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p71 152 q423 5 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p72 152 q423 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p73 152 q423 10 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p74 152 q423 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p75 152 q423 2 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p76 152 q423 4 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p77 152 q423 1 2 I1 2008-07-27 hh J01q423-p78 152 q423 1 3 A1 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p1 163 q424 1 100% base: string cut cup 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p2 163 M q424 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p3 163 q424 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p4 163 M q424 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p5 163 q424 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p6 163 M q424 1 30% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p7 163 q424 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p8 163 M q424 1 6% 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p9 163 M q424 1 12% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p10 163 M q424 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p11 163 M q424 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p12 163 M q424 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p13 163 q424 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p14 163 M q424 1 1 M3 10% conical (cup) 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p15 163 q424 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p16 163 q424 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p17 163 M q424 1 1 M3 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q424-p18 163 q424 1 9% round sided 4 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p19 163 q424 1 6% straight sided 2 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p20 163 q424 1 rim: flat 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p21 163 q424 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p22 163 q424 1 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p23 163 M q424 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p24 163 q424 1 6% straight sided 802 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p25 163 M q424 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p26 163 M q424 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p27 163 q424 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p28 163 q424 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p29 163 q424 1 20% other 2008-08-31 hh J01q424-p30 163 M q424 1 M-22 17% shouldered 803 2014-03-03 cjc J01q425-p4 171 q425 1 description added based off drawing W21d0965 carinated 2008-08-04 sm J01q425-p70 171 q425 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q425-p71 171 q425 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q425-p72 171 q425 13 2008-08-17 hh J01q426-p1 174 M q426 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q426-p2 174 q426 1 7% deep 14 2008-08-17 hh J01q426-p3 174 M q426 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q426-p4 174 q426 1 DOOR SOCKET 2008-08-14 sm J01q426-p70 174 q426 17 2014-03-03 cjc J01q427-p8 163 M q427 1 description added based off drawing W21d0498 808 2014-03-03 mkb J01q427-p21 163 q427 1 Impressed short diagonal ovals along top of body ribbing; description added based off drawing W22d0149 2 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p1 175 M q428 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p2 175 M q428 1 27% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p3 175 M q428 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p4 175 q428 1 5% 6 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p5 175 M q428 1 7% round sided 807 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p6 175 q428 1 9% deep 2 2008-08-10 hh J01q428-p7 175 q428 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-09 sm J01q428-p70 175 q428 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q428-p71 175 q428 2 3 A1 2008-08-09 sm J01q428-p72 175 q428 4 2008-08-09 sm J01q428-p73 175 q428 1 2 I7 2008-08-09 sm J01q428-p74 175 q428 17 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p1 163 M q429 1 7% 801 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p2 163 q429 1 14% 802 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p3 163 q429 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p4 163 M q429 1 1 M27 5% 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p5 163 M q429 1 25% base: ring 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p6 163 M q429 1 19% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p7 163 M q429 1 21% base: high ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p8 163 M q429 1 35% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p9 163 M q429 1 35% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p10 163 q429 1 6% other 806 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p11 163 M q429 1 7% deep 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q429-p12 163 q429 1 13% necked straight 6 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p1 152 M q430 1 14% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p2 152 M q430 1 6% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p3 152 M q430 1 22% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p4 152 M q430 1 24% base: low ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p5 152 q430 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p6 152 q430 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p7 152 M q430 1 8% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p8 152 M q430 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p9 152 q430 1 1 M21 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p10 152 M q430 1 base: rounded 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p11 152 M q430 1 footed base 1 M3 base: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p12 152 M q430 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p13 152 q430 1 4% hole mouth 3 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p14 152 q430 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p15 152 M q430 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p16 152 M q430 1 5% deep 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p17 152 M q430 1 16% hole mouth 805 2008-07-31 hh J01q430-p18 152 q430 1 14% necked straight 2 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p1 152 M q431 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p2 152 M q431 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p3 152 M q431 1 22% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p4 152 M q431 1 50% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p5 152 M q431 1 12% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p6 152 q431 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p7 152 M q431 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p8 152 M q431 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p9 152 M q431 1 strainer 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p10 152 q431 1 stopper 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p11 152 q431 1 3 A2 5% deep 22 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p12 152 M q431 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p13 152 M q431 1 5% hole mouth 805 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p14 152 M q431 1 10% deep 804 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p15 152 M q431 1 5% xdl 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p16 152 M q431 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 811 3 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p17 152 q431 1 10% necked straight 3 2008-07-30 hh J01q431-p18 152 M q431 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p70 152 q431 110 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p71 152 q431 22 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p72 152 q431 17 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p73 152 q431 11 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p74 152 q431 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p75 152 q431 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q431-p76 152 q431 1 1 M20 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p1 152 q432 1 17% hole mouth 5 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p2 152 M q432 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p3 152 M q432 1 1 M23 5% deep 810 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p4 152 M q432 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p5 152 q432 1 15% necked straight 1 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p6 152 M q432 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p7 152 q432 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p8 152 q432 1 9% other 22 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p9 152 q432 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p10 152 M q432 1 4% deep 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p12 152 M q432 1 12% necked straight 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p13 152 q432 1 9% other 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p14 152 q432 1 rim: flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q432-p15 152 M q432 1 5% deep 805 2008-07-27 hh J01q432-p70 152 q432 131 2008-07-27 hh J01q432-p71 152 q432 34 2008-07-27 hh J01q432-p72 152 q432 11 2008-07-27 hh J01q432-p73 152 q432 13 2008-07-27 hh J01q432-p74 152 q432 2 1 M3 2008-07-28 hh J01q433-p1 152 M q433 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-28 hh J01q433-p2 152 K q433 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-28 hh J01q433-p3 152 M q433 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-27 hh J01q433-p75 152 q433 10 2008-07-27 hh J01q433-p76 152 q433 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q433-p77 152 q433 1 2008-07-29 hh J01q434-p1 152 M q434 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-07-29 hh J01q434-p2 152 M q434 1 100% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q434-p3 152 q434 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-29 hh J01q434-p4 152 q434 1 stopper 2008-07-29 hh J01q434-p5 152 M q434 1 3 A1 4% deep 2008-07-29 hh J01q434-p6 152 q434 1 17% necked straight 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p70 152 q434 33 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p71 152 q434 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p72 152 q434 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p73 152 q434 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p74 152 q434 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p75 152 q434 1 2 I1 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p76 152 q434 2 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q434-p77 152 q434 1 1 M20 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p1 175 M q435 1 20% base: ring 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p2 175 q435 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p3 175 M q435 1 7% handle: type unspecified 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p4 175 M q435 1 9% hole mouth 804 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p5 175 M q435 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p6 175 M q435 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p7 175 q435 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p8 175 q435 1 7% deep 13 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p9 175 M q435 1 9% deep 803 2008-08-11 hh J01q435-p10 175 q435 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-10 sm J01q435-p71 175 q435 4 2008-08-10 sm J01q435-p72 175 q435 1 2 I3 2008-08-10 sm J01q435-p73 175 q435 1 2 I7 2008-08-10 sm J01q435-p74 175 q435 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q435-p75 175 q435 37 2008-08-10 sm J01q435-p80 175 q435 3 B - 7 2014-03-03 cjc J01q436-p1 163 M q436 1 description added based off drawing W22d0105 round sided 807 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p2 163 q436 1 3 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p3 163 M q436 1 100% base: high ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p4 163 q436 1 8% other 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p5 163 M q436 1 1 M27 9% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p6 163 M q436 1 4% deep 803 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p7 163 q436 1 3 A1 7% deep 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p8 163 M q436 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p9 163 M q436 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p10 163 M q436 1 7% other 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p11 163 M q436 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p12 163 M q436 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p13 163 M q436 1 12% hole mouth 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p14 163 M q436 1 10% other 804 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p15 163 q436 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p16 163 q436 1 10% necked straight 7 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p17 163 M q436 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p18 163 M q436 1 6% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p19 163 M q436 1 4% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p20 163 q436 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p21 163 M q436 1 5% straight sided 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p22 163 M q436 1 4% deep 805 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p23 163 M q436 1 30% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q436-p24 163 M q436 1 4% 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p1 152 M q437 1 5% 803 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p2 152 M q437 1 18% necked straight 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p3 152 M q437 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p4 152 q437 1 4% deep 14 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p5 152 M q437 1 5% 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p6 152 K q437 1 15% necked straight 1 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p7 152 q437 1 rim: square 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p8 152 M q437 1 4% 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p9 152 M q437 1 13% other 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p10 152 M q437 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p11 152 M q437 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p12 152 K q437 1 10% 5 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p13 152 M q437 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p14 152 q437 1 deep 4 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p15 152 M q437 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p16 152 q437 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p17 152 M q437 1 1 M18 7% 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p18 152 q437 1 base: pointed 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p19 152 q437 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p20 152 M q437 1 B6 11% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p21 152 M q437 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p22 152 q437 1 15% necked straight 3 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p23 152 q437 1 10yr 6/1 10yr 6/1 4% round sided 3 2008-07-29 hh J01q437-p24 152 M q437 1 1 M2 rim: beaked 2014-03-08 mkb J01q437-p70 152 q437 1 Impressed short diagonal ovals along top of ribbing, description added based on drawing 2 I 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p71 152 q437 19 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p72 152 q437 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p73 152 q437 8 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p74 152 q437 1 3 A1 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p75 152 q437 3 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p76 152 q437 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p77 152 q437 1 2 I1 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p78 152 q437 1 1 M13 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p79 152 q437 1 1 K4 2008-07-27 hh J01q437-p80 152 q437 123 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p1 152 M q438 1 100% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p2 152 M q438 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p3 152 M q438 1 18% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p4 152 q438 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p5 152 M q438 1 70% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p6 152 q438 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p7 152 M q438 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p8 152 M q438 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p9 152 q438 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p10 152 M q438 1 B6 10% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p11 152 q438 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p12 152 M q438 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p13 152 q438 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p14 152 M q438 1 7% 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p15 152 M q438 1 12% round sided 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p16 152 M q438 1 1 M4 5% 805 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p17 152 M q438 1 15% hole mouth 809 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p18 152 M q438 1 1 M2 10% other 804 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p19 152 M q438 1 1 M18 5% round sided 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p20 152 M q438 1 rim: square 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p21 152 M q438 1 5% deep 801 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p22 152 M q438 1 9% hole mouth 807 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p23 152 M q438 1 4% other 806 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p24 152 M q438 1 4% 801 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p25 152 q438 1 cq 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p26 152 q438 1 7% necked straight 4 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p27 152 M q438 1 rim: pointed 3 2008-07-31 hh J01q438-p28 152 M q438 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p1 163 q439 1 base: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p2 163 M q439 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p3 163 M q439 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p4 163 M q439 1 9% base: ring 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p5 163 M q439 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p6 163 M q439 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p7 163 M q439 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p8 163 M q439 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p9 163 M q439 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p10 163 M q439 1 12% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p11 163 M q439 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p12 163 M q439 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p13 163 M q439 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p14 163 q439 1 15% 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p15 163 M q439 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p16 163 q439 1 HANDLE handle: type unspecified 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p17 163 M q439 1 7% 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p18 163 M q439 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p19 163 q439 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p20 163 q439 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p21 163 M q439 1 11% 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p22 163 M q439 1 7% deep 805 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p23 163 q439 1 HANDLE handle: type unspecified 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p24 163 M q439 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p25 163 M q439 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 817 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p26 163 M q439 1 10% deep 806 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p27 163 q439 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p28 163 M q439 1 7% other 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p29 163 q439 1 20% necked straight 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p30 163 M q439 1 6% deep 805 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p31 163 q439 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p32 163 M q439 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p34 163 M q439 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p35 163 M q439 1 rim: square 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p36 163 M q439 1 5% 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p37 163 M q439 1 10% other 804 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p38 163 M q439 1 rim: square 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p39 163 M q439 1 9% deep 805 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p40 163 M q439 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p41 163 M q439 1 9% other 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p42 163 q439 1 6% other 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p43 163 M q439 1 5% hole mouth 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p44 163 M q439 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p45 163 q439 1 1 M18 14% necked flaring (necked) 804 2008-09-17 hh J01q439-p46 163 q439 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p1 163 q440 1 12% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p2 163 M q440 1 15% base: low ring 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p3 163 q440 1 17% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p4 163 M q440 1 15% base: ring 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p5 163 M q440 1 4% 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p6 163 M q440 1 3% 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p7 163 M q440 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p8 163 M q440 1 2% 802 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p9 163 M q440 1 4% 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p10 163 q440 1 rim: square 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p11 163 q440 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p12 163 q440 1 5% other 10 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p13 163 K q440 1 1 K9 10% necked straight 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p14 163 q440 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p15 163 M q440 1 7% deep 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p16 163 q440 1 9% deep 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p17 163 q440 1 6% deep 14 2008-09-15 hh J01q440-p18 163 q440 1 6% necked straight 7 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p1 152 M q441 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p2 152 M q441 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p3 152 M q441 1 19% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p4 152 M q441 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p5 152 M q441 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p6 152 q441 1 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p7 152 M q441 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p8 152 M q441 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 818 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p9 152 M q441 1 10% deep 805 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p10 152 q441 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p11 152 q441 1 9% straight sided 2 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p12 152 M q441 1 ware revised from CH based on assemblage information. 6% straight sided 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p13 152 M q441 1 5% hole mouth 807 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p14 152 q441 1 20% necked straight 3 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p15 152 M q441 1 1 M25 3% other 806 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p16 152 M q441 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p17 152 M q441 1 3% 805 2008-07-28 hh J01q441-p18 152 M q441 1 rim: flat 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p70 165 q442 24 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p71 165 q442 3 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p72 165 q442 3 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p73 165 q442 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p74 165 q442 1 B6 3 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p75 165 q442 2 1 K4 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p76 165 q442 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q442-p77 165 q442 1 1 M1 2008-08-31 hh J01q444-p1 163 M q444 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-31 hh J01q444-p2 163 M q444 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-31 hh J01q444-p3 163 q444 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-31 hh J01q444-p4 163 M q444 1 1 M27 802 J01q444-p7 163 q444 1 Painted lines on shoulder 1 K4 shouldered 2014-03-03 mkb J01q444-p13 163 M q444 1 description added based off drawing W22d0488 base: ring 2014-03-03 cjc J01q444-p15 163 K q444 1 description added based off drawing W22d0127 carinated sharp (carination) 3 2014-03-03 cjc J01q444-p37 163 M q444 1 description added based off drawing W22d0119 carinated sharp (carination) 820 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p1 163 M q445 1 30% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p2 163 q445 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p3 163 M q445 1 22% base: high ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p4 163 M q445 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p5 163 M q445 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p6 163 M q445 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p7 163 M q445 1 FOOTED BASE base: high footed 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p8 163 M q445 1 10% carinated sharp (carination) 819 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p9 163 M q445 1 4% 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p10 163 q445 1 4% 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p11 163 q445 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p12 163 M q445 1 8% base: low ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p13 163 M q445 1 FOTTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p14 163 M q445 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p15 163 M q445 1 50% base: ring 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p16 163 q445 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p17 163 M q445 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p18 163 M q445 1 10% base: solid footed 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p19 163 q445 1 12% conical (cup) 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p20 163 M q445 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p21 163 M q445 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p22 163 q445 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p23 163 M q445 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p24 163 q445 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p25 163 M q445 1 4% hole mouth 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p26 163 M q445 1 1 M18 rim: square 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p27 163 M q445 1 3 A1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p28 163 q445 1 4% deep 14 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p29 163 q445 1 3% deep 14 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p30 163 M q445 1 7% deep 803 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p31 163 q445 1 10% necked straight 5 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p32 163 M q445 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p33 163 M q445 1 1% 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p34 163 q445 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p35 163 M q445 1 1 M3 5% carinated sharp (carination) 820 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p36 163 q445 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p37 163 q445 1 other 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p38 163 q445 1 rim: flat 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p39 163 q445 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p40 163 q445 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p41 163 q445 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q445-p42 163 q445 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p1 152 q446 1 20% deep 13 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p2 152 q446 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p3 152 q446 1 5% straight sided 7 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p4 152 q446 1 50% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p5 152 M q446 1 ware revised from M based on assemblage information. 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p6 152 q446 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-21 hh J01q446-p7 152 q446 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q446-p70 152 q446 67 2008-07-20 hh J01q446-p71 152 q446 12 2008-07-20 hh J01q446-p72 152 q446 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q446-p73 152 q446 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q446-p74 152 q446 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q446-p75 152 q446 1 1 M3 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p1 152 M q447 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p2 152 M q447 1 7% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p3 152 M q447 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p4 152 q447 1 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p5 152 M q447 1 100% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p6 152 M q447 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p7 152 M q447 1 9% deep 806 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p8 152 M q447 1 1 M4 9% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p9 152 M q447 1 4% 802 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p10 152 M q447 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p11 152 M q447 1 7% round sided 806 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p12 152 M q447 1 6% 801 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p13 152 M q447 1 6% round sided 807 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p14 152 M q447 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p15 152 q447 1 15% necked straight 3 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p16 152 M q447 1 7% deep 805 2008-07-30 hh J01q447-p17 152 q447 1 12% necked straight 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p70 152 q447 122 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p71 152 q447 8 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p72 152 q447 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p73 152 q447 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p74 152 q447 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p75 152 q447 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p76 152 q447 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p77 152 q447 1 1 M16 2008-07-27 hh J01q447-p78 152 q447 1 3 A2 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p1 163 M q448 1 85% base: solid footed 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p2 163 q448 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p3 163 q448 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p4 163 M q448 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p5 163 M q448 1 100% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p6 163 M q448 1 7% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p7 163 q448 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p8 163 M q448 1 25% base: high ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p9 163 q448 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p10 163 M q448 1 25% base: high ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p11 163 M q448 1 17% base: low ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p12 163 q448 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p13 163 q448 1 15% base: flat 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p14 163 M q448 1 50% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p15 163 M q448 1 50% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p16 163 M q448 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p17 163 M q448 1 23% base: low ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p18 163 q448 1 5% other 21 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p19 163 q448 1 shouldered 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p20 163 q448 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p21 163 M q448 1 10% deep 803 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p22 163 q448 1 8% hole mouth 5 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p23 163 q448 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p24 163 q448 1 6% deep 14 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p25 163 q448 1 rim: flat 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p26 163 M q448 1 1 M18 17% other 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p27 163 K q448 1 17% deep 17 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p28 163 q448 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q448-p29 163 q448 1 HANDLE 3 A3 handle: type unspecified 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p1 152 q449 1 25% base: string cut bowl 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p2 152 M q449 1 16% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p3 152 M q449 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p4 152 M q449 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p5 152 M q449 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p6 152 q449 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p7 152 M q449 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p8 152 M q449 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p9 152 M q449 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p10 152 M q449 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p11 152 M q449 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p12 152 M q449 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p13 152 q449 1 30% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p14 152 M q449 1 1% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p15 152 M q449 1 14% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p16 152 M q449 1 7% round sided 806 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p17 152 M q449 1 5% 803 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p18 152 M q449 1 rim: square 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p19 152 q449 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p20 152 M q449 1 5% 803 2008-07-29 hh J01q449-p21 152 q449 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2014-03-08 mkb J01q449-p70 152 q449 1 White on black painted decoration, vegetal? Description added based on drawing W23d0128 1 M22 2014-03-08 mkb J01q449-p71 152 q449 1 White bird legs on a dark background. Description added based on drawing W23d0129 1 M6 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p72 152 q449 9 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p73 152 q449 20 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p74 152 q449 1 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p75 152 q449 1 1 K4 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p76 152 q449 1 1 M2 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p77 152 q449 118 2008-07-27 hh J01q449-p78 152 q449 14 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p1 175 M q450 1 7% deep 816 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p2 175 q450 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p3 175 q450 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p4 175 M q450 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p5 175 q450 1 7% necked straight 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p6 175 M q450 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p7 175 q450 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p8 175 q450 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p9 175 M q450 1 10% base: low ring 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p10 175 q450 1 5% deep 7 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p11 175 M q450 1 9% hole mouth 809 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p12 175 q450 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 1 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q450-p13 175 q450 1 1% base: high ring 2008-08-10 sm J01q450-p70 175 q450 2 2 I7 2008-08-10 sm J01q450-p71 175 q450 1 3 A1 2008-08-10 sm J01q450-p72 175 q450 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q450-p73 175 q450 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q450-p74 175 q450 50 2008-09-18 hh J01q451-p1 163 q451 1 10% deep 13 2008-09-18 hh J01q451-p2 163 M q451 1 13% hole mouth 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q451-p3 163 M q451 1 11% base: low ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q451-p4 163 M q451 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p1 152 M q452 1 9% base: low ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p2 152 q452 1 15% base: string cut cup 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p3 152 M q452 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p4 152 q452 1 25% base: flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p5 152 K q452 1 1 K1 7% deep 3 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p6 152 M q452 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p7 152 M q452 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p8 152 M q452 1 8% 803 2008-07-28 hh J01q452-p9 152 M q452 1 1 K16 20% necked straight 802 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p1 151 q453 1 7% necked straight 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p2 151 q453 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p3 151 q453 1 16% necked flaring (necked) 9 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p4 151 K q453 1 6% deep 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p5 151 q453 1 6% 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p6 151 K q453 1 7% round sided 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p7 151 q453 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p8 151 q453 1 base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p9 151 q453 1 base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q453-p10 151 K q453 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 2005-08-27 jm J01q453-p70 151 q453 120 2005-08-27 jm J01q453-p71 151 q453 3 2005-08-27 jm J01q453-p72 151 q453 2 2005-08-27 jm J01q453-p73 151 q453 4 2005-08-27 jm J01q453-p74 151 q453 1 3 A1 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p1 147 q454 1 stand 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p2 147 q454 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p3 147 M q454 1 8% round sided 806 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p4 147 M q454 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p5 147 q454 1 35% base: string cut cup 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p6 147 q454 1 9% necked straight 7 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p7 147 K q454 1 5% other 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p8 147 q454 1 2% other 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p9 147 q454 1 6% straight sided 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p10 147 q454 1 15% base: type unspecified 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p11 147 M q454 1 40% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p12 147 M q454 1 20% base: low ring 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p13 147 q454 1 rim: flat 2008-08-09 hh J01q454-p14 147 q454 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p70 147 q454 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p71 147 q454 4 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p72 147 q454 120 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p73 147 q454 1 3 A1 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p74 147 q454 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p75 147 q454 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p76 147 q454 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p78 147 q454 8 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p79 147 q454 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p81 147 q454 1 1 K1 2008-08-06 sm J01q454-p82 147 q454 1 2 I7 2008-08-09 hh J01q455-p1 179 q455 1 4% deep 14 2008-08-09 hh J01q455-p2 179 q455 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q455-p3 179 q455 1 7% deep 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q455-p4 179 M q455 1 1 M18 4% 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q455-p5 179 q455 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q455-p6 179 q455 1 20% other 8 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q455-p70 179 q455 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q455-p71 179 q455 21 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p1 151 q456 1 1 M11 5% conical (cup) 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p2 151 q456 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p3 151 K q456 1 5% round sided 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p4 151 q456 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p5 151 K q456 1 4% deep 14 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p6 151 K q456 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p7 151 K q456 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p8 151 q456 1 15% shouldered 3 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p9 151 q456 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p10 151 K q456 1 5% deep 17 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p11 151 q456 1 30% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p12 151 q456 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p13 151 q456 1 30% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p14 151 q456 1 16% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p15 151 q456 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p16 151 q456 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p17 151 q456 1 30% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p18 151 q456 1 1 M3 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p19 151 q456 1 20% base: flat 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p20 151 q456 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p21 151 q456 1 100% base: type unspecified 2005-08-27 hh J01q456-p22 151 q456 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p70 151 q456 67 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p71 151 q456 4 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p72 151 q456 3 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p73 151 q456 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p74 151 q456 1 3 A1 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p75 151 q456 1 1 K4 2005-08-27 jm J01q456-p76 151 q456 1 1 M13 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p1 178 M q457 1 8% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p2 178 q457 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p3 178 M q457 1 70% base: solid footed, convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p4 178 q457 1 4% straight sided 5 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p5 178 M q457 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p6 178 M q457 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p7 178 M q457 1 9% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q457-p8 178 M q457 1 1 M13 4% deep 809 2005-08-27 hh J01q458-p1 151 q458 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 11 2005-08-27 hh J01q458-p2 151 k q458 1 other 22 2005-08-27 hh J01q458-p3 151 q458 1 rim: rounded 3 2005-08-27 hh J01q458-p4 151 q458 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p1 178 M q460 1 2 I7 20% deep 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p2 178 M q460 1 20% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p3 178 M q460 1 5% deep 804 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p4 178 q460 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p5 178 M q460 1 15% deep 806 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p6 178 M q460 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p7 178 M q460 1 footed base 1 M3 base: type unspecified 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p8 178 q460 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p9 178 M q460 1 6% 802 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p10 178 M q460 1 1 M18 15% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p11 178 M q460 1 25% base: solid footed, convex 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p12 178 M q460 1 1 M18 10% deep 805 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p13 178 M q460 1 5% other 801 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p14 178 M q460 1 1 M6 6% other 801 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p15 178 M q460 1 rim: flat 2008-08-05 hh J01q460-p16 178 M q460 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p17 178 M q460 1 5% other 803 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p18 178 q460 1 11% necked straight 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p19 178 M q460 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p20 178 q460 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p21 178 M q460 1 carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p22 178 M q460 1 rim: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q460-p23 178 M q460 1 4% necked straight 801 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p1 151 q461 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p2 151 q461 1 rim: square 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p3 151 q461 1 rim: flat 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p4 151 q461 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p5 151 q461 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p6 151 q461 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p7 151 q461 1 1 M1 rim: square 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p8 151 q461 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p9 151 K q461 1 5% deep 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p10 151 q461 1 8% carinated rounded (carination) 4 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p11 151 q461 1 2 I1 8% deep 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p12 151 K q461 1 6% deep 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p13 151 q461 1 M18, M22 and M24 decoration 1 M18 rim: square 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p14 151 q461 1 9% deep 7 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p15 151 q461 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 2 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p16 151 q461 1 rim: square 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p17 151 q461 1 7% deep 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p18 151 K q461 1 10% deep 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p19 151 q461 1 10% straight sided 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p20 151 q461 1 40% other 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p21 151 q461 1 15% base: high footed 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p22 151 q461 1 rim: square 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p23 151 K q461 1 5% round sided 1 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p24 151 q461 1 11% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p25 151 q461 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p26 151 q461 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p27 151 q461 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p28 151 q461 1 45% 2005-08-27 hh J01q461-p29 151 q461 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p70 151 q461 42 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p71 151 q461 5 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p72 151 q461 2 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p73 151 q461 5 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p74 151 q461 1 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p75 151 q461 1 1 M5 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p76 151 q461 1 1 M16 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p77 151 q461 1 1 M13 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p78 151 q461 2 1 K4 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p79 151 q461 4 1 K4 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p80 151 q461 1 1 K2 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p81 151 q461 1 1 K5 2005-08-27 jm J01q461-p82 151 q461 1 B6 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p1 178 q462 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p2 178 M q462 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p3 178 M q462 1 1 M18 5% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p4 178 M q462 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p5 178 M q462 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p6 178 M q462 1 50% base: disk base, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p7 178 M q462 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p8 178 M q462 1 30% base: ring 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p9 178 M q462 1 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p10 178 M q462 1 10% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p11 178 M q462 1 6% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p12 178 M q462 1 5% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p13 178 M q462 1 6% deep 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p14 178 q462 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p15 178 q462 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p16 178 q462 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p17 178 M q462 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p18 178 K q462 1 4% deep 19 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p19 178 q462 1 9% 4 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p20 178 M q462 1 16% other 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p21 178 M q462 1 12% deep 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p22 178 q462 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p23 178 q462 1 14% necked straight 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p24 178 q462 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p25 178 q462 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q462-p26 178 M q462 1 11% deep 805 J01q462-p27 178 q462 J01q462-p37 178 q462 2014-03-03 mkb J01q462-p70 178 q462 1 variation of the checkerboard pattern; Description added based off drawing W21d0583 1 M22 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p1 151 K q464 1 1 K9 11% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p2 151 K q464 1 1 K9 15% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p3 151 q464 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p4 151 K q464 1 4% shouldered 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p5 151 q464 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p6 151 q464 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p7 151 q464 1 16% other 11 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p8 151 K q464 1 8% round sided 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p9 151 q464 1 7% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p10 151 q464 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p11 151 q464 1 1 M16 15% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p12 151 q464 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p13 151 q464 1 1 K9 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p14 151 q464 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p15 151 q464 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p16 151 q464 1 B7 25% 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p17 151 q464 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p18 151 q464 1 100% 2005-08-28 hh J01q464-p19 151 q464 1 75% base: solid footed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q464-p20 151 q464 1 description added based off drawing W18d0148 deep 19 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p70 151 q464 42 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p71 151 q464 4 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p72 151 q464 4 Pot Mark 2 I9 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p73 151 q464 2 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p74 151 q464 1 B6 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p75 151 q464 1 1 M3 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p76 151 q464 4 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q464-p77 151 q464 3 1 K4 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p1 178 M q465 1 1 M25 9% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p2 178 M q465 1 11% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p3 178 M q465 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p4 178 M q465 1 1 M3 22% necked flaring (necked) 804 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p5 178 M q465 1 100% base: high ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p6 178 M q465 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p7 178 M q465 1 14% necked straight 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p8 178 M q465 1 12% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p9 178 M q465 1 15% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p10 178 M q465 1 1 M13 7% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p11 178 M q465 1 4% deep 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p12 178 q465 1 9% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p13 178 q465 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p14 178 q465 1 5% other 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p15 178 q465 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p16 178 q465 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p17 178 q465 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q465-p18 178 q465 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p1 178 K q466 1 1 K1 17% necked straight 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p2 178 M q466 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p3 178 M q466 1 STOPPER 25% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p4 178 M q466 1 10% 808 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p5 178 q466 1 19% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p6 178 q466 1 rim: square 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p7 178 q466 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p8 178 q466 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p9 178 q466 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p10 178 M q466 1 STAND 20% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p11 178 q466 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p12 178 M q466 1 5% hole mouth 811 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p13 178 M q466 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p14 178 q466 1 Ware revised from IM based on assemblage review 10yr4/1 10yr4/1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p15 178 M q466 1 4% other 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p16 178 M q466 1 8% 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p17 178 M q466 1 9% necked straight 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p18 178 M q466 1 rim: square 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p19 178 q466 1 7% deep 14 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p20 178 q466 1 spout spout 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p21 178 q466 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q466-p22 178 q466 1 stopper 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p1 152 M q467 1 1 M3 7% deep 805 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p2 152 M q467 1 1 M18 4% other 803 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p3 152 M q467 1 9% hole mouth 806 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p4 152 K q467 1 1 K1 9% necked straight 1 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p5 152 M q467 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p6 152 M q467 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p7 152 M q467 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p8 152 M q467 1 100% base: low ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p9 152 M q467 1 40% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-28 hh J01q467-p10 152 q467 1 stopper 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p70 152 q467 41 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p71 152 q467 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p72 152 q467 2 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p73 152 q467 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p74 152 q467 6 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p75 152 q467 1 1 M2 2008-07-27 hh J01q467-p76 152 q467 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p1 152 q468 1 15% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p2 152 q468 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p3 152 q468 1 19% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p4 152 K q468 1 100% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p5 152 q468 1 1 M20 5% 6 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p6 152 q468 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p7 152 q468 1 25% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p8 152 q468 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p9 152 q468 1 1 M4 11% straight sided 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p10 152 q468 1 19% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p11 152 q468 1 1 M16 11% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p12 152 q468 1 16% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p13 152 q468 1 18% necked straight 9 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p14 152 q468 1 17% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p15 152 q468 1 25% base: flat 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p16 152 q468 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p17 152 K q468 1 6% shouldered 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p18 152 q468 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 4 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p19 152 q468 1 5% 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p20 152 q468 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p21 152 q468 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p22 152 q468 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p23 152 q468 1 19% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p24 152 q468 1 50% base: solid footed 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p25 152 q468 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p26 152 q468 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p27 152 q468 1 40% 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p28 152 q468 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p29 152 q468 1 40% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-28 hh J01q468-p30 152 q468 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p70 152 q468 75 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p71 152 q468 4 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p72 152 q468 11 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p73 152 q468 8 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p74 152 q468 2 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p75 152 q468 1 B6 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p76 152 q468 1 3 A1 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p77 152 q468 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p78 152 q468 4 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p79 152 q468 1 1 M3 2005-08-28 jm J01q468-p80 152 q468 2 1 M3 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p1 151 q469 1 rim: notched 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p2 151 K q469 1 1 K11 6% necked flaring (necked) 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p3 151 q469 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p4 151 q469 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p5 151 q469 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p6 151 q469 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p7 151 q469 1 rim: beaked 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p8 151 K q469 1 1 K8 6% carinated rounded (carination) 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p9 151 q469 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p10 151 q469 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p11 151 K q469 1 1 K9 6% deep 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p12 151 K q469 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p13 151 q469 1 15% necked straight 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p14 151 q469 1 11% hole mouth 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p15 151 K q469 1 1 K2 10% necked straight 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p16 151 K q469 1 7% round sided 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p17 151 K q469 1 40% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p18 151 K q469 1 10% round sided 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p19 151 q469 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p20 151 K q469 1 1 K11 10% deep 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p21 151 q469 1 7% deep 7 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p22 151 q469 1 7% shouldered 10 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p23 151 q469 1 18% base: flat 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p24 151 q469 1 50% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p25 151 q469 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p26 151 q469 1 25% base: type unspecified 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p27 151 q469 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p28 151 q469 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p29 151 q469 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q469-p30 151 q469 1 14% base: ring 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p70 151 q469 73 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p71 151 q469 8 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p72 151 q469 2 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p73 151 q469 5 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p74 151 q469 3 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p75 151 q469 1 B6 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p76 151 q469 4 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p77 151 q469 3 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p78 151 q469 1 1 K5 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p79 151 q469 1 1 M1 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p80 151 q469 1 1 M11 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q469-p81 151 q469 1 1 K2 2008-08-09 hh J01q470-p1 179 M q470 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-09 hh J01q470-p2 179 q470 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q470-p3 179 M q470 1 1% base: high ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q470-p4 179 M q470 1 5% deep 809 2008-08-09 hh J01q470-p5 179 M q470 1 14% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q470-p6 179 q470 1 3% deep 803 2008-08-06 sm J01q470-p70 179 q470 22 2008-08-06 sm J01q470-p71 179 q470 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q470-p72 179 q470 1 3 A1 2008-08-06 sm J01q470-p73 179 q470 1 1 M3 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p1 152 M q471 1 1 M3 10% necked straight 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p2 152 M q471 1 7% deep 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p3 152 M q471 1 1 M3 10% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p4 152 M q471 1 1 M18 5% 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p5 152 M q471 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p6 152 M q471 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p7 152 M q471 1 6% 803 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p8 152 M q471 1 12% necked straight 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p9 152 M q471 1 3% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p10 152 M q471 1 2% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p11 152 M q471 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p12 152 q471 1 5% other 1 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p13 152 M q471 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p14 152 M q471 1 1 M18 9% 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p15 152 M q471 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p16 152 q471 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p17 152 M q471 1 4% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p18 152 M q471 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p19 152 M q471 1 1 M24 10% round sided 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p20 152 M q471 1 19% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p21 152 M q471 1 13% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p22 152 M q471 1 1 M16 11% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p23 152 M q471 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p24 152 M q471 1 6% hole mouth 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p25 152 M q471 1 4% other 805 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p26 152 K q471 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 1 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p27 152 K q471 1 1 K1 11% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p28 152 K q471 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p29 152 q471 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p30 152 M q471 1 rim: square 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p31 152 M q471 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p32 152 q471 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q471-p33 152 q471 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 804 2014-03-08 cjc J01q471-p70 152 q471 1 Light design on red background; not clear if part of an animal design. Description added based on drawing W23d0130 1 M6? 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p70 181 q472 15 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p71 181 q472 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p72 181 q472 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p73 181 q472 2 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p74 181 q472 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p75 181 q472 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q472-p76 181 q472 1 1 K4 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p1 152 M q473 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p2 152 q473 1 30% base: flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p3 152 q473 1 6% deep 7 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p4 152 q473 1 B6 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p5 152 q473 1 2 I7 5% straight sided 12 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p6 152 M q473 1 8% hole mouth 805 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p7 152 M q473 1 9% necked straight 802 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p8 152 q473 1 rim: square 2008-07-28 hh J01q473-p9 152 M q473 1 10% necked straight 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p70 152 q473 21 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p71 152 q473 5 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p72 152 q473 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p73 152 q473 2 1 M3 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p74 152 q473 2 2 I7 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p75 152 q473 1 2 I1 2008-07-27 hh J01q473-p76 152 q473 1 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p1 152 M q474 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p2 152 M q474 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p3 152 q474 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p4 152 M q474 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p5 152 M q474 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p6 152 M q474 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p7 152 M q474 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p8 152 q474 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p9 152 M q474 1 handle 1 M 7% deep 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p10 152 q474 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p11 152 M q474 1 1 M18 6% 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p12 152 q474 1 7% other 5 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p13 152 M q474 1 9% round sided 807 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p14 152 M q474 1 7.5yr 6/1 7.5yr 6/1 5% deep 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p15 152 q474 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p16 152 M q474 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p17 152 M q474 1 1% deep 806 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p18 152 q474 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p19 152 M q474 1 other 806 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p20 152 M q474 1 rim: flat 2008-07-29 hh J01q474-p21 152 q474 1 5% other 801 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p70 152 q474 49 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p71 152 q474 8 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p72 152 q474 9 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p73 152 q474 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p74 152 q474 1 3 A1 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p75 152 q474 1 2 I1 2008-07-27 hh J01q474-p76 152 q474 2 1 M3 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p1 181 q475 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p2 181 q475 1 16% other 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p3 181 q475 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p4 181 q475 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p5 181 q475 1 2% carinated sharp (carination) 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p6 181 q475 1 10% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p7 181 q475 1 2% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p8 181 q475 1 20% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p9 181 q475 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p10 181 q475 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p11 181 q475 1 base: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p12 181 q475 1 15% conical (cup) 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p13 181 q475 1 5% deep 7 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p14 181 q475 1 base: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p15 181 q475 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p16 181 q475 1 18% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p17 181 q475 1 rim: rounded 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p18 181 q475 1 100% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p19 181 q475 1 8% other 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p20 181 q475 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p21 181 q475 1 11% base: ring 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p22 181 q475 1 rim: in-turned 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p23 181 q475 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p24 181 q475 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p25 181 q475 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p26 181 q475 1 6% straight sided 5 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p27 181 q475 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p28 181 K q475 1 5% shouldered 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p29 181 K q475 1 10% 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p30 181 q475 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p31 181 q475 1 rim: square 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p32 181 q475 1 hole mouth 7 2005-08-28 hh J01q475-p33 181 q475 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p70 181 q475 131 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p71 181 q475 3 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p72 181 q475 1 B6 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p73 181 q475 3 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p74 181 q475 2 1 M1 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p75 181 q475 1 2 I6 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p76 181 q475 12 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p77 181 q475 2 1 M3 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p78 181 q475 3 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p79 181 q475 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p80 181 q475 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q475-p81 181 q475 2 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p1 163 M q477 1 1 M27 4% 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p2 163 q477 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p3 163 M q477 1 decorated rim 1 M1+M22 deep 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p4 163 M q477 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p5 163 M q477 1 7% 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p6 163 M q477 1 40% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p7 163 M q477 1 1 M5 5% conical (cup) 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p8 163 M q477 1 11% base: high ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p9 163 M q477 1 4% 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p10 163 q477 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p11 163 q477 1 50% base: string cut cup 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p12 163 q477 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p13 163 M q477 1 4% hole mouth 805 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p14 163 M q477 1 1% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p15 163 M q477 1 7% deep 806 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p16 163 q477 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p17 163 M q477 1 5% deep 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p18 163 M q477 1 7% deep 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p19 163 q477 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-15 hh J01q477-p20 163 q477 1 8% deep 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q479-p1 181 K q479 1 7% necked straight 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q479-p2 181 K q479 1 6% 5 2005-09-04 hh J01q479-p3 181 q479 1 PH 4 rim: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q479-p4 181 q479 1 5% straight sided 5 2005-08-28 jm J01q479-p70 181 q479 1 2005-08-28 jm J01q479-p71 181 q479 33 2005-08-28 jm J01q479-p72 181 q479 8 2005-08-28 jm J01q479-p73 181 q479 2 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q479-p74 181 q479 5 2005-08-28 jm J01q479-p75 181 q479 4 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p1 163 q480 1 70% base: string cut cup 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p2 163 q480 1 35% base: string cut cup 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p3 163 M q480 1 70% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p4 163 q480 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p5 163 q480 1 1% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p6 163 q480 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p7 163 M q480 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p8 163 M q480 1 23% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p9 163 M q480 1 78% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p10 163 M q480 1 13% base: low ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p11 163 M q480 1 30% base: low ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p12 163 M q480 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p13 163 q480 1 8% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p14 163 M q480 1 1% 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p15 163 M q480 1 base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p16 163 M q480 1 40% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p17 163 M q480 1 FOOTED BASE 20% base: high footed 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p18 163 M q480 1 door socket base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p19 163 q480 1 1 K6 6% 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p20 163 q480 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p21 163 K q480 1 5 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p22 163 q480 1 5% deep 14 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p23 163 M q480 1 1 M27 8% 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p24 163 M q480 1 7% deep 7 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p25 163 M q480 1 3 A1 10% carinated sharp (carination) 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p26 163 M q480 1 7% other 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p27 163 K q480 1 1 K1 7% necked straight 2 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p28 163 M q480 1 9% deep 808 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p29 163 M q480 1 10% necked straight 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p30 163 q480 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p31 163 q480 1 5% other 5 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p32 163 M q480 1 8% hole mouth 804 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p33 163 q480 1 12% rim: beaked 2008-09-17 hh J01q480-p34 163 q480 1 hole mouth 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p1 183 M q481 1 10% 808 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p2 183 q481 1 30% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p3 183 M q481 1 8% base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p4 183 M q481 1 5% other 803 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p5 183 M q481 1 5% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p6 183 M q481 1 3% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p7 183 q481 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p8 183 M q481 1 rim: square 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p9 183 M q481 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p10 183 M q481 1 1 M18 8% deep 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p11 183 M q481 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p12 183 M q481 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p13 183 M q481 1 1 M18 5% 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p14 183 q481 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p15 183 q481 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p16 183 M q481 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p17 183 q481 1 10% deep 14 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p18 183 M q481 1 1 M3 18% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p19 183 M q481 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p20 183 M q481 1 8% deep 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p21 183 M q481 1 25% base: low ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p22 183 q481 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p23 183 q481 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q481-p24 183 q481 1 19% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-09-18 hh J01q482-p1 163 q482 1 base: pointed 2008-09-18 hh J01q482-p2 163 q482 1 7% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q482-p3 163 M q482 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-09-18 hh J01q482-p4 163 M q482 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q482-p5 163 M q482 1 45% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q482-p6 163 q482 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p1 183 q483 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p2 183 M q483 1 1 M16 15% other 802 base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p3 183 M q483 1 10% base: ring 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p4 183 M q483 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p5 183 M q483 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p6 183 M q483 1 2% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p7 183 M q483 1 1 M18 6% round sided 807 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p8 183 M q483 1 11% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p9 183 M q483 1 6% 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p10 183 M q483 1 7% hole mouth 13 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p11 183 q483 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p12 183 M q483 1 35% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p13 183 M q483 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p14 183 M q483 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p15 183 M q483 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p16 183 M q483 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p17 183 M q483 1 1 M18 3% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p18 183 M q483 1 ZA825 cJC; Ware revised from CH based on assemblage review 10yr 7/1 10yr 7/1 4% 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p19 183 q483 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p20 183 q483 1 base: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p21 183 q483 1 strainer base: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p22 183 M q483 1 7% other 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p23 183 M q483 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p24 183 q483 1 5% round sided 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p25 183 M q483 1 5% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q483-p26 183 q483 1 Ware revised from FC based on assemblage review 5y 6/1 5y 6/1 9% other 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q484-p1 163 q484 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p2 163 M q484 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p3 163 M q484 1 27% base: low ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p4 163 q484 1 45% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p5 163 M q484 1 11% base: low ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p6 163 M q484 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p7 163 M q484 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p8 163 q484 1 base: pointed 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p9 163 M q484 1 14% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p10 163 M q484 1 1% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p11 163 M q484 1 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p12 163 M q484 1 70% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p13 163 q484 1 16% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p14 163 q484 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p15 163 M q484 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p16 163 q484 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p17 163 M q484 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p18 163 M q484 1 7% base: high ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p19 163 q484 1 15% 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p20 163 M q484 1 1 M3 12% conical (cup) 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p21 163 q484 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p22 163 q484 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p23 163 M q484 1 6% conical (cup) 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p24 163 q484 1 7% conical (cup) 4 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p25 163 M q484 1 1 M2 20% 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p26 163 M q484 1 6% 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p27 163 q484 1 rim: pointed 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p28 163 q484 1 9% straight sided 5 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p29 163 M q484 1 6% round sided 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p30 163 q484 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p31 163 M q484 1 carinated rounded (carination) 811 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p32 163 M q484 1 8% deep 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p34 163 M q484 1 6% deep 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p35 163 M q484 1 7% deep 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p36 163 M q484 1 1 M1 7% deep 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p37 163 M q484 1 M - 2 1 M19 8% deep 803 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p38 163 M q484 1 4% deep 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p39 163 K q484 1 1 K1 7% necked straight 2 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p40 163 M q484 1 carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p41 163 M q484 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p42 163 M q484 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p43 163 M q484 1 necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p44 163 M q484 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p45 163 M q484 1 4% hole mouth 805 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p46 163 q484 1 rim: flat 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p47 163 q484 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p48 163 q484 1 7% deep 7 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p49 163 q484 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p50 163 q484 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p51 163 M q484 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p52 163 M q484 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p53 163 q484 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 810 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p54 163 q484 1 rim: square 2008-09-18 hh J01q484-p55 163 q484 1 rim: square J01q484-p69 163 q484 1 Bird head and part of body drawn with dark paint, drawing was formerly q484-p10, but was renumbered due to duplicate entries Y308 1 M22 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p1 184 q485 1 rim: notched 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p2 184 K q485 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p3 184 q485 1 rim: simple 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p4 184 q485 1 rim: square 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p5 184 q485 1 rim: rounded 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p6 184 q485 1 rim: rounded 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p7 184 q485 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p8 184 q485 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p9 184 q485 1 rim: rounded 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p10 184 K q485 1 5% round sided 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p11 184 q485 1 4% deep 7 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p12 184 q485 1 6% deep 12 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p13 184 q485 1 rim: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p14 184 q485 1 19% necked straight 7 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p15 184 q485 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2005-09-04 hh J01q485-p16 184 K q485 1 40% base: high ring 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p70 184 q485 29 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p71 184 q485 1 I-7 2 I2 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p72 184 q485 2 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p73 184 q485 1 1 K4 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p74 184 q485 3 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p75 184 q485 2 2005-08-28 jm J01q485-p76 184 q485 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p1 183 M q487 1 12% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p2 183 M q487 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p3 183 M q487 1 35% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p4 183 q487 1 50% base: string cut cup 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p5 183 M q487 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p6 183 M q487 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p7 183 M q487 1 2% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p8 183 M q487 1 9% 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p9 183 M q487 1 12% hole mouth 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p10 183 q487 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p11 183 M q487 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p12 183 M q487 1 1 M19 48% deep 803 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p13 183 M q487 1 rim: square 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p14 183 M q487 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p15 183 M q487 1 8% other 806 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p16 183 M q487 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p17 183 M q487 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p18 183 q487 1 3% 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p19 183 q487 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p20 183 q487 1 3% straight sided 7 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p21 183 M q487 1 4% hole mouth 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q487-p22 183 M q487 1 6% 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q487-p23 183 q487 1 25% base: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q487-p24 183 q487 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q487-p25 183 q487 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-08-03 hh J01q487-p26 183 q487 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q487-p27 183 q487 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q487-p28 183 q487 1 stand 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p1 183 M q488 1 30% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p2 183 M q488 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p3 183 q488 1 20% base: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p4 183 M q488 1 90% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p5 183 M q488 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p6 183 M q488 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p7 183 M q488 1 3% 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p8 183 M q488 1 7% deep 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p9 183 M q488 1 M-26 1 M12 6% deep 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p10 183 M q488 1 12% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p11 183 M q488 1 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p12 183 q488 1 rim: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q488-p13 183 q488 1 stopper 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p1 163 M q489 1 1 M4 17% straight sided 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p2 163 q489 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p3 163 q489 1 2% other 10 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p4 163 M q489 1 12% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p5 163 q489 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p6 163 q489 1 B7 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p7 163 M q489 1 7% round sided 807 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p8 163 q489 1 10% base: flat 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p9 163 M q489 1 8% hole mouth 811 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p10 163 q489 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p11 163 M q489 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p12 163 K q489 1 1 K2 12% necked straight 2 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p13 163 q489 1 20% base: flat 2008-09-16 hh J01q489-p14 163 q489 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p1 152 M q490 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p2 152 q490 1 base: rounded 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p3 152 M q490 1 12% base: low ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p4 152 M q490 1 14% 805 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p5 152 M q490 1 5% deep 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p6 152 q490 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p7 152 q490 1 3% necked straight 7 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p8 152 q490 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-29 hh J01q490-p9 152 M q490 1 rim: square 2008-07-27 jm J01q490-p70 152 q490 30 2008-07-27 hh J01q490-p71 152 q490 3 2008-07-27 hh J01q490-p72 152 q490 2 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p1 163 q491 1 STAND 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p2 163 q491 1 7% straight sided 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p3 163 M q491 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p4 163 M q491 1 30% base: solid footed 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p5 163 M q491 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p6 163 M q491 1 14% base: low ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p7 163 q491 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p8 163 M q491 1 12% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p9 163 M q491 1 75% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p10 163 M q491 1 6% deep 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p11 163 q491 1 HANDL handle: type unspecified 3 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p12 163 q491 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p13 163 M q491 1 10% necked straight 801 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p14 163 M q491 1 MITTANI BASE 5% hole mouth 806 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p15 163 q491 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q491-p16 163 q491 1 10% deep 7 2014-03-03 cjc J01q493-p4 0 M q493 1 description added based off drawing W21d1144 other 817 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p1 163 q494 1 30% base: string cut bowl 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p2 163 q494 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p3 163 M q494 1 7% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p4 163 q494 1 5% other 5 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p5 163 M q494 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 803 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p6 163 M q494 1 1 M13 4% 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p7 163 q494 1 15% base: flat 3 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p8 163 q494 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p9 163 M q494 1 13% necked straight 801 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p10 163 q494 1 STAND 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p11 163 M q494 1 10% hole mouth 805 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p12 163 q494 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p13 163 q494 1 6% round sided 807 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p14 163 M q494 1 15% other 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p15 163 q494 1 20% other 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p16 163 M q494 1 7% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p17 163 q494 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p18 163 M q494 1 10% base: low ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p19 163 M q494 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p20 163 q494 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p21 163 M q494 1 5% base: low ring 1 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p22 163 M q494 1 100% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p23 163 M q494 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p24 163 q494 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p25 163 q494 1 STARAINER 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p26 163 q494 1 rim: beaked 3 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p27 163 M q494 1 7% round sided 807 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p28 163 q494 1 9% other 8 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p29 163 M q494 1 9% deep 802 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p30 163 q494 1 70% base: type unspecified 2008-09-17 hh J01q494-p31 163 M q494 1 1 M18 rim: beaked 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p1 152 q495 1 35% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p2 152 M q495 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p3 152 M q495 1 15%,25% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p4 152 M q495 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p5 152 M q495 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p6 152 q495 1 stopper 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p7 152 M q495 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p8 152 M q495 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p9 152 M q495 1 10% 808 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p10 152 q495 1 12% necked straight 1 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p11 152 q495 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p12 152 M q495 1 4% deep 804 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p13 152 M q495 1 14% deep 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p14 152 M q495 1 12% deep 805 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p15 152 M q495 1 10% deep 805 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p16 152 M q495 1 6% round sided 807 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p18 152 M q495 1 1 M18 rim: square 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p19 152 M q495 1 7% shouldered 801 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p20 152 q495 1 7% deep 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q495-p21 152 M q495 1 1 M18 20% necked straight 802 J01q496-p1 0 q496 1 other 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p1 163 q497 1 HANDLE handle: type unspecified 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p2 163 M q497 1 1 M13 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p3 163 M q497 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p4 163 M q497 1 10% base: high ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p5 163 M q497 1 3% deep 803 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p6 163 M q497 1 10% deep 801 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p7 163 q497 1 10% necked straight 5 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p8 163 q497 1 10% deep 805 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p9 163 q497 1 6% deep 2 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p10 163 q497 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p11 163 M q497 1 4% other 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p12 163 q497 1 12% other 22 2008-09-18 hh J01q497-p13 163 q497 1 6% deep 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p1 152 M q498 1 1 M25 9% 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p2 152 M q498 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p3 152 M q498 1 8% other 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p4 152 M q498 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p5 152 q498 1 5% deep 14 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p6 152 M q498 1 25% hole mouth 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p7 152 M q498 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p8 152 M q498 1 35% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p9 152 M q498 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p10 152 M q498 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p11 152 M q498 1 2% base: solid footed 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p12 152 M q498 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p13 152 M q498 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p14 152 M q498 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p15 152 M q498 1 9% other 802 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p16 152 q498 1 rim: square 2008-07-29 hh J01q498-p17 152 q498 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q498-p70 152 q498 39 2008-07-27 hh J01q498-p71 152 q498 4 2008-07-27 hh J01q498-p72 152 q498 5 2008-07-27 hh J01q498-p73 152 q498 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q498-p74 152 q498 1 2014-03-03 cjc J01q499-p2 171 M q499 1 description added based off drawing W21d0972 carinated sharp (carination) 813 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p70 171 q499 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p71 171 q499 3 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p72 171 q499 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p73 171 q499 3 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p74 171 q499 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p75 171 q499 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p76 171 q499 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p77 171 q499 2 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p78 171 q499 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p79 171 q499 20 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p80 171 q499 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p81 171 q499 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p83 171 q499 1,2 STRAINER 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p84 171 q499 6 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p85 171 q499 2 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p86 171 q499 2 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p87 171 q499 1 1 K1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p88 171 q499 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p89 171 q499 1 2 I7 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p90 171 q499 12 2008-08-04 sm J01q499-p91 171 q499 42 2008-07-20 hh J01q501-p1 186 K q501 1 1 K9 7% deep 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q501-p2 186 M q501 1 1 M1 rim: rounded 2008-07-20 hh J01q501-p3 186 M q501 1 3% deep 803 2008-07-20 hh J01q501-p70 186 q501 18 2008-07-20 hh J01q501-p71 186 q501 3 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p1 152 M q505 1 B6 16% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p2 152 M q505 1 35% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p3 152 M q505 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p4 152 M q505 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p5 152 M q505 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p6 152 M q505 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p7 152 M q505 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p8 152 M q505 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p9 152 M q505 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p10 152 M q505 1 18% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p11 152 M q505 1 10% base: low ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p12 152 q505 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p13 152 M q505 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p14 152 M q505 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p15 152 M q505 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p16 152 M q505 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p17 152 M q505 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 817 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p18 152 M q505 1 9% deep 805 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p19 152 M q505 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p20 152 q505 1 6% shouldered 10 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p21 152 q505 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p22 152 M q505 1 B6 7% hole mouth 805 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p23 152 M q505 1 5% 802 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p24 152 K q505 1 1 K1 14% necked straight 1 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p25 152 K q505 1 1 K1 6% necked straight 1 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p26 152 M q505 1 7% 803 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p27 152 q505 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p28 152 K q505 1 7.5yr 7/1 7.5yr 7/1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p29 152 q505 1 7% hole mouth 4 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p30 152 q505 1 8% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-07-31 hh J01q505-p31 152 q505 1 rim: flat 2014-03-03 cjc J01q506-p5 171 M q506 1 description added based off drawing W21d0975 base: high ring 2014-03-08 cjc J01q506-p8 171 q506 1 rim: flat 2014-03-08 cjc J01q506-p9 171 M q506 1 base: ring 2014-03-03 cjc J01q506-p14 171 q506 1 description added based off drawing W21d0967 3 2014-03-03 cjc J01q506-p17 171 q506 1 description added based off drawing W21d0969 carinated 2014-03-03 mkb J01q506-p20 171 M q506 1 description added based off drawing W21d0964 I 2 deep 805 2014-03-03 cjc J01q506-p28 171 q506 1 description added based off drawing W21d0973 other 10 J01q506-p70 171 q506 1 solid lines below triangle 1 K5 2014-03-03 mkb J01q506-p71 171 q506 1 parallel dark lines above triangles 1 M17 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p2 163 M q507 1 8% deep 808 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p3 163 M q507 1 40% base: high ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p4 163 M q507 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p5 163 M q507 1 5% deep 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p6 163 q507 1 285% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p7 163 M q507 1 5% other 801 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p8 163 q507 1 10% hole mouth 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p9 163 M q507 1 20% base: disk base, flat 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p10 163 M q507 1 1 M18 10% shouldered 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p11 163 M q507 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p12 163 K q507 1 9% necked straight 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p13 163 M q507 1 15% base: high ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p14 163 M q507 1 1 M3 11% 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p15 163 M q507 1 13% base: ring 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p16 163 M q507 1 25% base: low ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p17 163 M q507 1 ware revised from CH based on assemblage information. 15% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p18 163 q507 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p19 163 q507 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p20 163 q507 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p21 163 q507 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p22 163 q507 1 1 M18 rim: flat 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p23 163 q507 1 19% other 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p24 163 K q507 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 2 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p25 163 q507 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p26 163 M q507 1 8% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q507-p27 163 q507 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p1 160 q511 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p2 160 M q511 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p3 160 q511 1 100% base: type unspecified 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p4 160 q511 1 base: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p5 160 M q511 1 6% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p6 160 M q511 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p7 160 q511 1 4% deep 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q511-p8 160 M q511 1 10% hole mouth 804 2008-07-20 hh J01q511-p70 160 q511 19 2008-07-20 hh J01q511-p71 160 q511 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q511-p72 160 q511 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q511-p73 160 q511 1 1 M3 2008-07-20 hh J01q511-p74 160 q511 1 1 M3 2008-07-28 hh J01q512-p1 152 M q512 1 1 M 4% 802 2008-07-28 hh J01q512-p2 152 M q512 1 1 M18 19% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-07-28 hh J01q512-p3 152 M q512 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q512-p4 152 q512 1 4% deep 7 2008-07-27 hh J01q512-p70 152 q512 9 2008-07-27 hh J01q512-p71 152 q512 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q512-p72 152 q512 1 2008-07-27 hh J01q512-p73 152 q512 1 3 A1 2008-09-16 hh J01q513-p1 163 q513 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q513-p2 163 M q513 1 15% base: low ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q513-p3 163 q513 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q513-p4 163 M q513 1 1 M18 7% deep 805 2008-09-16 hh J01q513-p5 163 M q513 1 15% deep 806 2008-09-16 hh J01q513-p6 163 M q513 1 15% base: high ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p1 163 M q514 1 50% base: ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p2 163 q514 1 17% hole mouth 5 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p3 163 q514 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p4 163 q514 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p5 163 q514 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p6 163 q514 1 35% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p7 163 q514 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p8 163 q514 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p9 163 q514 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p10 163 q514 1 ware revised from M based on assemblage information. 7% straight sided 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p11 163 q514 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p12 163 q514 1 9% other 1 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p13 163 q514 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p14 163 q514 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p15 163 M q514 1 18% base: high ring 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p16 163 q514 1 2% other 10 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p17 163 q514 1 10% base: flat 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p18 163 M q514 1 1 M18 10% shouldered 803 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p19 163 q514 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p20 163 q514 1 rim: square 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p21 163 M q514 1 5% 802 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p22 163 M q514 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p23 163 M q514 1 12% necked straight 801 2008-09-16 hh J01q514-p24 163 q514 1 7% 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p1 189 q515 1 10% 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p2 189 q515 1 10% 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p3 189 q515 1 7% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p4 189 q515 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p5 189 M q515 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p6 189 M q515 1 5% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p7 189 M q515 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q515-p8 189 M q515 1 18% other 802 J01q515-p16 189 q515 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p70 189 q515 29 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p71 189 q515 9 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p72 189 q515 3 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p73 189 q515 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p74 189 q515 2 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p75 189 q515 1 1 M2 2008-07-23 hh J01q515-p76 189 q515 1 1 M16 2014-03-08 mkb J01q515-p77 189 q515 1 drawing was formerly q515-p3 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that number 1 K7 carinated 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p1 152 M q516 1 25% base: low ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p2 152 q516 1 100% base: string cut cup 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p3 152 M q516 1 19% base: ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p4 152 q516 1 50% base: string cut cup 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p5 152 q516 1 40% base: string cut bowl 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p6 152 q516 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p7 152 q516 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p8 152 q516 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p9 152 M q516 1 1% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p10 152 q516 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p11 152 q516 1 14% necked straight 1 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p12 152 q516 1 4% round sided 3 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p13 152 K q516 1 2% straight sided 2 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p14 152 q516 1 6% straight sided 2 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p16 152 q516 1 7.5yr 6/1 7.5yr 6/1 rim: flat 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p17 152 q516 1 12% necked straight 1 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p18 152 q516 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p19 152 q516 1 3% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p20 152 M q516 1 10% other 801 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p21 152 M q516 1 4% deep 803 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p22 152 M q516 1 rim: flat 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p23 152 q516 1 5% deep 806 2008-07-29 hh J01q516-p24 152 q516 1 leg 2005-08-06 hh J01q516-p64 152 q516 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q516-p65 152 K q516 1 7% deep 2005-08-06 hh J01q516-p66 152 q516 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q516-p67 152 K q516 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 2 2005-08-06 hh J01q516-p68 152 q516 1 rim: square 2005-08-06 hh J01q516-p69 152 q516 1 1 M1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p1 190 q520 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p2 190 q520 1 10% other 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p3 190 q520 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p4 190 q520 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p5 190 q520 1 100% base: string cut bowl 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p6 190 q520 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q520-p7 190 M q520 1 37% base: high ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p70 190 q520 1,23 STRAINER 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p71 190 q520 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p72 190 q520 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p73 190 q520 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p74 190 q520 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p75 190 q520 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q520-p76 190 q520 1 1 M8 2008-09-18 hh J01q524-p1 163 q524 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-18 hh J01q524-p2 163 M q524 1 7% base: low ring 2008-09-18 hh J01q524-p3 163 q524 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-09-18 hh J01q524-p4 163 M q524 1 15% base: low ring 1 2008-09-18 hh J01q524-p5 163 M q524 1 11% hole mouth 803 2008-09-18 hh J01q524-p6 163 q524 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p1 190 q525 1 15% hole mouth 5 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p2 190 q525 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p3 190 q525 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p4 190 q525 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p5 190 M q525 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p6 190 M q525 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q525-p7 190 M q525 1 8% shouldered 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p1 191 M q526 1 1 M3 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p2 191 M q526 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p3 191 q526 1 25% base: flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p4 191 q526 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p5 191 q526 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p6 191 M q526 1 5% other 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p7 191 q526 1 rim: square 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p8 191 M q526 1 7% hole mouth 806 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p9 191 M q526 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p10 191 q526 1 stopper 2008-07-25 hh J01q526-p11 191 q526 1 stopper 2008-07-25 hh J01q526-p12 191 q526 1 stopper 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p70 191 q526 29 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p71 191 q526 4 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p72 191 q526 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p73 191 q526 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p74 191 q526 1 2 I7 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p75 191 q526 1 1 K4 2008-07-24 hh J01q526-p76 191 q526 1 3 A1 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p1 192 q527 1 2 I3 7% deep 7 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p2 192 q527 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p3 192 q527 1 rim: beaked 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p4 192 q527 1 rim: beaked 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p5 192 q527 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p6 192 q527 1 45% base: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p7 192 q527 1 45% base: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p8 192 q527 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-09-04 hh J01q527-p9 192 q527 1 75% base: flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p70 192 q527 23 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p71 192 q527 3 1 K2 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p72 192 q527 1 2 I1 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p73 192 q527 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p74 192 q527 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p75 192 q527 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q527-p76 192 q527 1 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p1 184 K q528 1 14% hole mouth 9 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p2 184 q528 1 7% deep 7 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p3 184 q528 1 9% deep 16 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p4 184 K q528 1 4% deep 1 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p5 184 q528 1 rim: rounded 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p6 184 K q528 1 16% necked straight 11 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p7 184 K q528 1 4% shouldered 3 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p8 184 K q528 1 7% other 22 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p9 184 q528 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p10 184 q528 1 rim: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p11 184 q528 1 7% other 22 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p12 184 q528 1 rim: square 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p13 184 q528 1 rim: square 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p14 184 q528 1 5% base: ring 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p15 184 q528 1 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p16 184 q528 1 10% base: ring 2005-09-04 hh J01q528-p17 184 q528 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p70 184 q528 65 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p71 184 q528 11 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p72 184 q528 1 2 I1 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p73 184 q528 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p74 184 q528 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p75 184 q528 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p76 184 q528 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q528-p77 184 q528 3 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p1 189 q529 1 B6 10% straight sided 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p2 189 q529 1 6% carinated 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p3 189 q529 1 7% round sided 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p4 189 q529 1 13% necked flaring (necked) 2 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p5 189 q529 1 rim: square 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p6 189 q529 1 base: rounded 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p7 189 q529 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p8 189 q529 1 base: rounded 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p9 189 q529 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p10 189 q529 1 40% base: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q529-p11 189 q529 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-07-24 hh J01q529-p70 189 q529 24 2008-07-24 hh J01q529-p71 189 q529 7 2008-07-24 hh J01q529-p72 189 q529 6 2008-07-24 hh J01q529-p73 189 q529 1 2005-09-04 hh J01q532-p1 184 q532 1 40% base: flat 2005-09-04 hh J01q532-p2 184 q532 1 19% base: ring 2005-09-04 hh J01q532-p3 184 q532 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-09-04 hh J01q532-p4 184 q532 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2005-09-04 hh J01q532-p5 184 q532 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-24 jm J01q532-p70 184 q532 8 2008-07-24 jm J01q532-p71 184 q532 3 2 I1 2008-07-24 jm J01q532-p72 184 q532 1 1 K4 2008-07-24 jm J01q532-p73 184 q532 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q533-p1 184 q533 1 9% straight sided 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q533-p2 184 q533 1 5% round sided 5 2008-07-21 hh J01q533-p3 184 q533 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q533-p4 184 q533 1 25% base: flat 2008-07-20 hh J01q533-p70 184 q533 22 2008-07-20 hh J01q533-p71 184 q533 55 2008-07-20 hh J01q533-p72 184 q533 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q533-p73 184 q533 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q533-p74 184 q533 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q533-p75 184 q533 1 1 K4 2008-07-21 hh J01q534-p1 192 q534 1 PH (3-2) 8% deep 15 2008-07-21 hh J01q534-p2 192 M q534 1 7% necked straight 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q534-p70 192 q534 22 2008-07-20 hh J01q534-p71 192 q534 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q534-p72 192 q534 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q534-p73 192 q534 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q534-p74 192 q534 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q534-p75 192 q534 1 3 A1 2008-08-19 hh J01q535-p1 192 q535 1 5% necked straight 14 2008-08-19 hh J01q535-p2 192 q535 1 5% necked straight 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q535-p3 192 q535 1 base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q535-p4 192 q535 1 6% shouldered 13 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p70 192 q535 31 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p71 192 q535 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p72 192 q535 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p73 192 q535 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p74 192 q535 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p75 192 q535 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q535-p76 192 q535 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q535-p77 192 q535 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q535-p78 192 q535 1 3 A1 2008-08-18 sm J01q535-p79 192 q535 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q535-p80 192 q535 6 2008-08-18 sm J01q535-p81 192 q535 19 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p1 195 q540 1 4% straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p2 195 q540 1 4% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p3 195 q540 1 8% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p4 195 q540 1 10% deep rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p5 195 q540 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p6 195 q540 1 4% other 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p7 195 q540 1 5% handle: round knob 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p34 195 q540 1 8% base: flat 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p35 195 q540 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p36 195 q540 1 7% straight sided 4 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p37 195 q540 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q540-p38 195 q540 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p70 195 q540 69 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p71 195 q540 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p72 195 q540 9 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p73 195 q540 7 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p74 195 q540 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p75 195 q540 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p76 195 q540 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p77 195 q540 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q540-p78 195 q540 2 2009-09-22 hh J01q541-p1 195 q541 1 necked straight 2009-09-22 hh J01q541-p2 195 q541 1 straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q541-p3 195 q541 1 round sided rim: simple J01q541-p7 195 q541 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p1 196 q542 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p2 196 q542 1 10YR7/3 10YR7/3 hammer-rim 104 rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p3 196 q542 1 10YR6/3 10YR6/3 hammer-rim 104 rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p4 196 q542 1 5Y8/4 5Y8/4 hammer-rim 103 rim: extened rim 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p5 196 q542 1 hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim J01q542-p6 196 q542 1 2.5YR6/3 2.5YR6/3 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p7 196 q542 1 7.5YR6/1 7.5YR6/1 rim: interior projection 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p8 196 q542 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p9 196 q542 1 5YR8/4 5YR8/4 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p10 196 q542 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p11 196 q542 1 5Y8/3 5Y8/3 J01q542-p12 196 q542 1 5Y8/4 5Y8/4 base: ring 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p13 196 q542 1 2% conical (cup) 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q542-p50 196 q542 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 1 J01q542-p51 196 q542 1 straight sided 101 rim: pointed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q542-p68 196 q542 1 drawing was formerly q542-p9 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# base: flat 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p69 196 q542 1 13% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p70 196 q542 1 7.5YR5/1 7.5YR5/1 carinated 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p71 196 q542 1 7.5YR5/1 7.5YR5/1 3% deep J01q542-p72 196 q542 1 description added based off drawing W20d0108 shouldered 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p73 196 q542 1 5Y8/3 5Y8/3 necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p74 196 q542 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q542-p75 196 q542 1 10YR7/3 2.5YR6/4 J01q542-p99 196 q542 1 potter's mark. drawing was formerly q542-p75 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 1 I9 shouldered 2008-08-19 hh J01q543-p9 0 M q543 1 5% deep 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p1 184 q544 1 8% other 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p2 184 q544 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p3 184 q544 1 5% base: flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p4 184 q544 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-20 hh J01q544-p69 184 M q544 1 8% 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p70 184 q544 8 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p71 184 q544 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p72 184 q544 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p73 184 q544 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p74 184 q544 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q544-p75 184 q544 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p1 189 M q545 1 1 M4 10% deep 809 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p2 189 M q545 1 10% other 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p3 189 q545 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p4 189 M q545 1 3% necked 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p5 189 q545 1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p6 189 M q545 1 30% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p7 189 q545 1 20% conical (cup) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q545-p8 189 q545 1 12% conical (cup) 3 2014-03-08 cjc J01q545-p59 189 q545 1 description added based on drawing W23d0138 necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p70 189 q545 23 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p71 189 q545 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p72 189 q545 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p73 189 q545 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p74 189 q545 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p75 189 q545 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p76 189 q545 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q545-p77 189 q545 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q547-p1 189 q547 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q547-p2 189 q547 1 8% straight sided 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q547-p3 189 q547 1 10% other 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q547-p4 189 q547 1 FOOTED BASE 25% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q547-p5 189 M q547 1 6% shouldered 803 2014-03-08 cjc J01q547-p60 189 q547 1 description added based on drawing W23d0137 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q547-p70 189 q547 20 2008-07-20 hh J01q547-p71 189 q547 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q547-p72 189 q547 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q547-p73 189 q547 4 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p1 196 q549 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p2 196 q549 1 10% straight sided 2 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p3 196 q549 1 rim: square 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p4 196 q549 1 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p5 196 q549 1 6% straight sided 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p6 196 q549 1 2% round sided 3 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p7 196 q549 1 rim: square 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p8 196 K q549 1 9% other 22 2005-09-10 hh J01q549-p9 196 q549 1 STOPPER 35% base: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q550-p1 195 M q550 1 9% other 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q550-p2 195 q550 1 7% straight sided 5 2008-08-19 hh J01q550-p3 195 q550 1 4% 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q550-p70 195 q550 3 2008-08-18 sm J01q550-p71 195 q550 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p72 195 q550 16 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p73 195 q550 5 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p74 195 q550 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p75 195 q550 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p76 195 q550 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p77 195 q550 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p78 195 q550 25 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p79 195 q550 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p80 195 q550 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q550-p81 195 q550 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q551-p1 198 q551 1 4% deep 11 2008-08-14 sm J01q551-p70 198 q551 2 2008-08-14 sm J01q551-p71 198 q551 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q552-p1 175 q552 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q552-p2 175 q552 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-19 hh J01q552-p3 175 q552 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-17 hh J01q553-p1 198 M q553 1 1 M18 2% deep 805 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q553-p2 198 M q553 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q553-p3 198 q553 1 7% other 5 2008-08-17 hh J01q553-p4 198 q553 1 rim: square 2008-08-17 hh J01q553-p5 198 K q553 1 4% deep 5 2008-08-20 hh J01q554-p1 175 M q554 1 8% 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q554-p2 175 M q554 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 sm J01q554-p70 175 q554 1 2 I7 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p1 200 M q555 1 2% deep 806 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p2 200 q555 1 3% deep 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p3 200 q555 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p4 200 M q555 1 4% round sided 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p5 200 M q555 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p6 200 M q555 1 4% deep 803 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p7 200 q555 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-20 hh J01q555-p8 200 q555 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q556-p1 198 M q556 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q556-p2 198 M q556 1 8% deep 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q556-p3 198 q556 1 7% other 11 2008-08-17 hh J01q556-p4 198 K q556 1 1 K1 5% deep 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q558-p1 175 q558 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-20 hh J01q558-p2 175 M q558 1 9% hole mouth 809 2014-03-08 cjc J01q558-p69 175 q558 1 drawing was formerly q558-p2 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# handle: type unspecified 2008-08-20 hh J01q559-p1 198 M q559 1 9% hole mouth 811 2008-08-20 hh J01q559-p2 198 q559 1 5% 804 2008-08-17 hh J01q560-p1 175 M q560 1 2 I2 9% deep 810 2008-08-17 hh J01q560-p2 175 q560 1 7% shouldered 11 2008-08-17 hh J01q560-p3 175 q560 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q560-p4 175 q560 1 5% deep 2 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q560-p5 175 q560 1 7% shouldered 11 2008-08-17 hh J01q561-p1 198 q561 1 78% deep 13 2008-08-17 hh J01q561-p2 198 M q561 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q561-p3 198 M q561 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q561-p4 198 M q561 1 1 M2 3% 803 2008-08-17 hh J01q562-p1 198 M q562 1 7% hole mouth 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q562-p2 198 q562 1 5% 2008-08-17 hh J01q562-p3 198 M q562 1 1 M18 4% 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q562-p4 198 q562 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-17 hh J01q562-p5 198 q562 1 stand 2008-08-17 hh J01q562-p6 198 M q562 1 5% 802 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p1 200 M q563 1 5% deep 816 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p2 200 M q563 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p3 200 M q563 1 5% 802 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p4 200 M q563 1 rim: square 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p5 200 M q563 1 rim: square 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p6 200 q563 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-10 hh J01q563-p7 200 q563 1 rim: flat J01q563-p10 200 q563 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p1 175 q564 1 4% deep 2 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p2 175 q564 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p3 175 q564 1 7% round sided 4 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p4 175 q564 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p5 175 M q564 1 5% other 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p6 175 M q564 1 2% deep 805 3 2008-08-10 hh J01q564-p7 175 M q564 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q565-p1 175 q565 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q566-p1 175 M q566 1 14% deep 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q566-p2 175 M q566 1 5% 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q566-p3 175 q566 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q566-p4 175 M q566 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 809 2008-08-10 hh J01q566-p5 175 q566 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q566-p6 175 q566 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 hh J01q567-p1 198 M q567 1 8% deep 806 2008-08-20 hh J01q567-p2 198 M q567 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-19 hh J01q569-p1 198 q569 1 rim: beaked 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q569-p2 198 M q569 1 7% deep 812 2008-08-20 hh J01q571-p1 200 M q571 1 2% 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q571-p2 200 q571 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q571-p70 200 q571 2 2005-08-28 hh J01q572-p1 175 k q572 1 10% shouldered 3 2005-08-28 hh J01q572-p2 175 q572 1 3% other 1 2005-08-28 hh J01q572-p3 175 K q572 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-20 hh J01q573-p1 199 M q573 1 1 M3 10% shouldered 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q573-p8 199 M q573 1 15% shouldered 803 2008-08-20 hh J01q574-p1 198 q574 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q574-p2 198 q574 1 10% necked straight 2 2008-08-20 sm J01q574-p70 198 q574 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q574-p71 198 q574 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q575-p1 175 q575 1 5% other 16 2008-08-19 hh J01q575-p2 175 q575 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-19 hh J01q575-p3 175 q575 1 3% other 24 2008-08-19 hh J01q575-p4 175 K q575 1 3% deep 3 2008-08-19 hh J01q575-p5 175 q575 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q575-p6 175 q575 1 15% other 22 2008-08-18 sm J01q575-p70 175 q575 2 2008-08-18 sm J01q575-p71 175 q575 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q576-p1 175 q576 1 12% deep 13 2008-08-20 hh J01q576-p2 175 M q576 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q577-p1 200 q577 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q577-p2 200 M q577 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q577-p3 200 M q577 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q577-p4 200 q577 1 6% deep 20 2008-08-20 hh J01q577-p5 200 q577 1 3% other 11 2008-08-20 hh J01q577-p6 200 K q577 1 1 K9 5% deep 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q579-p1 198 q579 1 11% necked straight 3 2008-09-14 hh J01q580-p1 203 M q580 1 7% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q580-p2 203 M q580 1 9% 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q580-p3 203 M q580 1 3% deep 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q580-p4 203 q580 1 6% deep 803 2008-08-19 hh J01q582-p1 175 q582 1 rim: square 2008-08-19 hh J01q582-p2 175 q582 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-19 hh J01q582-p3 175 q582 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-19 hh J01q582-p4 175 q582 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q582-p5 175 q582 1 7% other 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q583-p1 198 M q583 1 6% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q583-p2 198 M q583 1 70% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-19 hh J01q584-p1 204 M q584 1 4% other 801 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q584-p2 204 q584 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-20 hh J01q585-p1 175 M q585 1 7% hole mouth 806 2008-08-20 hh J01q585-p2 175 K q585 1 1 K1 9% necked straight 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q585-p3 175 q585 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 hh J01q585-p4 175 q585 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-15 hh J01q586-p1 203 M q586 1 5% deep 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q587-p1 203 M q587 1 4% 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q587-p2 203 M q587 1 3% 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q587-p3 203 M q587 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q587-p4 203 M q587 1 2% hole mouth 803 2008-08-20 hh J01q588-p1 175 M q588 1 1 M2 9% deep 2008-08-20 hh J01q588-p2 175 M q588 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q588-p3 175 q588 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q588-p4 175 M q588 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-20 sm J01q589-p70 200 q589 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q589-p71 200 q589 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p1 204 q590 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p2 204 M q590 1 1 M18 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p3 204 q590 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p4 204 q590 1 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p5 204 q590 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p6 204 q590 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p7 204 M q590 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q590-p8 204 q590 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p1 203 M q591 1 1 M18 5% 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q591-p2 203 q591 1 description added based off drawing W22d0734 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p3 203 M q591 1 6% deep 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p4 203 M q591 1 7% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p5 203 q591 1 8% shouldered 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p6 203 q591 1 rim: flat 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p7 203 q591 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q591-p8 203 q591 1 1 M18 rim: beaked 2014-03-03 cjc J01q591-p13 203 q591 1 handle - description added based off drawing W22d0720 handle: type unspecified 2014-03-03 cjc J01q591-p69 203 M q591 1 description added based off drawing W22d0702 base: solid footed 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p1 203 M q592 1 4% deep 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p2 203 q592 1 5% deep 8 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p3 203 q592 1 9% other 5 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p4 203 q592 1 5% deep 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p5 203 K q592 1 7% necked straight 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p6 203 q592 1 rim: square 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p7 203 q592 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p8 203 M q592 1 rim: square 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p9 203 q592 1 rim: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p10 203 q592 1 rim: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p11 203 q592 1 rim: square 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p12 203 q592 1 8% shouldered 10 2008-09-11 hh J01q592-p13 203 q592 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-17 hh J01q593-p1 175 q593 1 7% hole mouth 7 2008-08-17 hh J01q593-p2 175 M q593 1 8% deep 801 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q593-p3 175 M q593 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-17 hh J01q593-p4 175 M q593 1 6% deep 2008-08-17 hh J01q593-p5 175 M q593 1 7% 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p1 204 q594 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p2 204 q594 1 9% deep 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p3 204 q594 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p4 204 q594 1 5% deep 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p5 204 q594 1 9% other 10 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p6 204 M q594 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p7 204 M q594 1 M-22 1 M12 rim: square 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p8 204 q594 1 rim: flat 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p9 204 q594 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p10 204 M q594 1 9% hole mouth 806 2008-08-14 hh J01q594-p11 204 q594 1 5% other 10 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p1 175 M q595 1 rim: square 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p2 175 M q595 1 4% 802 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p3 175 M q595 1 carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p4 175 K q595 1 6% other 22 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p5 175 q595 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p6 175 M q595 1 2% 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p7 175 q595 1 7% other 5 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p8 175 q595 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p9 175 M q595 1 4% 801 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p10 175 q595 1 9% hole mouth 2 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p11 175 M q595 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-10 hh J01q595-p12 175 q595 1 rim: simple 2008-08-20 hh J01q596-p1 199 M q596 1 8% deep 808 2008-08-20 hh J01q596-p2 199 q596 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-20 hh J01q596-p3 199 M q596 1 1 M18 4% 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q596-p69 199 q596 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-20 sm J01q596-p70 199 q596 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q597-p1 197 q597 1 2 I7 2008-08-19 hh J01q598-p1 204 M q598 1 3% other 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q598-p2 204 q598 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q598-p3 204 q598 1 15% necked straight 7 2008-08-19 hh J01q598-p4 204 M q598 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q598-p5 204 q598 1 7% other 8 2008-08-20 sm J01q599-p70 200 q599 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q600-p1 198 K q600 1 1 K4 5% carinated sharp (carination) 3 2008-08-17 hh J01q600-p2 198 q600 1 6% deep 20 2008-08-14 sm J01q600-p70 198 q600 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p1 175 q601 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p2 175 M q601 1 9% necked straight 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p3 175 M q601 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p4 175 M q601 1 5% 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p5 175 q601 1 5% hole mouth 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p6 175 M q601 1 8% deep 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p7 175 M q601 1 7% round sided 804 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p8 175 q601 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-19 hh J01q601-p9 175 M q601 1 5% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q602-p1 204 M q602 1 5% 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p1 205 q603 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p2 205 q603 1 9% deep 7 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p3 205 q603 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p4 205 q603 1 pipe 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p5 205 q603 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p6 205 q603 1 7% deep 8 2008-08-19 hh J01q603-p7 205 q603 1 firing error rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-20 hh J01q603-p69 205 q603 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p1 204 q604 1 17% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p2 204 q604 1 8% deep 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p3 204 M q604 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p4 204 M q604 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p5 204 q604 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p6 204 q604 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p7 204 M q604 1 5% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p8 204 M q604 1 1 M2 9% necked straight 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p9 204 M q604 1 8% base: ring 2008-08-19 hh J01q604-p10 204 M q604 1 1 M18 rim: beaked 2008-08-20 hh J01q604-p68 204 M q604 1 7% round sided 813 2008-08-20 hh J01q604-p69 204 M q604 1 5% round sided 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q605-p1 145 q605 1 25% base: ring 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q606-p1 200 q606 1 9% round sided 803 2008-08-20 hh J01q606-p2 200 q606 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-20 hh J01q606-p3 200 M q606 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q606-p4 200 q606 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 hh J01q606-p5 200 M q606 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p1 175 q608 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p2 175 q608 1 M-22 1 K9 5% carinated sharp (carination) 4 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p3 175 q608 1 1 M4 6% 802 3 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p4 175 q608 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p5 175 q608 1 8% deep 805 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p6 175 q608 1 7% other 8 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p7 175 q608 1 3% deep 810 2008-08-10 hh J01q608-p8 175 q608 1 rim: rounded J01q608-p13 175 q608 2008-08-20 hh J01q609-p1 175 M q609 1 5% 818 2008-08-20 hh J01q609-p2 175 q609 1 4% 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p1 204 q611 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p2 204 q611 1 9% hole mouth 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p3 204 q611 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p4 204 q611 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p5 204 M q611 1 7% 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p6 204 q611 1 rim: flat 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p7 204 M q611 1 5% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p8 204 M q611 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p9 204 M q611 1 5% 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p10 204 M q611 1 1 M19 9% deep 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p11 204 M q611 1 1 M18 8% 806 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p12 204 M q611 1 8% deep 805 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p13 204 M q611 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p14 204 q611 1 9% round sided 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q611-p15 204 q611 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-13 sm J01q611-p70 204 q611 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q612-p1 145 M q612 1 5% other 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q612-p2 145 M q612 1 1 M18 8% deep 802 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q612-p3 145 q612 1 PIPE rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q612-p4 145 K q612 1 7% other 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p1 200 M q613 1 3% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p2 200 q613 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p3 200 M q613 1 1% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p4 200 q613 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p5 200 q613 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p6 200 q613 1 5% deep 13 2008-08-19 hh J01q613-p7 200 M q613 1 2% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q614-p1 175 q614 1 4% hole mouth 5 2008-08-17 hh J01q614-p2 175 M q614 1 2% deep 804 2008-08-17 hh J01q614-p3 175 q614 1 10% shouldered 13 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p1 175 q615 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p2 175 q615 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p3 175 M q615 1 1 M20 4% 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p4 175 K q615 1 1 K1 7% 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p5 175 q615 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p6 175 M q615 1 9% 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p7 175 q615 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p8 175 M q615 1 rim: square 2008-08-10 hh J01q615-p9 175 M q615 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p1 206 q616 1 1 M2 rim: beaked 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p2 206 q616 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p3 206 M q616 1 10% other 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p4 206 q616 1 2 I3 5% other 5 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p5 206 q616 1 4% other 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p6 206 K q616 1 1 K 20% necked straight 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p7 206 q616 1 9% shouldered 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p8 206 q616 1 14% other 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p9 206 q616 1 4% deep 7 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p10 206 q616 1 5% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p11 206 q616 1 3% round sided 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p12 206 M q616 1 7% xdl 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p13 206 M q616 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p14 206 K q616 1 17% necked straight 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q616-p15 206 q616 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p1 203 K q617 1 5% deep 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p2 203 M q617 1 10% other 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p3 203 q617 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p4 203 q617 1 other 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p5 203 M q617 1 2% deep 805 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p6 203 q617 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p7 203 q617 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q617-p8 203 M q617 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q618-p1 206 M q618 1 3% 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q618-p2 206 M q618 1 5% 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q619-p1 206 q619 1 9% necked straight 7 2008-08-20 hh J01q619-p2 206 M q619 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-13 sm J01q621-p70 208 q621 4 2008-08-20 sm J01q622-p70 211 q622 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q624-p1 205 q624 1 13% other 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q624-p2 205 q624 1 8% deep 14 2008-08-20 hh J01q624-p3 205 M q624 1 10% deep 807 2008-08-19 hh J01q625-p1 145 q625 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q625-p2 145 q625 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q625-p3 145 M q625 1 16% shouldered 803 2008-08-19 hh J01q625-p4 145 M q625 1 7% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q625-p5 145 M q625 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p1 175 M q626 1 4% deep 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p2 175 M q626 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p3 175 q626 1 15% necked straight 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p4 175 q626 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p5 175 K q626 1 4% deep 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p6 175 M q626 1 1 K9 12% necked straight 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p7 175 M q626 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-10 hh J01q626-p8 175 M q626 1 1 M4 7% carinated sharp (carination) 809 2008-08-20 hh J01q628-p1 200 M q628 1 1 M18 4% 806 2008-08-20 hh J01q628-p2 200 q628 1 4% deep 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q628-p3 200 M q628 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q629-p1 210 M q629 1 6% 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q630-p1 209 M q630 1 5% round sided 806 2008-08-17 hh J01q630-p2 209 q630 1 4% other 5 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q630-p3 209 M q630 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q630-p70 209 q630 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p1 212 M q631 1 10% shouldered 803 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p2 212 M q631 1 deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p3 212 M q631 1 hole mouth 804 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p4 212 M q631 1 5% other 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p5 212 q631 1 6% other 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p6 212 M q631 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 hh J01q631-p7 212 M q631 1 1 M3 8% conical (cup) 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p1 211 q632 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p2 211 M q632 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p3 211 M q632 1 5% 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p4 211 q632 1 12% necked straight 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p5 211 q632 1 7% deep 14 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p6 211 M q632 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p7 211 q632 1 15% necked straight 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p8 211 q632 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p9 211 M q632 1 rim: flat 2008-08-20 hh J01q632-p10 211 q632 1 5% other 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p1 175 M q633 1 1 M18 4% 801 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p2 175 q633 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p3 175 M q633 1 7% round sided 807 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p4 175 M q633 1 5% base: ring 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p5 175 q633 1 1 M18 11% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p6 175 M q633 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p7 175 M q633 1 1 M12 10% deep 805 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p8 175 M q633 1 5% 808 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p9 175 M q633 1 20% base: ring 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p10 175 M q633 1 1 M18 8% round sided 806 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p11 175 M q633 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q633-p12 175 M q633 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p1 175 M q634 1 5% 808 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p2 175 M q634 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-10 hh J01q634-p3 175 M q634 1 5% rim: beaked,rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p4 175 M q634 1 hole mouth 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p5 175 q634 1 rim: square 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p6 175 M q634 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p7 175 M q634 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p8 175 M q634 1 3% hole mouth 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p9 175 q634 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p10 175 M q634 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 803 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p11 175 q634 1 6% round sided 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p12 175 K q634 1 5% deep 5 2008-08-10 hh J01q634-p13 175 M q634 1 5% other 803 2008-09-10 hh J01q635-p1 205 M q635 1 9% necked straight 802 2008-09-10 hh J01q635-p2 205 M q635 1 5% deep 803 2008-09-10 hh J01q635-p4 205 q635 1 6% necked straight 7 2008-08-19 hh J01q636-p1 200 M q636 1 25% base: solid footed 2008-08-19 hh J01q636-p2 200 M q636 1 2% hole mouth 813 2008-08-19 hh J01q636-p3 200 M q636 1 4% 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q636-p4 200 q636 1 4% other 5 2008-08-19 hh J01q636-p5 200 q636 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q637-p1 145 M q637 1 1 M4 4% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q637-p2 145 M q637 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q637-p3 145 q637 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q637-p4 145 q637 1 5% 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q639-p1 143 q639 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q639-p2 143 q639 1 10% necked straight 3 2008-08-17 hh J01q639-p3 143 q639 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-17 hh J01q639-p4 143 M q639 1 1 M18 5% other 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q640-p1 209 M q640 1 5% deep 803 2 2008-08-17 hh J01q640-p2 209 M q640 1 rim: square 2008-08-17 hh J01q640-p3 209 M q640 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q640-p4 209 M q640 1 5% deep 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q640-p5 209 M q640 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q640-p6 209 q640 1 7% other 9 2008-08-16 sm J01q640-p70 209 q640 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q644-p1 212 q644 1 7% necked straight 3 2008-08-20 hh J01q644-p2 212 q644 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 sm J01q644-p70 212 q644 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q644-p71 212 q644 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q644-p72 212 q644 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q645-p70 215 q645 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q647-p1 198 M q647 1 6% deep 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q647-p2 198 M q647 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 804 2008-08-20 hh J01q647-p3 198 M q647 1 5% deep 2008-08-20 hh J01q647-p4 198 M q647 1 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p1 143 M q648 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p2 143 M q648 1 4% deep 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p3 143 M q648 1 1 M18 9% necked straight 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p4 143 q648 1 25% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p5 143 q648 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p6 143 M q648 1 4% 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p7 143 M q648 1 1 M18 6% necked straight 803 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p8 143 q648 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p9 143 q648 1 20% necked straight 3 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p10 143 q648 1 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p11 143 q648 1 3 A1 5% deep 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p12 143 q648 1 9% shouldered 2008-08-19 hh J01q648-p13 143 q648 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q648-p70 143 q648 35 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p1 200 M q649 1 5% deep 803 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p2 200 M q649 1 2% deep 804 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p3 200 q649 1 5% deep 2 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p4 200 q649 1 8% shouldered 13 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p5 200 q649 1 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p6 200 M q649 1 10% necked straight 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p7 200 q649 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p8 200 M q649 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p9 200 q649 1 8% deep 812 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p10 200 M q649 1 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q649-p11 200 q649 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p1 148 M q651 1 carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p2 148 M q651 1 4% 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p3 148 M q651 1 9% other 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p4 148 q651 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p5 148 M q651 1 4% deep 810 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p6 148 q651 1 7% deep 807 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p7 148 q651 1 4% rim: flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q651-p8 148 q651 1 7% other 1 J01q652-p1 203 q652 2008-08-20 sm J01q653-p70 198 q653 1 J01q654-p8 172 q654 2008-08-17 hh J01q655-p1 198 M q655 1 6% 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q656-p1 216 M q656 1 10% hole mouth 809 2008-08-20 hh J01q656-p2 216 q656 1 9% necked straight 4 2008-08-20 hh J01q656-p3 216 q656 1 1% base: high ring 2008-08-20 hh J01q658-p1 198 M q658 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-20 hh J01q658-p2 198 M q658 1 4% deep 803 2008-08-20 hh J01q658-p3 198 M q658 1 22% necked straight 801 2008-08-20 hh J01q661-p1 203 M q661 1 4% 802 2008-08-19 hh J01q662-p1 198 M q662 1 4% deep 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q662-p2 198 M q662 1 25% base: solid footed 2008-08-19 hh J01q663-p1 205 M q663 1 12% hole mouth 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q663-p2 205 q663 1 15% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-08-19 hh J01q663-p3 205 q663 1 18% necked straight 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q663-p4 205 M q663 1 12% deep 810 2008-08-19 hh J01q663-p5 205 M q663 1 5% deep 810 2008-08-19 hh J01q663-p6 205 M q663 1 1 M4 16% straight sided 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p1 204 M q664 1 1 M18 8% 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p2 204 q664 1 3% deep 14 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p3 204 q664 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p4 204 q664 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p5 204 q664 1 5% round sided 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p6 204 M q664 1 6% other 80 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p7 204 K q664 1 12% deep 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q664-p8 204 q664 1 7% deep 16 2008-08-17 hh J01q665-p1 198 M q665 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q665-p2 198 q665 1 5% shouldered 13 2008-08-17 hh J01q665-p3 198 M q665 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q665-p4 198 M q665 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q665-p5 198 M q665 1 5% other 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q665-p6 198 q665 1 4% 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p1 179 M q666 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p2 179 q666 1 5% hole mouth 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p3 179 q666 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p4 179 q666 1 footed base base: type unspecified 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p5 179 q666 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p6 179 q666 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-11 hh J01q666-p7 179 q666 1 6% deep 7 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p8 179 M q666 1 3% other 806 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p9 179 q666 1 4% round sided 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p10 179 q666 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p11 179 M q666 1 14% hole mouth 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p12 179 K q666 1 1 K2 10% necked straight 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p13 179 q666 1 6% other 21 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p14 179 q666 1 16% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p63 179 M q666 1 5% 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p64 179 q666 1 22% base: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p65 179 q666 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p66 179 M q666 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p67 179 q666 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p68 179 q666 1 4% 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q666-p69 179 q666 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-08-13 sm J01q666-p70 179 q666 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q667-p1 175 M q667 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q667-p2 175 M q667 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q667-p3 175 q667 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-17 hh J01q667-p4 175 q667 1 5% other 10 2008-09-11 hh J01q668-p1 203 q668 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q668-p2 203 q668 1 1 M18 7% 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q668-p3 203 q668 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q670-p1 179 M q670 1 7% deep 806 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p1 209 M q671 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p2 209 M q671 1 14% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p3 209 M q671 1 12% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p4 209 M q671 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p5 209 M q671 1 1 M2 other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p6 209 M q671 1 5% deep 812 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p7 209 M q671 1 4% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p8 209 M q671 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p9 209 M q671 1 9% shouldered 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p10 209 M q671 1 1 M4 7% other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q671-p11 209 M q671 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-08-18 sm J01q671-p70 209 q671 2 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p1 203 M q672 1 8% 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p3 203 q672 1 40% necked straight 6 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p4 203 q672 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p5 203 q672 1 5% other 5 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p7 203 M q672 1 1 M18 5% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p8 203 M q672 1 1 M18 8% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p9 203 K q672 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 2 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p10 203 q672 1 1 K9 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p11 203 M q672 1 7% deep 806 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p12 203 q672 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-14 hh J01q672-p13 203 q672 1 4% straight sided 5 2008-09-11 hh J01q673-p1 203 q673 1 rim: flat 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p1 203 M q674 1 4% deep 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p2 203 M q674 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p3 203 M q674 1 10% other 807 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p5 203 M q674 1 1 M16 10% hole mouth 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p6 203 M q674 1 1 M20 5% deep 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p8 203 q674 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p9 203 M q674 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p11 203 q674 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p12 203 q674 1 stopper 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p13 203 q674 1 7% other 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p14 203 q674 1 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q674-p15 203 q674 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q675-p3 203 M q675 1 4% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q675-p4 203 q675 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-14 hh J01q675-p5 203 q675 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-09-14 hh J01q675-p6 203 M q675 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q675-p7 203 M q675 1 6% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q675-p8 203 q675 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p1 209 M q677 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p2 209 M q677 1 4% round sided 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p3 209 q677 1 15% other 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p4 209 q677 1 3% 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p5 209 q677 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p6 209 q677 1 handle 1 M24 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p7 209 q677 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p9 209 q677 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p10 209 M q677 1 1 M19 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p11 209 M q677 1 1 M18 9% necked straight 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p12 209 M q677 1 other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p13 209 q677 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p14 209 M q677 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p15 209 q677 1 6% 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p16 209 q677 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p17 209 M q677 1 6% other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p18 209 M q677 1 4% 803 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p19 209 M q677 1 10% necked straight 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q677-p20 209 M q677 1 3% 802 2008-08-16 sm J01q677-p70 209 q677 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q677-p71 209 q677 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q677-p72 209 q677 8 2008-08-19 hh J01q678-p1 205 q678 1 5% shouldered 13 2008-08-19 hh J01q678-p2 205 M q678 1 4% other 806 2008-08-19 hh J01q678-p3 205 M q678 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q678-p4 205 q678 1 rim: flat 2008-08-19 hh J01q678-p5 205 q678 1 9% necked straight 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q678-p70 205 q678 6 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p1 209 M q679 1 6% deep 806 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p2 209 q679 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p3 209 q679 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p4 209 M q679 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p5 209 q679 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p7 209 M q679 1 4% 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p8 209 q679 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p9 209 q679 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p10 209 M q679 1 1 M19 5% deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p11 209 M q679 1 5% deep 806 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p12 209 M q679 1 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p13 209 q679 1 5% other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p14 209 q679 1 6% deep 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q679-p15 209 q679 1 9% hole mouth 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q680-p1 171 M q680 1 1 M19 8% deep 805 2008-08-20 hh J01q680-p2 171 M q680 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-08-20 sm J01q680-p70 171 q680 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q680-p71 171 q680 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p1 203 M q681 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p2 203 q681 1 B6 9% other 16 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p3 203 M q681 1 7% deep 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p4 203 M q681 1 6% deep 806 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p5 203 M q681 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p6 203 M q681 1 12% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p7 203 M q681 1 7% other 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p8 203 K q681 1 high fired 5% 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p9 203 M q681 1 7% 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p10 203 M q681 1 6% 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p11 203 q681 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p12 203 M q681 1 2% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p13 203 M q681 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p14 203 M q681 1 5% hole mouth 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q681-p15 203 q681 1 leg 2008-07-20 hh J01q681-p70 203 q681 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q682-p1 181 M q682 1 hole mouth 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q682-p2 181 M q682 1 M-8 B6 10% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q682-p3 181 M q682 1 1 M12 4% deep 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q682-p4 181 M q682 1 11% necked straight 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q682-p5 181 M q682 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p1 179 M q683 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p2 179 M q683 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p3 179 q683 1 7% other 5 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p4 179 M q683 1 4% hole mouth 805 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p5 179 q683 1 7% deep 7 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p6 179 M q683 1 stand 1 M 9% 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p7 179 q683 1 rim: flat 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p8 179 q683 1 stand 2008-08-11 hh J01q683-p9 179 M q683 1 5% deep 803 2008-08-13 sm J01q684-p70 141 q684 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q685-p1 203 q685 1 10% hole mouth 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q685-p2 203 K q685 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q685-p3 203 M q685 1 1 M18 5% 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q685-p4 203 q685 1 7% deep 7 2008-07-21 hh J01q685-p5 203 M q685 1 7% deep 806 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p1 203 M q686 1 9% 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p2 203 K q686 1 1 K1 9% necked 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p3 203 K q686 1 5% round sided 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p4 203 M q686 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p5 203 M q686 1 9% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p6 203 M q686 1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p7 203 M q686 1 1 M2 7% other 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p8 203 M q686 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q686-p9 203 M q686 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p1 203 M q687 1 4% deep 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p2 203 M q687 1 8% round sided 807 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p3 203 M q687 1 5% deep 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p4 203 M q687 1 9% necked straight 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p5 203 K q687 1 6% round sided 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p6 203 M q687 1 6% deep 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p7 203 M q687 1 20% necked straight 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p8 203 M q687 1 7% deep 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p9 203 M q687 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p10 203 M q687 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p11 203 M q687 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p70 203 q687 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p71 203 q687 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q687-p72 203 q687 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p1 181 q688 1 2 I7 20% hole mouth 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p2 181 q688 1 10% other 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p3 181 M q688 1 1 M4 10% deep 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p4 181 M q688 1 1 M18 15% conical (cup) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p5 181 q688 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p6 181 M q688 1 6% 807 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p7 181 M q688 1 1 M19 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p8 181 q688 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p9 181 q688 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p10 181 M q688 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p11 181 q688 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p12 181 q688 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p13 181 q688 1 5% other 13 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p14 181 M q688 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p15 181 q688 1 bright orange polished 10% conical (cup) 2008-07-21 hh J01q688-p16 181 M q688 1 rim: beaked J01q688-p70 181 q688 J01q688-p99 181 q688 1 drawing was formerly q688-p10 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 1 M5 2008-07-21 hh J01q689-p1 181 q689 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q689-p2 181 M q689 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q689-p70 181 q689 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q689-p71 181 q689 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q689-p72 181 q689 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q689-p73 181 q689 1 B6 2008-07-21 hh J01q690-p1 203 M q690 1 7% deep 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q690-p2 203 M q690 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q690-p3 203 M q690 1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q690-p4 203 M q690 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q690-p5 203 M q690 1 rim: square 2008-08-13 sm J01q691-p70 143 q691 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q691-p71 143 q691 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p1 203 M q692 1 8% 807 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p2 203 q692 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p3 203 M q692 1 1 M18 4% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p4 203 q692 1 20% base: low ring 2014-03-03 cjc J01q692-p5 203 M q692 1 description added based off drawing W21d0960 round sided 804 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p6 203 M q692 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p7 203 M q692 1 1 M18 5% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p8 203 q692 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p9 203 q692 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p10 203 M q692 1 1 M19 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p11 203 q692 1 4% hole mouth 4 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p12 203 M q692 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p13 203 M q692 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p14 203 q692 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p15 203 M q692 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p16 203 q692 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p17 203 q692 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p18 203 M q692 1 7% other 806 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p19 203 q692 1 15% necked straight 6 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p20 203 M q692 1 6% deep 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q692-p21 203 M q692 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p70 203 q692 9 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p71 203 q692 1 1 M1 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p72 203 q692 1 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p73 203 q692 1 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p74 203 q692 4 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p75 203 q692 5 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p76 203 q692 1 1 M1 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p77 203 q692 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q692-p78 203 q692 68 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p1 179 q693 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p2 179 M q693 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p3 179 q693 1 19% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p4 179 M q693 1 4% 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p5 179 M q693 1 1 M18 7% 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p6 179 M q693 1 5% deep 809 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p7 179 q693 1 shouldered 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p8 179 q693 1 rim: square 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p9 179 q693 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p10 179 M q693 1 30% base: ring 2008-08-09 hh J01q693-p11 179 M q693 1 5% 802 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q693-p70 179 q693 1 2 I3 2008-08-06 sm J01q693-p71 179 q693 1 3 A1 2008-08-06 sm J01q693-p72 179 q693 1 3 A2 2008-08-06 sm J01q693-p73 179 q693 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q693-p74 179 q693 66 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p1 181 q694 1 6% deep 11 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p2 181 q694 1 25% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p3 181 M q694 1 10% necked straight 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p4 181 M q694 1 10% deep 807 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p5 181 M q694 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p6 181 M q694 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p7 181 q694 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p8 181 q694 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p9 181 M q694 1 other 807 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p10 181 q694 1 14% deep 7 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p11 181 q694 1 15% necked straight 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p12 181 M q694 1 18% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p13 181 q694 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p14 181 M q694 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p15 181 M q694 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p16 181 M q694 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p17 181 q694 1 10% straight sided 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p18 181 q694 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p19 181 M q694 1 7% hole mouth 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p20 181 M q694 1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p21 181 M q694 1 10% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p22 181 K q694 1 6% other 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p23 181 M q694 1 25% 2008-07-21 hh J01q694-p24 181 M q694 1 handle handle: type unspecified J01q694-p70 181 q694 2008-07-20 hh J01q694-p71 181 q694 9 2008-07-20 hh J01q694-p72 181 q694 6 2008-07-20 hh J01q694-p73 181 q694 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q694-p74 181 q694 71 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p1 143 q695 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p2 143 M q695 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p3 143 M q695 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p4 143 q695 1 5% 4 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p5 143 q695 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p6 143 q695 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p7 143 q695 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p8 143 q695 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p9 143 M q695 1 7% shouldered 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p10 143 q695 1 11% base: ring 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p11 143 M q695 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p12 143 M q695 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p13 143 M q695 1 10% hole mouth 805 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p15 143 M q695 1 2 I7 7% carinated rounded (carination) 802 1 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p16 143 q695 1 7% base: flat 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p17 143 M q695 1 1 M3 other 803 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p18 143 q695 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-13 hh J01q695-p19 143 q695 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-10 sm J01q695-p70 143 q695 2 2008-08-10 sm J01q695-p71 143 q695 7 2008-08-10 sm J01q695-p72 143 q695 2 2008-08-10 sm J01q695-p73 143 q695 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q695-p74 143 q695 2 1 M3 3 2008-08-10 sm J01q695-p75 143 q695 70 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p1 203 q696 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p2 203 q696 1 4% 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p3 203 q696 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p4 203 M q696 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p5 203 q696 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p6 203 q696 1 22% base: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p7 203 M q696 1 5% 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p8 203 M q696 1 3% other 806 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p9 203 q696 1 4% round sided 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p10 203 q696 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p11 203 M q696 1 14% hole mouth 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p12 203 K q696 1 1 K2 10% necked straight 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p13 203 q696 1 6% other 21 2008-09-11 hh J01q696-p14 203 q696 1 16% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q697-p1 218 q697 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q697-p70 218 q697 1 2 I7 2008-08-20 sm J01q697-p71 218 q697 4 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p1 203 M q698 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p2 203 q698 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p3 203 M q698 1 4% straight sided 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p4 203 M q698 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p5 203 M q698 1 10% base: low ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p6 203 M q698 1 5% 803 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p7 203 M q698 1 1 M4 7% straight sided 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p8 203 M q698 1 12% 804 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p9 203 M q698 1 40% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p10 203 M q698 1 1 M4 8% straight sided 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p11 203 M q698 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p12 203 q698 1 5% rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p13 203 q698 1 other 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p14 203 M q698 1 50% base: low ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p15 203 M q698 1 base 16% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p16 203 M q698 1 5% base: low ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p17 203 M q698 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-11 hh J01q698-p18 203 M q698 1 10% deep 805 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p70 203 q698 1 3 A1 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p71 203 q698 3 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p72 203 q698 2 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p73 203 q698 2 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p74 203 q698 1 2 I7 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p75 203 q698 6 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p76 203 q698 6 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p77 203 q698 4 1 M1 2008-08-03 sm J01q698-p78 203 q698 54 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p1 203 q699 1 30% base: low ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p2 203 q699 1 9% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p3 203 q699 1 1% base: solid footed, low 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p4 203 q699 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p5 203 q699 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p6 203 q699 1 rim: flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p7 203 q699 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q699-p8 203 q699 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p70 203 q699 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p71 203 q699 1 3 A1 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p72 203 q699 1 4 S3 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p73 203 q699 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p74 203 q699 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p75 203 q699 4 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p76 203 q699 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q699-p77 203 q699 21 2008-08-07 sm J01q700-p70 179 q700 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p1 181 M q701 1 1 M19 9% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p2 181 q701 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p3 181 q701 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p4 181 M q701 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p5 181 M q701 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p6 181 q701 1 15% other 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q701-p7 181 M q701 1 5% other 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p70 181 q701 25 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p71 181 q701 7 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p72 181 q701 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p73 181 q701 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p74 181 q701 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p75 181 q701 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p76 181 q701 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p77 181 q701 1 1 M3 2008-07-20 hh J01q701-p78 181 q701 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q702-p70 143 q702 2 2 I7 2008-08-07 sm J01q702-p71 143 q702 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q702-p72 143 q702 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q702-p73 143 q702 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q702-p74 143 q702 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q702-p75 143 q702 12 2008-08-13 sm J01q702-p76 143 q702 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p1 184 M q703 1 8% deep 803 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p2 184 M q703 1 5% other 803 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p3 184 M q703 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p4 184 M q703 1 12% hole mouth 808 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p5 184 M q703 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p6 184 q703 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p7 184 M q703 1 5% other 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p8 184 M q703 1 10% hole mouth 803 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p9 184 K q703 1 3% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p10 184 K q703 1 1 K2 6% necked straight 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p11 184 q703 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p12 184 M q703 1 1 M4 22% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p13 184 M q703 1 rim: square 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p14 184 M q703 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 805 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p15 184 q703 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p16 184 M q703 1 rim: flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p17 184 M q703 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p18 184 M q703 1 6% round sided 806 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p19 184 M q703 1 1 M19 5% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p20 184 M q703 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p21 184 M q703 1 3% 806 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p22 184 M q703 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p23 184 M q703 1 6% other 2008-07-24 hh J01q703-p24 184 M q703 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p70 184 q703 66 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p71 184 q703 5 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p72 184 q703 9 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p73 184 q703 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p74 184 q703 3 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p75 184 q703 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p76 184 q703 1 2 I1 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p77 184 q703 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p78 184 q703 3 2008-07-23 hh J01q703-p79 184 q703 1 1 M3 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p1 179 q704 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p2 179 q704 1 rim: rounded 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p3 179 M q704 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p4 179 q704 1 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p5 179 q704 1 rim: flat 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p6 179 M q704 1 1 M18 1% 808 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p7 179 K q704 1 3% deep 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p8 179 M q704 1 15% base: ring 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p9 179 q704 1 rim: flat 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p10 179 q704 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p11 179 q704 1 rim: square 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p12 179 M q704 1 3% deep 805 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p13 179 M q704 1 20% deep base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p14 179 q704 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-10 hh J01q704-p15 179 M q704 1 4% 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p1 209 M q706 1 imperfect 9% deep 810 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p2 209 M q706 1 30% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p3 209 q706 1 other 5 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p4 209 q706 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p5 209 q706 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p6 209 M q706 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p7 209 M q706 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p8 209 M q706 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p9 209 q706 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p10 209 q706 1 base: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p11 209 q706 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p12 209 M q706 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p13 209 M q706 1 4% 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p14 209 q706 1 19% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p15 209 M q706 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p16 209 M q706 1 6% deep 806 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p17 209 q706 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p18 209 M q706 1 4% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p19 209 M q706 1 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p20 209 M q706 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p21 209 M q706 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p22 209 M q706 1 1 M18 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p23 209 q706 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p24 209 M q706 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p25 209 M q706 1 4% 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p26 209 M q706 1 4% round sided 807 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p27 209 q706 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p28 209 M q706 1 6% round sided 807 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p29 209 M q706 1 11% deep 812 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p30 209 K q706 1 3% deep 5 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p31 209 q706 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-18 hh J01q706-p67 209 q706 1 7% deep 23 2008-08-11 hh J01q706-p68 209 M q706 1 4% deep 802 2008-08-11 hh J01q706-p69 209 q706 1 7% 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p70 209 q706 5 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p71 209 q706 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p72 209 q706 1 2 I3 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p73 209 q706 9 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p74 209 q706 10 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p75 209 q706 7 2008-08-18 sm J01q706-p76 209 q706 60 2008-08-14 hh J01q707-p1 204 q707 1 9% 3 2008-08-14 hh J01q707-p2 204 q707 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-14 hh J01q707-p3 204 q707 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q707-p4 204 q707 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-13 sm J01q707-p70 204 q707 13 2008-08-13 sm J01q707-p71 204 q707 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q707-p72 204 q707 1 J01q708-p3 150 M q708 1 description added based off drawing W21d0954 rim: flat 2008-08-03 sm J01q708-p70 150 q708 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q708-p71 150 q708 3 2008-08-03 sm J01q708-p72 150 q708 19 2008-08-13 sm J01q709-p70 208 q709 20 2008-08-13 sm J01q709-p71 208 q709 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p1 204 M q710 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p2 204 M q710 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p3 204 M q710 1 5% round sided 807 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p4 204 M q710 1 1 M2 rim: square 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p5 204 q710 1 M-22 rim: square 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p6 204 q710 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p7 204 q710 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p8 204 M q710 1 5% 803 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p9 204 q710 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p10 204 M q710 1 5% hole mouth 801 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p11 204 q710 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p12 204 M q710 1 rim: square 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p13 204 q710 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p14 204 q710 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p15 204 q710 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p16 204 q710 1 7% hole mouth 3 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p17 204 M q710 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p18 204 M q710 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p19 204 q710 1 12% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p20 204 M q710 1 shouldered 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p21 204 M q710 1 2 I1 4% deep 810 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p22 204 q710 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p23 204 M q710 1 15% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-14 hh J01q710-p24 204 q710 1 8% deep 2 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p25 204 M q710 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p26 204 M q710 1 9% base: ring 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p27 204 q710 1 rim: square 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p28 204 q710 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p29 204 M q710 1 5% 802 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p30 204 M q710 1 carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-08-15 hh J01q710-p31 204 M q710 1 7% round sided 805 2009-09-14 ac J01q710-p69 204 M q710 1 1 M30 deep 801 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p70 204 q710 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p71 204 q710 5 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p72 204 q710 4 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p73 204 q710 6 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p74 204 q710 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p75 204 q710 2 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p76 204 q710 1 3 A1 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p77 204 q710 1 2 I7 2008-08-13 sm J01q710-p78 204 q710 35 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p1 179 M q712 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 821 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p2 179 M q712 1 1 M18 12% deep 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p3 179 M q712 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p4 179 q712 1 3 A1 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p5 179 q712 1 4% deep 14 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p6 179 q712 1 80% base: solid footed 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p7 179 M q712 1 3% other 806 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p8 179 M q712 1 1 M19 rim: square 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p9 179 q712 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p10 179 q712 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p11 179 q712 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p12 179 q712 1 1 M3 4% base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p65 179 q712 1 20% base: high ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p66 179 q712 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p67 179 q712 1 rim: square 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p68 179 M q712 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q712-p69 179 M q712 1 13% 801 base: low ring 2008-08-04 sm J01q712-p70 179 q712 1,3 2 I3 2008-08-04 sm J01q712-p71 179 q712 2 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q712-p72 179 q712 77 2008-08-04 sm J01q712-p73 179 q712 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q712-p74 179 q712 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q712-p75 179 q712 7 2008-08-18 hh J01q713-p1 209 M q713 1 4% hole mouth 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q713-p2 209 q713 1 11% base: low ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q713-p3 209 q713 1 animal 2008-08-18 hh J01q713-p4 209 q713 1 13% base: ring 2008-08-18 sm J01q713-p70 209 q713 10 2008-08-18 sm J01q713-p71 209 q713 2 2008-08-18 sm J01q713-p72 209 q713 5 2008-08-18 sm J01q713-p73 209 q713 1 B7 2008-08-14 hh J01q714-p1 204 q714 1 15% base: flat 2008-08-14 hh J01q714-p2 204 q714 1 handle 1 M24 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-14 hh J01q714-p3 204 M q714 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-14 hh J01q714-p4 204 q714 1 shouldered 2008-08-14 hh J01q714-p5 204 M q714 1 12% 803 2008-08-13 sm J01q714-p70 204 q714 2 2008-08-13 sm J01q714-p71 204 q714 15 2008-08-13 sm J01q714-p72 204 q714 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q715-p70 208 q715 28 2008-08-13 sm J01q715-p71 208 q715 1 2 I7 2008-08-13 sm J01q715-p72 208 q715 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q715-p73 208 q715 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p1 219 M q716 1 7% 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p2 219 q716 1 spout spout 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p3 219 q716 1 5% 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p4 219 M q716 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p5 219 M q716 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p6 219 M q716 1 20% 808 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p7 219 q716 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p8 219 q716 1 12% necked straight 6 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p9 219 M q716 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q716-p10 219 M q716 1 8% other 802 2008-07-26 hh J01q716-p65 219 q716 1 2% hole mouth 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q716-p66 219 q716 1 4% 2008-07-26 hh J01q716-p67 219 q716 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-26 hh J01q716-p68 219 q716 1 5% other 8 2008-07-26 hh J01q716-p69 219 q716 1 100% base: string cut bowl 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p70 219 q716 23 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p71 219 q716 6 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p72 219 q716 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p73 219 q716 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p74 219 q716 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p75 219 q716 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p76 219 q716 2 1 K4 2008-07-20 hh J01q716-p77 219 q716 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p78 219 q716 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p79 219 q716 17 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p80 219 q716 6 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p81 219 q716 4 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p82 219 q716 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p83 219 q716 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q716-p84 219 q716 1 1 K4 2014-03-03 cjc J01q717-p1 150 M q717 1 description added from drawing W21d0880 hole mouth 805 2008-08-04 sm J01q717-p70 150 q717 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q717-p71 150 q717 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q717-p72 150 q717 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q717-p73 150 q717 19 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p1 143 M q718 1 1 M18 11% necked flaring (necked) 804 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p2 143 M q718 1 2% 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p3 143 M q718 1 4% 802 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p4 143 M q718 1 5% 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p5 143 q718 1 5% other 1 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p6 143 M q718 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p7 143 q718 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p8 143 q718 1 rim: square 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p9 143 q718 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p10 143 M q718 1 5% base: solid footed, convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p11 143 M q718 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p12 143 q718 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p13 143 M q718 1 mKB Zz18: revised from cc.-804 during ceramics review 1 M2 4% round sided 901 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p14 143 M q718 1 3% other 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p15 143 M q718 1 3% deep 803 2008-08-09 hh J01q718-p16 143 M q718 1 1 M2 9% 805 2008-08-07 sm J01q718-p70 143 q718 1 2 I7 2008-08-07 sm J01q718-p71 143 q718 2,3 2008-08-07 sm J01q718-p72 143 q718 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q718-p73 143 q718 40 2008-08-07 sm J01q718-p74 143 q718 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p1 179 q719 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p2 179 q719 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p3 179 q719 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p4 179 q719 1 rim: square 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p5 179 M q719 1 1 M18 5% other 804 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p6 179 q719 1 4% deep 14 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p7 179 M q719 1 1 M18 6% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p8 179 M q719 1 8% base: ring 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p9 179 q719 1 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p10 179 M q719 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p11 179 M q719 1 6% other 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p12 179 q719 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p13 179 M q719 1 100% base: high ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p14 179 M q719 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q719-p15 179 q719 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p70 179 q719 2 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p71 179 q719 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p72 179 q719 1 2 I7 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p73 179 q719 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p74 179 q719 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p75 179 q719 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p76 179 q719 5 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p77 179 q719 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p78 179 q719 1 2 I3 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p79 179 q719 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p80 179 q719 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q719-p81 179 q719 68 2008-08-13 sm J01q720-p70 208 q720 2 3 A1 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p1 204 M q721 1 5% other 806 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p2 204 M q721 1 2% 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p3 204 M q721 1 5% 806 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p4 204 M q721 1 6% other 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p5 204 M q721 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p6 204 M q721 1 7% 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p7 204 M q721 1 30% base: ring 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p8 204 q721 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p9 204 M q721 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-14 hh J01q721-p10 204 M q721 1 6% base: ring 2008-08-13 sm J01q721-p70 204 q721 4 2008-08-13 sm J01q721-p71 204 q721 2 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q721-p72 204 q721 4 2008-08-13 sm J01q721-p73 204 q721 3 2008-08-13 sm J01q721-p74 204 q721 3 2008-08-13 sm J01q721-p75 204 q721 31 2008-08-14 hh J01q722-p1 204 K q722 1 1 K9 10% other 22 2008-08-14 hh J01q722-p2 204 M q722 1 35% base: ring 2008-08-13 sm J01q722-p70 204 q722 12 2008-08-13 sm J01q722-p71 204 q722 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q722-p72 204 q722 1 3 A3 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p1 209 M q723 1 35% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p2 209 K q723 1 12% necked straight 4 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p3 209 q723 1 50% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p4 209 M q723 1 100% base: disk base, flat 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p5 209 K q723 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p6 209 q723 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p7 209 M q723 1 1 M18 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p8 209 q723 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p9 209 M q723 1 2% 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p10 209 M q723 1 xdl 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p11 209 q723 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p12 209 q723 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p13 209 M q723 1 7% 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p14 209 M q723 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p15 209 M q723 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p16 209 q723 1 3% deep 15 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p17 209 q723 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p18 209 M q723 1 deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p19 209 M q723 1 3% deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p20 209 q723 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p21 209 M q723 1 round sided 803 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p22 209 M q723 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q723-p23 209 M q723 1 1 M6 5% conical (cup) 801 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p70 209 q723 50 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p71 209 q723 1 2 I7 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p72 209 q723 5 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p73 209 q723 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p74 209 q723 1 1 M3 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p75 209 q723 2 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p76 209 q723 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p77 209 q723 10 2008-08-14 sm J01q723-p78 209 q723 9 2014-03-03 cjc J01q724-p2 150 q724 1 description added based on W21d0949 2014-03-03 mkb J01q724-p3 150 q724 1 description added based on W22d0155 rim: interior groove or ledge 2014-03-03 mkb J01q724-p5 150 q724 1 handle - description added based on drawing W22d0997 handle: type unspecified 2014-03-03 cjc J01q724-p6 150 M q724 1 description added based on drawing W22d0163 deep 802 2008-08-03 sm J01q724-p70 150 q724 1 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q724-p71 150 q724 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q724-p72 150 q724 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q724-p73 150 q724 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q724-p74 150 q724 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q724-p75 150 q724 36 I - 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p1 179 M q725 1 1 M23 deep 810 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p2 179 q725 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p3 179 q725 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p4 179 q725 1 5% deep 12 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p5 179 q725 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p6 179 q725 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p7 179 q725 1 large hole near rim 2008-08-09 hh J01q725-p8 179 M q725 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-08-06 sm J01q725-p70 179 q725 1 2 I7 2008-08-06 sm J01q725-p71 179 q725 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q725-p72 179 q725 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q725-p73 179 q725 6 2008-08-06 sm J01q725-p74 179 q725 1 1 M1 2008-08-06 sm J01q725-p75 179 q725 48 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p1 209 M q726 1 1 M4 5% necked flaring (necked) 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p2 209 M q726 1 3% deep 806 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p3 209 M q726 1 7% other 803 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p4 209 M q726 1 1 M18 5% deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p5 209 q726 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p6 209 q726 1 base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p7 209 q726 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p8 209 q726 1 15% rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p9 209 M q726 1 4% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p10 209 q726 1 base: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p11 209 q726 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p12 209 M q726 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 810 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p13 209 q726 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p14 209 M q726 1 803 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p15 209 q726 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p16 209 M q726 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p17 209 M q726 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p18 209 q726 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p19 209 q726 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p20 209 q726 1 6% deep 14 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p21 209 M q726 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p22 209 q726 1 2% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p23 209 M q726 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p24 209 M q726 1 5% other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p25 209 q726 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p26 209 M q726 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p27 209 K q726 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p28 209 q726 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p29 209 q726 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p30 209 M q726 1 3% 802 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p31 209 q726 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p32 209 M q726 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p33 209 M q726 1 Previously classifed as xrl (low ring base) as it is on the border between the two shapes Z320 cJC 25% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q726-p34 209 M q726 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p70 209 q726 1 M22 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p71 209 q726 7 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p72 209 q726 1 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p73 209 q726 5 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p74 209 q726 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p75 209 q726 14 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p76 209 q726 63 2008-08-16 sm J01q726-p77 209 q726 1 2 I1 2008-08-18 hh J01q728-p1 209 M q728 1 M-22 4% carinated rounded (carination) 810 2008-08-18 sm J01q728-p70 209 q728 6 2008-08-14 hh J01q730-p1 204 M q730 1 4% deep 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q730-p2 204 q730 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-14 hh J01q730-p3 204 M q730 1 11% necked straight 802 2008-08-14 hh J01q730-p4 204 M q730 1 5% 801 2008-08-14 hh J01q730-p5 204 q730 1 B3 rim: flat 1 2008-08-14 hh J01q730-p6 204 M q730 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-13 sm J01q730-p70 204 q730 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q730-p71 204 q730 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q730-p72 204 q730 2 3 A1 2008-08-13 sm J01q730-p73 204 q730 20 2008-08-17 hh J01q731-p1 209 M q731 1 9% deep 807 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q731-p2 209 q731 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q731-p3 209 q731 1 rim: collared-grooved 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q731-p4 209 M q731 1 5% 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q731-p5 209 M q731 1 4% other 806 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p70 209 q731 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p71 209 q731 1 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p72 209 q731 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p73 209 q731 1 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p74 209 q731 1 3 A2 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p75 209 q731 18 2008-08-16 sm J01q731-p76 209 q731 2 2008-08-14 hh J01q732-p1 204 M q732 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-14 hh J01q732-p2 204 q732 1 7% hole mouth 2008-08-14 hh J01q732-p3 204 M q732 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-18 sm J01q734-p70 209 q734 5 2008-08-18 sm J01q734-p71 209 q734 1 B7 2008-08-18 sm J01q734-p72 209 q734 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p1 203 M q735 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p2 203 q735 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p3 203 M q735 1 4% 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p4 203 q735 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p5 203 M q735 1 1 M4 10% necked flaring (necked) 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p6 203 M q735 1 other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p7 203 M q735 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p8 203 M q735 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q735-p9 203 M q735 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q736-p1 179 q736 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-08-10 hh J01q736-p2 179 K q736 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q736-p3 179 q736 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-07 sm J01q736-p70 179 q736 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q736-p71 179 q736 2 2008-08-18 sm J01q738-p70 209 q738 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q738-p71 209 q738 1 3 A2 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p1 179 M q739 1 4% hole mouth 810 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p2 179 q739 1 rim: square 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p3 179 q739 1 13% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p4 179 q739 1 5% other 802 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p5 179 q739 1 15% other 3 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p6 179 q739 1 1 M19 4% deep 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p7 179 q739 1 7% deep 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p8 179 q739 1 7% other 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p9 179 q739 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p10 179 q739 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-11 hh J01q739-p11 179 q739 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-17 hh J01q740-p1 209 M q740 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q740-p2 209 q740 1 9% necked straight 14 2008-08-17 hh J01q740-p3 209 M q740 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-18 hh J01q741-p1 209 M q741 1 6% straight sided 802 2008-08-18 sm J01q741-p70 209 q741 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q741-p71 209 q741 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q742-p1 209 q742 1 1 K9 4% deep 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q742-p2 209 M q742 1 8% deep 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q742-p3 209 M q742 1 1 M4 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q742-p4 209 K q742 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q742-p5 209 q742 1 7% necked straight 7 2008-08-19 hh J01q742-p6 209 q742 1 2% hole mouth 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q742-p70 209 q742 1 1 M3 2008-08-09 hh J01q743-p1 179 q743 1 3% straight sided 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q743-p2 179 q743 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q743-p3 179 q743 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q743-p4 179 q743 1 9% straight sided 2 2008-08-10 hh J01q744-p1 179 q744 1 3 A1 12% deep 23 3 2008-08-10 hh J01q744-p2 179 M q744 1 8% 801 2008-08-10 hh J01q744-p3 179 q744 1 7% straight sided 12 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p2 203 M q745 1 10% 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p3 203 q745 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p4 203 M q745 1 7% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p5 203 q745 1 5% deep 11 2014-03-03 cjc J01q745-p6 203 M q745 1 description added based on drawing W22d0727 hole mouth 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p7 203 q745 1 3% rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p9 203 q745 1 base: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p10 203 q745 1 1 M3 rim: beaked 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p12 203 q745 1 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p13 203 M q745 1 5% deep 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p14 203 M q745 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-09-14 hh J01q745-p15 203 M q745 1 5% other 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p1 203 M q748 1 6% deep 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p2 203 M q748 1 6% hole mouth 803 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p3 203 q748 1 1 M25 9% 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p4 203 M q748 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 819 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p5 203 M q748 1 12% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p6 203 q748 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p7 203 M q748 1 8% deep 806 2008-09-11 hh J01q748-p8 203 M q748 1 6% base: ring 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p1 179 q749 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p2 179 q749 1 14% other 1 1 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p3 179 q749 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p4 179 q749 1 20% necked straight 6 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p5 179 q749 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p6 179 q749 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p7 179 q749 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p8 179 q749 1 15% carinated rim: depression on top of rim 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p9 179 q749 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p10 179 q749 1 rim: square 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p11 179 M q749 1 1 M18 4% 802 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p12 179 q749 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p13 179 q749 1 15% hole mouth 6 2008-08-10 hh J01q749-p14 179 q749 1 5% 801 2008-08-07 sm J01q749-p70 179 q749 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q750-p1 208 q750 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q750-p2 208 M q750 1 7% hole mouth 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q750-p3 208 q750 1 8% deep 7 2014-03-03 cjc J01q750-p4 208 M q750 1 drawing was formerly q750-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# deep 806 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p1 203 M q752 1 1 M25 5% 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p2 203 q752 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p3 203 M q752 1 14% 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p4 203 M q752 1 1 M18 7% deep 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p5 203 q752 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p6 203 q752 1 22% necked straight 3 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p7 203 q752 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p8 203 q752 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p9 203 M q752 1 10% deep 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p10 203 K q752 1 5% other 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p11 203 q752 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p12 203 M q752 1 over fired 4% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p13 203 M q752 1 over fired rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p14 203 q752 1 10% hole mouth 4 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p15 203 q752 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p16 203 M q752 1 7% round sided 808 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p17 203 q752 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q752-p18 203 q752 1 8% other 2 2014-03-08 cjc J01q752-p19 203 q752 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p62 203 M q752 1 7% deep 810 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p63 203 M q752 1 rim: square 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p64 203 q752 1 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p65 203 q752 1 6% other 27 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p66 203 q752 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p67 203 M q752 1 5% 801 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p68 203 q752 1 deep 14 2008-08-19 hh J01q752-p69 203 M q752 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p1 203 M q753 1 8% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p2 203 q753 1 7% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p3 203 M q753 1 1 M18 5% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p4 203 M q753 1 6% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p5 203 q753 1 B3 rim: flat 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p6 203 q753 1 12% necked straight 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p7 203 M q753 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 818 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p11 203 M q753 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p12 203 M q753 1 10% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p13 203 M q753 1 7% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p14 203 q753 1 9% necked straight 7 2008-09-14 hh J01q753-p15 203 q753 1 rim: square 2008-09-15 hh J01q755-p1 203 M q755 1 10% deep 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q755-p2 203 M q755 1 6% deep 807 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p1 203 q757 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p2 203 M q757 1 1 M3 8% necked straight 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p3 203 M q757 1 6% straight sided 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p4 203 q757 1 19% other 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p5 203 M q757 1 K-2 8% carinated sharp (carination) 805 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p6 203 K q757 1 1 K9 10% necked straight 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p7 203 q757 1 8% conical (cup) 2 2008-09-11 hh J01q757-p8 203 q757 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 816 2014-03-03 mkb J01q758-p1 208 M q758 1 description added based on drawing W22d0468 xfsv 2008-08-13 sm J01q758-p70 208 q758 11 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p1 203 q759 1 30% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p2 203 q759 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p3 203 q759 1 B-7 B6 base: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p4 203 M q759 1 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p5 203 q759 1 50% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p6 203 q759 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p7 203 M q759 1 7% deep 807 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p8 203 q759 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p9 203 M q759 1 1 M18 2% 803 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p10 203 q759 1 10% 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p11 203 M q759 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p12 203 M q759 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p13 203 q759 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p14 203 M q759 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p15 203 M q759 1 6% deep 810 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p16 203 q759 1 14% necked straight 5 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p17 203 M q759 1 5% 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p18 203 M q759 1 over fired 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p19 203 M q759 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p20 203 q759 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p21 203 q759 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q759-p22 203 q759 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p70 203 q759 2 2 I7 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p71 203 q759 4 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p72 203 q759 7 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p73 203 q759 9 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p74 203 q759 1 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p75 203 q759 1 1 M23 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p76 203 q759 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q759-p77 203 q759 59 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p1 203 M q760 1 M12, M22 and M24 decorations 1 M12 7% deep 805 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p2 203 M q760 1 1 M4 6% carinated sharp (carination) 822 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p3 203 M q760 1 1 M3 7% deep 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p4 203 q760 1 rim: square 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p5 203 q760 1 10% round sided 808 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p6 203 M q760 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p7 203 M q760 1 6% deep 803 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p8 203 q760 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-09-13 hh J01q760-p9 203 q760 1 1 M18 5% hole mouth 803 2008-09-11 hh J01q760-p10 203 M q760 1 1 M13 shouldered 2008-09-11 hh J01q760-p11 203 K q760 1 1 K9 6% necked straight 1 2008-09-11 hh J01q760-p12 203 q760 1 16% other 8 2014-03-03 cjc J01q762-p1 208 M q762 1 description added based on drawing W22d0454 carinated rounded (carination) 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q762-p2 208 M q762 1 description added based on drawing W22d0465 base: disk base, flat 2014-03-03 mkb J01q762-p9 208 K q762 1 description added based on drawing W22d0464 9 2014-03-03 cjc J01q762-p10 208 K q762 1 description added based on drawing W22d0458 carinated sharp (carination) 2 2014-03-03 cjc J01q762-p13 208 q762 1 description added based on drawing W22d0460 rim: collared-grooved J01q762-p14 208 q762 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p70 208 q762 2 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p71 208 q762 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p72 208 q762 4 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p73 208 q762 1 2 I7 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p74 208 q762 2 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p75 208 q762 1 1 M1 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p76 208 q762 1 1 M16 2008-08-13 sm J01q762-p77 208 q762 41 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p1 209 M q763 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p2 209 M q763 1 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p3 209 q763 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p4 209 q763 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p5 209 q763 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p6 209 M q763 1 8% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p7 209 q763 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p8 209 q763 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p9 209 M q763 1 5% 803 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p10 209 q763 1 2% deep 14 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p11 209 M q763 1 4% other 801 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p12 209 q763 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p13 209 q763 1 5% shouldered 13 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p14 209 M q763 1 9% hole mouth 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p15 209 q763 1 5% deep 8 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p16 209 q763 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p17 209 M q763 1 10% 804 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p18 209 q763 1 5% base: solid footed 2008-08-18 hh J01q763-p19 209 q763 1 10% necked straight 7 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p1 203 q764 1 5% round sided 3 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p2 203 M q764 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p3 203 q764 1 INCISED CRESCENTS IN ROWS 7% straight sided 2 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p4 203 M q764 1 50% base: low ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p5 203 M q764 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p6 203 M q764 1 3% 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p7 203 q764 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p8 203 M q764 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p10 203 q764 1 5% other 2 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p12 203 M q764 1 15% necked straight 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q764-p13 203 q764 1 25% necked 2008-08-03 sm J01q764-p70 203 q764 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q764-p71 203 q764 1 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q764-p72 203 q764 1 3 A1 2008-08-03 sm J01q764-p73 203 q764 3 2008-08-03 sm J01q764-p74 203 q764 4 2008-08-03 sm J01q764-p75 203 q764 43 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p1 203 q765 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p2 203 M q765 1 15% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p3 203 M q765 1 1 M18 4% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p4 203 q765 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p5 203 M q765 1 12% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p6 203 M q765 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p7 203 M q765 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p8 203 M q765 1 10% base: low ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p9 203 q765 1 7% round sided 3 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p11 203 M q765 1 5% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p12 203 q765 1 20% 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p13 203 M q765 1 9% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p14 203 q765 1 9% round sided 3 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p15 203 q765 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p16 203 M q765 1 3 A1 6% other 808 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p18 203 q765 1 4% round sided 3 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p21 203 M q765 1 4% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p22 203 M q765 1 3% other 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p23 203 M q765 1 5% deep 805 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p25 203 M q765 1 18% necked straight 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p26 203 M q765 1 5% deep 806 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p28 203 M q765 1 5% other 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p29 203 q765 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p30 203 q765 1 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p31 203 q765 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p32 203 M q765 1 3% deep 810 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p33 203 q765 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-14 hh J01q765-p34 203 q765 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p70 203 q765 11 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p71 203 q765 9 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p72 203 q765 4 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p73 203 q765 4 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p74 203 q765 3 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p75 203 q765 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p76 203 q765 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p77 203 q765 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p78 203 q765 1 1 M1 2008-08-03 sm J01q765-p79 203 q765 116 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p1 203 M q766 1 14% 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p2 203 M q766 1 6% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p3 203 M q766 1 7% 802 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p4 203 q766 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 1 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p5 203 q766 1 15% base: type unspecified 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p8 203 q766 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-09-14 hh J01q766-p9 203 q766 1 3 A1 10% deep 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p1 203 q767 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p2 203 M q767 1 50% base: high ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p3 203 M q767 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p4 203 M q767 1 9% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p5 203 M q767 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p6 203 M q767 1 20% base: low ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p7 203 M q767 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p8 203 q767 1 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p9 203 M q767 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p10 203 M q767 1 50% base: low ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p11 203 M q767 1 50% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p12 203 M q767 1 15% base: low ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p13 203 M q767 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p14 203 M q767 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p15 203 q767 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p16 203 q767 1 60% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p17 203 M q767 1 5% deep 802 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p18 203 K q767 1 1 M9 8% carinated sharp (carination) 102 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p19 203 q767 1 deep rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p20 203 M q767 1 7% deep 805 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p21 203 M q767 1 carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p22 203 M q767 1 17% necked straight 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p23 203 q767 1 rim: square 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p24 203 q767 1 5% other 10 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p25 203 M q767 1 7% round sided 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p26 203 M q767 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p27 203 q767 1 4% deep 7 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p28 203 M q767 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p29 203 q767 1 5% other 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p30 203 q767 1 12% other 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p31 203 q767 1 11% other 801 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p32 203 q767 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p33 203 q767 1 19% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p34 203 q767 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p35 203 M q767 1 7% hole mouth 803 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p36 203 M q767 1 rim: square 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p37 203 M q767 1 7% deep 805 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p38 203 M q767 1 rim: flat 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p39 203 q767 1 5% deep 805 2008-09-15 hh J01q767-p40 203 q767 1 rim: square J01q767-p70 203 q767 1 dark background, thin v shape in white 1 M22 2008-09-11 hh J01q768-p1 203 M q768 1 40% base: ring 2008-09-11 hh J01q768-p2 203 M q768 1 6% 802 2008-09-11 hh J01q768-p3 203 M q768 1 6% 801 2008-09-11 hh J01q768-p4 203 M q768 1 13% 2008-09-11 hh J01q768-p5 203 q768 1 17% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-08-03 sm J01q769-p70 208 q769 1 1 M16 2008-08-03 sm J01q769-p71 208 q769 1 1 M4 2008-08-19 hh J01q770-p1 209 K q770 1 7% other 9 2008-08-19 hh J01q770-p2 209 q770 1 firing error rim: rounded 2008-08-19 hh J01q770-p3 209 M q770 1 9% hole mouth 803 2008-08-19 hh J01q770-p4 209 M q770 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-19 hh J01q770-p5 209 M q770 1 9% deep 805 2008-08-18 sm J01q770-p70 209 q770 9 2008-08-18 sm J01q770-p71 209 q770 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q770-p72 209 q770 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q771-p1 209 M q771 1 5% deep 804 2008-08-18 sm J01q771-p70 209 q771 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q771-p71 209 q771 2 2008-08-18 sm J01q771-p72 209 q771 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q771-p73 209 q771 1 2 I3 2008-08-18 sm J01q771-p74 209 q771 9 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p1 224 M q772 1 Ware revised from FC based on assemblage review base: high ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p2 224 q772 1 footed base 100% base: type unspecified 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p3 224 q772 1 16% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p4 224 M q772 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p5 224 M q772 1 5% 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p6 224 M q772 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p7 224 M q772 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p8 224 M q772 1 1 M25 9% 807 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p9 224 q772 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p10 224 M q772 1 1 M4 7% 803 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p11 224 q772 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p12 224 M q772 1 1 M18 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q772-p13 224 q772 1 stopper 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p70 224 q772 42 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p71 224 q772 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p72 224 q772 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p73 224 q772 3 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p74 224 q772 1 3 A1 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p75 224 q772 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p77 224 q772 1 2 I7 2008-07-19 hh J01q772-p78 224 q772 1 3 A1 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p1 225 K q773 1 25% necked straight 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p2 225 M q773 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p3 225 M q773 1 10% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p4 225 M q773 1 40% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p5 225 M q773 1 6% round sided 7 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p6 225 q773 1 14% hole mouth 3 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p7 225 M q773 1 hole mouth 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p8 225 M q773 1 11% hole mouth 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p9 225 M q773 1 100% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p10 225 q773 1 TOPOTDECORATED WITH FINGER IMPRESSIONS 5% straight sided 5 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p11 225 M q773 1 13% deep 810 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p12 225 M q773 1 10% other 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p13 225 q773 1 5% deep 7 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p14 225 K q773 1 9% deep 4 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p15 225 q773 1 3 A2 9% 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p16 225 M q773 1 12% other 809 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p17 225 M q773 1 8% deep 807 2008-07-13 hh J01q773-p18 225 q773 1 5% deep 7 2008-07-10 hh J01q773-p70 225 q773 53 2008-07-10 hh J01q773-p71 225 q773 3 2008-07-10 hh J01q773-p72 225 q773 1 2008-07-10 hh J01q773-p73 225 q773 2 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p1 226 M q774 1 cjc Y326: previously categorized as bo-802 11% 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p2 226 M q774 1 10% hole mouth 805 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p3 226 q774 1 25% other 2 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p4 226 M q774 1 25% base: low ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p5 226 q774 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p6 226 q774 1 27% necked straight 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p7 226 M q774 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p8 226 M q774 1 50% base: solid footed 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p9 226 q774 1 32% base: string cut cup 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p10 226 M q774 1 1 M20 100% base: high ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p11 226 M q774 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p12 226 q774 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p13 226 M q774 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p14 226 M q774 1 5% round sided 805 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p15 226 K q774 1 1 K4 12% necked straight 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p16 226 M q774 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p17 226 K q774 1 1 K11 10% necked straight 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p18 226 M q774 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p19 226 M q774 1 16% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p20 226 M q774 1 1 M18 4% 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p21 226 M q774 1 q784-q794? 4% 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p22 226 M q774 1 rim: square 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p23 226 M q774 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p24 226 M q774 1 8% deep 807 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p25 226 M q774 1 5% other 806 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p26 226 M q774 1 7% deep 807 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p27 226 q774 1 top decorated with finger impressions. ZA426 cJC: Code revised to match other pie-crust stands 803 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p28 226 q774 1 13% other 2 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p29 226 q774 1 25% necked straight 3 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p30 226 q774 1 rim: flat 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p31 226 q774 1 5% hole mouth 1 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p32 226 M q774 1 1 K18 6% other 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p33 226 M q774 1 9% other 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p34 226 q774 1 rim: square 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p35 226 K q774 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p36 226 q774 1 16% necked straight 3 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p37 226 q774 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p38 226 q774 1 2% deep 14 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p39 226 q774 1 6% other 5 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p40 226 M q774 1 15% shouldered 803 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p41 226 M q774 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p42 226 q774 1 6% straight sided 2 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p43 226 q774 1 4% other 21 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p44 226 q774 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p45 226 K q774 1 1 K1 7% necked straight 2 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p46 226 M q774 1 6% 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p47 226 M q774 1 3% 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p48 226 M q774 1 1 M18 6% 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p49 226 M q774 1 100% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p50 226 M q774 1 1 M18 4% 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p51 226 M q774 1 1 M18 4% 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p52 226 q774 1 19% other 5 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p53 226 q774 1 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p54 226 q774 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p55 226 M q774 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p56 226 M q774 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p57 226 M q774 1 1 M18 6% 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p58 226 q774 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p59 226 M q774 1 6% other 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p60 226 M q774 1 30% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p61 226 M q774 1 75% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-15 hh J01q774-p62 226 q774 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p63 226 M q774 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p64 226 M q774 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p65 226 M q774 1 30% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p66 226 q774 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p67 226 q774 1 20% base: flat 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p68 226 M q774 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q774-p69 226 M q774 1 15% base: ring 2014-03-08 mkb J01q774-p70 226 q774 1 dark background, white painted scallops 1 M22 2014-03-08 mkb J01q774-p71 226 q774 1 dark parallel lines and dots on interior 1 M8 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p72 226 q774 16 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p73 226 q774 24 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p74 226 q774 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p75 226 q774 2 2 I1 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p76 226 q774 4 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p77 226 q774 4 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p78 226 q774 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p83 226 q774 1 1 K12 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p84 226 q774 7 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p85 226 q774 1 1 M6 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p86 226 q774 1 1 M8 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p87 226 q774 337 2008-07-14 hh J01q774-p88 226 q774 38 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p1 227 M q775 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p2 227 M q775 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p3 227 M q775 1 19% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p4 227 q775 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p5 227 M q775 1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p6 227 q775 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p7 227 q775 1 6% other 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p8 227 q775 1 PH-4 5% deep 20 2008-07-21 hh J01q775-p9 227 M q775 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p70 227 q775 55 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p71 227 q775 5 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p72 227 q775 3 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p73 227 q775 4 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p74 227 q775 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p75 227 q775 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p76 227 q775 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p77 227 q775 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p78 227 q775 1 3 A1 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p79 227 q775 2 2 I1 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p80 227 q775 1 1 K6 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p81 227 q775 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p82 227 q775 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q775-p83 227 q775 1 1 K4 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p1 209 M q776 1 5% round sided 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p2 209 M q776 1 10% base: ring 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p3 209 M q776 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p4 209 q776 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p5 209 M q776 1 1 M19 4% deep 805 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p6 209 M q776 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p7 209 M q776 1 1 M19 5% other 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p8 209 M q776 1 17% other 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p9 209 M q776 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p10 209 M q776 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p11 209 M q776 1 8% base: low ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p12 209 q776 1 6% other 5 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p13 209 q776 1 5% shouldered 10 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p14 209 M q776 1 2 I7 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p15 209 M q776 1 13% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q776-p16 209 M q776 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p70 209 q776 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p71 209 q776 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p72 209 q776 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p73 209 q776 2 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p74 209 q776 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p75 209 q776 1 1 M3 2008-08-16 sm J01q776-p76 209 q776 15 2008-07-24 hh J01q777-p1 209 M q777 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-24 hh J01q777-p2 209 q777 1 3% round sided 4 2008-07-09 hh J01q777-p70 209 q777 13 2008-07-09 hh J01q777-p71 209 q777 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q777-p72 209 q777 1 2 I3 2008-07-09 hh J01q777-p73 209 q777 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p1 225 M q779 1 30% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p2 225 M q779 1 7% round sided 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p3 225 M q779 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p4 225 K q779 1 8% other 3 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p5 225 K q779 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p6 225 M q779 1 5% 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p7 225 q779 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p8 225 M q779 1 10% deep 805 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p9 225 M q779 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p10 225 M q779 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p11 225 q779 1 10% 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p12 225 M q779 1 5% deep 805 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p13 225 M q779 1 1 M18 5% other 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p14 225 M q779 1 1 M20 8% 808 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p15 225 q779 1 7% round sided 4 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p16 225 M q779 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p17 225 M q779 1 PH 3-2 5% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p18 225 M q779 1 5% 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p19 225 K q779 1 6% round sided 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p20 225 q779 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p21 225 M q779 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p22 225 q779 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 9 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p23 225 M q779 1 5% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p24 225 K q779 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p25 225 M q779 1 7% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p26 225 M q779 1 rim: pointed 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p27 225 M q779 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p28 225 q779 1 2% deep 14 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p29 225 K q779 1 6% round sided 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p30 225 q779 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p31 225 q779 1 12% hole mouth 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p32 225 M q779 1 5% 803 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p33 225 q779 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p34 225 q779 1 4% deep 14 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p35 225 q779 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p36 225 M q779 1 30% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p37 225 q779 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-07-13 hh J01q779-p38 225 q779 1 rim: square 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p70 225 q779 201 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p71 225 q779 12 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p72 225 q779 4 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p73 225 q779 11 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p74 225 q779 3 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p75 225 q779 5 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p76 225 q779 5 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p77 225 q779 2 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p78 225 q779 2 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p79 225 q779 1 1 K5 2008-07-09 hh J01q779-p80 225 q779 1 3 A1 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p1 225 M q780 1 4% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p2 225 M q780 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p3 225 M q780 1 7% round sided 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p4 225 M q780 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p5 225 M q780 1 base: pointed 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p6 225 q780 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p7 225 q780 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p8 225 q780 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p9 225 q780 1 9% deep 7 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p10 225 M q780 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p11 225 q780 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p12 225 q780 1 base: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q780-p13 225 q780 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p14 225 q780 1 9% other 10 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p57 225 M q780 1 rim: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p58 225 q780 1 8% other 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p59 225 M q780 1 rim: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p60 225 q780 1 q790? 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p61 225 M q780 1 1 M18 rim: simple 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p62 225 M q780 1 1% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p63 225 M q780 1 5% other 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p64 225 M q780 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p65 225 M q780 1 1 M18 5% straight sided 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p66 225 q780 1 q790? 1 M3 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p67 225 M q780 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p68 225 M q780 1 1 M4 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q780-p69 225 M q780 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p70 225 q780 53 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p71 225 q780 6 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p72 225 q780 5 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p73 225 q780 2 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p74 225 q780 5 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p75 225 q780 1 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q780-p76 225 q780 1 1 K4 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p1 226 M q781 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p2 226 q781 1 27% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p3 226 M q781 1 4% 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p4 226 M q781 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p5 226 M q781 1 26% base: low ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p6 226 M q781 1 5% other 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p7 226 M q781 1 7% hole mouth 805 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p8 226 M q781 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p9 226 M q781 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p10 226 q781 1 rim: square 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p11 226 M q781 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p12 226 q781 1 other 5 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p13 226 K q781 1 1 K1 20% necked straight 4 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p14 226 M q781 1 4% 806 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p15 226 M q781 1 4% other 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p16 226 M q781 1 6% other 802 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p17 226 q781 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p18 226 q781 1 stopper 2008-07-16 hh J01q781-p19 226 M q781 1 5% 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q781-p70 226 q781 81 2008-07-14 hh J01q781-p71 226 q781 13 2008-07-14 hh J01q781-p72 226 q781 11 2008-07-14 hh J01q781-p73 226 q781 7 2008-07-14 hh J01q781-p74 226 q781 1 2 I1 2008-07-14 hh J01q781-p75 226 q781 1 1 K4 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p1 226 M q782 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p2 226 M q782 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p3 226 q782 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p4 226 M q782 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p5 226 M q782 1 1 M18 5% 808 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p6 226 M q782 1 4% base: low ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p7 226 M q782 1 3% 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p8 226 q782 1 4% deep 14 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p9 226 q782 1 5% other 22 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p10 226 M q782 1 rim: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q782-p11 226 K q782 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p70 226 q782 102 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p71 226 q782 11 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p72 226 q782 6 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p73 226 q782 4 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p74 226 q782 2 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p75 226 q782 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p76 226 q782 1 1 M16 2008-07-14 hh J01q782-p77 226 q782 1 1 M3 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p1 226 M q783 1 9% round sided 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p2 226 M q783 1 1 M18 4% round sided 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p3 226 M q783 1 6% round sided 807 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p4 226 q783 1 30% base: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p5 226 M q783 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p6 226 q783 1 9% deep 14 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p7 226 M q783 1 8% other 803 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p8 226 M q783 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q783-p9 226 M q783 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p70 226 q783 66 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p71 226 q783 9 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p72 226 q783 9 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p74 226 q783 7 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p75 226 q783 2 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p76 226 q783 1 1 M16 2008-07-14 hh J01q783-p77 226 q783 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p1 226 K q784 1 1 K8 7% other 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p2 226 q784 1 5% other 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p3 226 M q784 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p4 226 M q784 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p5 226 q784 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p6 226 q784 1 3% straight sided 5 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p7 226 M q784 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p8 226 M q784 1 rim: flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p9 226 K q784 1 7% other 22 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p10 226 M q784 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p11 226 M q784 1 13% base: low ring 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p12 226 M q784 1 11% base: low ring 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p13 226 M q784 1 rim: pointed 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p14 226 K q784 1 1 K9 7% necked straight 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p62 226 M q784 1 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p63 226 q784 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p64 226 M q784 1 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p65 226 q784 1 5% other 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p66 226 M q784 1 4% round sided 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p67 226 q784 1 9% straight sided 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p68 226 q784 1 10% hole mouth 3 2008-07-14 hh J01q784-p69 226 M q784 1 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p70 226 q784 97 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p71 226 q784 4 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p72 226 q784 10 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p73 226 q784 5 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p74 226 q784 1 2 I1 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p75 226 q784 1 1 M16 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p76 226 q784 1 1 M8 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p77 226 q784 1 1 K4 2008-07-12 hh J01q784-p78 226 q784 1 1 K4 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p1 226 M q785 1 10% base: low ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p2 226 M q785 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p3 226 M q785 1 1 M25 7% 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p4 226 M q785 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p5 226 M q785 1 1 K19 7% other 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p6 226 q785 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p7 226 M q785 1 1 M18 4% 807 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p8 226 M q785 1 5% 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p9 226 M q785 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p10 226 M q785 1 PH - 4 rim: beaked 2008-07-15 hh J01q785-p11 226 M q785 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p70 226 q785 200 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p71 226 q785 22 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p72 226 q785 9 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p73 226 q785 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p74 226 q785 11 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p75 226 q785 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p76 226 q785 2 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p77 226 q785 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p82 226 q785 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p83 226 q785 2 3 A1 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p84 226 q785 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q785-p85 226 q785 1 1 M3 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p1 225 M q786 1 1 M4 15% necked straight 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p2 225 q786 1 19% necked straight 5 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p3 225 M q786 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p4 225 M q786 1 7% other 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p5 225 M q786 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 818 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p6 225 M q786 1 10% other 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p7 225 M q786 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p8 225 M q786 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p9 225 M q786 1 80% base: ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p10 225 q786 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p11 225 M q786 1 45% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p12 225 M q786 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q786-p13 225 q786 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-10 hh J01q786-p70 225 q786 43 2008-07-10 hh J01q786-p71 225 q786 4 2008-07-10 hh J01q786-p72 225 q786 3 2008-07-10 hh J01q786-p73 225 q786 1 2 I1 2008-07-10 hh J01q786-p74 225 q786 1 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q786-p75 225 q786 1 1 M3 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p1 226 M q787 1 100% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p2 226 M q787 1 7% 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p3 226 M q787 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p4 226 q787 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p5 226 M q787 1 7% 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p6 226 M q787 1 8% round sided 805 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p7 226 M q787 1 1 M18 5% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p8 226 M q787 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p9 226 M q787 1 8% 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p10 226 q787 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p11 226 q787 1 6% other 23 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p12 226 q787 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-15 hh J01q787-p13 226 q787 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q787-p70 226 q787 61 2008-07-14 hh J01q787-p71 226 q787 10 2008-07-14 hh J01q787-p72 226 q787 5 2008-07-14 hh J01q787-p73 226 q787 6 2008-07-14 hh J01q787-p74 226 q787 1 1 M3 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p1 226 q789 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p2 226 q789 1 15% other 22 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p3 226 K q789 1 1 K9 5% deep 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p4 226 M q789 1 rim: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p5 226 q789 1 6% round sided 5 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p6 226 M q789 1 10% hole mouth 805 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p7 226 M q789 1 5% 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p8 226 q789 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p9 226 M q789 1 5% deep 812 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p10 226 q789 1 9% deep 13 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p11 226 q789 1 4% 808 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p12 226 K q789 1 7% round sided 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p13 226 q789 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p14 226 M q789 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p15 226 M q789 1 3% other 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p17 226 M q789 1 5% deep 806 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p18 226 M q789 1 4% deep 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p19 226 M q789 1 13% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p20 226 M q789 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p21 226 q789 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p22 226 M q789 1 Ware revised from CH based on assemblage review 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p23 226 M q789 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p24 226 M q789 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p25 226 M q789 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p60 226 q789 1 rim: square 2008-07-15 hh J01q789-p61 226 M q789 1 4% 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p62 226 K q789 1 1 K9 4% deep 9 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p63 226 M q789 1 11% hole mouth 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p64 226 M q789 1 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p65 226 q789 1 20% necked 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p66 226 q789 1 10% other 22 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p67 226 K q789 1 4% deep 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p68 226 M q789 1 1 M3 15% 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q789-p69 226 q789 1 5% other 16 2014-03-08 mkb J01q789-p70 226 q789 1 1 M5 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p71 226 q789 18 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p72 226 q789 7 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p73 226 q789 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p74 226 q789 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p75 226 q789 1 B6 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p76 226 q789 1 3 A1 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p77 226 q789 1 4 S1 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p78 226 q789 1 1 K4 2008-07-19 hh J01q789-p79 226 q789 116 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p70 226 q790 87 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p71 226 q790 8 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p72 226 q790 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p74 226 q790 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p75 226 q790 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p76 226 q790 6 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p77 226 q790 4 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p78 226 q790 1 3 A1 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p79 226 q790 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p80 226 q790 2 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q790-p81 226 q790 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q791-p70 227 q791 41 2008-07-21 hh J01q791-p71 227 q791 6 2008-07-21 hh J01q791-p72 227 q791 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q791-p73 227 q791 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q791-p74 227 q791 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q791-p75 227 q791 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p1 226 q792 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p2 226 q792 1 1 M1 3% conical (cup) 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p3 226 M q792 1 7% 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p4 226 M q792 1 4% 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p5 226 q792 1 25% base: type unspecified 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p6 226 q792 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p7 226 M q792 1 4% 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p8 226 q792 1 20% other 11 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p9 226 M q792 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q792-p10 226 M q792 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p70 226 q792 72 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p71 226 q792 6 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p72 226 q792 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p73 226 q792 7 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p74 226 q792 3 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p76 226 q792 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q792-p77 226 q792 1 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q794-p70 226 q794 76 2008-07-10 hh J01q794-p71 226 q794 6 2008-07-10 hh J01q794-p72 226 q794 2 2008-07-10 hh J01q794-p73 226 q794 9 2008-07-10 hh J01q794-p74 226 q794 1 1 M3 2008-07-10 hh J01q794-p75 226 q794 1 1 M20 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p1 224 M q795 1 22% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p2 224 q795 1 32% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p3 224 q795 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p4 224 q795 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p5 224 q795 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p6 224 M q795 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p7 224 M q795 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p8 224 M q795 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p9 224 M q795 1 1% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p10 224 M q795 1 9% deep 807 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p11 224 q795 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p12 224 M q795 1 6% deep 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p13 224 M q795 1 5% 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p14 224 M q795 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p15 224 M q795 1 5% deep 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p16 224 q795 1 22% necked straight 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p17 224 M q795 1 6% 802 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p18 224 M q795 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p19 224 M q795 1 5% deep 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p20 224 M q795 1 1 M1 6% necked straight 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p21 224 q795 1 14% necked straight 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q795-p22 224 M q795 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q795-p65 224 q795 1 BRIGRHT ORANGRE POLISHED 2008-07-14 hh J01q795-p66 224 q795 1 15% base: type unspecified 2008-07-14 hh J01q795-p67 224 K q795 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q795-p68 224 M q795 1 7% round sided 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q795-p69 224 M q795 1 6% 802 2008-07-12 hh J01q795-p70 224 q795 63 2008-07-12 hh J01q795-p71 224 q795 4 2008-07-12 hh J01q795-p72 224 q795 5 2008-07-12 hh J01q795-p73 224 q795 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q795-p74 224 q795 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q796-p1 226 M q796 1 6% 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q796-p2 226 M q796 1 7% round sided 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q796-p3 226 K q796 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q796-p4 226 q796 1 15% base: type unspecified 2008-07-14 hh J01q796-p5 226 q796 1 BRIGRHT ORANGRE POLISHED 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p1 224 M q797 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p2 224 M q797 1 1 M2 20% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p3 224 M q797 1 2 I2 7% deep 803 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p4 224 q797 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p5 224 K q797 1 9% base: hollow 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p6 224 K q797 1 1 K1 12% necked straight 2 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p7 224 M q797 1 10% deep 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p8 224 M q797 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p9 224 q797 1 2% deep 14 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p10 224 M q797 1 1 M4 other 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p11 224 M q797 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p12 224 q797 1 6% other 1 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p13 224 M q797 1 6% other 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p14 224 M q797 1 rim: flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p15 224 M q797 1 5% round sided 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q797-p16 224 q797 1 15% base: string cut cup 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p58 224 M q797 1 5% 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p59 224 M q797 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p60 224 M q797 1 40% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p61 224 M q797 1 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p62 224 M q797 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p63 224 M q797 1 1 M4 5% deep 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p64 224 q797 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p65 224 q797 1 20% hole mouth 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p66 224 M q797 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p67 224 M q797 1 9% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p68 224 M q797 1 5% hole mouth 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q797-p69 224 M q797 1 7% deep 803 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p70 224 q797 98 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p71 224 q797 26 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p72 224 q797 7 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p73 224 q797 9 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p74 224 q797 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p75 224 q797 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p76 224 q797 1 2 I1 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p77 224 q797 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q797-p78 224 q797 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p79 224 q797 104 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p80 224 q797 6 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p81 224 q797 7 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p82 224 q797 3 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p83 224 q797 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p84 224 q797 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p85 224 q797 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p86 224 q797 1 1 M8 2008-07-14 hh J01q797-p87 224 q797 1 1 M16 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p1 224 q798 1 5% other 16 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p2 224 M q798 1 1 M3 15% 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p3 224 K q798 1 4% deep 5 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p4 224 q798 1 10% other 22 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p5 224 q798 1 20% necked 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p6 224 M q798 1 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p7 224 M q798 1 11% hole mouth 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p8 224 K q798 1 1 K9 4% deep 9 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p9 224 M q798 1 5% deep 812 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p10 224 q798 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p11 224 q798 1 4% 808 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p12 224 K q798 1 7% round sided 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p13 224 q798 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p14 224 M q798 1 rim: square 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p15 224 M q798 1 3% other 801 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p17 224 M q798 1 5% deep 806 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p18 224 M q798 1 LEG 4% deep 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p19 224 M q798 1 13% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p20 224 M q798 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p21 224 q798 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p22 224 M q798 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p23 224 M q798 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p24 224 M q798 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-07-20 hh J01q798-p25 224 M q798 1 rim: square 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p1 226 M q799 1 5% 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p2 226 M q799 1 4% 802 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p3 226 M q799 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p4 226 M q799 1 25% base: low ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p5 226 M q799 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p6 226 M q799 1 7% hole mouth 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p7 226 M q799 1 base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p8 226 M q799 1 rim: square 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p9 226 M q799 1 4% 806 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p10 226 M q799 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p11 226 q799 1 10% other 11 2008-07-15 hh J01q799-p12 226 M q799 1 rim: flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p70 226 q799 133 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p71 226 q799 13 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p72 226 q799 8 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p73 226 q799 16 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p74 226 q799 3 2 I1 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p75 226 q799 1 B7 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p76 226 q799 2 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p77 226 q799 2 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p78 226 q799 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q799-p79 226 q799 1 1 M20 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p1 225 q800 1 12% carinated rounded (carination) 5 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p2 225 M q800 1 20% other 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p3 225 q800 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p4 225 M q800 1 1 M25 3% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p5 225 M q800 1 6% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p6 225 M q800 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p7 225 q800 1 10% base: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p8 225 M q800 1 4% round sided 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p9 225 M q800 1 deep 805 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p10 225 K q800 1 1 K1 9% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p11 225 q800 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p12 225 M q800 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p13 225 M q800 1 round sided 806 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p14 225 M q800 1 40% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p15 225 q800 1 footed base base: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p16 225 K q800 1 1 K9 10% other 22 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p17 225 q800 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q800-p18 225 q800 1 footed base 25% base: type unspecified 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p70 225 q800 100 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p71 225 q800 16 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p72 225 q800 4 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p73 225 q800 10 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p74 225 q800 1 2 I1 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p75 225 q800 1 1 M15 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p76 225 q800 1 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p77 225 q800 1 1 M3 2008-07-10 hh J01q800-p78 225 q800 1 1 M3 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p1 226 M q801 1 20% other 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p2 226 M q801 1 base: disk base, flat 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p3 226 q801 1 9% straight sided 2 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p4 226 M q801 1 14% other 805 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p5 226 q801 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p6 226 q801 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p7 226 q801 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p8 226 M q801 1 4% other 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p9 226 M q801 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p10 226 M q801 1 5% other 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p11 226 M q801 1 11% hole mouth 801 2008-07-15 hh J01q801-p12 226 M q801 1 7% hole mouth 809 2008-07-14 hh J01q801-p70 226 q801 72 2008-07-14 hh J01q801-p71 226 q801 7 2008-07-14 hh J01q801-p72 226 q801 4 2008-07-14 hh J01q801-p73 226 q801 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q801-p74 226 q801 3 2008-07-14 hh J01q801-p75 226 q801 2 2 I1 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p1 226 M q802 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p2 226 M q802 1 25% base: low ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p3 226 M q802 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p4 226 M q802 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p5 226 M q802 1 22% base: low ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p6 226 q802 1 raidal burnishing from base upward base: rounded 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p7 226 M q802 1 8% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p8 226 M q802 1 5% 805 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p9 226 M q802 1 rim: flat 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p10 226 q802 1 5% deep 7 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p11 226 q802 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p12 226 q802 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-16 hh J01q802-p13 226 M q802 1 1 M4 10% other 806 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p70 226 q802 99 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p71 226 q802 12 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p72 226 q802 6 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p73 226 q802 5 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p74 226 q802 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p76 226 q802 1 B6 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p77 226 q802 2 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p78 226 q802 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p79 226 q802 1 1 M16 2008-07-14 hh J01q802-p80 226 q802 1 2 I1 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p1 224 M q803 1 1 M18 7% round sided 807 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p2 224 M q803 1 5% 803 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p3 224 M q803 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p4 224 M q803 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p5 224 M q803 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p6 224 M q803 1 6% deep 806 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p7 224 M q803 1 4% 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p8 224 M q803 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p9 224 M q803 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p10 224 q803 1 stopper 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p70 224 q803 23 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p71 224 q803 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p72 224 q803 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p73 224 q803 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p74 224 q803 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p75 224 q803 1 1 K4 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p76 224 q803 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q803-p77 224 q803 1 2 I3 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p1 226 q805 1 2 I1 5% deep 7 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p2 226 q805 1 rim: pointed 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p3 226 M q805 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p4 226 M q805 1 4% round sided 807 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p5 226 M q805 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p6 226 M q805 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p7 226 M q805 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q805-p8 226 M q805 1 base: low ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q805-p70 226 q805 38 2008-07-12 hh J01q805-p71 226 q805 3 2008-07-12 hh J01q805-p72 226 q805 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q805-p73 226 q805 5 2008-07-12 hh J01q805-p74 226 q805 1 1 M20 2008-07-12 hh J01q805-p75 226 q805 2 1 K4 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p1 225 M q806 1 7% round sided 806 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p2 225 M q806 1 6% other 803 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p3 225 K q806 1 1 K3 14% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p4 225 q806 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p5 225 M q806 1 1 M18 3% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p6 225 q806 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p7 225 M q806 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p8 225 M q806 1 1% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p9 225 M q806 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p10 225 M q806 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p11 225 K q806 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p12 225 M q806 1 15% base: high ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p13 225 q806 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p14 225 q806 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p15 225 q806 1 6% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p16 225 q806 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-13 hh J01q806-p17 225 q806 1 PH-3 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p70 225 q806 102 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p71 225 q806 7 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p72 225 q806 2 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p73 225 q806 9 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p74 225 q806 1 3 A1 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p75 225 q806 1 2 I3 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p76 225 q806 1 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p77 225 q806 1 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q806-p78 225 q806 1 1 K4 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p1 208 q807 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p2 208 q807 1 17% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p3 208 M q807 1 12% hole mouth 809 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p4 208 M q807 1 50% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p5 208 K q807 1 7% other 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p6 208 q807 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p7 208 q807 1 8% deep 7 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p8 208 q807 1 80% base: solid footed, convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p9 208 q807 1 rim: flat 2008-08-18 hh J01q807-p10 208 M q807 1 1 M4 6% conical (cup) 802 2014-03-03 mkb J01q808-p5 208 q808 1 description added based on drawing W22d0456 hole mouth 801 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p70 208 q808 1 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p71 208 q808 4 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p72 208 q808 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p73 208 q808 1 3 A2 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p74 208 q808 1 2 I7 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p75 208 q808 1 3 A1 2008-08-13 sm J01q808-p76 208 q808 45 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p1 224 M q809 1 45% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p2 224 M q809 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p3 224 M q809 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p4 224 M q809 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p5 224 M q809 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p6 224 q809 1 stopper 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p7 224 q809 1 4% deep 14 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p8 224 q809 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p9 224 q809 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p10 224 q809 1 7% straight sided 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p11 224 q809 1 17% other 8 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p12 224 q809 1 5% deep 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p13 224 q809 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p14 224 q809 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p70 224 q809 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p71 224 q809 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p72 224 q809 7 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p73 224 q809 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p74 224 q809 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p75 224 q809 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q809-p76 224 q809 1 3 A1 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p1 224 M q810 1 base 1 M3 base: type unspecified 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p2 224 M q810 1 13% hole mouth 809 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p3 224 q810 1 3% deep 14 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p4 224 q810 1 5% base: flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p5 224 q810 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p6 224 M q810 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p7 224 q810 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p8 224 M q810 1 5% 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p9 224 M q810 1 5% 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p10 224 q810 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p11 224 M q810 1 5% round sided 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p12 224 K q810 1 3% deep 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p13 224 M q810 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p14 224 M q810 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p15 224 q810 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p16 224 M q810 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p17 224 M q810 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p18 224 q810 1 25% base: type unspecified 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p70 224 q810 77 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p71 224 q810 7 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p72 224 q810 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p73 224 q810 6 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p74 224 q810 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p75 224 q810 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q810-p76 224 q810 1 2 I7 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p1 224 q811 1 30% base: flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p2 224 M q811 1 27% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p3 224 q811 1 base: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p4 224 M q811 1 Ware revised from CH based on assemblage review 24% conical (cup) 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p5 224 M q811 1 1 M18 6% 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p6 224 M q811 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p7 224 M q811 1 5% 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p8 224 q811 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p9 224 q811 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p10 224 M q811 1 6% deep 812 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p11 224 q811 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p12 224 M q811 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p70 224 q811 66 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p71 224 q811 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p72 224 q811 8 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p73 224 q811 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q811-p74 224 q811 2 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p1 224 M q812 1 5% 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p2 224 q812 1 top decorated with finger impressions. ZA426 cJC: Code revised to match other pie-crust stands 803 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p3 224 M q812 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p4 224 M q812 1 12% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p5 224 M q812 1 6% round sided 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p6 224 M q812 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p7 224 q812 1 5% other 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p8 224 M q812 1 1 M18 4% 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p9 224 M q812 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p10 224 M q812 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p11 224 M q812 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p12 224 M q812 1 6% necked straight 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p13 224 M q812 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p14 224 M q812 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p70 224 q812 81 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p71 224 q812 8 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p72 224 q812 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p73 224 q812 14 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p74 224 q812 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p75 224 q812 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p76 224 q812 1 2 I1 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p77 224 q812 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p78 224 q812 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q812-p79 224 q812 1 1 K4 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p1 224 q813 1 17% shouldered 12 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p2 224 M q813 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p3 224 q813 1 75% necked straight 9 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p4 224 K q813 1 5% deep 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p5 224 q813 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p6 224 M q813 1 5% other 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q813-p7 224 q813 1 stopper 2008-07-14 hh J01q813-p70 224 q813 29 2008-07-14 hh J01q813-p71 224 q813 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q813-p72 224 q813 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q813-p73 224 q813 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q813-p74 224 q813 3 2008-07-14 hh J01q813-p75 224 q813 1 1 M3 J01q814-p37 224 q814 2008-07-19 hh J01q814-p70 224 q814 36 2008-07-19 hh J01q814-p71 224 q814 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q814-p72 224 q814 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q814-p73 224 q814 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q814-p74 224 q814 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q814-p75 224 q814 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p1 224 q815 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p2 224 q815 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p3 224 M q815 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p4 224 M q815 1 11% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p5 224 q815 1 4% straight sided 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p6 224 M q815 1 5% other 806 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p7 224 K q815 1 1 K9 5% deep 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p8 224 q815 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p9 224 M q815 1 2% deep 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p10 224 K q815 1 1 K1 9% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p11 224 M q815 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p12 224 q815 1 9% other 3 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p13 224 q815 1 stopper 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p14 224 M q815 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p70 224 q815 115 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p71 224 q815 19 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p72 224 q815 11 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p73 224 q815 9 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p74 224 q815 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p75 224 q815 3 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p76 224 q815 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q815-p77 224 q815 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p1 224 q816 1 4% base: low ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p2 224 q816 1 code revised to match new system. Pie crust stand 803 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p3 224 M q816 1 other 807 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p4 224 M q816 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p5 224 q816 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p6 224 q816 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p7 224 M q816 1 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p8 224 M q816 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p9 224 M q816 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p10 224 M q816 1 6% round sided 806 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p11 224 M q816 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p70 224 q816 94 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p71 224 q816 6 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p72 224 q816 3 2008-07-19 hh J01q816-p73 224 q816 1 3 A1 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p1 224 M q817 1 1 M1 15% conical (cup) 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p2 224 M q817 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p3 224 q817 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p4 224 M q817 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p5 224 M q817 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p6 224 q817 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p7 224 M q817 1 1 M18 9% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p8 224 M q817 1 NEW TYPE 7% deep 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p9 224 M q817 1 Ware revised from FC based on assemblage review 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p10 224 q817 1 rim: flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p11 224 M q817 1 10% other 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p12 224 M q817 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p13 224 M q817 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p14 224 q817 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p15 224 q817 1 Ware revised from IM based on assemblages review 9% straight sided 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p16 224 M q817 1 22% hole mouth 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p70 224 q817 47 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p71 224 q817 10 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p72 224 q817 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p73 224 q817 3 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p74 224 q817 1 1 K4 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p75 224 q817 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q817-p76 224 q817 1 2 I3 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p1 224 M q818 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p2 224 M q818 1 9% other 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p3 224 q818 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p4 224 M q818 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p5 224 q818 1 base: exterior ledge 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p6 224 K q818 1 4% deep 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p7 224 q818 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p8 224 K q818 1 1 K1 9% necked straight 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p9 224 M q818 1 3% deep 803 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p10 224 M q818 1 1 K1 14% hole mouth 811 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p11 224 M q818 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p12 224 M q818 1 10% hole mouth 811 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p13 224 K q818 1 7% deep 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p14 224 M q818 1 rim: rounded 2014-03-03 cjc J01q818-p19 224 q818 1 description added based on drawing W21d0436 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p61 224 M q818 1 9% hole mouth 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p62 224 M q818 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p63 224 q818 1 16% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p64 224 q818 1 21% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p65 224 M q818 1 q814? 1 M18 6% 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p66 224 M q818 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 807 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p67 224 q818 1 20% base: flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p68 224 q818 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p69 224 M q818 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p70 224 q818 151 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p71 224 q818 31 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p72 224 q818 13 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p73 224 q818 17 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p74 224 q818 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p75 224 q818 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p76 224 q818 2 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p77 224 q818 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p78 224 q818 1 2 I1 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p79 224 q818 1 2 I3 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p80 224 q818 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p81 224 q818 1 1 M3 2008-07-19 hh J01q818-p82 224 q818 1 1 K4 2008-08-13 sm J01q819-p70 208 q819 8 2008-08-13 sm J01q819-p71 208 q819 2 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q819-p72 208 q819 1 3 A1 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p1 224 M q820 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p2 224 M q820 1 6% 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p3 224 M q820 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p4 224 q820 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p5 224 M q820 1 rim: square 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p6 224 K q820 1 1 K8 3% necked straight 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p70 224 q820 25 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p71 224 q820 6 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p72 224 q820 5 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p73 224 q820 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q820-p74 224 q820 1 1 K5 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p1 224 M q821 1 13% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p2 224 M q821 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p3 224 M q821 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p4 224 M q821 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p5 224 M q821 1 4% 803 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p6 224 K q821 1 1 M18 conical (cup) 802 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p7 224 M q821 1 7% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p8 224 q821 1 rim: square 3 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p9 224 M q821 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p70 224 q821 52 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p71 224 q821 10 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p72 224 q821 7 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p73 224 q821 4 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p74 224 q821 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p75 224 q821 1 2008-07-19 hh J01q821-p76 224 q821 1 1 K4 2008-07-16 hh J01q822-p1 229 M q822 1 11% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q822-p2 229 M q822 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q822-p3 229 K q822 1 1 K9 25% necked straight 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q822-p70 229 q822 43 2008-07-14 hh J01q822-p71 229 q822 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q822-p72 229 q822 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q822-p73 229 q822 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q822-p74 229 q822 1 1 M16 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p1 225 M q823 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p2 225 q823 1 23% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p3 225 M q823 1 5% deep 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p4 225 M q823 1 17% base: low ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p5 225 q823 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p6 225 M q823 1 11% hole mouth 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p7 225 M q823 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p8 225 M q823 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p9 225 M q823 1 5% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p10 225 q823 1 12% straight sided 7 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p11 225 q823 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p12 225 q823 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p13 225 M q823 1 6% deep 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p14 225 M q823 1 base: low ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q823-p15 225 M q823 1 base: ring 2008-07-09 hh J01q823-p70 225 q823 50 2008-07-09 hh J01q823-p71 225 q823 6 2008-07-09 hh J01q823-p72 225 q823 6 2008-07-09 hh J01q823-p73 225 q823 5 2008-07-09 hh J01q823-p74 225 q823 1 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q823-p75 225 q823 1 B5 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p1 227 M q824 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p2 227 M q824 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p3 227 M q824 1 10% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p4 227 M q824 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p5 227 q824 1 13% hole mouth 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p6 227 M q824 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p7 227 q824 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p8 227 q824 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p9 227 q824 1 20% other 8 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p10 227 q824 1 22% other 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p11 227 q824 1 5% necked straight 8 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p12 227 q824 1 6% deep 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p13 227 M q824 1 5% deep 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p14 227 M q824 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q824-p15 227 M q824 1 16% other 802 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p70 227 q824 30 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p71 227 q824 9 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p72 227 q824 4 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p73 227 q824 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p74 227 q824 2 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p75 227 q824 1 1 K4 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p76 227 q824 1 2 I3 2008-07-20 hh J01q824-p77 227 q824 1 2 I1 2008-07-16 hh J01q825-p1 229 M q825 1 rim: flat 2008-07-16 hh J01q825-p2 229 M q825 1 50% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-16 hh J01q825-p3 229 M q825 1 7% hole mouth 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q825-p4 229 M q825 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-16 hh J01q825-p5 229 q825 1 5% round sided 4 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p70 229 q825 57 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p71 229 q825 9 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p72 229 q825 5 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p73 229 q825 3 2 I1 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p74 229 q825 2 3 A1 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p76 229 q825 2 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p77 229 q825 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p78 229 q825 1 B6 2008-07-14 hh J01q825-p79 229 q825 1 1 K4 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p1 225 M q826 1 5% 802 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p2 225 M q826 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 75% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p3 225 M q826 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p4 225 M q826 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p5 225 M q826 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p6 225 M q826 1 22% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p7 225 M q826 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p8 225 q826 1 rim: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p9 225 q826 1 20% base: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p10 225 q826 1 rim: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p11 225 M q826 1 9% base: low ring 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p12 225 q826 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q826-p13 225 q826 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p70 225 q826 32 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p71 225 q826 5 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p72 225 q826 2 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p73 225 q826 4 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p74 225 q826 3 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p75 225 q826 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p76 225 q826 1 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p77 225 q826 1 1 K4 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p78 225 q826 1 1 K3 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p79 225 q826 1 1 M3 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p81 225 q826 1 1 K1 2008-07-09 hh J01q826-p82 225 q826 1 1 K4 2014-03-03 mkb J01q827-p2 208 q827 1 handle - description based on drawing W22d0470 handle: type unspecified 2008-07-12 hh J01q828-p1 225 M q828 1 1 M15 4% deep 810 2008-07-12 hh J01q828-p2 225 q828 1 4% deep 7 2008-07-12 hh J01q828-p3 225 M q828 1 8% hole mouth 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q828-p4 225 M q828 1 base: pointed 2008-07-10 hh J01q828-p70 225 q828 9 2008-07-10 hh J01q828-p71 225 q828 2 2008-07-10 hh J01q828-p72 225 q828 1 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q828-p73 225 q828 1 1 M3 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p1 229 M q829 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p2 229 M q829 1 7% 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p3 229 M q829 1 9% other 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p4 229 q829 1 5% deep 7 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p5 229 M q829 1 7% deep 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p6 229 M q829 1 4% other 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p7 229 q829 1 8% deep 4 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p8 229 q829 1 2 I3 5% deep 7 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p9 229 M q829 1 5% 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p10 229 M q829 1 5% 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p11 229 q829 1 7% deep 8 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p12 229 M q829 1 1 M25 9% 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p13 229 K q829 1 6% deep 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p14 229 K q829 1 1 K1 17% necked straight 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p15 229 M q829 1 7% other 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p16 229 M q829 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p17 229 M q829 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 813 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p18 229 M q829 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p19 229 q829 1 20% other 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p20 229 q829 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p21 229 q829 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p22 229 M q829 1 8% other 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p23 229 M q829 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p24 229 M q829 1 1 M3 6% straight sided 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p25 229 M q829 1 rim: square 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p26 229 M q829 1 6% round sided 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p27 229 q829 1 10% other 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p28 229 q829 1 7% 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p29 229 M q829 1 7% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p30 229 q829 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p31 229 q829 1 6% other 5 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p32 229 q829 1 rim: flat 2008-07-17 hh J01q829-p33 229 q829 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p1 225 M q830 1 6% 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p2 225 M q830 1 10% deep 806 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p3 225 M q830 1 12% hole mouth 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p4 225 M q830 1 7% deep 810 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p5 225 q830 1 7% deep 13 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p6 225 M q830 1 10% round sided 806 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p7 225 M q830 1 9% other 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p8 225 M q830 1 10% deep 810 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p9 225 K q830 1 1 K5 9% 105 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p10 225 M q830 1 5% carinated 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p11 225 M q830 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p12 225 M q830 1 6% other 803 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p13 225 K q830 1 5% round sided 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p14 225 K q830 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p15 225 M q830 1 14% other 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p16 225 M q830 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p17 225 M q830 1 8% deep 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p18 225 K q830 1 5% shouldered 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p19 225 q830 1 rim: square 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p20 225 q830 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p21 225 q830 1 9% other 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p22 225 M q830 1 rim: flat 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p23 225 M q830 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p24 225 q830 1 22% necked flaring (necked) 5 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p25 225 K q830 1 7% round sided 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p26 225 M q830 1 6% hole mouth 805 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p27 225 q830 1 rim: square 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p28 225 K q830 1 1 K9 10% other 22 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p29 225 M q830 1 4% deep 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p30 225 q830 1 rim: flat 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p31 225 M q830 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p32 225 M q830 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p33 225 M q830 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p34 225 M q830 1 rim: square 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p35 225 M q830 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p36 225 M q830 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p37 225 M q830 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p38 225 M q830 1 6% deep 808 2008-07-17 hh J01q830-p39 225 M q830 1 rim: flat 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p1 231 q831 1 1 M1 50% 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p2 231 q831 1 1 M19 7% round sided 805 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p3 231 q831 1 12% shouldered 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p4 231 q831 1 rim: square 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p5 231 q831 1 7% hole mouth 5 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p6 231 q831 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p7 231 q831 1 1 M2 20% necked flaring (necked) 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p8 231 q831 1 rim: simple 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p9 231 M q831 1 rim: rounded 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p10 231 q831 1 16% necked straight 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p11 231 q831 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-16 hh J01q831-p12 231 M q831 1 1 M2 5% conical (cup) 804 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p70 231 q831 40 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p71 231 q831 1 B6 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p72 231 q831 4 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p73 231 q831 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p74 231 q831 1 2 I1 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p75 231 q831 1 1 M9 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p76 231 q831 8 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p77 231 q831 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p78 231 q831 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p79 231 q831 9 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p80 231 q831 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p81 231 q831 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p82 231 q831 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p83 231 q831 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p84 231 q831 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q831-p85 231 q831 1 2006-10-06 hh J01q831-p86 231 q831 1 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p1 229 M q832 1 22% hole mouth 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p2 229 M q832 1 4% hole mouth 811 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p3 229 M q832 1 rim: square 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p4 229 M q832 1 9% round sided 805 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p5 229 q832 1 6% deep 7 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p6 229 M q832 1 7% hole mouth 803 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p7 229 q832 1 rim: flat 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p8 229 M q832 1 7% 806 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p9 229 M q832 1 6% round sided 805 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p10 229 q832 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p11 229 M q832 1 5% 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p12 229 q832 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p13 229 q832 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p14 229 q832 1 B5 rim: square 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p15 229 q832 1 B6 base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p16 229 q832 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p17 229 M q832 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p18 229 M q832 1 4% round sided 805 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p19 229 M q832 1 7% other 802 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p20 229 M q832 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-07-16 hh J01q832-p21 229 q832 1 9% necked straight 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q832-p70 229 q832 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q832-p71 229 q832 1 2 I1 2008-07-14 hh J01q832-p72 229 q832 1 B6 2008-07-14 hh J01q832-p73 229 q832 1 1 M3 2008-07-14 hh J01q832-p74 229 q832 2 1 K6 2008-07-14 hh J01q832-p75 229 q832 1 1 K4 2008-07-14 hh J01q833-p1 225 q833 1 15% other 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q833-p2 225 q833 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q833-p3 225 M q833 1 7% deep 808 2008-07-14 hh J01q833-p4 225 K q833 1 6% round sided 1 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p1 229 M q835 1 1 M19 20% other 802 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p2 229 M q835 1 1 M25 5% 808 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p3 229 q835 1 PH 4 2% deep 20 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p4 229 M q835 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p5 229 q835 1 12% necked straight 3 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p6 229 M q835 1 7% round sided 805 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p7 229 M q835 1 1 M4 3% conical (cup) 801 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p8 229 q835 1 15% necked straight 3 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p9 229 M q835 1 22% base: ring 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p10 229 q835 1 code revised to match new system. Pie crust stand 803 2008-07-16 hh J01q835-p11 229 M q835 1 rim: beaked J01q835-p16 229 q835 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p1 225 q836 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p2 225 M q836 1 7% other 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p3 225 q836 1 4% round sided 801 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p4 225 q836 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p5 225 K q836 1 1 K1 9% other 22 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p6 225 q836 1 5% deep 8 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p7 225 q836 1 stand rim: beaked 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p8 225 q836 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-12 hh J01q836-p9 225 M q836 1 10% base: ring 2014-03-08 cjc J01q836-p69 225 q836 1 drawing was formerly q836-p7 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p70 225 q836 52 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p71 225 q836 5 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p72 225 q836 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p73 225 q836 2 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p74 225 q836 1 1 K4 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p75 225 q836 1 1 K4 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p76 225 q836 1 1 K4 2008-07-09 hh J01q836-p77 225 q836 1 1 M8 2008-08-18 hh J01q837-p11 208 M q837 1 1 M2 15% hole mouth 805 2008-08-18 hh J01q837-p12 208 q837 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2014-03-03 cjc J01q837-p13 208 q837 1 description added based on drawing W21d1145 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-18 hh J01q837-p14 208 M q837 1 rim: flat 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p70 208 q837 1 3 A1 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p71 208 q837 2 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p72 208 q837 36 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p73 208 q837 1 2 I7 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p74 208 q837 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p75 208 q837 1 2008-08-16 sm J01q837-p76 208 q837 4 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p1 225 M q838 1 4% deep 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p2 225 M q838 1 1 M19 11% deep 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p3 225 M q838 1 PH - 4 6% other 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p4 225 M q838 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p5 225 M q838 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p6 225 M q838 1 6% 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p7 225 M q838 1 7% 803 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p8 225 q838 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p9 225 K q838 1 9% other 22 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p10 225 M q838 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p11 225 K q838 1 1 M19 5% round sided 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p12 225 K q838 1 1 K11 12% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p13 225 M q838 1 5% other 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p14 225 M q838 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p15 225 M q838 1 1 M2 15% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p16 225 M q838 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p17 225 M q838 1 8% other 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p18 225 M q838 1 5% other 802 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p19 225 M q838 1 14% round sided 806 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p20 225 M q838 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p21 225 q838 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p22 225 q838 1 4% deep 14 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p23 225 M q838 1 7% other 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p24 225 q838 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p25 225 K q838 1 10% other 5 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p26 225 K q838 1 6% deep 810 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p27 225 M q838 1 rim: flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p28 225 M q838 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p29 225 M q838 1 2% necked straight 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p30 225 K q838 1 5% other 2 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p31 225 q838 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p32 225 M q838 1 5% round sided 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p33 225 M q838 1 6% round sided 805 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p34 225 M q838 1 1 M18 3% deep 809 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p35 225 q838 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q838-p36 225 q838 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p1 229 M q839 1 10% deep 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p2 229 M q839 1 9% hole mouth 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p3 229 q839 1 7% deep 8 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p4 229 q839 1 10% deep 7 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p5 229 M q839 1 7% deep 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p6 229 M q839 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p7 229 M q839 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p8 229 q839 1 20% necked straight 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p9 229 M q839 1 rim: square 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p10 229 q839 1 top decorated with finger impressions 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p11 229 M q839 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p12 229 q839 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p13 229 q839 1 12% necked straight 3 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p14 229 K q839 1 1 K9 10% necked straight 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p15 229 M q839 1 8% other 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p16 229 M q839 1 10% hole mouth 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p17 229 M q839 1 12% hole mouth 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p18 229 q839 1 10% other 11 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p19 229 M q839 1 6% 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p20 229 K q839 1 6% round sided 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p21 229 M q839 1 3% deep 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p22 229 K q839 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p23 229 M q839 1 50% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p24 229 M q839 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p25 229 M q839 1 base: disk base, flat 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p26 229 q839 1 6% deep 8 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p27 229 M q839 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p28 229 M q839 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p29 229 q839 1 STOPPER 5% deep 14 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p30 229 q839 1 6% deep 811 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p31 229 q839 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p32 229 q839 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p33 229 q839 1 6% deep 14 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p35 229 M q839 1 M - 8 6% deep 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p36 229 q839 1 4% deep 7 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p37 229 q839 1 5% round sided 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p38 229 M q839 1 3% hole mouth 806 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p39 229 M q839 1 6% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q839-p40 229 M q839 1 6% deep 807 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p1 225 M q840 1 1 M6 7% deep 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p2 225 q840 1 6% other 5 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p3 225 M q840 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p4 225 q840 1 rim: square 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p5 225 q840 1 11% deep 7 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p6 225 q840 1 7% deep 8 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p7 225 M q840 1 1 M3 6% other 803 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p8 225 M q840 1 15% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p9 225 q840 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p10 225 M q840 1 7% deep 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p11 225 M q840 1 1 M22 8% deep 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p12 225 q840 1 rim: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p13 225 q840 1 5% other 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p14 225 M q840 1 6% other 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p15 225 q840 1 100% base: solid footed, convex 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p16 225 M q840 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p17 225 q840 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p18 225 q840 1 rim: flat 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p19 225 M q840 1 5% round sided 806 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p20 225 q840 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p21 225 K q840 1 1 K11 5% deep 4 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p22 225 q840 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p23 225 q840 1 16% necked straight 3 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p24 225 q840 1 rim: simple 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p25 225 M q840 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p26 225 K q840 1 8% other 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p27 225 K q840 1 18% necked straight 1 2008-07-13 hh J01q840-p28 225 q840 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p29 225 q840 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p30 225 q840 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p31 225 q840 1 2% necked straight 1 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p32 225 M q840 1 1 M4 25% necked flaring (necked) 801 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p33 225 q840 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p34 225 q840 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p35 225 q840 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p36 225 q840 1 rim: square 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p37 225 q840 1 rim: flat 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p38 225 q840 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-14 hh J01q840-p39 225 q840 1 This is probably a ring base but it is not clear based on the drawing base: ring 2008-07-09 hh J01q840-p70 225 q840 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q840-p71 225 q840 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q840-p72 225 q840 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q840-p73 225 q840 1 B5 2008-07-09 hh J01q840-p74 225 q840 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p1 231 M q841 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p2 231 q841 1 5% deep 7 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p3 231 q841 1 rim: square 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p4 231 q841 1 rim: flat 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p5 231 q841 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p6 231 q841 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p7 231 q841 1 1% base: high ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p8 231 q841 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q841-p9 231 q841 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q841-p70 231 q841 24 2006-10-05 hh J01q841-p71 231 q841 5 2006-10-05 hh J01q841-p72 231 q841 3 2006-10-05 hh J01q841-p73 231 q841 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q841-p74 231 q841 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q841-p75 231 q841 1 1 M8 2014-03-03 cjc J01q842-p2 208 q842 1 description added based on drawing W22d0457 shouldered 12 2014-03-03 mkb J01q842-p3 208 M q842 1 K2 and K8 decorations (parallel stripes on top of flat rim) 1 K2 conical (cup) 802 2008-08-13 sm J01q842-p70 208 q842 8 2014-03-03 cjc J01q843-p1 208 M q843 1 description added based on pencil drawing W22b0101 deep 803 2014-03-03 mkb J01q843-p12 208 q843 1 description added based on drawing W22d0467 base: holed in center of base 2014-03-03 cjc J01q843-p14 208 q843 1 description added based on drawing W22d0462 necked flaring (necked) 804 2008-08-13 sm J01q843-p71 208 q843 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q843-p74 208 q843 2 2008-07-12 hh J01q844-p1 225 M q844 1 7% deep 803 2008-07-12 hh J01q844-p2 225 M q844 1 8% other 805 2008-07-12 hh J01q844-p3 225 M q844 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q844-p4 225 M q844 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q844-p5 225 M q844 1 base: high ring 2008-07-09 hh J01q844-p70 225 q844 24 2008-07-09 hh J01q844-p71 225 q844 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q844-p72 225 q844 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q844-p73 225 q844 1 2008-07-09 hh J01q844-p74 225 q844 1 3 A1 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p1 229 M q845 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p2 229 M q845 1 5% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p3 229 M q845 1 4% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p4 229 M q845 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p5 229 M q845 1 1 M15 5% other 803 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p6 229 M q845 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p7 229 M q845 1 12% other 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p8 229 q845 1 13% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p9 229 q845 1 22% necked straight 2 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p10 229 M q845 1 6% 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p11 229 K q845 1 1 K1 10% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p12 229 M q845 1 1 M3 3% deep 805 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p13 229 q845 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p14 229 M q845 1 2% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p15 229 M q845 1 rim: flat 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p16 229 M q845 1 6% hole mouth 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p17 229 M q845 1 8% deep 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p18 229 M q845 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p19 229 M q845 1 10% shouldered 801 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p20 229 q845 1 3% other 1 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p21 229 q845 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p22 229 q845 1 3% deep 7 2008-07-17 hh J01q845-p23 229 q845 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-16 hh J01q846-p1 231 M q846 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-16 hh J01q846-p2 231 K q846 1 13% necked straight 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q846-p3 231 q846 1 20% other 8 2008-08-16 hh J01q846-p4 231 q846 1 rim: collared-grooved 2014-03-03 cjc J01q846-p5 231 M q846 1 description added based on drawing W21d0495 straight sided 801 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p70 231 q846 24 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p71 231 q846 1 2 I1 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p72 231 q846 1 1 M16 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p73 231 q846 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p74 231 q846 1 1 K7 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p75 231 q846 9 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p76 231 q846 5 2006-10-05 hh J01q846-p78 231 q846 1 1 M3 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p1 225 M q848 1 10% deep 808 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p2 225 M q848 1 10% other 804 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p3 225 q848 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p4 225 K q848 1 rim: flat 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p5 225 M q848 1 rim: square 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p6 225 K q848 1 4% deep 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p7 225 q848 1 13% necked straight 4 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p8 225 K q848 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p9 225 K q848 1 1 K1 7% necked straight 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p10 225 M q848 1 rim: flat 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p11 225 M q848 1 rim: pointed 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p12 225 q848 1 rim: flat 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p13 225 q848 1 rim: square 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p14 225 K q848 1 5% deep 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p15 225 q848 1 9% other 8 2008-07-12 hh J01q848-p16 225 q848 1 rim: square 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p1 209 q849 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p2 209 q849 1 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p3 209 M q849 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p4 209 q849 1 15% other 2 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p5 209 M q849 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p6 209 q849 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p7 209 q849 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p8 209 q849 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p9 209 q849 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p10 209 q849 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p11 209 q849 1 100% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-18 hh J01q849-p12 209 M q849 1 5% 801 2008-08-18 sm J01q849-p70 209 q849 3 2008-08-18 sm J01q849-p71 209 q849 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 sm J01q849-p72 209 q849 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q849-p73 209 q849 10 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p1 233 M q850 1 10% 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p2 233 q850 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p3 233 M q850 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p4 233 M q850 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p5 233 M q850 1 7% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p6 233 M q850 1 8% hole mouth 811 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p7 233 M q850 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p8 233 M q850 1 10% hole mouth 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p9 233 M q850 1 10% deep 812 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p10 233 q850 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p11 233 M q850 1 1 M2 17% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p12 233 M q850 1 9% 808 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p13 233 M q850 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p14 233 M q850 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p15 233 M q850 1 8% deep 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p16 233 M q850 1 10% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p17 233 M q850 1 8% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p18 233 K q850 1 16% shouldered 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p19 233 K q850 1 5% deep 5 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p20 233 q850 1 15% necked straight 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p21 233 M q850 1 4% deep 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p22 233 M q850 1 4% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p23 233 M q850 1 8% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p24 233 M q850 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p25 233 M q850 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p26 233 M q850 1 7% deep 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p27 233 q850 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p28 233 M q850 1 5% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p29 233 M q850 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p30 233 M q850 1 7% other 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p31 233 q850 1 5% necked straight 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p32 233 q850 1 14% necked straight 5 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p33 233 q850 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p34 233 M q850 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p35 233 M q850 1 5% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p36 233 M q850 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p37 233 M q850 1 rim: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p38 233 M q850 1 6% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p39 233 K q850 1 1 K9 3% deep 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p40 233 M q850 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p41 233 q850 1 spout spout 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p42 233 M q850 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p43 233 M q850 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p44 233 M q850 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p45 233 M q850 1 1% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p46 233 M q850 1 7% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q850-p47 233 q850 1 Mit footed base base: type unspecified 2014-03-03 mkb J01q850-p70 233 q850 1 3 registers of dark paint: upper parallel lines some scallop shaped, middle running S-curve, lower hatched band 1 M22 2008-07-20 hh J01q850-p71 233 q850 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q850-p72 233 q850 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q850-p73 233 q850 1 2008-07-20 hh J01q850-p74 233 q850 1 1 M3 2008-08-18 hh J01q851-p1 209 q851 1 9% hole mouth 4 2008-08-18 hh J01q851-p2 209 q851 1 1 M26 rim: square 2008-08-18 sm J01q851-p70 209 q851 17 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p1 209 M q852 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p2 209 q852 1 50% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p3 209 q852 1 1 M19 12% deep 810 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p4 209 q852 1 6% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p5 209 q852 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p6 209 M q852 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p7 209 q852 1 16% base: low ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p8 209 M q852 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p9 209 M q852 1 10% base: rounded 2008-08-18 hh J01q852-p10 209 M q852 1 5% round sided 802 2008-08-18 sm J01q852-p70 209 q852 4 2008-08-18 sm J01q852-p73 209 q852 13 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p1 174 M q853 1 5% shouldered 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p2 174 q853 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p3 174 q853 1 1% other 10 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p4 174 q853 1 8% round sided 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p5 174 q853 1 7% other 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p6 174 M q853 1 rim: flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p7 174 M q853 1 7% deep 803 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p8 174 M q853 1 4% hole mouth 811 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p9 174 q853 1 base: type unspecified 2008-08-17 hh J01q853-p10 174 M q853 1 12% other 801 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p1 233 q854 1 6% base: exterior ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p2 233 M q854 1 base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p3 233 M q854 1 8% deep 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p4 233 M q854 1 7% other 807 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p5 233 M q854 1 5% deep 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p6 233 M q854 1 21% hole mouth 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p7 233 M q854 1 9% conical (cup) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p8 233 M q854 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p9 233 M q854 1 handle 1 M24 handle: type unspecified 2014-03-03 cjc J01q854-p69 233 q854 1 drawing was formerly q854-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# handle: type unspecified 2008-07-21 hh J01q854-p70 233 q854 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p1 225 M q855 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p2 225 q855 1 base: rounded 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p3 225 M q855 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p4 225 q855 1 8% hole mouth 3 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p5 225 q855 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p6 225 q855 1 7% necked straight 1 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p7 225 q855 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p8 225 q855 1 rim: square 2008-07-12 hh J01q855-p9 225 M q855 1 rim: square 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p71 225 q855 11 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p72 225 q855 2 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p73 225 q855 2 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p74 225 q855 6 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p76 225 q855 2 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p77 225 q855 1 1 K4 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p78 225 q855 1 1 M16 2008-07-10 hh J01q855-p79 225 q855 1 1 M20 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p1 233 M q856 1 1 M18 13% straight sided 801 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p2 233 M q856 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p3 233 M q856 1 1 M18 7% deep 801 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p4 233 M q856 1 rim: square 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p5 233 M q856 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p6 233 q856 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p7 233 M q856 1 9% base: low ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p8 233 K q856 1 1 K1 8% necked straight 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p9 233 M q856 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p10 233 K q856 1 1 K9 8% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p11 233 M q856 1 B7 5% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p12 233 M q856 1 6% deep 805 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p13 233 q856 1 rim: square 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p14 233 M q856 1 7% deep 807 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p15 233 M q856 1 1 M21 9% base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p16 233 q856 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p17 233 M q856 1 11% base: low ring 3 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p18 233 q856 1 9% other 2009-09-16 ac J01q856-p19 233 M q856 1 100% base: solid footed 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p20 233 M q856 1 handle 100% other 812 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p21 233 K q856 1 9% necked straight 2 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p22 233 q856 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p23 233 q856 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p24 233 q856 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p25 233 M q856 1 8% deep 803 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p26 233 M q856 1 1 M2 7% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-17 hh J01q856-p27 233 M q856 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p70 233 q856 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p71 233 q856 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p72 233 q856 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p73 233 q856 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p74 233 q856 4 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p75 233 q856 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p76 233 q856 3 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q856-p77 233 q856 63 2008-08-18 sm J01q858-p70 209 q858 3 2008-08-18 sm J01q858-p71 209 q858 1 2008-08-18 sm J01q858-p72 209 q858 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q860-p1 214 q860 1 14% hole mouth 1 2008-08-20 sm J01q860-p70 214 q860 3 2008-08-20 sm J01q860-p71 214 q860 4 2008-08-20 sm J01q860-p72 214 q860 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q861-p1 231 q861 1 22% other 16 2008-08-16 hh J01q861-p2 231 M q861 1 1 M19 10% shouldered 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q861-p3 231 q861 1 rim: simple 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q861-p4 231 q861 1 10% hole mouth 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q861-p5 231 q861 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p70 231 q861 15 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p71 231 q861 1 3 A1 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p72 231 q861 2 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p73 231 q861 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p74 231 q861 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p75 231 q861 3 2006-10-05 hh J01q861-p76 231 q861 7 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p1 233 K q862 1 1 K1 17% necked 2 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p2 233 M q862 1 B6 9% hole mouth 813 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p3 233 M q862 1 previously categorized as deep bowl (bd-804, bd-806) 4% hole mouth 804 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p4 233 q862 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p5 233 M q862 1 1 M18 15% other 803 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p6 233 q862 1 50% base: string cut cup 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p7 233 M q862 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p8 233 M q862 1 75% base: high ring 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p9 233 q862 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p10 233 K q862 1 1 K8 7% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p11 233 M q862 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p12 233 q862 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-28 hh J01q862-p13 233 q862 1 5% straight sided 2 2014-03-08 mkb J01q862-p70 233 q862 1 1 K6 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p71 233 q862 19 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p72 233 q862 16 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p73 233 q862 7 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p74 233 q862 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p75 233 q862 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p76 233 q862 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p77 233 q862 1 3 A2 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p78 233 q862 2 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p79 233 q862 1 2 I7 2008-07-24 hh J01q862-p80 233 q862 49 2008-07-21 hh J01q863-p1 233 M q863 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q863-p2 233 M q863 1 8% hole mouth 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q863-p3 233 q863 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q863-p4 233 q863 1 6% hole mouth 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q863-p5 233 M q863 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-20 hh J01q863-p70 233 q863 36 2008-07-20 hh J01q863-p71 233 q863 8 2008-07-20 hh J01q863-p72 233 q863 3 2008-07-20 hh J01q863-p73 233 q863 1 B7 2008-07-20 hh J01q863-p74 233 q863 1 2 I7 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p1 233 M q864 1 6% deep 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p2 233 M q864 1 5% deep 815 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p3 233 M q864 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p4 233 M q864 1 5% deep 812 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p5 233 M q864 1 3% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p6 233 M q864 1 carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p7 233 M q864 1 B6 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p8 233 M q864 1 B7 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p9 233 M q864 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p10 233 q864 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p11 233 M q864 1 13% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p12 233 M q864 1 25% base: high ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p13 233 M q864 1 6% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p14 233 M q864 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p15 233 K q864 1 10% 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p16 233 M q864 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p17 233 M q864 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p18 233 M q864 1 2 I7 5% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p19 233 M q864 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 813 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p20 233 M q864 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p21 233 M q864 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p70 233 q864 69 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p71 233 q864 8 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p72 233 q864 7 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p73 233 q864 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p74 233 q864 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q864-p75 233 q864 1 1 M3 2008-08-13 sm J01q865-p70 208 q865 9 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p1 203 q867 1 40% base: string cut cup 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p2 203 q867 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p3 203 q867 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p4 203 M q867 1 11% base: ring 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p5 203 q867 1 rim: flat 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p6 203 q867 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p7 203 M q867 1 1 M19 7% necked straight 801 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p8 203 q867 1 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p9 203 q867 1 6% other 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p10 203 q867 1 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p11 203 q867 1 7% other 5 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p12 203 q867 1 8% deep 8 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p13 203 M q867 1 1 M18 rim: square 2008-09-14 hh J01q867-p14 203 M q867 1 8% base: low ring 2008-08-03 sm J01q867-p70 203 q867 1 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q867-p71 203 q867 2 2008-08-03 sm J01q867-p72 203 q867 4 2008-08-03 sm J01q867-p73 203 q867 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q867-p74 203 q867 3 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q867-p75 203 q867 30 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p1 175 M q868 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p2 175 K q868 1 5% other 2 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p3 175 M q868 1 7% 808 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p4 175 q868 1 10% necked straight 4 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p5 175 q868 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p6 175 M q868 1 4% other 806 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p7 175 q868 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-11 hh J01q868-p8 175 M q868 1 7% other 801 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p70 175 q868 15 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p71 175 q868 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p72 175 q868 1 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p73 175 q868 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p74 175 q868 61 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p75 175 q868 1 2 I1 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p76 175 q868 1 1 M3 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p77 175 q868 1 1 K4 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p78 175 q868 17 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p79 175 q868 1 1 M21 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p80 175 q868 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p81 175 q868 15 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p82 175 q868 5 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p83 175 q868 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p84 175 q868 10 4 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p86 175 q868 1 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p87 175 q868 1 1 K4 4 2008-08-10 sm J01q868-p88 175 q868 1 K-13 1 M2 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p1 234 K q869 1 12% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p2 234 q869 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p3 234 q869 1 10% deep 7 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p4 234 M q869 1 STRAINER 15% base: ring 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p5 234 q869 1 7% other 16 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p6 234 M q869 1 9% base: low ring 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p7 234 q869 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p8 234 q869 1 20% 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p9 234 M q869 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-24 hh J01q869-p10 234 q869 1 7% other 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q869-p70 234 q869 39 2008-07-21 hh J01q869-p71 234 q869 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q869-p72 234 q869 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q869-p73 234 q869 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q869-p74 234 q869 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q869-p75 234 q869 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p1 233 M q870 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p2 233 M q870 1 1 M18 6% round sided 804 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p3 233 M q870 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p4 233 M q870 1 1 M21 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p5 233 M q870 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p6 233 M q870 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p7 233 q870 1 12% other 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p8 233 M q870 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p9 233 M q870 1 3% hole mouth 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p10 233 M q870 1 5% deep 806 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p11 233 M q870 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p12 233 q870 1 9% hole mouth 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p13 233 M q870 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p14 233 q870 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p70 233 q870 109 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p71 233 q870 25 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p72 233 q870 8 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p73 233 q870 5 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p74 233 q870 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p75 233 q870 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p76 233 q870 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p77 233 q870 2 1 M16 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p78 233 q870 4 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p79 233 q870 4 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p80 233 q870 1 1 M7 2008-07-21 hh J01q870-p81 233 q870 3 2 I1 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p1 233 M q871 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p2 233 q871 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p3 233 M q871 1 6% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p4 233 q871 1 HANDLE 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p5 233 q871 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p6 233 M q871 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p7 233 M q871 1 5% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p8 233 M q871 1 6% round sided 807 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p9 233 K q871 1 3% other 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p10 233 M q871 1 1 M3 10% conical (cup) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p11 233 M q871 1 9% hole mouth 806 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p12 233 M q871 1 1 M2 17% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p13 233 q871 1 9% deep 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p14 233 q871 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p70 233 q871 64 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p71 233 q871 15 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p72 233 q871 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p73 233 q871 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p74 233 q871 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p75 233 q871 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p76 233 q871 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p77 233 q871 1 2 I1 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p78 233 q871 1 1 M8 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p79 233 q871 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p80 233 q871 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q871-p81 233 q871 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q872-p70 233 q872 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q872-p71 233 q872 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q872-p72 233 q872 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q872-p73 233 q872 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q872-p74 233 q872 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p1 231 q873 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p2 231 q873 1 3% deep 14 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p3 231 q873 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p4 231 q873 1 19% necked straight 6 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p70 231 q873 30 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p71 231 q873 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p72 231 q873 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p73 231 q873 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p74 231 q873 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p75 231 q873 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p76 231 q873 1 2 I7 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p77 231 q873 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q873-p78 231 q873 1 2 I3 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p1 229 M q874 1 22% base: ring 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p2 229 M q874 1 16% base: ring 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p3 229 M q874 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p4 229 M q874 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p5 229 M q874 1 55% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p6 229 M q874 1 7% 808 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p7 229 q874 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p8 229 q874 1 rim: flat 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p9 229 M q874 1 1 M2 6% deep 801 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p10 229 M q874 1 7% deep 807 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p11 229 M q874 1 1 M3 7% deep 809 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p12 229 M q874 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-07-25 hh J01q874-p13 229 q874 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2014-03-08 mkb J01q874-p70 229 q874 1 dark running rhomboids, upper straight line 1 M22 2008-07-24 hh J01q874-p71 229 q874 10 2008-07-24 hh J01q874-p72 229 q874 6 2008-07-24 hh J01q874-p73 229 q874 1 2 I7 2008-07-24 hh J01q874-p74 229 q874 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q874-p75 229 q874 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q874-p76 229 q874 55 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p1 229 M q875 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p2 229 M q875 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p3 229 M q875 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p4 229 M q875 1 35% base: high ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p5 229 M q875 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p6 229 M q875 1 5% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p7 229 M q875 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p8 229 M q875 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p9 229 M q875 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p10 229 M q875 1 40% base: high ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p11 229 M q875 1 70% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p12 229 M q875 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p13 229 M q875 1 25% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p14 229 q875 1 7% other 16 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p15 229 M q875 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p16 229 M q875 1 7% 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p17 229 M q875 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p18 229 K q875 1 7% necked straight 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p19 229 M q875 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p20 229 q875 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p21 229 q875 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p22 229 M q875 1 9% other 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p23 229 M q875 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p24 229 q875 1 rim: square 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p25 229 M q875 1 4% round sided 807 2008-08-03 hh J01q875-p26 229 q875 1 10% other 11 2008-07-21 hh J01q876-p1 231 M q876 1 M3 and M19 decoration 1 M3 17% necked straight 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q876-p2 231 M q876 1 10% hole mouth 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q876-p70 231 q876 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q876-p71 231 q876 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p1 229 q877 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p2 229 M q877 1 stopper base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p3 229 q877 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p4 229 q877 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p5 229 q877 1 stopper hole mouth 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p6 229 q877 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p7 229 q877 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p8 229 q877 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p9 229 q877 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p10 229 M q877 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p11 229 M q877 1 30% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p12 229 M q877 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p13 229 M q877 1 17% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p14 229 q877 1 100% base: high ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p15 229 M q877 1 18% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p16 229 M q877 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p17 229 M q877 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p18 229 M q877 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p19 229 M q877 1 9% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p20 229 M q877 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p22 229 q877 1 7% base: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p23 229 q877 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p24 229 M q877 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p25 229 M q877 1 16% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p26 229 M q877 1 8% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p27 229 M q877 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p28 229 q877 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p29 229 M q877 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p30 229 M q877 1 100% base: solid footed, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p31 229 M q877 1 2% base: solid footed 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p32 229 M q877 1 1% base: solid footed 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p33 229 q877 1 100% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p34 229 M q877 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p35 229 q877 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p36 229 q877 1 10% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p37 229 q877 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p38 229 q877 1 5% other 16 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p39 229 K q877 1 1 K9 deep 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p40 229 M q877 1 5% deep 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p41 229 M q877 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 812 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p42 229 M q877 1 M18 and M22 decoration 1 M18 7% shouldered 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p43 229 K q877 1 1 K1 7% necked straight 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p44 229 q877 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p45 229 M q877 1 6% deep 811 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p46 229 M q877 1 9% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p47 229 M q877 1 10% deep 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p48 229 M q877 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p49 229 M q877 1 rim: square 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p50 229 K q877 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p51 229 M q877 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p52 229 M q877 1 25% necked straight 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p53 229 q877 1 14% other 16 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p54 229 M q877 1 10% necked straight 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p55 229 q877 1 rim: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p56 229 M q877 1 4% deep 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p57 229 M q877 1 4% deep 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p58 229 q877 1 6% hole mouth 5 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p59 229 M q877 1 rim: square 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p60 229 q877 1 revised from kbo-2 upon further review Z311 mKB 4% hammer-rim 102 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p61 229 q877 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p62 229 q877 1 2 I1 4% deep 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p63 229 M q877 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p64 229 M q877 1 2% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p65 229 q877 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p66 229 M q877 1 5% other 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p67 229 M q877 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p68 229 q877 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p69 229 M q877 1 5% hole mouth 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p70 229 M q877 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p71 229 M q877 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p72 229 q877 1 7% necked straight 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p73 229 q877 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p74 229 q877 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p75 229 M q877 1 8% deep 805 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p76 229 M q877 1 8% deep 810 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p77 229 q877 1 rim: pointed 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p78 229 M q877 1 3% deep 810 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p79 229 M q877 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p80 229 M q877 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p81 229 q877 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p82 229 M q877 1 1 M9 10% necked straight 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p83 229 q877 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p84 229 M q877 1 5% 803 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p85 229 M q877 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p86 229 M q877 1 1 M2 15% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p87 229 M q877 1 1 M2 6% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p88 229 q877 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p89 229 q877 1 rim: collared-grooved 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p90 229 q877 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p91 229 q877 1 rim: square 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p92 229 q877 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p93 229 q877 1 rim: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p94 229 q877 1 rim: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q877-p95 229 q877 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p1 231 M q878 1 1 M19 18% straight sided 801 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p2 231 M q878 1 M-3 4% hole mouth 813 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p3 231 q878 1 B7 10% hole mouth 1 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p4 231 q878 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p5 231 M q878 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p6 231 q878 1 B6 10% necked flaring (necked) 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p7 231 M q878 1 4% other 801 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p8 231 q878 1 7% necked straight 2 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p9 231 q878 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p10 231 q878 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p11 231 q878 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p12 231 q878 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p13 231 q878 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p14 231 q878 1 100% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p15 231 q878 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p16 231 M q878 1 12% base: ring 2008-08-15 hh J01q878-p17 231 M q878 1 25% base: ring 2014-03-08 mkb J01q878-p70 231 q878 1 solid line dividing two registers, upper register scallops, lower register hatching 1 M22 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p71 231 q878 1,3 stopper 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p72 231 q878 21 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p73 231 q878 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p74 231 q878 2 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p75 231 q878 1 1 M8 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p76 231 q878 15 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p77 231 q878 1 3 A1 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p78 231 q878 2 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p79 231 q878 50 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p80 231 q878 3 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p81 231 q878 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p82 231 q878 1 1 M9 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p83 231 q878 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p84 231 q878 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p85 231 q878 7 2006-10-05 hh J01q878-p86 231 q878 7 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p1 231 q879 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p2 231 q879 1 7% deep 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p3 231 M q879 1 other 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p4 231 q879 1 5% other 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p5 231 q879 1 3% hole mouth 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p6 231 q879 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p7 231 q879 1 13% necked straight 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p8 231 M q879 1 9% shouldered 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p9 231 q879 1 two mouth jar globular body double-mouthed 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p10 231 M q879 1 1 M15 5% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p11 231 M q879 1 1% deep 814 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p12 231 q879 1 10% hole mouth 5 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p13 231 q879 1 4% deep 14 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p14 231 q879 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p15 231 q879 1 8% other 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p16 231 q879 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p17 231 q879 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p18 231 q879 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p19 231 q879 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p20 231 M q879 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p21 231 q879 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p22 231 M q879 1 handle handle: type unspecified 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p23 231 q879 1 1% round sided 2008-08-16 hh J01q879-p24 231 q879 1 5% conical (cup) 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p70 231 q879 61 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p71 231 q879 1 B6 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p72 231 q879 1 2 I7 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p73 231 q879 2 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p74 231 q879 23 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p75 231 q879 3 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p76 231 q879 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q879-p77 231 q879 12 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p1 233 M q880 1 1 M4 11% deep 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p2 233 q880 1 1 M18 13% other 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p3 233 M q880 1 4% deep 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p4 233 M q880 1 8% deep 805 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p5 233 q880 1 5% necked straight 14 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p6 233 M q880 1 3% round sided 805 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p7 233 M q880 1 7% shouldered 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p8 233 q880 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p9 233 q880 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p10 233 q880 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p11 233 q880 1 4% round sided 803 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p12 233 q880 1 base: pointed 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p13 233 q880 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p14 233 q880 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q880-p15 233 M q880 1 75% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p70 233 q880 1 3 A1 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p71 233 q880 2 2 I7 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p72 233 q880 1 2 I1 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p73 233 q880 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p74 233 q880 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p75 233 q880 1 B7 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p76 233 q880 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p77 233 q880 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p78 233 q880 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p79 233 q880 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p80 233 q880 2 1 M8 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p81 233 q880 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p82 233 q880 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p83 233 q880 3 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p84 233 q880 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q880-p85 233 q880 9 2004-10-07 hh J01q881-p1 232 q881 1 rim: notched 2004-10-07 hh J01q881-p2 232 q881 1 rim: flat 2004-10-07 hh J01q881-p3 232 q881 1 5% necked straight 2 2004-10-07 hh J01q881-p4 232 q881 1 1 K11 6% necked flaring (necked) 2 2004-10-07 hh J01q881-p5 232 q881 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p6 232 q881 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p7 232 q881 1 10% base: ring 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p8 232 q881 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p9 232 q881 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p10 232 q881 1 5% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p11 232 q881 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p12 232 q881 1 5% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p13 232 q881 1 6% base: string cut cup 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p14 232 q881 1 1 M21 7% base: flat 2006-10-07 hh J01q881-p15 232 q881 1 Mit footed base base: type unspecified 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p70 232 q881 48 K-13 K13 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p71 232 q881 1 1 K4 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p72 232 q881 1 K6 2008-08-14 sm J01q881-p73 232 q881 26,11 2008-08-14 sm J01q881-p74 232 q881 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p75 232 q881 20 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p76 232 q881 4 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p77 232 q881 2 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p78 232 q881 2 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p79 232 q881 2 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p80 232 q881 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q881-p81 232 q881 2 1 K4 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p1 232 q882 1 B6 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p2 232 K q882 1 1 K9 5% deep 4 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p3 232 q882 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p4 232 q882 1 Stopper 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p5 232 q882 1 5% deep 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p6 232 q882 1 deep 14 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p7 232 q882 1 4% rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p8 232 q882 1 rim: flat 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p9 232 q882 1 rim: flat 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p10 232 q882 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p11 232 q882 1 20% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p12 232 q882 1 35% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p13 232 q882 1 10% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p14 232 q882 1 15% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q882-p15 232 q882 1 75% base: string cut cup J01q882-p70 232 q882 1 one thick line on the body 1 K4? J01q882-p71 232 q882 1 1 K4 J01q882-p72 232 q882 1 crudely painted 1 K6 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p80 232 q882 5 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p81 232 q882 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p82 232 q882 6 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p85 232 q882 1 1 K4 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p86 232 q882 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p87 232 q882 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p88 232 q882 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p89 232 q882 1 1 K5 2006-10-04 hh J01q882-p99 232 q882 56 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p1 232 q883 1 4% straight sided 5 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p2 232 q883 1 4% straight sided 2 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p3 232 M q883 1 1 M3 10% 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p4 232 q883 1 2% conical (cup) 4 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p5 232 q883 1 4% straight sided 2 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p6 232 q883 1 rim: flat 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p7 232 q883 1 rim: beaked 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p8 232 q883 1 12% hole mouth 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p9 232 q883 1 10% hole mouth 2 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p10 232 q883 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p11 232 M q883 1 8% necked 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p12 232 q883 1 7% deep 7 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p13 232 q883 1 20% base: ring 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p14 232 q883 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p15 232 q883 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p16 232 q883 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p17 232 q883 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p18 232 q883 1 base: ring 2006-10-07 hh J01q883-p19 232 q883 1 Stopper 2014-03-08 mkb J01q883-p70 232 q883 1 checkerboard pattern 1 M22 2006-10-04 hh J01q883-p71 232 q883 2 1 K4 2006-10-04 hh J01q883-p72 232 q883 11 2006-10-04 hh J01q883-p73 232 q883 65 2006-10-04 hh J01q883-p74 232 q883 2 1 K4 2006-10-04 hh J01q883-p75 232 q883 1 1 M8 2006-10-04 hh J01q883-p76 232 q883 65 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p1 233 M q884 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p2 233 M q884 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p3 233 M q884 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p4 233 q884 1 9% other 13 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p5 233 q884 1 stopper 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p72 233 q884 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q884-p74 233 q884 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p1 232 q885 1 15% round sided 5 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p2 232 q885 1 10% necked straight 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p3 232 K q885 1 1 K9 6% necked straight 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p4 232 q885 1 3% conical (cup) 4 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p5 232 q885 1 4% shouldered 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p6 232 q885 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p7 232 q885 1 rim: out-turned 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p8 232 q885 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p9 232 q885 1 1 K9 5% other 22 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p10 232 q885 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p11 232 K q885 1 3% round sided 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p12 232 q885 1 5% hole mouth 4 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p13 232 q885 1 15% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p14 232 q885 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p15 232 q885 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q885-p16 232 q885 1 Stopper J01q885-p70 232 q885 1 three registers, upper- unclear, middle- running hatched triangles, lower- diagonal parallel lines forming negative triangle 1 K14 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p71 232 q885 2 2 I7 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p72 232 q885 2 1 K4 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p73 232 q885 2 1 M3 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p74 232 q885 20 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p75 232 q885 26 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p76 232 q885 2 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p77 232 q885 10 2006-10-04 hh J01q885-p79 232 q885 6 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p1 232 M q886 1 9% conical (cup) 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p2 232 q886 1 5% straight sided 6 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p3 232 q886 1 rim: notched 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p4 232 q886 1 1 K1 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p5 232 q886 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p6 232 q886 1 1 K2 rim: beaked 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p7 232 M q886 1 9% small or miniature 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p8 232 q886 1 4% deep 7 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p9 232 K q886 1 1 K3 5% other 22 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p10 232 q886 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p11 232 q886 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p12 232 q886 1 12% base: flat 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p13 232 q886 1 12% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p14 232 q886 1 Stopper 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p15 232 K q886 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p16 232 q886 1 15% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p17 232 q886 1 5% base: flat 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p18 232 q886 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p19 232 q886 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-08 hh J01q886-p20 232 q886 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave J01q886-p70 232 q886 1 running squiggly line between upper and lower borders 1 K13 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p78 232 q886 5 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p79 232 q886 6 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p80 232 q886 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p81 232 q886 1 4 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p82 232 q886 9 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p83 232 q886 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p84 232 q886 1 1 K4 4 2006-10-04 hh J01q886-p85 232 q886 1 1 M2 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p1 235 M q887 1 HANDLE 10% other 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p2 235 M q887 1 1 M 15% carinated sharp (carination) 810 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p3 235 M q887 1 10% 802 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p4 235 M q887 1 1 M23 3% other 808 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p5 235 M q887 1 5% deep 805 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p6 235 q887 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p7 235 M q887 1 7% other 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p8 235 q887 1 3% conical (cup) 3 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p9 235 q887 1 9% hole mouth 5 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p10 235 q887 1 12% round sided base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p11 235 M q887 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p12 235 q887 1 15% base: string cut cup 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p13 235 q887 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p14 235 q887 1 2 I1 2008-08-16 hh J01q887-p15 235 q887 1 J01q887-p70 235 q887 1 vertical parallel lines, vertical squiggly lines, rest unclear pattern 1 K13 J01q887-p71 235 q887 1 embedded v-shaped pattern 1 M22 2008-07-21 hh J01q888-p1 236 q888 1 11% other 13 2008-07-21 hh J01q888-p2 236 q888 1 6% conical (cup) 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q888-p3 236 q888 1 stopper 2008-07-22 hh J01q888-p70 236 q888 18 2008-07-22 hh J01q888-p73 236 q888 3 2008-07-22 hh J01q888-p75 236 q888 1 1 K4 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p1 235 M q889 1 30% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p2 235 M q889 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p3 235 M q889 1 12% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p4 235 M q889 1 1 M19 5% deep 805 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p5 235 q889 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p6 235 M q889 1 rim: square 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p7 235 q889 1 base: type unspecified 2008-07-24 hh J01q889-p8 235 q889 1 hole for repair 2008-07-23 hh J01q889-p72 235 q889 4 2008-07-23 hh J01q889-p73 235 q889 2 2008-07-23 hh J01q889-p75 235 q889 1 3 A1 2008-07-23 hh J01q889-p76 235 q889 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q890-p1 235 M q890 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q890-p2 235 M q890 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q890-p3 235 M q890 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q890-p4 235 M q890 1 B6 12% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q890-p5 235 M q890 1 M-3 1 M19 13% shouldered 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q890-p6 235 M q890 1 9% deep 805 2008-08-14 sm J01q890-p70 235 q890 1 2008-08-14 sm J01q890-p71 235 q890 3 2008-08-14 sm J01q890-p73 235 q890 34 2008-07-23 hh J01q890-p75 235 q890 31 2008-07-23 hh J01q890-p76 235 q890 4 2008-07-23 hh J01q890-p77 235 q890 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q890-p78 235 q890 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q890-p79 235 q890 1 1 M3 2008-07-23 hh J01q890-p80 235 q890 1 2 I7 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p1 237 q891 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p2 237 q891 1 15% conical (cup) 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p3 237 M q891 1 1 M19 5% conical (cup) 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p4 237 M q891 1 15% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p5 237 M q891 1 11% base: low ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p6 237 M q891 1 7% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p7 237 q891 1 6% deep 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p8 237 q891 1 9% necked 7 2008-07-21 hh J01q891-p9 237 q891 1 19% necked straight 6 2006-10-07 lc J01q891-p10 237 q891 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2006-10-07 lc J01q891-p11 237 q891 1 4% deep 8 2006-10-07 lc J01q891-p12 237 q891 1 Base base: type unspecified 2006-10-07 lc J01q891-p13 237 q891 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p70 237 q891 32 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p71 237 q891 19 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p72 237 q891 6 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p74 237 q891 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p75 237 q891 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p76 237 q891 4 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p77 237 q891 3 1 M3 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p78 237 q891 1 1 M3 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p79 237 q891 1 2 I3 2008-07-22 hh J01q891-p80 237 q891 1 3 A1 2008-07-21 hh J01q892-p1 236 q892 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q892-p2 236 q892 1 10% conical (cup) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q892-p3 236 q892 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q892-p4 236 q892 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q892-p70 236 q892 22 2008-07-22 hh J01q892-p72 236 q892 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p1 237 M q893 1 1 M24 9% deep 805 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p2 237 M q893 1 1 M2 12% 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p3 237 q893 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p4 237 q893 1 7% round sided 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p5 237 M q893 1 8% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p6 237 M q893 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p7 237 M q893 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p8 237 M q893 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q893-p9 237 M q893 1 rim: flat 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p70 237 q893 61 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p71 237 q893 15 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p72 237 q893 6 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p73 237 q893 4 3 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p74 237 q893 5 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p75 237 q893 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p76 237 q893 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p77 237 q893 7 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p78 237 q893 6 2008-07-23 hh J01q893-p80 237 q893 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p1 232 q894 1 5% deep 14 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p2 232 q894 1 10% straight sided 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p3 232 q894 1 3% straight sided 5 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p4 232 M q894 1 1 M9 3% carinated sharp (carination) 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p5 232 q894 1 4% 3 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p6 232 M q894 1 4% deep 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p7 232 q894 1 15% shouldered 3 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p8 232 q894 1 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p9 232 q894 1 13% other 14 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p10 232 q894 1 Jar shoulder shouldered 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p11 232 q894 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p12 232 q894 1 base base: type unspecified 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p13 232 q894 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p14 232 q894 1 15% base: string cut cup 4 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p15 232 q894 1 5% base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q894-p16 232 q894 1 Stopper 2006-10-04 hh J01q894-p70 232 q894 88 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p71 232 q894 1 B6 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p72 232 q894 3 1 K 2006-10-04 hh J01q894-p73 232 q894 22 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p74 232 q894 1 2 I3 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p75 232 q894 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p77 232 q894 7 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p78 232 q894 7 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p79 232 q894 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p80 232 q894 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p81 232 q894 5 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p82 232 q894 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q894-p83 232 q894 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p1 232 q895 1 5% other 5 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p2 232 q895 1 4% deep 14 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p3 232 M q895 1 4% deep 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p4 232 M q895 1 8% other 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p5 232 q895 1 Lamp rim: notched 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p6 232 q895 1 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p7 232 q895 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p8 232 q895 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p9 232 q895 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p10 232 q895 1 14% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2006-10-08 hh J01q895-p11 232 q895 1 10% base: ring J01q895-p70 232 q895 1 Typing as type 805 is tentative. two registers separated by parallel straight lines; upper register K7 running hatched lines; lower register various geometric patterns 1 805 J01q895-p71 232 q895 1 Typing as type 805 is tentative. two registers two parallel lines and the beginning of a third register. Upper register-running triangles, second register running hatched triangles 1 805 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p72 232 q895 1 2 I3 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p73 232 q895 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p74 232 q895 1 strainer B6 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p75 232 q895 2 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p76 232 q895 2 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p77 232 q895 12 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p80 232 q895 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p81 232 q895 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p82 232 q895 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p83 232 q895 4 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p84 232 q895 7 1 M8 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p85 232 q895 2 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p86 232 q895 57 2006-10-05 hh J01q895-p87 232 q895 5 2 I7 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p1 232 q896 1 8% other 2 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p2 232 q896 1 4% conical (cup) 3 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p3 232 q896 1 4% conical (cup) 4 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p4 232 K q896 1 10% 802 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p5 232 K q896 1 1 K9 5% necked straight 2 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p6 232 q896 1 1 K9 rim: square 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p7 232 q896 1 1 K9 6% necked straight 1 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p8 232 q896 1 rim: beaked 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p9 232 q896 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 3 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p10 232 q896 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p11 232 q896 1 4% deep 8 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p12 232 q896 1 base base: type unspecified 2006-10-07 lc J01q896-p13 232 q896 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2014-03-03 mkb J01q896-p70 232 q896 1 1 K4 2006-10-08 hh J01q897-p1 232 q897 1 Stopper 2006-10-08 hh J01q897-p2 232 q897 1 10% base: flat 2006-10-08 hh J01q897-p3 232 q897 1 rim: out-turned 2006-10-08 hh J01q897-p4 232 q897 1 12% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-08 hh J01q897-p5 232 q897 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center J01q897-p70 232 q897 1 three registers: upper register-crosshatching, middle register zig-zag running line, lower register-dots, rest unclear 1 M22 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p74 232 q897 1 1 M8 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p75 232 q897 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p76 232 q897 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p77 232 q897 1 2 I7 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p78 232 q897 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p79 232 q897 29 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p80 232 q897 1 B6 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p81 232 q897 1 B7 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p82 232 q897 1 2 I7 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p83 232 q897 1 1 M8 2006-10-05 hh J01q897-p84 232 q897 1 1 K4 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p1 232 q898 1 1 K4 rim: pointed 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p2 232 K q898 1 1 K4 5% necked straight 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p3 232 q898 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 4 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p4 232 q898 1 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p5 232 q898 1 3% deep 14 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p6 232 q898 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p7 232 q898 1 rim: beaked 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p8 232 K q898 1 3% round sided 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p9 232 q898 1 rim: beaked 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p10 232 q898 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p11 232 q898 1 1 K2 rim: beaked 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p12 232 q898 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p13 232 q898 1 base: ring 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p14 232 q898 1 5% base: flat 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p15 232 q898 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-08 hh J01q898-p16 232 q898 1 8% base: ring 2006-10-04 hh J01q898-p77 232 q898 7 2006-10-04 hh J01q898-p78 232 q898 1 2006-10-04 hh J01q898-p79 232 q898 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p1 232 q899 1 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p2 232 K q899 1 1 K1 6% necked straight 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p3 232 M q899 1 3% hole mouth 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p4 232 q899 1 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p5 232 q899 1 75% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p6 232 q899 1 base: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p7 232 q899 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-08 hh J01q899-p8 232 q899 1 shouldered 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p70 232 q899 43 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p72 232 q899 1 2 I1 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p73 232 q899 1 1 K7 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p74 232 q899 23 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p75 232 q899 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p76 232 q899 12 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p77 232 q899 2 2006-10-05 hh J01q899-p78 232 q899 1 2 I3 2008-08-17 hh J01q957-p1 M q957 1 5% deep 7 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p1 0 q989 1 1 K4 rim: pointed 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p2 0 K q989 1 1 K4 5% necked straight 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p3 0 q989 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p4 0 q989 1 rim: square 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p5 0 q989 1 3% deep 14 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p6 0 q989 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p7 0 q989 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p8 0 K q989 1 3% round sided 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p9 0 q989 1 1 K2 rim: beaked 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p10 0 q989 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p11 0 q989 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p12 0 q989 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p13 0 q989 1 base: ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p14 0 q989 1 5% base: flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p15 0 q989 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q989-p16 0 q989 1 8% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q1000-p1 237 K q1000 1 12% other 22 2008-07-21 hh J01q1000-p2 237 q1000 1 7% conical (cup) 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q1000-p3 237 q1000 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q1000-p4 237 q1000 1 25% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-07-22 hh J01q1000-p70 237 q1000 21 2008-07-22 hh J01q1000-p71 237 q1000 5 2008-07-22 hh J01q1000-p72 237 q1000 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q1000-p73 237 q1000 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q1000-p74 237 q1000 1 2 I7 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p1 232 q1001 1 4% other 5 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p2 232 q1001 1 rim: rounded 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p3 232 q1001 1 5% deep 14 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p4 232 q1001 1 3% other 1 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p5 232 q1001 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 4 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p6 232 q1001 1 1 K9 rim: square 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p7 232 M q1001 1 1 M4 25% 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p8 232 q1001 1 10% straight sided 2 2006-10-08 hh J01q1001-p9 232 q1001 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-05 hh J01q1001-p77 232 q1001 9 2006-10-05 hh J01q1001-p78 232 q1001 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1001-p79 232 q1001 5 2006-10-05 hh J01q1001-p80 232 q1001 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p1 235 q1002 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p2 235 q1002 1 8% conical (cup) 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p3 235 M q1002 1 15% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p4 235 q1002 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p5 235 M q1002 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p6 235 q1002 1 4% conical (cup) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p7 235 q1002 1 3% conical (cup) 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p8 235 q1002 1 strainer 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p9 235 K q1002 1 1 K1 6% other 22 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p10 235 M q1002 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p11 235 M q1002 1 9% necked straight 802 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p12 235 M q1002 1 1 M24 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q1002-p13 235 M q1002 1 10% deep 803 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p70 235 q1002 60 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p71 235 q1002 8 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p72 235 q1002 4 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p73 235 q1002 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p74 235 q1002 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p75 235 q1002 2 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p76 235 q1002 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q1002-p77 235 q1002 1 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q1003-p1 237 q1003 1 25% base: holed in center of base 2008-07-22 hh J01q1003-p70 237 q1003 1,14,2 1 M3 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p1 235 q1004 1 8% deep 11 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p2 235 M q1004 1 1 M2 12% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p3 235 q1004 1 6% hole mouth 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p4 235 M q1004 1 1 M16 2% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p5 235 M q1004 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p6 235 q1004 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p7 235 M q1004 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p8 235 q1004 1 11% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p9 235 q1004 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p10 235 q1004 1 10% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q1004-p11 235 q1004 1 5% other 10 2008-07-23 hh J01q1004-p70 235 q1004 40 2008-07-23 hh J01q1004-p71 235 q1004 7 2008-07-23 hh J01q1004-p73 235 q1004 3 2008-07-23 hh J01q1004-p74 235 q1004 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q1004-p75 235 q1004 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q1004-p76 235 q1004 3 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p1 235 M q1005 1 20% other 801 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p2 235 M q1005 1 7% deep 814 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p3 235 q1005 1 6% deep 11 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p4 235 M q1005 1 rim: beaked 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p5 235 q1005 1 9% other 10 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p6 235 q1005 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p7 235 q1005 1 30% rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p8 235 M q1005 1 base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p9 235 q1005 1 5% base: flat 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p10 235 q1005 1 6% deep 14 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p11 235 q1005 1 5% conical (cup) 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p12 235 q1005 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1005-p13 235 q1005 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1005-p15 235 M q1005 1 description added based on drawing W21d0488 other 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1005-p59 235 q1005 1 drawing was formerly q1005-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# shouldered 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p60 235 q1005 1 5% other 10 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p61 235 q1005 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p62 235 q1005 1 11% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p63 235 M q1005 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p64 235 q1005 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p65 235 M q1005 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p66 235 M q1005 1 1 M16 2% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p67 235 q1005 1 6% hole mouth 4 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p68 235 M q1005 1 1 M2 12% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q1005-p69 235 q1005 1 8% deep 11 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p70 235 q1005 43 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p71 235 q1005 8 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p72 235 q1005 1 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p74 235 q1005 1 1 M3 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p75 235 q1005 1 1 M5 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p76 235 q1005 2 2008-07-23 hh J01q1005-p77 235 q1005 2 2 I7 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p1 237 q1006 1 5% straight sided 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p2 237 M q1006 1 20% base: ring 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p3 237 M q1006 1 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p4 237 q1006 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p5 237 q1006 1 20% base: flat 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p6 237 q1006 1 5% base: pointed 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p7 237 M q1006 1 other 803 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p8 237 M q1006 1 7% other 801 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p9 237 M q1006 1 rim: square 2008-07-21 hh J01q1006-p10 237 q1006 1 STOPPER 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p70 237 q1006 43 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p71 237 q1006 15 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p72 237 q1006 4 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p73 237 q1006 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p74 237 q1006 1 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p75 237 q1006 1 1 M3 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p76 237 q1006 1 1 M3 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p77 237 q1006 1 3 A1 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p78 237 q1006 1 1 M3 2008-07-22 hh J01q1006-p79 237 q1006 1 2 I7 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p1 237 q1007 1 15% conical (cup) 1 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p2 237 q1007 1 13% necked straight 9 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p3 237 q1007 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p4 237 q1007 1 5% other 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p5 237 q1007 1 9% straight sided 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p6 237 q1007 1 6% conical (cup) 2 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p7 237 q1007 1 50% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-21 hh J01q1007-p8 237 M q1007 1 1 M8 5% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p70 237 q1007 43 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p71 237 q1007 9 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p72 237 q1007 7 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p73 237 q1007 3 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p74 237 q1007 2 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p75 237 q1007 2 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p76 237 q1007 1 B6 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p77 237 q1007 1 1 K4 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p78 237 q1007 1 1 M3 2008-07-22 hh J01q1007-p79 237 q1007 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p1 240 q1009 1 4% hole mouth 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p2 240 q1009 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p3 240 q1009 1 3% 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p4 240 M q1009 1 5% other 806 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p5 240 q1009 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p6 240 q1009 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p7 240 q1009 1 4% straight sided 5 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p8 240 M q1009 1 2% hole mouth 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p9 240 q1009 1 4% 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p10 240 q1009 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p11 240 q1009 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p12 240 q1009 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p13 240 q1009 1 imitation BC base: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1009-p14 240 q1009 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p70 240 q1009 1 1 K5 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p71 240 q1009 1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p72 240 q1009 72 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p73 240 q1009 5 1 K4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p74 240 q1009 6 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p75 240 q1009 1 1 M3 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p76 240 q1009 2 2006-10-06 hh J01q1009-p82 240 q1009 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p1 240 M q1010 1 8% deep 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p2 240 K q1010 1 1 K9 7% deep 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p3 240 q1010 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p4 240 q1010 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p5 240 M q1010 1 5% xdl 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p6 240 q1010 1 2% 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p8 240 q1010 1 5% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p9 240 q1010 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p10 240 q1010 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p11 240 M q1010 1 2% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p12 240 q1010 1 spout spout 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p13 240 q1010 1 base: type unspecified 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p14 240 q1010 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1010-p15 240 q1010 1 1 M3 base: rounded 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p70 240 q1010 73 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p72 240 q1010 1 2 I2 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p73 240 q1010 1 2 I7 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p74 240 q1010 3 1 K4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p75 240 q1010 17 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p76 240 q1010 1 1 K6 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p77 240 q1010 1 1 M1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p78 240 q1010 10 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p79 240 q1010 1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p80 240 q1010 5 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p81 240 q1010 1 1 K4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p82 240 q1010 1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1010-p83 240 q1010 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p1 240 q1011 1 2 I2 5% other 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p2 240 M q1011 1 1 M4 11% necked flaring (necked) 804 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p3 240 q1011 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p4 240 q1011 1 6% round sided 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p5 240 M q1011 1 2% necked straight 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p6 240 q1011 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p7 240 K q1011 1 5% 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p8 240 q1011 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1011-p9 240 M q1011 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2006-10-07 hh J01q1011-p70 240 q1011 51 2006-10-07 hh J01q1011-p71 240 q1011 1 2 I7 2006-10-07 hh J01q1011-p72 240 q1011 11 2006-10-07 hh J01q1011-p79 240 q1011 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1011-p80 240 q1011 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p1 240 q1012 1 10% 5 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p2 240 M q1012 1 3% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p3 240 M q1012 1 12% 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p4 240 q1012 1 8% other 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p5 240 M q1012 1 7% round sided 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p6 240 q1012 1 7% other 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p7 240 q1012 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p8 240 M q1012 1 rim: flat 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p9 240 q1012 1 4% straight sided 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p10 240 q1012 1 80% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p11 240 q1012 1 lamp 4% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p12 240 q1012 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p13 240 q1012 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1012-p14 240 q1012 1 cart 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p70 240 q1012 12 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p71 240 q1012 1 1 K2 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p75 240 q1012 1 1 M3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p76 240 q1012 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p77 240 q1012 4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p81 240 q1012 1 4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1012-p82 240 q1012 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1013-p1 238 q1013 1 19% necked straight 2008-08-16 hh J01q1013-p2 238 q1013 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1013-p3 238 q1013 1 15% base: ring 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1013-p4 238 q1013 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1013-p5 238 q1013 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2006-10-05 hh J01q1013-p70 238 q1013 32 2006-10-05 hh J01q1013-p71 238 q1013 2 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q1013-p72 238 q1013 1 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q1013-p73 238 q1013 5 2006-10-05 hh J01q1013-p77 238 q1013 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q1013-p78 238 q1013 1 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p1 240 M q1014 1 1 M3 5% other 806 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p2 240 M q1014 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 806 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p3 240 q1014 1 rim: square 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p4 240 q1014 1 15% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p5 240 q1014 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p6 240 q1014 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p7 240 q1014 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p8 240 q1014 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p9 240 q1014 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1014-p10 240 q1014 1 base: rounded 2006-10-06 hh J01q1014-p70 240 q1014 50 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p71 240 q1014 1 2 I1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p72 240 q1014 1 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p73 240 q1014 1 1 K2 2006-10-06 hh J01q1014-p74 240 q1014 16 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p78 240 q1014 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p79 240 q1014 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p80 240 q1014 3 2006-10-06 hh J01q1014-p81 240 q1014 3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1014-p82 240 q1014 1 1 K4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1014-p83 240 q1014 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p1 240 M q1015 1 1 M2 11% necked straight 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p2 240 q1015 1 6% 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p3 240 q1015 1 7% deep 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p4 240 M q1015 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p5 240 q1015 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p6 240 q1015 1 6% conical (cup) 1 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p7 240 q1015 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p8 240 q1015 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p9 240 q1015 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p10 240 q1015 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p11 240 q1015 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p12 240 q1015 1 7% base: low ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p13 240 q1015 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p14 240 q1015 1 base: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p15 240 q1015 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p16 240 q1015 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1015-p17 240 q1015 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 3 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p70 240 q1015 62 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p71 240 q1015 1 2 I2 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p72 240 q1015 2 2 I1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p76 240 q1015 1 1 M3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p77 240 q1015 1 1 K7 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p78 240 q1015 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p79 240 q1015 9 2006-10-07 hh J01q1015-p80 240 q1015 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p1 240 q1016 1 M-19 1 M24 18% straight sided 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p2 240 q1016 1 1 M24 18% straight sided 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p3 240 q1016 1 10% round sided 807 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p4 240 M q1016 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p5 240 q1016 1 7% other 804 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p6 240 q1016 1 5% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p7 240 q1016 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-16 hh J01q1016-p8 240 q1016 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p70 240 q1016 61 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p71 240 q1016 2 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p72 240 q1016 1 1 K2 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p73 240 q1016 16 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p74 240 q1016 5 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p75 240 q1016 2 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p76 240 q1016 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1016-p77 240 q1016 2 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1017-p1 238 M q1017 1 description added based on drawing W21d0105 necked straight 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1017-p2 238 M q1017 1 description added based on drawing W21d0106 carinated sharp (carination) 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p3 238 q1017 1 7% other 16 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p4 238 q1017 1 10% necked straight 14 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p5 238 q1017 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p6 238 M q1017 1 5% other 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p7 238 q1017 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p8 238 q1017 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p9 238 M q1017 1 rim: square 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p10 238 q1017 1 5% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p11 238 q1017 1 7% round sided 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p12 238 q1017 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p13 238 q1017 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p14 238 q1017 1 4% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p15 238 q1017 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p16 238 q1017 1 6% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p17 238 q1017 1 50% base: string cut cup 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p18 238 q1017 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p19 238 q1017 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p20 238 q1017 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p21 238 q1017 1 100% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p22 238 q1017 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1017-p23 238 q1017 door socket 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p70 238 q1017 42 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p71 238 q1017 1 B7 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p72 238 q1017 25 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p75 238 q1017 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p76 238 q1017 1 2 I7 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p77 238 q1017 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p78 238 q1017 8 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p79 238 q1017 2 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p80 238 q1017 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p81 238 q1017 2 2006-10-05 hh J01q1017-p82 238 q1017 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1018-p1 239 M q1018 1 2 I2 7% deep 806 2008-08-16 hh J01q1018-p2 239 q1018 1 10% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1018-p3 239 q1018 1 6% other 5 2008-08-16 hh J01q1018-p4 239 q1018 1 base: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1018-p5 239 q1018 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1018-p70 239 q1018 5 2006-10-05 hh J01q1018-p71 239 q1018 4 2006-10-05 hh J01q1018-p72 239 q1018 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1018-p73 239 q1018 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1018-p74 239 q1018 1 B6 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p1 238 K q1019 1 20% necked straight 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p2 238 q1019 1 7% shouldered 13 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p3 238 q1019 1 2% other 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p4 238 M q1019 1 1 M18 11% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p5 238 q1019 1 10% other 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p6 238 q1019 1 8% conical (cup) 1 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p7 238 q1019 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p8 238 K q1019 1 1% deep 1 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p9 238 q1019 1 1 K1 rim: rounded 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p10 238 K q1019 1 50% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p11 238 M q1019 1 9% base: ring 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p12 238 q1019 1 7% deep 14 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p13 238 q1019 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p14 238 q1019 1 base: rounded 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p15 238 q1019 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p16 238 q1019 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-16 hh J01q1019-p17 238 q1019 1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p70 238 q1019 10 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p71 238 q1019 1 2 I1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p72 238 q1019 1 1 K4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p73 238 q1019 1 1 M3 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p74 238 q1019 24 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p75 238 q1019 1 2 I4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p76 238 q1019 1 1 K4 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p77 238 q1019 9 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p78 238 q1019 2 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p79 238 q1019 5 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p80 238 q1019 1 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p81 238 q1019 1 1 M3 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p82 238 q1019 2 2006-10-06 hh J01q1019-p83 238 q1019 4 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p1 238 M q1020 1 5% 802 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p2 238 q1020 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p3 238 q1020 1 7% conical (cup) 1 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p4 238 q1020 1 2% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p5 238 q1020 1 B1 7% necked straight 4 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1020-p6 238 q1020 1 description added based on drawing W21d0102 base: high ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p7 238 q1020 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p8 238 q1020 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1020-p9 238 q1020 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p70 238 q1020 41 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p71 238 q1020 13 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p72 238 q1020 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p73 238 q1020 7 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p74 238 q1020 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p75 238 q1020 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q1020-p76 238 q1020 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p1 238 M q1021 1 1 M18 5% deep 806 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p2 238 q1021 1 18% other 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p3 238 K q1021 1 1 K9 other 22 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p4 238 M q1021 1 5% straight sided 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p5 238 M q1021 1 9% necked straight 801 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p6 238 q1021 1 11% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p7 238 q1021 1 rim: flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p8 238 q1021 1 3% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p9 238 q1021 1 12% other 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p10 238 M q1021 1 3% other 3 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p11 238 q1021 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p12 238 q1021 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p13 238 q1021 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p14 238 M q1021 1 STOPPER 5% base: ring 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1021-p15 238 q1021 1 2 I7 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p70 238 q1021 61 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p72 238 q1021 1 1 K5 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p73 238 q1021 2 1 K4 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p74 238 q1021 1 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p75 238 q1021 6 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p76 238 q1021 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p77 238 q1021 3 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p78 238 q1021 2 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p79 238 q1021 2 2006-10-05 hh J01q1021-p80 238 q1021 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1022-p1 236 q1022 1 7% base: low ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1022-p2 236 q1022 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1022-p3 236 q1022 1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1022-p70 236 q1022 17 2006-10-05 hh J01q1022-p71 236 q1022 1 B6 2006-10-05 hh J01q1022-p72 236 q1022 2 1 M3 2006-10-05 hh J01q1022-p74 236 q1022 7 2006-10-05 hh J01q1022-p75 236 q1022 1,2 3 A1 2006-10-05 hh J01q1022-p76 236 q1022 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p1 238 M q1023 1 1 M19 7% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p2 238 q1023 1 5% shouldered 13 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p3 238 M q1023 1 9% necked 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p4 238 M q1023 1 1 M18 4% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p5 238 q1023 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p6 238 q1023 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p7 238 q1023 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p8 238 q1023 1 12% base: string cut cup 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p9 238 q1023 1 5% base: type unspecified 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p10 238 q1023 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q1023-p11 238 q1023 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p1 238 q1024 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p2 238 q1024 1 11% necked straight 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p3 238 q1024 1 12% necked straight 14 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p4 238 M q1024 1 4% deep 802 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p5 238 M q1024 1 22% base: low ring 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p6 238 M q1024 1 25% base: pointed 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p7 238 q1024 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p8 238 q1024 1 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p9 238 q1024 1 50% base: string cut cup 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p10 238 M q1024 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p11 238 q1024 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p12 238 q1024 1 5% shouldered 10 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p13 238 q1024 1 rim: flat 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p14 238 q1024 1 4% hole mouth 5 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p15 238 q1024 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p16 238 M q1024 1 4% other 801 2008-08-17 hh J01q1024-p17 238 q1024 1 20% necked straight 7 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1024-p68 238 q1024 1 drawing was formerly q1024-p2 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p#; hatched triangles on top of rim, wide solid line on interior of body near the rim 1 other 801 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1024-p69 238 q1024 1 drawing was formerly q1024-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 801 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p70 238 q1024 79 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p72 238 q1024 1 2 I1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p73 238 q1024 1 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p74 238 q1024 22 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p75 238 q1024 1 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p76 238 q1024 1 1 M3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p77 238 q1024 3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p78 238 q1024 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p79 238 q1024 4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p80 238 q1024 1 1 M3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p81 238 q1024 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1024-p82 238 q1024 3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p1 238 q1025 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p2 238 q1025 1 3% necked straight 14 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p3 238 M q1025 1 3% deep 805 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p4 238 q1025 1 4% straight sided 2 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p5 238 K q1025 1 1 K1 9% necked straight 1 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p6 238 M q1025 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-16 hh J01q1025-p7 238 M q1025 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p70 238 q1025 126 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p71 238 q1025 1 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p73 238 q1025 3 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p77 238 q1025 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p78 238 q1025 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p79 238 q1025 13 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p84 238 q1025 4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1025-p85 238 q1025 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1026-p1 240 q1026 1 8% hole mouth 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1026-p2 240 q1026 1 base: pointed 2008-07-26 hh J01q1026-p71 240 q1026 7 2008-07-26 hh J01q1026-p72 240 q1026 5 2008-07-26 hh J01q1026-p75 240 q1026 2 1 M3 2008-08-16 hh J01q1027-p1 238 M q1027 1 1 M18 10% other 801 2008-08-16 hh J01q1027-p2 238 q1027 1 rim: flat 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p70 238 q1027 41 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p72 238 q1027 1 2 I1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p73 238 q1027 1 1 K4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p74 238 q1027 4 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p75 238 q1027 1 1 M13 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p76 238 q1027 2 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p77 238 q1027 3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p78 238 q1027 3 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p79 238 q1027 1 2006-10-07 hh J01q1027-p80 238 q1027 3 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p1 242 M q1029 1 4% other 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p2 242 q1029 1 15% necked straight 3 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p3 242 q1029 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p4 242 q1029 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p5 242 q1029 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p6 242 q1029 1 5% round sided 802 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p7 242 q1029 1 10% other 2 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p8 242 q1029 1 2008-08-20 hh J01q1029-p9 242 q1029 1 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p1 238 q1031 1 15% other 5 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p2 238 q1031 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p3 238 q1031 1 10% other 10 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p4 238 q1031 1 base: disk base, slightly concave 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p5 238 q1031 1 base: rounded 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p6 238 K q1031 1 10% base: low ring 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p7 238 q1031 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p8 238 q1031 1 21% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p9 238 q1031 1 9% base: disk base, slightly concave 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p10 238 q1031 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p11 238 K q1031 1 15% base: low ring 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p12 238 q1031 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1031-p13 238 K q1031 1 11% base: low ring 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p70 238 q1031 71 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p71 238 q1031 18 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p72 238 q1031 5 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p73 238 q1031 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p74 238 q1031 2 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p75 238 q1031 3 1 K4 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p76 238 q1031 1,2 STRAINER 1 K4 2007-07-31 hh J01q1031-p79 238 q1031 1 2 I7 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p1 238 q1032 1 8% round sided 5 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p2 238 q1032 1 5% straight sided 2 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p3 238 q1032 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p4 238 q1032 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p5 238 q1032 1 11% necked straight 7 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p6 238 K q1032 1 1 K11 3% deep 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p7 238 q1032 1 7% other 1 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p8 238 q1032 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p9 238 q1032 1 rim: square 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p10 238 q1032 1 2% other 1 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p11 238 q1032 1 rim: square 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p12 238 q1032 1 4% other 10 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p13 238 q1032 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p14 238 q1032 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p15 238 q1032 1 1 K9 rim: square 2007-08-01 hh J01q1032-p16 238 q1032 1 stopper 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p71 238 q1032 59 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p72 238 q1032 13 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p73 238 q1032 2 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p74 238 q1032 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p75 238 q1032 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p76 238 q1032 3 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p77 238 q1032 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p78 238 q1032 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p79 238 q1032 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p80 238 q1032 3 1 K4 2007-07-31 hh J01q1032-p81 238 q1032 1 1 K4 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p1 238 q1033 1 50% base: disk base, slightly concave 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p2 238 q1033 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p3 238 q1033 1 15% base: flat 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p4 238 q1033 1 base: rounded 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p5 238 q1033 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p6 238 q1033 1 100% base: disk base, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p7 238 q1033 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p8 238 q1033 1 stopper 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p9 238 q1033 1 9% conical (cup) 2 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p10 238 q1033 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p11 238 q1033 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p12 238 q1033 1 5% 6 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p13 238 q1033 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p14 238 M q1033 1 60% hole mouth 815 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p15 238 q1033 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p16 238 K q1033 1 I-7 1 K9 7% deep 4 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p17 238 q1033 1 1 K8 11% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p18 238 q1033 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p19 238 q1033 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p20 238 q1033 1 shouldered 801 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p21 238 q1033 1 5% shouldered 3 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p22 238 q1033 1 16% necked flaring (necked) 2 2007-08-01 hh J01q1033-p23 238 q1033 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p70 238 q1033 65 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p71 238 q1033 11 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p72 238 q1033 11 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p73 238 q1033 3 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p74 238 q1033 5 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p75 238 q1033 6 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p76 238 q1033 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p77 238 q1033 3 1 K4 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p78 238 q1033 1 1 K4 2007-07-31 hh J01q1033-p79 238 q1033 1 1 K5 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p1 238 q1034 1 11% straight sided 2 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p2 238 q1034 1 9% conical (cup) 4 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p3 238 q1034 1 rim: collared-grooved 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p4 238 q1034 1 14% other 10 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p5 238 K q1034 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 1 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p6 238 K q1034 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p7 238 q1034 1 7% straight sided 6 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p8 238 q1034 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p9 238 q1034 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p10 238 q1034 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p11 238 q1034 1 10% base: flat 2007-08-01 hh J01q1034-p12 238 q1034 1 stopper 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p70 238 q1034 40 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p71 238 q1034 12 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p72 238 q1034 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p73 238 q1034 2 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p74 238 q1034 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p75 238 q1034 1 B5 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p76 238 q1034 1 1 K4 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p77 238 q1034 1 1 K2 2007-07-31 hh J01q1034-p78 238 q1034 1 1 K4 2007-08-01 hh J01q1038-p1 239 q1038 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2007-07-31 hh J01q1038-p70 239 q1038 6 2007-07-31 hh J01q1038-p71 239 q1038 1 2007-07-31 hh J01q1038-p72 239 q1038 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1042-p1 249 q1042 1 100% base: ring 2007-08-05 hh J01q1042-p2 249 q1042 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-05 hh J01q1042-p3 249 q1042 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-05 hh J01q1042-p4 249 q1042 1 rim: beaked 2007-08-01 hh J01q1043-p1 239 q1043 1 rim: square 2007-08-01 hh J01q1043-p2 239 q1043 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p70 239 q1043 51 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p71 239 q1043 1,17 STRAIER 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p72 239 q1043 1 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p73 239 q1043 2 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p74 239 q1043 3 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p75 239 q1043 4 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p76 239 q1043 2 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p77 239 q1043 3 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p78 239 q1043 1 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p79 239 q1043 1 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p80 239 q1043 1 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p81 239 q1043 1 2007-08-03 hh J01q1043-p82 239 q1043 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p1 189 q1045 1 5% deep 14 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p2 189 q1045 1 5% deep 4 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p3 189 q1045 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p4 189 q1045 1 7% straight sided 2 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p5 189 q1045 1 8% conical (cup) 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p6 189 q1045 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p7 189 q1045 1 10% other 2 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p8 189 q1045 1 5% base: flat 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p9 189 q1045 1 base: rounded 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p10 189 q1045 1 5% necked straight 6 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p11 189 q1045 1 7% necked straight 7 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p12 189 q1045 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p13 189 q1045 1 6% hole mouth 3 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p70 189 q1045 48 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p71 189 q1045 18 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p72 189 q1045 3 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p73 189 q1045 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p74 189 q1045 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p75 189 q1045 4 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p76 189 q1045 5 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p77 189 q1045 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1045-p78 189 q1045 1 1 K4 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p1 189 q1046 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p2 189 q1046 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p3 189 q1046 1 6% round sided 6 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p4 189 q1046 1 7% conical (cup) 4 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p5 189 K q1046 1 1 K11 10% conical (cup) 101 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p6 189 K q1046 1 K-4, deocrated rim 1 K14 10% necked flaring (necked) 1 2007-08-01 hh J01q1046-p7 189 q1046 1 3% other 5 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p70 232 q1047 42 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p71 232 q1047 13 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p72 232 q1047 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p73 232 q1047 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p74 232 q1047 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p75 232 q1047 2 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p76 232 q1047 1 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p77 232 q1047 4 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p78 232 q1047 1 1 K4 2007-08-05 hh J01q1047-p79 232 q1047 1 2 I7 2007-08-12 hh J01q1048-p1 236 K q1048 1 60% base: hollow 2007-08-12 hh J01q1048-p2 236 K q1048 1 8% base: low ring 2007-08-12 hh J01q1048-p3 236 q1048 1 rim: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1048-p4 236 q1048 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 9 2007-08-12 hh J01q1048-p5 236 q1048 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-12 hh J01q1048-p6 236 q1048 1 rim: square 2007-08-11 hh J01q1048-p70 236 q1048 16 2007-08-11 hh J01q1048-p71 236 q1048 4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1048-p72 236 q1048 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1048-p73 236 q1048 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1048-p74 236 q1048 1 2 I7 2007-08-12 hh J01q1049-p1 232 q1049 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-11 hh J01q1049-p70 232 q1049 16 2007-08-11 hh J01q1049-p71 232 q1049 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1049-p72 232 q1049 1 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p1 232 q1050 1 rim: square 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p2 232 q1050 1 9% base: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p3 232 q1050 1 Mit footed base 15% base: ring 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p4 232 K q1050 1 20% base: low ring 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p5 232 q1050 1 6% deep 14 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p6 232 q1050 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p7 232 q1050 1 3% deep 14 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p8 232 q1050 1 B7 2% round sided 3 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p9 232 q1050 1 10% necked 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p10 232 q1050 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1050-p11 232 q1050 1 rim: square 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p70 232 q1050 52 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p71 232 q1050 23 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p72 232 q1050 4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p73 232 q1050 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p74 232 q1050 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p75 232 q1050 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p76 232 q1050 6 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p77 232 q1050 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p78 232 q1050 2 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p79 232 q1050 1 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p80 232 q1050 2 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p81 232 q1050 1 1 K2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p82 232 q1050 1 2 I1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p83 232 q1050 1 3 A2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1050-p84 232 q1050 1 2 I7 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p1 232 q1051 1 4% conical (cup) 4 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p2 232 q1051 1 rim: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p3 232 q1051 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p4 232 q1051 1 6% base: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p5 232 q1051 1 20% base: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p6 232 M q1051 1 1 M19 12% carinated rounded (carination) 2007-08-12 hh J01q1051-p7 232 K q1051 1 7% deep 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p70 232 q1051 67 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p71 232 q1051 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p72 232 q1051 9 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p73 232 q1051 3 1 K1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p74 232 q1051 3 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p75 232 q1051 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p76 232 q1051 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p77 232 q1051 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1051-p78 232 q1051 1 1 K6 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p1 232 q1052 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p2 232 q1052 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p3 232 q1052 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p4 232 q1052 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p5 232 q1052 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p6 232 q1052 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p7 232 q1052 1 15% base: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p8 232 q1052 1 10% base: ring 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p9 232 q1052 1 10% base: disk base, flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p10 232 q1052 1 3% round sided 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p11 232 q1052 1 5% other 3 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p12 232 q1052 1 6% straight sided 2 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p13 232 q1052 1 7% straight sided 2 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p14 232 q1052 1 10% conical (cup) 2 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p15 232 K q1052 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 1 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p16 232 q1052 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p17 232 q1052 1 rim: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p18 232 q1052 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p19 232 q1052 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p20 232 q1052 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p21 232 q1052 1 rim: square 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p22 232 q1052 1 rim: beaked 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p23 232 q1052 1 rim: square 2007-08-12 hh J01q1052-p24 232 q1052 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p70 232 q1052 60 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p71 232 q1052 14 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p72 232 q1052 5 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p73 232 q1052 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p74 232 q1052 3 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p75 232 q1052 1 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p76 232 q1052 2 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p77 232 q1052 2 B6 2007-08-11 hh J01q1052-p78 232 q1052 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1053-p70 248 q1053 11 2007-08-11 hh J01q1053-p71 248 q1053 7 2007-08-11 hh J01q1053-p72 248 q1053 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1053-p73 248 q1053 1 3 2007-08-11 hh J01q1053-p74 248 q1053 1 1 K4 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p1 235 M q1054 1 1 M3 8% 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p2 235 q1054 1 2% carinated rounded (carination) 5 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p3 235 q1054 1 10% base: ring 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p4 235 q1054 1 25% base: flat 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p5 235 q1054 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p6 235 q1054 1 B7 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p7 235 q1054 1 base: rounded 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p8 235 q1054 1 40% base: type unspecified 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p9 235 q1054 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p10 235 q1054 1 stopper 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p11 235 M q1054 1 1 M3 4% 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p12 235 q1054 1 7% other 8 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p13 235 K q1054 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 8 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p14 235 q1054 1 7% other 5 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p15 235 q1054 1 rim: square 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p16 235 q1054 1 rim: collared-grooved 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p17 235 K q1054 1 1 K11 20% necked flaring (necked) 1 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p18 235 q1054 1 rim: ribbed on top and exterior of rim 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p19 235 q1054 1 rim: square 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p20 235 q1054 1 rim: square 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p21 235 q1054 1 rim: rounded 2007-08-12 hh J01q1054-p22 235 K q1054 1 5% necked straight 4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p70 235 q1054 78 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p71 235 q1054 6 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p72 235 q1054 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p73 235 q1054 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p74 235 q1054 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p75 235 q1054 6 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p76 235 q1054 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p77 235 q1054 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p78 235 q1054 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p79 235 q1054 2 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p80 235 q1054 2 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p81 235 q1054 1 2 I7 2007-08-11 hh J01q1054-p82 235 q1054 1 2007-08-12 hh J01q1055-p1 235 q1055 1 21% base: flat, slightly convex 2007-08-12 hh J01q1055-p2 235 K q1055 1 1 K4 7% conical (cup) 101 2007-08-12 hh J01q1055-p3 235 q1055 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2007-08-12 hh J01q1055-p4 235 q1055 1 10% other 2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1055-p5 235 q1055 1 tree and branches type decoration 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p70 235 q1055 23 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p71 235 q1055 10 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p72 235 q1055 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p73 235 q1055 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p74 235 q1055 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p75 235 q1055 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p76 235 q1055 1 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p77 235 q1055 2 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p78 235 q1055 1 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p79 235 q1055 1 1 K4 2007-08-11 hh J01q1055-p80 235 q1055 1 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p1 252 M q1056 1 1 M18 9% other 804 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p2 252 q1056 1 10% carinated sharp (carination) 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p3 252 q1056 1 9% other 11 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p4 252 K q1056 1 11% other 22 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p5 252 q1056 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p6 252 q1056 1 7% round sided 2 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p7 252 M q1056 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-08 hh J01q1056-p8 252 q1056 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p70 252 q1056 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p71 252 q1056 1 2 I7 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p72 252 q1056 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p73 252 q1056 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p74 252 q1056 8 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p75 252 q1056 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p76 252 q1056 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p77 252 q1056 1 2 I3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1056-p78 252 q1056 33 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p1 252 q1057 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p2 252 q1057 1 rim: collared-grooved 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p3 252 M q1057 1 1 M18 7% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p4 252 q1057 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p5 252 q1057 1 7% round sided 1 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p6 252 q1057 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p7 252 q1057 1 30% base: high ring 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p8 252 q1057 1 7% deep 805 2008-08-08 hh J01q1057-p9 252 M q1057 1 1 M16 5% deep 802 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p70 252 q1057 2 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p71 252 q1057 3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p72 252 q1057 5 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p73 252 q1057 2 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p74 252 q1057 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p75 252 q1057 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p76 252 q1057 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1057-p77 252 q1057 42 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p1 253 q1058 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p2 253 q1058 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p3 253 q1058 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p4 253 q1058 1 rim: flat 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p5 253 q1058 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p6 253 M q1058 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p7 253 q1058 1 25% base: flat 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p8 253 q1058 1 25% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p9 253 M q1058 1 1 M2 15% 802 2008-08-07 hh J01q1058-p10 253 M q1058 1 10% base: high ring 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p70 253 q1058 4 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p71 253 q1058 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p72 253 q1058 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p73 253 q1058 9 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p74 253 q1058 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p75 253 q1058 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p76 253 q1058 1 1 M16 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p77 253 q1058 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1058-p78 253 q1058 57 2008-07-26 hh J01q1059-p1 233 q1059 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-26 hh J01q1059-p70 233 q1059 8 2008-07-26 hh J01q1059-p71 233 q1059 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1059-p72 233 q1059 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1059-p73 233 q1059 1 2 I1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1061-p1 231 M q1061 1 5% base: low ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1061-p2 231 M q1061 1 9% other 802 2008-07-24 hh J01q1061-p70 231 q1061 4 2008-07-24 hh J01q1061-p71 231 q1061 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1063-p1 255 M q1063 1 7% deep 810 2008-08-11 hh J01q1063-p2 255 M q1063 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 2008-08-11 hh J01q1063-p3 255 q1063 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1063-p4 255 q1063 1 base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p70 255 q1063 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p71 255 q1063 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p72 255 q1063 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p73 255 q1063 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p74 255 q1063 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p75 255 q1063 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p76 255 q1063 2 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1063-p77 255 q1063 31 2008-08-08 hh J01q1064-p1 252 M q1064 1 1 M2 3% necked flaring (necked) 803 2008-08-08 hh J01q1064-p2 252 q1064 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-08 hh J01q1064-p3 252 q1064 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-08 hh J01q1064-p4 252 q1064 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2008-08-07 sm J01q1064-p70 252 q1064 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1064-p71 252 q1064 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q1064-p72 252 q1064 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1064-p73 252 q1064 1 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q1064-p74 252 q1064 19 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p1 253 M q1065 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p2 253 q1065 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p3 253 q1065 1 rim: flat 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p4 253 q1065 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p5 253 M q1065 1 6% deep 802 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p6 253 M q1065 1 1 M21 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-11 hh J01q1065-p7 253 q1065 1 12% hole mouth 7 2008-08-07 sm J01q1065-p70 253 q1065 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1065-p71 253 q1065 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1065-p72 253 q1065 11 2008-08-07 sm J01q1065-p73 253 q1065 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1065-p74 253 q1065 15 2008-08-07 sm J01q1065-p75 253 q1065 1 2 I7 2008-08-07 sm J01q1066-p70 253 q1066 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1066-p71 253 q1066 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1066-p72 253 q1066 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q1066-p73 253 q1066 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1067-p1 254 q1067 1 5% xdl 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1067-p70 254 q1067 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1067-p71 254 q1067 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1067-p72 254 q1067 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1067-p73 254 q1067 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1067-p74 254 q1067 10 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p1 233 M q1068 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p2 233 q1068 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p3 233 q1068 1 7% hole mouth 5 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p4 233 q1068 1 stopper 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p5 233 q1068 1 7% deep 2 1 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p6 233 M q1068 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-07 hh J01q1068-p7 233 q1068 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-08 hh J01q1068-p8 233 M q1068 1 1 M13 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-08 hh J01q1068-p9 233 q1068 1 100% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-08 hh J01q1068-p10 233 q1068 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-08 hh J01q1068-p11 233 q1068 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 sm J01q1068-p70 233 q1068 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1068-p71 233 q1068 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1068-p72 233 q1068 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1068-p73 233 q1068 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1068-p74 233 q1068 1 1 M13 2008-08-06 sm J01q1068-p75 233 q1068 38 2008-07-26 hh J01q1069-p1 235 q1069 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q1069-p2 235 q1069 1 9% necked straight 7 2008-07-26 hh J01q1069-p3 235 M q1069 1 2% 802 2008-07-26 hh J01q1069-p4 235 q1069 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-26 hh J01q1069-p5 235 q1069 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1069-p6 235 q1069 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p70 235 q1069 5 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p71 235 q1069 79 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p72 235 q1069 5 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p73 235 q1069 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p74 235 q1069 6 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p75 235 q1069 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p76 235 q1069 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p77 235 q1069 2 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1069-p78 235 q1069 1 2 I7 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p1 235 q1070 1 12% 8 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p2 235 q1070 1 9% deep 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p3 235 M q1070 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p4 235 M q1070 1 hole mouth 805 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p5 235 q1070 1 6% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p6 235 M q1070 1 hole mouth 803 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p7 235 q1070 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p8 235 M q1070 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p9 235 M q1070 1 M-8 1 M19 5% other 801 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p10 235 q1070 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p11 235 q1070 1 stopper 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p12 235 q1070 1 stopper 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p13 235 q1070 1 stopper 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p14 235 q1070 1 stopper 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p15 235 M q1070 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p16 235 M q1070 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p17 235 q1070 1 base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p18 235 M q1070 1 9% base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p19 235 q1070 1 9% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p20 235 M q1070 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p21 235 M q1070 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p22 235 q1070 1 35% base: low ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p23 235 M q1070 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p24 235 M q1070 1 7% 816 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p25 235 M q1070 1 1 M1 6% conical (cup) 801 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p26 235 K q1070 1 1 K4 9% 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p27 235 M q1070 1 1 M19 8% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p28 235 q1070 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p29 235 q1070 1 12% other 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p30 235 M q1070 1 rim: flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p70 235 q1070 156 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p71 235 q1070 40 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p72 235 q1070 20 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p73 235 q1070 12 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p74 235 q1070 5 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p75 235 q1070 4 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p76 235 q1070 2 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p77 235 q1070 2 2 I7 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p78 235 q1070 1 3 A1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p79 235 q1070 1 2 I1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p80 235 q1070 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1070-p81 235 q1070 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p82 235 q1070 72 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p83 235 q1070 18 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p84 235 q1070 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p85 235 q1070 5 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p86 235 q1070 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p87 235 q1070 5 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p88 235 q1070 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p89 235 q1070 1 1 M8 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p90 235 q1070 1 2 I7 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p91 235 q1070 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p92 235 q1070 1 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1070-p93 235 q1070 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1071-p1 233 q1071 1 2 I3 9% deep 7 2008-07-26 hh J01q1071-p2 233 M q1071 1 5% deep 810 2008-07-26 hh J01q1071-p3 233 M q1071 1 has two lines of rope decoration but not clear if high ring base or jar. other 2008-07-26 hh J01q1071-p4 233 q1071 1 25% base: string cut cup 2008-07-26 hh J01q1071-p5 233 M q1071 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-26 hh J01q1071-p6 233 q1071 1 base: type unspecified 2008-07-24 hh J01q1071-p70 233 q1071 25 2008-07-24 hh J01q1071-p71 233 q1071 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q1071-p72 233 q1071 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1071-p73 233 q1071 1 2 I7 2008-07-26 hh J01q1072-p1 231 q1072 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-26 hh J01q1072-p2 231 M q1072 1 10% base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1072-p3 231 M q1072 1 8% base: ring 2008-07-24 hh J01q1072-p70 231 q1072 47 2008-07-24 hh J01q1072-p71 231 q1072 7 2008-07-24 hh J01q1072-p72 231 q1072 4 2008-07-24 hh J01q1072-p73 231 q1072 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1072-p74 231 q1072 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p1 232 M q1073 1 25% base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p2 232 M q1073 1 9% base: low ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p3 232 M q1073 1 5% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p4 232 q1073 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p5 232 M q1073 1 1 M16 4% necked straight 801 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p6 232 q1073 1 base: rounded 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p7 232 q1073 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p8 232 q1073 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-26 hh J01q1073-p9 232 M q1073 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p70 232 q1073 61 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p71 232 q1073 13 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p72 232 q1073 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p73 232 q1073 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p74 232 q1073 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p75 232 q1073 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p76 232 q1073 3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p78 232 q1073 3 1 K4 2008-07-24 hh J01q1073-p79 232 q1073 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p1 237 K q1074 1 20% carinated sharp (carination) 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p2 237 K q1074 1 1 K1 7% necked straight 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p3 237 M q1074 1 5% deep 805 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p4 237 q1074 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p5 237 M q1074 1 rim: square 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p6 237 M q1074 1 14% base: disk base, flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p7 237 M q1074 1 stopper 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p8 237 q1074 1 stopper 2008-07-26 hh J01q1074-p9 237 q1074 1 stopper 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p70 237 q1074 42 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p71 237 q1074 12 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p72 237 q1074 7 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p73 237 q1074 5 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p74 237 q1074 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p75 237 q1074 2 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p76 237 q1074 1 1 K4 2008-07-24 hh J01q1074-p77 237 q1074 1 1 M3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p1 237 M q1075 1 20% base: low ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p2 237 M q1075 1 5% base: ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p3 237 M q1075 1 17% base: low ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p4 237 M q1075 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 818 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p5 237 q1075 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p6 237 q1075 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p7 237 q1075 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p8 237 q1075 1 5% round sided 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p9 237 M q1075 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p10 237 q1075 1 10% other 11 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p11 237 q1075 1 2% round sided 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p12 237 q1075 1 4% carinated 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p13 237 K q1075 1 1 K9 9% deep 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1075-p14 237 q1075 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q1075-p71 237 q1075 11 2008-07-24 hh J01q1075-p73 237 q1075 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1075-p74 237 q1075 1 2008-07-24 hh J01q1075-p75 237 q1075 1 2 I1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p1 237 q1076 1 17% necked straight 1 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p2 237 M q1076 1 1 M1 7% 802 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p3 237 M q1076 1 1 M16 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p4 237 q1076 1 20% base: string cut cup 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p5 237 q1076 1 11% necked straight 3 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p6 237 q1076 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p7 237 q1076 1 rim: rounded 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p8 237 q1076 1 5% necked straight 6 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p9 237 q1076 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p10 237 q1076 1 stopper with cross-hatch paint design 2008-07-26 hh J01q1076-p11 237 q1076 1 FOOTED BASE base: solid footed 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p1 237 q1077 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p2 237 M q1077 1 50% base: high ring 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p3 237 M q1077 1 M8 and M30 decorations 1 M8 3% deep 802 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p4 237 M q1077 1 1 M18 6% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p5 237 M q1077 1 1 M2 9% 801 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p6 237 q1077 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p7 237 q1077 1 15% base: flat 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p8 237 q1077 1 7% other 2 2008-07-26 hh J01q1077-p9 237 q1077 1 6% conical (cup) 2 2008-07-24 hh J01q1077-p73 237 q1077 4 2008-07-24 hh J01q1077-p74 237 q1077 2 1 M3 2008-07-24 hh J01q1077-p75 237 q1077 1 3 A1 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p1 237 q1078 1 10% other 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p2 237 M q1078 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p3 237 q1078 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p4 237 M q1078 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p5 237 M q1078 1 19% base: low ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p6 237 M q1078 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p7 237 q1078 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p8 237 q1078 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p9 237 q1078 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p10 237 q1078 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p11 237 q1078 1 8% shouldered 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p12 237 K q1078 1 1 M19 10% carinated sharp (carination) 102 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p13 237 q1078 1 15% rim: flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p14 237 M q1078 1 1 M2 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p15 237 M q1078 1 7% other 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p16 237 q1078 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p17 237 q1078 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1078-p18 237 q1078 1 4% deep 14 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1078-p81 237 q1078 1 two registers, upper register-unclear geometric design, lower register running rectangles with X-shape inside 1 M22 2008-08-02 hh J01q1079-p1 237 q1079 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1079-p2 237 q1079 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1079-p3 237 q1079 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1079-p4 237 q1079 1 1 M1 rim: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p1 237 M q1080 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p2 237 M q1080 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p3 237 M q1080 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p4 237 q1080 1 12% base: string cut cup 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p5 237 q1080 1 6% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p6 237 q1080 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p7 237 M q1080 1 14% round sided 804 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p8 237 q1080 1 4% round sided 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p9 237 M q1080 1 1% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p10 237 M q1080 1 carinated rounded (carination) 804 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p11 237 M q1080 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1080-p12 237 M q1080 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p1 237 q1081 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p2 237 M q1081 1 14% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p3 237 M q1081 1 10% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p4 237 q1081 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p5 237 q1081 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p6 237 q1081 1 13% necked flaring (necked) 4 2015-08-19 cjc J01q1081-p7 237 q1081 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0375 wide rim diameter 103 handle: interior tab 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p8 237 M q1081 1 3% deep 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p9 237 q1081 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1081-p69 237 M q1081 1 This sherd was previously labeled q1081-p7 8% necked flaring (necked) 805 2008-08-02 hh J01q1082-p1 237 q1082 1 25% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1082-p2 237 q1082 1 rim: flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q1082-p3 237 q1082 1 10% hole mouth 1 2008-08-02 hh J01q1082-p4 237 q1082 1 rim: flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q1082-p5 237 M q1082 1 10% base: ring 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1082-p71 237 q1082 1 unclear geometric design 1 M22 2008-08-02 hh J01q1083-p1 237 M q1083 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1083-p2 237 M q1083 1 15% shouldered 802 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1083-p72 237 q1083 1 unclear geometric design 1 M22 2008-08-02 hh J01q1084-p1 231 q1084 1 STOPPER 2008-08-02 hh J01q1084-p2 231 q1084 1 STOPPER 1 2008-08-02 hh J01q1084-p3 231 q1084 1 STOPPER 2008-08-02 hh J01q1084-p4 231 q1084 1 9% other 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1084-p5 231 M q1084 1 5% 2008-08-02 hh J01q1084-p6 231 q1084 1 imitation BC 7% round sided 4 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p1 232 M q1085 1 45% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p2 232 M q1085 1 30% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p3 232 M q1085 1 20% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p4 232 M q1085 1 15% base: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p5 232 M q1085 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p6 232 q1085 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p7 232 q1085 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p8 232 q1085 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p9 232 q1085 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p10 232 q1085 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p11 232 K q1085 1 1 K9 12% other 22 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p12 232 q1085 1 5% hole mouth 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p13 232 M q1085 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p14 232 M q1085 1 1 M19 8% round sided 805 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p15 232 M q1085 1 4% round sided 805 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p16 232 M q1085 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p17 232 M q1085 1 5% other 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p18 232 M q1085 1 11% 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p19 232 M q1085 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-02 hh J01q1085-p20 232 M q1085 1 rim: pointed 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p1 237 q1086 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p2 237 M q1086 1 IMPERFECT 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p3 237 M q1086 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p4 237 q1086 1 7% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p5 237 q1086 1 5% hole mouth 5 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p6 237 q1086 1 5% round sided 4 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p7 237 q1086 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p8 237 M q1086 1 9% other 804 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p9 237 M q1086 1 20% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p10 237 q1086 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p11 237 q1086 1 stopper 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p12 237 q1086 1 6% other 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p13 237 q1086 1 15% base: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p14 237 q1086 1 M - 3 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1086-p15 237 q1086 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-03 sm J01q1086-p70 237 q1086 2 1 M3 2008-08-03 sm J01q1086-p71 237 q1086 1 2008-08-03 sm J01q1086-p73 237 q1086 7 2008-08-03 sm J01q1086-p74 237 q1086 11 2008-08-03 sm J01q1086-p77 237 q1086 2 2 I3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1087-p1 237 q1087 1 13% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1087-p2 237 M q1087 1 10% deep 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1087-p3 237 q1087 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1087-p4 237 M q1087 1 50% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-02 hh J01q1087-p5 237 q1087 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p1 257 q1088 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p2 257 K q1088 1 7% necked straight 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p3 257 q1088 1 15% 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p4 257 M q1088 1 5% necked straight 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p5 257 K q1088 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p6 257 q1088 1 two mouth jar globular body double-mouthed 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1088-p7 257 q1088 1 rim: rounded 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1088-p71 257 q1088 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1088-p72 257 q1088 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q1088-p73 257 q1088 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q1088-p74 257 q1088 30 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p1 250 M q1089 1 HANDLE 5% necked straight 802 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p2 250 M q1089 1 1 M2 1% deep 805 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p3 250 q1089 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p4 250 M q1089 1 7% other 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p5 250 M q1089 1 1 M19 10% round sided 801 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p6 250 q1089 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p7 250 M q1089 1 9% base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p8 250 q1089 1 rim: rounded 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p9 250 M q1089 1 base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q1089-p10 250 q1089 1 20% base: rounded 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p70 250 q1089 2 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p71 250 q1089 2 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p72 250 q1089 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p73 250 q1089 1 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p74 250 q1089 1 1 M3 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p75 250 q1089 4 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p76 250 q1089 6 2008-08-07 sm J01q1089-p77 250 q1089 33 2008-08-02 hh J01q1090-p1 235 q1090 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-02 hh J01q1090-p2 235 q1090 1 handle: double pierced lugs 2008-08-02 hh J01q1090-p3 235 M q1090 1 12% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p1 237 q1092 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p2 237 M q1092 1 22% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p3 237 q1092 1 9% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p4 237 q1092 1 5% other 803 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p5 237 q1092 1 rim: square 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p6 237 q1092 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p7 237 q1092 1 6% deep 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p8 237 q1092 1 25% 1 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p9 237 q1092 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-02 hh J01q1092-p10 237 q1092 1 STOPPER J01q1092-p81 237 q1092 1 register with running rectangles with X-shape in center 1 M22 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p1 237 M q1093 1 27% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p2 237 M q1093 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p3 237 M q1093 1 14% base: ring 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p4 237 q1093 1 15% base: flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p5 237 q1093 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p6 237 q1093 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p7 237 q1093 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p8 237 q1093 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p9 237 q1093 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p10 237 q1093 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p11 237 q1093 1 10% other 16 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p12 237 M q1093 1 6% hole mouth 803 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p13 237 M q1093 1 4% deep 808 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p14 237 q1093 1 7% hole mouth 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1093-p15 237 M q1093 1 9% hole mouth 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p1 237 q1094 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p2 237 q1094 1 20% other 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p3 237 M q1094 1 15% necked straight 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p4 237 K q1094 1 4% other 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p5 237 q1094 1 3% other 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p6 237 M q1094 1 LID 4% other 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p7 237 M q1094 1 2 I7 5% deep 805 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p8 237 q1094 1 2% hole mouth 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p9 237 K q1094 1 1 K1 5% necked straight 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1094-p10 237 M q1094 1 4% 803 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p1 237 q1095 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p2 237 M q1095 1 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p3 237 M q1095 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p4 237 q1095 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p5 237 q1095 1 B7 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p6 237 M q1095 1 10% shouldered 802 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p7 237 q1095 1 5% hole mouth 5 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p8 237 q1095 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p9 237 q1095 1 rim: flat 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p10 237 M q1095 1 6% shouldered 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p11 237 M q1095 1 8% other 806 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p12 237 q1095 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1095-p13 237 q1095 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1096-p1 232 q1096 1 handle: type unspecified 2008-08-02 hh J01q1096-p2 232 q1096 1 1% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-02 hh J01q1096-p3 232 q1096 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-02 hh J01q1096-p4 232 q1096 1 stopper 2008-08-02 hh J01q1096-p5 232 q1096 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-02 hh J01q1097-p1 237 K q1097 1 23% carinated sharp (carination) 3 2008-08-02 hh J01q1097-p2 237 M q1097 1 1 M2 10% conical (cup) 801 2008-08-02 hh J01q1097-p3 237 q1097 1 9% other 2 2008-08-02 hh J01q1097-p4 237 q1097 1 6% rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-02 hh J01q1097-p5 237 q1097 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1097-p70 237 q1097 1 description added based on pencil drawing W21b0374 1 K6 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p1 237 M q1098 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 803 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p2 237 q1098 1 12% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p3 237 q1098 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p4 237 M q1098 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p5 237 q1098 1 6% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p6 237 q1098 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p7 237 q1098 1 20% base: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p8 237 q1098 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p9 237 M q1098 1 14% necked straight 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p10 237 q1098 1 9% straight sided 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p11 237 q1098 1 stopper 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p12 237 q1098 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p13 237 M q1098 1 5% 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p14 237 q1098 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p15 237 q1098 1 base: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1098-p16 237 M q1098 1 5% other 806 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p78 237 q1098 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p79 237 q1098 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p80 237 q1098 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p81 237 q1098 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p82 237 q1098 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p83 237 q1098 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p84 237 q1098 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1098-p85 237 q1098 27 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p1 238 M q1099 1 2 I3 deep 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p2 238 M q1099 1 1 M1 6% deep 810 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p3 238 M q1099 1 13% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p4 238 q1099 1 stopper 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p5 238 M q1099 1 1% base: high ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p6 238 q1099 1 5% round sided 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p7 238 q1099 1 stopper 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p8 238 q1099 1 base: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p9 238 q1099 1 3% straight sided 5 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p10 238 q1099 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p11 238 M q1099 1 4% 806 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p12 238 K q1099 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p13 238 q1099 1 2% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p14 238 q1099 1 4% round sided 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p15 238 q1099 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p16 238 q1099 1 14% necked straight 3 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p17 238 q1099 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p18 238 q1099 1 5% shouldered 13 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p19 238 q1099 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p20 238 q1099 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p21 238 M q1099 1 2% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p22 238 q1099 1 7% round sided 4 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p23 238 M q1099 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p24 238 M q1099 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p25 238 q1099 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p26 238 q1099 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p27 238 q1099 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1099-p28 238 M q1099 1 3% hole mouth 805 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1099-p70 238 q1099 1 upper register-two rectangles filled with geometric designs, below bird 1 M22 carinated 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p71 238 q1099 2 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p72 238 q1099 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p73 238 q1099 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p74 238 q1099 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p75 238 q1099 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p76 238 q1099 12 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p77 238 q1099 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p78 238 q1099 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p79 238 q1099 3 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p80 238 q1099 2 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p81 238 q1099 1 1 K2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p82 238 q1099 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p83 238 q1099 94 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p84 238 q1099 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1099-p85 238 q1099 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p1 268 q1100 1 7% deep 12 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p2 268 K q1100 1 5% deep 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p3 268 K q1100 1 7% 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p4 268 M q1100 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p5 268 q1100 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p6 268 q1100 1 15% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p7 268 M q1100 1 1 M18 5% round sided 806 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p8 268 K q1100 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p9 268 M q1100 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p10 268 M q1100 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p11 268 K q1100 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p12 268 q1100 1 10% 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p13 268 q1100 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p14 268 q1100 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p15 268 q1100 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q1100-p16 268 q1100 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p1 238 M q1101 1 7% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p2 238 M q1101 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p3 238 M q1101 1 35% base: low ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p4 238 q1101 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p5 238 q1101 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p6 238 q1101 1 9% round sided 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p7 238 K q1101 1 8% round sided 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p8 238 q1101 1 7% deep 7 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p9 238 q1101 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p10 238 M q1101 1 3% 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p11 238 q1101 1 9% other 22 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p12 238 q1101 1 5% other 22 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p13 238 M q1101 1 16% necked straight 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q1101-p14 238 q1101 1 5% round sided 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p1 238 q1105 1 1% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p3 238 M q1105 1 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p4 238 q1105 1 5% hole mouth 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p5 238 M q1105 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p6 238 q1105 1 13% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p7 238 M q1105 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p8 238 M q1105 1 9% necked straight 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p9 238 q1105 1 25% base: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p10 238 M q1105 1 1 M18 7% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p11 238 M q1105 1 1 M18 10% 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p12 238 M q1105 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p13 238 q1105 1 1 K9 5% other 21 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p14 238 K q1105 1 1 K1 20% necked flaring (necked) 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p15 238 M q1105 1 1 M18 5% 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p16 238 q1105 1 15% base: string cut cup 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p17 238 q1105 1 rim: square 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p18 238 q1105 1 6% 9 2008-08-04 hh J01q1105-p19 238 q1105 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p70 238 q1105 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p71 238 q1105 3 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p72 238 q1105 3 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p73 238 q1105 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p75 238 q1105 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p76 238 q1105 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p77 238 q1105 3 2 I7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p78 238 q1105 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p79 238 q1105 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p80 238 q1105 7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1105-p81 238 q1105 71 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p1 238 q1106 1 100% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p2 238 q1106 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p3 238 M q1106 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p4 238 q1106 1 15% base: flat 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p5 238 q1106 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p6 238 q1106 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p7 238 q1106 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p8 238 q1106 1 stopper 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p9 238 q1106 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p10 238 q1106 1 20% 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p11 238 q1106 1 7% hole mouth 5 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p12 238 q1106 1 5% hole mouth 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p13 238 q1106 1 5% other 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p14 238 q1106 1 10% other 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p15 238 K q1106 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-03 hh J01q1106-p16 238 M q1106 1 5% other 801 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p1 238 M q1107 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p2 238 M q1107 1 7% deep 804 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p3 238 M q1107 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p4 238 M q1107 1 9% other 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p5 238 q1107 1 10% base: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p6 238 q1107 1 footed base base: type unspecified 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p7 238 M q1107 1 1 M18 7% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p8 238 q1107 1 6% other 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1107-p9 238 q1107 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p70 238 q1107 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p71 238 q1107 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p72 238 q1107 1 2 I2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p73 238 q1107 1 2 I3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p74 238 q1107 1 2 I6 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p75 238 q1107 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p76 238 q1107 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p77 238 q1107 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p78 238 q1107 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p79 238 q1107 2 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1107-p80 238 q1107 65 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p1 238 q1108 1 base: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p2 238 q1108 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p3 238 M q1108 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p4 238 q1108 1 17% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p5 238 q1108 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p6 238 q1108 1 7% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p7 238 q1108 1 15% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p8 238 q1108 1 17% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p9 238 q1108 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p10 238 q1108 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p11 238 q1108 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p12 238 q1108 1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p13 238 M q1108 1 1 M2 5% necked straight 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p14 238 q1108 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1108-p15 238 q1108 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p70 238 q1108 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p71 238 q1108 7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p72 238 q1108 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p73 238 q1108 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p74 238 q1108 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p75 238 q1108 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1108-p76 238 q1108 35 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p1 237 q1109 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p2 237 M q1109 1 30% base: ring 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p3 237 q1109 1 20% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p4 237 q1109 1 8% straight sided 2 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p5 237 M q1109 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p6 237 M q1109 1 10% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p7 237 q1109 1 25% necked straight 3 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p8 237 q1109 1 rim: pointed 2008-08-03 hh J01q1109-p9 237 q1109 1 5% other 10 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p1 238 q1110 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p2 238 q1110 1 2% straight sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p3 238 q1110 1 4% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p4 238 M q1110 1 20% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p5 238 q1110 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p6 238 q1110 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p7 238 q1110 1 rim: flat 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p8 238 M q1110 1 4% 801 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p9 238 q1110 1 9% hole mouth 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p10 238 q1110 1 rim: beaked 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p11 238 q1110 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p12 238 q1110 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p13 238 q1110 1 2% straight sided 7 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p14 238 q1110 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1110-p15 238 q1110 1 rim: beaked 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1110-p20 238 M q1110 1 description added based on drawing W21d0146 base: disk base, slightly concave 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1110-p70 238 q1110 1 horizontal line with unclear geometric design below 1 M22 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p71 238 q1110 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p72 238 q1110 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p73 238 q1110 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p74 238 q1110 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p75 238 q1110 11 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p76 238 q1110 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p77 238 q1110 53 2008-08-04 sm J01q1110-p78 238 q1110 5 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p1 238 M q1111 1 50% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p2 238 q1111 1 9% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p3 238 q1111 1 9% 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p4 238 M q1111 1 1 M18 12% conical (cup) 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p5 238 M q1111 1 5% shouldered 803 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p6 238 q1111 1 stopper 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p7 238 q1111 1 13% necked straight 6 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p8 238 q1111 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p9 238 q1111 1 14% necked straight 6 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p10 238 q1111 1 4% other 11 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p11 238 q1111 1 9% straight sided 5 2008-08-04 hh J01q1111-p12 238 K q1111 1 8% necked straight 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p70 238 q1111 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p71 238 q1111 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p72 238 q1111 10 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p73 238 q1111 1 2 I7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p74 238 q1111 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p75 238 q1111 2 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p76 238 q1111 1 1 M16 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p77 238 q1111 55 2008-08-04 sm J01q1111-p78 238 q1111 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p1 238 q1112 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p2 238 M q1112 1 10% other 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p3 238 q1112 1 4% straight sided 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p4 238 q1112 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p5 238 q1112 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p6 238 q1112 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p7 238 q1112 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p8 238 q1112 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p9 238 K q1112 1 60% base: disk base, slightly convex 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p10 238 q1112 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p11 238 q1112 1 1 K9 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p12 238 q1112 1 10% base: flat 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p13 238 M q1112 1 1 M18 7% hole mouth 803 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p14 238 q1112 1 stopper 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p15 238 q1112 1 stopper 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p16 238 q1112 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p17 238 q1112 1 100% base: string cut bowl 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p18 238 q1112 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p19 238 q1112 1 base: pointed 2008-08-06 hh J01q1112-p20 238 q1112 1 rim: beaked 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p70 238 q1112 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p71 238 q1112 11 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p72 238 q1112 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p73 238 q1112 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p74 238 q1112 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p75 238 q1112 4 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p76 238 q1112 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p77 238 q1112 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p78 238 q1112 1 2 I3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p79 238 q1112 1 2 I7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1112-p80 238 q1112 94 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p1 240 K q1113 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p2 240 q1113 1 10% 5 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p3 240 q1113 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p4 240 q1113 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p5 240 q1113 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p6 240 q1113 1 10% base: flat 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p7 240 q1113 1 10% 2 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p8 240 q1113 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p9 240 q1113 1 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p10 240 q1113 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p11 240 q1113 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p12 240 q1113 1 20% base: string cut cup 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p13 240 q1113 1 11% necked straight 6 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p14 240 M q1113 1 9% deep 805 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p15 240 q1113 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 5 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p16 240 q1113 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p17 240 q1113 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p18 240 q1113 1 11% necked flaring (necked) 9 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p19 240 q1113 1 rim: rounded 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p20 240 q1113 1 rim: beaked 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p21 240 q1113 1 25% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1113-p22 240 q1113 1 rim: interior groove or ledge J01q1113-p70 240 q1113 1 one horizontal line 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p1 238 M q1114 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p2 238 q1114 1 base: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p3 238 q1114 1 base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p4 238 q1114 1 stopper 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p5 238 q1114 1 stopper 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p6 238 M q1114 1 base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p7 238 q1114 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p8 238 q1114 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p9 238 q1114 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p10 238 q1114 1 6% straight sided 2 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p11 238 q1114 1 7% straight sided 6 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p12 238 q1114 1 9% hole mouth 3 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p13 238 q1114 1 1 M19 9% deep 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p14 238 q1114 1 rim: square 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p15 238 q1114 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-06 hh J01q1114-p16 238 q1114 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p70 238 q1114 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p71 238 q1114 7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p72 238 q1114 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p73 238 q1114 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p74 238 q1114 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p75 238 q1114 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p76 238 q1114 3 2 I7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p77 238 q1114 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1114-p78 238 q1114 59 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p1 238 M q1115 1 15% base: ring 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p2 238 M q1115 1 9% hole mouth 805 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p3 238 q1115 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p4 238 q1115 1 19% necked straight 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p5 238 M q1115 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p6 238 M q1115 1 rim: beaked 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p7 238 q1115 1 5% deep 805 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p8 238 q1115 1 9% deep 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p9 238 M q1115 1 1 M18 9% other 804 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p10 238 M q1115 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p11 238 K q1115 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 1 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p12 238 q1115 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p13 238 q1115 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p14 238 M q1115 1 5% base: disk base, flat 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p15 238 q1115 1 15% hole mouth 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p16 238 M q1115 1 20% base: low ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p17 238 q1115 1 7% round sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p18 238 M q1115 1 10% necked straight 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p19 238 q1115 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p20 238 q1115 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 2 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p21 238 q1115 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p22 238 q1115 1 FOOTED BASE base: type unspecified 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p23 238 M q1115 1 rim: flat 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p24 238 q1115 1 base: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p25 238 q1115 1 8% straight sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p26 238 q1115 1 3% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p27 238 q1115 1 5% hole mouth 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p28 238 q1115 1 6% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p29 238 q1115 1 7% other 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1115-p30 238 q1115 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p70 238 q1115 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p71 238 q1115 2 2 I7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p72 238 q1115 1 2 I3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p73 238 q1115 2 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p74 238 q1115 1 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p75 238 q1115 2 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p76 238 q1115 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p77 238 q1115 1 2 I7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p78 238 q1115 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p79 238 q1115 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p80 238 q1115 10 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p81 238 q1115 3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1115-p82 238 q1115 111 A1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p1 238 q1116 1 5% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p2 238 q1116 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p3 238 q1116 1 stopper 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p4 238 q1116 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p5 238 q1116 1 stopper 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p6 238 M q1116 1 10% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p7 238 q1116 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p8 238 q1116 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-04 hh J01q1116-p9 238 q1116 1 4% other 11 2008-08-04 sm J01q1116-p70 238 q1116 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1116-p71 238 q1116 7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1116-p72 238 q1116 1 1 M1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1116-p73 238 q1116 45 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p1 238 q1117 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p2 238 M q1117 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p3 238 q1117 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p4 238 q1117 1 rim: flat 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p5 238 q1117 1 stopper 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p6 238 q1117 1 base: pointed 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p7 238 M q1117 1 1 M18 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p8 238 M q1117 1 rim: extended to interior and exterior 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p9 238 M q1117 1 6% deep 809 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p10 238 q1117 1 17% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p11 238 q1117 1 4% hole mouth 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p12 238 q1117 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p13 238 q1117 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p14 238 q1117 1 50% base: string cut bowl 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p15 238 M q1117 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p16 238 M q1117 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p17 238 M q1117 1 9% shouldered 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p18 238 M q1117 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p19 238 M q1117 1 7% hole mouth 813 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p20 238 q1117 1 6% deep 14 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p21 238 M q1117 1 25% base: high ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p22 238 M q1117 1 was previously labeled with code xdcw 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p23 238 q1117 1 rim: flat 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p24 238 q1117 1 rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p25 238 M q1117 1 rim: flat 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p26 238 q1117 1 6% straight sided 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p27 238 q1117 1 stopper 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p28 238 q1117 1 7% carinated sharp (carination) 806 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p29 238 q1117 1 6% hole mouth 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p30 238 q1117 1 5% other 806 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p31 238 M q1117 1 lamp 6% 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p32 238 M q1117 1 6% other 802 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p33 238 M q1117 1 12% base: ring 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p34 238 q1117 1 6% straight sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p35 238 q1117 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p36 238 q1117 1 20% base: string cut bowl 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p37 238 q1117 1 5% hole mouth 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1117-p38 238 q1117 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p70 238 q1117 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p71 238 q1117 8 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p72 238 q1117 2 OVERFIRED 2 I7 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p73 238 q1117 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p74 238 q1117 4 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p75 238 q1117 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p76 238 q1117 1 2 I7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p77 238 q1117 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p78 238 q1117 1 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p79 238 q1117 4 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p80 238 q1117 7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p81 238 q1117 15 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p82 238 q1117 1 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1117-p83 238 q1117 106 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p1 238 M q1118 1 8% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p2 238 q1118 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p3 238 M q1118 1 7% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p4 238 q1118 1 footed base base: type unspecified 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p5 238 q1118 1 15% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p6 238 q1118 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p7 238 q1118 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p8 238 q1118 1 6% hole mouth 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p9 238 q1118 1 3% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p10 238 q1118 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p11 238 q1118 1 9% straight sided 5 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p12 238 q1118 1 15% necked straight 7 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p13 238 q1118 1 stand 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p14 238 M q1118 1 1 M4 20% 805 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p15 238 q1118 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1118-p16 238 M q1118 1 12% 805 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p70 238 q1118 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p71 238 q1118 4 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p72 238 q1118 5 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p73 238 q1118 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p74 238 q1118 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p75 238 q1118 78 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p76 238 q1118 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p77 238 q1118 1 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1118-p78 238 q1118 19 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p1 238 q1119 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p2 238 q1119 1 14% shouldered 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p3 238 M q1119 1 6% other 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p4 238 q1119 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p5 238 q1119 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p6 238 q1119 1 5% base: exterior ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p7 238 M q1119 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p8 238 q1119 1 rim: square 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p9 238 M q1119 1 base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p10 238 M q1119 1 1 M3 1% 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p11 238 q1119 1 20% base: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p12 238 M q1119 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p13 238 q1119 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p14 238 q1119 1 3% other 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p15 238 M q1119 1 6% other 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p16 238 q1119 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1119-p17 238 q1119 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p70 238 q1119 2 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p71 238 q1119 1 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p72 238 q1119 3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p73 238 q1119 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p74 238 q1119 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p75 238 q1119 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p76 238 q1119 5 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p77 238 q1119 7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1119-p78 238 q1119 98 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p1 238 q1120 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p2 238 q1120 1 5% deep 14 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p3 238 q1120 1 7% conical (cup) 4 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p4 238 M q1120 1 M-2 1 M19 10% deep 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p5 238 q1120 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p6 238 q1120 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p7 238 M q1120 1 5% other 804 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p8 238 M q1120 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p9 238 q1120 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 3 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p10 238 M q1120 1 17% necked flaring (necked) 804 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p11 238 M q1120 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p12 238 q1120 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p13 238 M q1120 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p14 238 q1120 1 1 M2 6% conical (cup) 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p15 238 q1120 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p16 238 q1120 1 rim: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p17 238 q1120 1 5% 806 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p18 238 q1120 1 4% other 804 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p19 238 q1120 1 12% other 10 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p20 238 q1120 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p21 238 M q1120 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p22 238 M q1120 1 12% base: high ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1120-p23 238 q1120 1 5% shouldered 10 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p70 238 q1120 1 2 I7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p71 238 q1120 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p72 238 q1120 3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p73 238 q1120 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p74 238 q1120 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p75 238 q1120 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p76 238 q1120 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p77 238 q1120 15 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p78 238 q1120 1 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p79 238 q1120 1 1 K1 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p80 238 q1120 2 1 M16 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p81 238 q1120 66 2008-08-05 sm J01q1120-p82 238 q1120 1 3 A1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p1 238 q1121 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p2 238 q1121 1 15% base: low ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p3 238 M q1121 1 10% 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p4 238 q1121 1 7% other 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p5 238 q1121 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p6 238 q1121 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p7 238 M q1121 1 6% other 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p8 238 q1121 1 6% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p9 238 M q1121 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p10 238 M q1121 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p11 238 K q1121 1 1 K1 6% necked straight 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p12 238 q1121 1 25% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p13 238 q1121 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p14 238 q1121 1 base: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p15 238 M q1121 1 5% shouldered 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p16 238 q1121 1 25% base: flat 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p17 238 M q1121 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p18 238 q1121 1 40% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p19 238 K q1121 1 1 K1 necked straight 1 2008-08-04 hh J01q1121-p20 238 M q1121 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p70 238 q1121 3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p71 238 q1121 4 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p72 238 q1121 1 1 K2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p73 238 q1121 2 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p74 238 q1121 5 1 M3 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p75 238 q1121 1 2 I7 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p76 238 q1121 1 1 M25 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p77 238 q1121 1 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p78 238 q1121 2 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p79 238 q1121 4 Water Drip Mark 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p80 238 q1121 9 2008-08-05 sm J01q1121-p81 238 q1121 100 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p1 238 M q1122 1 7% 801 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p2 238 q1122 1 7% deep 14 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p3 238 q1122 1 stopper 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p4 238 q1122 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p5 238 q1122 1 5% base: flat 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p6 238 q1122 1 stopper 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p7 238 M q1122 1 17% base: ring 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p8 238 M q1122 1 10% base: ring 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p9 238 q1122 1 stand 10% 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p10 238 q1122 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p11 238 q1122 1 7% straight sided 2 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p12 238 K q1122 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 3 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p13 238 M q1122 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p14 238 M q1122 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 809 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p15 238 M q1122 1 5% deep 805 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p16 238 q1122 1 7% hole mouth 5 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p17 238 M q1122 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 803 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p18 238 q1122 1 5% other 5 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p19 238 q1122 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p20 238 M q1122 1 1 M18 15% necked flaring (necked) 802 2008-08-07 hh J01q1122-p21 238 q1122 1 5% deep 7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p70 238 q1122 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p71 238 q1122 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p72 238 q1122 1 3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p73 238 q1122 6 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p74 238 q1122 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p75 238 q1122 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p76 238 q1122 4 2 I7 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p77 238 q1122 3 1 M3 2008-08-04 sm J01q1122-p78 238 q1122 64 2008-08-04 hh J01q1123-p1 238 q1123 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 hh J01q1123-p2 238 M q1123 1 4% 802 2008-08-04 hh J01q1123-p3 238 M q1123 1 5% other 801 2008-08-04 hh J01q1123-p4 238 q1123 1 9% other 2 2008-08-04 hh J01q1123-p5 238 q1123 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-04 hh J01q1123-p6 238 q1123 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-04 sm J01q1123-p70 238 q1123 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1123-p71 238 q1123 1 2008-08-04 sm J01q1123-p72 238 q1123 2 2008-08-04 sm J01q1123-p73 238 q1123 4 2008-08-04 sm J01q1123-p74 238 q1123 19 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p1 243 q1124 1 50% base: ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p2 243 q1124 1 9% shouldered 6 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p3 243 q1124 1 2% other 3 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p4 243 K q1124 1 1 K1 11% necked straight 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p5 243 q1124 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p6 243 q1124 1 7% other 13 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p7 243 q1124 1 7% conical (cup) 3 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p8 243 q1124 1 3% 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p9 243 q1124 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p10 243 q1124 1 6% necked short (necked) 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p11 243 q1124 1 5% other 10 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p12 243 q1124 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p13 243 q1124 1 7% conical (cup) 3 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p14 243 q1124 1 B6 25% base: holed in center of base 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p15 243 q1124 1 10% base: low ring 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p16 243 q1124 1 5% straight sided 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p17 243 q1124 1 base: rounded 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p18 243 q1124 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p19 243 K q1124 1 9% necked straight 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p20 243 K q1124 1 1 K1 10% necked straight 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p21 243 q1124 1 7% deep 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p22 243 q1124 1 5% necked straight 1 1 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p23 243 q1124 1 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p24 243 q1124 1 5% conical (cup) 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p25 243 K q1124 1 1 K9 11% necked straight 2 2008-08-11 hh J01q1124-p26 243 q1124 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p70 243 q1124 9 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p71 243 q1124 2 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p72 243 q1124 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p73 243 q1124 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p74 243 q1124 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p75 243 q1124 1 2 I7 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p76 243 q1124 4 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p77 243 q1124 8 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p78 243 q1124 9 2008-08-06 sm J01q1124-p79 243 q1124 69 2008-09-13 hh J01q1125-p1 240 q1125 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2008-09-13 hh J01q1125-p2 240 q1125 1 10% 801 2008-08-06 hh J01q1126-p1 244 q1126 1 rim: rounded 2008-08-06 hh J01q1126-p2 244 q1126 1 5% straight sided 2 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1126-p3 244 q1126 1 7% deep 14 2008-08-06 hh J01q1126-p4 244 q1126 1 4% round sided 5 2008-08-06 sm J01q1126-p70 244 q1126 6 2008-08-06 sm J01q1126-p71 244 q1126 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1126-p72 244 q1126 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1126-p73 244 q1126 5 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p1 240 q1127 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p2 240 q1127 1 10% base: flat 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p3 240 q1127 1 rim: square 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p4 240 M q1127 1 8% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p5 240 M q1127 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p6 240 q1127 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p7 240 M q1127 1 5% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1127-p8 240 q1127 1 base: ring J01q1127-p70 240 q1127 1 ribbing 2 I7 J01q1127-p71 240 q1127 1 ribbing 2 I7 J01q1127-p72 240 q1127 1 parallel stripes, probably on top of rim 1 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p1 262 M q1128 1 10% base: low ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p2 262 M q1128 1 4% 802 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p3 262 M q1128 1 22% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p4 262 q1128 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p5 262 M q1128 1 20% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p6 262 M q1128 1 10% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p7 262 M q1128 1 9% deep 805 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p8 262 q1128 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p9 262 K q1128 1 7% other 2 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p10 262 q1128 1 15% necked straight 5 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p11 262 q1128 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p12 262 q1128 1 10% other 8 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p13 262 q1128 1 9% other 1 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p14 262 M q1128 1 5% deep 810 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p15 262 q1128 1 base: pointed 2008-09-13 hh J01q1128-p16 262 q1128 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only J01q1128-p70 262 q1128 1 ribbing 2 I7 J01q1128-p71 262 q1128 1 one horizontal line 1 J01q1128-p99 262 q1128 1 Two horizontal lines; drawing was formerly q1128-p5 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 1 2008-09-13 hh J01q1129-p1 262 q1129 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-09-13 hh J01q1129-p2 262 M q1129 1 11% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1129-p3 262 M q1129 1 3% base: ring 2008-09-13 hh J01q1129-p4 262 q1129 1 5% base: ring 2008-08-06 hh J01q1130-p1 231 q1130 1 50% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2008-08-06 hh J01q1130-p2 231 q1130 1 8% straight sided 2 2008-08-06 hh J01q1130-p3 231 q1130 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-06 hh J01q1130-p4 231 q1130 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2008-08-06 hh J01q1130-p5 231 q1130 1 5% deep 8 2008-08-06 sm J01q1130-p70 231 q1130 21 2008-08-06 sm J01q1130-p71 231 q1130 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1130-p72 231 q1130 1 1 K6 2008-08-06 sm J01q1130-p73 231 q1130 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1130-p74 231 q1130 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1130-p75 231 q1130 5 2008-08-13 hh J01q1131-p1 267 q1131 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-06 sm J01q1131-p70 267 q1131 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q1131-p71 267 q1131 1 1 M3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1131-p72 267 q1131 1 2008-08-06 sm J01q1131-p73 267 q1131 3 2008-08-06 sm J01q1131-p74 267 q1131 13 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p1 264 q1132 1 15% other 3 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p2 264 M q1132 1 5% other 801 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p3 264 q1132 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p4 264 M q1132 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p5 264 M q1132 1 rim: beaked 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p6 264 q1132 1 base: pointed 2008-08-09 hh J01q1132-p7 264 q1132 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2008-08-06 sm J01q1132-p70 264 q1132 30 2008-08-06 sm J01q1132-p71 264 q1132 2 2008-08-06 sm J01q1132-p72 264 q1132 16 2008-08-09 hh J01q1133-p1 264 q1133 1 6% round sided 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q1133-p2 264 q1133 1 7% necked flaring (necked) 8 2008-08-09 sm J01q1133-p73 264 q1133 3 2008-08-09 sm J01q1133-p74 264 q1133 6 2008-08-09 sm J01q1133-p75 264 q1133 17 2008-08-09 sm J01q1133-p76 264 q1133 22 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1134-p1 239 q1134 1 description added based on drawing W21d0928 conical (cup) J01q1134-p2 239 q1134 1 Small base fragment, type unclear. Description added based on drawing W21d0929 base: type unspecified 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1134-p3 239 q1134 1 description added based on drawing W21d0926 (in the entry for q1134 this sherd is also described as a bottle due to its small size). rim: simple 2008-08-09 sm J01q1134-p70 239 q1134 5 2008-08-09 sm J01q1134-p71 239 q1134 2 2008-08-09 sm J01q1134-p72 239 q1134 1 4 2008-08-09 sm J01q1134-p73 239 q1134 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p1 264 q1135 1 5% other 3 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p2 264 q1135 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p3 264 q1135 1 rim: beaked 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p4 264 q1135 1 2% hole mouth 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p5 264 q1135 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p6 264 q1135 1 4% other 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p7 264 q1135 1 rim: beaked 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p8 264 q1135 1 base: pointed 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p9 264 q1135 1 base: rounded 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p10 264 q1135 1 6% other 3 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q1135-p11 264 q1135 1 12% other 3 2008-08-09 sm J01q1135-p70 264 q1135 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q1135-p71 264 q1135 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q1135-p72 264 q1135 12 2008-08-09 sm J01q1135-p73 264 q1135 19 2008-08-09 sm J01q1135-p74 264 q1135 45 2008-08-09 sm J01q1135-p75 264 q1135 76 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p1 239 q1136 1 This sherd was classified as both a conical cup and a straight sided bowl. It is on the cusp of the size between the two, so could be classified either way. 15% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p2 239 q1136 1 This sherd was classified as both a conical cup and a straight sided bowl. It is on the cusp of the size between the two, so could be classified either way. 9% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p3 239 q1136 1 7% round sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p4 239 q1136 1 2% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p5 239 q1136 1 7% other 3 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p6 239 q1136 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p7 239 q1136 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p8 239 q1136 1 3% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p9 239 q1136 1 1%,2% deep,straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p10 239 q1136 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p11 239 q1136 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p12 239 q1136 1 15% 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p13 239 q1136 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p14 239 q1136 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p15 239 q1136 1 6% necked restricted necked 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p16 239 q1136 1 6% 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p17 239 q1136 1 30% rim: indentation on rim 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p18 239 q1136 1 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1136-p19 239 q1136 1 description added based on pencil drawing W21b0457 801 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p20 239 q1136 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p21 239 q1136 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p22 239 q1136 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p23 239 q1136 1 base: pointed 2009-09-26 hh J01q1136-p24 239 q1136 1 Unclear base type base: other 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1136-p69 239 q1136 1 drawing was formerly q1136-p20 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1136-p70 239 q1136 1 middle portion of round sided bowl wall round sided 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p71 239 q1136 1 B7 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p72 239 q1136 10 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p73 239 q1136 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p74 239 q1136 10 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p75 239 q1136 3 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p76 239 q1136 5 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p77 239 q1136 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p78 239 q1136 11 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p79 239 q1136 12 2009-09-29 hh J01q1136-p80 239 q1136 25 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p1 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0210 other 811 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p3 239 q1137 1 While the rim was too small to obtain the diameter this shape is similar to the jars in the category assigned because the rim shape, join between the upper part and the body, especially the notch at this join globular body 101 rim: simple 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p4 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0211 other 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p5 239 q1137 1 rounded base part of this category. other 3 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p6 239 q1137 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0215 conical (cup) 2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p7 239 q1137 1 Typing of type 2 is tentative. Description added based on drawing W21d0214 conical (cup) 2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p8 239 q1137 1 Typing of type 2 is tentative. Description added based on drawing W21d0216 conical (cup) 2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p9 239 q1137 1 Typing of type 2 is tentative. Description added based on drawing W21d0939 conical (cup) 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p10 239 q1137 1 Description based on drawing W21d0217 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p11 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0206 deep straight 104 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p12 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0208 conical (cup) 2 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p13 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0943 straight sided 12 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p14 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0207 conical (cup) 2 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p15 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0942 straight sided 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p16 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0940 conical (cup) 2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p17 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0941 straight sided 104 rim: pointed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p18 239 q1137 1 Possibly a jar, however there are no jars or bowls in the LC3 catalog of this rim diameter and body shape 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p19 239 q1137 1 there are no good parallels for this shape in the LC3 catalog round sided 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p20 239 q1137 1 there are no good parallels for this shape in the LC3 catalog round sided 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1137-p21 239 q1137 1 Possibly hole mouth, limited preservation prevents clear assignment. Description added based on drawing W21d0213 hole mouth 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p22 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0202 other 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p23 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0947 base: flat 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p24 239 q1137 1 Unclear base type. Description from drawing W21d0198 base: type unspecified 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p25 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0946 base: rounded 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p26 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0948 base: flat 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p27 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0944 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1137-p28 239 q1137 1 description added based on drawing W21d0201 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-29 hh J01q1137-p70 239 q1137 28 2009-09-29 hh J01q1137-p71 239 q1137 4 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1137-p72 239 q1137 13 2009-09-29 hh J01q1137-p73 239 q1137 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1137-p74 239 q1137 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1137-p75 239 q1137 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1137-p76 239 q1137 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1137-p77 239 q1137 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1137-p78 239 q1137 16 2009-09-14 hh J01q1137-p79 239 q1137 6 2008-08-09 hh J01q1138-p1 264 q1138 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2 2008-08-09 hh J01q1138-p2 264 q1138 1 25% 1 2008-08-09 hh J01q1138-p3 264 q1138 1 base: pointed 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q1138-p70 264 q1138 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q1138-p71 264 q1138 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q1138-p72 264 q1138 1 2008-08-09 sm J01q1138-p73 264 q1138 8 2008-08-09 sm J01q1138-p74 264 q1138 11 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p70 265 q1139 3 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p71 265 q1139 1 1 M3 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p72 265 q1139 111 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p73 265 q1139 2 B7 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p74 265 q1139 1 1 M16 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p75 265 q1139 1 1 M22 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p76 265 q1139 171 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p77 265 q1139 66 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p78 265 q1139 3 2008-08-09 sm J01q1139-p79 265 q1139 5 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1139-p80 265 q1139 15 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1139-p81 265 q1139 1 4 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1139-p82 265 q1139 81 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1141-p2 q1141 1 description added based on drawing W21d0679 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-28 hh J01q1142-p1 267 M q1142 1 20% base: low ring 2009-09-28 hh J01q1142-p2 267 M q1142 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2009-09-28 hh J01q1142-p3 267 M q1142 1 5% 802 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1143-p70 265 q1143 2 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1143-p71 265 q1143 5 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1143-p72 265 q1143 3 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1143-p73 265 q1143 3 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1143-p74 265 q1143 1 2010-08-14 cjc J01q1143-p75 265 q1143 9 2010-08-14 bs J01q1143-p76 265 q1143 2 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p1 265 M q1144 1 1 M2 8% shouldered 801 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p2 265 q1144 1 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p3 265 q1144 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p4 265 q1144 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p5 265 M q1144 1 3% 802 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p6 265 q1144 1 25% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p7 265 M q1144 1 6% round sided 802 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p8 265 q1144 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p9 265 M q1144 1 9% necked straight 802 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p10 265 q1144 1 carinated 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p11 265 q1144 1 carinated 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p12 265 M q1144 1 20% necked straight 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p13 265 q1144 1 2% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p14 265 q1144 1 3% round sided 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p15 265 q1144 1 5% base: flat 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p16 265 q1144 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p17 265 q1144 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p18 265 M q1144 1 5% round sided 803 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p19 265 M q1144 1 5% straight sided 802 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p20 265 q1144 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p21 265 q1144 1 3% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p22 265 q1144 1 2 I7 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p23 265 q1144 1 carinated 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p24 265 q1144 1 7% round sided 4 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p25 265 q1144 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p26 265 q1144 1 rim: beaked 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p27 265 q1144 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p28 265 q1144 1 2% straight sided 2 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p29 265 q1144 1 round sided 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p30 265 q1144 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p31 265 q1144 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p32 265 q1144 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p33 265 q1144 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p34 265 q1144 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p35 265 q1144 1 3% other 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p36 265 q1144 1 rim: beaked 2009-09-28 hh J01q1144-p37 265 q1144 1 5% round sided 2 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p70 265 q1144 118 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p71 265 q1144 1 1 K2 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p72 265 q1144 1 1 M3 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p73 265 q1144 1 2 I1 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p74 265 q1144 165 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p75 265 q1144 7 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p76 265 q1144 1 2010-08-14 bs J01q1144-p77 265 q1144 6 2010-08-14 ea J01q1144-p78 265 q1144 10 2010-08-14 ea J01q1144-p79 265 q1144 1 2010-08-14 ea J01q1144-p80 265 q1144 2 2010-08-14 ea J01q1144-p81 265 q1144 7 2010-08-14 ea J01q1144-p82 265 q1144 47 2010-08-14 ea J01q1145-p70 267 q1145 7 2010-08-14 ea J01q1145-p71 267 q1145 1 1 M13 2010-08-14 ea J01q1145-p72 267 q1145 1 2010-08-14 ea J01q1145-p73 267 q1145 1 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p70 265 q1148 4 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p71 265 q1148 4 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p72 265 q1148 8 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p73 265 q1148 9 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p74 265 q1148 8 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p75 265 q1148 3 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p76 265 q1148 3 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p77 265 q1148 2 2010-08-14 ea J01q1148-p78 265 q1148 2 2010-08-12 mh J01q1148-p79 265 q1148 3 2010-08-12 mh J01q1148-p80 265 q1148 1 2010-08-12 mh J01q1148-p81 265 q1148 3 2010-08-12 mh J01q1148-p82 265 q1148 1 2010-08-12 mh J01q1148-p83 265 q1148 6 2010-08-12 mh J01q1148-p84 265 q1148 6 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p1 239 q1155 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1155-p2 239 q1155 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p3 239 q1155 1 15% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p4 239 q1155 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1155-p5 239 q1155 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p6 239 q1155 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p7 239 q1155 1 8% straight sided J01q1155-p8 239 q1155 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p9 239 q1155 1 8% other 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p10 239 q1155 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p11 239 q1155 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p12 239 q1155 1 8% straight sided 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1155-p13 239 q1155 1 10% straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-26 hh J01q1155-p14 239 q1155 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1155-p15 239 q1155 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1155-p16 239 q1155 1 20% deep rim: flat 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1155-p70 239 q1155 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0274 3 A1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p71 239 q1155 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p72 239 q1155 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p73 239 q1155 7 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p74 239 q1155 3 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p75 239 q1155 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p76 239 q1155 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1155-p77 239 q1155 3 2009-09-25 hh J01q1156-p1 239 q1156 1 4% deep 2009-09-26 hh J01q1156-p2 239 q1156 1 15% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1156-p3 239 q1156 1 70% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p4 239 q1156 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p5 239 q1156 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p6 239 q1156 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1156-p7 239 q1156 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1156-p8 239 q1156 1 10% deep rim: flat 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p9 239 q1156 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p10 239 q1156 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p11 239 q1156 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p12 239 q1156 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1156-p13 239 q1156 1 base: rounded 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p70 239 q1156 1 Pot Mark 2 I9 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p71 239 q1156 39 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p72 239 q1156 6 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p73 239 q1156 11 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p74 239 q1156 10 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p75 239 q1156 8 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p76 239 q1156 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p77 239 q1156 16 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p78 239 q1156 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1156-p79 239 q1156 5 2009-09-26 hh J01q1158-p1 239 q1158 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p2 239 q1158 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p3 239 q1158 1 15% conical (cup) 8 4 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p4 239 q1158 1 base: rounded 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p5 239 q1158 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p6 239 q1158 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p7 239 q1158 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p9 239 q1158 1 3% round sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p10 239 q1158 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1158-p11 239 q1158 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p12 239 q1158 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p13 239 q1158 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p14 239 q1158 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p15 239 q1158 1 30% base: flat 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p16 239 q1158 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1158-p18 239 q1158 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p70 239 q1158 16 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p71 239 q1158 5 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p72 239 q1158 3 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p73 239 q1158 6 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p74 239 q1158 6 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p75 239 q1158 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p76 239 q1158 1 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1158-p77 239 q1158 3 2010-08-16 ea J01q1159-p70 273 q1159 8 2010-08-16 ea J01q1159-p71 273 q1159 25 2010-08-16 ea J01q1159-p72 273 q1159 31 2010-08-16 ea J01q1159-p73 273 q1159 1 2010-08-16 ea J01q1159-p74 273 q1159 14 2010-08-16 ea J01q1159-p75 273 q1159 15 2010-08-18 ea J01q1159-p76 273 q1159 21 2010-08-18 ea J01q1160-p70 273 q1160 38 2010-08-18 ea J01q1160-p71 273 q1160 66 2010-08-18 ea J01q1160-p72 273 q1160 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1160-p73 273 q1160 10 2010-08-18 ea J01q1160-p74 273 q1160 2 2010-08-12 hh J01q1160-p75 273 q1160 15 2010-08-12 hh J01q1160-p76 273 q1160 28 2010-08-12 hh J01q1160-p77 273 q1160 13 2010-08-12 hh J01q1160-p78 273 q1160 51 2010-08-12 hh J01q1162-p70 273 q1162 33 2010-08-12 hh J01q1162-p71 273 q1162 1 2010-08-12 hh J01q1162-p72 273 q1162 58 2010-08-19 sm J01q1162-p73 273 q1162 19 2010-08-19 sm J01q1162-p74 273 q1162 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1162-p75 273 q1162 20 2010-08-19 sm J01q1162-p76 273 q1162 9 2010-08-19 sm J01q1162-p77 273 q1162 25 2010-08-18 sm J01q1163-p70 273 q1163 18 2010-08-18 sm J01q1163-p71 273 q1163 50 2010-08-18 sm J01q1163-p72 273 q1163 39 2010-08-18 sm J01q1163-p73 273 q1163 11 2010-08-18 sm J01q1163-p74 273 q1163 80 2010-08-18 sm J01q1163-p75 273 q1163 28 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p70 273 q1164 1 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p71 273 q1164 1 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p72 273 q1164 9 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p73 273 q1164 1 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p74 273 q1164 5 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p75 273 q1164 7 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p76 273 q1164 3 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p77 273 q1164 5 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p78 273 q1164 20 2010-08-18 sm J01q1164-p79 273 q1164 1 1 M3 2010-08-12 js J01q1164-p80 273 q1164 9 2010-08-19 sm J01q1165-p77 273 q1165 60 2010-08-19 sm J01q1165-p78 273 q1165 19 2010-08-19 sm J01q1165-p79 273 q1165 13 2010-08-19 sm J01q1165-p80 273 q1165 5 2010-08-19 sm J01q1165-p81 273 q1165 15 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p70 265 q1166 14 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p71 265 q1166 14 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p72 265 q1166 1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p73 265 q1166 1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p74 265 q1166 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p75 265 q1166 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p76 265 q1166 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p77 265 q1166 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p78 265 q1166 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1166-p79 265 q1166 2 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p1 239 q1167 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1167-p2 239 q1167 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1167-p3 239 q1167 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p4 239 q1167 1 10% necked short (necked) 2009-09-26 hh J01q1167-p5 239 q1167 1 10% rim: flaring 2009-09-26 hh J01q1167-p6 239 q1167 1 Two Mouth Jar 2009-09-26 hh J01q1167-p7 239 q1167 1 5% necked restricted necked 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p8 239 q1167 1 10% straight sided 4 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p9 239 q1167 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p10 239 q1167 1 base: rounded 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p11 239 q1167 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1167-p12 239 q1167 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p13 239 q1167 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p14 239 q1167 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p15 239 q1167 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p16 239 q1167 1 8% rim: flaring 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p17 239 q1167 1 4% 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p18 239 q1167 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p19 239 q1167 1 2% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p20 239 q1167 1 2% rim: flaring 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p21 239 q1167 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p22 239 q1167 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p23 239 q1167 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p24 239 q1167 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1167-p25 239 q1167 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p70 239 q1167 32 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p71 239 q1167 14 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p72 239 q1167 21 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p73 239 q1167 9 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p74 239 q1167 7 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p75 239 q1167 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p76 239 q1167 2 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p77 239 q1167 3 2009-09-29 hh J01q1167-p78 239 q1167 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p1 239 q1168 1 5% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p2 239 q1168 1 8 straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p3 239 q1168 1 5% deep 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p4 239 q1168 1 8 base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p5 239 q1168 1 4% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p6 239 q1168 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p7 239 q1168 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p8 239 q1168 1 25% base: flat 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p9 239 q1168 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p10 239 q1168 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p11 239 q1168 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p12 239 q1168 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p13 239 q1168 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p14 239 q1168 1 3% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p15 239 q1168 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p16 239 q1168 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p17 239 q1168 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1168-p18 239 q1168 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p19 239 q1168 1 10% straight sided 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1168-p20 239 q1168 1 base: rounded 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p70 239 q1168 42 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p71 239 q1168 1 2 I1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p72 239 q1168 22 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p73 239 q1168 5 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p74 239 q1168 1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p75 239 q1168 11 2010-08-19 sm J01q1168-p76 239 q1168 16 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p1 239 q1169 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p2 239 q1169 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p3 239 q1169 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p4 239 q1169 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p5 239 q1169 1 6% conical (cup) 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p6 239 q1169 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p7 239 q1169 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p8 239 q1169 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p9 239 q1169 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p10 239 q1169 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p11 239 q1169 1 9% small or miniature rim: out-turned 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p12 239 q1169 1 4% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p13 239 q1169 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p14 239 q1169 1 Stopper 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p15 239 q1169 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p16 239 q1169 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p17 239 q1169 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p18 239 q1169 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p19 239 q1169 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p20 239 q1169 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1169-p21 239 q1169 1 12% deep 2009-09-26 hh J01q1169-p22 239 q1169 1 15% deep rim: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p23 239 q1169 1 4% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1169-p24 239 q1169 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p25 239 q1169 1 10% straight sided 4 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p26 239 q1169 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p27 239 q1169 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-26 hh J01q1169-p28 239 q1169 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1169-p29 239 q1169 1 5% deep 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p30 239 q1169 1 25% base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p31 239 q1169 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p32 239 q1169 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1169-p33 239 q1169 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p70 239 q1169 62 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p71 239 q1169 22 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p72 239 q1169 18 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p73 239 q1169 26 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p74 239 q1169 7 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p75 239 q1169 13 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p76 239 q1169 2 2009-09-29 hh J01q1169-p77 239 q1169 1 4 2008-08-09 hh J01q1170-p1 239 q1170 1 0.15 base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q1170-p2 239 q1170 1 0.15 base: flat, slightly convex 2008-08-09 hh J01q1170-p3 239 q1170 1 0.07 hammer-rim 2008-08-09 hh J01q1170-p4 239 q1170 1 0.07 conical (cup) 1 2009-09-29 hh J01q1170-p70 239 q1170 22 2009-09-29 hh J01q1170-p71 239 q1170 8 2009-09-29 hh J01q1170-p72 239 q1170 17 2009-09-29 hh J01q1170-p73 239 q1170 9 2009-09-29 hh J01q1170-p74 239 q1170 2 2009-09-29 hh J01q1170-p75 239 q1170 2 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p1 239 q1171 1 20% deep rim: flat 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1171-p2 239 q1171 1 description added based on drawing W21d0227 globular body 101 rim: simple 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1171-p3 239 q1171 1 description added based on drawing W21d0263 deep 103 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p4 239 q1171 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p5 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p6 239 q1171 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p7 239 q1171 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p8 239 q1171 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p9 239 q1171 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p10 239 q1171 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p11 239 q1171 1 9% necked restricted necked 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p12 239 q1171 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p13 239 q1171 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p14 239 q1171 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p15 239 q1171 1 7% necked restricted necked 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p16 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p17 239 q1171 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p18 239 q1171 1 5% rim: flaring 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p19 239 q1171 1 Bottles 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p20 239 q1171 1 1% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p21 239 q1171 1 6% 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p22 239 q1171 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p23 239 q1171 1 11% base: flat 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p24 239 q1171 1 3% wide rim diameter 102 handle: interior tab 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p25 239 q1171 1 5% 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p26 239 q1171 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p27 239 q1171 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p28 239 q1171 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p29 239 q1171 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p30 239 q1171 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p31 239 q1171 1 5% round sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p32 239 q1171 1 16% 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p33 239 q1171 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p34 239 q1171 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p35 239 q1171 1 75% base: pointed 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p36 239 q1171 1 Base 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p37 239 q1171 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p38 239 q1171 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p39 239 q1171 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p40 239 q1171 1 1% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p41 239 q1171 1 18% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p42 239 q1171 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p43 239 q1171 1 15% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p44 239 q1171 1 2% deep 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p45 239 q1171 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p46 239 q1171 1 Platter 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p47 239 q1171 1 wide rim diameter 102 handle: interior tab 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p48 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p49 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p50 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p51 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p52 239 q1171 1 straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p53 239 q1171 1 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p54 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p55 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p56 239 q1171 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1171-p57 239 q1171 1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p70 239 q1171 67 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p71 239 q1171 11 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p72 239 q1171 7 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p73 239 q1171 2 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p74 239 q1171 10 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p75 239 q1171 1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p76 239 q1171 33 2010-08-19 sm J01q1171-p77 239 q1171 24 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p1 239 q1172 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p2 239 q1172 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p3 239 q1172 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p4 239 q1172 1 11% necked 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p5 239 q1172 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p6 239 q1172 1 6% necked restricted necked 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p7 239 q1172 1 base: pointed 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p8 239 q1172 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p9 239 q1172 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p10 239 q1172 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p11 239 q1172 1 Was also recorded as FC bs 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p12 239 q1172 1 base: flat, slightly convex 4 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p13 239 q1172 1 12 straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p14 239 q1172 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p15 239 q1172 1 17% other 3 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p16 239 q1172 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1172-p17 239 q1172 1 25% deep rim: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p18 239 q1172 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p19 239 q1172 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p20 239 q1172 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p21 239 q1172 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p22 239 q1172 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p23 239 q1172 1 Batter 15% 4 2009-09-23 hh J01q1172-p24 239 q1172 1 base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1172-p69 239 q1172 1 drawing was formerly q1172-p70 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p70 239 q1172 31 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p71 239 q1172 5 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p72 239 q1172 2 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p73 239 q1172 1 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p74 239 q1172 13 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p75 239 q1172 20 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p76 239 q1172 23 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p77 239 q1172 3 2009-09-29 hh J01q1172-p78 239 q1172 4 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p1 278 q1173 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p2 278 q1173 1 9% conical (cup) J01q1173-p3 278 q1173 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p4 278 q1173 1 7% conical (cup) 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p5 278 q1173 1 7% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p6 278 q1173 1 10% necked short (necked) rim: groove on top 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p7 278 q1173 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p8 278 q1173 1 2010-08-19 sm J01q1173-p70 278 q1173 11 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p71 278 q1173 20 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p72 278 q1173 2 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p73 278 q1173 3 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p74 278 q1173 4 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p75 278 q1173 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p76 278 q1173 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1173-p77 278 q1173 10 2009-09-22 hh J01q1173-p78 278 q1173 1 J01q1173-p99 278 q1173 1 Ribbing on exterior; drawing was formerly q1173-p11 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 2 I7 2009-09-26 hh J01q1174-p2 264 q1174 1 26% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1174-p3 264 q1174 1 8% necked restricted necked 2009-09-26 hh J01q1174-p4 264 q1174 1 20% rim: flaring J01q1174-p5 264 q1174 1 description added based on drawing W21d0843. mKB: Smaller than usual bd.s101 types deep straight 101 2009-09-26 hh J01q1174-p6 264 q1174 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1174-p12 264 q1174 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p1 239 q1175 1 13% straight sided 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p2 239 q1175 1 15% deep rim: flat 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p3 239 q1175 1 20% deep rim: flat 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p4 239 q1175 1 9% globular body 103 rim: folded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p5 239 q1175 1 14% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p6 239 q1175 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p7 239 q1175 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p8 239 q1175 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p9 239 q1175 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p10 239 q1175 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p11 239 q1175 1 1% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p12 239 q1175 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p13 239 q1175 1 20% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p14 239 q1175 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p15 239 q1175 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p16 239 q1175 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p17 239 q1175 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p18 239 q1175 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p19 239 q1175 1 8% rim: flaring 4 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p20 239 q1175 1 base: rounded 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p21 239 q1175 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p22 239 q1175 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p23 239 q1175 1 5% straight sided 4 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p24 239 q1175 1 14% deep rim: flat 2009-09-26 hh J01q1175-p25 239 q1175 1 Bottle 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p26 239 q1175 1 Platter 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p27 239 q1175 1 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p28 239 q1175 1 base: rounded 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p29 239 q1175 1 base: rounded 2009-09-24 hh J01q1175-p69 239 q1175 1 5% deep 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p70 239 q1175 38 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p71 239 q1175 38 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p72 239 q1175 17 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p73 239 q1175 17 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p74 239 q1175 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p75 239 q1175 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p76 239 q1175 5 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p77 239 q1175 5 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p78 239 q1175 2 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p79 239 q1175 2 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p80 239 q1175 2 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p81 239 q1175 2 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p82 239 q1175 32 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p83 239 q1175 32 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p84 239 q1175 28 2010-08-18 ea J01q1175-p85 239 q1175 28 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p2 278 q1176 1 20% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p3 278 q1176 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p4 278 q1176 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p5 278 q1176 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p6 278 q1176 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p7 278 q1176 1 10 round sided rim: simple 4 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p8 278 q1176 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p9 278 q1176 1 6% base: flat 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p10 278 q1176 1 7% necked restricted necked 4 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p11 278 q1176 1 2% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-22 hh J01q1176-p12 278 q1176 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1176-p70 278 q1176 20 2010-08-18 ea J01q1176-p71 278 q1176 19 2010-08-18 ea J01q1176-p72 278 q1176 1 2010-08-18 ea J01q1176-p73 278 q1176 19 2010-08-17 ea J01q1176-p74 278 q1176 2 2010-08-17 ea J01q1176-p75 278 q1176 2 2010-08-17 ea J01q1176-p76 278 q1176 10 2010-08-17 ea J01q1176-p77 278 q1176 1 2010-08-17 ea J01q1176-p78 278 q1176 6 J01q1176-p99 278 q1176 1 drawing was formerly q1176-p70 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 1 K7 J01q1178-p1 269 q1178 2010-08-17 mh J01q1178-p70 269 q1178 15 2010-08-17 mh J01q1178-p71 269 q1178 8 2010-08-17 mh J01q1178-p72 269 q1178 17 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1178-p73 269 q1178 5 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1178-p74 269 q1178 1 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1178-p75 269 q1178 2 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p1 239 q1179 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p2 239 q1179 1 26% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p3 239 q1179 1 8% necked restricted necked 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p4 239 q1179 1 20% rim: flaring 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p5 239 q1179 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p6 239 q1179 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p7 239 q1179 1 20% necked short (necked) rim: groove on top 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p8 239 q1179 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p9 239 q1179 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p10 239 q1179 1 8% conical (cup) 1 4 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p11 239 q1179 1 8% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p12 239 q1179 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p13 239 q1179 1 15% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p14 239 q1179 1 Spout spout 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p15 239 q1179 1 20% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p16 239 q1179 1 10% other 3 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p17 239 q1179 1 7% straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p18 239 q1179 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p19 239 q1179 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p20 239 q1179 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p21 239 q1179 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p22 239 q1179 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p23 239 q1179 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p24 239 q1179 1 7% straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p25 239 q1179 1 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p26 239 q1179 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p27 239 q1179 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p28 239 q1179 1 Base base: type unspecified 2009-09-24 hh J01q1179-p29 239 q1179 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p30 239 q1179 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p31 239 q1179 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p32 239 q1179 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p33 239 q1179 1 13% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p34 239 q1179 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p35 239 q1179 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p36 239 q1179 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1179-p69 239 q1179 1 4% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1179-p70 239 q1179 1 base: rounded 2009-09-29 hh J01q1179-p71 239 q1179 6 2009-09-29 hh J01q1179-p72 239 q1179 5 2009-09-29 hh J01q1179-p73 239 q1179 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1179-p74 239 q1179 3 2009-09-29 hh J01q1179-p75 239 q1179 21 2009-09-26 hh J01q1180-p1 239 q1180 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1180-p2 239 q1180 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-26 hh J01q1180-p3 239 q1180 1 10% straight sided 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p70 239 q1180 42 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p71 239 q1180 42 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p72 239 q1180 11 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p73 239 q1180 11 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p74 239 q1180 3 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p75 239 q1180 3 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p76 239 q1180 3 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p77 239 q1180 3 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p78 239 q1180 2 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p79 239 q1180 2 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p80 239 q1180 13 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p81 239 q1180 13 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p82 239 q1180 8 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1180-p83 239 q1180 8 2009-09-22 hh J01q1181-p1 278 q1181 1 50% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1181-p2 278 q1181 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1181-p3 278 q1181 1 6% globular body 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1181-p70 278 q1181 8 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1181-p71 278 q1181 2 2010-08-17 cjc J01q1181-p73 278 q1181 1 2010-08-17 bs J01q1181-p74 278 q1181 1 2010-08-17 bs J01q1181-p75 278 q1181 1 2010-08-17 bs J01q1181-p76 278 q1181 4 2010-08-17 bs J01q1181-p77 278 q1181 2 2010-08-17 bs J01q1181-p78 278 q1181 1 2010-08-17 bs J01q1181-p79 278 q1181 5 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1183-p1 239 q1183 1 description added based on drawing W21d0271 straight sided wheel marks 104 2010-08-17 bs J01q1183-p70 239 q1183 26 2010-08-17 bs J01q1183-p72 239 q1183 6 2010-08-17 bs J01q1183-p74 239 q1183 4 2010-08-17 bs J01q1183-p76 239 q1183 2 2010-08-17 bs J01q1183-p78 239 q1183 2 2010-08-17 bs J01q1183-p80 239 q1183 4 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p1 280 q1185 1 7% other 3 4 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p2 280 q1185 1 base: rounded 4 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p3 280 q1185 1 5% conical (cup) 1 4 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p4 280 q1185 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p5 280 q1185 1 base: pointed 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p6 280 q1185 1 other 3 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1185-p7 280 q1185 1 description added based on drawing W21d0314 2 I hemishperical 106 J01q1185-p8 280 q1185 1 description added based on drawing W21d0313 other 102 J01q1185-p9 280 q1185 1 description added based on drawing W21d0289 necked short (necked) 104 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p10 280 q1185 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p11 280 q1185 1 9% straight sided J01q1185-p12 280 q1185 1 9% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1185-p13 280 q1185 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p70 280 q1185 33 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p71 280 q1185 10 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p72 280 q1185 4 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p73 280 q1185 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p74 280 q1185 10 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p75 280 q1185 21 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p76 280 q1185 10 2010-08-17 ms J01q1185-p77 280 q1185 4 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p1 231 M q1186 1 1 M18 4% deep 804 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p2 231 q1186 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p3 231 q1186 1 Stopper 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p4 231 K q1186 1 1 K1 12% necked straight 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p5 231 M q1186 1 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p6 231 M q1186 1 9% conical (cup) 801 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p7 231 M q1186 1 10% necked 2009-09-28 hh J01q1186-p8 231 M q1186 1 rim: square 2010-08-17 ms J01q1186-p70 231 q1186 17 2010-08-17 ms J01q1186-p71 231 q1186 2 1 M3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1186-p72 231 q1186 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1186-p73 231 q1186 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1186-p74 231 q1186 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1186-p75 231 q1186 4 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p1 231 M q1187 1 25% base: ring 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p2 231 q1187 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p3 231 M q1187 1 1 M18 5% deep 802 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p4 231 q1187 1 7% 803 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p5 231 q1187 1 rim: square 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p6 231 q1187 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p7 231 M q1187 1 1 M3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1187-p8 231 q1187 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p70 231 q1187 32 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p71 231 q1187 4 1 M3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p72 231 q1187 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p73 231 q1187 6 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p74 231 q1187 2 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p75 231 q1187 5 2010-08-17 ms J01q1187-p76 231 q1187 2 2010-08-17 ms J01q1188-p70 268 q1188 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1188-p71 268 q1188 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1188-p72 268 q1188 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1188-p73 268 q1188 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1188-p74 268 q1188 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1189-p70 278 q1189 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1189-p71 278 q1189 2 2010-08-17 ms J01q1189-p72 278 q1189 2 2010-08-17 ms J01q1189-p73 278 q1189 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1189-p74 278 q1189 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p1 280 q1190 1 10% other 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p2 280 q1190 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p3 280 q1190 1 other 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p4 280 q1190 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p5 280 q1190 1 J01q1190-p6 280 q1190 1 description added based on drawing W21d0285 straight sided J01q1190-p7 280 q1190 1 description added based on drawing W21d0307 necked short (necked) J01q1190-p8 280 q1190 1 description added based on drawing W21d0280 handle: oval knob 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p9 280 q1190 1 3% necked restricted necked J01q1190-p10 280 q1190 1 tab handle on exterior just below rim hole mouth 7 handle: exterior tab 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p11 280 q1190 1 12% rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p12 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p13 280 q1190 1 J01q1190-p14 280 q1190 1 description added based on drawing W21d0288 rim: square 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p15 280 q1190 1 15% necked straight 4 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p16 280 q1190 1 9% round sided 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p17 280 q1190 1 8% carinated rounded (carination) J01q1190-p18 280 q1190 1 description added based on drawing W21d0311 necked 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p19 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p20 280 q1190 1 9% rim: flaring 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p21 280 q1190 1 7% round sided rim: in-turned 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p22 280 q1190 1 10% base: flat 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p23 280 q1190 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p24 280 q1190 1 base: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p25 280 q1190 1 base: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p26 280 q1190 1 1% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p27 280 q1190 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p28 280 q1190 1 Bowls 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p29 280 q1190 1 shouldered 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p30 280 q1190 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p31 280 q1190 1 5% round sided 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p32 280 q1190 1 25% 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p33 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p34 280 q1190 1 base: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p35 280 q1190 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p36 280 q1190 1 base: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p37 280 q1190 1 conical (cup) 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p38 280 q1190 1 Strainer 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p39 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p40 280 q1190 1 10% other 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p41 280 q1190 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p42 280 q1190 1 base: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p43 280 q1190 1 11% necked 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p44 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p45 280 q1190 1 5% necked restricted necked 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p46 280 q1190 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p47 280 q1190 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p48 280 q1190 1 base: rounded 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p49 280 q1190 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p50 280 q1190 1 4% deep 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p51 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p52 280 q1190 1 9% other 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p53 280 q1190 1 9% other 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p54 280 q1190 1 base: pointed 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p55 280 q1190 1 conical (cup) 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p56 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p57 280 q1190 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p58 280 q1190 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p59 280 q1190 1 8% other 3 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p60 280 q1190 1 2009-09-28 hh J01q1190-p61 280 q1190 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1190-p62 280 q1190 1 8% conical (cup) 2009-10-01 hh J01q1190-p63 280 q1190 1 conical (cup) 2009-10-01 hh J01q1190-p64 280 q1190 1 10% other 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1190-p65 280 q1190 1 4% other 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p70 280 q1190 1 2 I3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p71 280 q1190 29 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p72 280 q1190 103 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p74 280 q1190 51 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p76 280 q1190 2 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p78 280 q1190 27 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p80 280 q1190 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p82 280 q1190 1 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p83 280 q1190 18 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p86 280 q1190 6 2010-08-17 ms J01q1190-p88 280 q1190 39 J01q1190-p97 280 q1190 1 Two rows of diagonal stripes; drawing was formerly q1190-p72 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 1 K14 J01q1190-p98 280 q1190 1 One horizontal band; drawing was formerly labeled q1190-p71 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 10R3/1 1 K14 J01q1190-p99 280 q1190 1 Body wall of round sided bowl; drawing was formerly labeled q1190-p70 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# round sided J01q1191-p1 280 q1191 1 Description added from drawing W21d0286 rim: beaked 2009-10-01 hh J01q1191-p2 280 q1191 1 J01q1191-p3 280 q1191 1 handle handle: type unspecified 2009-10-01 hh J01q1191-p4 280 q1191 1 base: rounded 2009-10-01 hh J01q1191-p5 280 q1191 1 18% necked short (necked) J01q1191-p6 280 q1191 1 description added based on drawing W21d0860 round sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1191-p7 280 q1191 1 10% necked short (necked) rim: groove on top 2009-10-01 hh J01q1191-p8 280 q1191 1 shouldered J01q1191-p9 280 q1191 1 thickened body wall near the base base: flat 0000-00-00 sm J01q1191-p70 280 q1191 29 0000-00-00 sm J01q1191-p71 280 q1191 8 0000-00-00 sm J01q1191-p72 280 q1191 8 0000-00-00 sm J01q1191-p73 280 q1191 6 0000-00-00 sm J01q1191-p74 280 q1191 10 0000-00-00 sm J01q1191-p75 280 q1191 1 2 I 2009-10-01 hh J01q1193-p1 280 q1193 1 7% other 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1193-p2 280 q1193 1 5% other 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1193-p3 280 q1193 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1193-p4 280 q1193 1 5% other 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1193-p5 280 q1193 1 J01q1193-p11 280 NIN q1193 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0876 2 I6 other 8 2009-10-01 hh J01q1195-p1 280 q1195 1 8% base: flat 2009-10-01 hh J01q1195-p2 280 q1195 1 10% base: flat 2009-10-01 hh J01q1195-p3 280 q1195 1 shouldered 2009-10-01 hh J01q1195-p4 280 q1195 1 12% other 3 2010-08-17 ms J01q1195-p71 280 q1195 8 2010-08-17 ms J01q1195-p73 280 q1195 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1196-p1 280 q1196 1 base: pointed 2009-10-01 hh J01q1196-p2 280 q1196 1 9% other 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1196-p3 280 q1196 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1196-p4 280 q1196 1 3% conical (cup) 1 J01q1196-p29 280 q1196 0000-00-00 sm J01q1196-p70 280 q1196 9 0000-00-00 sm J01q1196-p71 280 q1196 2 0000-00-00 sm J01q1196-p72 280 q1196 1 0000-00-00 sm J01q1196-p73 280 q1196 6 0000-00-00 sm J01q1196-p74 280 q1196 3 0000-00-00 sm J01q1196-p75 280 q1196 4 J01q1197-p1 282 q1197 1 description added based on drawing W21d0724 base: flat J01q1197-p2 282 q1197 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0723 rim: flaring 2009-09-26 hh J01q1198-p1 278 q1198 1 0.5 base: flat J01q1199-p1 283 q1199 1 oval tab handle on exterior just below rim hole mouth 7 handle: oval knob J01q1199-p2 283 q1199 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0296 rim: simple J01q1199-p3 283 q1199 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0295 necked restricted necked J01q1199-p4 283 q1199 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0298 hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior J01q1199-p5 283 q1199 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0299 rim: rounded J01q1199-p6 283 q1199 1 "fruit stand" - Description added based on drawing W21d0291 J01q1199-p70 283 q1199 1 Dark parallel stripes, dating unknown. Description based on drawing W21d0304 1 J01q1199-p71 283 q1199 1 Description based on drawing W21d0293 2 I J01q1200-p1 284 q1200 1 Description based on drawing W21d0722 base: disk base, slightly convex J01q1200-p2 284 q1200 1 Description based on drawing W21d0721 rim: flaring J01q1200-p3 284 q1200 1 Description added based on drawing rim: flaring 2009-09-26 hh J01q1201-p1 286 q1201 1 base: rounded 2009-09-26 hh J01q1201-p3 286 q1201 1 0.07 straight sided J01q1201-p4 286 q1201 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0716 coba (bowl) curved upper body rim: pointed 2009-09-26 hh J01q1201-p5 286 q1201 1 0.2 base: flat 2009-09-26 hh J01q1201-p6 286 q1201 1 6% conical (cup) J01q1201-p7 286 q1201 2009-09-26 hh J01q1201-p9 286 q1201 1 2% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1201-p69 286 q1201 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 107 J01q1202-p1 283 q1202 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0303 round sided 1 J01q1202-p2 283 q1202 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0302 round sided 1 J01q1202-p3 283 q1202 1 description added based on drawing W21d0292 base: ring J01q1202-p4 283 q1202 1 description added based on drawing W21d0294 necked short (necked) J01q1202-p5 283 q1202 1 Description added based on drawing W21d0297 hammer-rim J01q1202-p6 283 q1202 1 Description based on drawing W21d0301 rim: externally thickened 2010-08-18 ym J01q1202-p70 283 q1202 40 2010-08-18 ym J01q1202-p71 283 q1202 7 2010-08-18 ym J01q1202-p72 283 q1202 1 2010-08-18 ym J01q1202-p73 283 q1202 3 J01q1203-p1 278 q1203 1 Description based on drawing W21d0698 rim: externally thickened 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p2 278 q1203 1 J01q1203-p3 278 q1203 1 description added based on drawing W21d0677 necked restricted necked 103 rim: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p4 278 q1203 1 2% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p5 278 q1203 1 25% base: flat 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p6 278 q1203 1 carinated 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p7 278 q1203 1 base: rounded J01q1203-p8 278 q1203 1 unclear shape 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p9 278 q1203 1 1% round sided 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1203-p10 278 q1203 1 8% straight sided J01q1203-p12 278 q1203 1 Description based on drawing W21d0841 rim: simple J01q1203-p13 278 q1203 1 Description based on drawing W21d0838 necked flaring (necked) 1 J01q1203-p17 278 q1203 1 Description based on drawing W21d0688 conical (cup) 2 J01q1203-p70 278 q1203 1 Ninevite 5 painted decoration. Dark Y-shaped patterning between two lines. Description based on drawing W21d0693 1 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p70 233 q1204 15 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p71 233 q1204 1 2 I1 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p72 233 q1204 3 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p73 233 q1204 3 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p74 233 q1204 2 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p75 233 q1204 1 2010-08-18 ym J01q1204-p76 233 q1204 2 2010-08-18 ym J01q1208-p70 289 q1208 6 2010-08-16 bs J01q1208-p71 289 q1208 4 J01q1209-p1 287 q1209 1 description added based on drawing W21d0671 straight sided J01q1209-p2 287 q1209 1 description added based on drawing W21d0672 J01q1209-p3 287 q1209 1 Description based on drawing W21d0674 carinated J01q1209-p4 287 q1209 1 description added based on drawing W21d0673 straight sided J01q1209-p5 287 q1209 1 Possible potter's mark. Description based on drawing W21d0675 2 I9 2010-08-16 bs J01q1209-p70 287 q1209 7 2010-08-16 mh J01q1209-p71 287 q1209 9 2010-08-16 mh J01q1209-p72 287 q1209 9 2010-08-16 mh J01q1209-p73 287 q1209 7 2010-08-16 mh J01q1209-p74 287 q1209 9 2010-08-16 mh J01q1209-p75 287 q1209 5 2010-08-16 mh J01q1209-p76 287 q1209 3 J01q1210-p1 290 q1210 1 Description based on drawing W21d0713 J01q1210-p2 290 q1210 1 wheel marks on interior. Description added based on drawing W21d1161 straight sided wheel marks on interior 101 rim: pointed 2010-08-16 mh J01q1210-p70 290 q1210 6 2010-08-16 mh J01q1210-p71 290 q1210 4 2010-08-16 mh J01q1210-p72 290 q1210 2 2010-08-16 mh J01q1210-p73 290 q1210 1 2010-08-16 mh J01q1210-p74 290 q1210 3 2009-09-22 hh J01q1212-p1 303 q1212 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1212-p3 303 q1212 1 20% base: flat 2009-10-01 hh J01q1212-p10 303 q1212 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1212-p69 303 q1212 1 This shape is usually connected with LC3 but the ware here is not an LC3 ware; description added based on drawing W23d0152 - this drawing was formerly labeled q1212-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# necked restricted necked 103 rim: pointed 2009-09-14 hh J01q1212-p70 303 q1212 12 2009-09-14 hh J01q1212-p71 303 q1212 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1212-p72 303 q1212 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1212-p73 303 q1212 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p1 239 q1213 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p4 239 q1213 1 3% deep straight 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p5 239 q1213 1 13% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p6 239 q1213 1 7% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p8 239 q1213 1 rim: flaring 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p9 239 q1213 1 handle type tkv 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p10 239 q1213 1 base: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p11 239 q1213 1 base: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p12 239 q1213 1 base: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p13 239 q1213 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p14 239 q1213 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p16 239 q1213 1 7% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-22 hh J01q1213-p17 239 q1213 1 7% base: flat 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p70 239 q1213 14 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p71 239 q1213 15 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p72 239 q1213 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p75 239 q1213 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p76 239 q1213 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p77 239 q1213 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1213-p78 239 q1213 2 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p1 305 q1214 1 8% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p2 305 q1214 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p3 305 q1214 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p4 305 q1214 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p5 305 q1214 1 1% base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1214-p6 305 q1214 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p7 305 q1214 1 3% round sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p8 305 q1214 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p68 305 q1214 1 3% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1214-p69 305 q1214 1 4% deep 2009-09-14 hh J01q1214-p70 305 q1214 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1214-p71 305 q1214 2 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p1 306 q1216 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p2 306 q1216 1 3% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p3 306 q1216 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p4 306 q1216 1 carinated 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1216-p5 306 q1216 1 description added based on drawing W22d0799 deep 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p6 306 q1216 1 4% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p7 306 q1216 1 base: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p8 306 q1216 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1216-p9 306 q1216 1 5% handle: oval knob 2009-09-14 hh J01q1216-p70 306 q1216 12 2009-09-14 hh J01q1216-p71 306 q1216 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1216-p72 306 q1216 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1216-p73 306 q1216 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1216-p74 306 q1216 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1217-p1 306 q1217 1 10% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p2 306 q1217 1 10% hole mouth rim: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p3 306 q1217 1 7% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p4 306 q1217 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p5 306 q1217 1 11% rim: flaring 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p6 306 q1217 1 base: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p7 306 q1217 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p8 306 q1217 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p9 306 q1217 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p10 306 q1217 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p11 306 q1217 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p12 306 q1217 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p13 306 q1217 1 base: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p14 306 q1217 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p15 306 q1217 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p16 306 q1217 1 base: rounded 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p17 306 q1217 1 6% straight sided 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1217-p18 306 q1217 1 description added based on drawing W22d0817 straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p19 306 q1217 1 12% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1217-p20 306 q1217 1 base base: type unspecified 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p70 306 q1217 69 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p71 306 q1217 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p72 306 q1217 7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p73 306 q1217 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p74 306 q1217 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p75 306 q1217 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p76 306 q1217 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p77 306 q1217 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1217-p78 306 q1217 1 J01q1218-p1 241 q1218 1 description added based on drawing W22d0319 other 1 J01q1218-p2 241 q1218 1 Description based on drawing W22d0315 rim: square 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1218-p3 241 q1218 1 necked flaring (necked) 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1218-p4 241 q1218 1 This is probably the base of a shape like cr.-101 base: high footed J01q1218-p5 241 q1218 1 description added based on drawing W22d0317 other 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1218-p70 241 q1218 15 2009-09-14 hh J01q1218-p71 241 q1218 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1218-p72 241 q1218 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1218-p73 241 q1218 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1218-p74 241 q1218 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1218-p75 241 q1218 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p1 310 M q1220 1 9% hole mouth 808 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p2 310 q1220 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p3 310 q1220 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p4 310 q1220 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p5 310 M q1220 1 rim: externally thickened 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p6 310 M q1220 1 9% deep 810 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p7 310 M q1220 1 6% deep 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p8 310 q1220 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p9 310 q1220 1 rim: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p10 310 M q1220 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p11 310 q1220 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p12 310 M q1220 1 5% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p13 310 M q1220 1 5% other 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p14 310 M q1220 1 5% deep 806 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p15 310 q1220 1 rim: square 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p16 310 q1220 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p17 310 q1220 1 12% straight sided 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p18 310 M q1220 1 1 M4 15% straight sided 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p19 310 q1220 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1220-p20 310 q1220 1 1 M3 carinated 2009-09-14 hh J01q1220-p70 310 q1220 43 2009-09-14 hh J01q1220-p71 310 q1220 1 2 I3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1220-p72 310 q1220 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1220-p73 310 q1220 8 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p1 310 q1221 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p2 310 q1221 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p3 310 M q1221 1 17% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p4 310 q1221 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p5 310 q1221 1 7% 803 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p6 310 q1221 1 rim: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p7 310 M q1221 1 5% deep 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p8 310 q1221 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p9 310 q1221 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p10 310 M q1221 1 5% deep 807 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p11 310 q1221 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p12 310 q1221 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p13 310 q1221 1 100% base: type unspecified 2009-09-13 hh J01q1221-p14 310 q1221 1 1 M3 carinated 2009-09-14 hh J01q1221-p70 310 q1221 27 2009-09-14 hh J01q1221-p71 310 q1221 3 2 I7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1221-p72 310 q1221 1 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1221-p73 310 q1221 1 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p1 312 M q1222 1 10% other 803 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p2 312 M q1222 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p3 312 q1222 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p4 312 M q1222 1 1 M3 7% 801 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p5 312 M q1222 1 10% necked straight 801 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p6 312 q1222 1 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p7 312 M q1222 1 Stopper 5% deep 802 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p8 312 M q1222 1 5% hole mouth 803 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p9 312 M q1222 1 3% deep 805 2009-09-12 ac J01q1222-p10 312 q1222 1 7% other 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1222-p70 312 q1222 37 2009-09-14 hh J01q1222-p71 312 q1222 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1222-p72 312 q1222 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1222-p73 312 q1222 3 2009-09-12 ac J01q1223-p1 312 M q1223 1 50% base: high ring 2009-09-12 ac J01q1223-p2 312 q1223 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 ac J01q1223-p3 312 M q1223 1 50% base: high ring 2009-09-14 hh J01q1223-p70 312 q1223 21,6 2009-09-14 sm J01q1223-p71 312 q1223 5,3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1223-p72 312 q1223 1,2 4 2009-09-14 sm J01q1223-p73 312 q1223 1,2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1223-p74 312 q1223 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1223-p75 312 q1223 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1224-p1 316 M q1224 1 20% base: ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1224-p2 316 q1224 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1224-p3 316 q1224 1 rim: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1224-p4 316 M q1224 1 15% necked straight 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1224-p5 316 q1224 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-14 sm J01q1224-p70 316 q1224 34 2009-09-14 sm J01q1224-p71 316 q1224 1 2 I7 2009-09-14 sm J01q1224-p72 316 q1224 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1224-p73 316 q1224 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1224-p74 316 q1224 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p1 310 q1225 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p2 310 q1225 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p3 310 q1225 1 6% carinated sharp (carination) 810 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p4 310 M q1225 1 5% base: ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p5 310 q1225 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p6 310 M q1225 1 15% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1225-p7 310 M q1225 1 18% other 802 2009-09-14 sm J01q1225-p70 310 q1225 14 2009-09-14 sm J01q1225-p72 310 q1225 3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1225-p73 310 q1225 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1225-p74 310 q1225 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1225-p75 310 q1225 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1226-p1 313 q1226 1 10% hole mouth 5 2009-09-13 hh J01q1226-p2 313 q1226 1 1 M19 5% deep 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1226-p3 313 q1226 1 95% base: disk base, flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1226-p4 313 M q1226 1 9% hole mouth 809 2009-09-14 sm J01q1226-p70 313 q1226 11 2009-09-14 sm J01q1226-p71 313 q1226 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1226-p72 313 q1226 2 2009-09-23 hh J01q1227-p1 299 q1227 1 1% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1227-p2 299 q1227 1 10% rim: flaring 2009-09-14 hh J01q1227-p70 299 q1227 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1227-p71 299 q1227 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1227-p72 299 q1227 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1227-p73 299 q1227 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1227-p74 299 q1227 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p1 294 q1228 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p2 294 q1228 1 Leg 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p3 294 q1228 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p4 294 q1228 1 8% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p6 294 q1228 1 10% necked restricted necked 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p7 294 q1228 1 25% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p8 294 q1228 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p9 294 q1228 1 3% necked restricted necked 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p10 294 q1228 1 13% rim: flaring 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p13 294 q1228 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p14 294 q1228 1 18% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p15 294 q1228 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p16 294 q1228 1 0.08 straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p17 294 q1228 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p18 294 q1228 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p19 294 q1228 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p20 294 q1228 1 10% other 3 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p21 294 q1228 1 7% necked short (necked) 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p22 294 q1228 1 15% 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p23 294 q1228 1 9% straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p24 294 q1228 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p25 294 q1228 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p26 294 q1228 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p27 294 q1228 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p28 294 q1228 1 5% hole mouth rim: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p30 294 q1228 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p31 294 q1228 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p39 294 q1228 1 2% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p40 294 q1228 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p42 294 q1228 1 8% deep straight 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p67 294 q1228 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-13 hh J01q1228-p68 294 q1228 1 7% conical (cup) 2009-09-23 hh J01q1228-p69 294 q1228 1 5% 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p70 294 q1228 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p71 294 q1228 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p72 294 q1228 104 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p73 294 q1228 16 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p74 294 q1228 26 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p75 294 q1228 18 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p76 294 q1228 8 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p77 294 q1228 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p78 294 q1228 7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1228-p79 294 q1228 6 J01q1228-p99 294 q1228 1 description added based on drawing W23d0133 2 I9 2009-09-23 hh J01q1229-p1 294 q1229 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1229-p3 294 q1229 1 5% round sided 2009-09-23 hh J01q1229-p5 294 q1229 1 base: rounded 2009-09-23 hh J01q1229-p6 294 q1229 1 base: rounded 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p70 294 q1229 11 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p71 294 q1229 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p72 294 q1229 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p73 294 q1229 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p74 294 q1229 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p75 294 q1229 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1229-p76 294 q1229 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p1 296 q1230 1 10% globular body 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p2 296 q1230 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 4 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p3 296 q1230 1 7% necked rim: exterior groove 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p4 296 q1230 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p5 296 q1230 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p6 296 q1230 1 conical (cup) 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p7 296 q1230 1 straight sided J01q1230-p8 296 q1230 1 description added based on drawing W22d0913 round sided J01q1230-p9 296 q1230 1 description added based on drawing W22d0909 straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p10 296 q1230 1 28% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p11 296 q1230 1 6% hole mouth rim: rounded 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p12 296 q1230 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p13 296 q1230 1 4% round sided rim: simple 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p14 296 q1230 1 J01q1230-p15 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0872 rim: simple J01q1230-p16 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0868 rim: flaring 2009-09-23 hh J01q1230-p17 296 q1230 1 J01q1230-p18 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0929 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-23 hh J01q1230-p19 296 q1230 1 base: rounded 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p20 296 q1230 1 10% necked flaring (necked) J01q1230-p21 296 q1230 1 description added based on drawing W22d0902 round sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p22 296 q1230 1 5% necked short (necked) J01q1230-p23 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0898 1 J01q1230-p24 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0443 other 107 rim: flaring 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p25 296 q1230 1 5% round sided rim: in-turned J01q1230-p26 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0894 other 1 J01q1230-p27 296 q1230 1 Description based on drawing W22d0873 wide rim diameter 101 rim: pointed 2009-10-01 hh J01q1230-p28 296 q1230 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex J01q1230-p29 296 q1230 1 jar shoulder, no rim preserved shouldered 2009-01-01 hh J01q1230-p30 296 q1230 1 7% straight sided 2009-01-01 hh J01q1230-p31 296 q1230 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-01-01 hh J01q1230-p34 296 q1230 1 10% base: type unspecified 2009-01-01 hh J01q1230-p35 296 q1230 1 base: rounded 2009-01-01 hh J01q1230-p36 296 q1230 1 10% base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1230-p69 296 q1230 1 drawing was formerly labeled q1230-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# rim: pointed 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p70 296 q1230 85 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p71 296 q1230 18 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p72 296 q1230 12 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p73 296 q1230 25 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p74 296 q1230 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p75 296 q1230 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1230-p76 296 q1230 8 2009-09-23 hh J01q1231-p1 296 q1231 1 8% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-23 hh J01q1231-p2 296 q1231 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-10-01 hh J01q1231-p3 296 q1231 1 11% other 3 2009-10-01 hh J01q1231-p4 296 q1231 1 23% base: flat J01q1231-p5 296 q1231 1 Description based on drawing W22d0901 rim: simple 2009-10-01 hh J01q1231-p6 296 q1231 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex J01q1231-p7 296 q1231 J01q1231-p8 296 q1231 1 Description based on drawing W22d0904 other 8 J01q1231-p9 296 q1231 1 Possible bowl. Wheel marks on interior 2009-10-01 hh J01q1231-p11 296 q1231 1 base: rounded 2009-10-01 hh J01q1231-p12 296 q1231 1 8% rim: flaring 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1231-p70 296 q1231 11 2009-09-14 hh J01q1231-p71 296 q1231 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1231-p76 296 q1231 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1231-p77 296 q1231 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1232-p1 296 q1232 1 9% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1232-p2 296 q1232 1 3% round sided rim: simple 2009-10-01 hh J01q1232-p3 296 q1232 1 4% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1232-p4 296 q1232 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1232-p5 296 q1232 1 10% straight sided J01q1232-p7 296 q1232 1 description added based on drawing W22d0897 straight sided 102 rim: pointed 2009-09-23 hh J01q1232-p30 296 q1232 1 10% base: flat J01q1232-p69 296 q1232 1 drawing was formerly labeled q1232-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# 102 2009-09-14 hh J01q1232-p70 296 q1232 21 2009-09-14 hh J01q1232-p71 296 q1232 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1232-p72 296 q1232 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1232-p73 296 q1232 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1232-p74 296 q1232 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1232-p75 296 q1232 3 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p1 315 q1233 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p2 315 q1233 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 10 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p3 315 M q1233 1 Stopper 7% 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p4 315 M q1233 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p5 315 q1233 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p6 315 q1233 1 Stand 5% deep 804 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p7 315 M q1233 1 8% deep 806 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p8 315 q1233 1 6% shouldered 13 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p9 315 q1233 1 6% deep 805 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p10 315 M q1233 1 necked straight 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p11 315 M q1233 1 14% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p12 315 M q1233 1 deep 807 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p13 315 M q1233 1 12% other 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p14 315 K q1233 1 1 K1 15% necked straight 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1233-p15 315 q1233 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-23 hh J01q1233-p20 315 q1233 1 7% other 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1233-p70 315 q1233 61 2009-09-14 hh J01q1233-p71 315 q1233 1 2 I3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1233-p72 315 q1233 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1233-p73 315 q1233 10 2009-09-14 hh J01q1233-p74 315 q1233 2 2009-09-12 sm J01q1233-p75 315 q1233 8 2009-09-12 sm J01q1233-p76 315 q1233 7 2009-09-12 sm J01q1233-p77 315 q1233 2 1 M3 2009-09-12 sm J01q1233-p78 315 q1233 1 1 M8 2009-09-12 sm J01q1233-p79 315 q1233 1 1 M3 2009-09-12 sm J01q1233-p80 315 q1233 2 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p1 315 q1234 1 Ribbing 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p2 315 M q1234 1 15% hole mouth 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p3 315 q1234 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p4 315 q1234 1 25% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p5 315 M q1234 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p6 315 M q1234 1 5% deep 803 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p7 315 M q1234 1 1 M25 5% deep 810 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p8 315 M q1234 1 1 M19 12% hole mouth 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p9 315 q1234 1 10% base: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p10 315 M q1234 1 10% hole mouth 808 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p11 315 q1234 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p12 315 K q1234 1 1 K1 9% necked straight 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p13 315 q1234 1 16% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p14 315 q1234 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p15 315 M q1234 1 2% hole mouth 808 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p16 315 q1234 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1234-p17 315 q1234 1 1 M8 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p1 315 M q1235 1 75% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p2 315 q1235 1 rim: square 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p3 315 q1235 1 5% other 5 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p4 315 q1235 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p5 315 q1235 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p6 315 M q1235 1 4% deep 802 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p7 315 q1235 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p8 315 M q1235 1 1 M2 6% shouldered 803 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p9 315 q1235 1 7% conical (cup) 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p10 315 q1235 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p11 315 M q1235 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p12 315 M q1235 1 6% hole mouth 804 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p13 315 M q1235 1 15% 801 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p14 315 M q1235 1 11% straight sided 802 base: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p15 315 M q1235 1 rim: square 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p16 315 M q1235 1 1 M25 7% deep 809 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p17 315 M q1235 1 1 M4 5% 801 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p18 315 M q1235 1 10% hole mouth 803 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p19 315 q1235 1 55% base: low ring 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p20 315 q1235 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p21 315 q1235 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p22 315 q1235 1 7% hole mouth 2 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p23 315 q1235 1 15% base: type unspecified 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p24 315 q1235 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p25 315 q1235 1 7% hole mouth 2 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p26 315 q1235 1 25% base: flat 4 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p27 315 q1235 1 Stopper rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p28 315 q1235 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p29 315 M q1235 1 5% carinated sharp (carination) 816 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p30 315 q1235 1 1 M18 rim: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p31 315 q1235 1 1% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1235-p32 315 M q1235 1 90% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-12 sm J01q1235-p70 315 q1235 151 2009-09-12 sm J01q1235-p71 315 q1235 2 2 I7 2009-09-12 sm J01q1235-p72 315 q1235 1 2 I3 2009-09-12 sm J01q1235-p73 315 q1235 6 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p74 315 q1235 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p75 315 q1235 35 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p76 315 q1235 2 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p77 315 q1235 12 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p78 315 q1235 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p79 315 q1235 2 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p80 315 q1235 17 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p81 315 q1235 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1235-p82 315 q1235 4 J01q1236-p2 296 q1236 1 Description based on drawing W22d0855 rim: groove on top 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p3 296 q1236 1 base: rounded J01q1236-p4 296 q1236 1 description added based on drawing W22d0916 deep J01q1236-p5 296 q1236 1 Description based on drawing W22d0927 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p6 296 q1236 1 9% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p7 296 q1236 1 Lid 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p8 296 q1236 1 7% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p9 296 q1236 1 5% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p10 296 q1236 1 8% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1236-p11 296 q1236 1 5% deep straight 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p70 296 q1236 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p71 296 q1236 323 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p72 296 q1236 30 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p73 296 q1236 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p74 296 q1236 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p75 296 q1236 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p76 296 q1236 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p77 296 q1236 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p78 296 q1236 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p79 296 q1236 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1236-p80 296 q1236 6 2009-09-23 hh J01q1237-p1 299 q1237 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-23 hh J01q1237-p2 299 q1237 1 8% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-14 hh J01q1237-p70 299 q1237 8 2009-09-14 hh J01q1237-p74 299 q1237 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1237-p75 299 q1237 4 2009-09-23 hh J01q1238-p1 320 q1238 1 5% straight sided 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1238-p2 320 q1238 1 rim: rounded 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1238-p3 320 q1238 1 rim: rounded 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1238-p4 320 q1238 1 hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2009-09-14 hh J01q1238-p70 320 q1238 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1238-p72 320 q1238 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q1238-p74 320 q1238 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p1 319 q1239 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p2 319 M q1239 1 4% carinated sharp (carination) 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p3 319 M q1239 1 25% base: ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p4 319 q1239 1 5% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p5 319 M q1239 1 10% shouldered 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p6 319 q1239 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p7 319 M q1239 1 2% deep 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p8 319 q1239 1 9% shouldered 13 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p9 319 q1239 1 9% shouldered 13 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p10 319 M q1239 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p11 319 q1239 1 9% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p12 319 q1239 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p13 319 q1239 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p14 319 q1239 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p15 319 q1239 1 9% straight sided 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p16 319 q1239 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p17 319 q1239 1 9% other 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p18 319 q1239 1 10% round sided 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p19 319 M q1239 1 1 M18 5% other 806 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p20 319 M q1239 1 8% round sided 807 2009-09-13 hh J01q1239-p21 319 M q1239 1 20% base: ring 2009-09-15 hh J01q1239-p70 319 q1239 87 2009-09-15 hh J01q1239-p71 319 q1239 23 2009-09-15 hh J01q1239-p72 319 q1239 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q1239-p73 319 q1239 2 1 M3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1239-p74 319 q1239 1 1 M3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1239-p75 319 q1239 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p1 319 q1240 1 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p2 319 q1240 1 9% other 13 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p3 319 q1240 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p4 319 q1240 1 5% round sided 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p5 319 q1240 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p6 319 q1240 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p7 319 M q1240 1 15% necked straight 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p8 319 q1240 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p9 319 q1240 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 9 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p10 319 q1240 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p11 319 q1240 1 12% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p12 319 q1240 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1240-p13 319 q1240 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p70 319 q1240 48 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p71 319 q1240 1 1 M3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p72 319 q1240 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p73 319 q1240 1 1 M3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p74 319 q1240 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p75 319 q1240 7 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p76 319 q1240 1 1 M3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1240-p77 319 q1240 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p1 296 q1241 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p2 296 q1241 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p3 296 q1241 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p4 296 q1241 1 1% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p5 296 q1241 1 7% necked restricted necked 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p6 296 q1241 1 6% necked restricted necked 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p7 296 q1241 1 9% necked short (necked) rim: groove on top 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p8 296 q1241 1 10% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p9 296 q1241 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p10 296 q1241 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p11 296 q1241 1 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p12 296 q1241 1 8% deep straight 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p14 296 q1241 1 12% straight sided J01q1241-p15 296 q1241 1 neck and upper body of a necked jar necked J01q1241-p16 296 q1241 1 typing as type 7 is tentative round sided 7 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p17 296 q1241 1 5% 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p19 296 q1241 1 J01q1241-p20 296 q1241 1 Description based on drawing W22d0923 shouldered 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p22 296 q1241 1 Handle handle: type unspecified 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p23 296 q1241 1 base: pointed 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p24 296 q1241 1 carinated 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p25 296 q1241 1 8% straight sided 2009-10-01 hh J01q1241-p29 296 q1241 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p68 296 q1241 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1241-p69 296 q1241 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p70 296 q1241 59 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p71 296 q1241 14 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p72 296 q1241 17 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p73 296 q1241 13 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p74 296 q1241 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p75 296 q1241 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p76 296 q1241 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p77 296 q1241 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p78 296 q1241 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p79 296 q1241 1 1 M16 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p80 296 q1241 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1241-p81 296 q1241 25 2009-09-13 hh J01q1242-p1 294 q1242 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1242-p2 294 q1242 1 2009-10-03 hh J01q1242-p3 294 q1242 1 20% straight sided 2009-10-03 hh J01q1242-p4 294 q1242 1 15% handle: round knob 2009-09-14 hh J01q1242-p71 294 q1242 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1242-p72 294 q1242 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1242-p75 294 q1242 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p1 322 q1243 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p2 322 q1243 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p3 322 q1243 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p4 322 q1243 1 15% round sided 4 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p5 322 q1243 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p6 322 q1243 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p7 322 q1243 1 4% deep 14 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p8 322 q1243 1 B2 7% deep 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p9 322 q1243 1 6% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p10 322 q1243 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p11 322 q1243 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p12 322 M q1243 1 6% 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p13 322 q1243 1 15% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p14 322 q1243 1 8% deep 14 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p15 322 q1243 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p16 322 q1243 1 very coarse vessel maybe a stand rim: square 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p17 322 q1243 1 25% base: low ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p18 322 M q1243 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p19 322 q1243 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1243-p20 322 q1243 1 14% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-14 hh J01q1243-p70 322 q1243 57 2009-09-14 hh J01q1243-p71 322 q1243 16 2009-09-14 hh J01q1243-p72 322 q1243 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1243-p73 322 q1243 12 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p1 322 M q1244 1 5% deep 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p2 322 M q1244 1 13% necked straight 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p3 322 q1244 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p4 322 M q1244 1 2% hole mouth 805 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p5 322 M q1244 1 18% deep 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p6 322 q1244 1 9% shouldered 13 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p7 322 q1244 1 8% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p8 322 M q1244 1 1 M18 40% necked flaring (necked) 803 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p9 322 q1244 1 rim: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p10 322 M q1244 1 2% deep 803 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p11 322 K q1244 1 10% round sided 2 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p12 322 M q1244 1 10% hole mouth 805 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p13 322 q1244 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p14 322 q1244 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p15 322 q1244 1 Door Sockek 11% base: low ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p16 322 q1244 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p17 322 q1244 1 2% round sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p18 322 q1244 1 9% necked flaring (necked) 4 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p19 322 q1244 1 base: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p20 322 q1244 1 rim: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p21 322 q1244 1 27% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p22 322 q1244 1 rim: square 2009-09-12 hh J01q1244-p23 322 q1244 1 1 M6 carinated 2009-09-14 hh J01q1244-p70 322 q1244 68 2009-09-14 hh J01q1244-p71 322 q1244 1 2 I7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1244-p72 322 q1244 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1244-p73 322 q1244 13 2009-09-14 hh J01q1244-p74 322 q1244 2 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p1 323 M q1245 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p2 323 q1245 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p3 323 q1245 1 base: pointed 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p4 323 M q1245 1 12% necked straight 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p5 323 M q1245 1 Stopper 12% necked straight 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p6 323 M q1245 1 9% round sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p7 323 M q1245 1 10% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p8 323 M q1245 1 20% necked flaring (necked) 801 2009-09-12 hh J01q1245-p9 323 q1245 1 shouldered 2009-09-14 hh J01q1245-p70 323 q1245 1 2 I1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1245-p71 323 q1245 39 2009-09-14 hh J01q1245-p72 323 q1245 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1245-p73 323 q1245 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1245-p74 323 q1245 1 2009-09-13 sm J01q1245-p75 323 q1245 1 1 M13 2009-09-13 sm J01q1245-p76 323 q1245 2 2009-09-13 sm J01q1245-p77 323 q1245 1 1 M3 2009-09-13 sm J01q1245-p78 323 q1245 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p1 323 q1246 1 100% base: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p2 323 q1246 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p3 323 M q1246 1 10% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p4 323 M q1246 1 30% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p5 323 M q1246 1 20% base: ring 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p6 323 q1246 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p7 323 q1246 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p8 323 q1246 1 rim: flat 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p9 323 M q1246 1 7% carinated rounded (carination) 809 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p11 323 q1246 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p12 323 M q1246 1 3% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p13 323 M q1246 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p14 323 q1246 1 1% shouldered 13 2009-09-12 hh J01q1246-p15 323 q1246 1 30% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 sm J01q1246-p70 323 q1246 32 2009-09-13 sm J01q1246-p71 323 q1246 1 1 M8 2009-09-13 sm J01q1246-p72 323 q1246 1 1 M3 2009-09-13 sm J01q1246-p73 323 q1246 8 2009-09-13 sm J01q1246-p74 323 q1246 3 2009-09-13 sm J01q1246-p75 323 q1246 3 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p1 294 q1247 1 base: pointed 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p2 294 q1247 1 6% straight sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p3 294 q1247 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p4 294 q1247 1 4% round sided rim: out-turned 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p5 294 q1247 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p6 294 q1247 1 base: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p7 294 q1247 1 base: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p8 294 q1247 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p9 294 q1247 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p10 294 q1247 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p11 294 q1247 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p12 294 q1247 1 J01q1247-p13 294 q1247 1 Description based on drawing W22d0846 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p14 294 q1247 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p15 294 q1247 1 9% wide rim diameter 102 handle: interior tab 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p16 294 q1247 1 12% necked short (necked) 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p17 294 q1247 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p18 294 q1247 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p20 294 q1247 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p21 294 q1247 1 J01q1247-p24 294 q1247 1 added based on drawing from cross-horizons (previously labeled q1274 but seems to belong here based on feature on drawing). necked restricted necked 105 rim: slanted toward interior 2009-09-12 hh J01q1247-p69 294 q1247 1 bottle B7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p70 294 q1247 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p71 294 q1247 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p72 294 q1247 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p73 294 q1247 1 2 I1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p74 294 q1247 12 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p75 294 q1247 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p76 294 q1247 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1247-p77 294 q1247 12 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p1 324 q1248 1 10% shouldered 13 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p2 324 q1248 1 30% base: low ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p3 324 q1248 1 2% other 9 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p4 324 q1248 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p5 324 q1248 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p7 324 q1248 1 7% shouldered 13 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p8 324 q1248 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p9 324 q1248 1 carinated 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p10 324 q1248 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p11 324 q1248 1 15% base: string cut cup 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p12 324 q1248 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p13 324 q1248 1 35% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p14 324 M q1248 1 1 M19 10% conical (cup) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p15 324 M q1248 1 9% 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p16 324 q1248 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p17 324 M q1248 1 9% 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p18 324 q1248 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p19 324 q1248 1 18% hole mouth 4 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p20 324 q1248 1 carinated 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p21 324 q1248 1 1% base: ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p22 324 q1248 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p23 324 q1248 1 10% conical (cup) 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p24 324 M q1248 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p25 324 M q1248 1 9% hole mouth 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p26 324 q1248 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p27 324 q1248 1 25% other 10 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p28 324 q1248 1 rim: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1248-p29 324 q1248 1 Stopper rim: beaked 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p70 324 q1248 4,123 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p71 324 q1248 5 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p72 324 q1248 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p73 324 q1248 11 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p74 324 q1248 19 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p75 324 q1248 4 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1248-p76 324 q1248 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p1 324 q1249 1 updated based on Mittani horizon (Z330 cJC) 803 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p2 324 q1249 1 4% conical (cup) 4 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p3 324 q1249 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p4 324 q1249 1 3% deep 4 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p5 324 q1249 1 1 M3 carinated 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p6 324 q1249 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p7 324 q1249 1 15% shouldered 13 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p8 324 q1249 1 15% base: disk base, flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p9 324 q1249 1 2% 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p10 324 M q1249 1 25% base: low ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p11 324 M q1249 1 17% carinated rounded (carination) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p12 324 q1249 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1249-p13 324 q1249 1 25% base: ring 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p70 324 q1249 39 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p71 324 q1249 4 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p72 324 q1249 6 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p73 324 q1249 3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p74 324 q1249 1 2 I1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p75 324 q1249 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1249-p76 324 q1249 1 1 M3 4 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p1 323 M q1250 1 1 M3 carinated 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p2 323 q1250 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p3 323 q1250 1 1 M12 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p4 323 M q1250 1 1 M12 5% carinated sharp (carination) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p5 323 q1250 1 10% other 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p6 323 q1250 1 5% necked flaring (necked) 803 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p7 323 q1250 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p8 323 q1250 1 20% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p9 323 M q1250 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 803 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p10 323 q1250 1 9% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1250-p11 323 q1250 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p70 323 q1250 25 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p71 323 q1250 1 2 I7 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p72 323 q1250 5 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p73 323 q1250 1 1 M3 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p74 323 q1250 2 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p75 323 q1250 1 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p76 323 q1250 2 2009-09-13 sm J01q1250-p77 323 q1250 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p1 296 q1251 1 7% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p2 296 q1251 1 9% hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p3 296 q1251 1 5% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p5 296 q1251 1 20% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p6 296 q1251 1 7% other 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p7 296 q1251 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p8 296 q1251 1 7% straight sided 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p9 296 q1251 1 base: pointed 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p10 296 q1251 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p11 296 q1251 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1251-p12 296 q1251 1 35% base: flat 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p70 296 q1251 17 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p71 296 q1251 9 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p72 296 q1251 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p73 296 q1251 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p74 296 q1251 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p75 296 q1251 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1251-p76 296 q1251 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1252-p1 319 q1252 1 8% necked flaring (necked) 804 2009-09-13 hh J01q1252-p2 319 M q1252 1 1 M21 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1252-p3 319 M q1252 1 12% necked flaring (necked) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1252-p4 319 q1252 1 5% other 9 2009-09-14 hh J01q1252-p70 319 q1252 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1252-p71 319 q1252 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1252-p72 319 q1252 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1252-p73 319 q1252 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p1 323 M q1254 1 Stopper rim: beaked 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p2 323 M q1254 1 12% hole mouth 804 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p3 323 q1254 1 7% hole mouth 2 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p4 323 q1254 1 20% 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p5 323 M q1254 1 5% round sided 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p6 323 q1254 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p7 323 M q1254 1 1 M18 9% necked flaring (necked) 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p8 323 q1254 1 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p9 323 M q1254 1 5% round sided 802 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p10 323 q1254 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p11 323 q1254 1 7% other 2 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p12 323 q1254 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-12 hh J01q1254-p13 323 M q1254 1 7% deep 817 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p70 323 q1254 59 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p71 323 q1254 2 1 M3 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p72 323 q1254 1 2 I7 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p73 323 q1254 11 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p74 323 q1254 2 1 M3 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p75 323 q1254 4 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p76 323 q1254 1 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p77 323 q1254 5 2009-09-13 sm J01q1254-p78 323 q1254 3 2009-01-01 hh J01q1256-p1 296 q1256 1 9% necked restricted necked 2009-09-23 hh J01q1256-p2 296 q1256 1 J01q1256-p3 296 q1256 1 Description based on drawing W22d0888 rim: extened rim J01q1256-p4 296 q1256 1 Description based on drawing W22d0866 rim: extened rim J01q1256-p6 296 q1256 1 Description based on drawing W22d0879 necked short (necked) 101 2009-01-01 hh J01q1256-p7 296 q1256 1 5% hammer-rim J01q1256-p8 296 q1256 1 description added based on drawing W22d0865 straight sided 2009-09-14 hh J01q1256-p70 296 q1256 14 2009-09-14 hh J01q1256-p71 296 q1256 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1256-p72 296 q1256 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1256-p73 296 q1256 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1256-p74 296 q1256 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1256-p75 296 q1256 2 2009-01-01 hh J01q1257-p1 327 q1257 1 12% straight sided 2 2009-01-01 hh J01q1257-p2 327 q1257 1 8% round sided 2009-01-01 hh J01q1257-p3 327 q1257 1 7% wide rim diameter 101 2009-01-01 hh J01q1257-p5 327 q1257 1 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1257-p69 327 q1257 1 Description based on drawing W22d0956 other 104 handle: round knob J01q1257-p99 327 q1257 1 stamped circles, description added based on drawing W23d0135 4 S1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p1 323 K q1258 1 5% necked straight 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p2 323 q1258 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p3 323 q1258 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p4 323 M q1258 1 6% deep 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p5 323 M q1258 1 1 M18 14% other 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p6 323 M q1258 1 8% 807 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p7 323 q1258 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p8 323 q1258 1 5% base: ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p9 323 q1258 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p10 323 q1258 1 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1258-p11 323 q1258 1 8% other 27 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p70 323 q1258 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p71 323 q1258 31 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p72 323 q1258 1 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p73 323 q1258 9 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p74 323 q1258 3 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p75 323 q1258 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p76 323 q1258 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1258-p77 323 q1258 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p1 327 q1260 1 7% conical (cup) 1 J01q1260-p2 327 q1260 1 small part of a wavy line; it is possible that this is a potters mark 2 I2 necked short (necked) 104 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p3 327 q1260 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p4 327 q1260 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p5 327 q1260 1 base: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p6 327 q1260 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p8 327 q1260 1 9% round sided rim: simple 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1260-p9 327 q1260 1 joined with sherd q1263-p2. Description added based on pencil drawing W22b0864 and drawing W22d0359 straight sided wheel marks on interior base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p10 327 q1260 1 25% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1260-p12 327 q1260 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p70 327 q1260 38 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p71 327 q1260 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p72 327 q1260 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p73 327 q1260 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p74 327 q1260 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p75 327 q1260 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p76 327 q1260 7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p77 327 q1260 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p78 327 q1260 12 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p79 327 q1260 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1260-p80 327 q1260 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p1 330 q1261 1 7% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p2 330 M q1261 1 6% necked flaring (necked) 803 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p3 330 K q1261 1 1 K1 12% necked straight 2 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p4 330 q1261 1 18% base: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p5 330 q1261 1 12% deep 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p6 330 q1261 1 base: rounded 4 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p7 330 q1261 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p8 330 q1261 1 10% base: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p9 330 q1261 1 1 M3 shouldered 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p10 330 q1261 1 rim: beaked 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p11 330 q1261 1 7% other 9 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p12 330 q1261 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p13 330 q1261 1 10% base: high ring 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p14 330 M q1261 1 10% carinated sharp (carination) 804 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p15 330 q1261 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p16 330 M q1261 1 9% hole mouth 803 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p17 330 q1261 1 12% other 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p18 330 q1261 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p19 330 M q1261 1 Stopper 3% hole mouth 812 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p20 330 M q1261 1 15% base: ring 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p21 330 q1261 1 base: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p22 330 q1261 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p23 330 q1261 1 rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p24 330 M q1261 1 1 M4 19% conical (cup) 801 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p25 330 K q1261 1 1 K1 13% necked straight 2 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p26 330 q1261 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p27 330 q1261 1 25% base: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p28 330 q1261 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p29 330 M q1261 1 15% 802 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p30 330 q1261 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p31 330 q1261 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p32 330 q1261 1 rim: beaked 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p33 330 q1261 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p34 330 q1261 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p35 330 q1261 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p36 330 q1261 1 14% necked flaring (necked) 9 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p37 330 q1261 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p38 330 K q1261 1 1 K1 8% necked straight 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p39 330 q1261 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1261-p40 330 q1261 1 25% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-14 hh J01q1261-p70 330 q1261 3 1 M3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1261-p71 330 q1261 1 1 M16 2009-09-14 hh J01q1261-p72 330 q1261 1 1 M25 2009-09-14 sm J01q1261-p73 330 q1261 11 2009-09-14 sm J01q1261-p74 330 q1261 3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1261-p75 330 q1261 2 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1261-p76 330 q1261 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p1 327 q1262 1 11% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p2 327 q1262 1 15% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p3 327 q1262 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p4 327 q1262 1 base: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p5 327 q1262 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p6 327 q1262 1 base: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1262-p7 327 q1262 1 20% globular body rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-14 hh J01q1262-p71 327 q1262 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1262-p73 327 q1262 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1262-p75 327 q1262 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1262-p77 327 q1262 4 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p1 317 q1263 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p2 317 q1263 1 18% straight sided base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p3 317 q1263 1 base: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p4 317 q1263 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p5 317 q1263 1 50% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p6 317 q1263 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p7 317 q1263 1 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p8 317 q1263 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p9 317 q1263 1 12% rim: flaring 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1263-p10 317 q1263 1 rim: thickened rim 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p11 317 q1263 1 4% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p12 317 q1263 1 2% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p13 317 q1263 1 5% handle: oval knob 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p14 317 q1263 1 10% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p15 317 q1263 1 8% wide rim diameter 101 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p16 317 q1263 1 10% base: flat 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p17 317 q1263 1 10% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p18 317 q1263 1 10% straight sided J01q1263-p19 317 q1263 2009-09-14 hh J01q1263-p70 317 q1263 42 2009-09-22 hh J01q1263-p71 317 q1263 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p1 330 q1265 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p2 330 q1265 1 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p3 330 q1265 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p4 330 M q1265 1 1 M18 8% conical (cup) 801 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p5 330 q1265 1 11% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p6 330 q1265 1 22% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p7 330 q1265 1 5% deep 14 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p8 330 q1265 1 20% base: ring 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p9 330 q1265 1 19% base: ring 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p10 330 M q1265 1 12% other 801 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p11 330 q1265 1 25% base: type unspecified 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p12 330 M q1265 1 6% deep 816 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p13 330 q1265 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p14 330 q1265 1 11% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p15 330 M q1265 1 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p16 330 q1265 1 6% hole mouth 4 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p17 330 M q1265 1 10% necked straight 802 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p18 330 M q1265 1 17% other 802 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p19 330 M q1265 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 811 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p20 330 q1265 1 rim: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p21 330 M q1265 1 1 M4 5% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p22 330 q1265 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p23 330 q1265 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p24 330 q1265 1 2009-09-16 hh J01q1265-p25 330 q1265 1 12% hole mouth 808 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p70 330 q1265 51 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p71 330 q1265 6 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p72 330 q1265 6 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p73 330 q1265 4 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p74 330 q1265 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p75 330 q1265 1 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p76 330 q1265 2 1 M3 2009-09-14 sm J01q1265-p77 330 q1265 1 B6 2009-09-22 hh J01q1266-p1 332 q1266 1 3% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1266-p2 332 q1266 1 15% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1266-p3 332 q1266 1 30% other base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1266-p4 332 q1266 1 14% necked short (necked) 2009-09-22 hh J01q1266-p5 332 q1266 1 10% base: flat J01q1266-p70 332 q1266 1 this portion of a triangle may be a potters mark 2 I 2009-09-23 hh J01q1267-p1 317 q1267 1 3% rim: beaked J01q1267-p2 317 q1267 1 description added based on drawing W22d0769 straight sided 102 rim: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p3 317 q1267 1 7% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p4 317 q1267 1 10% rim: flaring 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p5 317 q1267 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p6 317 q1267 1 18% base: ring 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p7 317 q1267 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p8 317 q1267 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p9 317 q1267 1 8% other 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p10 317 q1267 1 1200% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p11 317 q1267 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p12 317 q1267 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p13 317 q1267 1 8% necked short (necked) 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p14 317 q1267 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p15 317 q1267 1 5% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p16 317 q1267 1 55% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1267-p17 317 q1267 1 20% straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p1 330 M q1268 1 3% deep 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p2 330 q1268 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p3 330 q1268 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p4 330 q1268 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p5 330 M q1268 1 7% other 16 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p6 330 q1268 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p7 330 q1268 1 75% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p8 330 M q1268 1 Stopper 1 M18 8% shouldered 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p9 330 q1268 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p10 330 q1268 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p11 330 q1268 1 13% base: disk base, flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p12 330 q1268 1 16% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p13 330 q1268 1 Drip Mark 11% base: low ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p14 330 q1268 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p15 330 q1268 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p16 330 q1268 1 30% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p17 330 q1268 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1268-p18 330 q1268 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-22 hh J01q1269-p1 335 q1269 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1269-p2 335 q1269 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1269-p4 335 q1269 1 8% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-22 hh J01q1270-p1 317 q1270 1 25% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-13 hh J01q1271-p1 330 q1271 1 13% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1271-p2 330 M q1271 1 9% carinated rounded (carination) 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1271-p3 330 M q1271 1 7% 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1271-p4 330 q1271 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p1 325 q1273 1 4 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p2 325 M q1273 1 6% other 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p3 325 q1273 1 rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p4 325 q1273 1 15% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p5 325 q1273 1 shouldered 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p6 325 M q1273 1 8% other 801 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p7 325 M q1273 1 Base 100% base: disk base, slightly concave 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p8 325 q1273 1 rim: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p9 325 q1273 1 4% necked flaring (necked) 9 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p10 325 q1273 1 12% necked straight 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p11 325 q1273 1 5% hole mouth 803 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p12 325 q1273 1 20% necked 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p13 325 q1273 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p14 325 q1273 1 2% straight sided 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p15 325 q1273 1 4 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p16 325 q1273 1 10% necked straight 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p17 325 q1273 1 10% necked flaring (necked) 9 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p18 325 M q1273 1 9% carinated sharp (carination) 815 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p19 325 M q1273 1 Bowls 6% deep 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1273-p20 325 q1273 1 25% base: flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1274-p1 278 q1274 1 14% necked short (necked) rim: groove on top 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p1 325 q1275 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p2 325 M q1275 1 25% base: high ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p3 325 M q1275 1 4% carinated rounded (carination) 810 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p4 325 q1275 1 rim: rounded 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p5 325 q1275 1 9% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p6 325 q1275 1 2% 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p7 325 q1275 1 Firing Error 6% 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p8 325 M q1275 1 handle: semi-circular, exterior 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p9 325 q1275 1 15% base: low ring 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p10 325 q1275 1 rim: double strand (both rounded) 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p11 325 q1275 1 15% necked straight 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p12 325 q1275 1 8% round sided 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p13 325 q1275 1 6% straight sided 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p14 325 M q1275 1 6% other 810 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p15 325 q1275 1 Bowls 3% deep 14 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p16 325 q1275 1 10% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p17 325 q1275 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p18 325 q1275 1 25% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p19 325 M q1275 1 5% deep 805 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p20 325 M q1275 1 Stopper 1 M4 6% conical (cup) 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p21 325 q1275 1 50% base: disk base, flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p22 325 q1275 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p23 325 q1275 1 straight sided 2009-09-13 hh J01q1275-p24 325 M q1275 1 1 M18 11% necked flaring (necked) 805 2009-09-14 hh J01q1275-p72 325 q1275 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1275-p74 325 q1275 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1275-p75 325 q1275 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1275-p76 325 q1275 3 2009-09-13 hh J01q1276-p1 196 q1276 1 7% rim: thickened rim 2009-09-22 hh J01q1276-p3 196 q1276 1 carinated 2009-09-22 hh J01q1276-p4 196 q1276 1 7% hammer-rim 101 rim: divided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1276-p6 196 q1276 1 carinated rounded (carination) 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1276-p7 196 q1276 1 necked restricted necked rim: simple 2009-09-22 hh J01q1276-p8 196 q1276 1 14% other 3 2009-09-22 hh J01q1276-p9 196 q1276 1 5% round sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1276-p11 196 q1276 1 spout spout 2009-09-15 hh J01q1276-p70 196 q1276 76 2009-09-15 hh J01q1276-p71 196 q1276 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1276-p72 196 q1276 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1276-p73 196 q1276 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q1276-p74 196 q1276 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1276-p75 196 q1276 9 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p1 278 q1278 1 9% deep 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p2 278 q1278 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p4 278 q1278 1 5% carinated rim: depression on top of rim 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p5 278 q1278 1 10% other 3 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p6 278 q1278 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p7 278 q1278 1 Spout spout 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p8 278 q1278 1 shouldered 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p9 278 q1278 1 4% straight sided 6 2009-09-22 hh J01q1278-p11 278 q1278 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p70 278 q1278 21 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p71 278 q1278 8 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p72 278 q1278 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p73 278 q1278 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p74 278 q1278 5 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p75 278 q1278 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p76 278 q1278 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1278-p77 278 q1278 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1279-p1 337 q1279 1 3% deep rim: flat 2009-10-04 hh J01q1279-p2 337 q1279 1 25% small or miniature rim: flaring 2009-10-04 hh J01q1279-p3 337 q1279 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1279-p4 337 q1279 1 9% straight sided 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p2 196 q1280 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p3 196 q1280 1 3% round sided 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1280-p5 196 q1280 1 description added based on drawing W22d0215 carinated sharp (carination) 101 rim: simple 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p7 196 q1280 1 4% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p8 196 q1280 1 12% globular body 103 rim: folded 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p9 196 q1280 1 2% hammer-rim rim: extened rim 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p11 196 q1280 1 4% 103 rim: interior lip 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p12 196 M q1280 1 1 M18 3% round sided 807 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1280-p13 196 q1280 1 description added based on drawing W22d0233 and catalog entry in LC catalog rim: thickened rim 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p15 196 q1280 1 6% 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p16 196 q1280 1 7% hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p17 196 q1280 1 6% 102 rim: flat 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p18 196 q1280 1 4% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p19 196 q1280 1 9% straight sided 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p21 196 q1280 1 5% hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p22 196 q1280 1 8% carinated rounded (carination) 107 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p23 196 q1280 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p68 196 q1280 1 12% small or miniature rim: flaring 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p69 196 q1280 1 conical (cup) 2 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p70 196 q1280 125,1 4% straight sided 2009-10-04 hh J01q1280-p71 196 q1280 10,1 straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-15 hh J01q1280-p72 196 q1280 13 2009-09-15 hh J01q1280-p73 196 q1280 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q1280-p74 196 q1280 5 2009-09-15 hh J01q1280-p75 196 q1280 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1280-p76 196 q1280 4 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p1 196 q1281 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1281-p2 196 q1281 1 8% round sided 5 2009-09-22 hh J01q1281-p3 196 q1281 1 2015-08-03 cjc J01q1281-p4 196 q1281 1 description added based on drawing L_W22d0778 base: flat 2009-09-16 hh J01q1281-p5 196 q1281 1 6% carinated rounded (carination) 107 rim: slanted 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p6 196 q1281 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p7 196 q1281 1 necked restricted necked 103 rim: pointed 2009-10-01 hh J01q1281-p8 196 q1281 1 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p10 196 q1281 1 carinated rounded (carination) 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p11 196 q1281 1 1% hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p12 196 q1281 1 5% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p13 196 q1281 1 rim: thickened rim 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p14 196 q1281 1 5% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p25 196 q1281 1 5% necked short (necked) 113 rim: pointed rim slanted to exterior 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p30 196 q1281 1 6% other 2009-09-22 hh J01q1281-p65 196 q1281 1 20% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p66 196 q1281 1 8% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p67 196 q1281 1 4% necked restricted necked rim: pointed 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p68 196 q1281 1 6% carinated 2009-10-04 hh J01q1281-p69 196 q1281 1 carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p70 196 q1281 83 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p71 196 q1281 13 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p72 196 q1281 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p73 196 q1281 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p74 196 q1281 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p75 196 q1281 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p76 196 q1281 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1281-p77 196 q1281 1 1 M3 2009-10-04 hh J01q1282-p1 196 q1282 1 7% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-22 hh J01q1282-p2 196 q1282 1 conical (cup) 1 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1282-p3 196 q1282 1 3% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1282-p5 196 q1282 1 10% hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2009-09-17 hh J01q1282-p6 196 q1282 1 white slip-black core 8% other 109 rim: interior projection 2009-09-22 hh J01q1282-p7 196 q1282 1 12% small or miniature rim: flaring 2009-09-22 hh J01q1282-p8 196 q1282 1 12% globular body 103 rim: folded 2009-09-16 hh J01q1282-p13 196 q1282 1 rim: thickened rim 2009-09-16 hh J01q1282-p25 196 q1282 1 5% necked restricted necked rim: simple 2009-09-16 hh J01q1282-p32 196 q1282 1 This sherd has also been categorized as l---f (platter with flat rim) 7% straight sided 101 rim: pointed 2009-09-17 hh J01q1282-p69 196 q1282 1 7% carinated rim: simple 2009-09-22 hh J01q1282-p70 196 q1282 1 4% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1282-p71 196 q1282 1 straight sided wheel marks on interior 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p72 196 q1282 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p73 196 q1282 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p74 196 q1282 1 1 M3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p75 196 q1282 36 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p76 196 q1282 10 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p77 196 q1282 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q1282-p78 196 q1282 3 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p1 340 q1283 1 large diameter 5% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p2 340 q1283 1 7% other 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p4 340 q1283 1 5% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p5 340 q1283 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p6 340 q1283 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p7 340 q1283 1 base: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p8 340 q1283 1 base: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p9 340 q1283 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p10 340 q1283 1 5% other rim: pointed rim slanted to interior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p11 340 q1283 1 4% hammer-rim rim: extened rim 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p12 340 q1283 1 7% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p13 340 q1283 1 exterior rim 4% 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p14 340 q1283 1 rounded exterior rim 6% necked restricted necked rim: pointed 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p15 340 q1283 1 No Handle 4% other 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p16 340 q1283 1 4 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p17 340 q1283 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p19 340 q1283 1 4% necked restricted necked 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p21 340 q1283 1 8% carinated rounded (carination) 107 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p22 340 q1283 1 large diameter 4% hammer-rim 105 rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1283-p23 340 q1283 1 9% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-22 hh J01q1283-p24 340 q1283 1 base: exterior ledge J01q1283-p70 340 q1283 1 circles with small dots inside and around; solid line above. Description added based on drawing W22d0985 1 M22 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p71 340 q1283 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p72 340 q1283 9 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p73 340 q1283 5 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p74 340 q1283 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p75 340 q1283 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p76 340 q1283 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1283-p77 340 q1283 41 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p1 239 q1284 1 7% deep 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p2 239 q1284 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p3 239 q1284 1 15% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p4 239 q1284 1 3% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p5 239 q1284 1 10% necked short (necked) 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p6 239 q1284 1 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p7 239 q1284 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p8 239 q1284 1 deep 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p9 239 q1284 1 14% necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p10 239 q1284 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p11 239 q1284 1 7% straight sided 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p12 239 q1284 1 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p13 239 q1284 1 5% necked restricted necked 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p14 239 q1284 1 20% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-22 hh J01q1284-p15 239 q1284 1 10% straight sided 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p70 239 q1284 53 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p71 239 q1284 7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p72 239 q1284 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p73 239 q1284 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p74 239 q1284 4 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p75 239 q1284 3 2009-09-14 hh J01q1284-p76 239 q1284 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p70 345 q1285 12 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p71 345 q1285 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p72 345 q1285 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p73 345 q1285 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p74 345 q1285 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p75 345 q1285 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1285-p76 345 q1285 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1286-p1 345 q1286 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1286-p2 345 q1286 1 2% carinated sharp (carination) 2009-09-17 hh J01q1286-p3 345 q1286 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1286-p4 345 q1286 1 8% straight sided 2009-09-17 hh J01q1286-p5 345 q1286 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1286-p6 345 q1286 1 2% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p70 345 q1286 7 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p71 345 q1286 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p72 345 q1286 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p73 345 q1286 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p74 345 q1286 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p75 345 q1286 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1286-p76 345 q1286 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p1 329 q1287 1 base: pointed 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p2 329 q1287 1 mKB: large base with exterior ledge, bottom rough with chaff marks, ware is gray buff with light buff-green slip, chaff, calcite and sand temper, made probably with a coil method with coil marks visible on the interior of the base, it is also possible that these marks are the result of production on a slow wheel, the exterior portion of the base has been cut with a sharp tool and is slightly undulating, 4 examples of this type base in J6 f200 25% base: exterior ledge 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p3 329 q1287 1 mKB: green flat base with wheel marks 1% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p4 329 q1287 1 mKB: green flat base with wheel marks 30% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p5 329 q1287 1 mKB: ring base of a bowl, orange buff slip on exterior only, slow wheel marks on the interior, no carbon core, "exploded" calcite on the interior and in section 25% base: ring 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p6 329 q1287 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p7 329 q1287 1 mKB: tiny bowl, orange-brown interior and red-buff exterior, burnished on interior and exterior 5% carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p8 329 q1287 1 mKB: simple rim, light green buff, date unknown but may be LC2 7% straight sided 104 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p9 329 q1287 1 mKB: conical cup with simple rim, light green buff, date unknown but may be LC2 8% conical (cup) 2 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p10 329 q1287 1 mKB: round sided bowl with slight carination near the top, gray-brown ware with burnished exterior, similar shape found in LC2 but on a larger bowl and in a different ware 8% round sided 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p11 329 q1287 1 mKB: bowl with beaded rim heavily secondarily fired, ZA202 mKB: Revised definition to cup based on new comparisons with cross-horizons. 4% 2009-09-17 hh J01q1287-p12 329 q1287 1 plate - mKB: bowl with rim slanted toward the interior, carbon core, smoother on exterior than interior, tan-buff slip. ZA202 mKB: Revised to plate based on cross-horizon review 4% J01q1287-p13 329 q1287 1 diameter can not be determined from preserved portion - cJC rim: depression on top of rim 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p14 329 q1287 1 mKB: round sided bowl, - p14 small red-brown simple rim bowl with carbon core. ZA202 mKB: Revised to straight-sided based on new cross-horizons review 2% straight sided 101 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p15 329 q1287 1 mKB: jar with sharply outturned neck, firing cloud, red-brown, much chaff for such a thin walled shape, calcite. 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p16 329 q1287 1 9% straight sided 101 rim: pointed 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p17 329 q1287 1 mKB: jar with folded over rim and interior groove 5% necked restricted necked 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1287-p18 329 q1287 1 hammer-rim 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p19 329 q1287 1 mKB: restricted rim jar with well smoothed surfaces, tan 9% rim: flaring 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p20 329 q1287 1 mKB: round sided bowl with thin beaded rim undercut below exterior 7% straight sided 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1287-p21 329 q1287 1 joined to q1287-p20. Description based on that sherd and the drawing. 7% other 1 2014-03-03 cjc J01q1287-p22 329 q1287 1 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p23 329 q1287 1 mKB: square rimmed deep bowl, Rc ware with buff-green slip 9% round sided rim: simple 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p24 329 q1287 1 mKB: slightly concave green bowl base with wheelmarks on lower body wall in FC ware 55% base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2009-09-23 hh J01q1287-p25 329 q1287 1 mKB: convex base, green-buff, much sub-round chaff and calcite 35% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p70 329 q1287 53 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p71 329 q1287 11 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p72 329 q1287 5 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p73 329 q1287 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p74 329 q1287 17 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p75 329 q1287 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p76 329 q1287 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p77 329 q1287 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1287-p78 329 q1287 4 J01q1288-p3 q1288 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1289-p2 341 q1289 1 the upper portion is not as flaring as the usual examples of this type deep flaring body 15 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1289-p3 341 q1289 1 coarse ware bowl or jar. see notes on q1289 necked restricted necked 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1289-p4 341 q1289 1 description added based on drawing W22d0318 straight sided 102 rim: pointed 2015-08-27 mkb J01q1289-p5 341 q1289 1 Secondarily Fired conical (cup) J01q1289-p14 341 q1289 2009-09-15 hh J01q1289-p70 341 q1289 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1289-p71 341 q1289 4 2009-09-15 hh J01q1289-p72 341 q1289 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1289-p73 341 q1289 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1289-p74 341 q1289 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1290-p1 338 q1290 1 Pointed base. Description based on drawing W22d0752 and notes on q1290 base: pointed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1290-p2 338 q1290 1 Thick bowl. See notes on q1290 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1290-p3 338 q1290 1 hole mouth 105 rim: thickened rim 2009-09-15 hh J01q1291-p70 279 q1291 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1291-p71 279 q1291 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1291-p72 279 q1291 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1291-p73 279 q1291 1 POT MARK 2 I9 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p1 346 q1292 1 Plate with inturned rim rounded in section. Description based on drawing W22d0755 and notes on q1292 rim: in-turned 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p2 346 q1292 1 Carinated body sherd or flat base. See notes on q1292 base: flat 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p3 346 q1292 1 Pointed base, overfired with much calcite temper. Description based on drawing W22d0764 and notes on q1292 base: pointed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p4 346 q1292 1 Yellow-buff flat base with swelling body wall just above the base base: flat 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p5 346 q1292 1 small bowl,secondary fired both interior and exterior. See notes on q1292. mKB ZA202: Rim diameter confirms shape as cup other 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p6 346 q1292 1 Small bowl. See notes on q1292 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p7 346 q1292 1 Plate, gray-red, slightly burnished. See notes on q1292 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p8 346 q1292 1 Small jar with rounded rim. See notes on q1292 rim: rounded J01q1292-p9 346 q1292 1 This example does not have rim extension toward the interior but does have the same rim and the same slight angle on the interior as this type hole mouth 1 rim: extended toward interior 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p10 346 q1292 1 Blackened interior. Plate with pointed rim, entire interior of rim blackened from use with a lid. See notes on q1292 rim: pointed 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p11 346 q1292 1 flat base, see notes on q1292 base: flat 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1292-p12 346 q1292 1 mKB ZA202: flat base, possibly a carinated body sherd, see notes on q1292 base: flat J01q1293-p1 347 q1293 1 Coarse, much chaff and some lithic temper, bright-orange paint on exterior and some traces of paint on interior, restricted neck jar, it is probably an imitation of Uruk Red Ware but not the same color or ware as the Uruk Red wase excavated by us in Qraya. See notes on q1293 and f347 necked restricted necked 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1293-p2 347 q1293 1 jar with rim extended toward interior and exterior. See notes on q1293 and f347 rim: extended to interior and exterior J01q1293-p3 347 q1293 1 Bowl base with slightly convex base with walls rounded near the base (for this shape see J2 f215 q648-4). See notes on q1293 and f347 base: flat, slightly convex 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1293-p4 347 q1293 1 Ware similar to q1293-p6. See notes on q1293 and f347 J01q1293-p5 347 q1293 1 Small jar with beaded rim. See notes on q1293 and f347 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1293-p6 347 q1293 1 see notes on q1293 and f347. mKB ZA202: review of the sherds based on catalogs confirms the categorization as hole mouth jar hole mouth 4 rim: simple 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p70 347 q1293 28 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p71 347 q1293 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p72 347 q1293 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p73 347 q1293 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p74 347 q1293 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p75 347 q1293 5 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p76 347 q1293 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1293-p77 347 q1293 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1294-p1 279 q1294 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1294-p70 279 q1294 12 2009-09-15 hh J01q1294-p71 279 q1294 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1294-p72 279 q1294 1 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1295-p1 347 q1295 1 Small conical cups or bowls with simple rim. Description added based on drawing W23d0120 and notes on q1295 conical (cup) J01q1295-p2 347 q1295 1 Added based on notes on q1295. Small conical cups or bowl with simple rim conical (cup) 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1295-p4 347 q1295 1 Has straighter sides than the usual examples of this type. Conical cup or bowl with slightly beaded rim, secondarily fired round sided 7 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1295-p5 347 q1295 1 description added based on drawing W23d0104 and mKB notes on q1295. mKB: bowl with pointed rim and slightly thickened on the exterior 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1295-p6 347 q1295 1 small bowl with beaded rim with "exploded" calcite on surface. Description added based on drawing W23d0127 and notes on q1295 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1295-p7 347 q1295 1 green S ware bowl with convex base and vessel walls rounded near base. description added based on drawing W23d0124 and notes on q1295 base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p70 347 q1295 8,9 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p71 347 q1295 6 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p72 347 q1295 7 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p73 347 q1295 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p74 347 q1295 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p75 347 q1295 1 2009-09-14 hh J01q1295-p76 347 q1295 3 2015-08-27 mkb J01q1296-p1 346 q1296 1 Description added from notes in q1296 rim: restricted 2015-08-27 mkb J01q1296-p2 346 q1296 1 Description added from notes in q1296 hammer-rim rim: extened rim 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p1 345 q1297 1 conical (cup) 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p2 345 q1297 1 5% straight sided 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p3 345 q1297 1 50% small or miniature 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p4 345 q1297 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p5 345 q1297 1 2% rim: interior projection 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p6 345 q1297 1 5% base: exterior ledge 2009-09-17 hh J01q1297-p7 345 q1297 1 handle 15% necked flaring (necked) 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p1 345 q1298 1 10% globular body rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p2 345 q1298 1 15% globular body rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-01-01 hh J01q1298-p3 345 q1298 1 27% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p4 345 q1298 1 10% hammer-rim rim: extened rim 2009-01-01 hh J01q1298-p5 345 q1298 1 14% straight sided 2009-01-01 hh J01q1298-p6 345 q1298 1 5% round sided rim: simple 2009-01-01 hh J01q1298-p7 345 q1298 1 3% straight sided 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p8 345 q1298 1 Lid 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p9 345 q1298 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p10 345 q1298 1 5% hole mouth rim: simple 2009-09-17 hh J01q1298-p11 345 q1298 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1298-p12 345 q1298 1 4% straight sided J01q1298-p13 345 q1298 1 joined to q1298-p15 straight sided 102 rim: pointed 2009-01-01 hh J01q1298-p14 345 q1298 1 10% conical (cup) 1 J01q1298-p15 345 q1298 1 joined to q1298-p13 straight sided 102 rim: pointed 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p70 345 q1298 18 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p71 345 q1298 9 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p72 345 q1298 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p73 345 q1298 15 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p74 345 q1298 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p75 345 q1298 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p76 345 q1298 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1298-p77 345 q1298 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1299-p1 350 q1299 1 mKB: hammer rim bowl gray-brown slip interior and exterior, coarse surface texture but the interior somwhat smoother than exterior 10% hammer-rim rim: extened rim 2009-01-01 hh J01q1299-p3 350 q1299 1 mKB: small pointed rim bowl with wide carbon core, scrape marks on exterior body below rim, "exploded" calcite on exterior surface 7% 2015-08-27 mkb J01q1299-p4 350 q1299 1 hole mouth jar with handle, shape unknown, wide dark carbon core, much chaff and large lithic inclusions, mostly light gray, medium fire hole mouth handle: type unspecified 2009-01-01 hh J01q1299-p6 350 q1299 1 5% hole mouth 4 rim: simple with horseshoe handle J01q1299-p70 350 q1299 1 see notes on q1299 and f350: bright red-orange polished body sherd with darker red slip on interior, carbon core large gray and white pebbles, medium to low fire probably an initation of Uruk Red Ware but brighter in color and coarser in section than imported Uruk Red Ware excavated by us in Qraya 1 J01q1300-p1 351 q1300 1 Revised based on new coding system to hammer rim bowl I1 hammer-rim 104 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p2 351 q1300 1 hammer-rim 102 rim: extened rim 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p3 351 q1300 1 red-brown hammer rim bowl with thick slip, see notes on q1300 hammer-rim 104 rim: extended toward exterior 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p4 351 q1300 1 Small jar. See notes on q1300 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p5 351 q1300 1 this bowl has a smaller rim diameter than the typical hammer rim bowls hammer-rim 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p6 351 q1300 1 red-brown hammer rim bowl with thick slip, see notes on q1300 hammer-rim 104 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p7 351 q1300 1 red-brown hammer rim bowl with thick slip, see notes on q1300 straight sided rim: beaked 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1300-p8 351 q1300 1 see notes on q1300, may be part of hammer rim bowl 2009-09-17 hh J01q1301-p1 350 q1301 1 mKB: hole mouth jar used as a cooking pot with thickened rim on interior and exterior, extrior is a light brown but interior completely blackened, no carbon core, much chaff and lithic temper 7% hole mouth 1 rim: extended toward interior J01q1301-p2 350 q1301 1 Small part of rim of bowl or cup. See notes on q1301 other 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1301-p3 350 q1301 1 mKB: thick walled coarse jar with much chaff, carbon core and gray-buff slip interior and exterior,smoother on interior than exterior 8% J01q1301-p70 350 q1301 1 Body sherds with thick dark reddish paint in drips down the exterior, carbon core and medium gray interior 1 M22 2009-09-15 hh J01q1302-p70 342 q1302 15 2009-09-15 hh J01q1302-p71 342 q1302 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1302-p72 342 q1302 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1302-p73 342 q1302 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1302-p74 342 q1302 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1303-p2 345 q1303 1 19% straight sided 2009-01-01 hh J01q1303-p3 345 q1303 1 base: rounded 2009-09-17 hh J01q1303-p4 345 q1303 1 8% rim: thickened rim 2009-01-01 hh J01q1303-p5 345 q1303 1 5% necked restricted necked 2009-09-17 hh J01q1303-p6 345 q1303 1 carinated rounded (carination) 2009-09-17 hh J01q1303-p7 345 q1303 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1303-p8 345 q1303 1 base: pointed 2009-01-01 hh J01q1303-p9 345 q1303 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1303-p70 345 q1303 30 2009-09-15 hh J01q1303-p71 345 q1303 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1303-p72 345 q1303 11 2009-09-15 hh J01q1303-p73 345 q1303 8 2009-09-15 hh J01q1303-p74 345 q1303 2 2009-09-15 hh J01q1303-p75 345 q1303 3 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p1 355 q1304 1 mKB: buff LC3 coarse bowl with squared top of rim 7% round sided rim: simple 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p2 355 q1304 1 mKB: buff LC3 coarse bowl with squared top of rim 4% other rim: pointed rim slanted to interior 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p3 355 q1304 1 mKB: buff LC3 coarse bowl with squared top of rim 2% other rim: pointed rim slanted to interior 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p4 355 q1304 1 mKB: coarse red-brown plain rim bowl 7% wide rim diameter 101 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p5 355 q1304 1 mKB: coarse red-brown plain rim bowl 10% rim: flat 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p6 355 q1304 1 mKB: tan-buff plain rim bowl. ZA202: Revised based on drawing to straight sided bowl 10% straight sided 101 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p7 355 q1304 1 mKB: tannish-gray simple rim bowl secondarily fired on the interior. mKB ZA202 - shape re-reviewed and decided it is cup 3% conical (cup) 2009-01-01 hh J01q1304-p70 355 q1304 1 small knob J01q1304-p71 355 q1304 2009-01-01 hh J01q1305-p1 353 q1305 1 3% deep straight 2009-01-01 hh J01q1305-p2 353 q1305 1 7% necked 2009-01-01 hh J01q1305-p3 353 q1305 1 15% base: flat 2009-09-15 hh J01q1305-p70 353 q1305 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1305-p71 353 q1305 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1305-p72 353 q1305 6 2009-09-15 hh J01q1305-p73 353 q1305 2 J01q1306-p1 354 q1306 1 Jar with globular body in a tan-brown slip, with some chaff and calcite, compact clay with smooth surface interior and exterior, this ware is much lecc coarse than the LCH ware. See notes on q1306 necked short (necked) 103 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1306-p2 354 q1306 1 S ware rounded base, very green and well smoothed surface. See notes on q1306 base: rounded 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1306-p3 354 q1306 1 Small orange-brown bowl with simple rim in RC1 ware. See notes on q1306 rim: simple 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1306-p4 354 q1306 1 Small jar. See notes on q1306 rim: pointed J01q1306-p5 354 q1306 1 base: flat 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1306-p6 354 q1306 1 jar with rounded rim undercut on the exterior, could also be a casserole style - see notes on q1306 rim: rounded 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1306-p32 354 q1306 1 conical cup greener toward base and yellow at rim, FC ware and rougher texture on interior and exterior than the usual FC ware surface, see notes on q1306 conical (cup) J01q1306-p68 354 q1306 1 description added based on drawing W23d0122 - This drawing was formerly labeled q1306-p5 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# other 1 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1306-p69 354 q1306 1 this example has a rounder body than the usual type 7; round sided 7 2009-09-15 hh J01q1306-p70 354 q1306 28 2009-09-15 hh J01q1306-p71 354 q1306 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1306-p72 354 q1306 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1306-p73 354 q1306 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1306-p74 354 q1306 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1306-p75 354 q1306 2 2009-01-01 hh J01q1307-p1 351 q1307 1 mKB: coarse bowl or casserole 6% rim: thickened rim J01q1307-p2 351 q1307 1 medium jar neck. Added from notes on q1307 necked J01q1307-p3 351 q1307 1 medium bowl with simple rim. Description added based on drawing W22d0750 and q1307 notes rim: simple 2009-01-01 hh J01q1307-p4 351 q1307 1 mKB: coarse bowl 6% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-01-01 hh J01q1308-p1 352 q1308 1 mKB: small cup with beaded rim with lower part of the rim undercut, fine incised and excised decoration. 9% straight sided J01q1308-p2 352 q1308 1 decoration is spaced burnished; neck and upper body of a jar. Small jar, narrow vessel wall, parallel space burnishing on the exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p4 352 q1308 1 5% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p5 352 q1308 1 2% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p6 352 q1308 1 mKB: small jar or pot with square rim, gray, burnished on both interior and exterior 5% hole mouth rim: simple with horseshoe handle 2009-01-01 hh J01q1308-p7 352 q1308 1 6% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-01-01 hh J01q1308-p8 352 q1308 1 mKB: jar with pointed rim rounded on the exterior 7% hole mouth rim: out-turned 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p9 352 q1308 1 mKB: bowl with rounded rim 9% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p10 352 q1308 1 6% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior J01q1308-p11 352 q1308 1 Slight ring base with a depression around the exterior of the low ring, See notes on q1308 base: ring 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p12 352 q1308 1 mKB: jar with restricted neck 8% 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1308-p13 352 q1308 1 rib below rim, see notes on q1308 other 1 J01q1308-p67 352 q1308 1 drawing was formerly labeled q1308-p12 but was renumbered due to duplicate entries for that p# base: flat J01q1308-p68 352 q1308 1 drawing was formerly labeled q1308-p8 but was renumbered due to duplicate entries for that p# 2009-09-17 hh J01q1308-p69 352 q1308 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1309-p1 345 q1309 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1309-p2 345 q1309 1 7% conical (cup) 1 2009-09-17 hh J01q1309-p3 345 q1309 1 2% hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2009-09-17 hh J01q1309-p4 345 q1309 1 7% hole mouth rim: simple with horseshoe handle 2009-01-01 hh J01q1309-p5 345 q1309 1 5% conical (cup) 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1309-p6 345 q1309 1 base: pointed 2009-09-17 hh J01q1309-p7 345 q1309 1 4% rim: flat J01q1309-p68 345 q1309 1 drawing was formerly labeled q1309-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entries for that p# other J01q1309-p69 345 q1309 1 drawing was formerly labeled q1309-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entries for that p# straight sided 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p70 345 q1309 23 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p71 345 q1309 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p72 345 q1309 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p73 345 q1309 1 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p74 345 q1309 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p75 345 q1309 3 2009-09-15 hh J01q1309-p76 345 q1309 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1310-p1 352 q1310 1 mKB: thick flat base 8% base: flat J01q1310-p2 352 q1310 1 this example does not have the rim extended on the exterior hammer-rim 103 rim: extened rim J01q1310-p3 352 q1310 1 Added from notes on q1310 hammer-rim J01q1310-p4 352 q1310 1 Added from notes on q1310 hammer-rim J01q1310-p5 352 q1310 1 Coarse gray-tan bowl or jar. Added from notes on q1310 J01q1310-p6 352 q1310 J01q1310-p7 352 q1310 1 Added from notes on q1310 hammer-rim 2009-01-01 hh J01q1310-p8 352 q1310 1 mKB: thin walled flaring rim jar or bowl 2009-01-01 hh J01q1310-p9 352 q1310 1 mKB: tiny gray burnished bowl with beaded rim 5% straight sided 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1310-p10 352 q1310 1 hammer rim bowls, see notes on q1310 hammer-rim 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1310-p11 352 q1310 1 jar with rounded rim undercut on the exterior. See notes on q1310 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1310-p12 352 q1310 1 small bowl, burnished interior and exterior, simple rim. See notes on q1310 straight sided 2014-03-04 cjc J01q1311-p1 354 q1311 1 J01q1311-p2 354 q1311 1 2014-03-06 cjc J01q1311-p3 354 q1311 1 conical (cup) 2009-09-29 hh J01q1311-p70 354 q1311 20 2009-09-29 hh J01q1311-p71 354 q1311 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1311-p72 354 q1311 8 2009-09-29 hh J01q1311-p73 354 q1311 7 2009-09-29 hh J01q1311-p74 354 q1311 4 2009-09-29 hh J01q1311-p75 354 q1311 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p1 358 q1312 1 6% handle: oval knob 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1312-p2 358 q1312 1 necked flaring body 1 rim: folded with interior groove 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p3 358 q1312 1 10% necked restricted necked 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p4 358 q1312 1 10% conical (cup) 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p5 358 q1312 1 17% necked 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p6 358 q1312 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p7 358 q1312 1 5% globular body rim: interior groove or ledge 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p8 358 q1312 1 11% base: exterior ledge 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p9 358 q1312 1 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1312-p10 358 q1312 1 description added based on drawing W23d0112 wide rim diameter 101 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p11 358 q1312 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p12 358 q1312 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p13 358 q1312 1 hole mouth rim: out-turned 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p14 358 q1312 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p15 358 q1312 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p16 358 q1312 1 small or miniature 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p17 358 q1312 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p18 358 q1312 1 10% straight sided 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p19 358 q1312 1 4% globular body 103 rim: folded 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p20 358 q1312 1 8% necked restricted necked 2009-01-01 hh J01q1312-p21 358 q1312 1 3% deep straight 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1313-p1 358 q1313 1 body wall is rounder than the usual type 1 other 1 2009-01-01 hh J01q1313-p2 358 q1313 1 base: ring 2009-01-01 hh J01q1313-p3 358 q1313 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1313-p4 358 q1313 1 Description added based on drawing W22d0433 and notes conical (cup) 1 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1313-p5 358 q1313 1 Description added based on drawing W22d0434 and notes necked short (necked) 103 2009-01-01 hh J01q1313-p6 358 q1313 1 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1313-p69 358 q1313 1 description added based on drawing W22d0439 - drawing was formerly labeled q1313-p3 but was renumbered due to duplicate entry for that p# J01q1315-p1 359 q1315 1 description added based on drawing W22d0389 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1315-p2 359 q1315 1 description added based on drawing W23d0102 globular body rim: interior groove or ledge 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1315-p3 359 q1315 1 description added based on drawing W23d0108 globular body rim: interior groove or ledge 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1315-p4 359 q1315 1 description added based on drawing W23d0113 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1315-p5 359 q1315 1 description added based on drawing W23d0117 conical (cup) 3 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1315-p69 359 q1315 1 description added based on drawing W23d0110, which was formerly labeled as q1315-p1 but was renumbered due to duplicate entries for that p# rim: interior groove or ledge 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p70 359 q1315 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p71 359 q1315 7 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p72 359 q1315 1 1 M2 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p73 359 q1315 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p74 359 q1315 3 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p75 359 q1315 4 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p76 359 q1315 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p77 359 q1315 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1315-p78 359 q1315 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p70 363 q1317 2 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p71 363 q1317 1 1 M4 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p72 363 q1317 5 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p73 363 q1317 4 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p74 363 q1317 2 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p75 363 q1317 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p76 363 q1317 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p77 363 q1317 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1317-p78 363 q1317 3 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1318-p2 363 q1318 1 description added based on drawing W23d0103 hammer-rim rim: extended toward exterior 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1318-p3 363 q1318 1 description added based on drawing W23d0114 conical (cup) 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1318-p4 363 q1318 1 description added based on drawing W23d0105 rim: externally thickened 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1318-p5 363 q1318 1 description added based on drawing W23d0101 rim: square rim on exterior edge, slightly restricted 2014-03-08 mkb J01q1318-p7 363 q1318 1 body sherd from a round-sided cup or bowl. Description added based on drawing W23d0126 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1318-p8 363 q1318 1 description added based on drawing W23d0125 carinated 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p70 363 q1318 6 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p71 363 q1318 3 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p72 363 q1318 3 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p73 363 q1318 19 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p74 363 q1318 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p75 363 q1318 3 2010-08-11 hh J01q1318-p76 363 q1318 4 2014-03-08 cjc J01q1319-p1 362 q1319 1 description added based on drawing W23d0123 base: disk base, flat 2010-08-11 hh J01q1319-p70 362 q1319 24 2010-08-11 hh J01q1319-p71 362 q1319 4 2010-08-11 hh J01q1319-p72 362 q1319 2 J01q1320-p1 359 q1320 1 Description added based on drawing W22d0166 round sided 1 J01q1320-p3 359 q1320 2010-08-11 hh J01q1320-p70 359 q1320 7 2010-08-11 hh J01q1320-p71 359 q1320 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1320-p72 359 q1320 1 2010-08-11 hh J01q1320-p73 359 q1320 2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p1 365 q1322 1 Restricted rim jar. See notes on q1322 necked restricted necked 105 rim: slanted toward interior 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p3 365 q1322 1 bowl with inward slanted rim. See notes on q1322. The drawing looks flatter than the usual hammer rim bowl 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p6 365 q1322 1 jar with flat rim, see notes on q1322. This example has a more pointed rim than the usual example of this type other 112 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p7 365 q1322 1 hammer rim bowl, rim does not have exterior projection hammer-rim 103 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p8 365 q1322 1 hammer rim bowl, rim does not have an exterior projection hammer-rim 103 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p11 365 q1322 1 hammer rim bowl hammer-rim 103 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1322-p12 365 q1322 1 diagonal lines with reversed v-shaped pattern above; below notch is the same decoration but placed horizontally 2 conical (cup) 102 2009-09-14 hh J01q1322-p70 365 q1322 4 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1323-p1 366 q1323 1 hammer rim bowl, see notes on q1323 hammer-rim 104 rim: extended toward exterior 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1323-p2 366 q1323 1 ribbed cup with excised decoration on every rib, Ribbed with excised decoration - see notes on q1323 2 I2 2014-03-03 mkb J01q1323-p70 366 q1323 1 Incised line, with template lines above. Possible potter's mark - see notes on q1323 2 I7+I9 2009-09-15 hh J01q1330-p1 370 MA q1330 1 15% conical (cup) base: flat 2009-09-15 ac J01q1330-p2 370 M q1330 1 10% hole mouth 902 2009-09-15 ac J01q1330-p3 370 MA q1330 1 28% base: disk base, flat 2009-09-15 ac J01q1333-p1 370 q1333 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1334-p1 371 q1334 1 16% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-15 hh J01q1334-p2 371 q1334 1 shouldered 2009-09-15 hh J01q1334-p3 371 q1334 1 9% hole mouth 805 2009-09-14 hh J01q1334-p70 371 q1334 2 2009-09-14 hh J01q1334-p71 371 q1334 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p1 371 q1335 1 5% deep 802 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p2 371 q1335 1 100% base: flat, slightly convex 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p3 371 q1335 1 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p4 371 q1335 1 25% base: disk base, flat 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p5 371 q1335 1 19% straight sided 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p6 371 q1335 1 14% other 2 2009-09-13 hh J01q1335-p7 371 q1335 1 shouldered 2009-09-14 hh J01q1335-p72 371 q1335 6